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Books on Mammalia (A-Z) (Cat 120)
(updated 15 January 2009

Agduhr, E., 1921. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der kongenitalen Anomalien des Canidengebisses (Vergleich zwischen Rassenhunden, gewöhnlichen Haushunden und wilden Vertretern des Hundegeschlechts). 55 p., 7 pls, roy. 4to, disbound; VM28298 € 24
Agrawal, V.C., 2000. Taxonomic studies on Indian Muridae and Hystricidae (Mammalia: Rodentia). 177 p., 13 figs, 6 (1 col.) pls, paperbound; VM28474 € 20
Alcover, J.A. et al., 1998. Mammal species of the world: Additional data on insular mammals. 29 p., 1 table, wrps (Novitates); VM71400 € 5
Alezais, M., 1902. Le membre pelvien du Kangurou. 21 p., 8 figs, roy. 4to, wrps; VM28295 € 46
Alfred, J.R.B. & S. Chakraborty, 2002. Endemic mammals of India. 37 p., 8 col. pls, paperbound (Zool. Surv. India Occ. Pap.); VM00003 € 8
Alfred, J.R.B. et al., 2001. Habitat suitability analysis of Chinkara, Gazella bennetti in Rajasthan. A remote sensing and GIS approach. 73 p., tables & col. maps, hardbound; VM28510 € 20
Alfred, J.R.B. et al., 2002. Checklist of Mammals of India. (viii), 289 p., hardbound (Zool. Surv. India Occ. Pap.); VM72119 € 48
Allen, D.L., ca. 1938. Ecological studies on the Vertebrate fauna of a 500-acre farm in Kalamazoo county. Michigan. 90 p., 28 figs, disbound (Ecol. Monog. 8#3); VM71335 € 10
Allen, E.G., 1938. The habits and life history of the Eastern Chipmunk, Tamias striatus lysteri. 122 p., 41 figs, 11 tables, stapled; VM28576 € 12
Allen, G.M., 1919. The American collared Lemings (Dicrostonyx). 34 p., 1 fig., 1 plte, disbound (Bull. MCZ 62#13); VM71398 € 5
Allen, G.M., 1920. Dogs of the American aborigines. 87 p., 12 pls, disbound. Unopened (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. LXIII#9); VM71288 € 45
Allen, G.M., 1921. A new fossil Cetacean. 15 p., 1 pl., disbound (Bull. MCZ LXV#1); VM71289 € 8
Allen, G.M., 1931. Type specimens of Mammals in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. 63 p., disbound (Bull. MCZ 71#4); VM71397 € 5
Altmann, D., 1988. Harnen und Koten bei Säugetieren. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Verhaltensforschung. 162 p., 33 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28523 € 20
Alvarez, T., 1963. The Recent Mammals of Tamaulipas, México. 101 p., 5 figs, paperbound; VM71240 € 15
Anderson, R.P., 2003. Taxonomy, distribution, and natural history of the genus Heteromys (Rodentia: Heteromyidae) in western Venezuela, with the description of a dwarf species from the Península de Paraguaná. 43 p., 12 figs, 4 tables, wrps (Novit.); VM72134 € 7
Anderson, S. & N. Olds et al., 1987-1990. Notes on Bolivian Mammals 3, 4, 5, 7. 91 p., 46 figs, 9 tables, wrps (all Novitates); VM71329 € 15
Andersson, L.G., 1909. Untersuchungen über die Entstehung der äusseren Genitalorgane und des Alters bei den Nagetieren. 230 p., 142 figs, paperbound. Thesis; VM27636 € 24
Ankel, F., 1970. Einführung in die Primatenkunde. 139 p., 112 figs, paperbound; VM27637 € 14
Antoine, P.-O., 2002. Phylogénie et évolution des Elasmotheriina (Mammalia, Rhinocerotidae). 359 p., 312 figs, 15 tables, hardbound (mnhn188); VM28419 € 74
Archer, M., 1976. The Dasyurid dentition and its relationships to that of Didelphids, Thylacinids, Borhyaenids (Marsupicarnivora) and Peramelids (Peramelina: Marsupialia). 34 p., 10 figs, wrps; VM28494 € 10
Archer, M., 1981. Results of the Archbold Expeditions No. 104. Systematic revision of the marsupial Dasyurid genus Sminthopsis Thomas.164 p., 74 figs, 3 tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 168#2); VM71406 € 14
Arnold, H.R. (ed.), 1978. Provisional atlas of the Mammals of the British Isles. 71 p., 58 distribution maps, spiralbound; VM27640 € 10
Arseniev, V.A., 1986. Atlas of marine mammals, every dolphin, porpoise, whale, sea lion, manatee and sea cow described and illustrated in full colour. 269 p., 4to, hardbound; VM28142 € 36
Asher, R.J., 2001. Cranial anatomy in tenrecid Insectivorans: character evolution across competing phylogenies. 54 p., 36 figs, 5 tables, stapled; VM28603 € 10
Ashworth, W., 1992. Bears. Their life and behaviour. A photographic study of the North American species. 209 p., num. col. photographs, 4to, cloth. A great book with magnificent colour plates; VM27638 € 30
Audubon, J.J. & J. Bachman (V.H. Cahalane ed.), 1967. The imperial collection of Audubon animals. 307 p., col. portrait, 150 col. (halfpage) pls, 4to, hcloth; VM27639 € 50
Augee, M.L. (ed.), 1978. Monotreme biology. Proceedings of a symposium held in Sydney, 1978. 257 p., num. figs, tables & pls, paperbound; VM28221 € 20
Augee, M.L. (ed.), 1992. Platypus and Echidnas. (iv), ii, 296 p., num. figs, graphs & tables, 4to, paperbound; VM22098 € 18
Australian Mammals, 2004. 3 papers on Australian mammals (Koala and Possum trade; Vertebrate fauna of Clemant State forest lowlands; Mammal decline in southern West Australia). 43, 36, 24 p., various figs, disbound (all from Australian Zoologist 32#4); VM71281 € 12
Australian Zoologist, 1998. Volume 30(4), April. Contains a.o. 6 articles on Bats, and 4 articles on Herpetology, 4to, paperbound; VM27798 € 10
Australian Zoologist, 2003. Australian Zoologist vol. 32#2. 240 p., num. figs & tables, 4to, paperbound; VM71075 € 12
Ayeni, A.O. & H.G. Bosman, 1993. Goat production systems in the humid tropics. Proceedings international workshop Ile-Ife, Nigeria 6-9 July 1992. (viii), 239 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound; VM71124 € 73
Aynaud, M., 1909. Le globulin des Mammifères. viii, 232 p., 7 figs, 1 pl., paperbound; VM27746 € 30
Bachmayer, F. et al., 1970-1975. 4 papers: Die Fauna der altpliozänen Höhlen- und Spaltenfüllungen bei Kohfidisch, Burgenland (Österreich) (Insectivora, Chiroptera, Lagomorpha, Rodentie) (55 p., 13 pls); Die Wirbeltierfauna aus dem Alt-Pliozän (O-Pannon) vom Eichkogel bei Mödling (NÖ.). I. Allgemeines - II. Insectivora) (7 p.); III Rodentia (9 p.); Pathologische Reste von Ursus spelaeus I. Beispiele von Wirbel-Ankylosen (14 p., 8 pls), disbound (from Ann. Naturhistor. Mus. Wien); VM72165 € 14
Bailey, V., 1931. Mammals of New Mexico. 412 p., 22 pls, 58 maps, paperbound; VM27643 € 60
Bailey, V., 1936. The Mammals and life zones of Oregon. 416 p., 102 figs, 51 pls, 1 folded col. map, paperbound; VM27642 € 60
Baker, M. & W. Bridges, 1948. Wild animals of the world. 270 p., 252 (100 col.) figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28037 € 16
Balser, W., 1876. Über eine neue Methode der mikroskopischen Untersuchung des Säugethierkreislaufs. 19 p., 2 (1 fold-out) pls, wrps; VM28566 € 10
Banks, R.C., 1964/1966. 2 papers. 1: The mammals of Cerralvo Island, Baja California. 6 p., stapled. 2: Terrestrial vertebrates of Anacapa Island, California. 14 p., stapled; VM71173 € 8
Bannister, J., 1994. Western Australian Humpback and Right Whales, an increasing success story. 52 p., num. (col.) figs, wrps; VM28562 € 10
Bannister, J.L. et al., 1988. Zoological catalogue of Australia volume 5. Mammalogy. x, 274 p., frontispiece portrait, 1 map, cloth; VM71054 € 38
Barabasch-Nikiforow, J.J., 1962. Der Seeotter oder Kalan. Enhydra lutris L. 92 p., 36 figs & photos, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28527 € 12
Barloy, J.-J. & Ph. Coppé, 1980. Batailles pour les Phoques. 176 p., 15 photos, paperbound; VM27943 € 8
Barnett, A.A., 1999. Small mammals of the Cajas Plateau, southern Ecuador: ecology and natural history. 56 p., 8 figs, 5 tables, stapled; VM28209 € 8
Baron, X. et al., 1993. Bibliographie descriptive sur la loutre (Lutra lutra) en Europe et les lutrines dans le monde. 84 p., paperbound (CPN15); VM27988 € 12
Barton, B.S., 1799. Some account of an American species of Dipus, or Jerboa. 10 p., 1 pl., wrps; VM28326 € 30
Bats (Chiroptera), 1967-1986. 17 papers (all from Ann. Carnegie Mus.) on Bats. Ca. 340 pages, num. figs, wrps; VM72153 € 42
Bats, 1890-2006. 7 articles on Bats (by Jentink, Husson [Tobago], Lawrence, Tuttle [Peru], Trajano [Brasil], Giannini, Goodman [Madagascar]), from various journals; VM71311 € 16
Bats, 1986. 3 papers on Bats (all Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien): Zur Südgrenze des Areals von Eptesicus nilssoni (Hanak & Horacek), 150 Jahre Fledermausforschung in der Hermannshöhle (Baar, Mayer & Wirth), Summer occurrence of Vespertilio murinus Linné - 1758 and Eptesicus serotinus (Schreber - 1780) on Zealand, Denmark (Baagøe). 41 p., 10 figs, disbound; VM71363 € 5
Baudoin, N. et al., 1990. L’élevage du cheval en France / Horse breeding in France. 105 p., paperbound; VM28020 € 12
Bauer, K., 1963-1988. 8 papers (Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien) on Mammals by this author. 84 p., various figs, disbound; VM71365 € 10
Beaked Whale, 1957-1960. 3 papers on Mesoplodon, and 1 paper on False Killer Whales (by Joseph Curtis Moore). We added 1 paper by Richard G. Van Gelder on Marine Mammals of Baja California. wrps (all Novitates); VM71305 € 16
Becking, J.H., 1989. Henri Jacob Victor Sody (1892-1959). His life and work. viii, 272 p., 23 pls, cloth. This book also contains two unpublished manuscripts: Land Mammals of Java & Diets of Javanese Birds; VM27648 € 42
Bemmel, A.C.V. van, 1952. Contribution to the knowledge of the genera Muntiacus and Arctogalidia in the Indo-Australian archipelago (Mammalia, Cervidae & Viverridae). 49 p., 2 figs, 7 tables, wrps; VM71103 € 14
Bemmelen, J.F. van, 1901. Der Schädelbau der Monotremen. 100 p., 6 figs, 3 pls, roy. 4to, disbound. Ex-library; VM71280 € 40
Berg, B., 1934. Tiger und Mensch. 192 p., 63 pls, cloth; VM27649 € 24
Bergmans, W. & F.G. Rozendaal, 1988. Notes on collections of Fruit Bats from Sulawesi and some off-lying islands (Mammalia, Megachiroptera). 74 p., 14 figs, paperbound (ZV248); VM72172 € 18
Bergmans, W. & F.G. Rozendaal, 1988. Notes on collections of Fruit Bats from Sulawesi and some off-lying islands (Mammalia, Megachiroptera). 74 p., 14 figs, paperbound (ZV248). Ex-library copy; VM72173 € 15
Bergmans, W., 1975-2001. 12 papers on Bats. 476 p., num. figs, disbound (all from Beaufortia); VM71366 € 64
Berzin, A.A. (ed.), 1990. Rational investigations of marine Mammals in the Far Eastern Seas. 127 p., num. figs, paperbound. In Russian; VM28380 € 14
Beyers, C., 1980. Man meets grizzly. Encounters in the wild from Lewis and Clark to modern times. xxi, 298 p., cloth (d.j.); VM28411 € 20
Bibikow, D.J., 1968. Die Murmeltiere. Gattung Marmota. 168 p., 48 figs & photos, 11 tables, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28521 € 18
Bieger, W. & A. Wahlström, 1938. Die wildlebenden Säugetiere Mitteleuropas. 208 p., 81 (64 col.) pls, cloth; VM27650 € 15
Biknevicius, A.R. et al., 1993. Body size in Amblyrhiza inundata (Rodentia: Caviomorpha), an extinct megafaunal rodent from the Anguilla Bank, West Indies: Estimates and applications. 25 p., 7 figs, 9 tables, wrps (Novitates); VM71402 € 5
Blackwelder, R.E., 1972. Guide to the taxonomic literature of Vertebrates. xviii, 260 p., cloth; VM28227 € 12
Blasius, W., 1884. Der japanische Nörz, Foetorius itatsi in seinen Beziehungen zu den übrigen Arten der Gattung Foetorius im Allgemeinen und der Untergattung Lutrola im Besondern. 33 p., wrps; VM28310 € 10
Boas, J.E.V., 1934. Über die verwandtschaftliche Stellung der Gattung Antilocapra und der Giraffiden zu den übrigen Wiederkäuern. 16 p., 3 pls, wrps; VM28450 € 10
Boenninghaus, G., 1903. Das Ohr des Zahnwales zugleich ein Beitrag zur Theorie des Schalleitung. 172 p., 28 figs, 2 double pls, paperbound; VM27645 € 28
Bohlken, H., 1964. Vergleichende Untersuchungen an den Schädeln wilder und domestizierter Rinder. 96 p., 45 figs, 22 tables, disbound; VM71355 € 12
Bolau, H., 1876. Die menschenähnlichen Affen des Hamburger Museums. 30 p., 2 pls, disbound (Abh. Hamburg); VM71340 € 14
Bolau, H., 1880. Ein neuer Hirsch aus dem Amurlande. 5 p., 1 fig., 1 col. plte, disbound (Abh. Hamburg); VM71342 € 8
Bolau, H., 1895. Die geographische Verbreitung der wichtigsten Wale des Stillen Ozeans. 22 p., 1 folding map, disbound (Abh. Hamburg); VM71341 € 8
Bolk, L., 1914. Odontologische Studien II. Die Morphogenie der Primatenzähne. Eine weitere Begründung und Ausarbeitung der Dimertheorie. viii, 181 p., 61 figs, 3 pls, paperbound; VM27651 € 39
Bonner, N., 1998 (reprint). Whales of the world. 191 p., num. figs & photographs (several col.), paperbound; VM72102 € 16
Bonner, N., 1999. Seals and Sea Lions of the world. 224 p., num. figs & col. photographs, paperbound; VM72103 € 18
Borell, A.E. & M.D. Bryant, 1942. Mammals of the Big Bend area of Texas. 61 p., 1 fig., 5 pls, wrps; VM27802 € 10
Botez, J.G., 1926. Etude morphologique et morphogénique du squelette du bras et de l’avant-bras chez les Primates. 174 p., 76 figs, paperbound (worn, partly loose); VM27647 € 38
Bottriel, L.G., 1987. King Cheetah. The story of the quest. 241 p., num. (4 col.) illustrations, 4 maps, cloth; VM27652 € 22
Bouet, G., 1934. Contribution à l’Étude de la Répartition des grands Mammifères en Afrique française (Bovidés-Tragulidés). 46 p., 4 pls, 1 folding map, wrps (foxed & tear in front wrapper). Author’s dedication; VM71221 € 44
Boulouard, R., 1969. Sur le role de la fonction corticosurrénalienne chez le mammifère homéotherme permanent soumis au froid et chez le mammifère hibernant au cours du sommeil hivernal. Étude sur la Rat, le Cobaye, le Lérot, (Eliomys quercinus L.) et le Hérisson (Erinaceus europaeus L.). 94 p., 29 figs, 24 tables, paperbound (mema60(3); VM00013 € 10
Bowyer, J.C. et al., 2003. Tree-kangaroos Dendrolagus in Australia: are D. lumholtzi and D. bennettianus sister taxa? 7 p., 2 figs, 3 tables, stapled (reprint from Austr. Zool. 32#2); VM71079 € 4
Braestrup, F.W., 1941. A study on the arctic Fox in Greenland. Immigrations, fluctuations in numbers, based mainly on trading statistics. 101 p., 6 figs, 1 pl., paperbound (no covers); VM28449 € 14
Brandenburg, J., 1988. White Wolf: living with an arctic legend. 160 p., over 150 pages full colour photographs, cloth; VM28236 € 56
Brauer, K. & W. Schober, 1970. Katalog der Säugetiergehirne. Catalogue of mammalian brains. 20 p., 150 pls, folio, cloth; VM28557 € 220
Brauer, K. & W. Schober, 1975. Katalog der Säugetiergehirne 2. Lieferung. Catalogue of mammalian brains 2nd instalment. 14 p., 75 pls, folio, cloth; VM28558 € 110
Brazenor, C.W., 1950. The Mammals of Victoria (Australia). 125 p., num. figs, cloth; VM28207 € 16
Bree, P.J.H. van, 1971-1999. 18 papers on Cetaceans and other Sea Mammals. 190 p., num. figs, disbound (all from Beaufortia); VM71367 € 24
Bree, P.J.H. van, 2005. Updated catalogue of the remains of Pinnipedia (Mammalia) in the collection of the Zoological Museum Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam. (iv), 48 p., 25 pls with ca. 125 figs, A4, paperbound (BIS3); VM71098 € 36
Brehm, A. 1926-1930. Brehms Tierleben. Die Säugetiere I-IV. I: xviii, 580p. II: xvi, 650 p. III: xvi, 722 p. IV: xx, 714 p., num. (col.) figs, hcloth; VM28151 € 120
Brehm, A.E., 1878. Les merveilles de la nature. Les Mammifères (par Z. Gerbe) edition française. 2 vols, 1500 p., 800 figs, original boards (worn), foxed pages; VM27730 € 80
Brehm, A.E., n.d. (2nd ed.). Het leven der dieren. eerste deel: De zoogdieren. Nederlandse volksuitgave bewerkt doort S.P. Huizinga. 605 p. ca. 1200 figs, orig. cloth/boards; VM09197 € 14
Brehms Tierleben, 1927. Säugetiere. 320 p., num. figs, cloth (Uhlenhorst Verlag Edition); VM28485 € 12
Bressou, C., 1944. Aide-mémoire d’ostéologie comparée des animaux domestiques. 100 p., 245 figs, wrps; VM71213 € 38
Brinkmann, A., 1920. Equidenstudien I-II. 44 p., 3 pls, wrps; VM28383 € 12
Broek, A.J.P. van den et al., 1935. Harnorgane I. Allgemeine Morphologie der Harnorgane. II. Besondere Morphologie der Harnorgane der Wirbeltiere. III. Harnblase. 172 p., 159 (some col.) figs, disbound (Sonderabdruck aus Handbuch der vergleichenden Anatomie); VM00011 € 28
Broek, A.J.P. van den, n.d. (ca.1910?). Untersuchungen über die weiblichen Geslechtsorgane der Beuteltiere. 126 p., 63 figs, boards. Ex-library; VM71144 € 25
Brohmer, P., ca. 1930. Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Band VII. 5. Klasse: Säugetiere, Mammália. 61 p., 50 figs, wrps; VM28161 € 12
Brongersma, L.D., 1935. Notes on some recent and fossil cats, chiefly from the Malay archipelago. 89 p., 38 figs, 11 pls, wrps (backwrap missing) (from Zool. Med. 18); VM71269 € 20
Brouwer, F.I., 1948. Zoogdieren kruisen ons pad. 157 p., 42 figs, 6 pls, hcloth; VM27658 € 14
Brønsted, H.V., 1931. Bygninger af snuden og ansigtsmuskulaturen hos nogle pinnipedier. Med saerligt hensyn til oppustningssaeken hos klapmydsen. 44 p.,12 pls, 4to, paperbound; VM27949 € 16
Bruemmer, F. & B. Davis, 1988. Les saisons du phoque. 160 p., num.  col. & b/w photographs, 4to, cloth (d.j.); VM27887 € 34
Bryden, M.M. et al, 1998. Dugongs, Whales, Dolphins and Seals - a guide to the sea mammals of Australasia. 176 p., 146 b/w figs, graphs, distribution maps & tables, 28 col. photographs, paperbound; VM71196 € 22
Burt, W.H., 1934. The Mammals of Southern Nevada. 54 p., 1 map, wrps (Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist.); VM72133 € 12
Burt, W.H., 1960. Bacula of North American Mammals. 76 p., 25 pls, 2 tables, wrps (top of back partly loose); VM71181 € 24
Burton, M., 1976. Elseviers zoogdierengids. Meer dan 230 Europese zoogdierensoorten. 256 p., ca. 400 col. figs, paperbound; VM71211 € 18
Buss, I.O., 1990. Elephant life. Fifteen years of high population density. 191 p., num. ills, 4to, hcloth (d.j.); VM27695 € 38
Cabrera, A., 1919. Genera Mammalium. Monotrema. Marsupialia. 177 p., 16 partly col. pls, 4to, wrps missing; VM27661 € 62
Cabrera, A., 1921. El Caballo moruno. 120 p., 41 figs, paperbound; VM28309 € 12
Cade, A., 1901. Étude de la constitution histologique normale et de quelques variations fonctionnelles et expérimentales des éléments sécréteurs des glandes gastriques du fond chez les animaux mammifères. 156 p., 5 pls, disbound; VM27780 € 20
Caire, W. et al., 1989. Mammals of Oklahoma. 567 p., num. figs & maps, hardbound (d.j.); VM28476 € 36
Calkoen, J., 1803. Beschrijving van de Ornithorhynchus paradoxus, of zonderbaar zoogend vogel-bek-dier, van Nieuw-Hollandia. 11 p., 2 (1 col.) folding pls, preceded by: Over de uitgestrektheid der wereld (J.F.L. Schröder), Bedenkingen over den Donder, geen bloot elektrisch verschynsel (A. van den Ende), orig. wrps (worn); VM71369 € 90
Callou, C., 2003. De la Garenne au clapier: étude archéo-zoologique du Lapin en Europe occidentale. 356 p., 113 figs, hardbound including CD-ROM. In French (mnhn189); VM28069 € 79
Canters, K.J. & H.J.W. Wijsman (eds), 1997. Wat doen we met de boommarter. 84 p., num. figs, paperbound (WMKNNV219); VM27738 € 8
Cantraine, F., ca. 1845. Notice sur une nouvelle espèce du genre Thyroptera. 8 p., 1 col. plate, wrps; VM28362 € 10
Carleton, M.D. & D.F. Schmidt, 1990. Systematic studies of Madagascar’s endemic rodents (Muroidea: Nesomyinae): an annotated gazetteer of collecting localities of known forms. 36 p., 8 figs, 2 tables, wrps. We added: A new species of Microgale (Tenrecidae) from NE Madagascar by P.D. Jenkins (both Novitates); VM71309 € 8
Carleton, M.D. & G.G. Musser, 1989. Systematic studies of oryzomyine rodents: A synopsis of Microryzomys. 83 p., 34 figs, paperbound; VM28170 € 12
Carleton, M.D. & S.L. Olson, 1999. Amerigo Vespucci and the Rat of Fernando de Noronha: a new genus and species of Rodentia (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) from a volcanic island off Brazil’s continental shelf. 59 p., 25 figs, 11 tables, wrps (Novit. 3256); VM71332 € 8
Carleton, M.D. et al., 1982. Distribution and systematics of Peromyscus (Mammalia: Rodentia) of Nayarit, Mexico. 46 p., 14 figs, 8 tables, wrps; VM27778 € 8
Carleton, M.D., 1980. Phylogenetic relationships in neotomine-peromyscine rodents (Muroidea) and a reappraisal of the dichotomy within New World Cricetinae. vii, 146 p., 44 figs, 16 tables, paperbound; VM71180 € 14
Carleton, M.D., 1994. Systematic studies of Madagascar’s endemic rodents (Muroidea: Nesomyinae): Revision of the genus Eliurus. 55 p., 24 figs, 5 tables, wrps (Novitates 3087); VM71385 € 6
Carlo, J.M. de, 1951. Histologia del aparato digestivo y glandulas anexas de Cavidos Argentinos. 81 p., 36 figs, disbound (Rev. Inst. Nac. Inv. Cienc. Nat. 2#3); VM71333 € 12
Carlsson, A., 1915. Zur Morphologie des Hypsiprymnodon moschatus. 48 p., 3 pls, 4to, stapled (no covers) (Kungl. Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 52#6); VM71296 € 16
Carol, A. et al., 1983. Revisión faunística de los Murciélagos del Pirineo oriental y Catalunya. 106, (11) p., frontispiece, 2 tables, 20 maps, paperbound. Ex-library; VM71278 € 13
Castellini, M.A. et al., 1984. Annual cycles of diving behavior and ecology of the Weddell Seal. 54 p., 12 figs, 7 tables, stapled; VM28259 € 10
Castro-Campillo, A. & J. Ramírez-Pulido, 2000. Systematics of the smooth-toothed pocket gopher, Thomomys umbrinus, in the Mexican transvolcanic belt. 37 p., 5 figs, 8 tables, stapled (Novitates 3297); VM71185 € 9
Centro Studi Cetacei, 1988. Cetacei spiaggiati lungo le coste italiane. II. Rendiconto 1987. (Mammalia). 22 p., 1 fig., disbound; VM71106 € 3
Chakraborty, R., 2004. A catalogue of Mammalian exhibits of Zoological galleries of the Indian Museum. iv, 99 p., paperbound (Rec. Zool. Surv. India Occ. Pap.); VM62170 € 10
Chance, M. & C. Jolly, 1970. Social groups of Monkeys, Apes and Men. 224 p., 9 figs, 15 pls, cloth (d.j.); VM27749 € 25
Chapman, J.A. & R.P. Morgan II, 1973. Systematic status of the Cottontail complex in western Maryland and nearby West Virginia. 54 p., 36 figs, 22 tables, wrps; VM27764 € 10
Charles-Dominique, P. et al., 2001. Les Chauves-souris de Guyane. 172 p., num. figs, 16 col. pls, paperbound (CPN49); VM28064 € 24
Chenu, J.C., n.d. (ca. 1865). Encyclopédie d’histoire naturelle. Rongeurs et Pachydermes. Pachydermes, Ruminants, Édentés, Cétacés, Marsupiaux et Monotrèmes. 2 vols in 1. 768 p., 160 figs, 88 pls, 4to, hcalf; VM27659 € 120
Chenu, J.C., n.d. (ca. 1865). Encyclopédie d’Histoire Naturelle. Rongeurs et Pachydermes. Pachydermes, Ruminants, Édentés, Cétacés, Marsupiaux et Monotrèmes. 2 vols in 1. 768 p., 160 figs, 88 pls, 4to,  loose boards (p.79/80 damaged, photocopies added); VM27667 € 80
Chenu, J.C., n.d. (ca. 1865). Encyclopédie d’histoire naturelle. Carnassiers. 2 vols. 624 p., 325 figs, 80 pls, 4to, boards (spine vol. 2 loose); VM27669 € 80
Chenu, J.C., n.d. (ca. 1865). Encyclopédie d’histoire naturelle. Quadrumanes. 312 p., 234 figs, 40 pls, paperbound; VM27670 € 65
Chiroptera, 1954-2003. 5 papers on bats, by Deleuil, Haiduk, Orr, Martin, & Francis; VM72127 € 8
Choate, J.R. et al., 1994. Handbook of Mammals of the south-central States. 304 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.); VM27880 € 32
Chou, L.M. & P.K.L. Ng, 1990. Essays in zoology. 476 p., num. figs, paperbound; VM28067 € 31
Churchfield, S., 1990. The natural history of Shrews. 178 p., 80 figs & num. tables, cloth (d.j.); VM27785 € 25
Cifelli, R.L. et al., 1989. The relationships of the Arctostylopidae (Mammalia): new data and interpretation. 44 p., 13 figs, 4 tables, wrps; VM28492 € 10
Clark, P., 2004. Haematology of Australian Mammals. xiii, 250 p., num. (many col.) figs & pls, hardbound. As new; VM71381 € 120
Clasen, F., 1897. Die Muskeln und Nerven des proximalen Abschnittes der vorderen Extremität des Kaninchens. 24 p., 4 pls, 4to, disbound; VM28463 € 12
Cohat, Y., 1993. Vie et mort des baleines. 224 p., num. (col.) figs, paperbound; VM27942 € 16
Connisbee, L.R., 1953. A list of the names proposed for genera and subgenera of recent mammals from the publication of T.S. Palmer’s “Index Generum Mammalium” 1904 to 1951. 109 p., cloth; VM27675 € 22
Connor, P.F., 1960. The small Mammals of Otsego and Schoharie counties, New York. 84 p., 15 figs, 10 tables, wrps; VM28577 € 12
Connor, P.F., 1966. The Mammals of the Tug Hill plateau, New York. 80 p., 14 figs, wrps; VM28575 € 12
Coolidge, H.J., 1940. Mammal and Bird collections of the Asiatic Primate expedition. 91 p., 3 maps, disbound, unopened (Bull. MCZ 87#3); VM71307 € 6
Corbet, G.B., 1975. Finding and identifying mammals in Britain. 56 p., num. figs, 4 col. pls, paperbound; VM28288 € 8
Corbett, J., 1948. Menseneters van Kumaon. xiv, 202 p., hardbound; VM72122 € 8
Coues, E. & J.A. Allen, 1877. Monographs of North American Rodentia. x, 1091 p., hardbound (25 x 30,5 cm). Muridae (5 pls with 77 figs), Leporidae (60 tables), Hystricidae (4 tables), Lagomyidae (3 tables), Castoroididae, Castoridae (2 tables), Zapodidae (1 table), Saccomyidae (1 fig., 6 tables), Haplodontidae (2 tables, 1 plte), Geomyidae (2 tables, 1 plte), Sciuridae (141 tables), Appendices; VM71407 € 196
Coupin, H., 1907. Singes et singeries. Histoire anecdotique des Singes. viii, 217 p., 35 figs, hcloth (loose hinges); VM27993 € 24
Coupin, P., 1977. Reproduction normale et pathologique chez les Macaques (Macaca). viii, 109 p., 4to, paperbound (unsewn). Thesis. Mimeographed; VM28409 € 24
Cruzel, J., 1869. Traité pratique des maladies de l’espèce bovine. 919 p., cloth (worn); VM27731 € 60
Cumming, D.H.M., 1975. A field study of the ecology and behaviour of Warthog. 179 p., 55 figs, paperbound; VM27679 € 24
Curry-Lindahl, K., 1960 (2nd ed.). Djuren i Färg. 189 p., 109 col. figs, cloth. In Swedish; VM28165 € 12
Daan, S. et al. (eds), 1980. De Nederlandse vleermuizen: bestandsontwikkeling in winter-en zomerkwartieren. 118 p., 39 figs, paperbound (Lutra 22#1-3); VM28136 € 14
Dale-Green, P., 1966. Dog. xi, 214 p., col. frontispiece, 31 ills, hardbound (d.j., worn); VM71148 € 28
Dance, S.P., 1990. Classic Natural History Prints.  MAMMALS. 128 p., 60 colour pages, roy. 4to, cloth (d.j.); VM28232 € 32
Dary, D.A., 1974. The buffalo book. The full saga of the American animal. viii, 374 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28430 € 32
Das, P.K., 2003. Studies on some Indian Chiroptera from west Bengal. 164 p., 33 figs, 15 tables, paperbound (Zool. Surv. India Occ. Pap.); VM00010 € 25
Daugherty, A.E., 1965. Marine Mammals of California. 87 p., num. figs, wrps; VM71200 € 5
Davis, D.D., 1940. Notes on the anatomy of the Babirusa. 51 p., 24 figs (some tinted), disbound (unopened) (Field Mus. Zool. series); VM71377 € 7
Davis, D.H.S. & X. Misonne, 1964. Gazetteer of collecting localities of African rodents. 100 p., paperbound; VM27699 € 14
Davis, R., 1965. Homing performance and homing ability in Bats. 37 p., 2 figs, 13 tables, disbound; VM71337 € 6
Davis, R.B., 1962. Mexican free-tailed Bats in Texas. 36 p., 10 figs, 14 tables, disbound; VM71338 € 6
Dawson, T.J., 1995. Kangaroos: the biology of the largest marsupials. vi, 162 p., num. figs, 16 col. pls, paperbound; VM72107 € 24
DeBlase, A.F., 1980. The Bats of Iran: systematics, distribution, ecology. 424 p., 180 figs, paperbound; VM27677 € 55
Delalix, A.M., 1991. Los perros españoles. 253 p., num. figs & b/w photos, paperbound; VM71199 € 18
Deome, K.B., 1945. A new recessive lethal mutation in Mice. 26 p., 3 figs, 2 pls, stapled; VM28003 € 8
Deusen, H.M. van, 1957-1969. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, Nos 76+90. A new species of Wallaby (genus Dorcopsis) from Goodenough Island, Papua (25 p., 4 figs, 7 tables), Notes on the Echidnas (Tachyglossidae) of New Guinea (23 p., 15 figs, 1 table), wrps. We added: Nos 80+88. Observations on biology Yellow-footed marsupial Mouse, Antechinus flavipes f. (24 p., 12 figs, 2 tables), Historical misapplication of the name Mus fuscipes (14 p.); VM71405 € 12
Dickman, C. & R. Woodford Ganf, 2007. A fragile balance. The extraordinary story of Australian marsupials. x, 246 p., fullcolour, hardbound (d.j.). As new; VM71388 € 22
Dickman, C.R. & D. Lunney (eds), 2001. A symposium on the DINGO. 110 p., figs & tables, paperbound; VM28392 € 15
Didier, R. & P. Rode, 1935. Les Mammifères de France. 398 p., col. frontispiece, 214 figs, 27 pls, wrps (spine partly broken & loose); VM71217 € 64
Didier, R. & P. Rode, 1936-1938. Mammifères. Étude systématique par espèces. 4 parts. Felis sylvestris. Macaca sylvanus. Miniopterus schreibersi. Meriones shawi. 55 p., 11 (1 double) pls, wrps; VM27678 € 20
Didier, R., 1943. L’os pénien des campagnols de France du genre Arvicola. 6 p., 10 figs, wrps; VM71215 € 12
Dienske, H., 1979. The importance of social interactions and habitat in competition between Microtus agrestis and M. arvalis. 126 p., 31 figs, 33 tables, paperbound (covers missing). Thesis; VM28268 € 14
Dixon, A. & D. Jones (eds), 1988. Conservation and biology of desert Antelopes. 238 p., figs, 8 col. pls, hardbound; VM27680 € 30
Dixon, J.M. & L. Huxley (eds), 1985. Donald Thompson’s Mammals and Fishes of northern Australia. xi, 210 p., num. figs, 91 pls, 60 maps, 4to, hardbound (d.j.); VM27682 € 60
Dodson, E.O., 1948. A morphological and biochemical study of lampbrush chromosomes of vertebrates. 34 p., 2 figs, stapled; VM28004 € 8
Döderlein, L., 1955 (2nd ed.). Bestimmungsbuch für deutsche Land- und Süsswassertiere. Wirbeltiere. 304 p., 266 figs, cloth; VM28049 € 12
Doflein, F., 1920 (2nd ed.). Die Fortpflanzung die Schwangerschaft und das Gebären der Säugetiere. 70 p., 38 figs, wrps (a few margins waterstained); VM27815 € 12
Dohrn, A., 1885-1890. Studien zur Urgeschichte des Wirbelthierkörpers parts IX, XIII, XIV, XV. 80, 72, 22, 98 p., num. figs, wrps; VM27727 € 55
Domico, T. & M. Newman, 1995. Die Bären der Welt. 205 p., num. fullcol. photos, roy. 4to, hardbound; VM28511 € 32
Domning, D.P., 1996. Bibliography and index of the Sirenia and Desmostylia. 615 p., 4to, paperbound; VM28369 € 50
Dorr, J.A., 1954. Hypsoparia bozemanensis; a new genus and species of Leptarctine mustelid from the late Miocene Madison valley formation of Montana. 6 p;, 1 plate, stapled (unopened); VM71082 € 6
Dorst, J., 1958. Le Cobe lechwe en Rhodésie du Nord. 9 p., 1 fig., 1 pl., stapled (no covers); VM71214 € 8
Douglas-Hamilton, I. & O. Douglas-Hamilton, 1976. Bij de Olifanten. 309 p., num. (col.) figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28552 € 15
Doutt, J.K., 1934. A systematic study of a collection of mammals from southern Arizona. 32 p., 12 pls, unopened copy, disbound; VM28340 € 10
Doutt, J.K., 1954. Observations on mammals along the east coast of Hudson Bay and the interior of Ungava. 15 p., stapled (unopened); VM71081 € 6
Duguy, R. & D. Robineau, 1982. Guide des mammifères marins d’Europe. 200 p., 15 figs, 32 (16 col.) pls, hardbound (d.j.); VM27965 € 24
Dunbar, R.I.M., 1984. Reproductive decisions. An economic analysis of Gelada Baboon social strategies. x, 265 p., 75 figs, 46 tables, paperbound; VM28255 € 14
Durrant, S.D., 1946. The Pocket Gophers (genus Thomomys) of Utah. 82 p., 1 fig., wrps; VM71236 € 12
Eberth, C.J., 1865/1866. Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung der Blutcapillaren. 2 parts. 8, 27 p., 4 fold-out pls, wrps; VM27726 € 15
Edinger, T., 1950. Frontal sinus evolution (particularly in the Equidae). 86 p., 9 pls, disbound (from Bull. MCZ 103#8); VM71293 € 15
Eipper, P., 1952. Tiere sehen dich an. 162 p., 41 photos, cloth; VM28171 € 16
Eisenberg, J., 1981. The Mammalian radiations. Analysis of trends in evolution, adaptions & behaviour. 610 p., 157 figs, cloth; VM28376 € 70
Eisenberg, J.F. & D.G. Kleiman (eds), 1983. Advances in the study of mammalian behavior. 752 p., num. figs & tables, cloth (d.j.); VM28231 € 60
Eisenberg, J.F., 1963. The behaviour of heteromyid rodents. iv, 100 p., 22 figs, 13 pls, paperbound; VM27687 € 20
Eisfeld, D., 1966. Untersuchungen über das Farbsehvermögen einiger Wildcaniden. 112 p., 6 figs, 36 tables, disbound; VM71350 € 14
Ellenberg, H., 1978. Zur Populationsökologie des Rehes (Capreolus capreolus L., Cervidae) in Mitteleuropa. 211 p., 47 figs, 42 tables, disbound (SpixSup2); VM71361 € 26
Elliot, D.G., 1899-1904. Collection of 19 papers mainly on North American Mammals. Field Columbian Museum. ca. 400 p., figs, ca. 90 pls, paperbound/wrps. Important collection; VM27683 € 80
Elliot, D.G., 1901. A synopsis of the Mammals of North America and the adjacent seas. 471 p., 95 figs, 49 pls, disbound. First and last page damaged; VM27684 € 50
Elliot, D.G., 1917. A check-list of Mammals of the North American continent, the West Indies and the neighboring seas. 192 p., paperbound, unopened (front wrp missing); VM71178 € 34
Emmons, L.H. & J.L. Patton, 2005. A new species of Oryzomys (Rodentia: Muridae) from eastern Bolivia. 26 p., 14 figs, 7 tables, stapled (Am. Mus. Novitates); VM71145 € 5
Emmons, L.H. et al., 1999. Collection of three papers on Rodentia. 1: Redetermination of Holotype of Isolobodon portoricensis. 11 p., 3 figs, 1 tabel. 2: A new genus and species of Abrocomid rodent from Peru. 14 p., 10 figs, 1 table. 3: Two new species of Juscelinomys from Bolivia. 15 p., 7 figs, 2 tables., stapled (Novitates 3278, 3279, 3280); VM71183 € 10
Emmons, L.H. et al., 2002. A review of the named forms of Phyllomys (Rodentia: Echimyidae) with the description of a new species from coastal Brazil. 40 p., 17 figs, 3 tables, stapled; VM27723 € 10
Emmons, L.H., 2000. Tupai: A field study of Bornean Treeshrews. xviii, 269 p., 63 figs, hardbound; VM72101 € 20
Enders, R.K., 1935. Mammalian life histories from Barro Colorado island, Panama.120 p., 5 pls, paperbound. Unopened copy; VM28358 € 16
Erp Taalman Kip, M.J. van, 1893. De ontwikkeling van de Müllersche gang bij Zoogdieren. 110 p., 3 double pls, hcloth. Thesis; VM27711 € 30
Escherich, P.C., 1981. Social biology of the bushy-tailed Woodrat, Neotoma cinerea. 132 p., 20 figs, 9 pls, paperbound; VM27706 € 18
Evans, F.G., 1942. The osteology and relationships of the Elephant Shrews (Macroscelididae). 40 p., 16 figs, 6 tables, wrps; VM28464 € 10
Ewer, R.F., 1968. Ethology of Mammals. 418 p., 13 figs, 8 pls, cloth; VM27702 € 38
Ewer, R.F., 1968. Ethology of Mammals. 418 p., 13 figs, 8 pls, paperbound; VM28153 € 25
Ewer, R.F., 1976. Ethologie der Säugetiere. 277 p., 13 figs, 8 pls, paperbound; VM27703 € 25
Exner, S., 1896.  Über die elektrischen Eigenschaften der Haare und Federn, I & II. 24, 12 p., wrps; VM28565 € 20
Eygenraam, J.A., 1973. De grote landzoogdieren van Nederland. 48 p., figs, wrps (KNNV98); VM27743 € 8
Eykman, C., 1937. De Nederlandse zoogdieren. Part 1. Insectivora et Rodentia. 83 p., 45 figs, 19 pls, 4to, paperbound; VM27705 € 22
FAO, 1978-1982. Mammals in the seas. Vol. I: report of the FAO ACMRR working party on marine mammals. xxv, 264 p., figs & tables. Vol. II: pinniped species summaries and report on sirenians. xiii, 151 p. Vol. III: general papers and large cetaceans. x, 504 p., figs & tables. Vol.  IV: small cetaceans, seals, sirenians and otters. x, 531 p., figs & tables, cloth (d.j.); VM28141 € 180
Fehringer, O., 1953. Die Welt der Säugetiere. 432 p., num. col. figs, cloth; VM27728 € 12
Félice, S. de, 1981. Étude anthropologique de quatre skelettes de Kader des Monts Anémalé (Inde). 65 p., 3 figs, paperbound (mema122). Unopened; VM00014 € 20
Feriancova-Masarova, Z. & V. Hanak, 1965. Stavove Lovenska IV. Cicavce. 332 p., 118 figs, 12 col. pls, cloth; VM27701 € 25
Fillis, J., 1892 (3rd revised & enlarged ed.). Principes de dressage et d’équitation. xiv, 425 p., 35 pls, hcalf. Library stamps in front; VM71229 € 140
Fischer, M.S., 1998. Die Lokomotion von Procavia capensis (Mammalia, Hyracoidea): Zur Evolution des Bewegungssystems bei Säugetieren. 188 p., 68 (some col.) figs, hardbound (Abh. Nat.wiss. Ver. Hamburg NF33); VM71146 € 32
Fisher, K.C. et al. (eds), 1967. Mammalian hibernation III. Proceedings of the Third intl symposium on natural mammalian hibernation (Toronto). 535 p., num. figs & pls, cloth; VM27700 € 50
Fisher, M. et al. (eds), 1999. The natural history of Oman. A Festschrift for Michael Gallagher. x, 206 p., 31 figs, 18 tables, hardbound; VM28077 € 46
Fisher, M., 1995. Indexed bibliography of natural history and conservation in Oman. 74 p., 1 map, paperbound; VM28071 € 20
Fisler, G.F., 1965. Adaptations and speciation in harvest Mice of the marshes of San Francisco Bay. 108 p., 22 figs, paperbound (Un. Calif. Pub. Zool. 77); VM27690 € 24
Fitzinger, L.J., 1867. Versuch einer naturliche Anordnung der Nagetiere. 175 p., disbound; VM27693 € 38
Fjeldså, J., 1983. Vertebrates of the Junín area, central Peru. 14 p., 1 fig., stapled; VM71060 € 4
Flade, J.E., 1959. Shetlandponys. 80 p., 45 figs, 32 tables, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28530 € 10
Fleming, T.H., 1988. The short-tailed Fruit Bat. A study in plant-animal interactions. 365 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28012 € 35
Flor, F., 1930. Haustiere und Hirtenkulturen, Kulturgeschichtliche Entwicklungsumrisse. 238 p., 3 pls, wrps; VM71154 € 60
Fooden, J., 1975. Taxonomy and evolution of Liontail and Pigtail Macaques (Primates: Cercopithecidae). 169 p., 23 tables, 31 figs, paperbound (Fieldiana Zool. 67). Some library stamps; VM71376 € 28
Fooden, J., 1986. Taxonomy and evolution of the Sinica group of Macaques: 2. Species and subspecies accounts of the Indian Bonnet macaque, Macaca radiata (vii, 52 p.,9 figs, 14 tables); 3. Species and subspecies accounts of Macaca assamensis (vii, 52 p., 10 figs, 9 tables); 5. Overview of natural history (22 p., 2 figs, 4 tables), wrps; VM71389 € 13
Fooden, J., 1988. Taxonomy and evolution of the Sinica group of Macaques: 6. Interspecific comparisons and synthesis. 44 p., 16 figs,  4 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 45); VM71375 € 7
Fooden, J., 1991. Systematic review of Philippine Macaques (Primates, Cercopithecidae: Macaca fascicularis subspp.). 44 p., 11 figs, 11 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 64); VM71374 € 8
Fooden, J., 1995. Systematic review of Southeast Asian Longtail Macaques, Macaca fascicularis (Raffles, 1821). 206 p., 39 tables, 31 figs, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 81); VM71373 € 28
Ford, A. (ed.), 1954. Audubon’s animals. The quadrupeds of North America. 222 p., 156 figs and pls, of which 16 are coloured, + 28 additional (unnumbered) ill. (2 col.). 4to, cloth (used); VM27681 € 50
Fossey, D., 1984. Gorilla’s in de mist. 338 p., num. figs, col. photos, cloth. Blindstamp + stamp of former owner on front free endpaper; VM28241 € 32
Fowler, M.E. (ed.), 1996. Wildlife husbandry and diseases / Elevage et pathologie des animaux sauvages. Cría y patología de los animales salvajes. 354 p., figs & tables, paperbound; VM28014 € 45
Fraipont, J., 1907. Contributions a la faune du Congo, Tome I. Okapia. 118 p., 77 text-figures, 4 col. pls (numbered I, II, IIbis, IIter) & 28 (15 folding) b&w pls, roy. 4to, unbound in carton holder. Unopened. Rare; VM72116 € 280
Fraser, F.C., 1966. Guide for the identification and reporting of stranded Whales, dolphins and porpoises on the British coasts. 34 p., 31 figs, wrps; VM27777 € 8
Freeman, P.W., 1981. A multivariate study of the family Molossidae (Chiroptera): Morphology, ecology, evolution. 173 p., 25 figs, paperbound (Fieldiana Zool. NS 7); VM27814 € 15
Freise, G., 1929. Über die Langerhans’schen Inseln des Pankreas beim Kaninchen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Entwicklung. 44 p., 12 figs, wrps; VM27818 € 10
Friant, M., 1939. Morphologie, développement et évolution du cerveau des Ongulés artiodactyles sélénodontes. 72 p., 51 figs, 5 pls, paperbound (mnhnn10(3); VM28500 € 10
Friant, M., 1943. Catalogue raisonné et descriptif des collections d’ostéologie du Service d’anatomie comparée du Museum national d’Histoire naturelle. Mammifères. Fascicule II - Insectivora. - A. Insectivora vera. Sous-fascicule I - Erinaceidae. 56 p., 21 figs, wrps (partly loose); VM71266 € 10
Frost, D.R. et al., 1991. Phylogenetic relationships of hedgehogs and Gymnures (Mammalia: Insectivora: Erinaceidae). iii, 69 p., 12 figs, 8 tables, 19 pls, wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 518); VM71323 € 10
Gall, Chr., 1996. Goat breeds of the world. 186 p., 107 photographs, paperbound. Covers damaged, contents fine; VM71089 € 20
Ganslmayr, H., 1987. Aktuelle Probleme der Hominidenevolution. 180 p., num. figs, paperbound (Veröff. überseemuseum Bremen A9); VM71312 € 22
Garcia-Perea, R., 1994. The Pampas Cat group (Genus Lynchailurus Severtzov, 1858) (Carnivora: Felidae), a systematic and biogeographic review.36 p., 20 figs, 3 tables, wrps. We inserted a paper on Prionailurus bengalensis by Goodwin. wrps (Novitates); VM71310 € 6
Gelder, R.G. van et al., 1961-1968. 5 papers on Bats. Ca. 70 p., stapled (Novitates 2029, 2140, 2174, 2212, 2333); VM71164 € 13
Gelder, R.G. van, 1968. The genus Conepatus (Mammalia, Mustelidae): Variation within a population. 37 p., 11 figs, stapled (Novitates 2322); VM71159 € 9
Genet-Varcin, E., 1963. Les singes actuels et fossiles. 236 p., 97 figs, 24 pls, cloth; VM28109 € 33
Genet-Varcin, E., 1969. A la recherche du primate ancêtre de l’homme. 336 p., 182 figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28121 € 70
Genet-Varcin, E., 1979. Les hommes fossiles. 408 p., 50 figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28135 € 85
Genoways, H.H. & S.L. Williams, 1979. 2 papers on bats. 1; Records of bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from Suriname. 13 p., stapled. 2: Notes on bats from Bonaire and Curaçao, Dutch West Indies. 11 p., 1 fig., 4 tables, stapled; VM71172 € 8
Gentry, R.L. & G.L. Kooyman (eds), 1986. Fur Seals. Maternal strategies on land and at sea. xviii, 291 p., num. figs, paperbound; VM28367 € 26
Gentry, R.L., 1998. Behavior and ecology of the Northern Fur Seal. xv, 392 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.); VM72105 € 32
Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, I., 1824. Sur les phyllostomes et les mégadermes, deux genres de la famille des Chauve-souris. 42 p., disbound; VM28330 € 20
Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, I., 1824. Description des roussettes et des Céphalotes, deux nouveaux genres de la famille des Chauve-souris. 23 p., disbound; VM28331 € 20
Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, I., 1824. Mémoire. Sur les espèces des genres Musaraigne et Mygale. 26 p., disbound; VM28333 € 12
Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, I., 1824. Mémoire. Sur quelques chauve-souris d’Amérique formant une petite famille sous le nom de molossus. 27 p., disbound; VM28335 € 20
Gerber, R., 1951. Nagetiere Deutschlands. 95 p., 51 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28537 € 12
Gerhard, L., 1968. Atlas des Mittel- und Zwischenhirns des Kaninchens. Atlas of the mes- and diencephalon of the rabbit. 184 p., 64 figs (legends in German and English), folio, cloth (d.j.); VM28222 € 50
Gerhardt, U. & L. Freund, 1939. Dr. H.G. Bronns Klassen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs. Sechster Band, V. Abteilung. Säugetier: Mammalia. 2. Buch, Teil 5. Urogenitalsystem II. 5. Lieferung, pp. 49-143, 45 textfigs, wrps. Unopened; VM71298 € 20
Gerlach, J. (ed.), 2007. Terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates of the Seychelles islands. 156 p., 2 figs, 18 col. pls, paperbound; VM71271 € 36
Gerlach, R., 1951. Die Vierfüsser. 384 p., 16 pls, cloth; VM27720 € 18
Gervais, F.L.P., 1877-1878. Ostéographie des Monotrèmes vivants et fossiles, comprenant la description et l’iconographie du squelette et du systéme dentaire de ces animaux. Chapitre deuxième. Les échidnés de la Nouvelle-Guinée (Echidna (Acanthoglossus) Bruijnii et Echidna (Tachyglossus) Lawesii. pp. 41-56, pls vi-ix, 4to & folio; VM28559 € 80
Geurts, R., 1977. Hair colour in the Horse. 108 p., 24 photos, 4 tables, paperbound; VM28019 € 12
Ghosh, M.K., 2005. Catalogue of Chiroptera in the collection of the Zoological Survey of India, Part I: Megachiroptera. 143 p., paperbound (Rec. Zool. Surv. India Occ. Pap.); VM71177 € 14
Giannini, N.P. et al., 2006. On the cranial osteology of Chiroptera. I. Pteropus (Megachiroptera: Pteropodidae). 134 p., 50 figs, paperbound (Bull. AMNH); VM71188 € 34
Giebel, C.G. & W. Leche, 1874-1900. Dr. H.G. Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild. Sechster Band, V. Abteilung. Säugetiere: Mammalia (in 3 vols). 1169 p., 173 figs, 121 (some partially col.) pls, library bindings (library stamps & stickers); VM71303 € 340
Gijzen, A. & J. Mortelmans, 1962. Notice complémentaire sur l’okapi Okapia johnstoni (sclater), sur sa reproduction et ses maladies au jardin zoologique d’Anvers. 66 p., figs & tables, wrps; VM28595 € 12
Gijzen, A., 1971. Studbook of the Okapi. Report 1971. 112 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VM28543 € 14
Glade, A.A., 1993. Red list of Chilean terrestrial vertebrates (2nd ed.). 70 p., wrps; VM28564 € 10
Glas, G.H., 1986. Atlas van de Nederlandse vleermuizen 1970-1984, alsmede een vergelijking met vroegere gegevens. 97 p., 23 figs, 2 tables, paperbound (Zool. Bijdr. 34); VM28137 € 14
Glitsch, C., 1865. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Antilope Saiga Pallas. 39 p., wrps; VM27688 € 10
Golvan, Y.J. & J.A. Rioux, 1961. Ecologie des Merions du Kurdistan Iranien. 140 p., 60 figs, paperbound; VM27721 € 22
Goodwin, G.G. & A.M. Greenhall, 1961. A review of the Bats of Trinidad and Tobago. 116 p., 113 figs, 42 pls, 2 tables, 2 maps, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 122#3) (We added 2 articles by N.B. Simmons on Bats); VM71384 € 36
Goodwin, G.G. & K.F. Koopman, 1955-1995. Collection of 20 papers on Bats (all from Am. Mus. Novitates) mainly by Goodwin & Koopman; VM28481 € 36
Goodwin, G.G. et al., 1954-1969. 11 papers on Central and South American small mammals. Ca. 90 p., figs, stapled (Novitates); VM71163 € 18
Gorbman, A., 1946. Qualitative variation of the hypophyseal thyrotropic hormone in the vertebrates. 16 p., 1 fig., stapled; VM71179 € 5
Gorgas, M., 1967. Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchungen am Magen-Darm-Kanal der Sciuromorpha, Hystricomorpha und Caviomorpha (Rodentia). Eine Studie über den Einfluß von Phylogenue, Spezialisation und funktioneller Adaptation auf den Säugetierdarm. 168 p., 77 figs, 2 tables, disbound; VM71352 € 20
Gorman, M.L. & R.D. Stone, 1990. The natural history of Moles. 138 p., 83 figs, 20 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VM27786 € 22
Granvik, H., 1924. On mammals from the eastern slopes of Mount Elgon, Kenya Colony. Mammals collected by the Swedish Mount Elgon Expedition 1920. 32 p., 2 figs, 2 pls, wrps; VM28451 € 16
Graser’s naturwissenschaftliche und landwirtschaftliche Tafel Nr. 26, ca. 1910. Rinderrassen (Bräuer). 36 frabige Rassebilder der bekanntesten in- und ausländischen Zuchten mit Beschreibung der Rassenmerkmale. Fullcolour folding plate in dec. carton wrapper. A very attractive collector’s item; VM71115 € 30
Graser’s naturwissenschaftliche und landwirtschaftliche Tafel Nr. 27, ca. 1910. Ziegen-, Schaf- und Schweinerassen (Uhrmann). 21 Ziegenrassen, 12 Schafrassen und 16 Schweinrassen in farbigen Abbildungen mit Angabe über Herkunft und Rasseeigenschaften. Fullcolour folding plate in dec. carton wrapper. A very attractive collector’s item; VM71114 € 30
Grassé, P.P. & C. Devillers, 1965. Precis de zoologie II. Vertebres. (vii), 1129 p., 995 figs, hardbound; VM71380 € 56
Grassé, P.P., 1977. Larousse animal portraits. 174 p., fullcol. ills, cloth (d.j.); VM28217 € 18
Green, K. & W.S. Osborne, 2003. The distribution and status of the broad-toothed Rat Mastacomys fuscus (Rodentia: Muridae) in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. 9 p., 4 figs, stapled (reprint from Australian Zoologist 32#2); VM71067 € 4
Greenwald, G.S., 1957. Reproduction in a coastal California population of the field Mouse Microtus californicus. 26 p., 11 figs, stapled; VM28002 € 8
Gregory, T., 1936. Mammals of the Chicago region. 61 p., num. figs, stapled; VM71242 € 10
Gregory, W.K., 1947. The Monotremes and the palimpsest theory. 52 p., 17 figs, 2 pls, 4to, wrps; VM27686 € 10
Griffiths, H.A. (ed.), 2000. Mustelids in a modern world. Management and conservation aspects of small carnivore: human interactions. 352 p., num. ills & graphs, paperbound; VM28075 € 88
Grinnell, J., 1933. Review of the recent Mammal fauna of California. 164 p., disbound (from Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool.); VM72162 € 22
Grönberg, G., 1901. Die Ontogenese eines niedern Säugergehirns nach Untersuchungen an Erinaceus europaeus. 124 p., 18 figs, 6 pls, wrps (partly loose); VM71258 € 22
Grol, B.P.F.E., 1985. Multivariate analysis of morphological characters of Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber, 1774) and P. nathusii (Keyserling & Blasius, 1839) (Mammalia: Chiroptera) from The Netherlands. 62 p., 36 figs, 13 tables, paperbound (ZV221). Ex-library copy; VM72174 € 12
Gromov, I.M. et al., 1965. Fauna of the USSR. Mammals. Marmotinae. 466 p., 102 figs, cloth. In Russian; VM27708 € 45
Gros Clark, W.E. le, 1949. History of the Primates. (vii), 117 p., 40 figs, frontispiece, paperbound; VM71202 € 12
Gros Clark, W.E. le, 1953. History of the Primates. 117 p., 40 figs, frontispiece, paperbound. Library stamps; VM27672 € 10
Gros Clark, W.E. le, 1954 (4th ed.). History of the Primates. (vi), 119 p., 40 figs, frontispiece, paperbound. Name of former owner on front wrp; VM72118 € 12
Gros Clark, W.E. le, 1958 (6th ed.). History of the Primates. (vi), 119 p., 40 figs, frontispiece, paperbound; VM71201 € 12
Gros Clark, W.E. le, 1959. The antecedents of man. An introduction to the evolution of the Primates. x, 374 p., 151 figs, hardbound; VM27966 € 42
Gruber, J.W., 1991. Does the Platypus lay eggs? The history of an event in science. 73 p., disbound; VM71116 € 10
Grulich, I., 1969. Kritische populationsanalyse von Talpa europaea L., aus den West-Karpaten. 54 p., 6 figs, 2 pls, tables, wrps; VM28101 € 14
Grulich, I., 1970. Zur variabilität bei Talpa caeca Savi im Kanton Tessin, Schweiz. 48 p., 9 figs, 4 pls, wrps; VM28102 € 12
Grzimek, B. (ed.), 1979. Grzimeks Tierleben. Säugetiere 1. 614 p.,  num. col. pls, paperbound; VM27750 € 15
Grzimek, B. (ed), 1968. Grzimeks Tierleben. Säugetiere 1. 614 p., num. (col.) figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28218 € 30
Günther, A., 1876. Report on some of the additions to the collection of Mammalia in the British Museum. 18 p., 9 figs, 6 col. pls, wrps; VM28164 € 20
Guérin-Méneville, F.E., 1829-1844. Iconographie du Règne Animal de G. Cuvier. Tome I. Planches des Animaux vertébrés. 48 pls Mammals (missing pls 6 & 19), 67 pls Aves, wrps. Scarce; VM29198 € 240
Guilday, J.E., 1957. Individual and geographic variation in Blarina brevicauda from Pennsylvania. 28 p., 13 figs, 15 tables, stapled (Ann. Carnegie Mus.); VM72146 € 5
Gurung, K.K. & R. Singh, 1996. Field guide to the Mammals of the Indian subcontinent. xii, 140 p., num. (col.) figs, paperbound; VM28265 € 20
Haaften, J.L. van, 1974. Zeehonden langs de Nederlandse kust. 36 p., figs, wrps (WMKNNV101); VM27797 € 6
Hackethal, H., 1981. Die Bedeutung hirnmorphologischer Merkmale für die Taxonomie der placentalen Säuger. 108 p., 41 figs, 10 tables, disbound (Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin); VM71362 € 14
Haeck, J., 1969. Colonization of the mole (Talpa europaea L.) in the IJsselmeerpolders. 104 p., 21 figs, 25 tables, wrps; VM28184 € 12
Hall, R.J., 1971. Ecology of a population of the Great Plains Skink (Eumeces obsoletus). 28 p., 11 figs, 15 tables, stapled; VM28580 € 8
Haltenorth, Th., 1969. Das Tierreich VII/6. Säugetiere. Teil 1 & 2. 218, 272 p., 88, 73 figs, paperbound; VM28541 € 14
Hamilton, W.J., 1934. The life history of the rufescent Woodchuck, Marmota monax rufescens Howell. 84 p., 9 figs, 6 pls, paperbound, unopened, no wrps; VM28267 € 12
Hanák, V., 1977. A colour guide to familar Mammals. 184 p., hardbound (d.j.); VM28275 € 12
Handley, C.O. et al. (eds), 1991. Demography and natural history of the common fruit Bat, Artibeus jamaicensis, on Barro Colorado Island, Panamá. 173 p., figs, 4to, paperbound (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 511); VM27710 € 22
Hansen, K.H., 1956. After-effects in the behaviour of Mice. xi, 424 p., figs, 24 tables, paperbound. Dedication; VM27819 € 48
Harkema, R., 1936. The parasites of some North Carolina rodents. 82 p., 5 figs, disbound (Ecol. Monog. 6#2); VM71336 € 10
Harris, W.C., 1840 (reprint 1969). Portraits of the game and wild animals of southern Africa. 195 p., num. pls, paperbound , cover loose/cracked; VM28734 € 16
Harrison, R. & M.M. Bryden, 1988. Walvissen, dolfijnen en bruinvissen. 240 p., num. col. figs & photos, 4to, cloth (d.j.); VM28140 € 32
Hassinger, J.D., 1968. Introduction to the Mammal survey of the 1965 Street expedition to Afghanistan. 81 p., 25 figs, 1 table, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 55#1); VM71378 € 13
Hassinger, J.D., 1968. A survey of the Mammals of Afghanistan resulting from the 1965 Street expedition (excluding Bats). xi, 195 p., 50 figs, disbound (Fieldiana Zool. 60); VM71391 € 24
Hatt, R.T., 1930. The biology of the Voles of New York. 11 p., 30 figs, 1 col. pl.; including The relation of Mammals to the harvest forest. 48 p., 23 figs, paperbound; VM27822 € 24
Hatt, R.T., 1932. The vertebral columns of ricochetal rodents. 140 p., 27 figs, 15 tables, 10 pls, paperbound; VM28448 € 28
Hatt, R.T., 1934. The Pangolins and Aard-varks collected by the American Museum Congo expedition. 30 p., 2 figs, 8 pls, disbound; VM71392 € 5
Haubner, C.G., 1850. De gezondheidsleer der landhuishoudelijke huisdieren. 613 p., hcalf (Nederduitsch bewerkt door E.C. Enklaar); VM28339 € 24
Hayes, M.H., 1897 (2nd ed.). Points of the horse. A familiar treatise on equine conformation. xxiii, 333 p., frontispiece (loose), 409 figs, 4to, dec. cloth (inner joints weak, library stamps); VM71219 € 100
Heaney, L.R. et al., 2006. The Mammals of Mt. Kitanglad Nature Park, Mindanao Island, Philippines. 63 p., 16 figs, 14 tables, paperbound (Fieldiana Zool. NS 112); VM71233 € 10
Heck, L., 1931. Capture de grands animaux sauvages en Afrique / Capture de grands singes cynocéphales en Abyssinie. 23 p., 16 b/w photographs, wrps (reprint from la Terre et la Vie, Nouvelle Série, Nos. 4 & 9); VM71228 € 20
Heer, J.L. de, 1912. Die Dynamik des Säugetierherzens im Kreislauf in der Norm, bei Aortenstenose und nach Strophantin. 110 p., 36 figs, paperbound; VM27825 € 18
Hemmer, H., 1966-1974. Untersuchungen zur Stammesgeschichte der Pantherkatzen (Pantherinae). 3 parts. I:  121 p., 24 pls, wrps. II: Studien zur Ethologie des Nebelparders Neofelis nebulosa (Griffith 1821) und des Irbis Uncia uncia (Schreber 1775). 93 p., 68 figs, 4 pls, wrps. III: Zur Artgeschichte des Löwen Panthera (Panthera) leo (Linnaeus 1758). 114 p., 22 figs, 12 pls, wrps; VM71292 € 76
Hemmer, H., 1966. Untersuchungen zur Stammesgeschichte der Pantherkatzen (Pantherinae). Teil I. 121 p., 24 pls, wrps; VM27823 € 20
Hemmingsen, A.M., 1933. The standard metabolism of female Rats before and after ovariectomy in experiments with and without narcosis. 104 p., 15 figs, 11 tables, paperbound; VM27821 € 14
Hentschel, E., n.d. Die Meeressäugetiere. 94 p., 40 figs, boards; VM28372 € 8
Heptner, W.G. & A.A. Nasimowitsch, 1967. Der Elch. Alces alces L. 231 p., 74 figs, 14 maps, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28522 € 20
Herklots, J.A., 1853-1866. Bouwstoffen voor eene fauna van Nederland. vi, 269; iv, 316; iv, 537 p., 3 vols, old (vol. II loose) wrps; VM28337 € 60
Herlant, M., 1956. Corrélations hypophyso-génitales chez la femelle de la Chauve-Souris, Myotis myotis (Borkhausen). 92 p., 1 fig., 3 pls, paperbound; VM28593 € 14
Herman, L.M. (ed.), 1980. Cetacean behaviour. Mechanisms & functions. xi, 463 p., num. figs, cloth; VM27824 € 70
Hermes, G., 1936. Das gezähmte Pferd im alten Orient.31 p., 2 figs, wrps (num. annotations underlining in text in pencil); VM71158 € 20
Herre, W., 1956. Rentiere. 48 p., 22 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28535 € 10
Hershkovitz, P., 1982. Neotropical Deer (Cervidae) part 1. Pudus, genus Pudus Gray. viii, 86 p., 37 figs, 10 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 11); VM71390 € 6
Hershkovitz, P., 1985. A preliminary taxonomic review of the South American bearded Saki monkeys, genus chiropotus (Cebidae, Platyrrhini), with the description of a new subspecies. 46 p., 14 figs, 9 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 27); VM71372 € 6
Hershkovitz, P., 1994. The description of a new species of South American Hocicudo, or long-nose mouse, genus Oxymycterus (Muroidea), with a critical review of the generic content. 43 p., 2 tables, 21 figs, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 79); VM71371 € 6
Hershkovitz, Ph., 1958. A geographic classification of neotropical mammals. 42 p., 2 figs, 13 tables, wrps; VM71093 € 12
Hershkovitz, Ph., 1990. Titis, New World Monkeys of the genus Callicebus (Cebidae, Platyrrhini): a preliminary taxonomic review. 109 p., 47 figs, 13 tables, wrps. We added: A phylogenetic study of living and fossil Platyrrhines (by I. Horovitz, 40 p.) & External and middle ear characteristics of primates, with reference to tarsier-anthropoid affinities (by D.J. Packer & E.E. Sarmiento, 23 p.); VM71306 € 15
Hershkovitz, Ph., 1990. Mice of the Akodon boliviensis size class (Sigmodontinae, Cricetidae), with the description of two new species from Brazil. 35 p., 22 figs, 4 tables, wrps (Field. Zool. NS 57); VM71313 € 15
Hershkovitz, Ph., 1992. The South American gracile mouse Opossums, genus Gracilinanus Gardner and Creighton, 1989 (Marmosidae, Marsupialia): A taxonomic review with notes on general morphology and relationships. 56 p., 20 figs, 7 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool.); VM28250 € 10
Hershkovitz, Ph., 1993. Male external genitalia of non-prehensile tailed South American Monkeys. Part I. Subfamily Pitheciinae, family Cebidae. 20 p., 6 figs, wrps (Fieldiana Zool.); VM27760 € 5
Hershkovitz, Ph., 1993. A new central Brazilian genus and species of Sigmodontine Rodent (Sigmodontinae) transitional between Akodonts and Oryzomyines, with a discussion of Muroid molar morphology and evolution. 18 p., 8 figs, 2 tables, wrps; VM27762 € 5
Herter, K., 1933. Gefangenschaftsbeobachtungen an europäischen Igeln II. 24 p., 13 figs, wrps; VM28491 € 8
Hesse, R., 1904. Ueber den feinern Bau der Stäbchen und Zapfen einiger Wirbelthiere. 46 p., 3 figs, 1 pl., wrps; VM27836 € 12
Hesse, R., 1921. Über den Einfluss des Untergrundes auf das Gedeihen des Rehes. 40 p., without wrps; VM27835 € 10
Hesse, R., 1921. Das Herzgewicht der Wirbeltiere. 122 p., without wrps; VM27837 € 14
Heyden, K., 1969. Studien zur Systematik von Cephalophinae Brooke, 1876; Reduncini Simpson, 1945 und Peleini Sokolov, 1953 (-Antilopinae Baird, 1857). 95 p., 31 figs, 9 tables, disbound; VM71349 € 12
Hill, J.E., 1937. Morphology of the pocket gopher mammalian genus Thomomys. 95 p., 26 figs, paperbound. Small piece of frontwrapper cut out (Un. Calif. Publ. Zool.); VM00007 € 12
Hill, J.P. & J. Florian, 1963. The development of the primitive streak, head-process and annular zone in Tarsius, with comparative notes on Loris. 90 p., 91 figs, paperbound; VM27833 € 16
Hillairet, J.B., 1902. Sur le dernier terme de la copulation chez les Mammifères. 113 p., paperbound; VM27834 € 25
Hinze, G., 1953. Unser Biber. 46 p., 31 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28539 € 10
Hjortsjö, C-H., 1945. De epiteliala lunganlagens tidiga morfogenes hos Felis catus L. Embryologiska undersökningar. 184 p., 86 figs, paperbound; VM27831 € 18
Hladik, C.M., 1968. Recherche des caractéristiques histochimiques et cytologiques de la muqueuse intestinale des Primates et des corrélations avec le régime alimentaire. 69 p., 40 figs, paperbound (mema52(1). Unopened; VM00015 € 10
Hochstetter, F., 1942. Über die harte Hirnhaut und ihre Fortsätze bei den Säugetieren. 114 p., 4 figs, 11 pls, paperbound; VM27830 € 20
Hoeksma, W., ca. 1941. De familie Lepus gezien door het oog van een jager. Natuurhistorische verhandeling over het haas, zijn aard en zijn levenswijze, geschetst in verband met de jacht. 156 p., cloth; VM71104 € 12
Hoekstra, B. et al., 1977. Handleiding ten behoeve van het inventariseren van landzoogdieren in de Benelux. 47 p., 24 figs, wrps (WMKNNV119); VM27829 € 6
Hoeven, J. van der, 1837. Annotations de quisbusdam mammalium generibus. I-III (Phacochoero, Histrics, Procyne et Nasua). 18 p., 3 (1 fold.) pls, 4to, wrps (damaged); VM27840 € 25
Hoffmann, C.K. & H. Weyenbergh, 1870. Die Osteologie und Myologie von Sciurus vulgaris, verglichen mit der Anatomie der Lemuriden und des Chiromys und über die Stellung des letzteren im natürlichen Systeme. 136 p., 4 pls, 4to, boards. Unopened (Natuurk. verh. Holl. maatsch. Wetensch.); VM71260 € 38
Hoffmann, M., 1952. Die Bisamratte. 44 p., 27 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28536 € 10
Hoffmeister, D.F., 1951. A taxonomic and evolutionary study of the Piñon Mouse, Peromyscus truei. ix, 104 p., 24 figs, 5 pls, paperbound; VM28363 € 18
Holbrook, L.T., 2001. Comparative osteology of early Tertiary tapiromorphs (Mammalia, Perissodactyla). 54 p., 21 figs, 4to, disbound (from Zool. Jl Linn. Soc.); VM72164 € 7
Hoogerwerf, A., 1970. Udjung Kulon. The land of the last Javan Rhinoceros. With local and general data on the most important faunal species and their preservation in Indonesia. xiii, 512 p., 155 figs, 3 folding maps, 4to, cloth; VM28273 € 68
Hooper, E.T. & B.S. Hart, 1962. A synopsis of recent North American Microtine rodents. 68 p., 10 figs, stapled; VM28584 € 10
Hooper, E.T. & G.G. Musser, 1964. The glans penis in Neotropical Cricetines (family Muridae) with comments on classification of muroid Rodents. 57 p., 9 figs, stapled; VM28585 € 10
Hooper, E.T., 1941. Type localities of Pocket Gophers of the genus Thomomys. 26 p., 1 map, wrps; VM71235 € 6
Hooper, E.T., 1957. Dental patterns in Mice of the genus Peromyscus. 59 p., 24 figs, 3 tables, stapled; VM28586 € 10
Hooper, E.T., 1958. The male phallus in Mice of the genus Peromyscus. 24 p., 1 fig., 14 pls, wrps; VM28191 € 10
Hope, J.H., 1981. A new species of Thylogale (Marsupialia: Macropodidae) from Mapala Rock Shelter, Jaya (Carstensz) Mountains, Irian Jaya (Western New Guinea), Indonesia. 19 p., 7 pls, 3 tables, stapled; VM71074 € 6
Houlihan, R.T., 1963. The relationship of population density to endocrine and metabolic changes in the California vole Microtus californicus. 26 p., 9 figs, 5 pls, stapled; VM28000 € 8
Howard, L.D., 1973. Muscular anatomy of the forelimb of the sea otter (Enhydra lutris). 90 p., 72 figs, stapled; VM71170 € 12
Howell, A.B., 1929. Mammals from China in the collections of the United States National Museum. 82 p., 10 pls, paperbound; VM28507 € 18
Howell, A.H., 1915. Revision of the American Marmots. 80 p., 14 pls, paperbound; VM27827 € 18
Howell, A.H., 1921. A biological survey of Alabama. I. Physiography and life zones. II. The Mammals. 88 p., 10 figs, 11 pls, 1 col. fold. map, paperbound; VM27826 € 18
Howell, A.H., 1924. Revision of the American Pikas (genus Ochotona). 57 p., 4 figs, 6 pls, paperbound; VM28360 € 15
Howell, A.H., 1929. Revision of the American Chipmunks (Genera Tamias and Eutamias). 157 p., 7 figs, 10 pls, paperbound; VM28359 € 25
Hsu, T.C. & K. Benirschke, 1967-1975. An atlas of mammalian chromosomes vols 1-9. text & 450 pls, 4to, looseleaf. In this set pls arranged according to the cumulative contents vols 1-9; VM28560 € 100
Hsu, T.C. & K. Benirschke, 1969. An atlas of mammalian chromosomes vol. 3. xx, 200 p., 50 pls, 4to, looseleaf, boxed; VM27841 € 20
Hubrecht, A.A.W., 1909. Die Säugetierontogenese in ihrer Bedeutung für die Phylogenie der Wirbeltiere. v, 247 p., 186 figs, paperbound; VM27842 € 30
Huey, L.M., 1964. The mammals of Baja California, Mexico. 84 p., wrps; VM71171 € 14
Humpback Whale Conference, 2000. 208 p., num. figs & graphs, 1 col. plte, paperbound (Mem. Queensland Mus.); VM00006 € 40
Humphrey, S.R. & J.R. Bain, 1990. Endangered animals of Thailand. 480 p., num. maps, paperbound; VM28066 € 22
Husson, A.M. & W.C. van Heurn, 1959. Kleurverscheidenheden van de mol, Talpa europaea L., in Nederland waargenomen. 16 p., 2 figs, wrps (Zool. Bijdr. 4); VM72129 € 5
Husson, A.M., 1955. Tabel voor het determineren van de landzoogdieren van Nederlands Nieuw-Guinea. 35 p., 11 figs, wrps (Zool. Bijdr. 1); VM72112 € 7
Husson, A.M., 1957. Notes on the Primates of Suriname. 28 p., 1 fig., 8 pls, 4 tables, wrps (SFSG1); VM71130 € 6
Husson, A.M., 1960. De zoogdieren van de Nederlandse Antillen / Mammals of the Netherlands Antilles. viii, 171 p., 27 textfigs, 42 pls, endpaper maps, cloth. In Dutch with a chapter-by-chapter English abstract; VM71111 € 10
Husson, A.M., 1962. The Bats of Suriname. 282 p., 39 figs, 30 pls, paperbound. Thesis; VM27694 € 54
Husson, A.M., 1962. The Bats of Suriname. 282 p., 39 figs, 30 pls, cloth. Thesis; VM71087 € 65
Husson, A.M., 1973. Voorlopige lijst van de zoogdieren van Suriname. 15 p., wrps (Zool. Bijdr. 14); VM72111 € 4
IJsseling, M.A. & A. Scheygrond, 1943. De zoogdieren van Nederland. 2 vols. viii, 530 p., 294 figs, 79 pls, hcloth; VM27843 € 65
IJsseling, M.A. & A. Scheygrond, 1962. Onze zoogdieren. x, 310 p., 297 figs, cloth; VM28412 € 24
Illies, J., 1970. Die Affen und wir. Ein Vergleich zwischen Verwandten. 119 p., 79 figs, paperbound; VM28262 € 10
Ingle, N. R. & L.R. Heany, 1992. A key to the Bats of the Philippine islands. iv, 44 p., 60 figs, 5 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. NS 69); VM71275 € 7
Inskipp, T. & J. Barzdo (eds), 1987. World checklist of threatened mammals. Compiled for Nature Conservancy Council of GB. 125 p., paperbound; VM28461 € 14
Iongh, H.H. & H. Prins (eds), 1999. International seminar on species conservation. The IUCN Red List Categories discussed. 128 p., text figs, paperbound (MNC33); VM28072 € 27
Iongh, H.H. & H.H.T. Prins (eds), 2000. Managing the dry African savanna. Options for conservation and sustainable use. 69 p., 10 figs, paperbound (MNC36); VM28104 € 16
Jacobi, A., 1938. Der Seeotter. 93 p., 17 figs & pls, paperbound; VM28154 € 18
Järvi, O., 1935. Über den Bau der Trachea- und Larynxdrüsen und der Drüsenzellen bei einigen Säugetieren. 205 p., 19 figs, 15 pls, paperbound; VM28158 € 24
Jameson, H.L., 1898. On a probable case of protective coloration in the House-Mouse (Mus musculus, Linn.). 10 p., 1 plate, stapled (Jl Linn. Soc. XXVI no. 170); VM71108 € 6
Jamieson, B.G.M. et al., 1995. Advances in spermatozoal phylogeny and taxonomy. 564 p., num. b&w pls, figs & tables, index, hardbound (mnhn166); VM28063 € 78
Jamieson, G.A. & D.M. Robinson (eds) 1977. Mammalian cell membranes vol. 3. Surface membranes of specific cell types. viii, 276 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28122 € 22
Janis, C.M. & K.M. Scott, 1987. The interrelationships of higher ruminant families with special emphasis on the members of the Cervoidea. 85 p., 19 figs, 6 tables, wrps (Novit. 2893); VM71330 € 14
Janos, S., 1972. Emlösök. Mammalia. Rovarevök. Insectivora. 55 p., 24 figs, paperbound. In Hungarian; VM27861 € 12
Jefferson, T.A. & B.D. Smith, 2002. Facultative freshwater Cetaceans of Asia: their ecology and conservation. ii, 187 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VM28068 € 36
Jelgersma, G., 1906. Der Ursprung des Wirbeltierauges. 18 p., 1 col. pl., back wrp missing; VM28281 € 8
Jensen, A.C., 1980. Animaux des mers. 232 p., 194 fullcol. photos, cloth (d.j.); VM28147 € 18
Jentink, F.A., 1882-1883. A monograph of the African Squirrels, with an enumeration of the specimens in the Leyden Museum / List of the specimens of Squirrels in the Leyden Museum. 53, 54 p., paperbound; VM28406 € 20
Jentink, F.A., 1885. A monograph of the genus Cuscus. NLM 7(2): pp. 87-119, loose, unopened; VM00009 € 8
Johnson, C.E., 1927. The Beaver in the Adirondacks. 141 p., 41 figs, 3 maps, paperbound; VM28156 € 25
Johnson, D.H., 1943. Systematic review of the Chipmunks (genus Eutamias) of California. 83 p., 12 figs, 1 pl., paperbound; VM28155 € 14
Johnson, W.M. & D.M. Lavigne, 1999. Monk seals in antiquity. The Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) in ancient history and literature. 110 p., 17 (13 col.) figs, paperbound (MNC35); VM28074 € 31
Johnson, W.M., 2004. Monk seals in post-classical history. The role of the Mediterranean Monk Seal (Monachus monachus) in European history and culture, from the fall of Rome to the 20th century. viii, 91 p., 31 (13 col.) figs, paperbound (MNC39); VM09209 € 32
Jones, J.K. et al., 1995. Contribution to a bibliography of recent Texas mammals, 1981-1990. 64 p., paperbound; VM28195 € 12
Jones, J.K., 1964. Distribution and taxonomy of Mammals of Nebraska. 356 p., 82 figs, paperbound; VM28378 € 28
Jonsson, P., 1999. Reproductive success and space use in voles. ca. 60 p. with various articles on the subject, paperbound. Thesis; VM71318 € 10
Jonstons, J., 1660 (reprint 1976). 578 Afbeeldingen van viervoetige dieren. Olifanten, kamelen, leeuwen. In koper gesneden door Matthias Merian. 82 p., 80 pls, boards; VM71212 € 10
Journal of Mammalogy, 1931. Vol. 12. 461 p., in issues (American Society of Mammalogists); VM28404 € 38
Jullien, R., 1967. Musculature du membre antérieur chez les principaux types d’Insectivores. 68 p., 34 figs, 2 pls, paperbound (unopened) (mnhnnsa48#1); VM71277 € 8
Junge, G.C.A., 1950.
 On a specimen of the rare Fin Whale, Balaenoptera edeni Anderson, stranded on Pulu Sugi near Singapore. 26 p., 9 pls, wrps. Unopened copy. Library stamps on frontcover & titlepage (ZV9); VM72113 € 6
Kahmann, H. & G. Lau, 1972. Der Gartenschläfer Eliomys quercinus ophiusae Thomas, 1925 von der Pityuseninsel Formentera (Lebensführung). 21 p., 4 pls, 3 figs, wrps; VM71294 € 6
Kalela, O. (ed.), 1963. Beiträge zur Biologie des Waldlemmings, Myopus schisticolor (Lillj.). 96 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VM27781 € 10
Kalela, O., 1949. Über Fjeldlemming-Invasionen und andere irreguläre Tierwanderungen, mit einer Übersicht der Kleinnagergradationen in Finnisch-Lappland 1900-1948. 90 p.,  2 tables, 4 photos, 9 maps, paperbound; VM28194 € 14
Kalela, O., 1961. Seasonal change of habitat in the Norwegian Lemming Lemmus lemmus (L.). 72 p., 9 figs, 3 pls, paperbound (Ann. Ac. Sci. Fen. A55); VM27860 € 12
Kampen, P.N. van, 1904. De tympanaalstreek van den zoogdierschedel. xii, 378 p., 93 figs, paperbound, covers missing. Thesis; VM27900 € 24
Kampen, P.N. van, 1904. De tympanaalstreek van den zoogdierschedel. 378 p., 93 figs, cloth. Ex-library copy; VM71138 € 45
Kavanagh, M., 1983. A complete guide to Monkeys, Apes and other primates. 224 p., num. (col.) figs, cloth; VM28252 € 28
Keel, O., 1980. Das Böcklein in der Milch seiner Mutter und Verwandtes. Im Lichte eines altorientalischen Bildmotivs. 163 p., 128 figs, hardbound (d.j.); VM71149 € 28
Keith, L.B., 1963. Wildlife’s ten-year cycle. xvi, 201 p., 23 figs, 2 maps, cloth; VM28116 € 40
Keller, C., 1905. Naturgeschichte der Haustiere. vii, 304 p., 51 figs, boards; VM71153 € 60
Keller, T., 1909. Die Stammesgeschichte unserer Haustiere. 1909. 114 p., 28 figs, cloth; VM28245 € 14
Kellogg, R., 1922. Two publications in one cover: A study of the Californian forms of the Microtus montanus group of meadow Mice / A synopsis of the Microtus mordax group of meadow Mice in California. 30, 28 p., 25, 29 figs, 1 pl., wrps; VM71253 € 8
Kerbert, C., 1913. Mitteilungen über Zaglossus. 18 p., 2 pls, 1 fold. table, folio, wrps (damaged wrps and pages); VM28554 € 12
King, A.A. et al. (eds), 2004. Historical perspective of Rabies in Europe and the Mediterranean basin. 384 p., A4, paperbound; VM71129 € 69
Kinloch, B., 1964. Pipa la mangouste. 164 p., num. b/w photos, paperbound; VM27898 € 12
Kittel, R., 1979. Der Goldhamster. Mesocricetus auratus. 60 p., 36 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28516 € 10
Klijn, E.M.Ch.F., 1979. Ratten, muizen en mensen, de bestrijding van ratten en muizen in het verleden. 72 p., num. figs, paperbound; VM72159 € 8
Klingener, D., 1964. The comparative myology of four Dipodoid rodents (Genera Zapus, Napaeozapus, Sicista, and Jaculus). 100 p., 15 figs, paperbound; VM28583 € 14
Klüver, H., 1961. Behavior mechanisms in monkeys. xvii, 387 p., 52 figs, paperbound; VM27863 € 18
Knussmann, R., 1967. Humerus, Ulna und Radius der Simiae. Vergleichend-morphologische Untersuchungen mit Berücksichtigung der Funktion. ix, 399 p., 228 figs, paperbound; VM27862 € 48
Kobelt, W., 1896. Katalog der aus dem paläarktischen Faunengebiet beschriebenen Säugetiere. 33 p., orig. wrps; VM28302 € 8
Koch, T., 1976 (3rd ed.). Lehrbuch der Veterinär-Anatomie. Band I: Bewegungsapparat. 445 p., 215 figs, 4 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VM28197 € 60
Koch, T., 1976 (3rd ed.). Lehrbuch der Veterinär-Anatomie. Band III: Die grossen Versorgungs- und Steuerungssysteme. 601 p., 203 figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28198 € 75
Koch, W., 1937. Das Gehörn des Steinbockes (Capra siberica Meyer). 72 p., 30 figs, 2 pls, 4to, paperbound; VM27857 € 18
Köhler, W., 1925 (reprint 1948). The mentality of Apes. viii, 336 p., 19 figs, 9 pls, cloth; VM28123 € 30
König, C., 1969. Wildlebende Säugetiere Europas. 256 p., 140 col. photographs, cloth; VM27859 € 18
König, C., 1970. Zoogdieren van Europa. 255 p., num. col. photos, cloth (d.j.); VM71155 € 10
Kohring, R., 1999. Strukturen, Biostratinomie, systematische und phylogenetische Relevanz von Eischalen amnioter Wirbeltiere. 307 p., 14 figs, 82 pls, paperbound; VM27882 € 40
Kollmann, M. & L. Papin, 1915. Étude sur la kératinisation. L’épithélium corné de l’oesophage de quelques Mammifères. 68 p., 3 figs, 2 (1 col.) pls, wrps; VM27858 € 20
Kollmann, M., 1919. Voyage de M. Guy Babault dans l’Afrique orientale Anglaise. Mammifères. 96 p., 19 figs, 5 (1 col.) pls, 1 fold. map, paperbound; VM28477 € 22
Koopman, K.F., T.A. Griffiths et al., 1989-1998. Record of tube-nosed Bat from W. New Guinea (5 p., 1 fig), Biological observations on a collection of New Guinea Syconycteris australis (27 p., 9 figs, 14 tables); Systematics of Megadermatid bats based on hyoid morphology (21 p., 11 figs, 1 table), Phylogenetic systematics of slit-faced bats (17 p., 7 figs, 2 tables), The Bats of Liberia: systematics, ecology and distribution (24 p., 2 tables), Taxonomic status of Lasiurus in the Galapagos islands (6 p., 1 table), wrps (all Novitates); VM71327 € 16
Kopka, T., 1973. Beziehungen zwischen Flügelfläche und Körpergröße bei Chiropteren. 50 p., 11 figs, 6 tables, disbound (Z. wiss. Zool.); VM71360 € 6
Koponen, T., 1970. Age structure in sedentary and migratory populations of the Norwegian lemming, Lemmus lemmus (L.), at Kilpisjärvi in 1960. 47 p., 17 figs, 36 tables, wrps; VM27946 € 8
Krabbe, K.H., 1915. Histologiske undersøgelser over corpus pineale. 108 p., 47 figs, 17 pls, hcloth; VM27733 € 30
Krabbe, K.H., 1919-1929. Bidrag til kundskaben om corpus pineale hos Pattedyrene. 260 p., num. figs & pls, hcloth; VM27734 € 40
Krall, K., 1912. Denkende Tiere. Beiträge zur Tierseelenkunde auf grund eigener Versuche. Der kluge Hans und meine Pferde Muhamed und Zarif. 532 p., 145 figs, 8 pls, paperbound (partly disbound). Dedication; VM27844 € 60
Kramer, M.F., 1960. Spermatogenesis bij de stier. 178 p., 57 figs, 58 tables, 4 pls, paperbound. Thesis; VM27899 € 20
Kranz, P., 1913. Die innere Sekretion als biologischer Faktor bei der Entwicklung des Skeletts und speziell der Zähne der Säugetiere. 51 p., 29 figs, wrps; VM27817 € 10
Krapp, F., 1965. Schädel und Kaumuskulatur von Spalax leucodon (Nordmann, 1840). 71 p., 33 figs, disbound; VM71351 € 14
Kratochvil, J. et al., 1959. Hrabos Polni. Microtus arvalis. 359 p., 57 figs, 16 pls, cloth. In Czech; VM27864 € 38
Kratochvil, J., 1976. Männliche Sexualorgane und System der Gliridae (Rodentia). 52 p., 17 figs, 6 pls, paperbound; VM27853 € 8
Krediet, G., 1933. Kastration intersexueller Säugetiere. 120 p., 37 figs, paperbound; VM27854 € 14
Kretzoi, M. & M., 2000. Index generum et subgenerum mammalium. Fossilium Catalogus I: Animalia, pars 137. 744 p., paperbound (2 parts); VM71187 € 175
Kretzschmar, C., 1923 (2nd ed.). Les Animaux à fourrures. 339 p., 105 figs, 4to, cloth; VM27846 € 48
Krishtalka, L. & R.K. Stucky, 1985. Revision of the Wind River faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming, part 7. Revision of Diacodexis (Mammalia, Artiodactyla). 74 p., 13 figs, stapled (Ann. Carnegie Mus.); VM72161 € 12
Kruijtzer, E.M., 1931. De ontwikkeling van het chondrocranium en enkele kopzenuwen van Megalophrys montana. 168 p., paperbound. Thesis; VM28475 € 16
Krumbiegel, I., 1930-1931. Mammalia. Säugetiere. 377 p., 140 figs, stapled (spine broken); VM28139 € 28
Kuhn, E., 1932. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Säugetierefauna der Schweiz seit dem Neolithikum. 238 p., paperbound; VM27865 € 40
Kuiper, T., 1913. Die funktionellen und hirnanatomischen Befunde bei der Japanischen Tanzmaus. 154 p., 44 pls, 4to, paperbound. Thesis; VM27845 € 42
Kummer, H., 1968. Social organization of Hamadryas Baboons. 189 p., 68 figs, paperbound (back partly taped for library number); VM28188 € 38
Kummer, H., 1995. In quest of the Sacred Baboon. A scientist’s journey. xxiii, 337 p., 49 figs, 8 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VM72110 € 18
Kurtén, B., 1953. On the variation and population dynamics of fossil and recent mammal populations. 122 p., 37 figs, 26 tables, paperbound; VM28119 € 20
Kutt, A.S. et al., 2003. Eastern range extension of Pseudomys hermannsburgensis in Queensland. 6 p., 1 fig., stapled (reprint from Austr. Zool. 32#2); VM71069 € 4
Kutt, A.S., 2003. New records of the Julia Creek Dunnart Sminthopsis douglasi in central-north Queensland. 4 p., 1 fig., 1 table, stapled (reprint from Austr. Zool. 32#2); VM71068 € 4
Labuschagne, R.J. & N.J. van der Merwe, 1973 (7th rev. ed.). Soogdiere van die Krugerwildtuin en andere Nasionale Parke / Mammals of the Kruger and other National Parks. 166 p., ca. 80 col. figs, paperbound; VM28128 € 12
Lacher, T.E., 1981. The comparative social behavior of Kerodon rupestris and Galea spixii and the evolution of behavior in the Caviidae. 71 p., 40 figs, 24 tables, wrps; VM28549 € 10
Laidler, K., 1980. Squirrels in Britain. 192 p., num. figs & (col.) photos, cloth (d.j.); VM27783 € 20
Lamotte, M. & R. Roy (eds), 2003. Le peuplement animal du Mont Nimba (Guinée, Côte d’Ivoire, Liberia). 724 p., 423 (24 col.) figs, 28 tables, 4 annexes, hardbound + CD-ROM (mnhn190). In French; VM71122 € 104
Lancaster, J.B., 1975. Primate behavior and the emergence of human culture. 98 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VM27810 € 12
Landry, S.O., 1957. The interrelationships of the new and old Hystricomorph rodents. 105 p., 37 figs, 5 pls, paperbound; VM27884 € 20
Lange, H., 1975. Hege der Wildnis. Naturschutz und Jagd in Ostafrika. 218 p., num. (col.) photos, 4to, cloth (d.j.); VM27852 € 20
Langguth, A., 1969. Die südamerikanischen Canidae unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Mähnenwolfes Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger (Morphologische, systematische und phylogenetische Untersuchungen). 188 p., 60 figs, 9 (1 folding) tables, disbound; VM71357 € 22
Last, F.T. (ed.) 1984. Deer, their biology, behaviour and impact. Proceedings of a symposium organised by The Royal Society of Edinburgh, held April 1983. 120 p.,  figs & tables, paperbound; VM28506 € 18
Lawrence, B. & W.E. Schevill, 1956. The functional anatomy of the delphinid nose. 49 p., 30 figs, wrps (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 114#4); VM71290 € 10
Lawrence, M.A., 1993. Catalog of recent Mammal types in the American Museum of Natural History. 200 p., 1 portrait, paperbound; VM28085 € 23
Laycock, G., 1986. The wild Bears. x, 272 p., num. (col.) figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28396 € 24
Le Boeuf, B.J. et al., 1983. Size and distribution of the California sea lion population in Mexico. 9 p., 1 fig., 5 tables, stapled (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci.); VM71080 € 6
Leaky, R.E. & L.J. Slikkerveer, 1993. Man-Ape Ape-Man. The quest for human’s place in nature and Dubois’ “Missing Link”. 184 p., num. (col.) figs, paperbound; VM27757 € 25
Leatherwood, S. et al., 1976. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the western North Atlantic. A guide to their identification. 176 p., over 180 photos, stapled; VM28214 € 20
Leatherwood, S. et al., 1982. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the eastern north Pacific and adjacent arctic waters. A guide to their identification. 250 p., num. photographs, 4to, paperbound; VM27847 € 22
Leboucq, H., 1904. Expédition Antarctique Belge. Voyage S.Y. Belgica. Zoologie. Organogénie des Pinnipèdes. I. Les extrémités. 20 p., 6 figs, 2 pls, roy. 4to, wrps; VM28556 € 10
Leche, W., 1886. Über die Säugethiergattung Galeopithecus. Eine morphologische Untersuchung. 92 p., 5 pls, roy. 4to, wrps. Ex-library; VM71321 € 32
Leche, W., 1921. Morphologische-geographische Formenreihe bei den Säugetieren. 76 p., 11 figs, 4to, paperbound; VM28373 € 24
Legel, S., 1989. Nutztiere der Tropen und Subtropen. Band I. Rinder. 467 p., 108 figs, 226 tables, cloth (d.j.); VM27994 € 60
Leger, J.S., 1931. A key to the families and genera of African rodentia. 34 p., 10 col. pls, loose; VM28387 € 25
Leinenga, J.R., 1995. Arctische walvisvangst in de achttiende eeuw. De betekenis van Straat Davis als vangstgebied. 236 p., 27 figs, 7 tables, cloth (d.j.); VM28146 € 24
Leroy, P., 1941. Observations on living Chinese Mole-Rats. 26 p., 13 figs, 1 distribution map, wrps; VM71247 € 10
Lidicker, W.Z. (ed.), 1989. Rodents. A world survey of species of conservation concern. 60 p., various figs, stapled; VM72137 € 12
Lidicker, W.Z., 1960. An analysis of intraspecific variation in the Kangaroo Rat Dipodomys merriami. 92 p., 20 figs, 4 pls, paperbound; VM28385 € 18
Lilljeborg, W., 1866. Systematisk Öfversigt af de gnagande Däggjuren. Glires. 59 p. 2 fold. tables, 4to, wrps (disbound). Some waterstains; VM27850 € 30
Lilly, J.C., 1963. Mens en dolfijn. 144 p., 8 pls, paperbound; VM28097 € 8
Lindburg, D. (ed.), 1980. The Macaques: studies in ecology, behavior and evolution. xii, 384 p., num. figs & tables, cloth (d.j.); VM28233 € 42
Linke, W., 1957. Der Rothirsch. 128 p., 64 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28538 € 14
Linsdale, J.M., 1946. The California ground Squirrel. A record of observations made on the Hastings Natural History Reservation. 475 p., 140 figs, cloth (spine slightly damaged); VM28094 € 30
Linzey, A.V. & J.N. Layne, 1969. Comparative morphology of the male reproductive tract in the rodent genus Peromyscus (Muridae). 47 p., 11 figs, stapled (Novitates 2355); VM71161 € 12
Lista Roja, 1986. Lista roja de los vertebrados de España. 400 p., paperbound; VM28235 € 12
Locchi, R., 1927. A arteria celiaca e suas ramificaçoes no gen. “Bradypus”. Contribuiçao ao estudo anatomico dos Xenarthras brasileiros-I. 24 p., 1 fig., 3 col. pls, disbound; VM71085 € 50
Locher, C.J.S., 1933. Untersuchungen über den Farbensinn von Eichhörnchen. 56 p., 19 figs, paperbound. Thesis; VM28099 € 14
Lockley, R.M., 1966. Grey Seal, Common Seal. An account of the life histories of British seals. 175 p., col. frontispiece, 10 figs, 8 pls, hardbound (d.j.); VM71238 € 14
Lodi, L. et al., 1996. Ocorrencias e conservaçao de Baleias-Francas-do-Sul, Eubalaena australis, no litoral do Brasil. 22 p., 2 figs, 1 tab., stapled; VM71073 € 4
Lönnberg, E., 1901. Studies on ruminants. I & II. 58 p., 3 pls, 4to, wrps; VM28291 € 22
Lönnberg, E., 1903. Material for the study of ruminants. 62 p., 2 pls, wrps; VM28459 € 24
Lönnberg, E., 1912. Anatomical notes on Mammals obtained in British East Africa by the Swedish Zoological Expedition I. 33 p., 3 figs, 2 pls, 4to, wrps; VM28292 € 16
Lönnberg, E., 1917. Mammals collected in Central Africa by Captain E. Arrhenius. 110 p., 11 figs, 12 pls, 4to, paperbound; VM28290 € 40
Lönnberg, E., 1937-1940. 4 papers (all from Arkiv för Zoologi): Notes on some South-American Mammals; Notes on some members of the genus Callicebus (with 1 col. plte); Notes on Marmosets; Notes on some members of the genera Lagothrix and Ateles. wrps; VM71302 € 15
Lord Medway, 1978 (2nd ed.). The wild Mammals of Malaya (Peninsular Malaysia) and Singapore. xxii, 128 p., 11 figs, 15 col. pls, paperbound; VM72126 € 20
Lothes, R., n.d. (ca. 1890). Beiträge zur Anatomie und Physiologie des Schlundkopfes vom Schweine. 50 p., 1 pl., wrps; VM27892 € 10
Love, J.A., 1990. Sea Otters. 136 p., num. figs, 8 col. pls, hardbound; VM27891 € 14
Lovell, N.C., 1990. Patterns of injury and illness in great apes. A skeletal analysis. xiii, 273 p., 17 figs, 17 tables, cloth; VM27881 € 36
Lønø, O., 1970. The polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) in the Svalbard area. 103 p., 22 figs, 6 pls, paperbound; VM28386 € 20
Luckett, W.P. & F.S. Szalay (eds), 1975. Phylogeny of the Primates. A multidisciplinary approach. 497 p., num. figs, cloth; VM27888 € 70
Luna, L. & B.D. Patterson, 2003. A remarkable new Mouse (Muridae: Sigmodontinae) from southeastern Peru: with comments on the affinities of Rhagomys rufescens (Thomas, 1886). iii, 24 p., 12 figs, wrps (Field. Zool.); VM72135 € 5
Lutra, 1952-1963. Vols 1-5. Paperbound in 2 volumes; VM28400 € 50
Lutra, 1974-1980. Vols 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23 in issues; VM28401 € 80
Lutra, 1984. Vol. 27 issue 1. Otternummer. 144 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VM28599 € 12
Lutra, 1984. Vol. 27 issue 3. Themanummer Inventarisatie. 132 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VM28600 € 12
Lutra, 1985-1996. Vols 28-39. In issues; VM28403 € 180
Lutra, 1988-1993. Vols 31-36. In issues; VM28402 € 90
Lydekker, R., 1913/1914. Catalogue of the Ungulate Mammals in the British Museum (Natural History). (3 vols of 5). Vols. I-III. Artiodactyla, Family Bovidae. Subfamilies Bovinae to Ovibovinae, Bubalinae to Reduncinae, Aepycerotinae to Tragelaphinae, Anticarpridae, Giraffidae. xvii, 249 p., 55 figs; xvi, 295 p., 33 figs; xv, 283 p., 50 figs, cloth (each volume); VM71099 € 125
Lyman, Ch.P. & A.R. Dawe, 1960. Mammalian hibernation. Proceedings of the first international symposium, 1959. 549 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VM28425 € 40
Lyman, Ch.P. & R.C. O’Brien, 1977. A laboratory study of the Turkish hamster Mesocricetus brandti. 27 p., 3 figs, stapled; VM27776 € 5
Macdonald, D. (ed.), 1985. All the world’s animals. Primates. 160 p., num. col. photos, cloth; VM28144 € 20
Macdonald, D. (ed.), 1985. All the world’s animals. Carnivores. 160 p., num. col. photos, cloth; VM28145 € 20
Macmillan, R.E., 1964. Population ecology, water relations, and social behavior of a southern California semidesert Rodent fauna. 59 p., 19 figs, 4 pls, paperbound; VM27885 € 12
MacPhee, R.D.E. & P.D. Jenkins, 1987-1993. The shrew Tenrecs of Madagascar: systematic revision and holocene distribution of Microgale (45 p., 13 figs, 5 tables) & A new species of Microgale from E. Madagascar with an unusual dentition (11 p., 8 figs, 1 table), wrps (Novitates 2889+3067); VM71328 € 7
MacPhee, R.D.E., 1994. Morphology, adaptations, and relationships of Plesiorycteropus, and a diagnosis of a new order of eutherian mammals. 214 p., 56 figs, 27 tables, paperbound; VM28225 € 20
Madsen, O., 2003. Resolving Mammalian relationships with molecules. 127 p., several figs, paperbound. Thesis; VM72125 € 15
Maier, W., 1971. Vergleichend-und funktionell-anatomische Untersuchungen an der Vorderextremität von Theropithecus gelada (Rüppel, 1835). 284 p., 21 figs, 13 tables, paperbound; VM27908 € 32
Maier, W., 1980. Konstruktions-morphologische Untersuchungen am Gebiss der rezenten Prosimiae (Primates). 158 p., 45 figs, paperbound; VM27907 € 20
Manning, T.H., 1956. The northern red-backed Mouse, Clethrionomys rutilus (Pallas) in Canada. 68 p., 21 figs, 12 tables, wrps; VM27909 € 14
Marais, E., 1973. The soul of the Ape. 171 p., paperbound (Penguin); VM72120 € 7
Marais, F.J., 1974. The behaviour and population dynamics of a confined colony of striped Mice (Rhabdomys pumilio). 291 p., 56 figs, 17 tables, hardbound. Thesis; VM28246 € 48
Marakow, S.W., 1969. Der Nördliche Seebär. Callorhinus ursonus L. 114 p., 72 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28524 € 10
Mares, M.A. & J.K. Braun, 1986. An international survey of the popular and technical literature of Mammalogy. 61 p., 1 fig., 5 tables, wrps (Ann. Carnegie Mus.); VM72149 € 6
Mares, M.A. et al., 1980. Home range dynamics in chipmunks: responses to experimental manipulation of population density and distribution. 9 p., 1 fig., 2 tables, stapled; VM71065 € 4
Mares, M.A. et al., 1989. Guide to the Mammals of Salta province, Argentina. xv, 303 p., num. figs & maps, cloth (d.j.); VM28356 € 36
Mares, M.A., 1980. Convergent evolution among desert rodents: a global perspective. 51 p., 25 figs, 19 tables, stapled; VM27910 € 8
Marshall, L.G., 1980. Systematics of the South American marsupial family Caenolestidae. 145 p., 36 figs, 20 tables, paperbound; VM27968 € 20
Marshall, L.G., 1982. Systematics of the extinct South American marsupial family Polydolopidae. 110 p., 74 figs, 13 appendices, paperbound; VM27969 € 14
Marshall, L.G., 1982. Systematics of the South American marsupial family Microbiotheriidae. 75 p., 33 figs, 13 tables, paperbound; VM27971 € 10
Martin Duncan, P. (ed.), n.d. Cassell’s popular natural history. Mammalia vol. II. 376 p., ill. with nearly 300 engravings, 12 col. pls, cloth (some pages foxed, not affecting text or pls); VM28452 € 30
Martin, E. & C.B. Martin, 1988. Neushoorns in het nauw. 144 p., num. (col.) photos, cloth (d.j.); VM28547 € 18
Martin, R.E., 1970. Cranial and bacular variation in populations of spiny Rats of the genus Proechimys (Rodentia: Echimyidae) from South America. 19 p., 12 figs, 4 tables, wrps; VM28342 € 8
Martinat-Botté, F. et al., 2000. Ultrasonography and reproduction in Swine. Principles and practical applications. 103 p., num. figs & col. plates, 4to, paperbound; VM71053 € 62
Mathis, M., 1954. Vie et moeurs des Anthropoïdes. 198 p., 20 figs, 8 pls, paperbound; VM27906 € 25
Matthews, L.H., 1952. British Mammals. xii, 410 p., 92 figs, 48 b/w pls, 16 col. pls, cloth (d.j.), some marginal foxing; VM28090 € 20
Matthews, L.H., 1972 (5th impression). British Mammals. xii, 410 p., 92 figs, 48 b/w pls, 16 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VM28091 € 24
Mayer, C., 1924. Jungle beasts I have captured. xii, 269 p., 17 figs, cloth; VM28438 € 35
Mayr, Th., 1912. Die Drüsenknospen Thymus und Tholus am Metapharynx der Säuger. 56 p., 9 figs, 3 col. pls, wrps. Thesis; VM28192 € 12
Mazak, V., 1965. Der Tiger. Panthera tigris L., 1758. 162 p., 61 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28518 € 15
McCullough, D.R., 1969. The Tule Elk. Its history, behavior, and ecology. vii, 209 p., frontispiece, 41 figs, 8 pls, 30 tables, paperbound (Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool. 88); VM71224 € 26
McDonald Brearly, J., 1978. The book of the Afghan hound. 477 p., hundreds of b/w photos, 61 col. photographs, 4to, hardbound; VM71197 € 30
McSpadden, J.W. (ed.), 1941-1942. Animals of the world. Mammals of America.  Mammals of other lands. 354 p., num. figs & pls (some col.), 4to, cloth (soiled); VM27916 € 42
Meester, J.A.J. et al., 1986. Classification of Southern African Mammals. (x), 359 p., 1 map, 4to, hardbound (d.j.) (Transvaal Mus. Monograph 5); VM71195 € 44
Mehl, S., ca. 1928. Beiträge zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte der Bisamratte. 60 p., 32 figs, 21 pls, paperbound; VM27914 € 15
Meijaard, E., 1999. Ursus (Helarctos) Malayanus, the neglected Malayan sun bear. 70 p., 7 figs, 3 col. pls, paperbound (MNC34); VM28081 € 17
Meijere, J.C.H. de, 1894. Über die Haare der Säugethiere, besonders über ihre Anordnung. 114 p., paperbound; VM28347 € 14
Meinertz, Th., 1941. Das oberflächliche Facialisgebiet der Nager. 152 p., 68 figs, hcloth; VM27735 € 25
Meise, W., 1951. Der Abendsegler. 42 p., 13 figs, paperbound (d.j.), (Neue Brehm-Bücherei 42). Ex-library copy; VM71134 € 10
Mendelssohn, H. & Y. Yom-Tov, 1999. Mammalia of Israel. (vi), 439 p., col. frontispiece, 188 figs, 179 tables, 37 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.) (IAMAM); VM28073 € 84
Meng, J. et al., 2003. The osteology of Rhombomylus (Mammalia, Glires): implications for phylogeny and evolution of glires. 247 p., 81 figs, 5 tables, paperbound; VM28421 € 50
Merriam, C.H., 1895. Monographic revision of the pocket Gophers, family Geomyidae. 258 p., 71 figs, 19 pls, 4 col. maps, paperbound. Unopened copy; VM27923 € 38
Michielsen, N.C., 1966. Intraspecific and interspecific competition in the shrews Sorex araneus and S. minutus. 104 p., 19 figs, paperbound (no covers). Arch. Neer. Zool. XVII#1 (p. 73-174); VM27913 € 12
Milaire, J., 1965. Étude morphogénérique de trois malformations congénitales de l’autopode chez la Souris (Syndactylisme - Brachypodisme - Hémimélie dominante) par des méthodes cytochimiques. 120 p., 155 figs, 4to, paperbound; VM27944 € 16
Miller, G.S. & J.A.G. Rehn, 1901. Systematic results of the study of North American Land Mammals to the close of the year 1900. 352 p., paperbound, worn wrps; VM27922 € 40
Miller, G.S., 1912. List of North American Land Mammals in the United States National Museum, 1911. 455 p., paperbound; VM27911 € 45
Miller, G.S., 1924. List of North American recent Mammals, 1923. 673 p., cloth; VM27912 € 60
Miller, G.S., 1942. Zoological results of the George Vanderbilt Sumatran Expedition, 1936-1939. Part V.- Mammals collected by F.A. Ulmer, on Sumatra and Nias. 59 p., 4 pls, disbound; VM28286 € 10
Milne-Edwards, A., 1867. Note sur une nouvelle espèce du genre Nycticebus provenant de Siam et de Conchochine. 5 p., 1 beautiful col. pl., 4to, orig. wrps. Somewhat foxed; VM27921 € 12
Milne-Edwards, A., n.d. (ca. 1867). Mémoire sur le type d’une nouvelle famille de l’ordre des Rongeurs (Lophiomyidae). 38 p., 3 (1 col.) pls, 4to, stapled. Folded. Two pls foxed; VM28479 € 30
Milne-Edwards, A., n.d. (ca. 1874). Note sur l’Élaphurus davidianus, une espèce nouvelle de la famille des cerfs. 14 p., 3 (1 col.) pls, 4to, wrps (front wrapper missing). Text with water damage; VM28478 € 25
Miranda Ribeiro, A. de, 1918. Os veados do Brasil segundo as colleções Rondon e de varios museus nacionaes e estrangeiros. 89 p., 25 (1 col.) pls, map missing, disbound; VM27918 € 20
Misonne, X., 1959. Analyse zoogéographique des mammifères de l’Iran. 156 p., figs, tables, 3 pls, maps, roy. 4to,  paperbound; VM28415 € 38
Missione Biologica Sagan - Omo, 1943. Volume settimo. Zoologia - I. Mammalia - Aves - Reptilia - Amphibia - Pisces. 375 p., num. figs & pls (1 col. plate), paperbound (unopened) (Reale Accademia d’Italia); VM71276 € 42
Mitchell, B. et al., 1977. Ecology of red Deer. 74 p., 4 figs, 12 pls, 4to, paperbound; VM27920 € 15
Moeller, H., 1968. Zur Frage der Parallelerscheinungen bei Metatheria und Eutheria. Vergleichende Untersuchungen an Beutelwolf und Wolf. 110 p., 43 figs, 7 tables, disbound; VM71347 € 14
Moeller, H., 1973. Zur Kenntnis der Schädelgestalt großer Raubbeutler (Dasyuridae Waterhouse, 1838). Eine allometrische Formanalyse. 67 p., 29 figs, disbound (Zool. Jb. Anat. 91); VM71339 € 7
Moeller, W., 1968. Allometrische Analyse der Gürteltierschädel. Ein Beitrag zur Phylogenie der Dasypodidae Bonaparte, 1838. 118 p., 55 figs, disbound (Zool. Jb. Anat. 85); VM71343 € 14
Mörzer Bruyns, W.F.J., 1971. Field guide of whales and dolphins. 258 p.,  96 species ill. (partly col.),  maps & charts, endpaper maps, paperbound (d.j.); VM72114 € 40
Mohr, E., 1959. Das Urwildpferd. Equus przewalskii Poljakoff 1881. 144 p., 87 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28529 € 16
Mohr, E., 1961. Glossarium Europaea Mammalium Terrestrium. 72 p., paperbound; VM27917 € 12
Montgomery, G.G., 1974. Communication in red Fox dyads: A computer simulation study. 30 p., 16 figs, 9 tables, stapled; VM28115 € 8
Moore, J.C. & G.G. Musser, 1958-1970. 3 papers by Moore on Asian squirrels; 1 paper by Musser: Identity of the type-specimens of Sciurus aureogaster & Sciurus nigrescens. wrps (Novitates); VM71308 € 9
Moore, J.C., 1959. Relationships among living Squirrels of the Sciurinae. 54 p., 7 figs, 3 tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 118#4); VM71383 € 8
Moore, J.C., 1961. Geographic variation in some reproductive characteristics of diurnal Squirrels. 32 p., 9 tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 122 art 1); VM71300 € 6
Morton Boyd, J. (ed.), 1992. Fraser Darling in Africa. A rhino in the whistling thorn. xii, 307 p., num. (col.) photos, cloth (d.j.); VM27878 € 24
Moss, C., 1989. Onder olifanten. Veertien jaar met een Afrikaanse olifanten-familie. 280 p., 32 (16 col.) pls, paperbound; VM27933 € 16
Mountfort, G., 1969. The vanishing jungle. The story of the World Wildlife Fund expeditions to Pakistan. 286 p., 60 (some col.) figs, cloth; VM27932 € 30
Møller, J., 1901. Undersøgler over den komparative anatomi af larynxmuskulaturen hos pattedyrene med saerligt henblick på mennesket. 176 p., 129 figs,  4to, paperbound, loose back cover; VM27919 € 32
Mugaas, J.N. et al., 1993. Metabolic adaptation to climate and distribution of the raccoon Procyon lotor and other Procyonidae. iv, 34 p., 8 figs, 12 tables, wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 542); VM71324 € 6
Mullen, D.A., 1968. Reproduction in brown Lemmings (Lemmus trimucronatus) and its relevance to their cycle of abundance. 24 p., 8 figs, 7 tables, wrps (Un. Calif. Publ. Zool. 85); VM71176 € 8
Murie, J., 1872. On the form and structure of the Manatee (Manatus americanus). 77 p., 1 pl. figs 1 & 2 (missing  9 pls, figs 3-50!), disbound (and 1 other paper on the Manatee by Robert T. Hatt); VM28483 € 20
Murie, J., 1880. Further observations on the Manatee. 30 p., 5 pls, 4to, disbound; VM27937 € 28
Musser, G.G. & L.A. Durden, 2002. Sulawesi rodents: Description of a new genus and species of Murinae (Muridae, Rodentia) and its parasitic new species of sucking Louse (Insecta, Anoplura). 50 p., 26 figs, 3 tables, stapled; VM28607 € 10
Musser, G.G. & L.R. Heaney, 1992. Philippine rodents: Definitions of Tarsomys and Limnomys plus a preliminary assessment of phylogenetic patterns among native Philippine Murines (Muridae). 138 p., 79 figs, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 211); VM27866 € 18
Musser, G.G. & M. Dogosto, 1987. The identity of Tarsius pumilis, a pygmy species endemic to the montane mossy forests of central Sulawesi. 53 p., 29 figs, 7 tables, wrps (Novit. 2867); VM71394 € 7
Musser, G.G. et al., 1998. Systematic studies of Oryzomyine rodents (Muridae, Sigmodontinae): Diagnoses and distributions of species formerly assigned to Oryzomys “Capito”. 376 p., 151 figs, paperbound; VM27867 € 35
Musser, G.G. et al., 1998. Philippine rodents: redefinitions of known species of Batomys (Muridae, Murinae) and description of a new species from Dinagat island. 51 p., 29 figs, 6 tables, wrps (Novit. 3237); VM71395 € 5
Musser, G.G., 1968. A systematic study of the Mexican and Guatemalan gray Squirrel, Sciurus aureogaster F. Cuvier (Rodentia: Sciuridae). 112 p., 34 (4 col.) figs, 6 tables, paperbound (Misc. Pub. Mus. Zool. Un. Michigan 137); VM71314 € 15
Musser, G.G., 1969-1971. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, Nos 89, 91, 92, 93, 94. Notes on taxonomic status of Rattus aspinatus, New genus and species murid rodent Celebes, Taxonomic notes on Rattus dollmani Celebes, Reidentification of Mus callitrichus, Taxonomic status Rattus tatei Middle Celebes. 128 p., 24 figs, 13 tables, wrps. We added: A new species of Rattus from the Snow Mountains of Netherlands New Guinea, by G.H.H. Tate (3 p.); VM71403 € 18
Musser, G.G., 1970-1994. 6 papers (2 by Goodwin: 1 on Mexican Cotton Rats, 1 on Mexican tree-climbing rats) on Rats from India, Philippines, and Bandicoot rats from Thailand. wrps (All Am. Mus. Novitates); VM71304 € 16
Musser, G.G., 1979. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, No. 102. The species of Chiropodomys, arboreal mice of Indochina and the Malay archipelago. 69 p., 16 figs, 7 tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 162#6); VM71404 € 18
Musser, G.G., 1981. A new genus of arboreal Rat from west Java, Indonesia. 35 p., 7 tables, 4 pls, paperbound (ZV189); VM72176 € 8
Musser, G.G., 1987-1993. 4 papers: Occurrence of Hadromys in early Pleistocene Siwalik strata N. Pakistan (36 p., 13 figs, 3 tables); Sulawesi rodents: Species traits and chromosomes of Haeromys and Echiotrix (18 p., 10 figs, 1 table); Sulawesi and Philippine rodents: a survey of spermatozoal morphology (15 p., 2 figs, 1 table); Philippine rodents: chromosomal characteristics and their significance for phylogenetic inference among 13 species (34 p., 8 figs, 2 tables), wrps (Novitates 2883-2989-3003-3064); VM71326 € 16
Musser, G.G., 1991. Sulawesi rodents: Descriptions of new species of Bunomys and Maxomys (Muridae, Murinae). 41 p., 22 figs, 7 tables, wrps (Novit. 3001); VM71393 € 5
Mustrangi, M.A. & J.L. Patton, 1997. Phylogeography and systematics of the slender Mouse Opossum Marmosops (Marsupialia, Didelphidae). 86 p., 23 figs, 7 tables, paperbound; VM28509 € 14
Muul, I., 1968. Behavioral and physiological influences on the distribution of the flying Squirrel, Glaucomys volans. 66 p., frontispiece, 26 figs, 2 tables, wrps; VM71182 € 12
Myers, Ph., 1990. A review of the Boliviensis group of Akodon (Muridae: Sigmodontinae), with emphasis on Peru and Bolivia. 104 p., 28 figs, 14 tables, stapled; VM28588 € 14
Naaktgeboren, C., 1963. Untersuchungen über die Geburt der Säugetiere. 50 p., 24 figs, 13 tables, wrps; VM27939 € 14
Nagy, M.R., 1970. Effect of feeding Rats on diets with different proteins for one hour daily on liveweight, feed intake, body composition and free amino acids in blood. 102 p., 7 figs, 21 tables, paperbound. Thesis; VM28024 € 14
Nandi, S., 1959. Hormonal control of mammogenesis and lactogenesis in the C3H/He Crgl Mouse. 128 p., 23 pls, paperbound; VM27999 € 20
Napier, J. & N.A. Barnicot, 1963. The Primates. The Proceedings of the symposium held at the offices of the Zoological Society of London. 285 p., num. figs & pls, cloth; VM27930 € 45
Napier, J. & P.H. Napier, 1967. A handbook of living Primates. Morphology, ecology and behaviour of nonhuman Primates. 456 p., 114 pls, cloth (one hinge loose); VM27931 € 60
Napier, J.R. & P.H. Napier, 1985. The natural history of the primates. 200 p., num. (col.) figs, cloth (d.j.); VM27868 € 30
Negus, N.C. et al., 1961. Ecology of the rice rat, Oryzomys palustris (Harlan), on Breton Island, Gulf of Mexico, with a critique of the social stress theory. 28 p., 12 figs, 6 tables, wrps; VM28578 € 8
Nellis, D.W. & C.O.R. Everard, 1983. The biology of the Mongoose in the Caribbean. 162 p., 37 figs, paperbound (SFC64); VM27877 € 20
Nevo, A. et al., 2001. Adaptive radiation of blind subterranean Mole Rats: Naming and revisiting the four sibling species of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies in Israel. 200 p., 72 figs, 48 tables, paperbound; VM28224 € 42
Nichol, J., 1987. The animal smugglers. x, 198 p., num. figs, 14 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VM28429 € 16
Niemand, H.G., 1974 (3rd ed.). Praktikum der Hundeklinik. xv, 651 p., 499 figs, 3 col. pls, 49 tables, cloth (d.j.); VM28270 € 68
Nilsson, T., 1934. Vorläufige Mitteilung über einen Stegocephalenfund aus dem Rhät Schonens. 16 p., wrps; VM71070 € 4
Nooteboom, H.P. (ed.), 1996. The Aru archipelago: plants, animals, people, and conservation. 115 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound (MNC30); VM28365 € 20
Nor, S.M., 1996. The Mammalian fauna on the islands at the northern tip of Sabah, Borneo. 51 p., 10 figs, 15 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 83); VM71379 € 5
Norris, K.S. et al., 1994. The Hawaiian spinner Dolphin. xxiii, 408 p., 102 figs, hcloth (d.j.); VM72108 € 30
North American Fauna, 1909-1918. 5 issues in one clothbound volume: 28: W.H. Osgood: Revision of the Mice of the American genus Peromyscus (285 p., 12 figs, 8 pls); 37: A.H. Howell: Revision of the American Marmots (77 p., 3 figs, 15 pls);  38: H.H.T. Jackson: A review of the American Moles (100 p., 27 figs, 6 pls);  43: E.A. Goldman: The rice Rats of North America (98 p., 11 figs, 6 pls); 44: A.H. Howell: Revision of the American flying Squirrels (64 p., 4 figs, 7 pls); VM72131 € 100
Novikov, G.A., 1956. Carnivora of the USSR. 293 p., 191 figs, 1 col. pl., hcloth. In Russian; VM27806 € 35
Novoselova, T.A., 2007. Analysis of adoption of genetic modification in pork production chains. (ix), 150 p., figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis; VM71257 € 14
O’Connor, J., 1977 (rev. & updated ed.). The big game animals of North America. xi, 238 p., 135 figs, 20 col. pls, roy. 4to, cloth (d.j.); VM28455 € 18
Ökland, F., 1937. Die geographischen Rassen der extramarinen Wirbeltiere Europas. 94 p., paperbound; VM27872 € 14
Ognev, S.I., 1950. Mammals of the USSR and surrounding countries. VII. Glires. 706 p., 347 figs, 10 col. pls, 15 maps, cloth. In Russian; VM27876 € 60
Ognev, S.I., 1959. Säugetiere und ihre Welt. viii, 362 p., num. (col.) figs & tables, cloth (d.j.); VM28434 € 42
Ohlin, A., 1893. Some remarks on the Bottlenose-Whale (Hyperoodon). 13 p., 1 folding plte, wrps; VM71319 € 18
Oijen, G.A.M., 1968. Onze roofdieren. 84 p., num. drawings, hardbound; VM28413 € 10
Oordt, G.J. van, 1921. Early developmental stages of Manis javanica Desm. 102 p., 6 fold. pls, paperbound; VM27871 € 25
Oort, G. van, 1978. De vos. 183 p., 45 figs, hardbound (d.j.) (Dieren Dichterbij no. 6); VM28486 € 10
Orr, R.T. et al., 1965-1970. 2 papers (42 p., 23 figs, wrps). The California Sea Lion: Skull growth and a comparison of two populations / The Pinniped population of Año Nuevo Island, California (Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci.); VM72152 € 6
Osgood, W.H., 1921. A monographic study of the American marsupial, Caenolestes. 162 p., 21 pls (back wrapper missing); VM27950 € 30
Oudemans, J.Th., 1892. Die Accessorischen Geschlechtsdrüsen der Säugethiere. Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchung. 96 p., 16 pls, 4to, boards (loose, spine broken & taped) (Natuurk. verh. Holl. maatsch. Wetensch. Derde Verz. Deel V, Tweede Stuk); VM71227 € 40
Ouden, M. den, 1996. Economic modelling of pork production-marketing chains. (xii), 168 p., paperbound; VM71123 € 28
Owen, R.D., 1987. Phylogenetic analyses of the Bat subfamily Stenodermatinae (Mammalia: Chiroptera). 65 p., 19 figs, cloth (d.j.); VM27713 € 24
Oxnard, Ch.E., 1983. The order of man. A biomathematical anatomy of the primates. 366 p., num. figs, paperbound; VM27848 € 22
Palm, W.H.G., 1946. Walvisschen en walvischvaart. 199 p., 30 figs, 4 b&w photos, folding map, paperbound; VM72115 € 20
Palmer, T.S., 1896. The Jack Rabbits of the United States. 84 p., frontispiece, 2 figs, 6 pls, wrps (loose & taped); VM71256 € 12
Palmer, T.S., 1897 (revised ed.). The Jack Rabbits of the United States. 88 p., frontispiece, 3 figs, 6 pls, wrps; VM71255 € 12
Palmgren, A., 1921. Embryological and morphological studies on the mid-brain and cerebellum of Vertebrates. 94 p., 119 figs, paperbound. Thesis (excerpt from Acta Zoologica Band 2); VM71297 € 16
Parsons, F.G., 1899. The position of Anomalurus as indicated by its myology. 18 p., 5 figs, disbound (Jl Linn. Soc. 27#176/II); VM71105 € 5
Patterson, B.D. et al., 2006. Mammals and Birds of the Manu Biosphere Reserve, Peru. 49 p., 4 figs, paperbound (Fieldiana Zool. NS 110); VM71225 € 8
Patterson, B.D., 1992. Mammals in the Royal Natural History Museum, Stockholm, collected in Brazil and Bolivia by A.M. Olalla during 1934-1938. 42 p., 18 figs, wrps; VM27758 € 8
Patton, J.L. & M.F. Smith, 1990. The evolutionary dynamics of the Pocket Gopher Thomomys bottae, with emphasis on California populations. xvi, 161 p., num. figs, paperbound; VM27874 € 25
Paula Couto, C. de, 1952. As sucessivas faunas de Mamíferos terrestres no continente Americano. 159 p., 91 figs, paperbound (Publ. Avulsas Mus. Nac.); VM28176 € 25
Paulli, S., 1899. Om pneumaticiteten af kraniet hos pattedyrene. En morfologisk studie. 178 p., 96 figs, 11 pls, contemporary hcalf; VM28355 € 60
Pawlinin, W., 1966. Der Zobel. Martes zibellina. 102 p., 46 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28519 € 10
Pearson, A.M., 1962. Activity patterns, energy metabolism, and growth rate of the voles Clethrionomys rufocanus and C. glareolus in Finland. 58 p., 24 figs, wrps; VM27935 € 10
Pearson, O.P., 1958. A taxonomic revision of the rodent genus Phyllotis. 91 p., 21 figs, 8 pls, paperbound; VM27886 € 16
Pedersen, A., 1951. Rosmarus en beretning om hvalrossens liv og historie. 98 p., num. figs, paperbound, unopened copy; VM28397 € 18
Pedersen, A., 1957. Der Eisbär. 64 p., 34 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28532 € 10
Pedersen, A., 1958. Der Moschusochs. Ovibos moschatus. 54 p., 32 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28533 € 10
Pellegatti-Franco, F. & P. Gnaspini, 1996. Use of caves by Philander opossum (Didelphidae) in southeastern Brazil. 14 p., 1 fig., 3 tables, stapled; VM71064 € 4
Penny, M., 1987. Rhinos. Endangered species. 116 p., 19 figs, 19 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VM28437 € 18
Péron, F. & C.A. Lesueur, 1816. Notice sur l’habitation des Animaux marins (1), Notice sur l’habitation des Phoques (1). 14 p., wrps; VM28317 € 15
Perrier, E., 1932. Traité de zoologie. Les Mammifères. 267 p., 166 figs, disbound; VM28163 € 14
Peters, G., 1978. Vergleichende Untersuchung zur Lautgebung einiger Feliden (Mammalia, Felidae). 204 p., 324 figs, 20 tables, paperbound (SpixSub1); VM28465 € 22
Petit-Maire-Heintz, N., 1958. Etude comparative de la croissance de la mandibule chez l’homme et les singes anthropoïdes. Position des mandibules d’hommes fossiles par rapport à ces formes actuelles. 64 p., 21 figs, paperbound; VM27945 € 14
Petit-Maire-Heintz, N., 1958. Etude comparative de la croissance de la mandibule chez l’homme et les singes anthropoïdes. Position des mandibules d’hommes fossiles par rapport à ces formes actuelles. 64 p., 21 figs, boards; VM28457 € 18
Petit, G., 1925. Recherches anatomiques sur l’appareil génito-urinaire male des Sireniens.  326 p., 74 figs, disbound; VM28482 € 20
Petzsch, H., 1950. Der Hamster. 54 p., 26 photos, wrps; VM27954 € 8
Petzsch, H., 1966/1969/1972/1975. Urania Tierreich. Säugetiere. 487 p., num. (many col.) photographs, cloth; VM27940 € 20
Petzsch, H., 1986 (5th ed.). Urania Tierreich. Säugetiere. 604 p., num. (many col.) photographs, hardbound; VM27941 € 24
Phillips, C.J., 1971. The dentition of glossophagine Bats: Development, morphological characteristics, variation, pathology, and evolution. 138 p., 49 figs, paperbound; VM27952 € 20
Pienaar, A.A., 1923. The adventures of a Lion family and other studies of wild life in East Africa.  256 p., num. figs, cloth; VM28399 € 24
Pienaar, U. de V. et al., 1987. Field guide to the mammals of the Kruger National Park. 176 p., over 150 col. photos, paperbound; VM28128 € 12
Piétrement, C.A., 1883. Les Chevaux dans les temps préhistoriques et historiques. 776 p., paperbound; VM27953 € 110
Pilgrim, G.E., 1937. Siwalik Antelopes and Oxen in the American Museum of Natural History. 146 p., 81 figs, paperbound. Unopened; VM71244 € 22
Pinder, L., 1999. Marsh deer (Blastocerus dichotomus) ranging patterns in the Paraná River valley, Brazil. 10 p., stapled; VM71062 € 4
Pinto Machado Correia da Silva, J., 1966. O endosqueleto da mao e do pé dum elefante (Loxodonta cyclotis Matschie). 128 p., 11 figs, 14 tables, disbound; VM71359 € 15
Pira, A., ca. 1908. Studien zur geschichte der Schweinerassen, insbesondere derjenigen Schwedens. 192 p., num. figs & tables, disbound (Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. X); VM28484 € 14
Platzer, W., 1974. Morphologie der Kreislauforgane der Säugetiere. 106 p., 63 figs, 4to, paperbound; VM27927 € 16
Pleistocene, Eocene, Oligocene Mammals, 1961-1983. 9 papers, by J.E. Guilday, M.R. Dawson, C.C. Black, W.W. Korth, L. Krishtalka & R.K. Stucky, and R.M. West. 208 pages, num. figs, stapled (Ann. Carnegie Mus.); VM72147 € 28
Podani, J., 2000. Introduction to the exploration of multivariate biological data. vi, 407 p., 137 figs, 31 tables, paperbound; VM28076 € 55
Poduschka, W. & C. Poduschka, 1974. Onze eigen egel. Gedrag en grootbrengen van egels. 118 p., 53 photos, cloth; VM28487 € 10
Poeschel, H., 1989. African impressions.  Wildlife in African National Parks - the view of a scientific illustrator. 264 drawings, (oblong) hardbound, bilingual: English-German; VM28488 € 27
Pohle, C., 1970. Biometrische Untersuchungen am Schädel des Farmnerzes (Mustela vision). 40 p., 15 figs, 11 tables, disbound; VM71358 € 5
Porter, V., 1993. Pigs: a handbook to the breeds of the world. xv, 256 p., 21 figs, 24 col. pls, 4 maps, hardbound (d.j.); VM72104 € 28
Portielje, A.F.J., n.d. (ca. 1938). Triebleben bezw. intelligente Äusserungen beim Orang-Utan, Pongo pygmaeus Hoppius. 54 p., 6 pls, wrps; VM27934 € 10
Pouchet, G., 1886. De l’asymétrie de la face chez les Cétodontes. 16 p., 4to, some foxing, wrps; VM28311 € 12
Poulter, Th.C., 1969. 2 papers. 1: Sonar of penguins and fur seals. 18 p., 8 figs, stapled. 2: Sonar discrimination ability of the California Sea Lion. Zalophus californianus. 9 p., 5 figs, 1 table, stapled; VM71166 € 6
Prater, S.H., 1965 (rev. reprint 1980). The book of Indian animals. xxiv, 324 p., num. (28 col.) figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28264 € 24
Preble, E.A., 1899. Revision of the Jumping Mice of the genus Zapus. 41 p., 4 figs, 1 pl., paperbound; VM27951 € 10
Pruitt, W.O., 1959. Microclimates and local distribution of small Mammals on the George Reserve, Michigan. 27 p., 6 figs, stapled; VM28587 € 8
Pucheran, H., 1860. Des caractères zoologiques des Mammifères dans leurs rapports avec les fonctions de locomotion. 99 p., 4to, wrps. Dedication to Prof. Moquin Tandon; VM28454 € 50
Punt, A. et al., 1980. De Nederlandse vleermuizen. 59 p., 13 figs, 8 pls, wrps (WMKNNV104); VM27929 € 10
Pycraft, W.P. et al., 1910. Guide to the British Vertebrates exhibited in the department of zoology, British Museum (Natural History). 122 p., 26 figs, boards; VM27870 € 20
Rabinowitz, A., 1987. Jaguar. One man’s struggle to save Jaguars in the wild. x, 368 p., 16 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VM28388 € 18
Rahm, U., 1980. Die afrikanische Wurzelratte. Tachyoryctes. 60 p., 40 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28526 € 10
Ramos Bezerra, A.M., 2004. A coleçao de Mamíferos preservados em meio líquido do Museu Nacional. 11 p., wrps; VM71072 € 6
Rand, A.L., 1947. The 1945 status of the pronghorn Antelope, Antilocarpa americana (Ord), in Canada. 34 p., stapled; VM28590 € 8
Rasa, A.E., 1986. Die perfekte Familie. Leben und Sozialverhalten der afrikanischen Zwergmungos. 327 p., b/w & col. photos, cloth (d.j.); VM28212 € 20
Raswan, C.R., n.d. (ca. 1960). Trinker der Lüfte. Auf der Suche nach Ismaels Pferden zwischen Euphrat und Nil. 173 p., 20 pls, cloth (d.j.); VM71147 € 24
Rautenbach, I.L., 1970. Ageing criteria in the Springbok, Antidorcas marsupialis (Zimmermann, 1780). 48 p., 23 figs, 13 tables, 4to, cloth; VM28223 € 18
Rawlins, R.G. & M.J. Kessler (eds), 1986. The Cayo Santiago Macaques. History, behavior & biology. 306 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound; VM28220 € 16
Reest, P.J. van der, 1989. Kleine zoogdieren in wegbermen. Verslag van een oriënterend onderzoek naar de ecologie van kleine zoogdieren in Nederlandse wegbermen, uitgevoerd van 1987-1989. 127 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VM28308 € 12
Reeve, N., 1994. Hedgehogs. 313 p., 60 figs, 20 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VM27795 € 20
Reinhold, J.O., 1994. Risico-analyse van het foerageren boven verontreinigde waterbodems door de Meervleermuis en de Watervleermuis. 76 p., maps, appendices, paperbound. We added: Jaarverslag Vleermuisonderzoek Noord-Brabant 1990; VM72140 € 12
Reiser, E., 1903. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über die Skelettmuskulatur von Hirsch, Reh, Schaf und Ziege. 42 p., 4 pls, wrps; VM27925 € 10
Rempe, U., 1970. Morphometrische Untersuchungen an Iltisschädeln zur Klärung der Verwandtschaft von Steppeniltis, Waldiltis und Frettchen. Analyse eines “Grenzfalles” zwischen Unterart und Art. 183 p., 15 figs, 2 sketches, 32 tables, disbound; VM71356 € 22
Renvall, T., 1903. Däggdjurslefvern, dess form och flikar speciellt hos gnagarne. 192 p., 71 figs, 6 pls, disbound; VM27924 € 16
Repérant, J., 1971. Morphologie comparée de l’encéphale et du moulage endocrânien chez les Tylopodes actuels (Mammifères, Artiodactyles). 138 p., 17 figs, 9 pls, paperbound (Bull. mnhn zool. 4); VM28499 € 18
Research in Zoos and Aquariums, 1975. A symposium held at the Forty-ninth Conference of the American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums, Houston, Texas, 1973. 215 p., figs & tables, paperbound; VM28289 € 16
Reumer, J.W.F. & J. de Vos (eds), 1999. Elephants have a snorkel! Papers in honour of Paul Y. Sondaar. 421 p., num. figs, pls & tables, paperbound (Deinsea 7); VM71143 € 55
Revilliod, P., 1913. Katalog der Osteologischen Sammlung des Naturhistorischen Museums in Basel. 42 p., wrps; VM27975 € 8
Révoil, B.-H., 1867. Histoire physiologique et anecdotique des Chiens de toutes les races. (Préface et post-face par Alexandre Dumas). vii, 394 p., b/w drawings, paperbound. Foxed throughout, still a fine copy; VM28249 € 76
Ribbing, L., 1909. Die Unterschenkel- und Fussmuskulatur der Tetrapoden und ihr Verhalten zu der entsprechenden Arm- und Handmuskulatur. 158 p., 37 figs, roy. 4to, wrps (unopened). Ex-library; VM71322 € 25
Rice, D.W. et al., 1965. Pinniped populations at Islas Guadalupe, San Benito, and Credos, Baja California, in 1965. 12 p., 5 figs, 3 tables, wrps; VM71167 € 4
Richter, J., 1926. Zwillings- und Mehrlingsgeburten bei unseren landwirtschaftlichen Haussäugetieren. 119 p., 13 tables, paperbound; VM27666 € 16
Rickart, E.A. et al., 1993. The distribution and ecology of Mammals on Leyte, Biliran, and Maripipi Islands, Philippines. 62 p., 17 figs, 20 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool.); VM27759 € 10
Riethe, P., 1955. Zur Phylogenie des Primatengebisses. Untersuchungen über das Vorkommen vierter Morlaren im Primatenstamm. 77 p., 14 figs, paperbound; VM27956 € 15
Rijlant, P., 1931. La conduction dans le coeur du mammifère. 180 p., 103 figs, 17 pls, paperbound; VM27974 € 18
Ringström, T., 1927. Über quartäre und jungtertiäre Rhinocerotiden aus China und der Mongolei. 23 p., 1 fig., 2 pls, 4to, wrps; VM71285 € 15
Rinker, G.C., 1954. The comparative myology of the Mammalian genera Sigmodon, Oryzomys, Neotoma, and Permyscus (Cricetinae), with remarks on their intergeneric relationships. 124 p., 18 pls, paperbound; VM27957 € 22
Roberts, A., 1951 (1st ed.). The Mammals of South Africa. xlviii, 700 p., col. frontispiece, 23 col. & 54 b/w pls, tables, original green cloth, gilt back, spine slightly faded, very good copy; VM28248 € 70
Rode, P., 1946. Petit atlas des Mammifères. Parts I-IV (complete). 317 p., 74 figs, 48 col. pls, nicely clothbound; VM27961 € 40
Rodentia, 1927-1998. 13 papers (mainly from Annals Carnegie Museum) on rodents. Ca. 220 p., num. figs; VM72127 € 20
Rodentia, 1963-2006. 12 papers (8 from Am. Mus. Novitates, 2 from Bull. MCZ, 2 from Univ. Michigan) on rodents. by various authors, wrps; VM71316 € 20
Rodrigues Gonçalves, P. et al., 2007. Systematics of species of the genus Akodon (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae) in southeastern Brazil and implications for the biogeography of the Campos de Altitude. 24 p., 4 tables, 9 figs, 4to, wrps (Un. Michigan Misc. Publ. 197); VM71317 € 10
Rörig, G., 1909. Die nordische Wühlratte, Arvicola ratticeps, in Deutschland und ihre Verwandtschaft mit den russischen Arvicoliden. 44 p., 3 (1 col.) pls, wrps (loose & taped); VM71265 € 12
Romer, A.S., 1946 (2nd impr. of the 2nd rev. ed.). Vertebrate paleontology. viii, 687 p., 377 figs, hardbound. Dedication on front endpaper; VM72121 € 34
Romer, A.S., 1948 (3rd ed.). Man and the vertebrates. ix, 405 p., num. figs & pls, cloth; VM71210 € 18
Romer, A.S., 1957. Man and the vertebrates (2 vols). x, 437, (10) p., hundreds of figs & photos, paperbound (Pelican); VM71206 € 10
Roosevelt, T., 1910. Afrikanische Wanderungen eines Naturforschers und Jägers. xvi, 464 p., 48 pls, frontispiece, hcloth (worn); VM28439 € 40
Rosenberg, A., 1872. Über die Entwicklung des Extremitäten-Skelettes bei einigen durch Reduction ihrer Gliedmassen charakterisirten Wirbelthieren. 53 p., 45 figs (3 pls), loose back wrapper; VM28023 € 20
Rowan, A.N., 1984. Of Mice, models, and men: a critical evaluation of animal research. 323 p., hardbound; VM28242 € 14
Rudolph, P. et al., 1997. Preliminary checklist of Cetacea in the Indonesian Archipelago and adjacent waters. 48 p., 12 figs, 4 tables, paperbound (ZV312); VM28480 € 13
Ruge, G., ca. 1895. Die Hautmusculatur der Monotremen und ihre Beziehungen zu dem Marsupial- und Mammarapparate. 76 p., 38 figs, 1 pl., 4to, wrps; VM28305 € 28
Ruskin, F.R. (ed.), 1983. Little-known Asian animals with a promising economic future. 131 p., num. figs, paperbound; VM28394 € 16
Russell, E.M., 1986. Observations on the behaviour of the Honey Possum, Tarsipes rostratus (Marsupialia: Tarsipedidae) in captivity. 63 p., 30 figs, stapled; VM28027 € 10
Russell, R.J., 1968. Revision of Pocket Gophers of the genus Pappogeomys. 196 p., 10 figs, paperbound; VM28201 € 24
Ryan, J.M., 1989. Comparative myology and phylogenetic systematics of the Heteromyidae (Mammalia, Rodentia). 104 p., 25 figs, paperbound; VM28582 € 14
Ryan, R.M., 1963. The biotic provinces of Central America. As indicated by Mammalian distribution. 54 p., 2 tables, 1 foldout map, wrps; VM28238 € 10
Ryden, H., 1979. God’s Dog. A celebration of the North American Coyote. xvii, 315 p., num. b/w photographs, paperbound; VM71248 € 10
Saatkamp, H.W., 1996. Simulation studies on the potential role of national identification and recording systems in the control of Classical Swine Fever. (x), 120 p., several figs, paperbound; VM71120 € 20
Saemundson, B., 1939. Zoology of Iceland. Mammalia. 38 p., with an appendix (14 p.) on the field mouse by M. Degerbøl, paperbound; VM27737 € 10
Saint Girons, M.-C., 1966. Le rythme circadien de l’activité chez les mammifères Holarctiques. 87 p., 40 figs, paperbound (mema40(3). Unopened; VM00016 € 15
Saint-Loup, R., n.d. (ca. 1890). Le Dolichotis Patagonica. Recherches d’anatomie comparée. 82 p., 3 pls, disbound; VM71264 € 15
Salles, L.O., 1992. Felid phylogenetics: Extant taxa and skull morphology (Felidae, Aeluroidea). 67 p., 59 figs, 1 table, wrps (Novitates 3047); VM71386 € 8
Sanborn, C.C., 1947. Catalogue of type specimens of Mammals in Chicago Natural History Museum. 85 p., 1 pl., wrps (Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 32#4); VM71237 € 14
Sanborn, C.C., 1952. Philippine Zoological Expedition 1946-1947. Mammals. 70 p., 15 figs, disbound (Fieldiana: Zoology, vol. 33#2); VM71272 € 6
Sanderson, I.T., 1949. A brief review of the mammals of Suriname (Dutch Guiana), based upon a collection made in 1938. 35 p., 5 pls, wrps; VM71107 € 12
Sanderson, I.T., 1951. How to know the American mammals. 164 p., 181 line drawings, 8 pages with footprints, paperback (name in front); VM71203 € 5
Sankhala, K., 1993. Return of the Tiger. 176 p., num. col. photos, 4to, hardbound (d.j.); VM28410 € 36
Santangelo, A., 1995. Brain network and cultural shape. 96 p., paperbound; VM27748 € 10
Sarmiento, E.E., 1987-1994. 2 papers: The phylogenetic position of Oreopithecus and its significance in the origin of the Hominoidea (44 p., 9 figs, 3 tables); Terrestrial traits in the hands and feet of Gorillas (56 p., 29 figs, 15 tables), wrps (Novitates 2881+3091); VM71325 € 15
Sauer, E.G.F., 1971-1972. 4 papers on the Kurzohrigen Elefantenspitsmaus, Macroscelides proboscidens, all in German; VM71299 € 14
Schaller, G.B., 1965. Gorilla’s zoals zij werkelijk leven in het oerwoud. 223 p., 1 text-fig., 16 b&w photographic pls, 2 tables, hardbound (d.j., frayed); VM71142 € 12
Schaller, G.B., 1972. The Serengeti Lion. A study of predator-prey relations. xiii, 480 p., 46 figs, 79 tables, cloth (d.j.); VM27744 € 25
Scheffer, V.B., 1969. Het jaar van de walvis. 200 p., paperbound; VM27973 € 8
Schenkel, R., 1971. Mission Nashorn. Auf der Fährte des seltensten Säugetiers der Welt. 214 p., num. (col.) photos, cloth (d.j.); VM28427 € 16
Schilling, A., 1970. L’organe de Jacobson du Lémurien Malgache Microcebus murinus (Miller, 1777). 78 p., 37 (1 folding) figs, paperbound (mema61(4); VM28240 € 16
Schimmel, W.C., 1895 (2e druk). Handleiding tot de Paardenkennis voor de cadetten der cavalerie en artillerie. xxii, 868 p., boards (spine missing). Atlas lacking. Ex library copy; VM71117 € 30
Schimmel, W.C., 1895 (2e druk). Handleiding tot de Paardenkennis voor de cadetten der cavalerie en artillerie. Textvol. xxii, 868 p., hcloth & Atlas with 48 folding pls, boards (backcover stained). Library stamps; VM71267 € 140
Schlawe, L., 1981. Material, Fundorte, Text- und Bildquellen als Grundlagen für eine Artenliste zur Revision der Gattung Genetta. 98 p., 15 pls. Also including: Eine morphometrische Untersuchung am Schädel der Etruskerspitzmaus Suncus etruscus aus Süd-Frankreich. 31 p., 11 figs, paperbound; VM27981 € 30
Schmidt, U. (ed.), 1988. “Einwanderer”. Zur Geschichte und Biologie eingeschleppter und eingewanderter Arten in Rheinland-Pfalz I. Säugetiere. 67 p., 13 figs, paperbound; VM27779 € 12
Schmitt, F.P. et al., 1980. Thomas Welcome Roys. America’s pioneer of modern whaling. 252 p., 34 figs, cloth; VM28210 € 14
Schneider, R., 1966. Das Gehirn von Rousettus aegyptiacus (Chiroptera). 159 p., 60 pls, 4to, paperbound; VM28371 € 32
Schneider, R., 1967. Der Larynx des männlichen Hypsignathus monstrosus Allen, 1861 (Pteropodidae, Megachiroptera, Mammalia). Ein Unikum in der Morphologie des Kehlkopfes. 53 p., 30 figs, disbound; VM71353 € 6
Schreiner, F.X.J., 1821. Die Reitkunst theoretisch und praktisch dargestellt. xvi, 407 p., frontispiece portrait, 9 lithographed pls, hcalf. Library stamps in front; VM71230 € 280
Schröpfer, R. et al. (eds), 1992. Semiaquatische Säugetiere/Semiaquatic Mammals. 468 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound. Articles in German and/or English; VM27725 € 20
Schultz, A.H., n.d. (ca. 1928). Studies on the growth of Gorilla and of other higher Primates with special reference to a fetus of Gorilla. 70 p., 8 pls, roy. 4to, stapled; VM27983 € 25
Schultz, W., 1965. Studien über den Magen-Darm-Kanal der Chiropteren. Ein Beitrag zum Problem der Homologisierung von Abschnitten des Säugetierdarms. 152 p., 69 figs, disbound; VM71354 € 18
Schwartz, H.J. & M. Dioli (eds), 1992. The one-humped camel in Eastern Africa. Pictorial guide to diseases, health care and management. 282 p., 264 fullcolour photographs, 4to, hardbound; VM71125 € 64
Sealander, J.A. & G.A. Heidt, 1990. Arkansas Mammals. Their natural history, classification, and distribution. xiv, 308 p., num. figs, many col. photographs, paperbound; VM28348 € 38
Segall, W., 1970. Morphological parallelisms of the bulla and auditory ossicles in some insectivores and marsupials. 37 p., 26 figs, wrps (Novitates); VM71401 € 5
Setzer, H.W., 1949. Subspeciation in the Kangaroo Rat, Dipodomys ordii. 101 p., 27 figs, paperbound; VM27979 € 15
Shaughnessy, P.D. & G.J.B. Ross, 1980. Records of the subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis) from South Africa with notes on its biology and some observations on captive animals. 19 p., 2 figs, 7 tables, wrps (Ann. S. Afr. Mus.); VM71077 € 8
Sheppe, W., 1966. Determinants of home range in the deer mouse, Peromyscus leucopus. 42 p., 13 figs, 2 tables, stapled; VM71168 € 8
Sigé, B., 1976. Insectivores primitifs de l’Éocène supérieur et Oligocène inférieur d’Europe occidentale. Nyctithériidés. 140 p., 111 figs, 36 tables, paperbound (memc34). Unopened; VM00017 € 18
Silverman, P., 1978. Animal behaviour in the laboratory. Behavioural tests and their interpretation illustrated mainly by psychopharmacology in the rat. xii, 409 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28120 € 42
Simmons, N.B. & R.S. Voss, 1998. The mammals of Paracou, French Guiana: a neotropical lowland rainforest fauna. Part 1. Bats. 219 p., 77 figs, 80 tables, paperbound; VM71382 € 32
Simmons, N.B. & T.M. Conway, 2001. Phylogenetic relationships of mormoopid bats (Chiroptera: Mormoopidae) based on morphological data. 97 p., 12 figs, 4 tables, paperbound; VM28087 € 19
Simpson, G.G., 1945. The priciples of classification and a classification of mammals. xvi, 350 p., cloth (Bull. AMNHvol. 85). Ex-library copy; VM71136 € 60
Singh, K. & J.B. Schiere (eds), 1993. Feeding of Ruminants on fibrous crop residues. Aspects of treatment, feeding, nutrient evaluation, research and extension. 486 p., hardbound; VM28496 € 20
Sivertsen, E., 1954. A survey of the Eared Seals (family Otariidae) with remarks on the antarctic seals collected by M/k “Norvegia” in 1928-1929. 76 p., 46 figs, 10 pls, 16 tables, wrps. Ex-library; VM71287 € 22
Skinner, J.D. & G.N. Louw, 1996. The Springbok Antidorcas marsupialis (Zimmermann, 1780). 50 p., num. figs & tables, 4to, hardbound (d.j.) (Transvaal Mus. Monograph 10); VM71194 € 65
Slijper, E.J., 1936 (reprint 1973). Die Cetaceen. Vergleichend- Anatomisch und Systematisch. 590 p., 253 figs, 4to, cloth; VM27987 € 70
Slijper, E.J., 1944. Mensch en huisdier. 302 p., 256 figs, 16 pls, cloth; VM28282 € 30
Slijper, E.J., 1958. Walvissen. 524 p., 228 figs, cloth; VM27676 € 45
Slijper, E.J., 1962. Whales. 475 p., 229 figs, cloth; VM71100 € 30
Sluiter, J.W. et al., 1956. Bescherming van vleermuizen in Nederland. 51 p., 9 figs, 10 photos, 3 tables, boards. Ex-library copy; VM71135 € 12
Smith, B.D. et al., 2003. Notes on two cetacean surveys in the Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam. 7 p., 2 figs, 2 tables, disbound; VM71059 € 4
Smith, J.J., 1939. Analyse der Wahrnehmung von Objekten mit mehreren Merkmalen (farbigen Figuren) bei Schweinsaffen (Nemestrinus nemestrinus L.). 80 figs, 9 figs, 26 tables, paperbound. Thesis; VM28005 € 14
Smithers, R.H. & J.L. Lobão Tello, 1976. Check list and atlas of the Mammals of Mocambique. 184 p., 16 figs, num. maps, paperbound; VM27990 € 16
Smuts, B.B. et al. (eds), 1987. Primate societies. 578 p., num. figs & tables, 4to, paperbound. Library stamp on titlepage, sticker on spine; VM71208 € 25
Soderberg, P.M., 1957. The care of your Cat. x, 271 p., 37 figs, hardbound (d.j., soiled); VM72123 € 8
Soffel, K. (ed.), 1921. Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt Europas. Säugetiere III. Band. Von Pferden, Schwarzwild, Kamel, Hirschen und dem Reh. 213 p., 64 figs, cloth; VM27991 € 20
Soffel, K. (ed.), 1922. Lebensbilder aus der Tierwelt Europas. Säugetiere IV. Band. Von Antilopen, Ziegen und Schafen, den Rindern und Walen. 229 p., 64 figs, cloth; VM27992 € 20
Soffel, K., 1922. Bilderatlas zur Zoologie der Säugetiere Europas. 152 p., 256 pls, hcloth (spine partly detached); VM28008 € 30
Sokolov, I.I., 1959. Fauna USSR Mammalia Vol. I part 3. Perissodactyla & Artiodactyla. 640 p., 124 figs, 1 col. pl., cloth; VM28062 € 50
Sokolov, V.E. et al., 1998. The Mammals of Mongolia. Family Dipodidae. Dipodinae, Allactaginae. 206 p., num. figs, hardbound. In Russian; VM27883 € 32
Sokolowsky, A., 1910. Genossenschaftsleben der Säugetiere. Eine psycho-biologische Studie über die Beziehungen der Säugetiere zu ihren Artgenossen. 148 p., 6 col. pls, cloth; VM28279 € 14
Sokolowsky, A., n.d. Affe und Mensch in ihrer biologischen Eigenart. 147 p., cloth; VM28015 € 14
Solntseva, G.N., 2006. Morphology of the auditory and vestibular organs in Mammals, with emphasis on marine species. 340 p., figs, 54 pls, hardbound; VM71270 € 112
Sowls, L.K., 1997 (2nd ed.). Javelinas and other Peccaries. Their biology, management, and use. xxiv, 325 p., 81 figs, hardbound (d.j.) (The W.L. Moody, Jr., Nat. Hist. Series #21). As new; VM71112 € 30
Spinage, C.A., 1986. The natural history of Antelopes. 203 p., num. figs, col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VM27792 € 22
Spinage, C.A., 1994. Elephants. 319 p., num. figs & tables, 25 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VM27796 € 30
Spitzenberger, F., 1966-1996. 11 papers (Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien) on Insectivora by this author. 214 p., num. figs, disbound; VM71364 € 26
Staffe, A., 1944. Die Akklimatisation der Haustiere in den Afrikanischen Tropen. 244 p., 123 figs, hcloth; VM28016 € 24
Staffeleu, P., 1975. Surinaamse zoogdiernamen (Surinam vernacular names of Mammals). 74 p., paperbound (Zool. Bijdr. 18); VM22099 € 15
Steiner, H.M., 1968. Untersuchungen über die Variabilität und Bionomie der Gattung Apodemus (Muridae, Mammalia) der Donau-Auen von Stockerau (Niederösterreich). 96 p., 34 figs, 29 tables, disbound; VM71348 € 12
Steinmetz, H., 1986. Animal production. Multilingual illustrated dictionary in 5 languages (English, French, German, Spanish & Chinese). 488 p., paperbound; VM71126 € 22
Steppan, S.J., 1995. Revision of the tribe Phyllotini (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae), with a phylogenetic hypothesis for the Sigmodontinae. 112 p., 8 tables, 44 figs, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 80); VM71370 € 10
Sterling, K.B. (ed.), 1987. An international history of Mammalogy. Eastern Europe and Fennoscandia. I. Vol. 1. 198 p., 25 figs & portraits, paperbound; VM28017 € 26
Sterling, K.B. (ed.), 1987. An international history of Mammalogy. Eastern Europe and Fennoscandia. I. Vol. 1. 198 p., 25 figs & portraits, cloth; VM28018 € 30
Stiles, C.W. & S.F. Stanley, 1932. Key-catalogue of parasites reported for Insectivora (moles, shrews, etc.) with their possible public health importance. iv, 121 p., wrps; VM71284 € 14
Stjernman, R.O.G., 1932. Vergleichend-anatomische Studien über die Extremitäten-Muskulatur (Vorder- und Hintergliedmassen) bei Tapirus indicus. 154 p., 35 figs, 22 pls, wrps (back wrp missing); VM28025 € 26
Stolz, O., 1922. Geschichtliche Nachrichten über das Vorkommen von Steinwild in Tirol und Vorarlberg. 19 p., 1 map, wrps; VM28341 € 8
Stone, W. & W.E. Cram, 1903. American animals. A popular guide to the mammals of North America north of Mexico, with intimate biographies of the more familiar species. xxiii, 318 p., num. figs & pls (some col.), 4to, cloth; VM28009 € 48
Stonehouse, B., 1972. Animals of the antarctic, the ecology of the Far South. 171 p., num. col. photos, maps & diagrams, cloth (d.j.); VM28546 € 14
Storch, G., 1968. Funktionsmorphologische Untersuchungen an der Kaumuskulatur und an korrelierten Schädelstrukturen der Chiropteren. 92 p., 27 figs, 5 tables, paperbound; VM28021 € 12
Storer, T.I. & L.P. Tevis, 1955. California Grizzly. xii, 335 p., col. frontispiece, cloth; VM28408 € 34
Stricht, O. van der, 1909. La structure de l’oeuf des mammifères (Chauve-souris, Vesperugo noctula). Part III. L’oocyte à la fin du stade d’accroissement au stade de la maturation, au stade de la fécondation et au début de la segmentation. 176 p., 7 pls, disbound; VM28498 € 20
Strier, K.B., 1992. Faces in the forest. The endangered Muriqui Monkeys of Brazil. xix, 138 p., figs, cloth (d.j.); VM28470 € 16
Strohmeyer, C., 1939. Der wilde Wisent Kochtan-Tau. Ein Roman. 107 p., 28 pls, cloth. Ex libris A. Scheygrond; VM28011 € 16
Stucky, R.K. & L. Krishtalka, 1981-1983. Revision of the Wind River faunas, Early Eocene of central Wyoming, parts 1-4. Introduction and Multituberculata / Geologic setting / Marsupialia / The Tillodontia. 80 p., 19 figs, stapled (Ann. Carnegie Mus.); VM72143 € 12
Sunquist, M.E. & J.F. Eisenberg, 1993. Reproductive strategies of female Didelphis. 32 p., 3 figs, 17 tables, stapled; VM27742 € 5
Swanson, G. et al., 1945. The Mammals of Minnesota. 108 p., num. figs & b/w photos, wrps; VM71243 € 12
Sweeney, R.C.H., 1959. A preliminary annotated checklist of the Mammals of Nyasaland. 72 p., wrps; VM71055 € 10
Swift, S.M., 1998. Long-eared Bats. x, 182 p., num. figs, 13 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VM72106 € 28
Tartabini, A., 1992. Il mondo delle Scimmie. Ecologia ed etologia dei Primati viventi. 229 p., num. figs, paperbound; VM28035 € 19
Tate, G.H.H. & R. Archbold, 1937. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 16. Some Marsupials of New Guinea and Celebes. 146 p., 12 figs, paperbound. Unopened; VM71241 € 22
Tate, G.H.H. et al., 1954-1962. 5 papers on Squirrels. Ca. 75 p., stapled (Novitates 1676, 1816, 2044, 2059, 2093); VM71165 € 15
Tate, G.H.H., 1933. A systematic revision of the marsupial genus Marmosa, with a discussion of the adaptive radiation of the murine opossums (Marmosa). 250 p., 28 figs, 25 pls, loose fold-out tables, paperbound. Unopened copy; VM27955 € 80
Tate, G.H.H., 1947. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 56. On the anatomy and classification of the Dasyuridae (Marsupialia). 57 p., 1 fig., wrps; VM28032 € 10
Tate, G.H.H., 1948. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 59. Studies on the anatomy and phylogeny of the Macropodidae (Marsupialia). 119 p., 3 figs, paperbound; VM28034 € 18
Tate, G.H.H., 1952. Results of the Archbold Expeditions. No. 66. Mammals of Cape York Peninsula. 52 p., 2 figs, wrps; VM28033 € 10
Taylor, J.M., 1961. Reproductive biology of the Australian bush rat Rattus assimilis. 66 p., 17 figs, 6 pls, paperbound; VM27996 € 12
Taylor, W.P., 1911. Mammals of the Alexander Nevada Expedition of 1909. 103 p., paperbound; VM28029 € 15
Taylor, W.P., 1915. Description of a new subgenus (Arborimus) of Phenocomys, with a contribution to knowledge of the habits and distribution of Phenacomys longicaudus. 51 p., 1 pl., paperbound; VM28028 € 10
Telford, S.R., 1989. Population biology of the Multimammate Rat, Praomys (Mastomys) natalensis at Morogoro, Tanzania, 1981-1985. 38 p., 26 figs, 15 tables, stapled; VM27741 € 5
Tello, J.L.P.L & R.G. van Gelder, 1975. The natural history of Nyala Tragelaphus angasi (Mammalia, Bovidae) in Mozambique. 68 p., 30 figs, 10 tables, wrps; VM71186 € 14
Tembrock, G., 1959. Tierstimmen. Eine Einführung in die Bioakustik. 286 p., 84 figs & pls, hcloth; VM28032 € 18
Tempel, M., 1896. Vergleichend anatomisch-physiologische Untersuchungen über die Drüsen der Zwischenklauenhaut der Paarzeher. 68 p., num. figs (12 pls), wrps; VM28030 € 24
Thaeler, Ch.S., 1961. Variation in some salt-marsh populations of Microtus californicus. 28 p., 21 figs, stapled; VM28001 € 8
Thaeler, Ch.S., 1968. An analysis of the distribution of Pocket Gopher species in northeastern California (Genus Thomomys). 46 p., 13 figs, 1 table, wrps (Un. Calif. Publ. Zool. 86); VM71175 € 9
Thaler, L., 1966. Les Rongeurs fossiles du Bas-Languedoc dans leurs rapports avec l’histoire des faunes et la stratigraphie du Tertiaire d’Europe. 296 p., 23 figs, 27 pls, paperbound (memc17). Unopened; VM00012 € 35
The National Geographic (1958). Book of Dogs. 431 p., 342 (189 col.) ills, hardbound (decorative cloth); VM71205 € 25
Theodor, O. & M. Costa, 1967. A survey of the parasites of wild mammals and birds in Israel, Part 1: Ectoparasites. 117 p., 3 maps, paperbound (no further parts are planned) (IAPAR); VM71121 € 21
Thierry, E., ca. 1910 (2nd ed.). Le mouton et la chèvre. Zoologie, anatomie et physiologie, races ovines, production, exploitation, hygiène et maladies. 96 p., 44 figs, 5 mobile pls, oct-oblong, boards; VM28247 € 50
Thompson, R., 1963. A brush with animals (introduction by Gerald Durrell). 32 p., cloth (d.j.); VM28234 € 8
Thorburn, A., 1920 (reprint 1989). The complete illustrated Thorburn’s Mammals. 187 p., num. figs, 50 col. pls, 4to, hardbound (d.j.); VM28036 € 32
Timm, R.M. & H.H. Genoways, 2003. West Indian Mammals from the Albert Schwartz collection: Biological and historical information. 47 p., wrps (Sci. Pap. Nat. Hist. Mus. Un. Kansas); VM72136 € 10
Tinker, S.W., 1988. Whales of the world. 310 p., hundreds of illustrations, paperbound; VM28047 € 38
Tirira, D.S. (ed.), 1998. Biología, sistemática y conservación de los Mamíferos del Ecuador. 217 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VM27753 € 22
Toldt, K., 1907/8. Studien über das Haarkleid von Vulpes vulpes L. 73 p., 2 figs, 3 pls, disbound (Ann. Mus. Wien); VM71345 € 12
Toldt, K., 1908. Die Chiropterenausbeute. 11 p., 3 figs, 4to, wrps; VM28304 € 10
Toldt, K., 1910. Über eine beachtenswerte Haarsorte und über das Haarformensystem der Säugetiere. 74 p., 1 fig., 4 pls, disbound (Ann. Mus. Wien); VM71344 € 12
Tomich, P.Q., 1962. The annual cycle of the California ground squirrel Citellus beecheyi. 70 p., 23 figs, paperbound; VM27998 € 12
Tosi, G. et al., 1986. Modello di valutazione ambientale per la reintroduzione dello Stambecco (Capra ibex ibex Linnaeus, 1758). 77 p., 32 figs, 17 tables, paperbound; VM28046 € 12
Toussenel, A., 1884 (4th ed.). L’esprit des bêtes, zoologie passionnelle. Mammifères de France. 540 p., hcalf. Most pages foxed; VM28398 € 62
Townsend, M.T., 1935. Studies on some of the small Mammals of central New York. 120 p., 22 figs, 4to, paperbound; VM28042 € 15
Tregarthen, J.C., 1925. The life story of a Badger. 152 p., 9 figs, cloth; VM28467 € 14
Trolle, A., 1938. Fredning af dyrebestanden i Nordostgronland. 50 p., 35 photos, wrps; VM28489 € 16
Trotter, M.M. & B. McCulloch, 1993. Two papers: The Waiopuka woolshed/Fyffe’s revisited. 30 p., 16 figs, stapled; VM71273 € 5
Tullberg, T., 1893. Ueber einige Muriden aus Kamerun. 66 p., 4 pls, wrps. Ex-library; VM71320 € 38
Tupinier, Y., 1997. European Bats: their world of sound. 132 p., 110 figs, wrps; VM71127 € 18
Twiesselman, F., 1949. Contribution à l’étude de la croissance pubertaire de l’homme. 88 p., 26 figs, 19 tables, roy. 4to, paperbound; VM28416 € 24
Ucko, P.J. & G.W. Dimbleby (eds), 1971. The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals. Proceedings of a meeting of the research seminar in Archaeology and related subjects held at the Institute of Archaeology, London University. xxvi, 581 p., num. figs & tables, 8 pls, cloth (d.j.); VM71152 € 68
Uexküll, G. von, 1964. Jakob von Uexküll, seine Welt und seine Umwelt. 266 p., 16 photographs, hardbound. Some annotations in the text. A biography; VM72130 € 18
Urbain, A. & P. Rode, 1946. Les Singes anthropoïdes. 127 p., 20 figs, paperbound; VM28278 € 8
Ursing, B., 1932. Über Entwicklung und Bau des Hand- und Fuss-Skeletts bei Bradypus tridactylus. 107 p., 63 figs, paperbound; VM28458 € 16
Utrecht-Cock, C.N. van, 1966. Age determination and reproduction of female Fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus with special regard to baleen plates and ovaries. 64 p., 4to, paperbound. Thesis; VM28296 € 14
Utrecht, W.L. van, 1966. On the growth of the baleen plate of the Fin Whale and the Blue Whale. 38 p., 27 figs & pls, 4to, paperbound. Thesis; VM28297 € 12
Vaughan, T.A., 1959. Functional morphology of three Bats: Eumops, Myotis, Macrotus. 153 p., 21 pls, paperbound; VM28107 € 18
Verheyen, R., 1951. Contribution à l’étude éthologique des mammifères du Parc National de l’Upemba. 159 p., 20 pls, paperbound (unopened copy); VM28447 € 40
Verheyen, R., 1960. Sur la morphogenese et le remplacement des molaires chez l’Eléphant d’Afrique (Loxodonta). 18 p., 5 figs, 6 pls, disbound; VM71102 € 8
Verheyen, W., 1957. Bijdrage tot de craniometrie van Colobus badius (Kerr, 1792). 87 p., 23 tables, 4 pls, paperbound. Unopened copy; VM28178 € 24
Verheyen, W.N. et al., 1997. Systematics and zoogeography of the small mammal fauna of Cameroun: Description of two new Lophuromys (Rodentia: Muridae) endemic to Mount Cameroun and Mount Oku. 24 p., 6 figs, 8 tables, 5 appendices, 4to, stapled (Bull. KBIN 67); VM71128 € 8
Verheyen, W.N., 1961. Recherches anatomiques sur Micropotamogale ruwenzorii in 2 parts. 83, 64 p., 11, 2 figs, stapled; VM28596 € 20
Vericad-Corominas, J.R., 1970. Estudio faunístico y biológico de los mamíferos montaraces del Pirineo. 229 p., 8 figs, 68 tables, 8 maps, 56 fotos, paperbound; VM28159 € 24
Verschuren, J., 1970. Sterven voor de olifanten. Twintig jaar in de nationale parken van Afrika. 160 p., num. photos, cloth (d.j.); VM28126 € 14
Vibe, C., 1967. Arctic animals in relation to climatic fluctuations. 227 p., 101 figs, paperbound. Mostly on mammals; VM28103 € 38
Vidal, O. et al., 1993. Annotated checklist of the marine Mammals of the Gulf of California. 16 p., 1 fig., stapled; VM71057 € 4
Vislobokova, I., 1998. A new representative of the Hypertraguloidea (Tragulina, Ruminantia) from the Khoer-Dzan locality in Mongolia, with remarks on the relationships of the Hypertragulidae. 24 p., 11 figs, 2 tables, stapled; VM27765 € 5
Voipio, P., 1957. Über die Polymorphie von Sciurus vulgaris L. in Finnland. 24 p., 4 figs, 3 tables, wrps (Ann. Zool. Soc. Zool. Bot. Fenn.). Library stamps; VM72155 € 5
Voous, K.H., 2000. De Leeuw. De onafwendbare ondergang van de wilde leeuw. 43 p., 15 figs, paperbound; VM27763 € 10
Voss, R.S. & M.D. Carleton, 1993. A new genus for Hesperomys molitor Winge and Holochilus magnus Hershkovitz (Muridae) with an analysis of its phylogenetic relationships. 39 p., 17 figs, 6 tables, wrps (Novitates 3085); VM71331 € 6
Voss, R.S. & M.N.F. Da Silva, 2001. Revisionary notes on Neotropical Porcupines (Rodentia: Erethizontidae). 2. A review of the Coendou vestitus group with descriptions of two new species from Amazonia. 36 p., 15 (2 col.) figs, 5 tables, stapled; VM28606 € 10
Voss, R.S. & R. Angermann, 1997. Revisionary notes on neotropical Porcupines (Rodentia: Erethizontidae). 1. Type material described by Olfers (1818) and Kuhl (1820) in the Berlin Zoological Museum. 42 p., 16 figs, 2 tables, stapled (Novitates 3214); VM71223 € 10
Voss, R.S. et al., 2002. A new genus for Aepeomys fuscatus Allen, 1912, and Oryzomys intectus Thomas, 1921: Enigmatic murid Rodents from Andean cloud forests. 42 p., 19 figs, 10 tables, stapled; VM28609 € 10
Voss, R.S., 1988. Systematics and ecology of ichthyomyine rodents (Muroidea): patterns of morphological evolution in a small adaptive radiation. 234 p., 100 figs, 59 tables, 3 maps, paperbound; VM27752 € 25
Voss, R.S., 1991. An introduction to the Neotropical Muroid rodent genus Zygodontomys. 113 p., 40 figs, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 210); VM28045 € 15
Voss, R.S., 1992. A revision of the South American species of Sigmodon (Mammalia: Muridae) with notes on their natural history and biogeography. 56 p., 25 figs, 15 tables, wrps (Novitates 3050); VM71387 € 6
Voss, R.S., 1993. A revision of the Brazilian muroid rodent genus Delomys with remakrs on “Thomasomyine” characters. 44 p., 17 figs, 9 tables, wrps (Novit. 3073); VM71396 € 6
Voûte, A.M. & P.H. Lina, 1986. Bescherming van vleermuizen. 38 p., 24 figs, wrps (KNNV176); VM28044 € 8
Voûte, A.M., 1972. Bijdrage tot de oecologie van de meervleermuis, Myotis dasycneme (Boie, 1825). 159 p., 46 figs, 20 tables, paperbound. Thesis. With English & French summary; VM71090 € 15
Vrolik, G., 1853. Over het verschil van de inwendige gesteldheid der horenpitten bij Antilopen. 8 p., 2 pls, wrps; VM28301 € 12
Waal, F. de, 1982. Chimpanzee politics. Power and sex among Apes. 223 p., num. figs & photos, cloth (d.j.); VM28133 € 16
Waal, F. de, 1988. Verzoening. Vrede stichten onder apen en mensen. 289 p., num. photos, paperbound; VM28132 € 14
Wagenknecht, E., 1963. Bewirtschaftung unserer Schalenwildbestände. 368 p., 147 figs, tables, cloth; VM28048 € 30
Walcher, H.F., 1978. Die Tierknochenfunde aus den Burgen auf dem Weinberg in Hitzacker/Elbe und in Dannenberg (Mittelalter). II. Die Wiederkäuer. 213 p., 39 tables, 8 pls, paperbound; VM28127 € 24
Wallage-Drees, J.M., 1988. Rabbits in the coastal sand dunes; weighed and counted. 153 p., figs, graphs, paperbound. Thesis; VM72156 € 14
Wallin, L., 1969. The Japanese Bat fauna. A comparative study of chorology, species diversity and ecological differentiation. 84 figs, 25 tables, paperbound. Thesis (reprint from Zool. Bidr. Uppsala 37#3-4); VM71295 € 32
Wang, B., 1997. The mid-Tertiary Ctenodactylidae (Rodentia, Mammalia) of Eastern and Central Asia. 88 p., 41 figs, 24 tables, wrps; VM27801 € 10
Wang, X. & R.H. Tedford, 1994. Basicranial anatomy and phylogeny of primitive Canids and closely related Miacids (Carnivora). 34 p., 9 figs, stapled; VM28040 € 8
Wang, X., 1994. Phylogenetic systematics of the Hesperocyoninae (Carnivora: Canidae). 207 p., 65 figs, 5 tables, paperbound; VM28150 € 32
Waterhouse, G.R., 1838/1839. On the skull of the North American Badger, Meles labradoria. 5 p., 1 pl., wrps, waterstained; VM28323 € 10
Weerden, E.J. van & J. Huisman (eds), 1989. Nutrition and digestive physiology in monogastric farm animals. ix, 101 p., num. figs, paperbound; VM71283 € 10
Weers, D.J. van, 1976-2004. 9 papers on Hystricidae. 180 p., num. figs, disbound (all from Beaufortia); VM71368 € 22
Wegner, R.N., 1964. Der Schädel des Beutelbären (Phascolarctos cinereus) und seine Umformung durch lufthaltige Nebenhöhlen. 86 p., 52 figs, 4 folded pls, 4to, paperbound; VM28057 € 24
Weksler, M., 2006. Phylogenetic relationships of Oryzomine rodents (Muroidea: Sigmodontinae): separate and combined analyses of morphological and molecular data. 149 p., 48 figs, paperbound (Bull. AMNH); VM71189 € 34
West Indies & Central American Mammals, 1953-1971. 13 papers (all Am. Mus. Novitates) on Mexican and West Indies Mammals by various authors (8 articles by Goodwin); VM71315 € 16
Wetterer, A.l. et al., 2000. Phylogeny of phyllostomid Bats (Mammalia: Chriroptera): data from diverse morphological systems, sex chromosomes and restriction sites. 200 p., 66 figs, 8 tables, paperbound; VM28420 € 30
Wettstein, O. v., 1942. Die Säugerwelt der Ägäis, nebst einer Revision des Rassenkreises von Erinaceus europaeus. 34 p., 1 folding map, 1 plte, disbound; VM71346 € 6
Wetzel, R.M., 1980. Revision of the naked-tailed Armadillos, genus Cabassous McMurtrie. 35 p., 6 figs, wrps (Ann. Carnegie Mus.); VM72151 € 5
Whidden, H.P., 2000. Comparative myology of Moles and the phylogeny of the Talpidae (Mammalia, Lipotyphla). 53 p., 21 figs, 4 tables, stapled; VM28604 € 10
Whitlow, W.B. & E.R. Hall, 1933. Mammals of the Pocatello region of southeastern Idaho. 45 p., 3 figs, disbound (from Univ. Calif. Pub. Zool.); VM72167 € 8
Wible, J.R. & G.W. Rougier, 2000. Cranial anatomy of Kryptobaatar Dashzevegi (Mammalia, Multituberculata), and its bearing on the evolution of mammalian characters. 124 p., 39 figs, 3 tables, paperbound; VM28086 € 15
Wible, J.R., 1993. Cranial circulation and relationships of the Colugo Cynocephalus (Dermoptera, Mammalia). 27 p., 7 figs, 2 tables, wrps (Novitates); VM71399 € 7
Wieren, S.E. van et al. (eds), 1997. Hoefdieren in het boslandschap. 224 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VM71174 € 34
Wiertz, J., 1991. De dassenpopulatie in Nederland 1960-1990. 78 p., 15 figs, wrps; VM28573 € 10
Wiesner, B.P. & N.M. Sheard, 1933. Maternal behaviour in the Rat. 244 p., 3 pls, cloth; VM28203 € 20
Wiesner, J., 1939. Fahren und Reiten in Alteuropa und im Alten Orient. 92 p., 8 pls, disbound; VM71151 € 18
Wijngaarden, A. van & J. van de Peppel, 1964. The Badger, Meles meles, in the Netherlands. 60 p., 6 figs, 1 folding distribution map, stapled (Lutra 6(1-2); VM71113 € 10
Wijngaarden, A. van & J. van de Peppel, 1970. De Otter, Lutra lutra (L.), in Nederland. 72 p., 7 figs, stapled. Lutra 12(1-2); VM28183 € 10
Wijngaarden, A. van et al., 1971. De verspreiding van de Nederlandse zoogdieren. 105 p., 64 maps, paperbound. Lutra 13(1-3); VM28200 € 12
Wijngaarden, A. van, 1954. Biologie en bestrijding van de Woelrat, Arvicola terrestris (L.) in Nederland. 147 p., 21 figs, paperbound. Thesis; VM27653 € 25
Wijngaarden, A. van, 1961. De Nederlandse knaagdieren (Rodentia). 31 p., figs, wrps (WMKNNV40); VM28598 € 6
Wijngaarden, A. van, 1975. De Nederlandse landroofdieren-carnivora. 28 p., figs, stapled. WMKNNV106; VM28597 € 8
Wilkins, K.T., 1987. A zoogeographic analysis of variation in recent Geomys pinetis (Geomyidae) in Florida. 28 p., 5 figs, 2 tables, wrps; VM27772 € 5
Willemsen, G.F., 1987. Gids voor fossiele zoogdieren. 77 pags, num. figs & photos, paperbound; VM27782 € 8
Williams, D.F., 1979. Checklist of California mammals. 9 p., stapled; VM71061 € 4
Williams, H., 1988. Des Baleines. 191 p., num. (col.) figs, 4to, paperbound; VM28148 € 24
Williams, J.H., 1950. Elephant Bill. 320 p., figs & photos, cloth; VM28061 € 25
Williams, J.H., 1951. Bill l’éléphant. 253 p., 32 photographs, paperbound; VM27736 € 15
Williams, J.H., 1957. The Spotted Deer. 261 p., cloth; VM28426 € 16
Wilson, V.J., 1975. Mammals of the Wankie National Park, Rhodesia. 147 p., 11 photographs, num. maps, paperbound; VM27963 € 22
Winge, H., 1924. Pattedyr-Slaegter III. Hovdyr (Ungulata), Hvaler (Cetacea). 270 p., portrait, cloth. Library stamps. In Danish; VM71222 € 45
Winter, E., 1924. Die Altersinvolution der Thymus-Drüse bei der weissen Ratte. 46 p., 11 fold. pls, wrps; VM27654 € 12
Wirz, K., 1950. Studien über Cerebralisation. Zur quantitativen Bestimmung der Rangordnung bei Säugetieren. 66 p., 5 figs, wrps; VM28175 € 10
Wisent, 1923-1928. 8 papers on the Wisent (7 are: Bericht der Internationalen Gesellschaft zur Erhaltung des Wisents), wrps; VM71301 € 25
Wislocki, G.B. & E.C. Amoroso, 1956. The placenta of the Wolverine (Gulo gulo luscus (Linnaeus)). 10 p., 8 pls, wrps (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 114#3); VM71291 € 6
Woldrich, J.N., 1893. Reste diluvialer Faunen und des Menschen aus dem Waldviertel Niederösterreichs. 70 p., 9 figs, 6 pls, 4to, wrps (loose); VM28058 € 26
Wolstenholme, G.E.W. (ed.), 1953. Mammalian germ cells. 302 p., num. figs & pls, cloth; VM28202 € 32
Woodburne, M.O., 1969. Systematics, biogeography, and evolution of Gynorca and Dyseohyus (Tayassuidae). 86 p., 14 figs, 11 pls, 17 tables, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 141 art 2); VM27997 € 16
Woodman, N. & R.M. Timm, 1993. Intraspecific and interspecific variation in the Cryptotis nigrescens species complex of small-eared Shrews (Insectivora: Soricidae), with the description of a new species from Colombia. 30 p., 18 figs, 8 tables, wrps; VM27761 € 5
Woodman, N. & R.M. Timm, 1999. Geographic variation and evolutionary relationships among Broad-clawed Shrews of the Cryptotis goldmani-group (Insectivora: Soricidae). iv, 35 p., 18 figs, 7 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. NS 91); VM71274 € 6
Wrigley, R.E., 1972. Systematics and biology of the Woodland Jumping Mouse, Napaeozapus insignis. 117 p., 22 figs, paperbound; VM28228 € 14
Wünschmann, A., 1970. Die Plumpbeutler. Vombatidae. 83 p., 74 figs, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28525 € 12
Ximenez, A. et al., 1972. Lista sistematica de los mamiferos del Uruguay. 49 p., wrps. Ex-library (Anal. Mus. nac. Hist. nat. Montevideo); VM71279 € 10
Yalden, B.W. & P.A. Morris, 1975. The lives of Bats. 247 p., 49 figs, 14 photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VM72124 € 12
Young, J.Z., 1957. The life of Mammals. 820 p., 338 figs, cloth; VM27696 € 60
Young, J.Z., 1963 (reprint). The life of Mammals. 820 p., 338 figs, cloth. Library stamps; VM27697 € 50
Young, M. & G.E. Smith, 1936. The Katanga skull. 25 p., 13 figs, 2 tables, roy. 4to, wrps (loose); VM28417 € 14
Youngman, Ph.M., 1975. Mammals of the Yukon Territory. 192 p., 60 maps, 39 tables, paperbound; VM28469 € 20
Zeigler, C.V. et al., 1997. A new Late Miocene balaenopterid Whale (Cetacea: Mysticeti), Parabalaenoptera baulinensis, (new genus and species) from the Santa Cruz Mudstone, Point Reyes Peninsula, California. 24 p., 9 figs, 9 tables, stapled; VM71066 € 4
Zelebor, J., 1869. Reise der österreichischen Fregatte Novara um die Erde. Säugethiere. 42 p., 3 (2 col.) pls, 4to, orig. wrps; VM28054 € 22
Zimmermann, K., 1959. Taschenbuch unserer wildlebenden Säugetiere. 169 p., 57 (48 col.) figs, hardbound (d.j., worn); VM71334 € 10
Zimmermann, K., 1964. Zur Säugetier-Fauna Chinas. Ergebnisse der Chinesisch-Deutschen sammelreise durch Nord- und Nordost-China 1956, No. 15. 54 p., 24 figs, 2 maps, 29 tables, wrps; VM71245 € 10
Zoerner, E., 1881. Bau und Entwickelung des Peritoneum nebst Beschreibung des Bauchfelles einiger Edentaten. 84 p., 1 pl., wrps. Thesis. Ex-library; VM71286 € 28
Zörner, H., 1981. Der Feldhase. Lepus europaeus. 172 p., 60 figs & pls, paperbound (Die neue Brehm-Bücherei); VM28517 € 15
Zoogdier, 1990-1996. Tijdschrift voor zoogdierbescherming en zoogdierkunde. Vols 1-7 (in issues); VM28514 € 50
Zoological Record, The, 1966. Mammalia. Vol. 100. 172 p., paperbound; VM28515 € 14
Zyll de Jong, C.G., 1986. A systematic study of recent bison, with particular consideration of the wood bison (Bison bison athabascae Rhoads 1898). 69 p., 36 figs, 4 pls, wrps; VM71169 € 10
