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Vertebrates (Cat 123)
(updated 16 January 2009

Beard, J., 1896. On certain problems of Vertebrate embryology. vii, 77 p., wrps; VA80080 € 12
Beer, G.R. de, 1928. Vertebrate zoology.  An introduction to the comparative anatomy, embryology, and evolution of chordate animals. 505 p., 185 figs, cloth; VA09150 € 14
Blackwelder, R.E., 1972. Guide to the taxonomic literature of Vertebrates. xviii, 259 p., cloth; VA09153 € 18
Boettger, C.R., 1952. Die Stämme des Tierreichs in ihrer systematischen Gliederung. 63 p., hcloth; VA09139 € 12
Bolk, L. et al., 1933 (reprint 1967). Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbeltiere. IV Band. Skelettsystem I. xii, 1016 p., 696 figs, cloth; VA09181 € 98
Bolk, L. et al., 1933 (reprint 1967). Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbeltiere. VI Band. Urogenitalsystem II.- Gefäszsystem. 864 p., 629 figs, 5 pls, cloth; VA09182 € 80
Bolk, L. et al., 1934 (reprint 1967). Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbeltiere. II. Band (complete). Erste Hälfte: Nervensystem + zweite Hälfte: Sinnesorgane. x, 840, vii, 604 p., 610, 669 figs, cloth; VA09180 € 180
Bolk, L. et al., 1934 (reprint 1967). Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbeltiere. II. Band, 1. Hälfte: Nervensystem. x, 840, vii, 604 p., 610 figs, cloth; VA80086 € 68
Boué, H. & R. Chanton, 1961. Zoologie II. Mammifères. Anatomie comparée des vertébrés. 585 p., 469 figs, paperbound; VA09193 € 16
Brady, U.E. et al., 1974. Pheromones II: Current research. 157 p., cloth; VA09136 € 24
Brauer, A. (ed.), 1909 (reprint 1961). Die Süsswasserfauna Deutschlands. 1: Mammalia, aves, reptilia, amphibia, pisces. 206 p., 173 figs, paperbound; VA09171 € 12
Brohmer, P. et al. (eds), 1929. Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Ein Handbuch zu ihrer Bestimmung als Grundlage für faunistisch-zoogeographische Arbeiten. 310 p., num. figs, cloth; VA09151 € 18
Brohmer, P. et al. (eds), 1929. Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. VII: Wirbeltiere. 305 p. 322 figs, hcloth; VA09196 € 14
Bruch, C., 1852. Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Knochensystems. 174 p., 4 (1 partly col.) pls (2 pls with waterstain), 4to, disbound; VA09160 € 40
Bruch, C., 1868. Untersuchungen über die Entwicklung der Gewebe bei den warmblütigen Thieren. 324 p., 42 figs, 4to, modern boards. The 12 pls missing; VA09159 € 40
Bruton, M.N. (ed.), 1989. Alternative life-history styles of Animals. xvii, 617 p., num. figs, hardbound (Persp. Vert. Sci. 6); VA09127 € 120
Bruun, A.F. et al.,  1950. List of Danish vertebrates. 180 p., paperbound; VA09163 € 20
Bruun, A.F. et al.,  1950. List of Danish vertebrates. 180 p., paperbound, interleaved copy; VA09164 € 26
Burton, E.F. & W.H. Kohl, 1946. The electron microscope. An introduction to its fundamental principles and applications. 325 p., 125 figs, num. photographs, cloth; VA09138 € 26
Burton, M., 1950. De wonderen van het dierenrijk. Deel Twee. Protochordaten (Gewervelde Dieren). viii, 439 p., num. (some col.) photos, cloth (d.j., worn); VA80076 € 10
Campbell, K.S.W. et al., 1984. Evolution and biogeography of early Vertebrates. 388 p., num. figs, pls & graphs, paperbound (Proc. Linnean Soc. NSW). Contains 14 articles on early vertebrates (Dipnoans, Placoderms, Phyllolepids, Eugaleaspida, Arthrodira, Tetrapods); VA80087 € 16
Carter, G.S., 1967. Structure and habit in Vertebrate evolution. xiv, 520 p., 287 figs, hardbound (d.j.); VA00081 € 46
Clark, A.H., 1926. Animals of land and sea. 276 p., 740 figs, cloth; VA09148 € 18
Colton, B.P., 1907. Zoology. Descriptive and practical. Part I: Descriptive. 375 p., 201 figs, cloth (worn); VA0914 € 12
Delsman, H.C., 1913. Der Ursprung der Vertebraten. Eine neue Theorie. 64 p., wrps; VA09172 € 10
Ellenberger, W. & A. Scheunert (eds), 1910. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Physiologie der Haussäugetiere der Haussäugetiere. x, 809 p., 475 figs, cloth; VA09199 € 30
Fraipont, J., 1907. Collections Zoologiques du Baron Edm. de Selys Longchamps. Catalogue systématique et descriptif.  Fasc. 32. Mammifères, reptiles, amphibiens et poissons. 79 p., 4to, wrps; VA09165 € 20
Goldberger, R.F. & K.R. Yamamoto (eds), 1982. Biological regulation and development. Vol. 3A. Hormone action. xiv, 346 p., num. figs, hardbound; VA09147 € 50
Grinnell, J. & J.M. Linsdale, 1936. Vertebrate animals of Point Lobos Reserve, 1934-35. vi, 159 p., frontispiece, 38 photographic pls, 1 map, wrps; VA80078 € 29
Herán, I., 1976. Animal coloration. The nature and purpose of colours in vertebrates. 160 p., num.(col.) photos, cloth (d.j. damaged); VA09194 € 10
Hilzheimer, M. & O. Haempel, 1913. Handbuch der Biologie der Wirbeltiere. viii, 728 p., 599 figs, cloth (worn); VA09187 € 36
Hilzheimer, M., 1913. Handbuch der Biologie der Wirbeltiere. viii, 756 p., 599 figs, board (spine loose); VA09177 € 48
Hoeven, J. van der, 1858. Handbook of zoology. Vol. 2: Fishes, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals. xxiv, 775 p., 9 pls, quarter leather (edges worn);  VA09169 € 60
Huxley, T.H., 1873. Handbuch der Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. 422 p., 110 figs, hardbound; VA09152 € 38
Ihle, J.E.W., 1940/1941 (2nd ed.). Leerboek der vergelijkende ontleedkunde van de vertebraten. Vols 1 & 2. 421, 396 p., num. figs, cloth; VA09191 € 30
Ihle, J.E.W., 1947 (3rd ed.). Leerboek der vergelijkende ontleedkunde van de vertebraten. Parts 1 & 2. x, 451, vi, 415 p., num. figs, cloth; VA09192 € 36
Jaekel, O., 1911. Die Wirbeltiere. Eine Übersicht über die fossilen und lebenden Formen. viii, 252 p., 281 figs, cloth; VA09140 € 35
Jones, J., 1856. Investigations, chemical and physiological, relative to certain American vertebrata. ix, 137 p., 27 figs, num. tabs, borad (spine missing); VA09166 € 68
Jonstons, J., 1660 (reprint 1976). 578 Afbeeldingen van Viervoetige dieren. Olifanten, kamelen, leeuwen. In koper gesneden door Matthias Merian. 82 p., 80 pls, boards; VA09179 € 10
Kämpfe, L. et al., 1970. Leitfaden der Anatomie der Wirbeltiere. 335 p., 193 figs, cloth; VA09135 € 35
Kuhn, O., 1938. Die Phylogenie der Wirbeltiere auf paläontologischer Grundlage. 96 p., 76 figs, wrps; VA09174 € 14
Linsdale, J.M., 1938. Environmental responses of Vertebrates in the Great Basin. 206 p., 12 figs, paperbound; VA80079 € 14
Maier, H.N. & B.W. Sukatschoff, 1910. Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden Anatomie der Wirbeltiere. xi, 652 p., 971 (partly col.) figs, cloth (worn); VA09188 € 40
Mann, T., 1984. Spermatophores. Development, structure, biochemical attributes and role in the transfer of spermatozoa. 229 p., 50 figs, col. frontispiece, hardbound; VA09133 € 45
Merriam, C.H. et al., 1890-1902. North American Fauna. 3. Results of a biological survey of the San Francisco mountain region and desert of the Little Colorado, Arizona. 4. Descriptions of twenty-six new species of North American mammals. 5. Results of a biological reconnaissance of south-central Idaho / Descriptions of a new genus and two new species of North American Mammals. 22. A biological investigation of the Hudson Bay region. 458 p., 7 figs, 20 (2 col.) pls, 5 col. maps, 2 (1 col.) frontisp., bound together in one new cloth volume; VA09132 € 85
Monteil, V., 1951. Contribution à l’étude de la faune du Sahara Occidental, du Sanglier au Phacochère. Catalogue des Animaux connus des Tekna, des Rguibat et des Maures. 169 p., 2 pls, wrps; VA80081 € 25
Newman, H.H., 1956. The phylum Chordata. Biology of Vertebrates and their kin. xii, 477 p., 235 figs, cloth. Some underlinings; VA09142 € 24
Nooteboom, H.P. (ed.), 1997. Voor en tegen van herintroductie van dieren in Nederland. v, 108 p., num. figs & photos, paperbound; VA80072 € 15
Ørvig, T. (ed.), 1968. Current problems of lower Vertebrate phylogeny. Proceedings of the 4th Nobel symposium held in June 1967 at the Swedish Museum of Natural History (Naturhistoriska riksmuseet) in Stockholm. 539 p., num. figs, hardbound; VA80082 € 45
Peattie, D.C., 1941. The road of a naturalist. viii, 315 p., several illustrations, cloth. Library stamps; VA09134 € 24
Perrier, R., 1934. La faune de la France en tableaux synoptiques illustrés. Vol. 10. Vertébrés: Poissons, batraciens, reptiles, oiseaux, mammifères. 214 p., 679 figs, boards; VA09167 € 14
Poll, M., 1952. Exploration hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika. I. Les vertébrés. 65 p., 18 pls, roy. 4to, paperbound. Mainly on fishes; VA09144 € 26
Ponse, K., 1949. La différenciation du sexe et l’intersexualité chez les Vertébrés. Facteurs héréditaires et hormones. 366 p., 170 figs, wrps; VA80075 € 26
Portmann, A., 1965 (3rd revised ed.). Einführung in die vergleichende Morphologie der Wirbeltiere. 344 p., 271 figs, cloth (some annotations in pencil and ink); VA09184 € 16
Purcell, R.W. & S.J. Gould, 1992. Finders, keepers. Eight collectors. 156 p., 102 col. photos, cloth (d.j.); VA09143 € 30
Rainger, R., 1991. An agenda for antiquity. Henry Fairfield Osborn and Vertebrate Paleontology at the American Museum of Natural History, 1890-1935. xiii, 360 p., 16 figs, cloth (d.j.); VA09190 € 25
Ribbing, L., 1909. Die Unterschenkel- und Fussmuskulatur der Tetrapoden und Ihr Verhalten zu der entsprechenden Arm- und Handmuskulatur. 158 p., 37 figs, 4to, wrps (partly loose) (Lunds Univ. Årsskr. NF Afd. 2 Bd 5#5); VA80085 € 22
Robinson, H.P., 1910. Of distinguished animals, illustrated with photographs from life. 234 p., num. photographs, cloth; VA09185 € 16
Romer, A.S., 1956. A shorter version of the second edition of The vertebrate body. 486 p., 390 figs, cloth; VA09157 € 10
Romer, A.S., 1966 (3rd ed.). The vertebrate body. viii, 627 p., 407 figs, cloth; VA09156 € 12
Schmiedeknecht, O., 1906. Die Wirbeltiere Europa’s mit Berücksichtigung der Faunen von Vorderasien und Nordafrika. 472 p., 2 figs, paperbound. Unopened copy; VA09131 € 38
Sjögren, S.J., 1945. Über die Embryonalentwicklung des Sauropsiden-Magens. 223 p., 135 figs, wrps. Library stamp on front cover; VA80084 € 28
Step, E., 1945. Animal life of the British Isles. A guide to the mammals, reptiles and batrachians of wayside and woodland. viii, 184 p., 111 (some col.) figs, cloth; VA80073 € 12
Torrey, Th.W., 1967 (2nd ed.). Morphogenesis of the vertebrates. 448 p., num. figs, cloth; VA09154 € 18
Vasiliu, G.D. & C. Sova, 1968. Fauna Vertebratica Romaniae. 296 p., paperbound. In Rumanian; VA09141 € 25
Vialleton, L., 1924. Membres et ceintures des Vertébrés tétrapodes. Critique morphologique du transformisme. viii, 710 p., 270 figs, wrps; VA80077 € 100
Wedin, B., 1949. The anterior mesoblast in some lower vertebrates. 225 p., 114 figs, paperbound; VA09158 € 30
Wolff, T., et al., 1958. The natural history of Rennell Island (British Solomon Ilands) vol. 1: Vertebrates. 228 p., num. figs & tabs, paperbound; VA09195 € 15
Young, J.Z., 1950. The life of Vertebrates. xv, 767 p., 496 figs, cloth; VA09129 € 38
Young, J.Z., 1952 (unrevised reprint). The life of Vertebrates. xv, 767 p., 496 figs, cloth; VA09130 € 36
Young, J.Z., 1962 (2nd ed.). The life of Vertebrates. xv, 820 p., 514 figs, cloth; VA00093 € 68