Ackery, P.R. & R.L. Smiles, 1976. An illustrated list of the type-specimens of the Heliconiinae (Nymphalidae) in
the British Museum. 44 p., 39 pls, paperbound; EL09251 € 28
Ackery, P.R., 1973. A list of the type-specimens of Parnassius (Papilionidae) in the British Museum
(Natural History). 36 p., 1 pl., wrps; EL09250 € 8
Adamovic, Z. et al., 1998. The Gypsy Moth outbreaks in Serbia. 200 p., num. figs, paperbound (library stamp
in back)(Acta ent. serb. spec. issue); EL23065 € 22
Adamski, D., 2002. Holcocerini of Costa Rica (Gelechioidea: Coleophoridae: Blastobasinae). 147 p.,
frontispiece, 207 figs, 47 maps, paperbound (Mem. Ent. Soc. Wash. 24); EL23704 € 22
Adamson, C.H.E., 1905. Catalogue of Butterflies collected in Burmah. 36 p., disbound; EL15187 € 6
Äyräpää, T., 1946. Die Makrolepidopterenfauna des Kirchspiels Pielisjärvi und ihre Beziehung zur Kultur. vi, 65 p., 5 figs, paperbound; EL10088 € 10
Ahlberg, O., 1927. Rønnbärsmalen Argyresthia conjugella en redogörelse för undersökningarna åren 1921-1926. 127 p., 57 figs, paperbound; EL09252 € 15
Alberti, B., 1955-1971. 9 Lepidoptera papers (Zygaenidae, Noctuidae, Crambidae, Hesperiidae, Caucasus,
Mongolia). 80 p., various figs, disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs); EL25983 € 10
Allan, P.B.M., 1943 (1st ed.). Talking of Moths. xii, 340 p., 1 plte, cloth; EL15079 € 80
Allan, P.B.M., 1948. Moths and Memories. 316 p., frontispiece, cloth; EL15080 € 45
Amateur de Papillons, l’, 1934-1935. Journal de Lépidoptérologie, volume VII. 320 p., various figs, paperbound; EL22830 € 22
American Museum Novitates, 1933-1962. 41 issues, all on Lepidoptera. By McDunnough, Freeman, Bell, Klots, Rindge,
Brown, Nielsen, Fox, Comstock, Michener and others; EL20444 € 40
Amsel, H.G., 1953. Die Microlepidopteren der Brandt’schen Iran-Ausbeute IV. 72 p., 33 pls, disbound; EL09253 € 12
Amsel, H.G., ca. 1930. Die Lepidopteren Palästinas. Eine zoogeographisch-ökologisch-faunistische Studie. 146 p., 2 figs, disbound (Zoogeographica);
EL25704 € 20
Amsel, H.G., Fr. Gregor & H. Reisser, 1984. Microlepidoptera Palaearctica. Vol. 6: Tortricini. Von. J. Razowski, w vols, xv,
376 p., 138 figs, 101 918 col.) pls, Cloth; EL27150 € 175
Amsel, H.G., Fr. Gregor & H. Reisser, 1986. Microlepidoptera Palaearctica. Vol. 7: Glyphipterigidae. By A. Diakonoff, 2
vols, xx, 436 p., 26 figs, 175 (18 col.) pls, Cloth; EL27151 € 195
Amsel, H.G., Fr. Gregor & H. Reisser, 1993. Microlepidoptera Palaearctica. Vol. 8: Phycitinae. Von R.U. Roesler, 2 vols,
xxii, 305 p., num. figs, 82 (10 col.) pls, Cloth; EL27152 € 175
Arita, Y. & A. Diakonoff, 1979. A survey of the Japanese species of Anthophila Haworth and Eutromula Froelich
and their early stages (Lepidoptera, Choreutidae), with an appendix. 42 p., 71
figs, paperbound (ZV166); EL17778 € 10
Arnscheid, W., 1981. Die Macrolepidopteren Fauna des Sonnental-Nonsberggebietes. (Insecta:
Lepidoptera). 151 p., 27 figs, paperbound; EL21114 € 14
Arru, G.M., 1965. Pygaera anastomosis (Notodontidae). Studio morfologico ed etologico. 68 p., 92
figs, 1 col. pl, wrps; EL09254 € 12
Atalanta, 1999. Zeitschrift der “Deutschen Forschungszentrale für Schmetterlingswanderungen”. Vol. 29. 367 p., num. figs, 12 col. pls, paperbound; EL18115 € 15
Aue, A.U.E., 1928. Handbuch für den praktischen Entomologen. Lepidoptera. I Band. Allgemeiner Teil. Fang und
Zucht. 235 p., 43 figs, cloth; EL09255 € 25
Aue, A.U.E., 1933. Handbuch für den praktischen Entomologen. Lepidoptera. IV Band. Thaumatopoidae -
Saturniidae. iv, 180 p., num. figs, 1 col. pl., paperbound; EL10089 € 24
Aurivillius, C., 1880. Ueber sekundäre Geschlechtscharaktere nordischer Tagfalter. 50 p., 3 pls, disbound; EL09257 € 14
Aurivillius, C., 1901. On the Ethiopian genera of the family Striphnopterygidae. 33 p., 5 pls,
disbound; EL09256 € 10
Aurivillius, C., 1902-1906. Three papers: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Insektenfauna von Kamerun No. 11. Lepidoptera Heterocera (14
p., 8 figs, 3 (1 col.) pls); Verzeichnis von Lepidopteren gesammelt bei
Mukimbungu am unteren Kongo von Herrn E. Laman. Zweite und dritte Sendung (16
p., 6 figs, 1 col. plte); Diagnosen neuer Lepidopteren aus Afrika (7 p.);
EL26577 € 10
Baldizzone, G. et al., 2005. World catalogue of Insects. Vol. 8. Coleophoridae (Lepidoptera). ca. 200 p.,
hardbound; EL17787 € 58
Ball, F.J. et al., 1932. Résultats Scientifiques du Voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises. Lepidoptera I. 99 p., 3 (1 col.) pls, roy. 4to, paperbound; EL10006
€ 28
Barel, C.J.A., 1973. Studies on dispersal of Adoxophyes orana F.v.R. in relation to the population
sterilization technique. 107 p., 23 figs, 53 tables, wrps; EL15148 € 14
Baretel, M., 1899-(1902). Die palaearktischen Grossschmetterlinge und ihre Naturgeschichte. Vol. II:
Nachtfalter, I. Abteilung. lief. 17-23, 336p., missing part 24, wrps.; EL27154 € 80
Barlow, H.S., 1982. An introductiob to the Moths of South East Asia. ix, 305 p., 72 figs, 50 col.
pls, Decor. Boards; EL27153 € 55
Bascombe, M.J. et al., 1999. The Butterflies of Hong Kong. xiii, 422 p., hundreds of figs (many fullcolour),
222 col. pls, 4to, hardbound (d.j.). The bible for the butterflies of this
region; EL16391 € 175
Baynes, E.S., 1970-1973. A revised catalogue of Irish Macrolepidoptera. 141 p., paperbound. Including the
supplement; EL09260 € 18
Beaufoy, S. & E.M. Beaufoy, 1953. Butterflies of the wood. 36 p., 32 (16 col.) pls, wrps; EL15158 € 5
Beaufoy, S., 1947. Butterfly Lives. 128 p., num. photographs, 4to, cloth; EL09261 € 19
Bebbington, J. & R. Lewington, 2002. A guide to the caterpillars of the Butterflies of Britain and Ireland. A
plastified, fold-out map illustrating the caterpillars in fullcolour; EL16898 € 6
Becker, V.O., 1982. Stenomine moths of the neotropical genus Timocratica (Oecophoridae). 96 p., 179
figs, paperbound; EL09262 € 20
Benander, P., 1946. Catalogus Insectorum Sueciae. VI. Microlepidoptera. 82 p., wrps; EL15463 € 8
Bengtsson, B.Å., 1984. The Scythrididae of northern Europe. 137 p., 136 (40 col.) figs, hardbound
(FES13); EL09381 € 35
Berce, E., 1867-1873. Faune Entomologique Française. Lépidoptères. Description de toutes les papillons qui se trouvent en France. 5 vols (of
6). 1534 p., 2 pls (of 74). paperbound. Most plates missing; EL10093 € 48
Berg, K., 1941. Contributions to the biology of the aquatic Moth Acentropus niveus. 83 p., 46
figs, 1 pl., paperbound; EL09265 € 10
Berge, F., 1910 (9th ed.). Fr. Berge’s Schmetterlingesbuch. 518 p., 219 figs, 53 col. pls, modern calf; EL10007 € 175
Berge, F., 1910 (9th ed.). Fr. Berge’s Schmetterlingesbuch. 518 p., 219 figs, 53 col. pls, calf (spine partly loose
and outer ends damaged); EL10021 € 125
Bergh, P.J. van den, 1915. Attacus staudingeri Rothschild (Nieuw voor de Fauna van Sumatra). 1 p., 1
folding col. plate, wrps (reprint from Tijds. Ent. 58); EL22129 € 12
Bergmann, A., 1951-1955. Die Großschmetterlinge Mitteldeutschlands. Bände 1-5(2) (in 7). Band 1: xx, 631 p., 2 photo portraits, figs 1-329 (from p.
607 at bottom signs of old waterdamage); Band 2: xii, 495 p., figs 330-407, b&w pls 1-62, col. pls 1-4; Band 3: xii, 552 p., figs 408-502, b&w pls 63-110, col. pls 5-9; Band 4/1: xx, pp. 1-580, figs 503-654, b&w pls 111-152, col. pls 10-13; Band 4/2: pp. 581-1060, figs 655-774, b&w pls 153-184, col. pls 14-17; Band 5/1: xxvi, pp. 1-560, figs 775-997, b&w pls 185-231, col. pls 18-24a; Band 5/2: pp. 561-1267, figs 998-1219/3, b&w pls 232-290, (+ Ergänzungstafel 191), col. pls 25-29, includes Nachträge und Berichtigungen, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis, Sach- und Schlagwörterregister, Register von Autoren und Helfern, Druckfehlerverzeichnis. All
volumes hardbound with dust-jackets (protected by orange paper wrappers); d.j.
Band 1 with small pieces missing at top & bottom, d.j. Band 2, 3, 4/1 fine, d.j. Band 4/2 discoloured at front-bottom;
d.j. Band 5/1 slight discolouring at front-bottom, d.j. Band 5/2 discoloured at
front-bottom. In all, a very fine set; EL23730 € 420
Bergmann, A., 1952. Die Großschmetterlinge Mitteldeutschlands. Band 2. Tagfalter. Verbreitung, Formen und
Lebensgemeinschaften. xii, 495 p., 78 figs, 62 b&w pls, 4 col. pls, hcloth; EL21091 € 45
Bergsma, G. et al. (eds), 2000. Dagvlinders in Fryslân. 176 p., num. col. photographs & maps, hardbound; EL10087 € 23
Biesenbaum, W., 1996. Die Lepidopterenfauna der Rheinlande und Westfalens. 5. Familie: Scythrididae.
104 p., 13 col. pls, num. maps, paperbound; EL09268 € 17
Blab, J. et al., 1989. Actie voor Vlinders. 192 p., num. col. photographs, 4to, hardbound; EL09267 € 13
Blasche, P., 1955. Raupenkalender für das mitteleuropäische Faunengebiet. Nach den Futterpflanzen geordnet. 149 p., hardbound. Well
bound photocopy; EL09270 € 13
Bleszynski, S., 1961. Revision of the world species of the family Crambidae. Part I. Genus
Calamotropha. 136 p., 52 pls, cloth; EL09271 € 35
Boer, M.H. den, 1971. A colour-polymorphism in caterpillars of Bupalus piniarius (Geometridae). 56 p.,
13 figs, paperbound. Thesis; EL15073 € 8
Boissier de Sauvages. Abbé, 1763. Mémoires sur l’éducation des Vers à Soie. Divisés en trois parties, avec un traité sur la culture des muriers, & un sur l’origine du miel. Premier et Seconde Mémoire (in 1). xvi, 132; 148 p., HCloth; EL27192 € 50
Bollino, M. & G. Onore, 2001. Mariposas del Ecuador / Butterflies of Ecuador vol. 10a. Papilionidae. ix, 175
p., 228 col. photographs, paperbound; EL10346 € 44
Bond, K.G.M. et al., 2006. An annotated checklist of the Irish butterflies and moths. 177 p., 4to,
paperbound; EL23706 € 28
Bordas, L., 1905. Morphologie générale et étude anatomique de la larve d’Io Irene. Chenille séricigène de la Guyane Française. 112 p., 36 figs, 1 col. plate, wrps; EL18506 € 18
Bos, J. van den & R. Rabbinge, 1976. Simulation of the fluctuations of the grey larch bud moth. 83 p., 22 figs,
paperbound; EL09275 € 10
Bos, J. van den, 1983. The isolating effect of greenhouses on arthropod pests: a case study on Clepis
spectrana (Tortricidae). 93 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis; EL10319 € 12
Botke, J., 1916. Les motifs primitifs du dessin des ailes des Lépidoptères et leur origine phylétique. 147 p., 4 pls, paperbound; EL09276 € 20
Boullenois, F. de, 1875 (3rd ed.). Conseils aux nouveaux éducateurs de vers à soie. 248 p., 2 fold. pls, paperbound; EL09277 € 38
Bouvier, E.L., 1936. Études des Saturnioïdes normaux: famille des Saturnidés. 354 p., 82 figs, 12 (1 double) pls, paperbound (mnhn3); EL10333 € 45
Bovey, P., 1937. Recherches sur le Carposcade des Prunes. 136 p., 59 figs, wrps missing; EL09278 € 18
Bovey, P., 1941. Contribution à l’étude génétique et biogéographique de Zygaena ephialtes L. (Lep. Zygaenidae). 90 p., 16 figs, 17 maps, 1
col. plate, wrps. Thesis; EL20935 € 12
Boyd, B. & R.M. Pyle, 2000. Nabokov’s Butterflies. 783 p., b/w photos, 30 col. pls, paperbound (Penguin ed., as
new); EL15112 € 25
Braby, M.F., 2000. Butterflies of Australia. Their identification, biology and distribution (2
volume-set). xx, 458; vii, 459-976 p., hundreds of b&w photos & distribution maps, 70 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.). A magnificent work; EL26022 € 100
Bradley, J.D. & D.S. Fletcher, 1979. A recorder’s log book or label list of British Butterflies and Moths. vi, 136 p.,
paperbound; EL15128 € 10
Bradley, J.D. et al., 1973. British Tortricoid Moths. Cochylidae and Tortricidae: Tortricinae. viii, 251 p.,
52 figs, 47 (26 col.) pls, 4to, cloth (d.j.); EL15103 € 115
Bramson, K.L., 1890. Die Tagfalter (Rhopalocera) Europas und des Caucasus. 148 p., 1 pl., wrps;
EL09280 € 25
Brandstetter, C.M., 1981. Entomologische Nachrichten 1. Band. 94 p., num. col. tipped-in photographs,
boards; EL15153 € 15
Brinkmann, A. et al., 1924. Systematisches Verzeichnis der in Bremen und Umgegend beobachtete
Kleinschmetterlinge (24 p.) / Verzeichnis der Großschmetterlinge von Bremen und Umgebung (73 p.) / Die Insekten von Memmert (124
p.), disbound; EL10091 € 25
Brookes, M.H. et al. (eds), 1978. The Douglas-Fir Tussock Moth: A synthesis. xvii, 331 p., num. figs & col. photographs, 4to, hardbound (covers partly discoloured); EL23705 € 30
Brooks, C.J., 1950. A revision of the genus Tenaris (Amathusiidae). 60 p., 1 fig, 1 map, paperbound;
EL09282 € 15
Brown, F.M. & B. Heineman, 1972. Jamaica and its Butterflies. xv, 478 p., 7 figs, maps, 10 col. pls, Cloth;
EL27155 € 56
Brown, J.W. & J.A. Powell, 1991. Systematics of the Chrysoxena group of genera (Tortricidae: Euliini). viii, 87
p., 5 figs, 32 pls, paperbound; EL09283 € 20
Bryk, F., 1923. Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pars 27. Baroniidae, Teinopalpidae, Parnassiidae. 247
p., cloth, back missing, some red underlinings; EL09284 € 22
Bulletin of the Allyn Museum of Entomology, 1971-1996. Nos 2, 4, 5, 8 through 13, 21, 23 through 103, 105, 108 through 133, 138 through
141 (122 issues in all). Important run of this Bulletin, all on Lepidoptera, by
Ferris, Jenkins, Schwartz, Miller, Callaghan, Parsons, Simon, Freeman, Felder,
Fisher, Downey and others; EL20445 € 160
Burgeff, H., 1956. Über die Modifizierbarkeit von Arten und geographischen Rassen der Gattung
Zygaena (Lep.). 59 p., 8 diagrams, 6 (2 col.) pls, paperbound. Unopened (Nova
Acta Leopold. NF 18#127); EL09290 € 12
Burgers, J. et al., 1989-1991. Macrolepidoptera van de Imbosch nos 1 & 3. ca. 100 p., 2 pls, 4to, paperbound (unsewn). Mimeographed; EL09292 € 15
Burmann, K. & P. Huemer, 1984. Die Kleinschmetterlingssammlung von Prof. Franz Gradl in der Vorarlberger
Naturschau, Dornbirn. 64 p., paperbound; EL10336 € 10
Burmann, K. & P. Huemer, 1988. Die Grossschmetterlinge von Prof. Franz Gradl in der Voralberger Naturschau,
Dornbirn, 1. Teil: Geometridae und Noctuidae. 64 p., 4 figs, 2 pls, wrps;
EL15176 € 10
Busck, A., n.d. (ca. 1900). A revision of the American Moths of the family Gelechiidae, with descriptions of
new species. 172 p., disbound; EL09293 € 15
Buszko, J. et al., 1996. Macrolepidoptera of Bialowieza forest. 46 p., 1 map, paperbound. In Polish;
EL10297 € 8
Buszko, J., 1992. Keys for the identification of Polish Insects. Lepidoptera. Sphingidae. 42 p.,
30 figs, wrps. In Polish; EL15170 € 8
Calcoen, H.J., 1912. Dieren atlas. De Vlinders. 96 p., 28 col. pls, decorated cloth (inner joints
somewhat loose); EL09294 € 30
Capuse, I. & A. Kovács, 1987. Catalogue de la collection de Lépidoptères “László Diószeghy” du Musée Départamental Covasna, Sfîntu Gheorghe.397 p., paperbound; EL18711 € 12
Capuse, I., 1968. Fauna Republicii Socialiste Romana. Insecta. Fam. Tineidae. 462 p., 251 figs, 4
pls, cloth. In Romanian; EL09295 € 50
Caradja, A., 1925. Ueber Choinas Pyraliden, Tiortriciden, Tineiden nebst kurze Betrachtungen, zu
denen das Studium dieser Fauna Veranlassung gibt. Eine biogegraphische Skizze.
127, (iv) p., 2 pls. wrps.; EL27156 € 18
Carcasson, R.H., 1976. Revised catalogue of the African Sphingidae (Lepidoptera) with descriptions of
the East African species. 2nd ed., 148 p., 6 figs, 17 pls, Decor. wrps.;
EL27157 € 27
Carpenter, G.D.H. & C.B. Lewis, 1943. A collection of Lepidoptera (Rhopalocera) from the Cayman Islands. 38 p., 1
plte, disbound; EL26459 € 7
Carter, D., 1982. Butterflies & Moths in Britain and Europe. 192 p., fullcol. ills, 4to, paperbound (special
edition BMNH); EL15107 € 15
Cerf, F. le & C. Herbulot, 1990-1999 (reprint). Atlas des Lépidoptères de France. I. Rhopalocères. II-III. Hétérocères. 3 vols. 453 p., 40 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); EL09298 € 108
Cerf, F. Le & E. Meyrick, 1914-1920. Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique Orientale (1911-1912). Résultats scientifiques. Insectes Lépidoptères I. Chenilles et cocons recueillis dans les galles des Formicides, avec un
appendice sur une chenille de Notodontide. 31 p., 17 figs, 2 pls, & II. Microlepidoptera (by E.M.). 88 p., 1 photo, wrps (unopened); EL17286 € 25
Chacín Rivas, M.E., 1992. Revision del genero Manduca Hübner, 1807 (Lepidoptera: Sphingidae) en Venezuela. 122 p., 50 figs, 7 maps,
paperbound (Acta Terramaris 5); EL18090 € 10
Chnéour, A., 1954. Macrolépidoptères de Tunisie I, II. Rhopalocera, Crypocera. 33 p., 6 pls, disbound; EL26457 € 5
Christensen, P.J.H., 1942. Die erste und frühe Eientwicklung bei Orgyia antiqua (Fam. Lymantriidae). 223 p., 9 figs, 31 pls,
hcloth; EL09300 € 32
Christensen, P.J.H., 1942. Die erste und frühe Eientwicklung bei Orgyia antiqua (Fam. Lymantriidae). 223 p., 9 figs, 31 pls,
paperbound; EL10023 € 30
Christensen, P.J.H., 1950. Studien über die postembryonale Entwicklung bei Cochlidion limacodes. 36 p., 9 pls, 4to,
paperbound; EL09301 € 10
Chun, M.W., 1972. Dynamics of feeding responses in Pieris brassicae as a function of chemosensory
input: a behavioural, ultrastructural and electrophysiological study. 162 p.,
82 figs, paperbound; EL09302 € 20
Clark, G.C.& C.G.C. Dickson, 1971. Life histories of the South African Lycaenid butterflies. xvi, 272 p., 125 col. figs/pls, Cloth; EL27158 € 40
Clarke, J.F.G., 1941. Revision of the North American Moths of the family Oecophoridae, with
descriptions of new genera and species. 254 p., 48 pls. wrps; EL27159 € 34
Clarke, J.F.Gates, 1962-1967. Neotropical Microlepidoptera I-XIII. 176 p., 87 figs, 58 pls, wrps. Parts
VII-VIII and XI missing; EL09303 € 32
Clarke, J.F.Gates, 1965. Microlepidoptera of Juan Fernandez Islands. 105 p., 111 figs, 1 pl., wrps;
EL09307 € 12
Clarke, J.F.Gates, 1971. Neotropical Microlepidoptera XIX. Notes on and new species of Oecophoridae. 39
p., 26 figs, 3 pls, 4to, wrps; EL09305 € 10
Clarke, J.F.Gates, 1978. Neotropical Microlepidoptera XXI: New genera and species of Oecophoridae from
Chile. 85 p., 54 figs, 6 pls, 4to, paperbound; EL09306 € 14
Clarke, J.F.Gates, 1984 Insects of Micronesia. Microlepidoptera: Gelechioidea. 11 p., 1 map, 5 figs, 1
plte, paperbound. Cover with library stamp & (inside) biro annotations; EL23137 € 6
Clayhills, T.H., 1957. Provinsen Nylandias Microlepidoptera. 83 p., 7 maps, paperbound; EL09309 € 14
Clench, H.K. et al. (eds), 1977. The Lepidopterists’ Society commemorative volume, 1945-1973. xvii, 374 p., cloth; EL21473 € 24
Clench, H.K., 1944. Notes on Lycaenid Butterflies. 31 p., disbound (unopened) (Bull. MCZ 94#6);
EL26137 € 5
Cleu, H., 1947. Le peuplement en Lépidoptères du bassin supérieur de la Durance. 48 p., paperbound (mnhn20(3); EL09308 € 10
Common, I.F.B., 1990. Moths of Australia. vi, 535 p., 129 figs, 32 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); EL09383 € 160
Common, I.F.B., 1997. Monographs on Australian lepidoptera volume 5. Oecophorine Genera of Australia
II. The Chezala, Philobota and Eulechria groups (Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae).
xvi, 407 p., 768 figs, cloth; EL16259 € 80
Comstock, W.P., 1961. Butterflies of the American tropics: the genus Anaea (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae).
A study of the species heretofore included in the genera Anaea, Coenophlebia,
Hypna, Polygrapha, Protogonius, Siderone and Zaretis. xiii, 214 p., 250 figs, 6
tables, 30 col. pls, Cloth; EL27160 € 86
Cooper, E.K., 1962. Silkworms and science. 128 p., 16 b/w photographs, hardbound (d.j.); EL15120 € 15
Corbet, A. S. & H.M. Pendlebury, 1956. The butterflies of the Malay Peninsula. 2nd rev. ed., x, 537 p., 159 figs, 20
pls of genitalia, 34 (7 col.) pls, Decor. Cloth; EL27161 € 55
Corke, D., 1997. The Butterflies of Essex. 208 p., 50 col. photographs, num. figs & maps, hardbound; EL15114 € 28
Cottrell, C.B., 1978. Aspects of the biogeography of Southern African butterflies. viii, 100 p., 4
tables, paperbound (Suppl. Zambezia); EL20224 € 10
Cowan, C.F., 1968-1970 (reprint 1975). Annotationes Rhopalocerologicae. 2 parts. 90 p., wrps; EL09312 € 18
Cribb, P.W., n.d. (ca. 1983). Breeding the British Butterflies. 59 p., num. figs/photographs, wrps; EL10300 € 10
Crombrugghe de Piquendaele, Baron de, 1906. Catalogue raisonné des Microlépidoptères de Belgique. 2 vols. 327 p., paperbound. Unopened; EL09313 € 30
Cruz, M.A. da S. & T. Gonçalves, 1973-1974. Macrolepidópteros da região do Alto Douro / Imigração ou sobrevivência. Lepidopteros aclimatados ou naturalizados em Portugal. 63 p., 1 map, wrps;
EL09684 € 14
Cruz, M.A. da S., 1967-1974. Collection of 5 papers on Portuguese Lepidoptera; EL09685 € 15
Culot, J., 1909-1913 (reprint 1986). Noctuelles et Géomètres d’Europe. Vol. 1. 220 p., 38 col. pls, hardbound (vol. 1 only!); EL12402 € 85
Cuperus, P.L., 1986. A comparative electron microscopical study on antennae of small ermine moths
(Lepidoptera, Yponomeutidae). 140 p., 22 figs, paperbound. Thesis; EL15803 € 15
Dahl, F. & M. Gaede, 1925-1929. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. Schmetterlinge oder Lepidoptera. I: Tagfalter
(Rhopalocera). II. Nachtfalter (Heterocera: Macrolepidoptera). 386 p., 240
figs, paperbound; EL09315 € 70
Dahl, F. & M. Gaede, 1929. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. Schmetterlinge oder Lepidoptera. II: Nachtfalter
(Heterocera: Macrolepidoptera). viii, 333 p., 197 figs, paperbound; EL09389 € 38
Danesch, O., 1965. Schmetterlinge. Band I. Tagfalter. 256 p., 238 (186col.) photographs, cloth
(d.j.); EL23504 € 12
Daniel, F., 1965. Das Genus Harpyia im palaearktischen Raum unter Einschluß der naheverwandten nordamerikanischen Formen. 48 p., 23 figs, stapled; EL09316 € 8
Darge, P., 1983. Faune de la République Unie de Cameroun. Vol. 1. Le genre Charaxes. The genus Charaxus. 136
p., 43 col. pls, 3 maps, 4to, cloth; EL09317 € 85
Davenport, D., 1941. The Butterflies of the Satyrid genus Coenonympha. 137 p., 10 pls, disbound
(Bull. MCZ 87#4); EL26146 € 25
Davis, D.R. & J.R. Stonis, 2007. A revision of the new world plant-mining Moths of the family Opostegidae. 210
p., 19 maps, 503 (118 col.) figs, 4to, wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 625); EL26141 € 22
Davis, D.R. et al., 1992. Biology and systematics of Greya Busck and Tetragma, new genus (Lepidoptera:
Prodoxidae). iii, 88 p., 375 figs, wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 524); EL24598 € 12
Davis, D.R., 1964. Bagworm Moths of the western hemisphere. 233 p., num. pls & maps, paperbound; EL09319 € 25
Davis, D.R., 1967. A revision of the Moths of the subfamily Prodoxinae (Incurvariidae). 170 p., 51
pls, 17 maps, paperbound; EL09318 € 20
Davis, D.R., 1968. A revision of the American Moths of the family Carposinidae. 105 p., 122 figs,
11 maps, paperbound; EL09320 € 14
Davis, D.R., 1975. A review of the West Indian moths of the family Psychidae with descriptions of
new taxa and immature Ssages. 66 p., 206 figs, 4to, paperbound (Smiths. Contr.
Zool.); EL09321 € 12
Davis, D.R., 1975. Systematics and zoogeography of the family Neopseustidae with the proposal of a
new superfamily (Lep.: Neopseustoidea). 45 p., 98 figs, 4to, wrps (Smiths.
Contr. Zool. 210); EL09323 € 12
Davis, D.R., 1975. Review of Ochsenheimeriidae and the introduction of the cereal stem Moth
Ochsenheimeria vacculella into the United States (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea). 20
p., 31 figs, 2 maps, wrps; EL09325 € 8
Davis, D.R., 1978. The North American Moths of the genera Phaeosus, Opogona, and Oinophila. 39 p.,
128 figs, 4to, wrps; EL09322 € 10
Davis, D.R., 1986. A new family of monotrysian Moths from austral South America (Palaephatidae),
with a phylogenetic review of the Monotrysia. 202 p., 369 figs, 33 pls, 4to,
paperbound; EL09324 € 25
Davis, D.R., 1998. A world classification of the Harmacloninae, a new subfamily of Tineidae
(Lepidoptera: Tineoidea). iii, 81 p., 8 maps, 346 figs, 4to, wrps (Smiths.
Contr. Zool. 597); EL26023 € 14
Davis, D.R., 2003. A monograph of the family Arrhenophanidae (Lepidoptera: Tineoidea). 80 p., 255
figs, wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool.); EL15137 € 18
Debauche, H., 1941. Geometridae de Célèbes (Lepidoptera Heterocera). 46 p., 6 figs, 2 pls, boards (ex-library); EL10065
€ 24
Dethier, V.G., 1941. The antennae of Lepidopterous larvae. 55 p., 9 pls, disbound (Bull. MCZ 87#6);
EL26147 € 15
Dewitz, H., 1887. Westafrikanische Tagschmetterlinge. Westafrikanische Nymphaliden. 8 p., 1 col.
pl., 4to, wrps (edges frayed); EL10004 € 12
Diakonoff, A., 1939. The genera of Indo-Malayan and Papuan Torrrtricidae. xiv, 130 p.,19 figs,
paperbound; EL21648 € 24
Diakonoff, A., 1950. The type specimens of certain oriental Eucosmidae and Carposinidae
(Microlepidoptera). 28 p., 6 pls, wrps; EL09331 € 10
Diakonoff, A., 1950. A revision of the family Ceracidae (Tortricoidea). 49 p., 34 figs, paperbound;
EL09332 € 13
Diakonoff, A., 1952-1956. New Guinean Microlepidoptera, parts 1-6. disbound (from KNAW); EL26642 € 7
Diakonoff, A., 1954. Records and descriptions of Microlepidoptera (7). 58 p., 26 figs, 3 pls,
paperbound (ZV22). Unopened; EL15877 € 14
Diakonoff, A., 1956. Records and descriptions of Microlepidoptera (8). 60 p., 57 figs, paperbound
(ZV29); EL17805 € 15
Diakonoff, A., 1960. Tortricidae from Madagascar. Part I. 209 p., 265 figs, paperbound; EL18536 € 30
Diakonoff, A., 1960. Tortricidae from Reunion (Microlepidoptera). 47 p., 39 figs, 2 pls, disbound;
EL26641 € 7
Diakonoff, A., 1962. Preliminary survey of the Palaearctic species of the subgenus Bactra Stephens
(Bactra, Tortricidae, Lepidoptera). 48 p., 37 figs, 18 pls, paperbound (ZV59);
EL17767 € 12
Diakonoff, A., 1963. African Species of the genus Bactra Stephens (Tortricidae). 72 p., 73 figs, wrps
(Tijdschr. Ent.); EL09334 € 13
Diakonoff, A., 1966. Notes on the Olethreutini and on some Tortricinae from the Papuan region in the
Meyrick collection, British Museum, with selection of lectotypes (Lepidoptera,
Tortricidae). 86 p., 86 figs, 1 plte, paperbound (ZV85); EL17766 € 21
Diakonoff, A., 1967. Microlepidoptera of the Philippine Islands. v, 484 p., 846 figs, paperbound
(USNM Bull. 257); EL19960 € 40
Diakonoff, A., 1973. The South Asiatic Olethreutini (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). xxxi, 700 p., 732
figs, 15 (1 col.) pls, 4to, cloth; EL10000 € 90
Diakonoff, A., 1974. The South Asiatic Polyorthini with notes on species of Polyortha Dognin
(Tortricidae). 86 p., 86 figs, paperbound (ZV131); EL09327 € 21
Diakonoff, A., 1976. Tortricidae from Nepal, 2. 145 p., 110 figs, 14 pls, paperbound (ZV144); EL09328
€ 36
Diakonoff, A., 1977. Rearrangement of certain Glyphipterygidae sensu Meyrick, 1913, with descriptions
of new taxa (Lepidoptera). 55 p., 45 figs, paperbound (ZV158); EL17780 € 13
Diakonoff, A., 1978. Descriptions of new genera and species of the so-called Glyphipterygidae sensu
Meyrick, 1913 (Lepidoptera). 63 p., 49 figs, paperbound (ZV160); EL01964 € 15
Diakonoff, A., 1982. On a collection of some families of Microlepidoptera from Sri Lanka (Ceylon).
124 p., 65 figs, 18 pls, paperbound (ZV193); EL09330 € 31
Diakonoff, A., 1983. Tortricidae from Atjeh, northern Sumatra. 132 p., 104 figs, 22 pls, paperbound
(ZV204); EL09329 € 33
Diakonoff, A., 1989. Revision of the Palaearctic Carposinidae with description of a new genus and new
species (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea). 155 p., 50 figs, paperbound (ZV251).
Ex-library copy (new copies available for € 38); EL17430 € 30
Diego Cuevara, C. et al., 2002. Mariposas del Ecuador / Butterflies of Ecuador vol. 17a. Sphingidae. v, 234 p.,
247 col. figs, paperbound; EL19924 € 54
Diehl, E.W., 1980. Heterocera Sumatrana, Band 1. Sphingidae. vii, 97 p., 2 maps, 12 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); EL21570 € 28
Dierl, W., 1977-1997. 11 papers on Lepidoptera. 120 p., num. figs, disbound (Spixiana); EL25549 € 15
Dietz, R.E. & W.D. Duckworth, 1976. A review of the genus Horama Hübner and reestablishment of the genus Poliopastea Hampson (Lepidoptera:
Ctenuchidae). 53 p., 29 figs, 3 pls, stapled; EL09335 € 12
Dijkerman, H.J., 1990. Parasitoids of Small Ermine Moths (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae). 162 p., num.
figs, paperbound. Thesis; EL09336 € 18
Donner, H. & C. Wilkinson, 1989. Fauna of New Zealand 16. Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera). 88 p., 102 figs, 27 maps,
paperbound; EL10042 € 15
Doux, Y. & C. Gibeaux, 2007.
Les papillons de jour d’île-de-France et de l’Oise. 288 p., various figs, 121 col. pls, hardbound; EL24543 € 43
Drongelen, W. van, 1980. Comparative aspects of taste receptors and hostplant selection in larvae of
various Yponomeuta species (Lepidoptera). 75 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis;
EL15808 € 10
Drosihn, J., 1933. Über Art- und Rassenunterschiede der männlichen Kopulationsapparate von Pieriden. 135 p., 19 figs, 20 pls, paperbound.
Thesis; EL09337 € 24
Duckworth, W., 1971. Neotropical Microlepidoptera XX: Revision of the genus Setiostoma (Stenomidae).
45 p., 64 figs, 2 pls, wrps; EL09340 € 10
Duckworth, W.D. & T.D. Eichlin, 1973. The type-material of North American clearwing Moths (Sesiidae). 34 p., 4to,
wrps; EL09338 € 10
Duckworth, W.D. & T.D. Eichlin, 1974. Clearwing Moths of Australia and New Zealand (Sesiidae). 45 p., 50 figs, 6 maps,
4to, wrps; EL09339 € 10
Duckworth, W.D. & T.D. Eichlin, 1977. A classification of the Sesiidae of America north of Mexico (Lepidoptera:
Sesioidea). 54 p., wrps; EL21112 € 10
Duckworth, W.D. & T.D. Eichlin, 1983. Revision of the Clearwing Moth genus Osminia (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae). 16 p., 27
figs, wrps; EL09342 € 8
Duckworth, W.D., 1970. Neotropical Microlepidoptera XVIII: Revision of the genus Peleopoda
(Lepidoptera: Oecophoridae). 30 p., 55 figs, 3 pls, wrps; EL09344 € 8
Duckworth, W.D., 1973. The Old World Stenomidae: A preliminary survey of the fauna, notes on
relationships, and revision of the genus Eriogenes (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea).
21 p., 9 figs, wrps; EL09343 € 8
Dufay, C., 1961. Faune terrestre et d’eau douce des Pyrénées-Orientales. Fasc. 6. Lépidoptères. I. Macrolépidoptères. 153 p., paperbound; EL22884 € 20
Dugdale, J.S., 1988. Fauna of New Zealand 14. Lepidoptera - annotated catalogue, and keys to
family-group taxa. 262 p., 181 figs. Library stamp; EL10040 € 30
Dugdale, J.S., 1988. Fauna of New Zealand. Lepidoptera - annotated catalogue, and keys to
family-group taxa. 262 p., 181 figs, paperbound (as new); EL19205 € 50
Dugdale, J.S., 1994. Fauna of New Zealand 30. Hepialidae (Lepidoptera). 163 p., 349 figs, 5 pls, 27
maps, paperbound; EL10039 € 25
Dupont, F. & G.J. Scheepmaker, 1936. Uit Java’s Vlinderleven. 216 p., 127 figs, paperbound; EL09346 € 48
Dyar, H.G. & C. Heinrich, 1927. The American Moths of the genus Diatraea and allies. 48 p., 20 pls, wrps;
EL09347 € 12
Dyar, H.G., 1915. Report on the Lepidoptera of the Smithsonian biological survey of the Panama
Canal Zone. 212 p., disbound; EL09345 € 23
Dyar, H.G., ca. 1920. Descriptions of new species and genera of Lepidoptera, chiefly from Mexico. 68
p., wrps (Proc. US Natl Mus.); EL26446 € 5
Ebert, G. (ed.), 1991. Die Schmetterlinge Baden-Württembergs. Band 1. Tagfalter I. Band 2. Tagfalter II. 1087 p., 331 figs, 870
col. photographs, 143 maps, cloth (d.j.); EL10046 € 65
Eckstein, K., 1913-1915. Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Biologie. I. Band. Spezieller Teil, Die Tagfalter. 2. Band. Die
Schwärmer und Spinner. 204 p., 36 figs, 32 col. pls, wrps; EL10327 € 40
Eckstein, K., 1913-1915. Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Biologie. I. Band. Spezieller Teil, Die Tagfalter. 2. Band. Die
Schwärmer und Spinner. 204 p., 36 figs, 32 col. pls, wrps (spine vol.2 taped, backwrp
vol 1 loose); EL15111 € 34
Eckstein, K., 1913-1923. Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Biologie. 1-4. 120, 84, 96, 88 p., 64 full. col. pls, cloth;
EL22262 € 96
Eckstein, K., 1913. Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Biologie. I. 120 p., 26 figs, 16 col. pls, paperbound; EL21001 € 18
Eckstein, K., 1915-1920. Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands. Band 1. Allgemeiner Teil & Die Tagfalter. Band 2. Die Schwärmer und Spinner. Band 3. Die eulenartigen Falter. 180 p., 32 col. pls, wrps,
partly loose; EL09352 € 44
Eckstein, K., 1922. Die Schmetterlinge, ihr Bau, ihre Lebensweise und wirtschaftliche Bedeutung
nebst Anleitung zur Beobachtung, Aufzucht und zum Sammels. 263 p., 52 figs, 18
col. pls, cloth; EL19905 € 68
Eckstein, K., 1933. Die Schmetterlinge Deutschlands mit besonderer Berücksichtigung ihrer Biologie und wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung. Vol. 5: Die
Kleinschmetterlinge Deutschlands. 223 p., 32 col. pls, Decor. Cloth; EL27162 € 68
Edwards, E.D. et al., 2001. Zoological catalogue of Australia vol. 31.6. Lepidoptera Hesperioidea,
Papilionoidea. x, 615 p., 1 map, hardbound; EL09385 € 80
Eecke, R. van, 1914. Studien über Indo-Australische Lepidopteren. Fauna Simalurensis. NLM 36(3/4): 193-258, 5
figs, plate 4, disbound; EL15193 € 14
Eecke, R. van, 1916. Systematische catalogus der Indo-Australische Danaiden. 90 p., wrps; EL15141 € 15
Eecke, R. van, 1929. Fauna Buruana. Lepidoptera Rhopalocera. 20 p., 10 figs, 1 col. pl., wrps.
Treubia; EL09353 € 10
Eeckhoudt, J.P. Vanden, 1965. Papillons de jour. 77 p., 139 photos (many col.) photos, hardbound. Ex-libris in
front (Coll. “Visages de la Nature”); EL18091 € 10
Efetov, K.A. & J.I. Budahkin, 1990. Guide to the butterflies of the Crimea. 110 p., 40 col. pls, boards. In Russian;
EL19671 € 20
Eisner, C. & C.M. Naumann, 1980. Parnassiana Nova LVII. Beitrag zur Ökologie und Taxonomie der Afghanischen Parnassiidae. 35 p., 1 map, 9 pls,
paperbound (ZV178); EL14333 € 8
Eisner, C., 1966. Parnassiidae-Typen in der Sammlung J.C. Eisner. 190 p., 84 pls, paperbound
(ZV81); EL18543 € 47
Elfferich, N.W., 1966. Schubvleugelen. Lepidoptera. De nederlandse Lycaenidae, biologie en
vliegplaatsen. 44 p., 36 figs, 24 maps, wrps (KNNV66); EL21514 € 8
Eliot, J.N. & A. Kawazoe, 1983. Blue Butterflies of the Lycaenopsis group. 309 p., 560 figs/photos (208 col.; on
6 pls), 4to, Cloth; EL27163 € 50
Eliot, J.N., 1973. The Higher Classification of the Lycaenidae: A Tentative Arrangement. 135 p.,
162 figs, 6 pls, paperbound; EL09355 € 24
Eller, K., 1936. Die Rassen von Papilio Machaon. 96 p., 16 pls, 4to, paperbound; EL10031 € 25
Emmel, T.C., 1976. Wunderbare und geheimnisvolle Welt der Schmetterlinge. 260 p., num. col.
photographs/pls, cloth (d.j.); EL10003 € 28
Emmet, A.M. & J. Heath (eds), 1990. The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 7, part 1.
Hesperiidae to Nymphalidae. 370 p., 22 figs, 24 col. pls, 74 maps, paperbound;
EL15100 € 45
Emmet, A.M. & J. Heath (eds), 1992. The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 7, part 2.
Lasiocampidae-Thyatiridae with life history chart of the British Lepidoptera.
400 p., 7 figs, 4 col. pls, 28 maps, paperbound; EL15101 € 45
Emmet, A.M., 1981. The smaller Moths of Essex. 158 p., num. figs, paperbound; EL15113 € 10
Emmet, A.M., 1991. The scientific names of the British Lepidoptera: their history and meaning. 288
p., 8 pls, paperbound; EL15088 € 38
Engel, H., 1908. A preliminary list of the Lepidoptera of western Pennsylvania collected in the
vicinity of Pittsburgh. 110 p., paperbound. Unopened; EL09357 € 15
Engelhardt, G.P., 1946. The North-American clear-wing Moths of the family Aegeriidae. vi, 222 p., 32 (16
col.) pls, wrps; EL27164 € 34
Epstein, M.E., 1996. Revision and phylogeny of the Limacodid-group families, with evolutionary
studies on slug caterpillars (Lepidoptera: Zygaenoidea). iv, 102 p., 409 figs,
wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 582); EL24599 € 18
Fairbank, J., 1997. How to photograph butterflies. 14 p., 4to, spiralbound; EL15182 € 4
Federley, H., 1906. Lepidopterologische Temperatur-Experimente mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Flügelschuppen. 116 p., 7 figs, 3 pls, wrps; EL23505 € 26
Feige, R., 1977. Kurze Darstellung der neotropischen Gattung Letis Hbn. und ihrer Arten (Lep.
Noctuidae). 17 p., 9 pls, disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs); EL25990 € 5
Ferdinand, Ch., 1956. Die schönsten Schmetterlinge. 90 p., 123 (many col.) photographs, 4to, hcloth; EL09394 € 15
Ferguson, D.C., 1971. Moths of America north of Mexico. Fasc. 20, 2A. Bombycoidea: Saturniidae.
Comprising subfamilies Citheroniinae, Hemileucinae (part.). 153 p., 19 figs, 11
col. pls, wrps, 4to; EL27180 € 95
Fernández-Rubio, F., 1976-1981. Genitalias (Andropigios) de los Ropalóceros de Alava y su entorno ibérico. I: Lycaenidae. III. Nemeobidae, Pieridae, Papilionidae, Hesperidae. [16]
p., 132 pls, paperbound; EL09358 € 22
Fernández-Rubio, F., 1982. Genitalias (Andropigios y Ginopigios) de las Zygaenas de Alava y su entorno ibérico. V. 66 p., 52 pls, paperbound; EL09359 € 10
Fibiger, M. & N.P. Kristensen, 1974. The Sesiidae of Fennoscandia and Denmark. 91 p., 144 (28 col.) figs, paperbound
(FES2); EL15072 € 15
Fiedler, K., 1991. Systematic, evolutionary, and ecological implications of myrmecophily within the
Lycaenidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea). 210 p., 19 tables, paperbound
(Bonner Zool. Monogr. 31); EL19252 € 30
Field, W.D., 1975. Ctenuchid Moths of Ceramidia, Ceramidiodes and the Caca species group of
Antichloris. 48 p., 105 figs, 4to, wrps; EL09364 € 10
Filho, J.O., 1946. Revisão dos nomes genéricos da familia Sphingidae. Parte 1. Subfamilia Sphinginae. 57 p., stapled;
EL09367 € 10
Fitzgerald, T.D., 1995. The Tent Caterpillars. xiv, 303 p., num. figs, 2 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); EL09368
€ 42
Fiumi, G. et al., 1980-1983. 3 papers on Macrolepidoptera & Rhopalocera, in Italian. 76 p., some figs, disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat.
Verona); EL25703 € 10
Fletcher, D.S. & I.W.B. Nye, 1982. The generic names of Moths of the world. Vol. 4. Bombycoidea, Castioidea,
Cossoidea, Mimallonoidea, Sesioidea, Sphingoidea, Zygaenoidea. xiv, 192 p.,
frontispiece, 4to, hardbound; EL10002 € 44
Fletcher, D.S., 1974. A revision of the Old World genus Zamarada (Geometridae). 498 p., 452 figs, 123
pls, 5 maps, paperbound; EL09369 € 38
Floericke, K., 1923. Falterleben. 77 p., 18 figs, hardbound; EL09370 € 19
Fluiter, H.J. de et al. (eds), 1963. Fenologisch en faunistisch onderzoek over boomgaardinsekten (vnl. lepidoptera).
226 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; EL18523 € 20
Forbes, W.T.M., 1923-1948. The Lepidoptera of New York and neighboring states. Part I. Primitive forms,
Microlepidoptera, Pyraloids, Bombyces: 729 p., 435 figs, hardbound (orig. wrps
bound in) & Part II: Geometridae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Lymantriidae: 263 p., 255 figs,
paperbound (Cornell Univ. Agric. Exper. Station Memoirs 68&74); EL18186 € 120
Forbes, W.T.M., 1939. The Lepidoptera of Barro Colorado island, Panama. 224 p., 8 pls, disbound (Bull.
MCZ 85#4); EL24733 € 28
Forbes, W.T.M., 1942. The Lepidoptera of Barro Colorado island, Panama. No. 2. 144 p., 8 pls, disbound
(Bull. MCZ 90#2); EL26145 € 16
Ford, E.B., 1946 (reprint ed.). Butterflies. xiv, 368 p., 9 figs, 72 (48 col.) pls, 32 maps, cloth (The New
Naturalist) Ex-library; EL20405 € 25
Ford, E.B., 1955 (1st ed.). Moths. 266 p., 56 (32 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.) (The New Naturalist) A good copy;
EL15108 € 40
Ford, E.B., 1967 (reprint ed.). Moths. 266 p., 56 (32 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.) (The New Naturalist) A good copy;
EL15109 € 30
Ford, E.B., 1971 (reprint ed.). Butterflies. xiv, 368 p., 9 figs, 72 (48 col.) pls, 32 maps, cloth (d.j., spine
with tear) (The New Naturalist); EL20929 € 26
Ford, E.B., 1976 (reprint ed.). Moths. 266 p., 56 (32 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.) (The New Naturalist) A very good copy; EL20928 € 45
Ford, R.L.E., n.d. Collectors’ guide. Insect collecting. 20 p., 14 figs, wrps; EL15177 € 8
Fox, R.M. & R. Ferreira d’Almeida, 1941. Two papers: New Ithomiinae (Nymphalidae)/A revision of the genus Sais
(Ithomiinae). 39 p., 3 pls, paperbound (Reading Public Mus. & Art Gallery Sci. Publ. 2 & 3); EL23667 € 14
Franclemont, J.G., 1973. Moths of America north of Mexico. Facs. 20.1 Mimallonoidea: Mimallonidae and
Bombycoidea: Apatelodidae, Bombycidae, Lasiocampidae. 86, viii p., 22 figs, 11
col. pls, wrps, 4to; EL27179 € 40
Frankenhuyzen, A. van & G. Houtman, 1972. Bladmineerders op bomen en struiken. 60 p., 98 figs, wrps (KNNV94); EL09375 € 9
Freina, J.J. de, 1983-1985. Collection of 8 papers; EL09376 € 20
Fridén, F., 1958. Frass-drop frequency in Lepidoptera. 59 p., fig. 18, wrps; EL15406 € 10
Fung, S.Y., 1989. Comparative chemical analyses of small ermine moths (Lepidoptera: Yponomeuta)
and their host plants. 99 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis; EL15804 € 10
Furneaux, W., 1894. Butterflies and Moths (British). xiv, 358 p., num. figs, 12 col. pls, publisher’s decorated cloth; EL09392 € 75
Gäbler, H., 1954. Die Prozessionsspinner. 38 p., 40 figs, wrps (Neue Brehm-Bücherei); EL09390 € 10
Gaedike, R., 1970-1992. 7 papers (a.o.: Revision der paläarktischen Acrolepiidae, Kenntnis paläarktischen Tineiden, Kenntnis Episcardia, Revision nearktischen und
neotropischen Acrolepiidae, Revision Gattung Infurcitinia + Nachtrag). 154
p.,420 figs, disbound (from Ent. Abh. Dresden); EL25838 € 18
Gaedike, R., 1980. Beiträge zur Insektenfauna der DDR: Lepidoptera-Pyraustinae. 80 p., 274 figs, stapled;
EL09393 € 12
Gaskin, D.E., 1985. Morphology and reclassification of the Australasian, Melanesian and Polynesian
Glaucocharis (Crambinae). 75 p., 131 figs, paperbound; EL09387 € 10
Gay, J. & P. Gay, 1996. Atlas of Sussex Butterflies. 80 p., num. maps, paperbound; EL15139 € 5
Geraedts, W.H.J.M., 1986. Voorlopige atlas van de Nederlandse dagvlinders - Rhopalocera. 499 p., num. figs
& maps, paperbound; EL09395 € 15
Gerasimov, A.M., 1952. Fauna of USSR. Lepidopterous insects I, 2. Caterpillars part 1. (vi), 336 p.,140
figs, cloth. In Russian; EL19773 € 40
Gerlach, J. & P. Matyot, 2006. Lepidoptera of the Seychelles islands. 130 p. + 32 col. pls, 3 textfigs,
paperbound. The first monographic treatment of the butterflies of this Indian
Ocean island group; EL19332 € 36
Gershenson, Z.S. & S.A. Ulenberg, 1998. The Yponomeutinae (Lepidoptera) of the world exclusive of the Americas. x, 202
p., 38 figs, 6 pls, hardbound; EL21647 € 65
Gielis, C., 1991. A taxonomic review of the Pterophoridae (Lepidoptera) from Argentina and Chile.
164 p., 178 figs, paperbound (ZV269); EL11632 € 41
Gielis, C., 1991. A taxonomic review of the Pterophoridae from Argentina and Chile. 164 p., 178
figs, paperbound (ZV269). Library sticker on cover; EL11633 € 30
Gielis, C., 1993. Generic revision of the superfamily Pterophoroidea (Lepidoptera). 139 p., 241
figs, paperbound (ZV290). Ex-library copy (new copies available for € 35); EL17424 € 30
Gielis, C., 1993. Generic revision of the superfamily Pterophoroidea (Lepidoptera). 139 p., 241
figs, paperbound (ZV290); EL25227 € 35
Gielis, C., 1994. Generic revision of the superfamily Pterophoroidea. 345 p., 458 figs,
paperbound. Thesis (consists of Zoologische Verhandelingen nos 269, 276 & 290); EL09398 € 60
Gielis, C., 2006. Review of the neotropical species of the family Pterophoridae, part I:
Ochyroticinae, Deuterocopinae, Pterophorinae (Platyptiliini, Exelastini,
Oxyptilini) (Lepidoptera). 290 p., 415 (159 col.) figs, paperbound (ZM80-2);
EL20629 € 92
Gilbert, P. (ed.), 1982. Bibliography of Palaearctic Lepidoptera 1979-1980. 41 p., wrps; EL15171 € 8
Gilbert, P. (ed.), 1990. Bibliography of Palaearctic Lepidoptera 1990. 69 p., wrps; EL26586 € 6
Gilbert, P., 2007. A source book for biographical literature on entomologists. vi, 695 p.,
paperbound. An invaluable reference tool, giving dates of birth & death, and references in the varied entomological literature; EL25771 € 120
Girod, P., 1912 (2nd ed.). Atlas de poche des Papillons de France Suisse et Belgique les plus répandus avec description de leurs chenilles et chrysalides et étude d’ensemble sur les papillons. vii, 180, (1), 16 p., 72 col. pls (with 285
species), 8 pls marked A-H (2 partially col.), 1 textfig, hardbound (worn).
Some annotations and underlinings in pencil; EL22939 € 24
Goater, B., 1986. British Pyralid Moths. A guide to their identification. 175 p., 12 figs, 8 col.
pls, col. frontispiece, hardbound (d.j.); EL15115 € 34
Goethem, J.van, 1967. De genitalia van de Lepidoptera met bijzonderheden over de copulatie van Sphinx
ligustri (Linnaeus). 39 p., 2 pls, wrps (Natuurwet. Tijds. 48); EL20946 € 10
Gonseth, Y., 1987. Atlas de distribution des Papillons diurnes de Suisse (Lepidoptera Rhopalocera)
(avec liste rouge). 242 p., num. maps, paperbound (Docum. Faunist. Helvet. 5);
EL10092 € 30
Gordon, W.J., n.d. (ca. 1915). Our country’s Butterflies and Moths and how to know them. A guide to the Lepidoptera of
Great Britain. vii, 150 p., several figs, 33 col. pls, publisher’s cloth (spine worn); EL10301 € 30
Goureau, Le Colonel, 1851. Note pour servir à l’histoire de la Sericornis antiquana, Dup. 4 p., 1 plte, wrps; EL26630 € 8
Graser’s weltbekannte Tafeln, Nr. 36, n.d. Raupen mitteleuropäischer Groß-Schmetterlinge. 30 einzeln aufgeklebte Tafeln in Farbendruck mit 281
Raupen-Abbildungen und einem Verzeichnis der deutschen Namen. 30 fullcolour
lithographed plates, printed as one big folding plate in dec. carton wrapper
(small tear between plates 4 & 5 not affecting the ills; pencil annotations on the back of bottom pls). A very
attractive collector’s item for the Lepidopterologist; EL19509 € 30
Graslin, M.A. de, 1849. Notice sur quelques Lépidoptères nouveaux trouvées dans les Pyrénées orientales en 1847. 26 p., 1 col. plate, stapled; EL09397 € 10
Grijpma, P., 1974. Contributions to an integrated control programme of Hypsipyla grandella in Costa
Rica. 155 p., num. figs, 4to, paperbound. Thesis; EL09401 € 19
Grill, A., 2003. Endemism in Sardinia. Evolution, ecology, and conservation in the butterfly
Maniola nurag. 230 p., num. figs & graphs, 1 col. plte, paperbound. Thesis; EL10059 € 24
Griveaud, P., 1959. Faune de Madagascar 8. Insectes Lépidoptères Sphingidae. 161 p., 235 figs, 1 map, paperbound (unopened). Spine worn;
EL22952 € 28
Griveaud, P., 1961. Faune de Madagascar 14. Insectes Lépidoptères Eupterotidae et Attacidae. 64 p., 91 figs, 12 pls, wrps. Author’s dedication; EL22729 € 28
Griveaud, P., 1964. Révision des Lépidoptères Amatidae de la faune de Madagascar. 147 p., 309 figs, 1 col. pl., 1 map,
paperbound. Thesis; EL09402 € 32
Groth, K. von, 1934. Cidaria (Larentia) truncata Hufn. und citrata L. (immanata Hw.) (Lepid. Geom.).
62 p., 2 col. pls, disbound; EL20095 € 10
Grouvelle, A., 1896. Descriptions de Dryopides (Parnides) et Helmides nouveaux. NLM 18(1): 33-52,
disbound; EL15191 € 4
Grouvelle, A., 1911. Trachypholini, Colydiidarum nova Tribus. NLM 33(2/3): 121-168, disbound; EL15192
€ 10
Gruys, P., 1970. Growth in Bupalus piniarius (Geometridae) in relation to larval population
density. 127 p., 15 figs, paperbound; EL09403 € 17
Guignon, G., 1937. Recherches sur la structure, le développement et la physiologie des ailes des Lépidoptères. 140 p., 42 figs, wrps. Thesis; EL09405 € 17
Gumppenberg, C.F. von, 1892. Systematische Bearbeitung der Spanner der nördlichen gemässigten Zone. Fünfter Theil. 139 p., roy. 4to, paperbound; EL09406 € 22
Haaf, E., 1952. Über die Genitalmorphologie der Zygaenen. 35 p., 13 pls, paperbound; EL09408 € 10
Haar, D. ter (P.M. Keer ed.), 1928 (reprint 1989). Onze Vlinders. 491 p., 70 figs, 95 col. pls, hardbound; EL09410 € 60
Haar, D. ter & P.C.T. Snellen, 1898. Handleiding voor den verzamelaar van vlinders / Alphabetische Lijst van alle
soorten met de synoniemen, die voorkomen in de vlinders van Nederland. 201 p.,
num. figs, paperbound (partly loose). A few pages foxed; EL10084 € 15
Haar, D. ter, 1898. Handleiding voor den Verzamelaar van Vlinders. 205 p., num. figs, new cloth
(original paper cover bound in); EL09409 € 32
Haar, D. ter, n.d. (2nd ed.). Onze vlinders. Tweede uitgave bewerkt naar Lampert “Grossschmetterlinge und Raupen Mittel-Europa’s” door Dr. P.M. Keer. xii, 476 p., 70 figs, 95 col. pls, orig. red cloth (pages
31-36 & spine loose). A scarce 2nd edition; EL15110 € 120
Hagen, H.A., 1876. On some Insect deformities. 22 p., 1 pl., 4to, wrps; EL09411 € 15
Hannemann, H.-J., 1995. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. Kleinschmetterlinge oder Microlepidoptera IV.
Depressariidae. 192 p., 84 figs, 13 (3 col.) pls, paperbound; EL09417 € 80
Harbison, C.F., 1957. A new species of Megathymus from Baja California, Mexico (Lepidoptera:
Megathymidae). 32 p., 4 pls, wrps (Trans San Diego Soc Nat Hist); EL16998 € 5
Harkort, W., 1977. Schmetterlinge in Westfalen (ohne Ostwestfalen). Fundortlisten und
Fundortkarten. III: Familien Notodontidae, Zygaenidae, Cochlididae, Sphingidae & Thatiridae. 104 p., num. maps, disbound; EL09418 € 10
Harrison, J.W.H., 1913. The genus Ithysia (Hb.) the hybris Bistoninae. 326 p., 2 tables, 14 pls. wrps;
EL27165 € 38
Hartig, F., 1971. Microlepidotteri della Venezia Tridentina e delle regioni adiacenti. 148 p., 2
figs, 17 plates of distribution maps, paperbound (Studi Trentini Sci. Natur. B
vol. 48#2); EL18189 € 25
Hasbrouck, F.F., 1964. Moths of the family Acrolophidae in America north of Mexico. 220 p., 219 figs,
paperbound; EL09420 € 28
Hatschek, B., 1877. Beiträge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Lepidopteren. 38 p., 2 figs, 3 pls,
contemporary hcloth; EL23570 € 25
Haugum, J. & A.M. Low, 1982-1985. A monograph of the Birdwing Butterflies. The systematics of Ornithoptera,
Troides and related genera. 355 p., 434 figs, 16 col. pls, cloth; EL15125 € 55
Hausmann, A., 1990. Zur Dynamik von Nachtfalter-Artenspektren. Turnover und Dispersionsverhalten als
Elemente von Verbreitungsstrategien. 222 p., 46 figs, disbound (SpixSup16);
EL25437 € 36
Hausmann, A., 1991-2005. 10 papers on Lepidoptera. 162 p., several col. pls, disbound (Spixiana); EL25548
€ 20
Hausmann, A., 1991. Beitrag zur Geometridenfauna Palästinas: Die Spanner der Klapperich-Ausbeute aus Jordanien. 53 p., 2 figs, 11
pls, stapled; EL09421 € 8
Hayashi, I., 1935. Studies on the photic orientation of some Lepidopterous larvae. 117 p., 56 figs,
3 pls, stapled/wrps; EL09419 € 15
Hayward, K.J., 1969. Datos para el estudio de la Ontogenia de Lepidopteros Argentinos. 142 p.,
paperbound; EL09422 € 15
Heath, J. & A.M. Emmet (eds), 1983. The Moths and Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 10. Noctuidae (Part
II) and Agaristidae. 459 p., 23 figs, 13 col. pls, 225 maps, paperbound;
EL15102 € 45
Heath, J. et al., 1985. Atlas of Butterflies in Britain and Ireland. 158 p., num. figs & maps, cloth (d.j.); EL15094 € 20
Heimans, E. & J.P. Thijsse, 1907 (3rd ed.). Van vlinders, vogels en bloemen. 173 p. (+ 2 pp. advertisements), num. figs, 4
col. pls, cloth; EL20448 € 20
Heimans, E. & J.P. Thijsse, 1913 (4th ed.). Van Vlinders, Bloemen enVogels. 173 p., num. figs, 2 col. pls, cloth; EL15140 € 8
Heimans, E. & J.P. Thijsse, 1921 (5th ed.). Van Vlinders, Bloemen enVogels. 175 p., num. figs, 2 col. pls, cloth; EL15305 € 8
Heinicke, W. & B. Müller, 1976 (2nd ed.). Wir bestimmen Schmetterlinge. IV. Spanner. 291 p., several figs, 31 (20 col.)
pls, cloth (d.j.); EL10313 € 20
Heinrich, C., 1923. Revision of the North American Moths of the subfamily Eucosminae of the family
Olethreutidae. iv, 298 p., 59 pls, 1 fold. table, wrps; EL27167 € 30
Heinrich, C., 1926. Revision of the North American Moths of the subfamilies Laspeyresiinae and
Olethreutinae. v, 216 p., 76 pls, wrps; EL27168 € 34
Heinrich, C., 1939. The cactus-feeding Phycitinae: A contribution toward a revision of the American
Pyralidoid moths of the family Phycitidae. 82 p., 29 pls, paperbound; EL09423 € 14
Heinrich, C., 1956. American Moths of the subfamily Phycitinae. viii, 581 p., 1138 figs, 4to, Cloth;
EL27166 € 68
Hellmann, F. & E. Bertaccini, 2004. I Macrolepidotteri della Valle di Susa Italia Nord-occidentale (Alpi
Cozie-Graie). 389 p., 6 figs & maps, 16 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); EL22545 € 40
Hellmann, F. et al., 1999. I Macrolepidotteri della Valle d’Aosta. Monografie-2. 284 p., cloth; EL20217 € 28
Hellmann, F., 1987. Die Macrolepidopteren der Brenta-Gruppe (Trentino-Oberitalien) (Lepidoptera).
166 p., 19 figs, paperbound; EL21086 € 14
Hemming, F., 1934. The generic names of the Holarctic Butterflies. Vol. 1. 1758-1863. 184 p.,
cloth; EL09415 € 18
Hemming, F., 1964. Annotationes Lepidopterologicae. Part 5. 27 (7) p., paperbound; EL09424 € 10
Hemming, F., 1967 (reprint 1972). The generic names of the Butterflies and their type-species (Rhopalocera). 509
p., paperbound; EL09425 € 43
Hendrikse, A., 1990. Sex-pheromone communication and reproductive isolation in small Ermine Moths.
191 p. num. figs, paperbound. Thesis; EL09427 € 24
Hendrikse, A., 1990. Sex-pheromone communication and reproductive isolation in small ermine moths.
191 p., figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis; EL15805 € 15
Henke, K., 1936. Versuch einer vergleichenden Morphologie des Flügelmusters der Saturniden auf entwicklungsphysiologischer Grundlage. 137 p., 55
pls, paperbound (unopened) (Nova Acta Leopoldina NF4#18); EL24991 € 34
Henriksen, H.J. & I. Kreuzer, 1982. Skandinaviens Dagsommerfugle i Naturen. 215 p., 101 col. pls, 4to, cloth (d.j.);
EL10008 € 40
Heppner, J.B. & W.D. Duckworth, 1981. Classification of the superfamily Sesioidea (Ditrysia). 144 p., 107 figs, 4to,
paperbound; EL09433 € 20
Heppner, J.B., 1982. Millieriinae, a new subfamily of Choreutidae, with new taxa from Chile and the
United States (Sesioidea). 31 p., 63 figs, 4to, wrps; EL09432 € 10
Heppner, J.B., 1984 (ed.). Atlas of neotropical Lepidoptera. Checklist: Part 1. Micropterigidae - Immoidea.
112 p., 4to, hardbound; EL10016 € 45
Heppner, J.B., 1985. The sedge Moths of North America (Lepidoptera: Glyphipterigidae). 261 p., 298
figs and maps, paperbound; EL09431 € 38
Hering, M., 1926. Biologie der Schmetterlinge. iv, 480 p., 82 figs, 13 pls, Cloth; EL27169 € 110
Hering, M., 1940. Lepidopterologisches Wörterbuch. Eine Erklärung der wichtigsten in der Schmetterlingskunde gebrauchten Fachausdrücke, zugleich eine Einführung in die Morphologie der Lepidopteren. (iv), 123 p., paperbound; EL20212 € 24
Hering, M., n.d. Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Lepidoptera. 94 p., 240 figs, paperbound; EL09429 € 15
Heslop, I.R.P. et al., 1963. Notes & views of the Purple Emperor. xiii, 248 p., 22 (5 col) pls, cloth (d.j.);
EL15123 € 70
Heydenreich, G.H., 1851 (3rd ed.). Lepidopterorum Europaeorum. Catalogus Methodicus Systematische Verzeichniss der
Europaeischen Schmetterlinge. 133 p., contemporary hcloth. Somewhat foxed and
with pencil annotations; EL09428 € 20
Heylaerts, F.J.M., 1881. Essai d’une monographie des Psychides de la faune Européenne. 49 p., 13 figs, original wrps; EL09426 € 10
Higgins, L.G., 1975. The classification of European Butterflies. 320 p., 402 figs, cloth (d.j.); EL18724 € 32
Hill, D.S. et al., 1978. Annotated checklist of Hong Kong Butterflies. 62 p., paperbound; EL09436 € 10
Hodges, R.W., 1966. Revision of Nearctic Gelechiidae I. The Lita group (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea).
66 p., 31 pls, paperbound; EL09435 € 13
Holland, W.J., 1900. The Butterfly Book. A popular guide to a knowledge of the butterflies of North
America. xx, 382 p., 183 figs, 47 col. pls, Decor. Cloth; EL27170 € 50
Holland, W.J., 1928-1930. Seven papers on American Butterflies mainly relating to their classification and
nomenclature. Ca. 76 p., wrps (Ann.Carnegie Mus. vols 19#1, 19#3, 20#1) ;
EL15174 € 15
Holloway, J.D., 1977. The Lepidoptera of Norfolk Island. Their biogeography and ecology. vi, 291 p.,
140 figs, 7 tables, 29 pls, Cloth; EL27171 € 50
Hongfu, Z. & W. Linyao, 1997. Fauna Sinica. Insecta Vol. 11. Lepidoptera. Sphingidae. 410 p., 325 figs, 7 col.
pls, cloth. In Chinese, with English abstract (including species descriptions);
EL10028 € 96
Horak, M. 2006. Olethreutine Moths of Australia (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). x, 522 p., 984 figs,
hardbound (Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera volume 10) With contributions
by Furumi Komai; EL26166 € 120
Høegh-Guldberg, O., 1966. North European groups of Aricia allous. Their variability and relationship to A.
agestis Schiff. 184 p., 18 figs, 2 col. pls, paperbound; EL09437 € 23
Høegh-Guldberg, O., 1968. Evolutionary trends in the genus Aricia (Lep.). 76 p., 13 figs, 1 col. pl.,
paperbound; EL09439 € 18
Høegh-Guldberg, O., 1969. Central and North European Ariciae (Lep.). 119 p., 6 figs, 3 col. pls, 5 maps,
paperbound; EL09438 € 19
Hyde, G.E., 1974-1977. British Moths 1-2 / British Caterpillars Moths 2. 96 p., num. col. photographs,
wrps; EL09443 € 15
Illig, K.G., 1902. Duftorgane der männlichen Schmetterlinge. 34 p., 5 pls, 4to, wrps, Thesis; EL27172 € 25
Inoue, H., 1971. The Geometridae of the Ryukyu Islands. 39 p., 6 pls, stapled; EL10078 € 10
Inoue, H., 1973. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of the Sphingidae of Taiwan. 37 p., 12
pls, stapled; EL10074 € 12
Inoue, H., 1976. Some new and unrecorded Moths belonging to the families of Bombyces and Sphinges
from Japan. 28 p., 8 pls, stapled; EL10073 € 9
Inoue, H., 1977. Catalogue of the Geometridae of Japan. 120 p., 4 pls, paperbound; EL09451 € 15
Inoue, H., 1978. New and unrecorded species of the Geometridae from Taiwan with some synonymic
notes. 52 p., 129 figs, wrps; EL10077 € 10
Inoue, H., 1986. Further new and unrecorded species of the Geometridae from Taiwan with some
synonymic notes. 57 p., 67 figs, wrps; EL10076 € 10
Izersky, V., 1999. Saturniidae, Ooxytenidae and Sphingidae of Central Peru. Part I. (Province
Junin). 146 p., 23 col. pls, 4to, hardbound; EL10020 € 75
Jäckh, E., 1977-1978. Bearbeitung der Gattung Scythris Hübner (Lep. Scythriidae) + Fortsetzung. 74 p., 31 pls, disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs);
EL25987 € 10
Jaksic, P., 1988. Provisional distribution maps of the Butterflies of Yugoslavia (Rhopalocera).
214 p., 195 maps, paperbound; EL09445 € 20
Janse, A.J.T., 1920. On the South African Notodontidae, with descriptions of apparently new genera
and species. 89 p., 14 (2 col.) pls, wrps (Ann. Transvaal Mus. 7#3); EL22059 € 16
Joannis, J. de, 1912. Description de trois nouvelles espèces de Lépidoptères Hétérocères de Cochinchine. 4 p., wrps (from Bull. Soc. Entom. France #13); EL22945 € 6
Joannis, J. de, 1913. Remarque sur un cas collectif de mimétisme chez des Lépidoptères. 3 p., wrps (from Bull. Soc. Entom. France #5); EL22946 € 6
Joannis, J. de, 1928-1930. Lépidoptères Hétérocères du Tonkin. 337 p., 4 (1 col.) pls, paperbound; EL22950 € 70
Joannis, J. de, 1932. Livre du Centenaire. Lépidoptères hétérocères des Mascareignes. 30 p., 1 pl., wrps; EL22890 € 22
Jong, M.C.M. de, 1988. Evolutionary approaches to insect communications systems. Mate finding in small
ermine moths. 163 p., paperbound; EL15806 € 10
Jong, R. de & C.G. Treadaway, 1993. The Hesperiidae of the Philippines. 125 p., 138 (70 col.) figs, paperbound
(ZV288); EL10343 € 34
Jong, R. de, 1972. Systematics and geographic history of the genus Pyrgus in the Palaearctic region
(Hesperiidae). 121 p., 60 figs, 6 pls, 18 maps, paperbound (Tijds. Ent.);
EL14032 € 22
Jong, R. de, 1978. Monograph of the genus Spialia Swinhoe (Hesperiidae). 124 p., 119 figs, 7 pls,
21 maps, wrps (Tijds. Entom.); EL15167 € 16
Jong, R. de, 1986. Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography of the chiefly Afromontane genus
Chondrolepis Mabille (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). 40 p., 51 figs, paperbound
(ZV231); EL10329 € 10
Jong, R. de, 1986. Systematics, phylogeny and biogeography of the chiefly Afromontane genus
Chondrolepis Mabille (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae). 40 p., 51 figs, paperbound
(ZV231). Ex-library copy; EL17436 € 8
Kabos, W.J., n.d. Vlinders. 137 p., 30 col. pls, cloth; EL18515 € 15
Kaisala, J., 1947. Die Makrolepidopterenfauna des Aunus-Gebietes. 112 p., 10 figs, 63 maps,
paperbound; EL09448 € 15
Kaisala, J., 1962. Immigration und Expansion der Lepidopteren in Finnland in den Jahren 1869-1960.
452 p., 146 maps, paperbound; EL09449 € 45
Kalshoven, L.G.E., 1950-1951. Collection of 7 reprints from “De plagen van de cultuurgewassen in Indonesië”. 313 p., num. figs, 2 col. pls. Includes: Microlepidoptera, Heterocera,
Rhopalocera, Pyralidae, Psychidae & Limacodidae; EL09450 € 40
Kalshoven, L.G.E., 1951. De plagen van de cultuurgewassen in Indonesië. Lepidoptera, Heterocera (2nd part). 113 p., 75 figs, wrps; EL15131 € 12
Karsholt, O. & J. Razowski, 1996. The Lepidoptera of Europe. A distributional checklist. 380 p., 4to, hardbound.
Includes CD-ROM; EL10044 € 92
Karsholt, O. & P.S. Nielsen, 1998. Revideret katalog over de danske Sommerfugle. Revised catalogue of the
Lepidoptera of Denmark. 144 p., paperbound; EL09452 € 42
Kasy, F., 1954-1959. 5 papers on Macedonian Lepidoptera (all Fragmenta Balcanica). 40 p., num. figs,
wrps; EL25537 € 5
Kasy, F., 1963-1979. 14 papers on Lepidoptera (all Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien). 190 p., num. figs, wrps;
EL25539 € 22
Kasy, F., 1973. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Familie Stathmopodidae (Gelechoidea). 73 p., 97 figs,
wrps; EL10054 € 12
Kawabe, A., 1989. Records and descriptions of the subfamily Olethreutinae (Tortricidae) from
Thailand. 60 p., 152 figs, paperbound; EL09453 € 12
Kemner, N.A., 1926. Clercks Minerarmal. Lyonetia Clerckella in Sweden. 59 p., 14 figs, 15 tables,
wrps. In Swedish with an English summary; EL15178 € 8
Kemperman, T.C.M. & C. Wilkinson, 1985. Japanese species of the genus Stigmella (Nepticulidae: Lepidoptera). 107 p., 241
figs, wrps; EL18394 € 12
Kielland, J., 1978. A provisional checklist of the Rhopalocera of the eastern side of Lake
Tanganyika. 91 p., 36 figs, 14 pls, paperbound (Tijds. Entom.); EL14033 € 15
Kielland, J., 1982. Revision of the genus Ypthima in the Ethiopian region excluding Madagascar
(Lepidoptera, Satyridae). 56 p., 185 figs, 8 pls, wrps (from Tijds. Entom.);
EL20621 € 8
Kielland, J., 1990. Butterflies of Tanzania. 363 p., 179 figs, 68 col. pls, 4to, cloth; EL10017 € 50
Kirby, W.E., n.d. (ca. 1900). Butterflies & Moths of the United Kingdom. lii, 468 p., 70 col. pls, cloth (spine
cracked/torn, weak binding, some loose first and end pages); EL15087 € 60
Kirby, W.F., 1907. The Butterflies and Moths of Europe. lxxii, 432 p., 54 col. pls, 1 plain pl.,
4to, hcalf; EL09454 € 200
Kiriakoff, S.G., 1960. Inleiding tot de systematiek der schubvleugelen (Lepidoptera). 23 p., 16 figs,
wrps (KNNV35); EL21506 € 8
Kiriakoff, S.G., 1962-1965. De rupsen - systematiek, levensmilieus, voedsel. 2 parts. 95 p., num. figs, wrps
(KNNV44+58); EL09455 € 15
Kiriakoff, S.G., 1962. Schubvleugelen. Lepidoptera. De rupsen - systematiek, levensmilieus, voedsel. 56
p., num. figs, wrps (KNNV44); EL21505 € 8
Kiriakoff, S.G., 1979. Neue aethiopische Notodontoidea (Lep.) aus der Zoologischen Staatssammlung München. 37 p., 2 pls, 34 figs, disbound (Spixiana); EL25551 € 5
Klimaitis, J.F., 2000. Cien Mariposas Argentinas. 128 p., various textfigs, 100 col. photographs,
paperbound; EL22009 € 24
Kloet, G.S. & W.D. Hincks, 1972 (2nd ed.). Handbooks for the identification of British Insects. Vol. XI, Part 2. A check
list of British Insects. Part 2: Lepidoptera. viii, 153 p., paperbound; EL20921
€ 24
Klots, A.B., 1951. A field guide to the Butterflies of North America, east of the Great Plains.
xvi, 349 p., 40 (16 col.) pls, cloth; EL14544 € 28
Koch, A., 1896. Sammlungs-Verzeichniss, Raupen- und Schmetterlings-Kalender für Europäische Gross-Schmetterlinge. xiv, 78 pls, num. tables, 4to, Cloth; EL27173 € 68
Koch, M., 1963-1967. 6 papers (a.o. Generationenfolge und Wanderungen Phytometra gamma, Wanderwegen
und Durchgangsstraßen von Wanderfaltern, Warum wandern einige Schmetterlingsarten, Keimdrüsenreifung bei Lepidopteren durch Fütterung mit Tokopherol). 66 p., disbound (from Ent. Abh. Dresden); EL25839 € 8
Komai, F., 1999. A taxonomic review of the genus Grapholita and allied genera (Lepidoptera:
Tortricidae) in the Palaearctic region. 226 p., 408 figs, paperbound; EL09458 € 50
Kooi, R.E., 1990. Host-plant selection and larval food-acceptance by small ermine Moths. 151 p.,
num. figs, paperbound. Thesis; EL09457 € 20
Kooi, R.E., 1990. Host-plant selection and larval food-acceptance by small ermine moths. 151 p.,
num. figs, paperbound. Thesis; EL15807 € 15
Korostov, G.A., 1986. Fauna of Kalmykia. Butterflies. ii, 94 p., 11 figs, boards. Ex-library. In
Russian; EL19757 € 18
Korshunov, Yu.P., 2002. Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) of North Asia. Frontispiece portraits, 424 p., 106
line drawings, 4 b&w pls, hardbound. In Russian; EL20329 € 88
Kostrowicki, A.S., 1953. Studies on Lepidoptera of xerothermic hills in the valley of lower Nida. 185 p.,
61 figs, 2 pls, paperbound. In Polish with English summary; EL10083 € 24
Kristensen, N.P. & E.S. Nielsen, 1979. A new subfamily of micropterigid moths from South America. A contribution to the
morphology and phylogeny of the Micropterigidae, with a generic catalogue of
the family (Lepidoptera: Zeugloptera). 78 p., 92 p., wrps (Steenstrupia 5#7);
EL22293 € 12
Kristensen, N.P., 1968. The anatomy of the head and the alimentary canal of adult Eriocraniidae
(Dacnonypha). 77 p., 53 figs, paperbound; EL23489 € 10
Kristensen, N.P., 1984. Studies on the morphology and systematics of primitive Lepidoptera. 51 p., 5 (2
col.) pls, wrps; EL09459 € 12
Krogerus, H., 1945. Die Veränderungen der Schmetterlingsfauna des Lojo-Gebietes in Südwestfinnland während der letzten Jahrzehnte. 52 p., 10 maps, 4 tables, disbound; EL18107 € 10
Krüger, M., 2002. Revision of Afrotropical Ennominae of the Drepanogynis group IV: the genus
Drepanogynis Guenée (Lepidoptera: Geometridae). (iv), 220 p., 422 figs, 54 maps, paperbound
(Transvaal Mus. Monograph 13); EL22067 € 55
Kryzhanovskij, O.L. (ed.), 1973. Les Lépidoptères du faune de l’URSS et des pays voisins. 277 p., num. figs, hcloth. In Russian; EL09461 € 25
Kryzhanovskij, O.L. (ed.), 1989. Lepidopterous fauna of the USSR and adjacent countries. x, 405 p., richly
illustrated, hardbound (d.j.). 11 contributions; EL09462 € 45
Krzywicki, M., 1963. Beitrag zur Rhopaloceren-Fauna des Polnischen Teiles des Tatra-Gebirges. 72 p.,
7 pls, disbound. In Polish; EL09464 € 10
Kuchlein, J.H. & R. de Vos, 1999. Geannoteerde naamlijst van de Nederlandse Vlinders / Annotated checklist of the
Dutch Lepidoptera. 304 p., hardbound. In Dutch & English; EL10374 € 66
Kuchlein, J.H., 1993. De Kleine Vlinders. Handboek voor de faunistiek van de Nederlandse
Microlepidoptera. 715 p., num. figs, 8 col. pls, 1372 maps, 4to, hardbound;
EL10375 € 68
Kuchlein, J.H., 1993. Synopsis of the NW European Microlepidoptera with special reference to the
ecology and taxonomy of the Dutch species. Part 1. Introduction and Pyralidae
(Galleriinae). 53 p., 53 figs, 6 pls, paperbound (ZB24); EL15915 € 12
Kudrna, O. (ed.), 1985. Butterflies of Europe. Vol. 1: Concise bibliography of European butterflies. 447
p., cloth (d.j.); EL09466 € 38
Kudrna, O. (ed.), 1986. Butterflies of Europe. Vol. 8: Aspects of the conservation of butterflies in
Europe. 323 p., 57 (many col.) figs, cloth (d.j.); EL09468 € 38
Kudrna, O. (ed.), 1990. Butterflies of Europe. Vol. 2: Introduction to Lepidopterology. 557 p., 93 figs,
4 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); EL09467 € 38
Küppers, P.V., 1980. Untersuchungen zur Taxonomie und Phylogenie der Westpaläarktischen Adelinae (Lepidoptera: Adelidae). 497 p., 103 figs, 12 tables, 12
pls, wrps, Thesis; EL27174 € 35
Kulfan, M., 1990. Communities of Butterfly Caterpillars (Lepidoptera) on Leaf Timber species in
Little Carpathians. 140 p., 28 figs, paperbound. In Slovenian; EL09469 € 17
Kumakov, A.P. & Yu.P. Korshunov, 1979. Lepidoptera of the Saratov Region. 240 p., 10 phootos, paperbound. In Russian;
EL19769 € 16
Kurentsov, A.I., 1970, reprint 1978. The Butterflies of the Far-East USSR. 164 p., 103 figs, 14 col. pls, 4to, wrps,
in Russian; EL27175 € 80
Kusdas, K. & E.R. Reichl, 1974. Die Schmetterlinge Oberösterreichs. Teil 2. Schwärmer, Spinner. vi, 263 p., num. maps, paperbound; EL09465 € 20
Kuznetsov, V.I. (ed.), 1981. Systematics and zoogeography of the Lepidoptera of the Asiatic part of the USSR.
116 p., num. figs, paperbound. In Russian; EL10308 € 15
Kuznetsov, V.I. (ed.), 1984. Systematics of lepidopterous Insects of the fauna of the USSR. 105 p., num.
figs, paperbound. In Russian; EL10309 € 14
Kuznetsov, V.I. (ed.), 1985. Morphology and systematics of Lepidopterous insects of the fauna of the USSR.
101 p., num. figs, paperbound. In Russian; EL10311 € 14
Kuznetsov, V.I. (ed.), 1986. Studies on systematics of lepidopterous Insects of the fauna of the USSR. 123
p., num. figs, paperbound. In Russian; EL10310 € 15
Laithwaite, E. et al., 1975. The dictionary of Butterflies & Moths in colour. xlvi, 296 p., 144 col. pls, 4to, hardbound (d.j.); EL10012 € 22
Lalanne, J.A., 1840 (3rd ed.). Manuel entomologique pour la classification des Lépidoptères de France. 400 p., 3 folded pls, paperbound; EL09472 € 50
Lambillion, L.-J., 1900. Catalogue des Lépidoptères de Belgique. 41 p., wrps; EL09474 € 10
Lampert, K., 1907. Die Großschmetterlinge und Raupen Mitteleuropas. (ii), xx, (ii), 308, xviii p., 70 figs,
95 col. pls, spine new cloth, original boards. Fine copy; EL09478 € 240
Landry, B. & C. Gielis, 1992. A synopsis of the Pterophoridae (Lepidoptera) of the Galápagos Islands, Ecuador. 42 p., 39 figs, paperbound (ZV276). Secondhand copy (new
copies available for € 10); EL17426 € 8
Landry, B. & J.A. Powell, 2001. Systematics and phylogeny of Sparganothina and related taxa (Tortricidae:
Sparganothini). ix, 91 figs, paperbound; EL10057 € 16
Lange, W.H., 1950. Biology and systematics of Plume Moths of the genus Platyptillia in California.
90 p., 16 pls, paperbound; EL09475 € 18
Lastuvka, Z. & A. Lastuvka, 2001. The Sesiidae of Europe. 245 p., 9 col. pls, hardbound; EL10024 € 60
Lederer, G., 1941. Die Naturgeschichte der Tagfalter unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der palaearktischen Arten. II. 190 p., num. figs, paperbound.
Ex-library; EL20497 € 20
Legrand, H., 1965. Lépidoptères des îles Seychelles et d’Aldabra. 210 p., 9 figs, 16 pls, paperbound (mnhn37); EL10332 € 36
Lemaire, C., 1971-1974. Révision du genre Automeris et les genres voisins. 3 vols. 576 p., 369 figs, 61
pls, paperbound (mnhn68-79-92); EL10331 € 110
Lemche, H., 1937. Studien über die Flügelzeichnung der Insekten. I. Hepialina, Micropterygina, Tineoidea, Castnoidea
und Zygaenina. vii, 104 p., 10 pls with 108 fig), paperbound; EL09480 € 20
Lempke, B.J., 1956. De Nederlandse trekvlinders. 91 p., 53 figs, paperbound; EL09484 € 10
Lempke, B.J., 1961. Catalogus der Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera Suppl. 8. 76 p., 5 figs, 4 tables,
wrps (Tijds. Entom.); EL15159 € 12
Lempke, B.J., 1962. Catalogus der Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera Suppl. 9. 84 p., 2 figs, 6 pls,
wrps (Tijds. Entom.); EL15163 € 12
Lempke, B.J., 1966-1970. Catalogus der Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera Suppl. 13, 14, 15, 16. 395 p., 61
figs, 29 pls, wrps (Tijds. Entom.); EL21720 € 40
Lempke, B.J., 1969. Catalogus der Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera Suppl. 15. 66 p., 14 figs, 8 pls,
wrps (Tijds. Entom.); EL15164 € 12
Lempke, B.J., 1972 (2nd ed.). De Nederlandse Trekvlinders. 151 p., 79 figs, paperbound; EL09485 € 12
Lempke, B.J., 1976. Naamlijst van de Nederlandse Lepidoptera. 100 p., paperbound; EL09486 € 10
Lems, K. & J. Lucas, n.d. Dagvlindertabel. 14 pags, wrps; EL19551 € 5
Lepidoptera “Nubien-Expedition 1962”, 1963-1965. 8 papers on this expedition (parts XI, XII, XIV, XV, XVI, XX, XXI, XXIX. 42 p.,
15 figs, 3 pls, disbound (Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien); EL25543 € 5
Lepidoptera from Italy, 1974-1983. 6 papers by various authors on Crambidae, Scythrididae, Macrolepidoptera,
Noctuidae from Italy. 76 p., figs & maps, disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona); EL25982 € 8
Lepidoptera of Southern USA, 1947-1960. 8 papers, circa 56 pages, disbound (Bull. Sou. Cal. Acad. Sci.); EL22232 € 10
Leraut, P., 1980. Liste systématique et synonymique des Lépidoptères de France, Belgique et Corse. 344 p., paperbound (Suppl. Alexanor); EL22940 € 54
Lewis, H.L., 1973. Butterflies of the world. xvi, 312 p., over 5,000 butterflies in fullcolour,
4to, cloth (d.j.) in slipcase; EL19801 € 45
Linnaluoto, E.T. & S. Koponen, 1980. Lepidoptera of Utsjoki, northernmost Finland. 68 p., 17 figs, wrps; EL09488 € 10
Lödl, M., 1990-2001. 14 papers on Lepidoptera (all Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien). 134 p., num. figs, wrps;
EL25540 € 15
Lödl, M., 1994-1995. Revision der Gattung Hypena Schrank, 1802 s.l., der äthiopischen und madagassischen Region, Teil 1 & Teil 2 (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Noctuidae: Hypeninae). 218+139 p., 400+533 figs,
disbound (from Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien 96B+97B); EL25189 € 46
Löfstedt, C., n.d. (ca. 1978). Sexualferomoner hos Fjärilhonor. Kemi, biologi och användning för populationskontroll. 119 p., 32 figs, 4to, wrps. Mimeographed; EL09489 € 14
Longstaff, G.B., 1913. The Butterflies of the White Nile: a study in geographical distribution. 47 p.,
1 col. pl., 1 map, wrps; EL09491 € 12
Lu, Xinxiu et al., 1989-1991. Butterflies & Moths of Mount Tai, parts 1 & 2. 166 & 152 p., 183 (37 col.) & 220 (33 col.) figs, paperbound. In Chinese; EL22097 € 32
Lucas, H., 1834. Histoire naturelle des Lépidoptères d’Europe. Ouvrage orné de près de 400 figures peintes d’après nature, Par A. Noel, et gravées sur acier (Pauquet Éditeurs, Paris). (4), 216 p., with 79 beautifully handcoloured plates,
gilt-embossed halfleather, scuffed and slightly worn. Small library sticker on
spine, library stamps on endpaper & titlepage, torn-off ex-libris inside front. Spine-title: Papillons d’Europe; EL23090 € 1200
Lycklama À Nijeholt, H.J., 1925-1927. Naamlijst van de Nederlandsche Microlepidoptera. 2 vols. 60 p., wrps; EL09490 € 10
Macedonian Lepidoptera, 1956-1959. 7 papers on Macedonian Lepidoptera (all Fragmenta Balcanica) by Klimesch,
Daniel, Pinker & Carnelutti. 64 p., some figs, wrps; EL25538 € 8
Machida, J., 1927. On the secretion of the Silk substance in the Silkworm (Bombyx mori, L.). 20 p.,
3 tables, 1 tinted folding plte, disbound (from Jl. Coll. Agric. 9#2); EL26458 € 10
Mackay, M.R., 1959. Larvae of the North American Olethreutidae. 338 p., 161 figs, paperbound;
EL09493 € 42
Mackay, M.R., 1962. Larvae of the North American Tortricinae (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). 182 p., 86
figs/pls, wrps; EL27176 € 28
Mackay, M.R., 1968. The North American Aegeriidae: A revision based on late-instar larvae. 112 p.,
45 pls, paperbound; EL09494 € 16
Macleod, R.D., 1959. Key to the names of British Butterflies and Moths. vii, 86 p., paperbound;
EL15138 € 10
Märker, H., n.d. Europäische Nachtfalter. 79 p., 24 col. pls, hcloth. Plates loose as issued; EL10317 € 12
Maindron, G.-R., 1988. Les Papillons. 272 p., 98 figs, paperbound (loose); EL09495 € 42
Malicky, H., 1969. Versuch einer Analyse der ökologischen Beziehungen zwischen Lycaeniden und Formiciden. 86 p., 27 figs, 2
pls, paperbound (Tijds. Entom.); EL21719 € 13
Marchal, P., 1912. Rapport sur les travaux accomplis par la mission d’étude de la Cochylis et de l’Eudémis pendant l’année 1911. 326 p., 60 figs, 2 col. pls, paperbound; EL15135 € 30
Marktanner, T., 1983. Schmetterlinge der Südalpen. 80 p., 86 col. photographs, paperbound; EL09496 € 12
Mather, B. & K. Mather, 1958. The butterflies of Mississippi. 47 p., 3 tables, wrps; EL08136 € 10
McCabe, T.L., 1980. A reclassification of the Polio complex for North America (Noctuidae). vi, 141
p., 210 figs, 11 maps, 4to, paperbound; EL10051 € 22
McDunnough, J., 1938. Check List of the Lepidoptera of Canada and the United States of America. Part
1. Macrolepidoptera. 174 p., boards, one joint weak; EL09498 € 39
Meerman, J.C., 1987. De Nederlandse Pijlstaartvlinders. 60 p., 63 figs, 9 photographs, wrps; EL10324 € 10
Mell, R., 1934. Chekiang als NO-Pfeiler der Osthimalayana (auf Grund von Lepidopterenökologie und Verbreitung). 43 p., 6 figs, wrps; EL26415 € 12
Menken, S.B.J., 1980. Allozyme polymorphism and the speciation process in small ermine moths
(Yponomeutidae). 119 p., 1 fig., 1 pl., paperbound. Thesis; EL10321 € 18
Merian, M.S., n.d. Das kleine Buch der Tropenwunder. 54 p., 24 col. pls, hardbound. Kolorierte
Stiche von Maria Sibylla Merian, Geleitwort von F. Schnack; EL09503 € 15
Merzheevskaya, O.I., 1989. Larvae of Owlet Moths (Noctuidae). Biology, morphology, and classification. 419
p., 97 figs, hardbound (d.j.); EL09505 € 56
Mey, E. & M. Gutheil, 2007. Frühe Zeugnisse der Schmetterlingskunde aus dem Fürstentum Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt. 88 p., col. frontispiece, 10 (4 col.) textfigs,
17 col. pls, folio (21x33 cm), paperbound. A delightful book with beautiful
facsimile plates; EL23660 € 28
Meyer, Fr., 1919. Die Nährpflanzen der in Europa lebenden Raupen der Grossschmetterlinge und ihre
Bewohner. 144 p., paperbound. Front cover loose; EL09507 € 20
Meyer, M. & A. Pelles, 1981. Atlas provisoire des insectes du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Lepidoptera. Rhopalocera (+Hesperidae). 147 p., 34 figs, 108
maps, paperbound; EL09508 € 18
Meyrick, 1883-1890. Descriptions of Australian Micro-Lepidoptera, parts VII-XII + 1 other article by
Meyrick. 566 p., disbound (all from Proc. Linnean Soc. New South Wales);
EL26478 € 50
Migdoll’s I., 1988. Field guide to the Butterflies of Southern Africa. 256 p., over 620 col.
photographs, cloth (d.j.); EL15122 € 25
Miller, J.S., 1989. Euchontha Walker and Pareuchontha, new genus (Lep. Dioptidae) a revision,
including description of three new species, and a discussion of a male forewing
modification. 41 p., 93 figs, wrps (Am. Mus. Novit.); EL26581 € 7
Miller, J.Y. (ed.), 1992. The common names of North American Butterflies. ix, 177 p., paperbound; EL09509 € 18
Miller, S.E. & R.W. Hodges, 1990. Primary types of Microlepidoptera in the Museum of Comparative Zoology (with a
discussion on V.T. Chambers’ Work). 43 p., wrps; EL10337 € 8
Miller, S.E., 1994. Systematics of the neotropical Moth family Dalceridae (Lepidoptera). 195 p., 268
figs, 44 maps, col. frontispiece, paperbound; EL10038 € 30
Mokrzecki, S., 1928. Die Forleule (Panolis flammea). Forstentomologische Monographie. 131 p., 15
figs, 2 col. pls, 1 map, paperbound. In Polish; EL09511 € 20
Monteiro, T., 1957-1978. 13 papers on Lepidoptera. 238 p., figs, wrps; EL25541 € 26
Monteiro, T., 1959-1964. Primeiros contactos com a fauna lepidoptérica de Mindelo (Vila do Conde). 2 parts. 33 p., wrps; EL09513 € 10
Monteiro, T., 1969. Lépidoptères de l’Algarve. 35 p., 9 figs, 1 folded map, paperbound; EL09514 € 10
Monteiro, T., 1975. Quelques Lépidoptères nouveaux pour le Portugal. 23 p., 8 figs, wrps; EL09515 € 8
Moore, F., 1886. List of the Lepidoptera of Mergui and its Archipelago collected for the Trustees
of the Indian Museum, Calcutta, by Dr. John Anderson. 32 p., 2 col. pls,
disbound (Jl Linn. Soc. XXI#126/III); EL19079 € 15
Moore, S., 1955. An Annotated List of the Moths of Michigan Exclusive of Tineoidea. 87 p.,
stapled/wrps; EL09510 € 13
Moriuti, S., 1971-1978. Collection of 20 papers on Japanese and Asian Lepidoptera; EL09512 € 30
Morrell, R., 1960. Common Malayan Butterflies. xii, 64 p., several figs, 20 col. pls, hardbound;
EL10315 € 25
Morris, F.O., 1864 (1st ed.). A history of British Butterflies. viii, 167 + 29 p., 71 col. pls, 2 b/w pls,
gilt titles on original cloth; EL15077 € 500
Morris, F.O., 1871-1872. A natural history of British Moths. 4 vols. 253, 180, 223, 321 p., 132 well hand-coloured plates of nearly 2000 figs, original cloth (Some foxing but
pls mostly clean. Covers trifle used. Vol. 1 refixed; EL15076 € 600
Morris, J.G., 1862. Synopsis of the described Lepidoptera of North America. I. Diurnal and
crepuscular Lepidoptera. 385 p., 28 figs, paperbound (covers missing); EL09517 € 42
Morris, R.F., 19673. The Dynamics of epidemic spruce budworm populations. 332 p., num.
figs/tables/diagrams, wrps; EL27193 € 25
Moucha, J., 1963. Beautiful Butterflies. 136 p., 56 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); EL21109 € 18
Moucha, J., 1968. Papillons. Atlas illustré. 251 p., 153 col. ills, hardbound; EL10312 € 12
Moult, E. le & P. Real, 1962-1963. Les Morpho d’Amérique du Sud et Centrale. Histoire, morphologie, systématique. 2 vols. 296 p., 106 (20 col.) pls, roy. 4to, paperbound; EL10014 € 82
Moult, E. le, 1955. Mes Chasses aux Papillons. 353 p., 20 pls, paperbound; EL09518 € 29
Mouterde, R., 1959. Catalogue des Lépidoptères de la Région Lyonnaise (Première Partie: Macrolépidoptères) Including 2 supplements. 156 p., cloth; EL09519 € 24
Mück, O., 1985. Biologie, Verhaltung und wissenschaftliche Bedeutung von Parasiten schädlicher Lepidopteren auf den Kapverden. 168 p., 26 figs, 3 col. pls, paperbound.
Thesis; EL10085 € 20
Mühl, K., 1908. Raupen und Schmetterlinge. Praktische Einleitung zum Sammeln, Züchten und Präparieren, sowie zur Anlage entomologisch-biologischer Sammlungen. 92 p., 25
textfigs, 1 col. frontispiece & 5 b&w pls, boards. 3 library stamps in front, 2 in the back; EL22627 € 12
Müller, A., 1959-1976. 5 papers on Schuppenuntersuchungen (Saturniidae, Cossidae, Parnassiidae). 204
p., 37 figs, 15 pls, 8 tables, disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs); EL25986 € 25
Munroe, E., 1966. Revision of North American species of Udea Guenée (Pyralidae). 57 p., 92 figs, paperbound; EL09520 € 10
Munroe, E., 1970. Revision of the subfamily Midilinae (Pyralidae). 94 p., 118 figs, paperbound;
EL09521 € 15
Munroe, E., 1972. Moths of America north of Mexico. Facs. 13. 1B. Pyraloidea: Pyralidae,
Comprising subfamilies Odontiinae, Glaphyriiane. 116 p., wrps, 4to; EL27177 € 27
Munroe, E., 1976. Moths of America north of Mexico. Facs. 13. 2A. Pyraloidea: Pyralidae.
Comprising the subfamily Pyraustinae tribe Pyraustini (part.). 78 p., 12 (4
col.) pls, Fasc. 13. 2B. Pyraustini (Conclusion). p. 79-151, 17 (5 col.) pls, wrps, 4to;
EL27178 € 80
Munroe, E.G. & M. Shaffer, 1980. A revision of Vitessidia and Vitessa (Pyralidae). 120 p., 318 figs, paperbound;
EL09523 € 18
Naumann, C.M., 1977-1984. 2 papers: Biologie, Verbreitung und Morphologie von Praezygaena (Epizygaenella)
caschmirensis (Kollar, 1948) & Das Biospecies-Konzept in seiner Anwendung auf die Gattung Zygaena Fabricius,
1775 (with W.G. Tremewan). 74 p., 49 figs, 4 tables, disbound (Spixiana);
EL25546 € 9
Nestorova, E., 1998. Catalogus faunae Bulgaricae. 2. Lepidoptera, Geometridae. vii, 193 p.,
paperbound; EL09527 € 32
Newman, E., 1869. An illustrated natural history of British Moths. 486 p., 729 black and white
figs, decorative gold on red cloth. Good copy; EL09528 € 112
Newman, E., 1869. An illustrated natural history of British Moths. 486 p., 729 handcol. figs,
hleather, marbled boards, loose backcover; EL15075 € 240
Newman, L.H., 1948. Butterfly haunts. 134 p., num. photographs, cloth (d.j.); EL15126 € 12
Niculescu, E.V., 1965. Fauna Republicii Populare Române. Lepidoptera. Familia Nymphalidae. 358 p., 160 figs, 25 pls, cloth. In
Romanian; EL10043 € 45
Nielsen, E.S. & G.S. Robinson, 1983. Ghost Moths of southern South America (Hepialidae). 192 p., 431 (138 col.) figs,
hardbound (Entomonograph 4); EL09532 € 54
Nielsen, E.S. & N.P. Kristensen, 1989. Monographs on Australian Lepidoptera. Vol. 1. Primitive Ghost Moths. The
Australian genus Fraus. xii, 206 p., 435 figs, cloth; EL09533 € 48
Nielsen, E.S. et al., 1996. Checklist of the Lepidoptera of Australia. xiv, 529 p., several figs, cloth.
CD-ROM missing (Mon. Austral. Lepid. vol. 4); EL09534 € 90
Nieukerken, E.J. van, 1985. A taxonomic revision of the western Palaearctic species of the subgenera
Zimmermannia and Ectoedemia s. str. (Nepticulidae), with notes on their
phylogeny. 164 p., 549 figs, wrps (Tijds. Entom.); EL15168 € 16
Nieukerken, E.J. van, 1986. Phylogenetic studies on the leaf-mining moth family Nepticulidae. 2 parts. 302
p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis; EL14560 € 42
Nieukerken, E.J. van, 1986. Systematics and phylogeny of Holarctic genera of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera,
Heteroneura: Monotrysia). 93 p., 135 figs, 3 tables, paperbound (ZV236).
Ex-library copy (new copies available for € 23); EL17435 € 20
Nieukerken, E.J. van, 1986. Systematics and phylogeny of Holarctic genera of Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera,
Heteroneura: Monotrysia). 93 p., 135 figs, 3 tables, paperbound (ZV236);
EL17846 € 23
Nordström, F. & E. Wahlgren, 1941. Svenska Fjärilar. Systematisk bearbetning av Sveriges Storfjärilar. Macrolepidoptera. 353 p., 435 figs, 12 maps, 50 col. pls, 1 end map,
publ. cloth (joints weak, spine partly loose). One plate loose and slightly
frayed; EL10013 € 150
Nordström, F. et al., 1961. De Fennoskandiska Svärmarnas och Spinnarna Utbredning (Sphinges, Bombycimorpha, etc.). 92 p. + 181
maps, paperbound; EL09536 € 35
Nordström, F., 1934. Schwedisch-Chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen
Provinzen Chinas. Insekten. 21. Lepidoptera. 1. Diurna. 2. Sphinges. 38 p., 2
pls, wrps; EL09539 € 12
Nordström, F., 1934. Schwedisch-chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen
Provinzen Chinas. pars 21. Lepidoptera. 1. Diurna. 2. Sphinges. 37 p., 2 pls,
wrps; EL19216 € 5
Nordström, F., 1943. Förteckning över sveriges Storfjärilar. Catalogus Insectorum Sueciae. III. Macrolepidoptera. 62 p., wrps; EL09538
€ 14
Novak, I., 1980-1987. A field guide in colour to Butterflies and Moths. 352 p., 128 col. pls, cloth
(d.j.); EL09540 € 20
Novak, I., 1990. A field guide in colour to Butterflies and Moths. 352 p., 128 col. pls,
paperbound; EL09541 € 15
Nuss, M., 1999. Revision der Gattungen der Scopariinae. Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea, Crambidae. 151
p., 78 figs, 25 pls, 13 maps, paperbound. Ex-library (Nova Suppl. Ent.13); EL18718 € 16
Nye, I.W.B., 1975. The generic names of Moths of the world. Vol. 1. Noctuoidea (part): Noctuidae,
Agaristidae, and Nolidae. 568 p., frontispiece, cloth (d.j.); EL09542 € 50
Obraztsov, N.S., 1959-1962. Collection of 4 papers on American Tortricidae; EL09545 € 14
Obraztsov, N.S., 1963. Some North American Moths of the genus Acleris (Tortricidae). 58 p., 18 pls,
paperbound; EL09544 € 12
Obraztsov, N.S., 1966. Neotropical Microlepidoptera IX. Revision of genus Pseudatteria (Tortricidae).
46 p., 43 pls, paperbound; EL09543 € 14
Österreichische entomologische Expeditionen nach Persien und Afghanistan,
1965-1971. 8 papers on this expedition by Wiltshire, Kasy, Gaedike, Daniel, Roesler. 128
p., 29 figs, 13 pls, disbound (Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien); EL25542 € 14
Opler, P.A. & D.R. Davis, 1981. The Leafmining moths of the genus Cameraria associated with Fagaceae in
California (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). 58 p.,131 figs, 9 maps, stapled;
EL09547 € 12
Opler, P.A., 1974. Biology, ecology, and host specificity of Microlepidoptera associated with
Quercus agrifolia (Fagaceae). 83 p., 39 figs, 7 pls, paperbound; EL09546 € 15
Orfila, R.N., 1950. Les especies Argentinas de Prepona Boisd. (Lep. Nymph.). 48 p., 1 col. plte, 16
figs, 6 maps, disbound; EL26461 € 6
Osthelder, L., 1939-51. Die Schmetterlinge Südbayerns und der angrenzenden nördlichen Kalkalpen II: Die Kleinschmetterlinge, Heft 1 & 2 (compl.), 2 vols, 250 p., 2 pls, wrps; EL27181 € 40
Oudemans, J.Th. & J.A. Snijder, 1902. Naamlijst van Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera volgens den Catalogus van
Staudinger en Rebel (1901). 34 p., wrps; EL15181 € 8
Oudemans, J.Th., 1903. Étude sur la position de repos chez les Lépidoptères. 90 p., 39 figs, 11 pls, wrps. Unopened; EL23506 € 28
Owen, D.F., 1971. Tropical Butterflies. 214 p., col. frontispiece, 40 pls, hardbound (d.j.);
EL09548 € 38
Pagenstecher, A., 1901. Das Tierreich. 14. Lieferung. Lepidoptera: Libytheidae. ix, 17 p., 4 figs, wrps;
EL09549 € 10
Palanca-Soler, A., 1987. Aspectos faunísticos y ecólogicos de Lepidópteros Altoaragoneses. 317 p., 2 col. pls, 16 maps, paperbound; EL09550 € 38
Panis, G., 1894. Catalogue méthodique, synonymique et alphabétique des Papillons de France et Manuel du Lépidoptériste. 320 p., 4 pls, paperbound (front cover missing); EL09554 € 25
Parenti, U., 1962. Microlepidotteri della Maielletta (Appennino centrale). 134 p., 3 pls, disbound
(unopened); EL25545 € 16
Passos, C.F. dos, 1964. A Synonymic List of the Nearctic Rhopalocera. 145 p., paperbound; EL09555 € 20
Patocka, J., 1993. Die Puppen der mitteleuropäischen Schmetterlinge aus den Familien Endromidae, Lemoniidae, Saturniidae und
Sphingidae (Lepidoptera). 43 p., 199 figs, disbound (Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien);
EL25544 € 5
Pelletier, J., 1978. Révision des espèces du genre Marcipa (Noctuidae). 143 p., 158 figs, 6 pls, paperbound (mnhn110);
EL09556 € 29
Penz, C.M. & P.J. DeVries, 1999. Preliminary assessment of the tribe Lemoniini (Riodinidae) based on adult
morphology. 32 p., 16 figs, 2 tables, stapled (Novit. 3284); EL21419 € 8
Penz, C.M., 1999. Higher level phylogeny for the passion-vine butterflies (Nymphalidae,
Heliconiinae) based on early stage and adult Morphology. 68 p., 14 figs,
disbound; EL09557 € 15
Pers, J.N.C. van der, 1980. Olfactory receptors in small ermine moths (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae):
electrophysiology and morphology. 120 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis;
EL09558 € 16
Pesarini, C., 1989. Insetti della fauna Italiana. Lepidotteri Diurni 1. 32 p., 82 col. figs,
paperbound (Natura 80#1); EL21020 € 10
Petersen (Reval), W., 1914. Die Formen der Hydroecia nictitans B k h.-Gruppe (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae). Ein
Beitrag zur Frage des Artbegriffs. 32 p., 20 figs, 1 plte (with tissue-guard),
wrps. Library stamps throughout (from Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae,
variis sermonibus in Rossia usitatis editae, XLI#4); EL23133 € 10
Petersen, B., 1947. Die geographische Variation einiger fennoskandischer Lepidopteren. 203 p., 13
figs, 6 ps, paperbound (frontcover missing); EL09559 € 24
Petersen, B., 1962. Breakdown of differentiation between Pieris napi L. and Pieris bryoniae Ochs.
and its causes. 58 p., 19 figs, disbound; EL15188 € 8
Petersen, B., 1963. Breakdown of differentiation between Pieris napi L. and Pieris bryoniae Ochs.
and its causes. 58 p., 19 figs, wrps; EL15462 € 5
Petersen, G., 1961-1996. 5 papers (a.o. Beitrag zur Kleinschmetterlingsfauna des Dresdener Umgebung,
Revision Gattung Triaxomera, Revision Gattung Dinica, Revision Gattung
Rhodobates, Revision Gattung Neurothaumasia). 74 p., 142 figs, disbound (from
Ent. Abh. Dresden); EL25840 € 9
Peyerimhoff, H. de, 1874. Étude sur l’Organisation extérieure des Tordeuses. 68 p., 3 pls, wrps; EL09560 € 15
Pfister, H., 1961. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Phaloniden-und Tortricidenfauna Nordbayerns. 57 p., wrps;
EL09561 € 10
Pictet, A., 1912. Recherches expérimentales sur les mécanismes du mélanisme et de l’albinisme chez les Lépidoptères. 170 p., 5 pls, 4to, partly loose (covers missing); EL09562 € 40
Piepers, M.C., 1897. Nouvelles observations sur les vols des Lépidoptères. 56 p., paperbound; EL09563 € 10
Piepers, M.C., 1903. Ueber die sogenannten Schwänze der Lepidoptera. 38 p., stapled; EL09564 € 10
Piñas Rubio, S.J. et al., 2000. Mariposas del Ecuador / Butterflies of Ecuador vol. 20. Arctiidae (Arctiinae y
Pericopinae). 34 p., 84 col. pls depicting 655 species, paperbound; EL10347 € 55
Pinhey, E., 1964-1979. Collection of 20 papers on African Lepidoptera (13 papers by Pinhey). All papers
from Arnoldia; EL24649 € 30
Pinhey, E., 1965. The Butterflies of Southern Africa. xi, 240 p., 42 (16 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.);
EL15121 € 20
Pittaway, A.R., 1993. The Hawkmoths of the western Palaearctic. 240 p., 55 figs, 13 col. pls, 4to,
cloth. Crisp second-hand copy; EL09567 € 65
Popescu-Gorj, A. et al., 1958. Fauna Republicii Populare Române. Lepidoptera. Familia Aegeriidae. 189 p., 59 figs, 5 pls, cloth. In Romanian;
EL10045 € 25
Popescu-Gorj, A., 1964. Catalogue de la collection de Lépidoptères “Prof. A. Ostrogovich” du Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle “Grigore Antipa” Bucarest. 293 p., 2 portraits, 18 pls, paperbound; EL09574 € 32
Portmann, A., 1951. Falterschönheit. Exotische Schmetterlinge in farbigen Naturaufnahmen. 22 p., 12 col. pls,
paperbound, with col. d.j. With an introduction by Hermann Hesse; EL09572 € 24
Poujade, G.-A., 1880. Observaions sur les métamorphoses de l’Attacus atlas. 6 p., 1 col. plte, wrps; EL09571 € 12
Poulton, E.B., 1898. Natural selection the cause of mimetic resemblance and common warning colours.
56 p., 5 pls, stapled (Jl Linn. Soc. XXVI#172); EL19075 € 25
Povel, G.D.E., 1942. Pattern detection within the European forms of Yponomeuta (Yponomeutidae). ca.
100 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis; EL10320 € 16
Povolny, D., 1990. Gnorimoschemini of Peru and Bolivia (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). 71 p., 112 figs,
stapled; EL09570 € 10
Powell, J.A. & D. Povolny, 2001. Holarctic Lepidoptera. Gnorimoschemine Moths of coastal dune and scrub habitats
in California (Gelechiidae). 53 p., 115 figs, col. frontispiece, 4to,
paperbound; EL10005 € 14
Powell, J.A., 1964. Biological and taxonomic studies on Tortricine Moths, with reference to the
species in California. iv, 317 p., 108 figs, 8 pls, 15 maps, wrps; EL27182 € 35
Powell, J.A., 1973. A systematic monograph of New World Ethmiid Moths (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea).
iv, 302 p., 294 figs, 22 pls, paperbound; EL09568 € 40
Pratt, C., 1981. A history of the butterflies and moths of Sussex being a history and modern-day
survey of the Macro-Lepidoptera of East and West Sussex. 356 p., num. figs & maps, 8 col. pls, hardbound. A fine copy; EL15124 € 30
Prentice, R.M., 1966. Forest Lepidoptera of Canada recorded by the forest insect survey. 4.
Microlepidoptera. 298 p., 183 distribution maps, paperbound; EL09579 € 34
Preston-Mafham, R. & K., 1988. Butterflies of the world. 192 p., b&w and col. ills, hardbound. As new; EL16414 € 16
Prins, W. De & J. De Prins, 2005. World catalogue of Insects. Vol. 6. Gracillariidae (Lepidoptera). 502 p.,
hardbound; EL17785 € 118
Prins, W. De, 1998. Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Belgium. 236 p., 4to, paperbound; EL20202 € 26
Prout, L.B., 1932. Geometridae (Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique orientale
(1911-1912). 138 p., paperbound (unopened) (Mém. Soc. Zool. France XXIX#5); EL22947 € 36
Raijmann, L., 1996. In search for speciation: genetical differentiation and host race formation in
Yponomeuta padellus (Yponomeutidae). 169 p., several figs, paperbound. Thesis;
EL10055 € 28
Raineri, V., 1985. Noctuoidea, Bombycoidea e Sphingoidea delle Alpi Liguri. 77 p., 7 figs, 3
tables, paperbound; EL22730 € 12
Razowski, J., 1975. Motyle (Lepidoptera) Polski. II. Homoneura. 96 p., 126 figs, 4 pls, paperbound;
EL09578 € 15
Razowski, J., 1986. Collection of 4 papers: New and little known neotropical Cochylidii
(Lepidoptera, Tortricidae). Synopsis of Carolella. The data on Tortricini
published after 1966. Cochylidii collected in Central America and Mexico. 128
p., 260 figs, disbound; EL09577 € 15
Rebel, H., 1892-1910. 6 papers on the Lepidopterenfauna des canarischen Archipels. 278 p., 4 (3 col.)
pls, disbound (Ann. kk Hofmus. Wien 18); EL25373 € 44
Rebel, H., 1898-1931. 5 papers on Lepidoptera (Zentralafrika, Westasien, Portugal, Deutsch-Ostafrika).
25 p., 3 figs, 5 pls, 1 portrait, disbound (Ann. kk Hofmus. Wien); EL25981 € 6
Regteren Altena, C.O. van, 1953. A revision of the genus Nyctalemon (Uraniidae) with notes on the biology,
distribution, and evolution of its species. 57 p., 7 figs, 4 pls, paperbound
(ZV19); EL10330 € 14
Reichholf-Riehm, H., 1990. Mariposas. 287 p., 739 (579 col.) figs, hardbound; EL22258 € 20
Reinhardt, R. et al. (eds), 1999. Fragmentarische Verzeichnis der Schmetterlinge Europas und angrenzender Regionen
mit einem vorläufigen Vorschlag zur Festlegung von Identifikationsnummern / Alphabetischer
Gesamtindex mit ihren Identifikationsnummern. xiii, 982 p., paperbound; EL10033
€ 138
Reiprich, A. & I. Okáli, 1988. Dodatky k Prodromu Lepidopter Slovenska. 3 vols: 136, 108, 140 p., paperbound;
EL09582 € 40
Reiss, H. & W.G. Tremewan, 1967. A systematic catalogue of the genus Zygaena Fabricius. xvi, 329 p., cloth (d.j.)
(Series Entomologica 2); EL09583 € 52
Reissinger, E., 1971. Die geographisch-subspecifische Gliederung von Colias alfacariensis unter Berücksichtigung der Migrationsverhältnisse (Lepidoptera Pieridae). 92 p., 8 figs, stapled; EL09575 € 12
Reuter, E., 1896. Ueber die Palpen der Rhopaloceren. Ein Beitrag zur Erkenntnis der
verwantschaftlichen Beziehungen under den Tagfaltern. xvi, 577 p., 6 (1 fold.)
pls, wrps; EL27183 € 56
Reuter, E., 1896. Zur Erkenntnis der verwantschaftlichen Beziehungen under den Tagfaltern. xvi,
379 p., 4 fold. pls, 44to, wrps, Thesis; EL27184 € 72
Riedl, T., 1969. Matériaux pour la connaissance des Momphidae paléarctiques. IX. Revue des Momphidae européennes, y compris quelques espèces d’Afrique du Nord et du Proche-Orient. 289 p., 414 figs, paperbound; EL09584 € 32
Riley, A.M., 1991. A natural history of the Butterflies and Moths of Shropshire. (viii), 205 p., 17
figs, 20 col. pls, paperbound; EL09585 € 23
Riley, N., 1944. Some British Moths. 32 p., plus 16 col. pls, boards (spine missing); EL15154 € 3
Riley, N.D., 1975. A field guide to the Butterflies of the West Indies. 224 p., 29 textfigs, 24
col. pls, endpaper maps, hardbound (d.j.); EL24833 € 3
Rindge, F.H. & L.D. Miller, 1966-1970. 4 papers (2 by Rindge, 2 by Miller) all from “Reports of the Margaret M. Cary-Carnegie Museum Expedition to Baja California,
Mexico, 1961”: 4. The family Saturniidae (Lep.); 6. The subfamily Ennominae (Geometridae:
Lep.); 5. Two new subspecies of Hesperiidae (Lep.) from the Cape Region, Baja
California Sur, Mexico; 7: The family Hesperiidae (Lep.). 64 p., 22 figs,
stapled (Ann. Carnegie Mus.); EL16254 € 12
Rindge, F.H., 1956-1961. Descriptions of and notes on North American Geometridae. Parts 1-5. 94 p., figs,
orig. wrps; EL09587 € 15
Rindge, F.H., 1970. A revision of the moth genera Hulstina and Pterotaea (Lepidoptera, Geometridae).
88 p., 111 figs, 4to, wrps; EL15133 € 17
Rindge, F.H., 1986. Generic descriptions of New World Lithinini (Lep. Geometridae). 68 p., 80 figs,
6 tables, wrps (Am. Mus. Novit.); EL26582 € 9
Rings, R.W. et al., 1992. The Owlet Moths of Ohio. Order Lepidoptera family Noctuidae. vi, 219 p., 9
textfigs, num. distribution maps, 16 (8 col.) pls, A4, paperbound (Bull. Ohio
Biol. Surv. NS 9#2); EL18190 € 32
Ripley, L.B., 1921. The external morphology and postembryology of Noctuid larvae. 105 p., 8 pls,
paperbound; EL09590 € 24
Robbins, R.K., 1991. Evolution, comparative morphology, and identification of the Eumaeine Butterfly
genus Rekoa (Lycaenidae: Theclinae). 64 p., 116 figs, wrps; EL09591 € 14
Robinson, G.S., 1976. A taxonomic revision of the Tinissinae of the world (Lepidoptera: Tineidae). 48 p., 16 pls, paperbound; EL09593 € 18
Rocci, U., 1942. Forme piemontesi del Genere Zygaena Fabr. (Zygaenidae). 23 p., 2 pls, wrps
(unopened); EL22885 € 18
Roche, P., 1954. Revisional notes on the genus Epitola Westwood (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). 12 p.,
18 pls, stapled; EL09592 € 8
Roepke, W., 1938. Über Indomalayische Lepidoptera Heterocera des Kön. Museums für Naturkunde in Brussel. 72 p., 34 figs, wrps; EL15184 € 15
Roepke, W., 1955. The butterflies of the genus Delias Hübner (Lep.) in Netherlands New Guinea. 76 p., 4 (2 col.) pls, wrps; EL26639 € 6
Roepke, W., 1957. The Cossids of the Malay region. 60 p., 9 pls, paperbound; EL09595 € 18
Roepke, W., ca. 1907. Ergebnisse anatomischer Untersuchungen an Standfuss’schen Lepidopterenbastarden. I. Folge: Smerinthus hybr. hybridus Westw. und.
hybr. operosa Stdfs. 122 p., 53 figs, 3 pls, wrps; EL18574 € 18
Roesler, R.U. & P.V. Küppers, 1979. Die Phycitinae (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) von Sumatra; Taxonomic Teil A. 249 p., 7
figs, 36 pls, paperbound; EL09597 € 38
Roesler, U., 1965. Chorologische Untersuchungen über den Homoeosoma - Ephestia - Komplex (Lepidoptera: Phycitinae) im paläarktischen Raum. 32 p., wrps; EL15183 € 6
Roessingh, P., 1989. Trail marking and following by larvae of the small ermine Moth Yponomeuta
cagnagellus. 119 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis; EL10318 € 15
Rougeot, P.-C. & P. Viette, 1978. Guide des Papillons nocturnes d’Europe et d’Afrique du Nord. 228 p., num. col. pls, cloth (d.j.); EL20970 € 32
Rühl, F. & M. Bartel, 1899. Die palaearktischen Grossschmetterlinge und ihre Naturgeschichte. Zweiter Band:
Nachtfalter. I. Abteilung. 17. Lieferung. (Band II, 1. Lieferung). INCOMPLETE.
pp. 1-240 (of 384 pages), disbound; EL23136 € 24
Ruinard, J., 1958. Onderzoekingen omtrent levenswijze, economische betekenis en
bestrijdingsmogelijkheden der stengelboorders van het suikerriet op Java. 222
p., 11 figs, paperbound. Thesis with extensive English summary; EL09600 € 25
Ruiter, L. de, 1955. Countershadings in Caterpillars. An analysis of its adaptive significance. 57
p., 7 figs, 4 pls, paperbound. Thesis; EL09601 € 12
Sachtleben, H., 1927. Beiträge zur Naturgeschichte der Forleule, Panolis flammea Schiff. (Noct., Lep.), und
ihrer Parasiten. 100 p., 3 (2 col.) pls, orig. wrps; EL09603 € 25
Salmon, M.A., 2000. The Aurelian legacy - British butterflies and their collectors. 432 p., col.
frontispiece, 162 text figs, 41 col. pls, 4to, illustrated endpapers, hardbound
(d.j.); EL16406 € 30
Sarlet, L., 1964. Iconographie des oeufs de Lepidoptères belges. Deuxième partie. Heterocera: Bombycides-Sphingides. 172 p., 15 figs, paperbound;
EL09604 € 20
Sattler, K., 1959. Generische Gruppierung der europäischen Arten der Sammelgattung Gelechia (Lepidoptera). 110 p., 31 pls, disbound
(Deut. Ent. Zs); EL25985 € 12
Sattler, K., 1973. A catalogue of the family-group and genus-group names of the Gelechiidae,
Holcopogonidae, Lecithoceridae and Symmocidae. 130 p., paperbound; EL10080 € 20
Sattler, K., 1976. A taxonomic revision of the genus Ornativalva (Gelechiidae). 68 p., 27 figs, 27
(1 col.) pls, paperbound; EL10081 € 20
Sattler, K., 1979. A taxonomic revision of the genus Deltophora Janse, 1950 (Lepidoptera:
Gelechiidae). 60 p., 113 figs, stapled; EL09605 € 12
Schadewald, G., 1994. Die Grossschmetterlinge der Umgebung von Zeitz (Sachsen-Anhalt). 88 p., stapled;
EL09630 € 10
Schaus, W., 1901. A revision of the American Notodontidae. 87 p., 2 col. pls, disbound (Trans.
Ent. Soc. Lond. part III); EL26643 € 10
Schaus, W., 1928. New Moths of the family Ceruridae (Notodontidae) in the United States National
Museum. 90 p., paperbound; EL09631 € 14
Schaus, W., 1928. New Moths of the family Ceruridae (Notodontidae) in the United States National
Museum. 90 p., wrps; EL09635 € 15
Scheltes, P., 1978. Ecological and physiological aspects of aestivation-diapause in the larvae of
two Pyralid stalk borers of maize in Kenya. 110 p., 37 figs, paperbound.
Thesis. Library stamps; EL10335 € 12
Scheuringer, E., 1972. Die Macrolepidopteren Fauna des Schnalstales (Vinschgau-Südtirol). 218 p., 6 pls, paperbound; EL21110 € 18
Schierbeek, A., 1917. On the setal pattern of caterpillars and pupae. 157 p., 5 folded pls, paperbound
(loose back cover); EL09632 € 20
Schilde, J., 1890. Schach dem Darwinismus: Studies eines Lepidopterologen. (iv), 360 p., disbound;
EL27185 € 40
Schnack, F., 1931. Het wondere leven der vlinders. 188 p., num. photographs, cloth. Ex library
(fine copy); EL09636 € 20
Schnack, F., 1931. Het wondere leven der vlinders. 188 p., 111 photographs, cloth (spine partly
loose); EL10328 € 12
Schnack, F., n.d. (ca. 1920). Das kleine Buch der Nachtfalter. Kolorierte Stiche von Jacob Hübner. 47 p., 24 col. pls, hardbound. Spine missing; EL09633 € 14
Schnack, F., n.d. (ca. 1920). Das kleine Schmetterlingsbuch. Kolorierte Stiche von Jacob Hübner. 47 p., 24 col. pls, hardbound; EL09634 € 16
Schoorl, J.W., 1990. A phylogenetic study on Cossidae (Ditrysia) based on external adult morphology.
295 p., 138 figs, 1 col. pl., paperbound. Thesis; EL09637 € 48
Schoorl, J.W., 1990. A phylogenetic study on Cossidae (Ditrysia) based on external adult morphology.
295 p., 138 figs, 1 col. pl., paperbound. Thesis. Last pages wrinkled; EL09638 € 38
Schoorl, J.W., 1990. A phylogenetic study on Cossidae (Ditrysia) based on external adult morphology.
295 p., 138 figs, 1 col. pl., paperbound (ZV263); EL14897 € 73
Schoorl, J.W., 1990. A phylogenetic study on Cossidae (Ditrysia) based on external adult morphology.
295 p., 138 figs, 1 col. pl., paperbound (ZV263). Library stamps; EL15071 € 66
Schouten, R.T.A., 1988. Revision of the species of the genus Euchromius Guenée, 1845 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Crambinae) occurring in the Afrotropical
region. 64 p., 91 figs, paperbound (ZV244); EL17475 € 16
Schouten, R.T.A., 1988. Revision of the species of the genus Euchromius Guenée, 1845 (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae: Crambinae) occurring in the Afrotropical
region. 64 p., 91 figs, paperbound (ZV244). Ex-library copy; EL17476 € 13
Schuler, J.E., 1977 (4th ed.). Fliegende Kleinodien. Ein farbiges Falterbuch. 145 p., 53 col. pls, 4to, cloth
(d.j.); EL10050 € 25
Schwanwitsch, B.N., 1925. On the modes of evolution of the wing-pattern in nymphalids and certain other
families of the Rhopalocerous Lepidoptera. 16 p., 3 pls, disbound; EL26463 € 6
Scoble, M.J. (ed.), 1999. Geometrid Moths of the world. A catalogue. 1016 p., plus index 129 p., Set in 2
vols (hardbound) plus CD ROM. The primary purpose of the work is to provide a
substantial body of taxonomic information, much of it previously unpublished,
on the available names of geometridae. It includes information on type
specimens, type localities and, where possible, larval foodplants; EL09689 € 220
Scoble, M.J., 1983. A revised cladistic classification of the Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) mainly from
South Africa. (xi), 105 p., 147 figs, 4 tables, 4to, hardbound (Transvaal Mus.
Monograph 2); EL22068 € 22
Sedenko, J., 1991. The Butterfly Garden. 144 p., num. col. photographs, hardbound (d.j.); EL09640 € 20
Seitz, A., 1907-1920. Die Großschmetterlinge der Erde, Band 5. Die Großschmetterlinge des amerikanischen Faunengebietes. 90 Lieferungen not running
sequentially, with pages 1 through 808 [pages 721-728 MISSING] + plates 1-99,
100A+B, 101A+B, 102A+B, 103-109, 110A+B, 111-119, 120ABCD, 121-143, 146-152,
162[= total of 158 plates]) only (the complete volume consisted of textvols of pages viii, 1141, vi + an
atlas of 203 plates). Contained in boardwrappers; EL26537 € 200
Seitz, A., 1913-1920. Die Großschmetterlinge der Erde, Band 6. Die amerikanischen Spinner und Schwärmer. Lieferungen 1 through 27 (pages 1 through 328 + plates 1 through 38, 40,
99+100[= total of 41 plates]) only (the complete volume consisted of 2 textvols of pages viii, 1452, viii + an
atlas of 198 plates). Contained in boardwrappers; EL26536 € 78
Seitz, A., 1919. Die Großschmetterlinge der Erde, Band 7. Eulenartige Nachtfalter. Lieferungen 1 (pages
1-4 + plates 1+2) and 2 (pages 5-12 + plates 3+4) only (the complete volume
consisted of pages 1-508 + 87 plates); EL26535 € 20
Selleir, R., 1973. Recherches en microscopie électronique par balayage, sur l’ultrastructure de l’appareil androconial alaire dans le genre Argynnis et dans les genres voisins
(Lep. Rhopaloceres Nymphalides). 26 p., 71 figs, wrps; EL096801 € 8
Senden, L., 1941. Mooie Vlinders. 222 p., 7 (4 col. ) pls, cloth; EL09641 € 14
Seppänen, R., 1981. Differences in spotting pattern between populations of Aphantopus hyperantus
(Satyridae) in southern Finland. 36 p., 27 figs, paperbound; EL15074 € 8
Shaffer, Y.C., 1968. A revision of the Peoriinae and Anerstiinae of America north of Mexico
(Pyralidae). 124 p., 178 figs, 12 maps, paperbound; EL09682 € 15
Shull, E.M., 1987. The Butterflies of Indiana. viii, 262 p., 4 figs, 50 col. pls, num. maps, cloth
(d.j.); EL09683 € 42
Shuqiang Li, 1998. IPM zur Bekämpfung von Helicoverpa armigera in China. Wirkungen von Insektizidbehandlungen
auf Arthropoden im Baumwollökosystem. xvii, 185 p., num. figs & graphs, paperbound; EL21490 € 28
Silkworm, 1926-1936. Collection of five papers on silkworms published in the Journal of the College
of Agriculture Imperial University of Tokyo; EL10338 € 32
Skou, P., 1986. Sommerfugle som hobby. 74 p., num. figs & photographs, paperbound; EL10082 € 17
Slastshevsky, P., 1911. Macrolepidopterenfauna des Warschauer Gouvernements. 131 p., paperbound. Library
stamps on cover and title-page. Scarce; EL09720 € 25
Smart, P., 1976. Moussault’s Groot Vlinderboek. 280 p., fullcol. ills, cloth; EL15127 € 30
Smart, P., 1977. Kosmos-Enzyclopädie der Schmetterlinge. 279 p., num. col. figs, 61 double col. pls depicting
over 2000 species, 4to, hardbound (d.j.); EL10022 € 30
Smart, P., 1977. The illustrated Encyclopedia of the Butterfly world in colour. 275 p., over
2,000 species reproduced life-size, 4to, cloth (d.j.); EL19854 € 40
Smith, J.B., 1893. A catalogue, bibliographical and synonymical, of the species of Moths of the
lepidopterous superfamily Noctuidae, found in boreal America. With critical
notes. (ii), 424 p., Cloth; EL27186 € 56
Smith, J.B., no date. A revision of some species of Noctuidae heretofore referred to the genus
Homoptera Boisduval (67 p., 6 pls); A hundred new moths of the family Noctuidae
(83 p.), wrps (Proc. US Natl Mus.); EL26578 € 8
Snellen, P.C.T., 1867. De vlinders van Nederland. Macrolepidoptera, systematisch beschreven. xi, 763
p., 4 pls, hcloth; EL09717 € 125
Snellen, P.C.T., 1867. De vlinders van Nederland. Macrolepidoptera, systematisch beschreven. xi, 763
p., 4 pls, hcalf; EL09718 € 150
Snellen, P.C.T., 1882. De vlinders van Nederland. Microlepidoptera. Systematisch beschreven (in 2
parts). xiii, 1196 p., 14 pls, paperbound (original covers). Unopened; EL09719 € 90
Solis, M.A. & M. Horak (eds), 1998. Pyraloidea studies. Festschrift for Michael Shaffer. 191 p., num. (35 col.)
figs, paperbound; EL10072 € 63
Sotavalta, O., 1964. Studies on the variation of the venation of certain Tiger Moths (Arctiidae). 42
p., 8 figs, wrps; EL10095 € 8
South, R., 1933 (reprint of 1921 new ed.). The Butterflies of the British Isles. 212 p., 127 (many col.) pls, cloth (The
Wayside and Woodland Series); EL09724 € 25
South, R., 1943, (2nd reprint of 1939 ed.). The Moths of the British Isles. I-II. vi, 360; vi, 398 p., 318 (1543 figs in
col.) pls, cloth (d.j., discoloured & frayed) (The Wayside and Woodland Series); EL09723 € 50
South, R., 1948 (reprint 1939 new ed.). The Moths of the British Isles. Second Series comprising the families Agrotidae
to Hepialidae. vi, 399 p., 159 pls (with 873 col. figs), hardbound (The Wayside
and Woodland Series); EL15084 € 20
South, R., 1948 (reprint 1939 new ed.). The Moths of the British Isles. First series comprising the families Sphingidae
to Agrotidae. vii, 360 p., 159 (mainly col.) pls, hardbound. Name of former
owner in front, occasional annotations (The Wayside and Woodland Series);
EL18688 € 20
South, R., 1961 (reprint 1980). The Moths of the British Isles. First series comprising the families Sphingidae,
Endromidae, Saturniidae, Notodontidae, Thyatiridae, Drepanidae, Lymantriidae
and Noctuidae. 427 p., 148 (90 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.) (The Wayside and
Woodland Series); EL15082 € 25
South, R., 1961. The Moths of the British Isles. I-II. 399, 427 p., 307 (186 col.) pls, cloth
(d.j.) (The Wayside and Woodland Series); EL09722 € 64
South, R., 1980 (reprint of 1961 new ed.). The Moths of the British Isles. Second series comprising the families
Lasiocampidae, Arctiidae, Geometridae, Cossidae, Limacodidae, Zygaenidae,
Sesiidae, and Hepialidae. 379 p., 141 (69 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.) (The Wayside and Woodland Series); EL15083 € 25
South, R., n.d. (2nd ed., 1920?). The Moths of the British Isles. 2 vols. 743 p., 316 pls, publisher’s decorated cloth (spine faded) (The Wayside and Woodland Series); EL09721 € 50
Spormann, K., ca. 1909. Die im nordwestlichen Neuvorpommern bisher beobachteten Grossschmetterlinge mit
besonderer Berücksichtigung der näheren Umgegend Stralsunds. I. Die Rhopalocéren und Heterocéren. II. Die Geometriden und ein Nachtrag. 92 p., left margin with two
perforations. Scarce; EL09725 € 38
Spuler, A., 1910, reprint 1983. Die Schmetterlinge Europas: Kleinschmetterlinge, repr. 3rd ed., 336 p., 173
figs, 11 col. pls, 4to, Cloth; EL27187 € 64
Stamm, K., 1981. Prodromus der Lepidopteren-Fauna der Rheinlande und Westfalens. vi, 229 p.,
paperbound; EL21111 € 20
Stanek, V.J., 1977. Welt der Schmetterlinge in Farbe. 352 p., 420 mostly col. photographs, cloth
(d.j.); EL09726 € 25
Stanek, V.J., 1977. Encyclopédie des papillons. 351 p., 420 (210 col.) figs, cloth (d.j.); EL20927 € 32
Starovoitova, V.E. (ed.), 1986. Classification and ecology of lepidopterous insects of Far East (SSSR). 130 p.,
num. figs, wrps. In Russian; EL19760 € 16
Staudinger, O. & H. Rebel, 1901. Catalog der Lepidopteren des palaearctischen Faunengebietes. 2 parts in one vol.
I: Fam. Papilionidae-Hepialidae. xxxii, 411 p., II: Fam.
Pyralidae-Micropterygidae. 368 p., cloth (worn); EL20493 € 80
Staudinger, O., 1854. De Sesiis agri Berolinensis. Dissertatio entomologica. (ii), 66 p., 1 fold.
table, 2 pls, disbound; EL27188 € 40
Staudinger, O., 1871. Beschreibung neuer Lepidopteren des europäischen Faunengebiets. 114 p., disbound (from Berl. Ent. Zschr. XIV); EL26644 € 12
Steenstrupia, 1973-1984. Collection of 8 issues on Lepidoptera by O. Jensen, N.P. Kristensen, E.S.
Nielsen, D.R. Davis. Ca. 250 p., num. figs, stapled (Steenstrupia vols 3#1,
4#5, 5#1, 5#7, 6#16, 7#3, 10#4, 10#5); EL15173 € 24
Stehr, F.W. & E.F. Cook, 1968. A revision of the genus Malacosoma Hübner in North America (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae): Systematics, biology,
immatures, and parasites. vi, 321 p., 399 (60 in 2 col. pls) figs, paperbound;
EL09745 € 34
Stempffer, H., 1956. Contribution à l’étude des Lépidoptères Lycaenidae de l’Afrique équatoriale. 54 p., 31 figs, 3 pls, paperbound; EL09747 € 14
Steuer, H., 1995. Die Schmetterlingsfauna um Bad Blankenburg (Thüringen). 175 p., 214 (89 col.) figs, paperbound; EL10349 € 30
Stovin, G.H.T. (ed.), 1944 (reprint). The Caterpillars of British Butterflies including the eggs, chrysalids and
food-plants (based upon “The Butterflies of the British Isles” by Richard South). 327 p., 348 (68 col.) figs, hardbound (d.j.) (The Wayside
and Woodland Series); EL15089 € 28
Stovin, G.H.T. (ed.), 1958. The Caterpillars of British Moths including the eggs, chrysalids and food-plants
(based upon “The Moths of the British Isles” by Richard South). Second Series comprising the families Geometridae to
Hepialidae. 327 p., 487 (190 col.) figs, hardbound (d.j.) Ex-library copy (The
Wayside and Woodland Series); EL15086 € 28
Strelkov, V., 1932. Epicoeidae. 13 p., 2 (1 col.) pls, hcloth; EL10009 € 20
Süffert, F., 1932. Phänomene visueller Anpassung. I. Die visuelle Wirkung der Raupe und der Puppe von
Colias edusa (Pieridae). II. Vergleichende Untersuchung verwandter
Erscheinungen in der visuellen Ausgestaltung einiger weiterer Raupen und
Puppen. III. Zusammengesetzte Bildelemente in der visuellen Ausgestaltung von
Tagfalterpuppen. 170 p., 65 figs, 5 (1 double) col. pls, paperbound (partly
loose); EL10306 € 36
Suire, J., 1951. Microlépidoptères des plantes caractérisant les zones naturelles de la Costière. 150 p., 6 pls, wrps; EL22886 € 28
Sulcs, A. & J. Viidalepp, 1957-1983. 6 papers (a.o.: Verbreitung der Großschmetterlinge im Baltikum I-II-III-IV und 1. Nachtrag, Ein weitverbreiteter
Fichtenblütenschädling, Acanthophila piceana b.sp. (Gelechiidae) in Lettland. 234 p., 22 figs, 44
distr. maps, disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs); EL25727 € 26
Sutter, R., 1991. Beiträge zur Insektenfauna der DDR: Lepidoptera - Pterophoridae. 95 p., 275 figs, 56
maps, stapled; EL09751 € 14
Sutton, S.L. & H.E. Beaumont (eds), 1989. Butterflies and Moths of Yorkshire. 367 p., several figs & maps, paperbound; EL09750 € 24
Svensson, I. et al., 1987. Catalogus Lepidopterorum Sueciae. 300 p., 1 map, paperbound; EL09752 € 20
Swinhoe, Ch. & A.G. Butler, 1896. Two papers on Lepidoptera. I. On mimicry in Butterflies of the genus Hypolimnas
by Ch. Swinhoe. II. An account of the Butterflies of the genus Charaxes in the
collection of the British Museum by A.G. Butler. 8 p., 3 (1 col.) pls; 57 p.,
wrps (Jl Linn. Soc. XXV#163); EL19081 € 12
Swinhoe, Ch., 1904. On the Geometridae of tropical Africa in the National Collection. 94 p.,
disbound (Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. part III); EL26632 € 10
Sylvén, E., 1958. Studies on Fruit leaf Tortricids. 164 p., 68 figs, paperbound; EL09753 € 18
Tammaru, T. et al. (eds), 2001/2002. Lepinfo Nr. 12 & 13. 90, 90 p., wrps. Articles and short communications on Lepidoptera
faunistics of Estonia with short abstracts in English; EL15144 € 12
Tarmann, G.M., 2004. Zygaenid Moths of Australia. A revision of the Australian Zygaenidae
(Procridinae: Artonini). vii, 248 p., 64 pages with colour ills, hardbound
(d.j.) As new; EL18881 € 120
Taschenberg, E.L., 1880. Praktische Insekten-Kunde, Dritter, Vierter, Fünfter Theil, containing: Die Schmetterlinge (viii, 311 p., 83 woodcuts); Die
Zweiflügler, Netzflügler und Kaukerfe (vii, 227 p., 56 woodcuts); Die Schnabelkerfe, flügellosen Parasiten und als Anhang Einiges Ungeziefer, welches nicht zu den
Insekten gehört (viii, 238 p., 43 woodcuts; pp. 177-208 with damaged edge, not affecting the
text), clothbound (rubbed). Ex-library; EL25290 € 86
Tax, M.H., 1989. Atlas van de Nederlandse dagvlinders. 248 p., num. figs & maps, 4to, hardbound; EL22257 € 26
Taylor, J.S., 1950. Notes on Phiala patagiata Aur., the Karoo Tent Caterpillar. ii, 11 p., 2 pls, 2
tables, wrps; EL18426 € 6
Temple, V., 1945-1946. Butterflies and Moths in Britain. viii, 120 p., 57 figs, 95 photographs, 10 col.
lithogr. pls, cloth; EL09755 € 24
Temple, V., 1946. Flowers & Butterflies. 96 p., num. figs, cloth; EL15070 € 10
Tenow, O., 1972. The outbreaks of Oporinia autumnata Bkh. and Operophthera spp. (Lep.,
Geometridae) in the Scandinavian mountain chain and northern Finland 1862-1968.
107 p., 26 figs, 1 col. pl, paperbound; EL09756 € 18
Thomson, G., 1973. Geographical variation of Maniola jurtina (Satyridae). 42 p., 4 figs, 2 pls, 7
maps, wrps; EL10326 € 8
Thurner, J. et al., 1964-1968. Die Lepidoterenfauna Jugoslavisch Mazedoniens. Parts I-IV. I: Rhopalocera,
Grypocera und Noctuidae. 158 p., II: Bombyces et Sphinges. 74 p., III:
Geometridae. 71 p., IV: Microlepidoptera. 203 p., 10 figs, wrps. Ex-library;
EL20494 € 70
Thurner, J., 1964. Die Lepidoterenfauna Jugoslavisch Mazedoniens. I. Rhopalocera, Grypocera und
Noctuidae. 158 p., 15 figs, 1 map, wrps; EL22889 € 20
Tite, G.E. & C.G.C. Dickson, 1973. The genus Aloeides and allied genera (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae). 55 p., 5 col.
pls, 2 fold. maps, paperbound; EL09746 € 20
Todd, E.L., 1982. The Noctuid type material of John B. Smith (Lepidoptera). iii, 228 p., wrps,
4to; EL27189 € 35
Toll, S., 1964. Klucze do oznaczania owadów Polski, Czesc XXVII. Motyle - Lepidoptera. Zeszyt 35. Oecophoridae. 174 p.,
755 figs, paperbound (Polski Zwiazek Entomologiczny 43); EL22949 € 22
Tolman, T., 2001. Photographic guide to the Butterflies of Britain & Europe. xvi, 305 p., sumptuously illustrated in fullcolour, paperbound in
plastic jacket; EL16410 € 18
Tonkes, P.R., 1933. Recherches sur les poils urticants des chenilles. 58 p., 3 pls, paperbound.
Thesis; EL09758 € 14
Toxopeus, L.J., 1930. De soort als functie van plaats en tijd. Getoetst aan de Lycaenidae van het
Australaziatisch gebied. 198 p., 17 figs, 4 pls, paperbound. Thesis; EL09760 € 48
Traugot-Olsen, E. & E.S. Nielsen, 1977. The Elachistidae (Lepidoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. 299 p., 45 text
figs, 16 col. pls (152 figs), b/w pls (384 figs), paperbound (FES6); EL09842 € 40
Tremewan, W.G., 1973. A catalogue of the genus-group names of the Zygaenidae (Lepidoptera). 40 p.,
stapled; EL09761 € 10
Tshikolovets, V.V., 1993. A catalogue of the type-specimens of Parnassius in the collections of Russian
Zoological Museums (Lepidoptera, Papilionidae). 42 p., wrps; EL15146 € 9
Turpin, P.J.F., 1834. Rapport sur une larve Trouvée dans l’intérieur de la tige d’un Chou brocoli et.... 8 p., 1 plte, wrps; EL26629 € 10
Tuzov, V.K. et al., 1997. Guide to the Butterflies of Russia and adjacent territories. Vol. 1. Hesperidae,
Papilionidae, Pieridae, Satyridae. 480 p., 56 col. photographs, 79 col. pls, 3
col. maps, 4to, hardbound (d.j.); EL10018 € 170
Tyô to Ga, 1994. Journal published by the Lepidopterological Society of Japan. Vol. 45#3. 86 p.,
num. figs & col. pls, wrps; EL15189 € 10
Urbahn, E., 1959-1979. 8 Lepidoptera papers by this author, mainly on Geometridae. 68 p., 70 figs, 4
tables, disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs); EL25984 € 8
Ureta, E. & R. Orfila, 1957. Aportes Lepidopterologicos: Revisión Cossidae en Chile/Nuevos Heteroceros de Chile/Tatochila autodice/Lepidópteros introducidos. 47 p., 9 figs, 2 col. pls, paperbound; EL09765 € 14
Vane-Wright, R.I. & R. de Jong, 2003. The Butterflies of Sulawesi: annotated checklist for a critical island fauna.
267 p., 14 (6 col.) figs, 16 col. pls, 5 tables, paperbound (ZV343); EL13686 € 72
Vane-Wright, R.I., 1975. The Butterflies named by J.F. Gmelin (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera). 44 p., 27 figs
(6 pls), paperbound; EL09767 € 14
Vane-Wright, R.I., 1979. The coloration, identification and phylogeny of Nessaea butterflies
(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). 30 p., 5 figs, col. frontispiece, stapled; EL09766 € 10
Vermeulen, J.B., 1970. ‘n Bydrae tot die bionomie van Helicoverpa armigera armigera (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae). 43 p., 29 figs (including a few original photographs), 4to, boards.
Thesis; EL10302 € 15
Viette, P., 1948. Croisière du Bougainville aux îles australes Françaises. Lepidoptères. 27 p., 22 figs, 2 pls, wrps (mnhn27(1); EL10295 € 10
Viette, P., 1950. Faune de l’Empire Français XIII. Lépidoptères Rhopalocères de l’Océanie Française. 101 p., 126 figs, paperbound (wrps worn). Some pencil & pen annotations; EL22951 € 35
Viette, P., 1956. Faune de Madagascar III. Insectes Lépidoptères Hesperiidae. 85 p., 93 figs, wrps; EL22887 € 22
Viette, P., 1962. Noctuelles trifides de Madagascar, écologie, biogéographie, morphologie et taxonomie. 294 p., 183 figs, 10 pls, paperbound;
EL09769 € 50
Viette, P., 1980. Faune de Madagascar 53. Lépidoptères Limacodidae. 162 p., 185 figs, paperbound; EL09771 € 30
Villiers, A., 1957. Les Lépidoptères de l’Afrique noire Française, Fasc. 1. Introduction. 2. Papilionidés. 133 p., 188 figs, paperbound. Library stamps; EL10097 € 22
Villiers, A., 1979. Les Lépidoptères de l’Afrique noire française, Fasc. 2. Papilionidés. 49 p., 79 figs, wrps; EL15147 € 8
Vink, A.K., n.d. Rupsen. 125 p., 30 col. pls, cloth; EL09772 € 12
Vives Moreno, A., 1988. Catalogo mundial sistematico y de distribucion de la familia Coleophoridae. 196
p., 16 maps, paperbound; EL10030 € 30
Voldrich, M., 1963. La faune des papillons des montagnes de Sumava Centrale. 55 p., 4 pls, loose;
EL10100 € 10
Vos, R. de, 2007. The Utetheisa species of the subgenera Pitasila, Atasca and Raanya subg. n.
(Lep.: Arctiidae). 90 p., 179 (96 col.) figs, disbound (Aldrovandia 3); EL25433
€ 15
Wagner-Rollinger, C., 1972. Les Lépidoptères du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (et des régions limitrophes). IV. Pyralidoidea-Zygaenoidea-Tortricoidea. 77 p., wrps.
Ex-library; EL24353 € 10
Warren, W., 1904. New American Thyrididae, Uraniidae, and Geometridae. 2 parts. 263 p., 4to, wrps;
EL09778 € 50
Warren, W., 1907. American Thyrididae, Uraniidae and Geometridae in the Tring Museum. 137 p.,
wrps; EL27190 € 27
Warren, W., ca. 1920. Descriptions of new genera and species of South American Geometrid moths. 159
p., disbound; EL26602 € 9
Watson, A., 1957. A revision of the genus Tridrepana Swinhoe (Drepanidae). 92 p., 155 figs, 3 pls,
paperbound. Name cut out of title page; EL09782 € 14
Watson, A., 1968. The taxonomy of the Drepaninae represented in China, with an account of their
world distribution (Drepanidae). 151 p., 14 pls, paperbound; EL09780 € 25
Watson, A., 1971-1973. An illustrated catalog of the neotropic Arctiinae types in the United States
National Museum. Part I-II. vi, 521 p., 356 pls, paperbound; EL09779 € 60
Watson, A., 1973. An illustrated catalog of the neotropic Arctiinae types in the United States
National Museum. 160 p., 106 pls, paperbound; EL09839 € 24
Watson, A., 1975. A reclassification of the Arctiidae and Ctenuchidae formerly placed in the
Thyretid genus Automolis Hübner. 104 p., 25 figs, 34 pls, paperbound; EL09840 € 28
Watson, J.H., 1913. A new genus, a new species of Antherea, and some geographical racks of the genus
Cricula (Saturnidae) from the Indo-Malayan region. NLM 35(3/4): 181-185, plate
8, disbound; EL15194 € 3
Weed, C.M., 1903. Nature biographies. The lives of some everyday butterflies: moths: grasshoppers
and flies. x, 164 p., 145 figs, cloth. Ex-library; EL20495 € 16
Weigt, H.-J. et al., 1982-1987. Lepidoptera Westfalica (introduction) / Noctuoidea 64: Noctuidae, Noctuinae /
Noctuoidea 64: Noctuidae, Hadeninae I / Geometroidea 55: Geometridae,
Boarminae, Boarmiini / 55: Geometridae, Archiearinae, Oenochrominae,
Geometrinae. 5 parts. 461 p., 119 figs, 162 pls, 28 maps, paperbound; EL10303 € 70
Weiss, A., 1920. Contribució al coneixement de la fauna Lepidopterològica d’Aragó. 79 p., paperbound; EL09837 € 15
Wellenstein, G., 1942. Die Nonne in Ostpreussen (1933-1937). xvi, 682 p., 222 figs, 4 col. pls, 7 maps,
cloth (Mon. Angew. Ent.); EL09836 € 64
Whalley, P.E.S., 1963. A revision of the genus Canaea Walker (Lepidoptera, Thyrididae). 20 p., 12 pls,
paperbound; EL09835 € 10
Whalley, P.E.S., 1967. Faune de Madagascar 24. Insectes. Lépidoptères Thyrididae. 53 p., 14 pls, paperbound; EL20208 € 26
Whalley, P.E.S., 1971. The Thyrididae of Africa and its Islands. 198 p., 68 (2 col.) pls, paperbound;
EL09841 € 44
Whalley, P.E.S., 1973. The genus Etiella (Pyralidae): A zoogeographic and taxonomic study. 21 p., 15
pls, 7 maps, paperbound; EL09834 € 10
Whalley, P.E.S., 1976. Tropical Leaf Moths. A monograph of the subfamily Striglininae. 194 p., 68 pls,
8 maps, cloth (d.j.); EL09831 € 44
Wilkinson, C., 1967. A taxonomic revision of the genus Teldenia Moore (Lepidoptera: Drepanidae,
Drepaninae). 60 p., 23 figs on 4 pls, 6 maps, wrps (from Trans. Roy. Ent. Soc.
London 119#11); EL22105 € 10
Williams, C.B., 1930. The Migration of Butterflies. xi, 473 p., 71 figs, Cloth; EL27191 € 68
Wiltshire, E.P., 1979. A revision of the Armadini (Lep., Noctuidae). 109 p., 20 figs, 28 pls,
hardbound; EL09851 € 28
Windig, J.J., 1993. The genetic background of plasticity in wing pattern of Bicyclus butterflies.
145 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis; EL15136 € 15
Winhard, W., 1996. Konvergente Farbmusterentwicklungen bei Tagfaltern. Freilanduntersuchungen in
Asien, Afrika und Lateinamerika. 192 p., num. mostly col. figs, paperbound
(SpixSup21); EL03436 € 54
Wohlfahrt, T.A., 1979-1996. 3 papers (from Spixiana): Unterschiede Frühjahrs- und Sommergeneration Segelfalter; Geograph. Variabilität Schwanzfortsätze Segelfalter; Vergl. Unters. Grøße und Form der Augenflecken Segelfalter. 62 p., 43 figs, disbound; EL25547 € 7
Wolfsberger, J., 1949-1973. Collection of 9 papers; EL09847 € 18
Wolfsberger, J., 1961. Die von Graf Cartolari in der Umgebung von Cancello in den lessinischen Voralpen
gesammelten Macrolepidopteren. 70 p., 7 figs, 3 pls, paperbound; EL09848 € 14
Wolfsberger, J., 1965. Die Macrolepidopteren-Fauna des Gardaseegebietes (6. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der
Lepidopterenfauna der Südalpen). 390 p., 5 tables, 35 distr. maps, 16 pls, paperbound (Mem. Mus. civ.
St. nat. Verona 13); EL25228 € 70
Wright, W.S., 1930. An annotated list of the Butterflies of San Diego county, California. 40 p.,
wrps (Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist.); EL16997 € 6
Young, A.M., 1973-1975. 5 papers on Lepidoptera (Morphidae & Nymphalidae). 146 p., various figs, disbound (from Stud. Neotrop. Fauna);
EL25702 € 10
Zagulajev, A.K., 1975. Fauna USSR. Tineidae. Subfamily Myrmecozelinae. 426 p., 319 figs, 11 (6 col.)
pls, cloth. In Russian; EL09855 € 45
Zagulajev, A.K., 1979. Fauna USSR. Tineidae. Subfamily Meesiinae. 408 p., 332 figs, 12 (4 col.) pls,
cloth. In Russian; EL09856 € 42
Zagulajev, A.K., 1988. Fauna USSR. Families Ochsenheimeriidae & Eriocotidae. 302 p., 222 figs, 2 pls, cloth. In Russian; EL09857 € 30
Zagulajev, A.K., 1989. Fauna of the USSR. Lepidoptera. Clothes Moths (Tineidae). Subfamily
Myrmecozelinae. xix, 547 p., 319 figs, 11 (6 col.) pls, hardbound (d.j.).
English translation; EL09845 € 45
Zagulyaev, 1973. Fauna of the USSR IV-4. Lepidoptera: Tineidae. 126 p., 99 line drawings, 2 col.
pls, hardbound. In Russian; EL20335 € 28
Zehntner, L., 1898. Levenswijze en bestrijding der Boorders. V. De Paarsroode Boorder Sesamia
nonagrioides var. albiciliata. 9 p., 1 col. pl., boards; EL10099 € 12
Zeller, P.C., 1852. Die Schaben mit langen Kiefertastern. 118 p., wrps (worn); EL09850 € 14
Zielaskowski, H., 1951. Die Grossschmetterlinge des Ruhrgebietes. 128 p., boards. Ex-library; EL20406 € 20
Zinnert, K., 1966. Beitrag zur Faunistik und Ökologie der in der Oberrheinebene und im Südschwarzwald vorkommenden Satyriden und Lycaeniden (Lepidoptera). 68 p., 8 figs,
9 tables, disbound (Ber. naturf. Ges. Freiburg); EL15186 € 8
Zumkehr, P., 1996. Waarnemingen van Lepidoptera in het Kraansvlak in 1996. 46 p., 4to, paperbound;
EL09843 € 8