Facts about Internet density

Situation January 1998
Text about Niue added on August 31, 1999

Prosperity is not distibuted equally among the countries in the world. One aspect of wealth is industrialization. But I won't say anything about that.
In this computer era is it interesting to see where the Internet users live. I made a calculation about the number of inhabitants per Internet host computer in every country of the world. This shows interesting things. Some countries:

country      domain  population per host  number of hosts
----------   ------  -------------------  ---------------
Bangladesh   bd      infinite                none
Afghanistan  af      22 million                 1
Nigeria      ng      2.2 million               49
India        in      127386                  7175
China        cn      73459                  16322
Venezuela    ve      5525                    3869
Mexico       mx      2205                   41659
Russian Fed. ru      1559                   94137
Brazil       br      1365                  117200
Kuwait       kw      447                     4057
USA          us      246                  1076583
France       fr      173                   333076
Japan        jp      107                  1168956
Germany      de      82                    994926
UK           uk      59                    987733
Netherlands  nl      40                    381172
Canada       ca      35                    839141
Australia    au      28                    665403
Sweden       se      27                    319065
New Zealand  nz      22                    169264
Iceland      is      15                     17450
Norway       no      15                    286338
Finland      fi      11                    450044
Niue         nu       9                       350
Obviously Niue hasn't that many inhabitants (about 3000), but the abbreviation 'nu' attracts a lot of people. For instance, "nu" means "'now" in Dutch and ""nude" in French. That nu is also the thirteenth letter in the Greek alphabet does not seem to matter...
On August 29, 1999, Richard Saint Clair, Technical Manager Internet User's Society Niue, sent me the real figures about Niue, for which I am very grateful. Niue has one host and one Internet provider. The other "apparent" hosts are from the fact that Niue sells domains globally to develop the Internet services at the island.
You may visit Internet Service Provider, Niue  for more info about this unique country.

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