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Rural construction in a market economy

Heijman, W., Hetsen, H. & Frouws, J. (Eds.)
1996, 85pp., paper (MS 5)
ISBN 90-6754-466-3 NLG 36.00/US$ 20.00

The book contains contributions to the congress on the occasion of the foundation of the Mansholt Institute on 14 December 1995. The Mansholt Institute is a multidisciplinary research institute for social and economic sciences at Wageningen Agricultural University.
The idea was to shed light on the theme of the congress 'Rural construction in a market economy'. At first, Cees Karssen, rector of the university, sketches the coming into being of research institutes. Then, Laurent Van Depoele gives an explanation of the background and principles of the European rural development policy. Michel Petit in his contribution discusses the crisis in agricultural research and education in Eastern and Central Europe. According to Louis Albrechts, one of the major challenges for the European Union is the development of a policy for rural areas. Paul Thompson discusses different approaches to sustainable agriculture. The contribution of Karin Knorr-Cetina focuses on the modern knowledge society. Finally, the question of future research for the Mansholt Institute is raised by Ewoud Pierhagen.

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