Brief Communications

By: Inte Onsman, Research coordinator


Research & Advice Group, The Netherlands

During my involvement in setting up a research network, it came to my notice that a sex-linked mutant called Texas clearbody was developed in the USA. If I am well informed this mutation already appeared in the late fifties. I would like to suggest that this gene is an allele of the sex-linked ino locus.
My conclusion is based on the fact that cocks of the genotype inopd/ino, both alleles recessive to ino+, are clearbodies. Therefore the symbol inopd for sex-linked clearbody (pallid) is proposed.


Delille A, (1991)
Clear Bodys -Gelungene Zucht von Wellensittiche mit "Hellem Körper"
Wellensittich Magazin no.6 ; p.p.136-137

Ramsey S, (1988)
Facts About the American Clearbodies
Budgerigar World Vol.69 no.5 ; p.p.15-17

Wagner F, (1988)
What is the Clearbody Budgerigar?
Budgerigar World Vol.71 no.7 ; p.p.15-20

Wagner F, (1988)
The Texas Clearbody and the Laced Clear
Budgerigar World Vol.72 no.8 ; p.p.26-27

©Inte Onsman
MUTAVI Research & Advice Group

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