Searching Internet

Uit PC-Active maart 2005:

Tips voor het vinden van de juiste zoekmachine zijn te vinden bij de Nederlandse websites en
Voor een slimmer gebruik van Google kan worden ingezet.

The top-search engines

ZDNet: Search Engine Reviews, Directory of Search Engines and Search Databases

Google only Boolean "AND"
Google Directory    
Soepel zoeken in Google    
IxQuick "
Alta Vista Default query: OR ; Wildcard: * = zero or more characters
Advanced query: AND, OR, NEAR, NOT, brackets
coverage 28 %
Northern Light    
Hotbot By 'Wired' magazine coverage 34 %
coverage 14 %
Lycos Default query: OR ; Wildcard: $ = zero or more characters coverage 3 %, but
the most up-to-date
Ilse Dutch search engine
Yahoo! Hierarchic index, powered by AltaVista
Yahoo Search Default query: AND
Ultra-infoseek Better than Alta Vista? Infoseek covers 10 %
DejaNews Especially for searching Usenet news groups
Reference Searching in newsgroups and mailing lists
Filez Searching for software

Bullseye Lists is a remarkable new search engine designed to allow you to search for targeted e-mail addresses based upon any keywords chosen! Use to generate e-mail address lists specifically targeted to your products or services! With thanks to Russ Caldwell, Bullseye Lists, "The only targeted e-mail search engine."

Meta search engines

www.ixquick.comixquick lets you choose the search engines which you want to use simultaneously in your search
Inference Find This meta search robot contacts several search engines at the same time, saving time. The following search engines, for instance, are consulted: WebCrawler, Yahoo!, Lycos, AltaVista, InfoSeek, and Excite. Inference can dedup the results and show the hits, ordered by origin (domain).
Dogpile This meta search robot sends your key words to up to 23 search engines, like Yahoo!, Lycos' A2Z, Excite Guide, World Wide Web Worm, WWW Yellow Pages, What U Seek, Lycos, WebCrawler, InfoSeek, OpenText, AltaVista, and HotBot.
All4one Sends out your key words to Yahoo, Lycos, Alta Vista and Webcrawler simultaneously. The results from all four searches are then displayed in four re-sizable Netscape frames.
Submit-it Combine 15 search engines
MetaCrawler Uses search engines like WebCrawler, Inktomi, InfoSeek, Galaxy, Yahoo, OpenText, Excite and Lycos

FTP search

FTP Search - gives download time

Some e-mail white pages

(and some also for telephone numbers and web page pages)

There are many resources you can use to find people`s e-mail addresses. There is an excellent FAQ at Ohio State University - U.S.A. only

IAF - Internet Address Finder (Dutch/French/German/English/Italian/Portuguese)
IAF - Internet @dress finder
OKRA - net.citizen Directory Service

Special search engine

CUSI - a public service provided by NEXOR. A large list of search engines for WWW documents, people, software and dictionaries.

Other search engines

  1. Ah-ha - Fast Relevant Search Results
  2. Ali Web
  3. All-in-One Search Page - The only problem is running out of things to look for.
  4. Alltheweb
  5. The CUI W3 Catalogue from the University of Geneva offers a searchable interface to several manually maintained Internet catalogues
  6. CUI W3 Catalogue - a slightly different URL
  7. CUSI - a slightly different URL
  8. Domestic Assistance
  9. External Information
  10. Galaxy from EINet is another exhaustive directory of Internet resources, organized by subject and fully searchable
  11. GNA Meta
  12. ILSE - Dutch search engine
  13. InfoSeek - a full text search service of WWW pages, Usenet News, press releases and technical support databases etc.
  14. InfoSeek - a slightly different URL
  15. Inktomi - one of the fastest search engines
  16. Internet Searches
  17. Magellan - makes a good stand-by when other search engines get too busy
  18. Mamma - the mother of all search engines
  19. Net Search
  20. Net Search - a slightly different URL
  21. Meta Index
  22. Nikos
  23. Open Text Web Index Search
  24. Personal Seek - searching for personal, non-commercial, home pages. Searching via name, city, country or server.
  25. Project DA-CLOD
  26. Surfboard - full-text search and retrieval system
  27. WhoWhere

Other sites

  1. Architext - This Web server allows you to do concept-based searches, followed by asking it to find documents which are more to your liking. Finally it will group the retrieved records by subject.
  2. CERN - CERN
  3. Cyber Guide : CyberNautical Almanach
  4. Internet Directory of Directories - WWW sources of information, arranged by category.
  5. Dutch Home Page
  6. NL URL - searching Dutch URL addresses through key words
  7. Ebola Page - David Ornstein
  8. EZ Find
  9. GNN - Global Network Navigator
  10. Librarian's Guide to the best info on the Web
  11. Harvest - Put it in your toolkit
  12. Hyper-Weirdness - Directions to bizarre stuff.
  13. Many, many links
  14. Navigator - Whole Internet Catalog
  15. Library Corporation's NlightN - collection of research databases. Claims to have the largest single index in the world.
  16. PLWeb - Searching across a selection of personally chosen databases.
  17. Savvy Search - takes your request and sends it to a selection of other search engines on the Web. Wait about 60 seconds and the results come back with a note to say where it got the reference from.
  18. Search - Travel, Search engines
  19. Fast searching with Snoopie
  20. SpiderWeb
  21. Subject-Orientated Clearinghouse
  22. Veittes - Directories
  23. The Virtual Library : distributed subject catalogue
  24. Virtual Tourist
  25. World Wide Web Servers - sensitive map or hypertext links
  26. Wais, Inc.
  27. Web Servers Directory / Virtual Tourist - is a directory of academic and scientific Web servers registered with the World-Wide Web Consortium. Geographical index and a clickable world map, however, no search engine.
  28. Wizard Seach Engine
  29. The Whole Internet Catalog
  30. The Online Online Whole Internet Catalog - from Global Network Navigator, is a hypertext version of the resource guide from the Whole Internet Catalog from O'Reilly & Associates.
  31. WWW Index
  32. WWW Robots, Wanderers & Spiders - Traverses the Web automatically to build a browsing library.
  33. Yanoff's List - Yet another valuable navigational aid.
  34. Internet Yellow Pages

Finger servers

  1. Einstein finger server
  2. Hanover (USA) finger server
  3. Indiana finger server
  4. Interlink - Norwegian finger server
  5. Pennsylvania finger server


Readers Digest search engine

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Last update was April 26, 2005; may 14, 2018

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