The Celebration of (Neal Miller's )centennial birthday. An elaborate site full of information on neuroscience, the birth of biofeedback, mind-body medicine and much more, in honour of one of its pioneers, Neal Miller
The International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology ( ISARP).
The International Stress Management Association
Branch of ISMA in the United Kingdom (ISMA-UK)
The Feldenkrais Network International
Feldenkrais instructions to be downloaded are available on flowing body site.
International Institute for the Advancement of Health Studies, the IIAHS, from Robert Lafaille, presents work on programs for healthy lifestyle.
The homepage of Dr. Med. Helmut Milz, doctor for psychosomatic therapy from Germany, with a wealth of links on the 'somatic' (= experienced living body) approach to health and disease
De beroepsvereniging van Adem- en Ontspanningstherapeuten de VDV, de Vandixhoorn Vereniging voor Adem en Ontspanningstherapie met o.a. achtergrond informatie en overzicht van zorgverzekeraars die AOT vergoeden
De Adem- en Ontspanningstherapie Stichting AOS, voor informatie over de methode, over presentaties over AOT en adressen van behandelaars: AOS
De Nederlandse tak van ISMA, de Internationale Stress Management Associatie - Nederland, ISMA-NL
Eight days course in breathing therapy at The Dutch Paramedic Institute (Nederlands Paramedisch Instituut- NPI).
Downloaden van formulieren en instructies voor ontspanningstherapie
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