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This web site is a work of fiction. Any references to real people (living, dead or undead), actual locales and historical events are based on the observations of the author, who has no way of confirming that what he perceives in his cognitive reality is indentical to objective reality.

All other names, characters, places and incidents portrayed in this web site are the product of the author's imagination, and any resemblance to actual persons, living, dead or undead, is entirely coincidental.

Some of the material portrayed on this web site may be perceived by some members of the public as being of an extreme violent, sexual, political or blasphemish nature or be offending in some not yet perceived way. The author believes that free access to information is a fundamental right of humanity. If you have any inclination of belonging to the narrowminded section of humanity who want to restrict the free flow of information, please start by restriction your own information intake by not viewing this web site.

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In other words, if you like this site your probably OK, if not, you're fucked.

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