![]() |
Abdullah, M., 1964-1978. 11 papers by this author on Anthicidae, Cerambycidae, Coccinellidae, Carabidae,
Staphylinidae, Beetles collected from bird’s nests, Larvae of the families of Coleoptera etc. 166 p., 180 figs, disbound
(Deut. Ent. Zs); EC25739 € 20
Abeille de Perrin, E., 1891. Malachiidae. Malachides d’Europe et pays voisins. 446 p., 3 (2 col.) pls, bookblock (no cover, needs
binding), occasional pencil annotations. Rare; EC22915 € 128
Agaev, B., 1988. Zhestkokrylye Shchelkuny v biotsenozakh Azerbaidzhana. 120 p., 30 figs,
paperbound. In Russian (on Coleoptera from Azerbaidjan); EC18074 € 12
Ahrens, D., 1995-1998. 2 papers on Melolonthidae. 46 p., 106 figs, disbound (Ent. Abh. Dresden);
EC25827 € 6
Allard, V., 1991. Les Coléoptères du monde. The Beetles of the world Vol. 11. Goliathini 4. 63 p., 24 col.
pls, 4to, cloth (d.j.); EC21565 € 75
Allenspach, V. & W. Wittmer, 1979. Insecta Helvetica. Catalogus. Coleoptera. Cantharoidea, Cleroidea,
Limexylonoidea. 139 p., 30 maps, paperbound; EC08023 € 20
Alluaud, Ch., 1891. Coléoptères recueillis aux Açores par M.J. de Guerne pendant les Campagnes du Yacht l’Hirondelle, (1887-1888). 11 p., wrps (torn); EC22891 € 10
Althoff, G.-H. et al., 1992. Ergebnisse eines Zehn-Jahres-Zensus an einer Carabus auronitens-Subpopulation im
Münsterland / Untersuchungen zum individuellen Verhalten des Laufkäfers Carabus nemoralis. 98 p., 41 figs, paperbound (Abh. Westfäl. Mus. Naturk. 54#4); EC08299 € 15
Amiet, J.-L., 1967. Les groupements de Coleoptères terricoles de la Haute Vallée de la Vesubie (Alpes-Maritimes). 88 p., 12 figs, 8 pls, paperbound (mnhn46(2);
EC08071 € 14
Anderson, W.H. & D.M. Anderson, 1971. Type specimens in the Hans Eggers collection of Scolytid Beetles. 38 p., 4to,
paperbound; EC07843 € 8
Angelini, F. & L. De Marzo, 1981. Reports of Agathidium from Himalaya: expeditions of Basel Natural History Museum
and Prof. H. Franz (Col., Leiodidae). 108 p., 226 figs, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia); EC25622 € 14
Angelini, F., 1988. Gli Anisotomini del Museo civico di Storia naturale di Milano (Coleoptera
Leiodidae). 62 p., 95 figs, disbound; EC18761 € 8
Angus, R., 1992/1999. Süßwasserfauna von Mitteleuropa Band 20/10-2. Insecta: Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae:
Helophorinae. x, (2), 144 p., 48 figs, paperbound; EC23121 € 74
Antoine, M., 1949. Notes d’entomologie Marocaine XLIX. Les Cycloderes du Maroc (Coleoptera Curculionidae).
57 p., 36 figs, wrps (mnhn28(2); EC07383 € 12
Arrow, G.J., 1928. Faune des Colonies Françaises. Coléoptères Érotylides et Endomychides de l’Indochine Française. 29 p., 14 figs, wrps; EC26434 € 18
Ashe, J.S., 1986. Structural features and phylogenetic relationships among larvae of genera of
gyrophaenine Staphylinids (Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). iv, 60 p., 104 figs, 3
tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. NS 30); EC24314 € 12
Assing, V., 1996-2001. 3 papers on Staphylinidae. 52 p., various figs, disbound (Ann. natur. Mus.
Wien); EC25642 € 5
Auber, L., 1965. Atlas d’entomologie: Coléoptères de France, Belgique, Suisse. Tome 1. 249 p., 75 figs, 12 col. pls,
paperbound (weak binding, spine taped); EC14949 € 25
Auber, L., 1966. Nouvel atlas d’entomologie: Coléoptères de France, Belgique, Suisse. Tome 2. 272 p., 37 figs, 24 col. pls,
paperbound; EC14948 € 25
Auber, L., 1976 (4th ed. 1999). Atlas d’entomologie: Atlas des Coléoptères de France, Belgique, Suisse. Tome 1. 249 p., 75 figs, 26 (12 col.) pls,
cloth (d.j.); EC07385 € 43
Auber, L., 1976 (4th ed.). Atlas d’entomologie: Atlas des Coléoptères de France, Belgique, Suisse. Tome 2. 272 p., 37 figs, 22 (10 col.) pls,
cloth (d.j.); EC07386 € 43
Aurivillius, Chr., 1911. Neue oder wenig bekannte Coleoptera Longicornia. 12. 41 p., 9 figs, disbound
(unopened); EC26567 € 10
Australian Coleoptera, 1884-1890. Important collection of 9 papers on Australian Coleoptera, by Macleay, Oliff
(Lucanidae, Cucujidae, Trogositidae, Ptinidae), Sloane (Carabidae) & Blackburn (Notes on Australian Coleoptera, 3 papers), all from Proc. Linnean
Soc. New South Wales; EC26477 € 25
Baehr, M., 1992. Revision of the Pseudomorphinae of the Australian region. 1. The previous genera
Sphallomorpha and Silphomorpha. Taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography. 440 p., num.
figs, paperbound (SpixSup18); EC03434 € 85
Baehr, M., 1997. Revision of the Pseudomorphinae of the Australian region. 2. The genera
Pseudomorpha, Adelotopus, Cainogenion, Paussotropus, and Cryptocephalomorpha.
Taxonomy, phylogeny, zoogeography (Carabidae). 508 p., num. figs, paperbound
(SpixSup23); EC03437 € 105
Baker, C.W., 1968. Larval taxonomy of the Troginae in North America with notes on biologies and
life histories (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). 79 p., 59 figs, paperbound; EC07845 € 13
Balazuc, J., 1947. La tératologie des Coléoptères et expériences de transplantation sur Tenebrio molitor L. (iv), 293 p., 223 figs,
paperbound (mnhnns25); EC19962 € 30
Balke, M., 1998. Revision of New Guinea Copelatus Erichson, 1832 (Col.: Dytiscidae): The running
water species, part I.. 41 p., 100 (4 col.) figs, disbound (Ann. naturh. Mus.
Wien); EC25646 € 5
Balthasar, V., ca. 1964. Monographie der Untergattung Metacatharsius Paul. (Gattung Catharsius Hope). 48
p., 10 figs, 1 map, disbound (Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25764 € 6
Baly, J.S., 1858. Catalogue of Hispidae in the collection of the British Museum. Part I (All
publ.). x, 172 p., 9 pls, Cloth, plates stained; EC26961 € 34
Baly, J.S., 1886. Descriptions of a new genus and of some new species of Galerucinae, also
diagnostic notes on some of the older described species of Aulacophora. 27 p.,
stapled (Jl Linn. Soc. XX#116); EC19044 € 6
Bangsholt, F., 1983. Sandspringernes og løbebillernes udbredelse og forekomst i Danmark ca. 1830-1981 (Cicindelidae and
Carabidae). 271 p., 314 maps, cloth. With English summary; EC08083 € 42
Baraud, J. & T. Branco, 1990. Révision des Chasmatopterus (Melolonthidae). 55 p., 48 figs, paperbound; EC08104 € 12
Baraud, J., 1985. Coléoptères Scarabaeoidea. Faune du Nord de l’Afrique du Maroc au Sinaï. (iv), 652 p., 212 (+ 1) figs, cloth (Encycl. Entom. XLVI); EC21557 € 98
Bartelink, A.K.M., 1975. Synthesis of mitochondrial protein in the flight muscles of the Colorado beetle.
65 p., several figs, paperbound. Thesis; EC08153 € 12
Basilewsky, P., 1948. Mission scientifique de l’Omo VII fasc. 61. Coleoptera. XIV. Carabidae. 34 p., 22 figs, wrps (mnhn20(4);
EC07388 € 12
Basilewsky, P., 1953-1968. Coléoptères Carabidae africains nouveaux, parts VI through XVII. 153 p., various figs.,
disbound; EC08288 € 22
Basilewsky, P., 1958. Les Dicrepidiinae du Congo Belge (Elateridae). 125 p., 20 figs, paperbound;
EC08103 € 20
Basilewsky, P., 1963. Révision des Galeritininae d’Afrique et de Madagascar (Carabidae). 93 p., 38 figs, paperbound; EC14001 € 18
Basilewsky, P., 1985. Insectes Coléoptrères: Carabidae Platyninae. 543 p., 155 figs, wrps. Faune de Madagascar, 64;
EC26962 € 68
Bates, H.W., 1886-1890 (photocopy). Biologia Centrali-Americana. Insecta. Coleoptera Vol. II. Part 2. Pectinicornia
and Lamellicornia. v, 24, 4 p., 1 plate, 4to, cloth (photocopy); EC19933 € 18
Batten, R., 1976. De Nederlandse soorten van de keverfamilie Mordellidae. 37 p., 43 figs, 2
tables, 2 pls, paperbound (ZB19); EC15914 € 8
Bau, A., 1888. Handbuch für Käfer-Sammler. Beschreibung der in Deutschland, Oesterreich-Ungarn und der Schweiz
vorkommenden Coleopteren. 494, (2) p., 144 figs, hardbound (crudely repaired, original spine missing); EC22956 € 20
Bechyné, J. & B. Springlová-Bechyné, 1977. Zur Phylogenesis einiger neotropischen Alticiden (Col. Phytaphaga). 65 p., 16
figs, disbound (St. Neotrop. Fauna Envir. 12); EC25707 € 8
Bechyné, J., 1959. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Alticidenfauna Boliviens. 114 p., disbound (Beitr. neotrop.
Fauna 1#4); EC25709 € 14
Bechyné, J., 1960. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Salvadorenischen Chrysomeloidea. 73 p., wrps; EC26574 € 8
Bejer-Petersen, B. et al., 1962. Studies on Hylobius abietis. I. Development and life cycle in the Nordic
countries. 106 p., 20 figs, 8 maps, paperbound (Acta Entom. Fennica 17);
EC07846 € 15
Bellamy, C.L., 2002. Zoological catalogue of Australia vol. 29.5. Coleoptera Buprestoidea. xii, 491
p., 4 col. pls, hardbound; EC16110 € 60
Bellamy, C.L., 2006. Faune de Madagascar 92. Insecta Coleoptera Buprestidae de Madagascar et des îles voisines. Catalogue annoté / Insecta Coleoptera Buprestidae of Madagascar and adjacent islands. An
annotated catalogue. 267 p., 1 map, 4 figs, paperbound. Bi-lingual but mainly
in English; EC21581 € 48
Beller, S. & M.H. Hatch, 1932. Coleoptera of Washington: Chrysomelidae. 77 p., 1 pl., stapled; EC14000 € 12
Belousov, I., 1992. Nouveaux Carabes du Caucase (Col., Carabidae). 48 p., 220 figs, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia); EC25621 € 5
Belousov, I.A. & I.I. Kabak, 1996-1997. To the knowledge of the Asiatic species of the genus Trechus Clairville +
Corrections. 42 p., 39 figs, disbound (Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien); EC25644 € 5
Bengtsson, S., 1927. Die Larven der Nordischen Arten von Carabus. Eine morphologische Studie. 88 p.,
92 figs, wrps (Lunds Univ. Arsskr. NF Avd. 2 Bd 24#2); EC07848 € 16
Bergsøe, V., 1862. Oldenborrens Naturhistorie, dens udbredelse i Danmark og midlerne til dens
forminskelse. 84 p., figs, hcloth; EC07851 € 19
Bernhauer, M. & O. Scheerpeltz, 1926. Coleopterorum Catalogus Pars 82. Staphylinidae VI. 490 p., paperbound (wrps torn). Library stamps; EC20907 € 70
Berríos-Ortiz, A. & R.B. Selander, 1979. Skeletal musculature in larval phases of the beetle Epicauta segmenta
(Meloidea). 112 p., 184 figs, cloth (Series Ento.16); EC03029 € 40
Berti, N. (ed.), 1990. Miscellanées sur les Staphylins. 220 p., 777 figs, paperbound (mnhn147); EC13767 € 55
Bertrand, H., 1925. Liste des larves de Dytiscides, Hygrobiides et Haliplides actuellement connues:
observations sur diverses espèces françaises. 23 p., wrps; EC22732 € 6
Bertrand, H., 1928. Les larves et nymphes des Dytiscides, Hygrobiides, Haliplides.366 p., 207 figs,
33 pls, paperbound (front wrps loose) (Encyclop. Entom. X); EC21106 € 36
Bertrand, H., ca. 1935. Larves de Coléoptères aquatiques de l’Expédition Limnologique Allemande en Insulinde. 93 p., 33 figs, 11 pls, back taped;
EC07392 € 18
Besuchet, C., 1969-1991. 14 papers on Pselaphid beetles, 8 by Besuchet, 3 by Leleup, others by
Burckhardt, Comellini and Sabella. All articles from Revue Suisse de Zoologie.
230 p., 258 figs, disbound; EC26395 € 32
Beutel, R.G., 1992. 2 papers on larval head structures of Carabus beetles. 48 p., 21 figs, disbound
(Entom. Basiliensia); EC25620 € 6
Bielawski, R., 1955-1978. 19 papers on Coccinellidae (Coleoptera) by this author, and 4 papers on
Coccinellidae by others (Ann. zool. & Fragmenta faunistica, Polska Akad. nauk.). Ca. 200 pages; EC26388 € 30
Bielawski, R., 1984. (Coccinellidae) (Coleoptera) of Mongolia. 180 p., 2 tables, 853 figs, paperbound
(Ann. zool. Polska Akad. nauk.); EC26072 € 22
Bíly, S. & O. Mehl, 1989. Longhorn Beetles (Cerambycidae) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. 203 p., 61 figs, 9
col. pls, hardbound (FES22); EC08121 € 65
Biondi, M., 1993. Revisione del sottogenere Asiorestia Jacobson s.s.tr. (Col. Chrysomelidae). 56
p., 44 figs, disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona); EC25687 € 7
Blackwelder, R.E., 1936. Morphology of the coleopterous family Staphylinidae. 102 p., 30 figs, paperbound
(covers loose); EC20973 € 18
Blackwelder, R.E., 1943. Monograph of the West Indian Beetles of the family Staphylinidae. viii, 658 p.,
3 figs, paperbound; EC07394 € 54
Blackwelder, R.E., 1944. Checklist of the Coleopterous Insects of Mexico, Central America, the West
Indies and South America. Part 1. xii, 188 p., paperbound; EC20500 € 15
Blackwelder, R.E., 1952. The generic names of the Beetle family Staphylinidae. With an essay on genotypy.
iv, 483 p., paperbound. Unopened; EC07395 € 52
Blaisdell, F.E., 1909. A monographic revision of the Coleoptera belonging to the Tenebrionide tribe
Eleodiini inhabiting the United States, lower California and adjacent islands.
xi, 524 p., 8 figs, 13 pls, wrps; EC26963 € 35
Blaisdell, F.E., 1921. New species of Melyridae, Chrysomelidae and Tenebrionidae from the Pacific
coast. 98 p., paperbound; EC07397 € 16
Blake, D.H., 1927-1939. 4 papers: Revision of beetles of genus Oedionychis in America north of Mexico;
Revision of species of genus Trirhabda north of Mexico; Revision of beetles of
genus Disonycha occurring in America north of Mexico; Study of Leconte’s types of beetles in genus Monoxia, with descriptions of new species. 164 p.,
144 figs, disbound (from Proc. USNM); EC26394 € 20
Blake, D.H., 1950. A revision of the Beetles of the genus Myochrous. 64 p., 8 pls, paperbound;
EC07850 € 13
Blake, D.H., 1967. A revision of the Beetles of the genus Glyptoscelis (Chrysomelidae). 53 p., 26
figs, paperbound; EC07849 € 10
Blake, D.H., 1970. A review of the Beetles of the genus Metachroma Chevrolat (Chrysomelidae). 111
p., 175 figs, paperbound (stamps on front cover & title page) (Smiths. Contr. Zool.); EC14441 € 20
Blake, D.H., 1974. The Costate species of Colaspis in the United States (Chrysomelidae). iii, 24
p., 27 figs, wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 181); EC18125 € 6
Blum, P., 1979. Zur Phylogenie und ökologischen Bedeutung der Elytrenreduktion und Abdomenbeweglichkeit der
Staphylinidae (Col.). Vergleichend- und funktionsmorphologische Untersuchungen.
50 p., 29 figs, disbound (Zool. Jb Anat.); EC25623 € 6
Bocácová, M., 1997. Revision and phylogenetic analysis of the genus Melaneros Fairmaire, 1877 (Col.,
Lycidae) from New Guinea. 58 p., 216 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia);
EC25604 € 8
Bocák, L., 1992-1999. 4 papers (all Entom. Basiliensia) on Lycidae. 56 p., 131 figs, 3 maps, disbound;
EC25581 € 7
Boer, A. de, 2002. The types of Carabidae (Coleoptera) in the Zoölogisch Museum Amsterdam, The Netherlands, predominantly the collection “Oskar Vogt”. vii, 147 p., ills, 4to, hardbound; EC15026 € 88
Boer, P.J. de & Th.S. van Dijk, 1995. Carabid beetles in a changing environment. 30 p., num. figs, wrps (WAUP94.6);
EC08140 € 8
Bonvouloir, H. de, 1871. Monographie de la famille des Eucnémides (Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 4ème série, tome 10me, partie supplémentaire). 288 p., 21 pls, paperbound. Wrps slightly scuffed. Rare; EC22676 € 120
Borchmann, F., 1932. Die Alleculiden der Philippinen. 77 p., paperbound; EC07899 € 13
Bordoni, A., 2002. Xantholinini della regione Orientale (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae).
Classificazione, filogenesi e revisione tassonomica. 998 p., 2829 figs, 16 col.
pls, hardbound (d.j.); EC16455 € 78
Borowski, J., 1996. Coleoptera. Pustozowate - Ptinidae. Keys for the identification of Polish
Insects, XIX no. 42. 45 p., 125 figs, wrps. In Polish; EC18705 € 7
Boukal, D.S., 1997. A revision of the genus Austrolimnius Carter & Zeck, 1929 (Insecta: Coleoptera: Elmidae) from New Guinea and the Moluccas. 61
p., 96 figs, disbound (from Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien 99B); EC25190 € 8
Bøving, A.G., 1910. Natural history of the larvae of Donaciinae. 108 p., 70 figs, 7 pls, paperbound
(from Intle Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. u. Hydrogr.); EC23664 € 22
Bøving, A.G., 1929. Beetle larvae of the subfamily Galerucinae. 48 p., 5 pls, wrps; EC07901 € 10
Bøving, A.G., n.d. A generic synopsis of the Coccinellid larvae in the United States National
Museum, with a description of the larva Hyperaspis binotata. 30 p., 4 pls,
stapled (Proc. US Natl Mus., vol. 51#2171); EC15024 € 8
Brack-Egg, A., 1973. Der Kopf von Rhynchites auratus Scop. (Curculionidae) - Eine
konstruktionsmorphologische Untersuchung mit einem Beitrag zum Brutfürsorgeverhalten. 54 p., 31 figs, disbound (Zool. Jb. Anat.); EC25625 € 7
Brakman, P.J., 1966. Lijst van Coleoptera uit Nederland en het omliggend gebied. x, 219 p., boards (a
few annotations in text); EC14946 € 25
Brancucci, M. & K. Dettner (eds), 1986. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Classification, phylogeny,
and natural history of Hydradephaga (Coleoptera). 461 p., num. figs, paperbound
(Entom. Basiliensia 11). Library stamp on frontcover; EC25410 € 42
Brancucci, M. & W. Wittmer (eds), 1996. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Classification, phylogeny,
and natural history of Hydradephaga (Coleoptera). 673 p., num. figs, paperbound
(Entom. Basiliensia 19); EC25409 € 68
Brancucci, M., 1978-1984. 12 papers on Cantharidae. 258 p., num. figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia). One
page in photocopy; EC25619 € 32
Brancucci, M., 1979-2005. 12 papers on Dytiscidae. 136 p., num. figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia);
EC25588 € 16
Brancucci, M., 1980. Morphologie comparée, évolution et systématique des Cantharidae. 174 p., 391 figs, 2 tables, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia); EC25618 € 22
Brancucci, M., 1985. Révision du genre Trypherus Leconte (Col., Cantharidae). 72 p., 103 figs, disbound
(Entom. Basiliensia); EC25616 € 9
Bremer, H.J., 2002-2006. 6 papers on Tenebrionidae. 210 p., num. figs, disbound (Spixiana); EC25636 € 26
Breuning, D., 1932-1937. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. Monographie der Gattung Carabus L.. 7 parts. 1610 p., 41
pls, paperbound; EC07401 € 168
Breuning, S. von, 1963. Revision der Pteropliini der australischen Region (Col., Cerambycidae). 274 p.,
26 figs, disbound (Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25753 € 35
Breuning, S. von, 1964. Revision der Dorcadionini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). 666 p., 34 figs, 3 maps,
disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs); EC25747 € 88
Breuning, S., 1932-37. Monogrqaphie der Gattung Carabus L. 7 vols (compl.). 1610 p., 41 maps, wrps;
EC26965 € 112
Breuning, S., 1956-58. Revision der Gattung Glenea Newm. (Col.; Ceraemb.), 4 parts (compl.), 649 p., 6
figs, 2 pls, wrps; EC26966 € 56
Breuning, S., 1957. Insectes Coléoptères. Cerambycidae Lamiinae. 401 p., 124 figs, wrps. Faune de Madagascar IV;
EC26964 € 40
Breuning, S., 1958-59. Revision der Acanthocini de l’Afrique noire. 4 parts (Compl.) in 1. 245 p., 20 figs, wrps; EC26967 € 28
Breuning, S., 1961. Neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gattung Carabus L. 234 p., 125 figs, 2 col. pls,
disbound (Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25760 € 28
Breuning, S., 1978. Monographie du genre Carabus. Tableaux de détermination. Catalogue systématique, cartes de répartition. 355 p., 41 maps, paperbound(unopened) (Suppl. Nouv. Rev. Entom. t.
VIII fasc. 1) (partial French translation of: Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. Monographie der Gattung Carabus L.); EC22933 € 74
Breviora, 1961-1968. 6 papers on Beetles: Australian Carabid Beetles VI, X, XIII (by P
.J. Darlington, Jr.), Asian species Galeritula (H. Reichardt), Biology
parthenogenetic fungus beetle (John F. Lawrence), Review of the genera of the
tribe Loberini (T. Sen Gupta), stapled; EC23464 € 10
Bright, D.E., 1966-1978. 15 papers on Bark beetles Scolytidae) by this author; EC26403 € 25
Brinck, P., 1945. Coleoptera (Scientific results of the Norwegian Antarctic expedition 1927-1928).
23 p., 10 figs, wrps; EC26427 € 10
Brinck, P., 1955-1956. A revision of the Gyrinidae of the Ethiopian region. Parts I-II (complete). 330
p., 100 figs, disbound; EC08102 € 55
Brinck, P., 1955-1956. A revision of the Gyrinidae of the Ethiopian Region. I. 140 p., 52 figs,
paperbound. Unopened; EC15430 € 25
Brinck, P., 1956. A revision of the Gyrinidae of the Ethiopian region. vol. II. 189 p., 48 figs,
paperbound; EC07479 € 25
Britton, E.B., 1980. A revision of the Australian Chafers (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)
Vol. 3. Tribe Liparetrini: Genus Liparetrus. 209 p., 599 figs, paperbound
(Austr. Jl. Zool. Suppl. Ser. 76); EC17050 € 24
Britton, E.B., 1986. A revision of the Australian Chafers. Vol. 4. Tribe Liparetrini: Genus
Colpochila. 135 p., 374 figs, paperbound; EC07964 € 18
Bruce, N., 1940-1953. 11 papers on Cryptophagidae by this author (and 1 other paper by Colin Johnson);
EC26421 € 15
Bruce, N., 1948. The Scandinavian species of the genus Orthoperus. 36 p., 9 figs, 4 pls, wrps;
EC07968 € 10
Bruce, N., 1951. Exploration du Parc National Albert. Cryptophagidae. 26 p., 2 pls, wrps; EC07966
€ 10
Brundin, L., 1943. Zur Kenntnis einiger in die Atheta-Untergattung Mtaxya M. & R. gestellten Arten (Col. Staphylinidae). 38 p., 48 figs on 7 pls, wrps
(unopened); EC26427 € 10
Brunsting, A.M.H., 1983. Population ecology of Pterostichus oblongopunctatus: life cyle, locomotion and
density-regulation. 124 p., figs, paperbound. Thesis; EC07967 € 18
Bryant, G.E. & J.L. Gressitt, 1957. Chrysomelidae of Fiji. 91 p., 47 figs, wrps; EC26637 € 8
Bührnheim, P.F., 1978. O edeago na sistemática de passalídeos americanos (Col.: Passalidae). 60 p., 19 pls, 1 table, 4to, paperbound
(Acta Amazonica 8#1 Supl. 2); EC25814 € 10
Bürgis, H., 1981. Beitrag zur Morphologie des Kopfes der Imago von Cetonia aurata L. (Col.). 35
p., 23 figs, disbound (Zool. Jb. Anat.); EC25629 € 5
Burakowski, B. et al., 1971. Catalogus faunae Poloniae. Chrzaszcze-Coleoptera. Pismiennictwo. 183 p., wrps.
In Polish; EC20499 € 20
Burakowski, B., 2003. Coleoptera. Karmazynkowate-Lycidae, Swietlikowate-Lampyridae. Keys for the
identification of Polish Insects, XIX no. 29-30. 39 p., 105 figs, wrps. In
Polish; EC18708 € 9
Burakowski, B., 2003. Coleoptera. Slimacznikowate-Drilidae, Rozgniotkowate-Omalisidae. Keys for the
identification of Polish Insects, XIX no. 32-33. 16 p., 41 figs, wrps. In
Polish; EC18709 € 7
Burckhardt, D. & I. Löbl, 1991. A review of the Pterogeniidae. 49 p., 23 figs, stapled; EC07972 € 10
Burckhardt, D. & S.A. Slipinski, 1991-1995. A review of the Passandridae of the world (Coleoptera, Cucujoidea). III. Genera
Anisocerus, Aulonosoma, Passandrella, Passandrina, Scalidiopsis and
Taphroscelidia (45 p., 143 figs) + IV. Genus Ancistria (50 p., 185 figs),
stapled (from Rev. Suisse Zool.); EC26620 € 10
Burckhardt, D. & S.A. Slipinski, 1991. A review of the Passandridae of the world (Coleoptera, Cucujoidea). III. Genera
Anisocerus, Aulonosoma, Passandrella, Passandrina, Scalidiopsis and
Taphroscelidia. 45 p., 143 figs, stapled (from Rev. Suisse Zool.); EC26437 € 7
Burgeon, L. & R. Kleine, 1937. Catalogues raisonnés de la fauna entomologique du Congo Belge. a) les
Cicindelinae du Congo Belge; b) les Lycides du Congo Belge. 2 parts in 1 (as
publ.). 120 p., 312 figs, 1 pl., wrps, in portfolio; EC26971 € 35
Burgeon, L., 1932. Catalogues raisonnés de la fauna entomologique du Congo Belge: Coleoptera, Fam Scarabeidae,
sous-famille Cetoniinae. 82 p., 15 figs, 1 pl., in portfolio; EC26968 € 34
Burgeon, L., 1939. Les Histeridae du Congo Belge. 72 p., 2 figs, wrps. portfolio; EC26969 € 27
Burgeon, L., 1941. Catalogues raisonnés de la fauna entomologique du Congo Belge: Coleoptera, Buprestides. 156 p.,
wrps, in portfolio; EC26970 € 34
Burgeon, L., 1947. Catalogues raisonnés de la faune entomologique du Congo Belge. Coléoptères: Dynastinae, Valginae, Melolontinae. 64 p., small folio, loose in paper
portfolio; EC07974 € 20
Burmeister, E.-G., 1980-1990. 6 papers on water beetles. 130 p., various figs, disbound (Spixiana); EC25635 € 16
Burmeister, H.C.C., 1847 (photocopy). Handbuch der Entomologie. V. (only Fam. Passalidae). p. 443-544, cloth
(photocopies); EC19994 € 15
Butovitsch, V., 1939. Zur Kenntnis der Paarung, Eiablage und Ernährung der Cerambyciden. 54 p., 6 tables, wrps; EC26597 € 6
Butovitsch, V.v., 1929. Studien über die Morphologie und Systematik der paläarktischen Splintkäfer. 72 p., 8 pls; EC07970 € 13
Caillol, H., 1908. Catalogue des Coléoptères de Provence. 1e Partie. Cicindelidae, Carabidae, Haliplidae, Hygrobiidae,
Dytiscidae, Gyrinidae, Staphylinidae, Pselaphidae, Clavigeridae, Scydmaenidae.
521 p., paperbound (front wrap loose); EC14829 € 100
Caillol, H., 1913/1914. Catalogue des Coléoptères de Provence. 2e Partie. Silphidae, Liodidae, Corylophidae, Trichopterygidae,
Hydroscaphidae, Histeridae, Ostomidae, Nitidulidae, Cucujidae, etc. 602 p.,
paperbound (front wrap missing); EC14830 € 120
Caillol, H., 1954. Catalogue des Coléoptères de Provence. 5e Partie. Additions et Corrections. 725 p., paperbound;
EC14832 € 140
Calder, A.A. et al., 1993. Austrlater, gen.nov. (Coleoptera: Elateridae), with a description of the larva
and comments on Elaterid relationships. 46 p., 46 figs, disbound (Invert.
Tax.); EC20759 € 8
Calwer, C.G. (bearbeitet von C. Schaufuss), 1916 (6th ed.). C.G. Calwers Käferbuch. 2 Vols. 1390 p., 250 figs, 51 (48 col.) pls, cloth; EC07482 € 150
Calwer, C.G. (bearbeitet von C. Schaufuss), 1916 (6th ed.). C.G. Calwers Käferbuch. 2 Vols. 1390 p., 250 figs, 51 (48 col.) pls, hleather (small tear in
spine of vol.1); EC14786 € 190
Calwer, C.G. (P.M. Keer ed.), 1930. Calwer keverboek. 2 Vols. 1330 p., 250 figs, 51 (48 col.) pls, cloth (drawn
after 6th German ed.); EC07481 € 150
Cambefort, Y., 2006. Des Coléoptères, des collections et des hommes. 375 p., num. b&w and col. figs, paperbound (Coll. Archives); EC22336 € 42
Campbell, J.M., 1971. A revision of the Alleculidae of the West Indies. 140 p., 135 figs, paperbound;
EC08040 € 28
Candeze, E., 1891. Catalogue méthodique des Elatérides connus en 1890. xii, 246 p., wrps; EC26972 € 22
Canzoneri, S., 1977. Contributo alla conoscenza dei Tenebrionidi Appenninici. 60 p., 4 figs, disbound
(Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona); EC25692 € 7
Carabidae from Italy, 1975-1993. 7 papers on Carabidae (mainly from Italy) by various authors. 118 p., various
figs, disbound (all from Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona); EC25693 € 15
Carabidae, 1934-1991. 22 papers on Carabidae by various authors, vrom various journals. An interesting
collection with some larger articles; EC26381 € 40
Carter, H.J., 1929. A check list of the Australian Buprestidae. 40 p., 1 fig., 3 (2 col.) pls,
disbound (Australian Zoologist); EC26045 € 10
Carter, H.J., 1929. A monograph of the Australian Dryopidae. Order Coleoptera. 24 p.., 7 pls,
disbound (Australian Zoologist); EC26046 € 12
Carvalho, E.L. de, 1959. Notas sobre Paussideos (Carab. Isochaeta). 44 p., 38 figs, 2 col. pls, roy. 4to,
paperbound; EC08167 € 14
Casale, A., 1988. Revisione degli Sphodrina (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Sphodrini). 1024 p., 1401 figs
(line drawings & distr. maps), hardbound (d.j.); EC18341 € 64
Casey, T.L., 1907. A revision of the American components of the Tenebrionid subfamily Tentyriinae.
248 p., paperbound (wrps damaged). Ex-library (Proc. Washington Ac. Sci. IX);
EC23751 € 64
Cerambycidae, 1900-1978. 55 papers on Cerambycidae by various authors, vrom various journals. An
interesting collection with some larger articles; EC26382 € 80
Chapin, E.A. & F.G. Werner, 1965. Insects of Micronesia. Coleoptera: Coccinellidae/Anthicidae. 85 p., 54 figs,
paperbound; EC08070 € 16
Chapin, E.A., 1924. Classification of the Philippine components of the Coleopterous family Cleridae.
128 p., 5 pls, wrps; EC27003 € 20
Chapin, E.A., 1946. Review of the New World species of Hippodamia (Coccinellidae). 39 p., 22 pls,
wrps; EC14810 € 12
Chatzimanolis, S., 2004. A revision of the neotropical Beetle genus Nordus Blackwelder (Col.:
Staphylinidae: Xanthopygina). 61 p., 255 (8 col.) figs, disbound (Entom. Abh.);
EC25733 € 5
Chaudoir, M. de, 1864. Monographie du genre Collyris. pages 501-536 (incomplete, starts with 15. C.
procera), 3 (1 col.) pls, wrps; EC07485 € 8
Chaudoir, M. de, Baron & H. Hochhuth, 1846. Enumeration des Carabiques et Hydrocanthares du Caucase. 2 parts in 1 (as
publ.). 268 p., wrps; EC26973 € 100
Chenu, J., 1858. Encyclopédie d’Histoire Naturelle ou traité complet de cette science, d’après les travaux des Naturalistes les plus éminents de tous les pays et de toutes les époques, Buffon, Daubenton, Lacépède, G. Cuvier, F. Cuvier, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Latreille, de Jussieu,
Brongniart, etc., etc. Coléoptères cicindeletes, carabiques, dytisciens, hydrophiliens, sylphales et
nitidulaires, avec la collaboration de M.E. Desmarest, sécretaire de la Société Entomologique. (viii), 312 p., frontispiece, 472 text-figs, total of 43 pls
(not all numbered, due to the feuilleton-installments), gilt-embossed leather
spine (heavily worn), with marbled boards & marbled endpapers. Library stamps in front & back; EC22964 € 70
Chenu, J., ca. 1860. Encyclopédie d’Histoire Naturelle ou traité complet de cette science, d’après les travaux des Naturalistes les plus éminents de tous les pays et de toutes les époques, Buffon, Daubenton, Lacépède, G. Cuvier, F. Cuvier, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Latreille, de Jussieu,
Brongniart, etc., etc. Coléoptères staphyliniens, psélaphiens, dermestiens, ptiniens, clériens, malachiens, etc., avec la collaboration de M.E. Desmarest, sécretaire de la Société Entomologique. Deuxième partie. (viii), 312 p., frontispiece plate, 231 text-figs, 40 pls, library
binding. Library stamps in front; EC22965 € 60
Cherepanov, A.E., 1965. Provolochniki zapadnoi Sibiri (Opredelitel). 190 p., 165 figs, hardbound. In
Russian; EC18087 € 30
Cherepanov, A.E., 1983. Cerambycidae of northern Asia (No. 4): Lamiinae: Dorcadionini - Apomecynini. 224
p., 120 figs, cloth. In Russian; EC07486 € 43
Chin, C.-T., 1950. Studies on the physiological relations between the larvae of Leptinotarsa
decemlineata and some Solanaceous plants. 88 p., 32 figs, 27 tables, wrps.
Thesis; EC14446 € 14
Chrysomelidae from Italy, 1975-1991. 5 papers on Chrysomelidae by various authors. 140 p., num. figs, disbound (all
from Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona); EC25688 € 18
Chrysomelidae, 1923-1991. 40 papers on Chrysomelidae by various authors from various journals. Interesting
collection; EC26383 € 60
Cleridae, 1927-1971. 5 papers of Cleridae beetles by various authors (mainly from Proc. USNM). ca.
100 pages, wrps; EC26385 € 12
Cobos, A., 1953-1962. Collection of 10 papers on Coleoptera Buprestidae (9) & Throscidae (1). 154 p., many ills, disbound. In Spanish (KBIN); EC19166 € 14
Cobos, A., 1953/1959. Two papers: 1) Revision de los Julodis Esch., de la Peninsula Iberica
(Coleoptera Buprestidae), 16 p., 2) Octava nota sobre Buprestidos
neotropicales. Rectificaciones y descripciones diversas (Coleoptera
Buprestida). 47 p., disbound; EC14996 € 8
Cobos, A., 1986. Fauna Iberica de Coleopteros Buprestidae. xi, 364 p., 40 pls, cloth. Xerox
photocopy; EC14918 € 20
Coca-Abia, M.M. & F. Martín-Piera, 1998. Revisión taxonómica del género Rhizotrogus Berthold, 1827 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Melolonthinae). 140
p., 105 figs, 16 tables, 11 maps, paperbound; EC14795 € 20
Coiffait, H., 1956. Les “Staphylinus” et genres voisins de France et des régions voisines. Essai de paléobiogéographie. 48 p., 12 pls, paperbound (mnhn8(5); EC08156 € 14
Coiffait, H., 1982-1984. 2 papers: Staphylinides (Col.) de la région himalayenne et de l’Inde I. Xantholininae, Staphylininae ey Paederinae, II. Tachyporinae, Oxytelinae
et Aleocharinae. 116 p., 143 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia); EC25575 € 15
Coleoptera from Revue Suisse de Zoologie, 1972-1993. Selection of 28 papers from this journal of various genera of beetles, by
different authors. ca. 200 p., num. figs, stapled; EC26438 € 20
Coleoptera, 1924-1986. 20 papers on various beetle families by different authors. Ca. 100 pages, figs,
wrps; EC26442 € 20
Colonnelli, E. et al. (eds), 1998. Taxonomy, ecology and distribution of Curculionoidea (Coleoptera: Polyphaga).
294 p., num. (several col.) figs, hardbound. Proceedings of a symposium (28
August, 1996, Florence, Italy) XX International Congress of Entomology; EC14841
€ 65
Constantin, R. & M. Brancucci, 2005. Walter Wittmer (1915-1998), his life and work, followed by: Dr. h.c. Walter
Wittmer - a coleopterist to the bone. 70 p., 7 figs, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia); EC25603 € 9
Constantin, R., 1988-2005. 3 papers on Dasytidae and Meliridae. 56 p., 118 figs, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia); EC25587 € 7
Constantin, R., 2001. Révision du genre Pagurodactylus Gorham, 1900 et des genres voisins d’Afrique australe (Col., Malachiidae). 83 p., 190 figs, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia); EC25602 € 10
Contarini, E. et al., 1980-1989. 4 papers on beetles (mainly from the Romagnola region). 96 p., various figs,
disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona); EC25691 € 12
Cox, M.L. (ed.), 1999. Advances in Chrysomelidae biology 1. xii, 672 p., 332 figs, 73 tables,
hardbound; EC07489 € 156
Craighead, F.C., 1915. Larvae of the Prioninae (Contributions toward a classification and biology of
the North American Cerambycidae). 24 p., 8 pls, wrps; EC26417 € 7
Craw, R.C., 1999. Fauna of New Zealand 39. Molytini (Curculionidae: Molytinae). 65 p., 83 figs, 20
maps, paperbound; EC08097 € 18
Csiki, E., 1946. Die Käferfauna des Karpaten-Beckens. Vol.I. Allgemeiner Teil und Caraboidea. 796 p.,
212 figs, paperbound (unopened copy, binding broken into 3 parts), scarce;
EC14796 € 280
Cuccodoro, G., 1998. Revision and phylogeny of Megarthrus Curtis 1829 from New Guinea, New Caledonia
and Fiji (Coleoptera Staphylinidae: Proteininae). 35 p., 109 figs, stapled;
EC26568 € 7
Curculionidae, 1930-1989. 16 papers on Curculionidae and weevils, by various authors (8 by Giuseppe Osella) from various journals. 190 p., 83 figs, 18 (1 col.) pls,
9 tables, disbound; EC26400 € 18
Curculionidae, 1963-1996. 10 papers on Curculionidae, by various authors (all from Ent. Abh. Dresden). 172
p., more than 100 figs, disbound; EC25835 € 20
Daanje, A., 1964. Über die Ethologie und Blattrolltechnik von Deporaus betulae L. und ein Vergleich
mit den anderen blattrollenden Rhynchitinen und Attelabinen (Coleoptera,
Attelabinae). 214 p., 89 figs, paperbound; EC18540 € 25
Daccordi, M. & P.M. Giachino (eds), 2003. Results of the Zoological Missions to Australia of the Regional Museum of
Natural Sciences of Turin, Italy. I. 568 p., 45 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.).
Nearly exclusively on Coleoptera (Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Leiodidae,
Tenebrionidae, Dynastinae, Lecanidae, Chrysomelidae); EC16454 € 52
Daccordi, M. & P.M. Giachino (eds), 2005. Results of the Zoological Missions to Australia of the Regional Museum of
Natural Sciences of Turin, Italy. II. 643 p., 2 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.).
Exclusively on Coleoptera (Carabidae, Hydrophilidae, Staphylinidae,
Chrysomelidae) & 1 article on Hymenoptera (Vespoidea); EC22546 € 70
Daccordi, M. & P.M. Giachino (eds), 2005. 4 papers on Chrysomelidae. 44 p., 91 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia);
EC25583 € 5
Daccordi, M. & S. Ruffo et al., 1974-1990. 11 papers on Chrysomelidae. 174 p., various figs, disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St.
nat. Verona); EC25689 € 20
Daffner, H. & F. Angelini, 1982-1991. 9 papers, 5 by Daffner, 4 by Angelini & Luigi de Marzo, on Coleoptera: Leiodidae (all from Revue Suisse de Zoologie, in
English & German). 165 p., 513 figs, disbound. From Ceylon, Indian states, Nepal,
Pakistan, Asia & Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Sri Lanka; EC26397 € 25
Dajoz, R., 1961. Étude analytique et critique des travaux récents sur les Carabiques de la Faune de France (Coléoptères). 48 p., 51 figs, wrps (unopened); EC18179 € 8
Darlington, P.J., 1937. The West Indian species of Osorius (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae). 21 p., wrps
(unopened) (Bull. MCZ 80#6); EC24050 € 10
Darlington, P.J., 1952-1971. The carabid Beetles of New Guinea. Parts I-IV. Cicindelinae, Carabinae,
Harpalinae through Pterostichini; The Agonini; Harpalinae (continued):
Pergonini to Pseudomorphini; General considerations; Analysis and history of
fauna; Taxonomic supplement. 870 p., 11 (3 col.) pls, 269 figs, disbound;
EC18070 € 120
Darlington, P.J., 1971. The carabid Beetles of New Guinea. Part IV. General considerations; Analysis and
history of fauna; Taxonomic supplement. 209 p., 84 figs, wrps (Bull. MCZ
142#2); EC14843 € 30
Delkeskamp, K., 1965. Die afrikanischen Arten der Triplacini (mit 1. Nachtrag für die afrikanischen Tritomini) (Col. Erotylidae). 34. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der
Erotylidae. 95 p., 3 figs, 11 pls, disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs); EC14862 € 12
Delkeskamp, K., 1965. 3 papers: Die afrikanischen Arten der Tritomini und von 3 Gattungen der
Triplacini (Col. Erotylidae). 31. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Erotyliden; Syst.
Gattungen Tritoma F. und Triplax Herbst; Die äthiopischen Arten der Gattung Aulacochilus. 71 p., 9 figs, 11 pls, 11 pls,
disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs); EC25741 € 12
Delkeskamp, K., 1977. Cantharidae. 485 p. wrps, Coleopt. Cat. Suppl. 165 fasc. 1; EC26974 € 50
Delkeskamp, K., 1981. Coleopterorum Catalogus Supplementa. Pars 34. Erotylidae von Afrika und
Madagascar. 66 p., paperbound; EC08158 € 16
Derenne, E. et al., 1957-1977. Catalogue des Coléoptères de Belgique. Fasc. II-VI. 476 p., 14 figs, 86 maps, paperb./wrps. SREB.
Includes: Carabidae, Chrysomelidae, Scolytidae, Platypodidae, Homalisidae,
Drilidae, Lampyridae, Lycidae etc; EC07535 € 38
Desbrochers des Loges, J., 1891. Monographie des Cassida de France. 48 p., paperbound; EC07805 € 15
Deuve, T., 1983-1988. 4 papers on Carabid beetles from the Himalayas. 58 p., various figs, disbound
(Entom. Basiliensia). In French; EC25615 € 7
Deuve, T., 1993. l’Abdomen et les genitalia des femelles de Coléoptères Adephaga. 184 p., 250 figs, 4to, paperbound (mnhn155); EC08855 € 49
Dieckmann, L., 1963. Die palaearktischen Arten der Untergattung Pseudorchestes Bedel aus der Gattung
Rhynchaenus Clairi (Coleoptera, Curculionidae). 52 p., 66 figs, disbound (from
Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC14962 € 10
Dierckx, Fr., 1899. Etude comparée des glandes pygidiennes chez les Carabides et les Dytiscides. 114 p., 5 fold.
pls, Hcalf (rubbed), 4to; EC26975 € 56
Doguet, S., 1994. Faune de France. Coléoptères Chrysomelidae. Vol. 2: Alticinae. ix, 694 p., 223 pls, paperbound; EC14793 € 70
Dolin, V.G., 1964. Lichinki zhukov-shchelkunov (provolochniki) evropei chasti SSSR. 207 p., 145
figs, hardbound. In Russian; EC18079 € 25
Dourojeanni, M., 1971. Catalogue des Coléoptères de Belgique. V. Catalogue raisonné des Scolytidae et Platypodidae. 150 p., 78 maps, paperbound; EC07536 € 15
Doyen, J.T., 1984. Systematics of Eusattus and Conisattus (Tenebrionidae; Coniontini; Eusatti). 104
p., 142 figs & maps, paperbound; EC08084 € 16
Doyen, J.T., 1987. Review of the tenebrionid tribe Anepsiini. 30 p., 42 figs, stapled (Proc. Calif.
Ac. Sci. 44#15); EC15017 € 6
Drost, B. & M. Schreijer, 1978. Waterkevertabel. 222 p., 420 figs, paperbound; EC14900 € 14
Dürr, H.J.R., 1957. The morphology and bionomics of the European Houseborer, Hylotrupes bajulus
(Coleoptera: Cerambycidae). 136 p., 56 figs, 3 pls, 46 tables, wrps; EC18421 € 16
Dybas, H.S., 1966-1976. Two papers: Evidence for parthenogenesis in the featherwing beetles, with a
taxonomic review of a new genus and eight new species (Ptiliidae) / The larval
characters of featherwing and limulodid beetles and their family relationships
in the Staphylinoidea (Ptiliidae and Limulodidae). 91 p., 45 figs, stapled (no
covers); EC24327 € 10
Dytiscidae, 1960-1985. 7 papers on Coleoptera Dytiscidae by various authors. 61 p., 80 figs, 2 tables,
disbound; EC26399 € 12
El-Ibrashy, M.T., 1965. A comparative study of metabolic effects of the corpus allatum in two adult
Coleoptera, in relation to diapause. 69 p., 11 figs, paperbound; EC08170 € 10
Elateridae, 1950-1991. 5 papers of Elateridae beetles by various authors (mainly from Proc. USNM). ca.
100 pages, wrps; EC26386 € 15
Endrödi, S., 1966. Monographie der Dynastinae (Col. Lamellicornia) I. Teil. 457 p., 872 figs, 3 pls
with 26 figs, disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs); EC25748 € 62
Endrödi, S., 1969-1977. 4 papers: Monographie der Dynastinae 4. Tribus: Pentodontini (2 parts), VIII.
Tribus: Phileurini (2 parts). 284 p., 279 figs, 2 pls, disbound (Ent. Abh.
Dresden); EC25752 € 32
Enns, W.R., 1956. A revision of the genera Nemognatha, Zonitis, and Pseudozonitis (Coleoptera,
Meloidae) in America north of Mexico, with a proposed new genus. 225 p., 218
figs, 29 maps, wrps; EC26976 € 25
Erwin, T.L. & D.H. Kavanaugh, 1981. Systematics and zoogeography of Bembidion Latreille: I. The carlhi and erasum
groups of western North America (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Bembidiini). 40 p., 29
figs, wrps; EC15864 € 8
Erwin, T.L., 1973. Studies of the subtribe Tachyina (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidiini). Part I
only (of III). A revision of the neotropical genus Xystosomus Schaum. 39 p., 72
figs, 4to, paperbound (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 140); EC16064 € 8
Erwin, T.L., 1974. The genus Coptocarpus Chaudoir of the Australian region with notes on related
African species (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Oodini). 25 p., 33 figs, wrps; EC15866 € 8
Erwin, T.L., 1974. Studies of the subtribe Tachyina (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Bembidiini), Part II: A
revision of the New World-Australian genus Pericompsus LeConte. 96 p., 160
figs, wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 162); EC18701 € 18
Español, F., 1947. Revisión del género Micrositus (Tenebrionidae). 60 p., 26 figs, wrps; EC24318 € 10
Español, F., 1954. Coleópteros tenebriónidos de las Islas de Cabo Verde. 51 p., 6 figs,2 maps, 8 pls, stapled; EC26569 € 7
Evers, A.M.J., 1987. Synopsis der Gattung Apalochrus und der verwandten Gattungen der Welt
(Malachiidae). 77 p., 3 figs, 8 pls, 4to, wrps; EC08149 € 14
Everts, E., 1887. Nieuwe naamlijst van Nederlandsche schildvleugelige insecten (Insecta
Coleoptera). 237 p., boards (loose) (Natuurk. Verh. Holl. Mij Wetensch. 3de
verz., deel IV 4de stuk); EC23088 € 48
Everts, E., 1898-1903, 1925. Coleoptera Neerlandica. De Schildvleugelige Insecten van Nederland en het
aangrenzend gebied. Vols 1-3. xxx, 2135 p., 143 figs, 14 pls, cloth (text with
annotations in margins, still a good working copy). We added to this set:
Everts, E. Nieuwe naamlijst der in Nederland en het omliggend gebied
voorkomende schildvleugelige insecten. 140 p., text with annotations; EC14912 € 180
Everts, E., 1898-1903. Coleoptera Neerlandica. De Schildvleugelige Insecten van Nederland en het
aangrenzend gebied. Vols 1-3. xxx, 2135 p., 143 figs, 14 pls, cloth (vol.1
worn, loose binding & vol. 2 partly loose spine, still a good working copy); EC07540 € 150
Everts, E., 1925. Coleoptera Neerlandica. Nieuwe naamlijst der in Nederland en het omliggend
gebied voorkomende schildvleugelige insekten. 140 p., cloth (used, spine
missing). Interleaved and annotated copy; EC07721 € 25
Faasch, H., 1968. Beobachtungen zur Biologie und zum Verhalten von Cicindela hybrida L. und
Cicindela campestris L. und experimentelle Analyse ihres Beutefangverhaltens.
46 p., 30 figs, wrps. Thesis; EC26425 € 9
Fabricius, J.C., 1801 (reprint 1970). Systema Eleutheratorum. Vols I-II. 506, 687 p., cloth. Mainly Coleoptera;
EC02978 € 75
Fabricius, J.C., 1801 (reprint 1970). Systema Eleutheratorum. Vol. I (of 2). xxiv, 506 p., cloth. Mainly on Coleoptera; EC22928 € 45
Fagel, G., 1957-1961. Contributions à la connaissance des Staphylinidae nos 34, 39, 49, 56, 61, 67, 77. 216 p., many
ills, disbound; EC19189 € 12
Fagel, G., 1958. Exploration du parc national de l’Upemba. Fasc. 51: Paederini (Coleoptera, Polyphaga) fam. Staphylinidae. 470 p.,
359 figs, wrps; EC26977 € 30
Fairmaire, L., 1882. Coléoptères Hétéromères de Sumatra. NLM 4 (4): 219-265, wrps; EC08154 € 9
Fairmaire, L., 1887. Coléoptères nouveaux ou peu connus du Musée de Leyde. NLM 9 (1): 145-162, loose; EC14988 € 5
Fairmaire, L., 1892. Coléoptères nouveaux des Indes Orientales, de la famille des Scarabaeidae,
Rhipidoceridae, Tenebrionidae et Oedemeridae. NLM 15 (1): 17-64, loose; EC14987
€ 9
Fairmaire, L., 1896-1897. Two papers: Coléoptères de l’Inde Boréale, Chine et Malaisie / Coléoptères de l’Inde et de la Malaisie. NLM 18 (2/3): 81-129 & NLM 18 (4): 225-240, loose; EC14990 € 13
Fairmaire, L., 1897. Two papers: Description de coléoptères nouveaux de la Malaisie, de l’Inde et de la Chine / Coléoptères du Szé-Tchouen et de Koui-Tchéou (Chine). NLM 19 (3/4): 209-233, 241-255, loose; EC14985 € 6
Fairmaire, L., 1906. Expedition Antarctique Belge. Résultats du Voyage du S.Y. Belgica. Coléoptères. Tenebrionidae, Cantharidae et Oedemeridae. 6 p., 1 col. pl., small folio,
wrps; EC08141 € 8
Falkenström, G., 1940. Beitrag zur festen Begründung einiger Dytisciden-Arten, bzw. zur Absonderung aus dem System anderer
dergleichen, unter denen mehrere nur Kreuzungs-Produkte darstellen. 52 p., 12
figs, 1 tab., wrps (Arkiv f. Zool. 32A#18); EC19217 € 5
Fauconnet, L., 1892. Faune analytique des Coléoptères de France. 2 supplements. (ii), 519, 4, 4, p., HCalf; EC26978 € 35
Fauvel, A., 1873. Faune Gallo-Rhénane. Staphylinides. 129 p., 2 pls, paperbound. Second part on the Staphylinidae
only; EC07541 € 23
Ferragu, M., 1986. Faune de Madagascar 66. Insectes Coléoptères Curculionidae Brachyderini. Genre Dinosius. 71 p., 62 figs, wrps; EC07542 € 35
Ferreira, M.C., 1965. Catálogo dos Coleópteros de Angola. 903 p., folding map, paperbound (Revta Ent. Moçamb. 8(2). Rare; EC22883 € 85
Ferwerda, F.P., 1928. Genetische Studien am Mehlkäfer Tenebrio molitor. viii, 110 p., 22 figs, 1 col. pl., paperbound; EC07543 € 20
Fisher, W.S., 1928. A revision of the North American species of Buprestid Beetles belonging to the
genus Agrilus. 347 p., 11 pls, paperbound. Unopened; EC07544 € 43
Fisher, W.S., 1932. New West Indian Cerambycid beetles. 93 p., disbound (Proc. USNM 80#22); EC26380 € 20
Fisher, W.S., ca. 1940. 5 papers of Buprestidae beetles by this author (and 1 other article). 226 pages,
wrps; EC26384 € 28
Fleischer, A., 1908. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. 63. Heft. Anisotomidae, Tribus Liodini. 63 p., 1 folding
plte, wrps. Ex-library; EC23747 € 12
Fleutiaux, E., 1945. Revision des Eucnemides africains. 144 p., wrps (disbound) (L’Abeille Journal d’Entomologie XXXIV#3); EC14870 € 20
Floericke, K., 1924 (16th ed.). Käfervolk. 76 p., 32 figs, cloth; EC07717 € 10
Folia Heyrovskyana, 1997. Vol. 5#1 & 3-4. 6 articles on Coleoptera. 89 p., num. figs, wrps; EC18135 € 15
Fomichev, A.I., 1984. Coleoptera of Kalmykia. 91 p., 21 figs, boards; EC14823 € 14
Franz, H., 1979-1981. 2 Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Scydmaenidenfauna des Himalaja. 64 p., 44 figs, disbound
(from Entom. Basiliensia); EC07716 € 8
Freitag, R., 1999. Catalogue of the Tiger Beetles of Canada and the United States. vii, 195 p.,
paperbound (NRC Monograph); EC22188 € 25
Freude, H., 1960. Revision der Chilenischen Misolampini: Gattungen Heliofugus Guerin und
Myrmecodema Gebien (= Myrmecosoma Germain). Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). 48 p.,
17 figs, stapled (Proc. Calif. Ac. Sci.); EC07715 € 10
Freude, H., 1984-1993. 2 papers on Monommidae (Col. Tenebrionidae) (British Museum & Madagascar). 43 p., 7 figs, disbound (from Spixiana); EC25734 € 5
Freude, H., K.W. Harde & G.A. Lohse, 1989. Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Oekologie. Vol. 1. by Klaus Koch. 440 p., Cloth; EC26979 € 50
Fricken, W. von, 1906 (5th rev. ed.). Naturgeschichte der in Deutschland einheimischen Käfer nebst analytischen Tabellen zum selbstbestimmen für Lehrer und Studierende und alle Freunde wissenschaftlicher Entomologie. viii,
515 p., 91 woodcuts, leatherbound (cover slightly soiled); EC25289 € 26
Friederichs, K., 1919. Studien über die Nashornkäfer als Schädlinge der Kokospalme (Bericht an das Reichs-Kolonialamt über eine 1913/14 im Auftrage ausgeführte Studienreise). iv, 116 p., 1 map, 53 figs on 20 pls, loose in folder;
EC23665 € 20
Ganglbauer, L., 1892-1904. Die Käfer von Mitteleuropa. Die Käfer der österreichisch-ungarischen Monarchie, Deutschlands, der Schweiz, sowie des französischen und italienischen Alpengebietes. 4 Bände. I. Familienreihe Caraboidea. iii, 557 p., 55 figs; II. Familienreihe
Staphylinoidea. Part 1. Staphylinidae, Pselaphidae. vi, 880 p., 38 figs; III.
Familienreihe Staphylinoidea. Part 2. Clavicornia. 1046 p., 44 figs; IV. Part
1. Dermestidae, Byrrhidae, Nosodendridae, Georyssidae, Dryopidae,
Heteroceridae, Hydrophilidae. 286 p., 12 figs. 4 nicely hleatherbound vols
(rubbed & worn); EC14803 € 720
Geisthardt, M. & A. van Harten, 1992. Noxious beetles of the Cape Verde islands, with additional reference to West
Africa. ii, 242 p., 125 figs, 1 map, paperbound. Text in English & Portuguese; EC15025 € 45
Geisthardt, M., 1979. Skelet und Muskulatur des Thorax der Larven und Imagines von Lamprohiza
splendidula (L.) unter Berücksichtigung der Larve und der weiblichen Imago von Lampyris noctiluca (L.)
(Col.: Lampyridae). 65 p., 31 figs, disbound (Zool. Jb. Anat.); EC25624 € 8
Giachino, P.M. & S.B. Peck (eds), 1998. Phylogeny and evolution of subterranean and endogean Cholevidae (= Leodidae,
Cholevinae). 295 p., num (several col.) figs, col. frontispiece, hardbound.
Proceedings 20th Intl Congress Entomology, Florence; EC07546 € 65
Giachino, P.M., 1982. Cataloghi III. Collezione Coleotterologica di Massimiliano Spinola. 616 p., 1
frontispiec, 6 col. pls, paperbound (unopened); EC18677 € 25
Giachino, P.M., 2001-2005. 2 papers on Carabid beetles. 40 p., 43 (12 col.) figs, disbound (Spixiana);
EC25634 € 7
Gidaspow, T., 1968. A revision of the ground beetles belonging to Scaphinotus, subgenus Brennus
(Coleoptera, Carabidae). 58 p., 154 figs, 4 tables, wrps; EC14880 € 12
Gilbert, P., 2007. A source book for biographical literature on entomologists. vi, 695 p.,
paperbound. An invaluable reference tool, giving dates of birth & death, and references in the varied entomological literature; EC25772 € 120
Gillet, J., 1932. Coprinae, Hybosorinae, Dynastinae (Résultats scientifiques du Voyage aux Indes orientales Néerlandaises 4 fasc. 4). 8 p., 1 plte, 4to, wrps; EC26612 € 6
Gillet, J.J.E., 1910. Espèces nouvelles du genre Copris et relevé synonymique des espèces décrites à ce jour. NLM 32 (1): 1-31, loose; EC14974 € 6
Gillogly, L.R., 1962. Insects of Micronesia. Coleoptera: Nitidulidae. 60 p., 15 figs, paperbound;
EC08069 € 14
Gilmour, E.F., 1963. On the neotropical Acanthocinini (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae). 40 p., 4 pls,
paperbound (SFC17); EC08048 € 12
Gilmour, E.F., 1963. Some Caribbean Coleoptera Cerambycidae. 28 p., 3 pls, paperbound (SFC18);
EC17632 € 8
Gilmour, E.F., 1968. The Coleoptera Cerambycidae of Curaçao, Bonaire and Aruba. 97 p., 10 pls, paperbound (SFC25); EC08050 € 15
Goecke, H., 1941. Monographie der Schilfkäfer. I. Die Literatur (12. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Donaciinen). 25 p., wrps;
EC26426 € 6
Göllner-Scheiding, U., 1970-1971. Bibliographie der Bestimmungstabellen europäischer Insekten (1880-1963), Teil III: Coleoptera und Strepsiptera, Teil I +
Fortsetungen 1-2-3 (complete). 288 p., disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs); EC25742 € 34
Görnandt, H.-J., 1955. Die Käfergattung Phyllodecta Kirby. 100 p., 27 textfigs, 7 pls with 55 figs, disbound
(Deut. Ent. Zs); EC25744 € 12
Gorham, H.S., 1888. On Erotylidae of the Leyden Museum. NLM 10 (3): 129-151, plate 7, loose; EC14978
€ 5
Gønget, H., 1997. The Brentidae of northern Europe. 289 p., 357 figs, 8 col. pls, hardbound
(FES34); EC08124 € 98
Graser’s naturwissenschaftliche und landwirtschaftliche Tafeln, Nr. 4, n.d. Einheimische Käfer. 234 farbige Abbildungen. Fullcolour folding plate in decorative carton
wrapper. A very attractive collector’s item for the Coleopterologist; EC19510 € 30
Gravely, F.H., 1914. An account of the Oriental Passalidae (Coleoptera), based primarily on the
collection in the Indian Museum. 177 p., 3 col. pls, large 4to, HCloth; EC26980
€ 40
Green, J.W., 1956. Revision of the Nearctic species of Photinus (Lampyridae: Coleoptera). 53 p.,
119 figs, wrps (Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. 28#15); EC21680 € 12
Grouvelle, A. & A. Raffray, 1912. Supplément à la Liste des Coléoptères de la Guadeloupe. 24 p., wrps (extrait des Ann. Soc. Entom. France vol.
LXXXI); EC22897 € 8
Grouvelle, A., 1909. Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der schwedischen zoologischen Expedition nach dem
Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas
1905-1906 unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Yngve Sjöstedt, 7. Coleoptera. 15 Clavicornes. 26 p., roy. 4to, wrps; EC08148 € 9
Grouvelle, A., 1916-1919. Études sur les Coléoptères (premier & deuxième fascicule). 80 & 204 p., paperbound. Unopened. Numerous descriptions of new species; EC22895 € 50
Gruev, B. & V. Tomov, 1986. Fauna Bulgarica 16. Coleoptera. Chrysomelidae. Part II. 388 p., 428 figs, cloth.
In Bulgarian; EC07549 € 43
Gruev, B. & V. Tomov, 1998. Catalogus faunae Bulgaricae. 3. Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae. 160 p., paperbound;
EC07550 € 30
Gruev, B., 1998. Checklist of Eumolpinae, Chrysomelinae, Alticinae, Hispinae and Cassidinae
(Chrysomelidae) in Republic of Macedonia. ix, 60 p., paperbound; EC07551 € 18
Guéorguiev, V.B. & B.V. Guéorguiev, 1995. Catalogue of the ground-beetles of Bulgaria (Carabidae). 279 p., 1 map,
paperbound; EC07554 € 30
Guignot, F. et al., 1945. Mission scientifique de l’Omo VI. Coléoptera Dytiscidae (2e partie). 108 p., 73 figs, paperbound (mnhn19(2). Also
includes: Coleoptera Dryopidae (8 pp. by J. Delève, & Isopodes terrestres (14 pp. by L. Paulian de Félice); EC08155 € 18
Haaf, E., 1963. Die Alcidodes Melanesiens (Col. Curculionidae). 92 p., 4 figs, 1 folding map, 2
pls, disbound (from Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25829 € 12
Hamilton, C.C., 1925. Studies on the morphology, taxonomy and ecology of the larvae of Holarctic
Tiger-Beetles (family Cicindelidae). 87 p., 12 pls, wrps; EC14809 € 12
Hanley, R.S., 2003. An annotated taxonomic catalogue of the Hoplandriini of the world (Insecta:
Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae). 41 p., 4to, stapled; EC14801 € 10
Hansen, V., 1964. Fortegnelse over Danmarks biller. 507 p., wrps; EC14899 € 60
Harde, K.W., 1979. De bonte wereld der kevers. 72 p., 120 col. photographs, paperbound; EC07558 € 10
Hawkeswood, T.J., 1991-1997. 12 papers on Beetles by this author. 126 p., num. figs, disbound (Spixiana);
EC25638 € 15
Hayek, C.M.F. von, 1973. A reclassification of the subfamily Agrypninae (Elateridae) / Additions and
corrections. 2 vols. 388 p., 17 figs, paperbound; EC07586 € 43
Hayek, C.M.F. von, 1973. Additions and corrections to ‘A reclassification of the subfamily Agrypninae (Coleoptera: Elateridae)’. 79 p., paperbound; EC24034 € 14
Hebauer, F. & B. Klausnitzer, 1998. Süßwasserfauna von Mitteleuropa Band 20/7, 8, 9, 10-1. Insecta: Coleoptera:
Hydrophiloidea: Georissidae, Spercheidae, Hydrochidae, Hydrophilidae (exkl.
Helophorus). xii, 134 p., 56 figs, paperbound. Mint condition; EC23122 € 62
Heessen, H.J.L., 1981. On reproduction and survival in two ecologically related Beetle-species of the
forest floor. 84 p., figs, paperbound. Thesis; EC07904 € 13
Heikertinger, F., 1926. Züchtung von Coleopteren. 60 p., 4 figs, wrps; EC26617 € 5
Heinz, W., 1983-1993. 2 papers on Carabus-Formen aus Pakistan. 42 p., 20 figs, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia); EC25614 € 5
Heinze, E., 1937. Die afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Lilioceris (Chrysomelidae). 31 p., 16 figs,
disbound; EC15007 € 6
Hellén, W., 1939. Catalogus Coleopterorum Daniae et Fennoscandiae. vii, 129 p., 1 map, 4to,
paperbound; EC07903 € 30
Henschel, H., 1962. Der Nashornkäfer. 77 p., 46 figs, paperbound (Neue Brehm-Bücherei 301); EC22727 € 15
Herman, L.H., 1983. Revision of Bledius. Part III. The Annularis and Emarginatus groups (Coleoptera,
Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae). 145 p., 414 figs, 2 tables, paperbound (Bull. AMNH
175 art. 1); EC23328 € 22
Herman, L.H., 1986. Revision of Bledius. Part IV. Classification of species groups, phylogeny,
natural history, and catalogue (Staphylinidae, Oxytelinae). 368 p., 728 figs, 9
tables, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 184 art. 1); EC21420 € 50
Herman, L.H., 1991. Revision of the subtribe Cylindroxystina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae:
Paederinae). 83 p., 229 figs, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 203); EC08108 € 16
Heyden, L. von, 1904 (2nd ed.). Die Käfer von Nassau und Frankfurt. 425 p., wrps; EC24300 € 60
Hieke, F., 1957-1983. 7 papers on Carabid Beetles (mainly Amara species). 226 p., 337 figs, disbound
(Deut. Ent. Zs); EC25737 € 70
Hieke, F., 1966. Vergleichende funktionelle Anatomie der Abdominalmuskulatur einiger männlicher Coleopteren unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Genitaoanakomplexes. 168 p., 125 figs, disbound (Deut. Ent.
Zs); EC25738 € 20
Hieke, F., 1984-1997. 5 papers, mainly on Carabidae. 300 p., num. figs, disbound (Mitt. zool. Mus.
Berlin); EC25660 € 36
Hockmann, P. et al., 1989. Bewegungsmuster und Orientierung des Laufkäfers Carabus auronitens in einem westfälischen Eichen-Hainbuchen-Wald. 71 p., 41 figs, paperbound (Abh. Westfäl. Mus. Naturk. 51#1); EC08298 € 12
Holdhaus, K., 1924. Monographie du genre Reicheia Saulcy. 60 p., 4 pls, wrps; EC14869 € 15
Holloway, B.A., 1982 (1st ed.). Fauna of New Zealand 3. Anthribidae. 264 p., 710 figs, num. maps, paperbound;
EC08090 € 28
Holloway, B.A., 1985 (2nd impression). Fauna of New Zealand 3. Anthribidae. 269 p., 710 figs, paperbound; EC07590 € 39
Hopkins, A.D., 1909. Contributions toward a monograph of the Scolytid Beetles. I. The genus
Dendroctonus. 164 p., 95 figs, 6 pls, paperbound; EC07592 € 35
Horák, J., 1983-1989. 4 papers on Mordellidae (Coleoptera). 60 p., 213 figs, disbound (from Ent. Abh.
Dresden); EC25824 € 7
Horion, A., 1953. Faunistik der Mitteleuropäischen Käfer. III: Malakodermata. Sternoxia (Elateridae bis Throscidae). 340 p., cloth;
EC14914 € 35
Horion, A., 1955. Faunistik der Mitteleuropäischen Käfer. IV: Sternoxia (Buprestidae), Fossipedes, Macrodactylia, Brachymera. 280 p.,
7 pls, cloth; EC14913 € 35
Houlbert, C. & E. Monnot, ca. 1900. Faune entomologique armoricaine I. Carnivora Bedel. Cicindélides. 14 p., 9 figs, stapled; EC22911 € 10
Hovore, F.T. et al., 1987. The Cerambycidae, or Longhorned beetles, of southern Texas: a faunal survey
(Coleoptera). 52 p., 20 figs, stapled (Proc. Cal. Acad. Sc. Vol. 44#13);
EC15034 € 8
Howden, A.T., 1959. A revision of the species of Pandeleteius Schönherr and Pandeleteinus Champion of America north of Mexico (Coleoptera:
Curculionidae). 61 p., 2 plates, wrps (Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. 29#10); EC21678 € 14
Howden, A.T., 1966. Airosimus, a new genus of neotropical Tanymecini (Curculionidae). 57 p., 42
figs, paperbound; EC08116 € 10
Howden, H.F., 1961. A revision of the New World species of Thalycra, with a description of a new
genus and notes on generic synonymy (Nitidulidae). 61 p., 106 figs, 14 maps,
paperbound; EC07728 € 10
Huchet, J.-B., 2003. Faune de Madagascar 90. Insecta Coleoptera Chironidae. 91 p., 65 figs, 4 col.
photographs, 5 (2 col.) maps, paperbound; EC14839 € 40
Hunter, W.D. & W.E. Hinds, 1904. The Mexican cotton boll Weevil: a revision and amplification of Bulletin 45, to
include the most important observations made in 1904. 116 p., 16 pls,
paperbound (USDA Bur. Ent. Bull. 51); EC07727 € 23
Hurka, K., 1996. Carabidae of the Czech and Slowak Republics. 565 p., 715 figs, 15 col. pls,
hardbound (d.j.); EC07595 € 68
Hydrophilidae, 1945-1990. 21 papers by various authors from various journals on Hydrophilidae; EC26422 € 30
Iablokoff-Khnzorian, S.M., 1977. Über die Phylogenie der Lamellicornia. 66 p., 20 figs, disbound (Ent. Abh.
Dresden); EC25761 € 8
Iablokoff-Khnzorian, S.M., 1980. Le segment genital male des coléoptères et son importance phylogenique (Coleoptera). 45 p., 14 figs, disbound (Deut.
Ent. Zs); EC25745 € 5
Ihssen, G., 1933. Rückblick auf die Entwicklung der Koleopterologie in München und ihre heutigen Aufgaben. 29 p., wrps; EC26432 € 5
Iorio, O.R. Di, 2005. A field guide of the longhorned Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) from
Argentina. xiv, 191 p., 74 col. pls, paperbound; EC20532 € 77
Irmler, U., 1973. 4 papers on Cicindelidae, Carabidae, Staphylinidae from the neotropics. 62 p.,
44 figs, disbound (from Amazoniana); EC25792 € 8
Isaev, A.S. et al., 1988. Fir Sawyer Beetle. Monochamus urussovi (Fisch.). 270 p., 138 figs, ill.
endpapers, hardbound. In Russian; EC18076 € 24
Jacoby, M., 1884. Three papers: Descriptions of new genera and species of phytophagous Coleoptera
collected by Dr. B. Hagen at Serdang (East Sumatra) / Description of two new
species of the phytophagous genus Pachytoma / Description of a new genus and
three new species of Malayan Galerucinae. NLM 6 (4): 201-230, 231-232 & 233-235, disbound; EC14976 € 8
Jacoby, M., 1884. Three papers: Descriptions of new genera and species of phytophagous Coleoptera
from Sumatra / A new species of the phytophagous genus Haplosonyx / On
Haplosonyx sexplagiatus, Baly. NLM 6 (1): 9-70, 71 & 72, wrps; EC14977 € 16
Jäch, M.A. et al., 2000. Subgeneric classification, description of head structures, and world check list
of Hydraena Kugelann (Insecta: Coleoptera: Hydraeinidae). 82 p., 349 figs, 1
table, disbound (from Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien 102B); EC25188 € 12
Jäch, M.A., 1985-1994. 2 papers: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Elmidae und Dryopidae Neu Guineas (26 p., 37
figs): Taxonomic review of oriental species of the genus Ancyronyx Erichson,
1847 (22 p., 28 (6 col.) figs, disbound (Revue Suisse de Zoologie); EC26398 € 6
Jäch, M.A., 1988-1991. 2 papers on Hydraenidae (both from Entom. Basiliensia). 64 p., 44 figs,
disbound; EC25586 € 8
Jäch, M.A., 1990-2001. 9 papers mainly on Hydraenidae. 102 p, various figs, disbound (Ann. naturh. Mus.
Wien); EC25652 € 12
Janssens, A., 1937. Révision des Onitides. 200 p., 107 figs, 2 pls, roy. 4to, paperbound; EC08033 € 26
Janssens, A., 1940. Monographie des Gymnopleurides (Coleoptera Lamellicornia). 73 p., 18 figs, 2
pls, roy. 4to, paperbound; EC08034 € 24
Janssens, A., 1940. Monographie des Scarabaeus et genres voisins. 81 p., 16 figs, 3 pls, roy. 4to,
paperbound; EC08035 € 20
Jeanne, C. & J.P. Zaballos, 1986. Catalogue des Coléoptères Carabiques de la Péninsule Iberique. 200 p., paperbound; EC14955 € 18
Jeannel, R., 1941/1942. Faune de France 39-40. Coléoptères Carabiques. Part 1-2. 1173 p., 2147 figs, paperbound (very scarce original
copy); EC14886 € 420
Jeannel, R., 1949. Les Psélaphides de l’Afrique Orientale. 226 p., 103 figs, paperbound (mnhn29(1); EC07598 € 20
Jeannel, R., 1949. Faune de France 51. Coléoptères Carabiques (Supplément). 51 p., 12 figs, 20 pls, paperbound; EC14791 € 20
Jeannel, R., 1949. Faunde du Congo Belge et du Ruanda-Urundi, Vol. 2. Pselaphidae. 275 (iii) p.,
121 figs, 1 map, wrps; EC26983 € 25
Jeannel, R., 1950 (reprint 1974). Faune de France 53. Coléoptères Psélaphides. (iv), iii, (i), 421 p., 169 figs, paperbound. Unopened (printing on
some pages very light); EC07740 € 50
Jeannel, R., 1950. Géonémie des Psélaphides de l’Afrique intertropicale. 48 p., 23 figs, paperbound (mnhn2(1); EC08118 € 9
Jeannel, R., 1952. Pselaphides recueillis par N. Leleip au Congo Belge. Vol. 4: Faune de l’Itombwe et de la Forêt du Rugege. 295 p., 373 figs, 1 map, wrps; EC26984 € 29
Jeannel, R., 1952. Pselaphides recueillis par N. Leleip au Congo Belge. Vol. 5.: Faune de l’Itpmbwe-sud, du Kahuzi, de la Dorsale de Lubero et du Mont Hoyo. 313 p., 316
figs, wrps; EC26985 € 27
Jeannel, R., 1955. Les Psélaphides de l’Afrique australe. 196 p., 226 figs, paperbound (mnhn9); EC07599 € 16
Jeannel, R., 1957. Revision des Bembidiides endogés d’Afrique et de Madagascar (Anillini, Coleoptera Caraboidea). 68 p., 91 figs,
paperbound (unopened); EC24845 € 24
Jeannel, R., 1958. Révision des Psélaphides du Japon. 138 p., 150 figs, paperbound (mnhn18(1); EC07632 € 23
Jeannel, R., 1960. Revision des “Trechini” du Caucase (Coleoptera Trechidae). 62 p., 96 figs, paperbound (mnhn17(3);
EC08117 € 10
Jedlicka, A., 1963. Monographie der Truncatipennen aus Ostasien. Lebiinae, Odacanthinae, Brachyninae
(Col. Carabidae). 312 p., 244 textfigs, 6 col. pls with 54 figs, disbound (Ent.
Abh. Ber.); EC25750 € 42
Jedlicka, A., 1965. Monographie des Tribus Bembidiini aus Ostasien (Col. Carabidae). 120 p., 56
textfigs, 1 col. plte with 7 figs, disbound (Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25756 € 16
Johansen, J.P., 1914. Danmarks Rovbiller eller Billefam. Staphylinidae’s; Danske slaegter og arter. 660 p., 193 figs, paperbound (front cover loose);
EC14827 € 60
John, H., 1963-1967. Revision der Gattung Thorictus Ghermar (Clavicornia), Teile I-II-III. 214 p., 5
figs, 38 pls, disbound (Ent. Abh. Ber.); EC07738 € 26
Johnson, C., 1985. Revision of Ptiliidae (Coleoptera) occurring in the Mascarenes, Seychelles and
neighbouring islands. 79 p., 122 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia); EC25589 € 10
Jolivet, P. & M.L. Cox (eds), 1996. Chrysomelidae biology. Vol. 1: The classification, phylogeny and genetics. Vol.
2: Ecological studies. 3: General studies. 452, 473 & 372 p., num. figs & pls, hardbound; EC07634 € 327
Jolivet, P. & T.J. Hawkeswood, 1995. Host-plants of Chrysomelidae of the world. 281 p., 17 (4 col.) pls, hardbound;
EC07633 € 71
Jolivet, P., 1953. Les Chrysomeloidea des Iles Baléares. 88 p., 7 figs, 3 pls, roy. 4to, paperbound; EC08032 € 15
Jolivet, P., 1957-1959. Recherches sur l’aile des Chrysomeloidea. 2 parts. 180, 150 p., 10 figs, 40 pls, roy. 4to,
paperbound; EC07991 € 50
Jolivet, P., 1957-1959. Recherches sur l’aile des Chrysomeloidea. 2 parts. 180, 150 p., 10 figs, 40 pls, roy. 4to, cloth;
EC08044 € 60
Jolivet, P., 1996. Biologie des Coléoptères chrysomélides. 279 p., 58 figs, 9 col. pls, paperbound; EC13684 € 55
Kanaar, P., 1997. Revision of the genus Paratropus (Histeridae). 185 p., 706 figs, paperbound
(ZV315); EC07636 € 46
Kanaar, P., 2003. Revision of the genus Trypeticus Marseul (Coleoptera: Histeridae). 318 p., 454
figs, paperbound (ZV342); EC13788 € 80
Kanervo, V., 1946. Tutkimuksia lepän lehtikuoriaisen, Melasoma aenea L. (Col., Chrysomelidae), luontaisista
vihollisista. 206 p., 20 figs, 27 tables, 2 maps, wrps. With German summary:
Studien über die natürlichen Feinde des Erlenblattkäfers, Melasoma aenea L. (Col., Chrysomelidae); EC07742 € 25
Kangas, E. et al., 1967. Laboratory experiments on the olfactory orientation of Blastophagus piniperda to
substances isolated from pine rind. 87 p., 18 figs, paperbound; EC08110 € 12
Karaman, Z., 1971. Faune de Macedoine. Coléoptères Scolytides. 178 p., 220 figs, 6 pls, cloth. In Macedonian; EC07638 € 25
Karaman, Z., 1971. 13 papers (mainly in German, and mainly on Macedonian and Yugoslav Beetles). 306
p., some figs, disbound; EC25631 € 35
Kasantsev, S., 1991-1997. 3 papers on Lycidae from Himalaya and China (all from Entom. Basiliensia). 42
p., 52 figs, disbound; EC25577 € 5
Kazantsev, S., 1989-1999. 5 papers on Cantharidae. 58 p., num. figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia);
EC25613 € 7
Kejval, Z., 1999. Revisional notes on oriental Formicomus La Férte-Sénectère, 1848 (Col.: Anthicidae). 39 p., 121 figs, disbound (Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien);
EC25649 € 5
Kemner, N.A., 1918. Vergleichende Studien über das Analsegment und das Pygopodium einiger Koleopterenlarven. 104 p., 44
figs, hcalf; EC07639 € 30
Kemner, N.A., 1918. Vergleichende Studien über das Analsegment und das Pygopodium einiger Koleopterenlarven. 104 p., 44
figs, paperbound; EC07640 € 24
Kemner, N.A., 1922. Zur Kenntnis der Entwicklungsstadien und Lebensweise der schwedischen
Cerambyciden. 58 p., 38 figs, wrps; EC26431 € 7
Kerremans, Ch., 1904. Faune entomologique de l’Afrique tropicale: Buprestides I (All publ.): Introduction - Julodines. 65 p., 1
col. pl., wrps; EC26986 € 29
Kiesenwetter, H. von, 1867. Beiträge zur Käferfauna Spaniens. (Zweites Stück.) Melyridae (Fortsetzung), Ptinidae. 42 p., 1 plte (with 9 figs), disbound.
In German & Latin (from Berl. Entom. Zeitschr. XI); EC23746 € 10
Kingsolver, J.M. & C.D. Johnson, 1979. Systematics of the genus Mimosestes (Bruchidae). 106 p., 83 figs, wrps; EC07918 € 14
Kingsolver, J.M., 1976. The North and Central American species of Meibomeus (Bruchidae). 54 p., 139
figs, wrps; EC07919 € 10
Klausnitzer, B., 1970-2004. 6 papers (Larvalsystematik mitteleurop. Coccinellidae, Probleme der Abgrenzung
von Unterordnungen bei den Coleoptera, Bestimmungstabelle Mandibeln
mitteleurop. Arten Carabus, Beschuppung der Elytren verschied. Coleoptera, Neue
Gattung der Familie Scirtidae. 120 p., 207 figs, disbound (from Ent. Abh.
Dresden); EC25830 € 14
Klefbeck, E. & O. Sjöberg, 1960. Catalogus Insectorum Sueciae. XVI. Coleoptera. 263 p., paperbound; EC14816 € 35
Klefbeck, E. & O. Sjöberg, 1960. Catalogus Insectorum Sueciae. XVI. Coleoptera. 263 p., paperbound (covers loose & damaged); EC14817 € 30
Kleine, R., 1931. Zur Kenntnis der Lycidenfauna Javas. 50 p., 39 figs, disbound; EC08289 € 10
Kleine, R., 1936. Catalogues raisonnés de la faune entomologique du Congo Belge. Coléoptères - Brenthides. 48 p., 26 figs, 1 pl., roy. 4to, disbound (unopened), back
wrap missing, bits of front wrap missing; EC11424 € 28
Kleinfeld, F., 2001. Revision des Subgenus Isiocarabus Reitter, 1896 der Gattung Carabus Linné, 1758 (Col., Carabidae, Carabini). 53 p., 46 figs, 5 maps, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia); EC25612 € 6
Knutelski, S., 2005. Roznorodnosc, ekologia i chorologia ryjkowcow Rezerwatu biosfery “Tatry” (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea). 340 p., 16 figs, 17 tables, paperbound. In Polish
(Monogr. Faun. 23); EC23794 € 36
Koch, C., 1954-1956. Exploration du Parc National de l’Upemba. Tenebrionidae (Pycnocerini) (Coleoptera Polyphaga) & Tenebrionidae (Coleoptera Polyphaga). Opatrinae Platynotini, Litoborini and
Loensini. 2 vols. 552 p., 298 figs, 45 pls, 8 maps, paperbound; EC08305 € 110
Koch, C., 1954. Die Tenebrioniden des südlichen Afrikas. XV. Revision der Oncotini nov. trib. Opatrinae (Psectropini).
96 p., 41 figs, 4 pls, wrps. Unopened; EC14021 € 14
Koch, K. & W. Lucht, 1962. Die Käferfauna des Siebengebirges und des Rodderbergs. 181 p., 5 pls, 1 map, 4to,
paperbound. Library stamp (Dech. Beih. 10); EC08016 € 30
Koch, K., 1968. Käferfauna der Rheinprovinz. 382 p., 1 map, 4to, paperbound. Library stamp (Dech
Beih13); EC08017 € 35
Koch, K., 1993. Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Ökologie. Vol. E 4. Artenassoziationen in Makrohabitaten Aquatischer und
semiaquatischer Bereich. 384 p., cloth; EC14923 € 80
Kolbe, H.J., 1887. Beiträge zur Zoogeographie Westafrikas nebst einem Bericht über die während der Loango-Expedition von Herrn Dr. Falkenstein bei Chinchoxo gesammelten
Coleoptera. 102 p., 3 pls, roy. 4to, paperbound (unopened; loose) (Nova Acta
Ksl. Leop.-Carol. Deutsch. Ak. Naturf. 50#3); EC24872 € 32
Kolibác, J., 2003-2004. 5 papers on Cleridae, Phloeostichidae and Anticini. 122 p., num. figs, disbound
(Entom. Basiliensia); EC25578 € 15
Kolibác, J., 2005. A review of the Trogositidae. Part 1: Morphology of the genera (Col.,
Cleroidea). 101 p., 71 pls, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia); EC25599 € 15
Konstantinov, A., 1998. Revision of the Palearctic species of Aphthona Chevrolat and cladistic
classification of the Aphthonini (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae). viii,
429 p., 608 figs, hardbound; EC14877 € 95
Kopetz, A., 2004. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Themus Motschulsky, 1857 im Hamalaya (Col.,
Cantharidae). 41 p., 52 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia); EC25611 € 5
Krause, R., 1978. Untersuchungen zur Biotopbindung bei Rüsselkäfern der Sächsichen Schweiz (Col. Curculionidae). 201 p., 24 photos, 1 map, 30 diagrams, 30
tables, disbound (Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25751 € 25
Krauss, H., 1902. Bestimmungs-Tabelle der europäischen Coleopteren. 49. Heft. Cantharidae III. Theil: Genus Malachius Fb. 34 p.,
wrps (loose). Ex-library; EC23743 € 10
Krell, F.T. et al., 1979-2003. 4 papers on Scarabaeoidea (all from Spixiana). 48 p., 54 figs, disbound; EC25735
€ 5
Krikken, J., 1984. A new key to the suprageneric taxa in the Beetle family Cetoniidae, with
annotated lists of the known genera. 75 p., 86 figs, paperbound (ZV210);
EC13789 € 18
Krivolutskaya, G.O., 1965. Skrytostvolovye Brediteli temnokhvoiiykh lesakh zapadnoi Sibiri, pobrezhdenniykh
Sibirskim shelkopryadom. 129 p., 41 figs, paperbound. In Russian (on Coleoptera
of Siberia); EC18080 € 19
Kroker, H. et al., 1978. Die Bodenkäferfauna des Venner Moores & Beiträge zur Kenntnis der terrestrischen Fauna des Gildehauser Venns bei Bentheim. I.
Die Carabidenfauna der Heiden, Ufer und Moore. 34 p., figs, tables, wrps (Abh.
Westf.Mus. Nat. 40#2); EC15033 € 8
Kubisz, D., 2006. Oedemeridae I Scraptiidae Polski (Coleoptera, Tenebrionoidea). 165 p., 112 figs,
46 maps, 2 col. pls, paperbound. In Polish (Monogr. Faun. 24); EC23793 € 24
Kuijten, P.J., 1978. Revision of the Indo-Australian species of the genus Phaeochrous Castelnau, 1840
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Hybosorinae), with notes on the African species. 40
p., 22 figs, 2 pls, paperbound (ZV165); EC17779 € 10
Kuijten, P.J., 1981. Revision of the genus Phaeochroops Candèze (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Hybosorinae). 76 p., 101 figs, 4 pls, paperbound
(ZV183); EC14811 € 19
Kuijten, P.J., 1983. Revision of the genus Hybosorus Macleay (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Hybosorinae).
49 p., 60 figs, 1 pl., paperbound (ZV203). Library stamps; EC14846 € 10
Kuijten, P.J., 1983. Revision of the genus Hybosorus Macleay (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae, Hybosorinae).
49 p., 60 figs, 1 pl., paperbound (ZV203); EC17795 € 12
Kuijten, P.J., 1985. Revision of some Hybosorine genera from the Indo-Malayan subregion:
Microphaeochroops, Microphaeolodes, Mimocoelodes, Pantolasius and Phaeochridius
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Hybosorinae). 39 p., 57 figs, 1 pl., wrps. Library
stamp; EC14871 € 8
Kuijten, P.J., 1985. Revision of some Hybosorine genera from the Indo-Malayan subregion:
Microphaeochroops, Microphaeolodes, Mimocoelodes, Pantolasius and Phaeochridius
(Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Hybosorinae). 39 p., 57 figs, 1 pl., paperbound
(ZV222); EC17793 € 9
Kuijten, P.J., 1992. A revision of the genus Parastasia in the Indo-Australian region (Coleoptera:
Scarabaeidae: Rutelinae). 207 p., 268 figs, 1 pl., 6 maps, paperbound (ZV275).
Library stamps; EC14847 € 48
Kulzer, H., 1957. Insects of Micronesia. Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae. 76 p., 11 figs, paperbound;
EC08056 € 14
Kurentsov, A.I. & Z.A. Konovalova (eds), 1968. Fauna and ecology of Insects of the Far East. 173 p., num. figs, paperbound.
Library stamps. Mostly on Coleoptera; EC07647 € 19
Kuschel, G. & M. Wanat, 2008. 2 articles, contained in Zoologia Neocaledonica vol. 6 (Biodiversity studies in
New Caledonia): Curculionoidea (weevils) of New Caledonia and Vanuatu: Basal
families and some Curculionidae. 151 p., 183 (108 col.) figs; The Apionidae
(Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) of New Caledonia: Genus Megatracheloides. 25 p.,
110 (6 col.) figs, hardbound + cd-rom; EC26554 € 62
Kuschel, G. & S.L. Chown, 1995. Phylogeny and systematics of the Ectemnorhinus-group of genera (Insecta:
Coleoptera). 23 p., 19 figs, stapled (Invert. Tax.); EC20758 € 5
Kuwert, A., 1891 (photocopy). Systematische Uebersicht der Passaliden-Arten und Gattungen. 32 p., cloth
(photocopy); EC19992 € 12
Labeyrie, V. (ed.), 1981. The ecology of Bruchids attacking legumes (pulses). 233 p., num. figs, hardbound
(Series Entom.19); EC08005 € 50
Lachaume, G., 1985. Les Coléoptères du monde. The Beetles of the world Vol. 5. Dynastini 1. 85 p., num. maps, 3
b/w pls, 29 col. pls, 4to, cloth (d.j.); EC21561 € 85
Lacroix, J.-P., 1984. Les Coléoptères du monde. The Beetles of the world Vol. 4. Odontolabini 1: Chalcodes,
Odontolabis, Heterochtes. 175 p., num. maps, 51 col. pls, 4to, cloth (d.j.);
EC22731 € 100
Landin, B.-O., 1955. Entomological results from the Swedish expedition 1934 to Burma and British
India. Coleoptera: Carabidae. 74 p., 90 figs, 3 pls, wrps; EC15458 € 12
Lane, F., 1937. Esboço monographico dos Anoplodermideos. 71 p., 9 pls, paperbound (from Rev. do Museu
Paulista XXII); EC07962 € 13
Lange, O., 1882. Billerne, de almindeligst forekommende Arter. En vejledning for begyndende
samlere. 54 p., wrps (loose). Scarce; EC18183 € 25
Lansberge, J.W. van, 1884. Catalogue des Prionides de l’Archipel Indo-Néerlandais, avec descriptions des espèces nouvelles. NLM 6 (3): 135-160, loose; EC14994 € 5
Lansberge, J.W. van, 1886. Scarabaeides, Buprestides et Cérambycides de l’Afrique Occidentale, envoyés au Musée de Leyde par MM. Veth et Van der Kellen. NLM 8 (2): 69-120, loose; EC14975 € 15
Laudanna, E., 1993. I Carabidi della regione Veronese (Carabidae). 88 p., disbound, unopened (Boll.
Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona); EC25690 € 10
Lawrence, J.F. & H. Reichardt, 1969. The myrmecophilous Ptinidae (Coleoptera) with a key to Australian species. 27
p., 34 figs on 3 pls, wrps (Bull. MCZ 138#1); EC24721 € 7
Lawrence, J.F. et al., 1987. Zoological catalogue of Australia vol. 4. Coleoptera: Archostemata, Myxophaga
and Adephaga. viii, 444 p., 1 map, cloth; EC07649 € 48
Lawrence, J.F. et al., 2000. Beetles of the world. A key and information system for families and subfamilies.
Plastic box containing a user manual (20 p.) & a CD: version 1.0 for Microsoft Windows. Features: 312 anatomical characters;
3200 images; the Beetle browser, an illustrated tool for finding the names of
major beetle body parts; a glossary of terms; EC23340 € 100
Leconte, J.L., 1862. Classification of the Coleoptera of North America. Part 1. 285 p., several figs,
paperbound (plain covers); EC07791 € 39
Lega, P.A., 1989. Opredelitel nasekomykh dalnego vostoka SSSR v shesti tomakh, tom. III.
Zhestkokryie ili zhuki. 572 p., 279 figs, hardbound. In Russian; EC18085 € 60
Lekkerkerk, R.W. & J. Krikken, 1986. Taxonomic review of the Afro-tropical genus Dicronorhina, with notes on its
relatives (Cetoniidae). 46 p., 24 figs, paperbound (ZV233); EC14812 € 11
Leleup, N. & J. Leleup, 1968. Mission zoologique belge aux îles Galapagos et en Ecuador. Résultats scientifiques. 1e partie. Contributions by A. Vandel (Isopodes
terrestres); A. Brindle (Dermaptera); P. Basilewsky (Calosomes); J. Deléve (Coleoptera Elminthidae). 272 p., num. figs, paperbound. In French; EC20996 € 25
Lemos Pereira, A.B., 1978-1983. 5papers (on Coléoptero Longicórnio em Portugal, Rev. fam Col.. Cicindelidae, Carabidae). 110 p., 9 figs, 1
col. pte, wrps (Publ. Inst. Zool. A. Nobre); EC25664 € 14
Lidth de Jeude, Th. W., 1882. De spijsverteringsorganen der phythophage lamellicornienlarven. 56 p., 1 pl.,
wrps (loose). Thesis; EC23569 € 20
Liebherr, J.K., 1991. Phylogeny and revision of the Anchomenus clade: the genera Tetraleucus,
Anchomenus, Sericoda, and Elliptoleus (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Platynini). 163
p., 377 figs, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 202); EC23339 € 26
Lindroth, C.H. & T. Palm, 1934. Bidrag till kännedomen om Coleopterfaunen i övre Norrlands kustland. 127 p., 3 figs/photos, wrps; EC26988 € 27
Lindroth, C.H., 1933. 2 papers: Die Gattung Tropiphorus Schönh. (Curculionidae) in Nordeuropa und ihre Verbreitung (20 p., 4 figs) / The
Boreo-British Coleoptera, a study of the faunistical relations between the
British Isles and Scandinavia (56 p., 13 figs), disbound (from Zoogeographica);
EC25694 € 10
Lindroth, C.H., 1945. Die Fennoskandischen Carabidae. Eine Tiergeographische Studie (3 vols). I.
Spezieller Teil. 709 p. II. Die Karten. 338 maps. III. Allgemeiner Teil. 911
p., paperbound; EC08111 € 220
Lindroth, C.H., 1945. Die Fennoskandischen Carabidae. Eine Tiergeographische Studie (3 vols). I.
Spezieller Teil. 709 p. II. Die Karten. 338 maps. III. Allgemeiner Teil. 911
p., paperbound (complete set, very weak bindings with loose wrps) (Göteborgs Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhälles Handlingar, sjätte följden ser. B Band 4 nos 1-3); EC15411 € 200
Lindroth, C.H., 1945. Die Fennoskandischen Carabidae. Eine Tiergeographische Studie, vol. III.
Allgemeiner Teil. 911 p., 118 figs, paperbound (unopened); EC23361 € 80
Lindroth, C.H., 1955. The Carabid Beetles of Newfoundland, including the French islands St. Pierre and
Miquelon. 160 p., 58 figs, wrps; EC14821 € 35
Lindroth, C.H., 1955. The fauna history of Newfoundland. Illustrated by Carabid Beetles. 112 p., 96
figs, wrps. Unopened; EC24792 € 18
Lindroth, C.H., 1960. Catalogus Coleopterorum Fennoscandiae et Daniae. 476, (iii) p., 1 col. map,
wrps; EC26987 € 30
Löbl, I., 1974-1984. 5 papers on Scaphidiidae (all Revue Suisse Zoologie) 43 p., figs, stapled;
EC07653 € 10
Lopamun, I.K., 1986. Zhuki-listoedy fauny belorussi i pribaltiki. 131 p., 133 figs, paperbound. In
Russian (on Coleoptera from White Russia); EC18072 € 12
Louwerens, C.J., 1953. The oriental species of Colpodes Macl. (Col. Carabidae). 77 p., wrps; EC18575 € 10
Lucht, W. et al., 1979-1990. Coleoptera Westfalica. 10 parts (in 9 issues). Cerophytidae, Eucnemidae,
Elateridae, Oedemeridae, Staphylinidae (part), Chrysomelidae (ohne Alticinae),
Carabidae (part), Histeridae, Sphaeritidae, Cleridae, Derontidae, Lymexylidae,
Tetratomidae, Melandryidae, Lagriidae, Alleculidae, Carabidae (part), Lycidae,
Omalysidae, Lampyridae. 479 p., num. maps, paperbound; EC08301 € 70
Lucht, W.H., 1987. Die Käfer Mitteleuropas. Katalog. 342 p., 1 map, cloth; EC14919 € 65
Luederwaldt, H., 1931. Monographia dos Passalideos do Brasil. 262 p., 32 figs, hcloth (from Rev. do
Museu Paulista XVII#1); EC19862 € 70
Luff, M.L., 1993. The Carabidae larvae of Fennoscandia and Denmark. 187 p., 585 figs, portrait,
hardbound (FES27); EC08123 € 95
Magistretti, M., 1962-1970. 5 papers: Coleotteri Cicindelici e Carabidi della Sila, dell’Appennino Siculo, dei Monti Reatini, del Matese. 208 p., disbound (Mem. Mus.
civ. St. nat. Verona); EC25667 € 25
Magistretti, M., 1962-1970. 3 papers: 2 on Donaciini, 1 on Cicindelici. 66 p., some figs, disbound (Mem.
Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona); EC25668 € 8
Magnano, L., 1978-1999. 2 papers on Coleoptera. 76 p., 4 figs, disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat.
Verona); EC25686 € 10
Maiti, P.K. & N. Saha, 2004. Fauna of India and adjacent countries: Scolytidae: Coleoptera (Bark- and
Ambrosia-beetles) Volume I (Part 1). Introduction and tribe Xyleborini. xii,
268 p., 89 figs, hardbound (d.j.); EC22594 € 28
Majer, K., 1984-1994. 6 papers on Melyridae, Dasytinae. 228 p., 766 figs, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia); EC25582 € 26
Majer, K., 1991-1998. 3 papers (Cleroidea & Dasytidae). 82 p., 340 figs, disbound (Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25826 € 10
Majer, K., 1996. Complementary generic revision of the subfamily Chaetomalachiinae (Col.:
Dasytidae). 66 p., 150 figs, disbound (from Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien 98B);
EC25196 € 9
Majer, K., 1997. A revision of the tribe Amauronioidini (Dasytidae). 40 p., 162 p., disbound;
EC08291 € 8
Majer, K., 2002. Subfamilial classification of the family Malachiidae (Col., Cleroidea). 66 p.,
326 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia); EC25598 € 8
Mamaev, B.M. & M.L. Danuleskii, 1975. Lichinski zhukov chrovosekov. 282 p., 59 figs, hardbound. In Russian (on
Cerambycid larvae); EC18077 € 25
Mandl, K., 1963-1992. 8 papers on Carabidae. 134 p., various figs, disbound (Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien);
EC25651 € 15
Mandl, K., 1965-1967. 2 papers on Carabus scheidleri Panzer. 94 p., 22 figs, 4 (2 folding) maps,
disbound (Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25759 € 12
Mandl, K., 1975. Revision der unter adamsi zusammengefaßten Formen der Sectio Sphodristocarabus des Genus Carabus (Carabidae). 92 p., 8
pls, disbound (from Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien 79); EC15020 € 10
Mandl, K., 1978-1985. 8 papers on Carabidae. 174 p., num. figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia); EC25610
€ 20
Marcuzzi, G., 1977. Further studies on Caribbean tenebrionid Beetles. 71 p., 26 figs & maps, 1 pl., paperbound (SFC52); EC08049 € 22
Marelli, C.A., 1928. Estudio sobre una peste de los eucaliptos descubierta en la Argentina. 138 p.,
15 figs, 10 (1 col.) pls, paperbound. Library stamps; EC18150 € 18
Martínez, A., 1988-1991. 2 papers on Scarabaeidae. 38 p., 16 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia). In
Spanish; EC25572 € 7
Martins, U.R., 1971. Notas sobre Cerambycinae (Col. Cerambycidae) VI. Subsídios ao conhecimento dos Ibidionini. 58 p., 25 figs, wrps; EC26627 € 7
Maruyama, J., 1930-1934. 7 papers (4 in French, 3 in English) by this author on Ipidae and Platypodidae
(from Korea,Ile de Quelpart, Formosa, Kiushu (all from Japanese journals);
EC26404 € 12
Masters, G., 1896. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of Australia. Supplement. Parts 1-2. 108
p., orig. wrps; EC07659 € 13
Mateu, J., 1970-1980. 3 papers (on Carabidae de Madère, Genero Apristus Chaudoir, Pterostichus ibériques). 54 p., 9 figs, 5 pls, disbound (Publ. Inst. Zool. A. Nobre); EC25663 € 7
May, B.M., 1993. Fauna of New Zealand 28. Larvae of Curculionoidea: a systematic overview. 223
p., 1086 figs, paperbound; EC08093 € 34
Mazur, S., 1984. A world catalogue of Histeridae / Swiatowy katalog gnilik€ow. 376 p., paperbound; EC26070 € 35
Medvedev, G.S., 1964. Fauna of the USSR. Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Cetoniinae, Valginae. 374 (2) p.,
848 figs, cloth. In Russian; EC21559 € 35
Mémoires de l’Institut français d’Afrique noire, 1952. No. 19: La Réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba, Fascicule I. 334 p., num. figs & pls, 4to, paperbound. With contributions on Scorpions, Pseudoscorpions, Coleoptères (6 articles, 100 pages, with articles by Descarpentries, Lepesme,
St-Breuning, Thérond, Rivalier, Basilewsky, Stranéo), Lépidoptères, Diptères, Hyménoptères (2 artt.), Hydrocorises, Hémiptères Hétéroptères terrestres, Poissons. Right & top margins waterstained (not affecting contents); EC22905 € 44
Mémoires de l’Institut français d’Afrique noire, 1954. No. 40: La Réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba, Fascicule II. 402 p., num. figs & pls, 4to, paperbound (unopened). With contributions on Neuroptères, Dictyoptères, Orthoptères, Chéleutoptères, Dermaptères, Coleoptères (158 pages, with articles by Gridelli, Pic, Villiers, Bryant, Uhmann, David,
Marshall, Hincks, Séguy, Ruter, Basilewsky, Stranéo, Legros), Hydrovates, Hydrocanthares, Lépidoptères (6 articles), Hydrocorises, Lézards, Serpents; EC22904 € 52
Mémoires de l’Institut français d’Afrique noire, 1958. No. 53: La Réserve naturelle intégrale du Mont Nimba, Fascicule IV. 357 p., num. figs & pls, 4to, paperbound. With contributions on Oligochètes (100 p., by M. Omodéo), Éphéméroptères, Coleoptères (6 articles, 54 pages, with articles by Pic, Descarpentries, Balfour-Browne,
Ruter, Pic, Legros), Homoptères, Opilions, Batraciens, Rainettes, Mammifères insectivores, Mammifères Rongeurs; EC22906 € 48
Méquignon, A., 1934. Les Chelonarium de l’Amérique continentale. Synopsis des espèces avec diagnoses provisoires des espèces nouvelles (Dryopidae). 58 p., disbound; EC07799 € 10
Meregalli, M., 1982-1989. 5 papers on Coleoptera. 144 p., various figs, disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat.
Verona); EC25685 € 18
Miksic, R., 1961-1987. 11 papers (a.o.: Kenntnis paläarktischen Arten Potosia, Erster + Zweiter (Philippinischen Inseln) + Sechster +
Siebenter + Achter (Indonesien) Beitrag Kenntnis Protaetia-Arten
(Scarabaeiden). 586 p., 248 figs, disbound (from Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25831 € 72
Miksic, R., 1961. Einige Bemerkungen über die Anisoplia-Arten der flavipennis-Gruppe (Coleoptera) (34. Beitrag zur
Kenntnis der Skarabäiden). 20 p., 9 figs, wrps (from Bonner Zool. Beitr. 12#1-2); EC22916 € 7
Miksic, R., 1965. Neue Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Protaetien der Republik Indonesien und der benachbarten
Gebiete. 42 p., 10 figs, wrps; EC26598 € 5
Mlynár, Z., 1974. Die Harpalus-Arten aus der Mongolei. Ergebnisse der zoologischen Forschungen von
Dr. Z. Kaszab in der Mongolei (Col. Carabidae). Taxonomische Fragen und
Prodromus. 63 p., 80 figs, disbound (from Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25828 € 8
Mocquerys, S., 1859. Recueil de Coléoptères anormaux, No. 3. 17 p., wrps (frayed). Printed on side of the paper only (in
all, 8 issues were published); EC26433 € 20
Möhres, F.P., 1963. Kevers in kleur. 256 p., 118 col. pls, cloth; EC07797 € 13
Möhres, F.P., 1963. Käfer. Form und Farbe - Fülle und Pracht. 256 p., 118 col. plates, cloth; EC08152 € 20
Möhres, F.P., 1963. Kevers in kleur. 256 p., 118 col. plates, paperbound; EC14878 € 10
Mohamedsaid, M.S., 2004. Catalogue of the Malaysian Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). 240 p., 16 col.
pls, paperbound; EC19426 € 54
Mols, P.J.M., 1988. Simulation of hunger, feeding and egg production in the carabid beetle
Pterostichus coerulescens. 99 p., num. figs, paperbound (WAUP88.3); EC08130 € 14
Mols, P.J.M., 1993. Foraging behaviour of the carabid beetle Pterostichus coerulescens at different
densities and distributions of the prey. 99 p., num. figs, paperbound
(WAUP93.5); EC08138 € 16
Montes, C. & A.G. Soler, 1986. Lista faunistica y bibliográfica de los coleópteros acuáticos Dryopoidea (Dryopidae & Elmidae) de la península Ibérica e Islas Baleares. 38 p., wrps; EC26583 € 5
Moor, F.C. de, 1978. Botswana Meloidea. 49 p., 56 figs, paperbound; EC07788 € 10
Mordellidae, 1937-1952. 6 papers on Mordellidae beetles (3 by Eugene Ray); EC26389 € 8
Moret, P., 2005. Los coleópteros Carabidae del páramo en los Andes del Ecuador. Sistematica, ecologia y biogeografia. 307 p., 398
figs, 3 col. pls, 25 col. photos of habitats, roy. 4to, paperbound (22,5 x 33
cm); EC20538 € 65
Mossakowski, D., 1971. Ökologische Untersuchungen an epigäischen Coleopteren atlantischer Moor- und Heidestandorte. 84 p., 19 figs, 13
tables, disbound (Zool. Inst. Un. Kiel); EC25627 € 10
Mroczkowski, M., 1954-1966. 12 papers on beetles by this author, mainly on Dermestidae. ca. 100 p. (Ann.
zool. & Fragmenta faunistica, Polska Ak. nauk.); EC26387 € 18
Mroczkowski, M., 1968. Distribution of the Dermestidae (Coleoptera) of the world with a catalogue of
all known species. 191 p., 12 maps, paperbound (unopened) (Ann. zool. Polska
Ak. nauk.); EC26071 € 28
Mrozek-Dahl, T., 1928. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. Coleoptera oder Käfer. I: Carabidae (Laufkäfer). 210 p., 264 figs, hardbound. Library stamps on endpaper & verso of titlepage, library sticker on front; EC07660 € 50
Muche, W.H., 1961-1964. 6 papers (Tracheterogomphus bolivianus, Tenthredinidae Anatolienausbeute, Neue
Melolonthini aus Arabien, Lamellicornia Bulgarienausbeute, Revision Genus
Omophlus. 60 p., 40 figs, 2 maps, disbound (from Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25836 € 7
Mulsant, E., 1846. Histoire naturelle des Coléoptères de France: Sulcicolles - Sécuripalpes.
xxiv, 280 p., 1 pl., wrps; EC26989 € 30
Mulsant, E., 1854-1856. Histoire Naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Latigènes. Pectinipèdes. 396 + 96 p., hcalf; EC07661 € 88
Mulsant, E., 1854. Histoire Naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Latigènes. x, 399 p., contemporary hcloth; EC08027 € 75
Mulsant, E., 1867-1869. Histoire Naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Tribu des Vésiculifères. Tribu des Gibbicolles. 538 p., 21 pls, hcalf. 2 vols bound in one. Last
plate bound upside down; EC07662 € 115
Mulsant, E.M., 1856. Histoire Naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Pectinipèdes. xviii, 96 p., orig. wrps; EC07786 € 25
Munroe, D.D., 1980. A revision of the systematics of Acalymna sensu stricto Barber (Chrysomelidae)
from North America including Mexico. 92 p., 45 figs, paperbound; EC07785 € 10
Museu do Dundo (Angola), 1958-1962. Collection of 7 articles on Coleoptera from (mainly) Angola, by F. Monrós (Donaciinae), G.A.K. Marshall (Curculionidae), M.C. Ferreira (Escarabídeos), D.H. Kistner (Staphylinidae, 2 artt.), R. Charpentier (Heteroceridae),
M.E. Franciscolo (Heteromera). ca. 160 p., hundreds of figs, roy. 4to, disbound
(from Estudos Diversos XIV, XXI, XXII); EC22422 € 40
Naomi, S.-I., 2006. Taxonomic revision of the genus Stenus Latreille, 1797 (Col. Staphylinidae,
Steninae) of Japan: Species group of S. (Hypostenus) rufescens Sharp. 81 p., 32
figs, wrps (Chiba Nat. Hist. Res. Sp. #9); EC24728 € 14
Natur und Naturschutz in Mecklenburg, 1967. Vol. 5. 216 p., including 6 papers on beetles (in German); EC13857 € 14
Naumann, H., 1955. Der Gelbrandkäfer. 80 p., 40 figs, paperbound (Neue Brehm-Bücherei 162); EC21107 € 13
Neculiseanu, Z.Z. & A.V. Matalin, 2000. A catalogue of the Ground-Beetles of the Republic of Moldova (Insecta Coleoptera
Carabidae). iv, 164 p., 1 fig., 2 maps, paperbound; EC08165 € 29
Nel, A. & C.H. Scholtz, 1990. Comparative morphology of the mouthparts of adult Scarabaeoidea (Coleoptera). 84
p., 84 page-size figs, 4to, paperbound (RSA Ent. Mem. 80); EC23757 € 22
Nelemans, M., 1989. The role of the larvae in the life-strategy of the Carabid beetle Nebria
brevicollis (F.). 169 p., various figs & graphs, paperbound. Thesis; EC24834 € 18
Newton, A.F. & D.S. Chandler, 1989. World catalog of the genera of Pselaphidae. iv, 93 p., 1 fig., 2 tables,
paperbound (Fieldiana Zool. NS 53); EC24334 € 14
Nilsson, A.N. & S. Persson, 1989. The distribution of predaceous diving beetles (Col.: Noteridae, Dytiscidae) in
Sweden. 88 p., 1 table, 39 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia); EC25609 € 10
Nilsson, C., 1994. Pollen beetles (Meligethes spp) in oil seed rape crops (Brassica napus):
Biological interactions and crop losses. 107 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound. Thesis; EC23307 € 20
Nüssler, H., 1961-1988. 7 papers (Cerambycidae, Carabidae, Curculionidae). 156 p., 39 figs, disbound
(from Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25833 € 18
Nuorteva, M., 1956. Über den Fichtenstamm-Bastkäfer, Hylurgops palliatus, und seine Insektenfeinde. 118 p., 5 figs, paperbound
(Acta Entom. Fennica 13); EC07784 € 15
Onore, G. et al., 2003. Escarabeidos de Latinoamérica: Estado del conocimiento. 86, (4) p., 87 figs, 12 tables, 4to, paperbound
(Soc. Entom. Aragonesa Monog. 3); EC23754 € 44
Opitz, W., 2005. Classification, natural history, and evolution of the genus Aphelocerus Kirsch
(Coleoptera: Cleridae: Clerinae). 128 p., 287 figs, 1 table, 27 maps,
paperbound (Bull. AMNH 293); EC19645 € 30
Orchymont, A. d’, 1933-1947. Collection of 47 papers on Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Palpicornia all published
in Bulletin du Musée royal d’Histoire naturelle de Belgique. ca. 800 p., num. figs. In French; EC26587 € 55
Orchymont, A. d’, 1936. Révision des “Coelostoma” (s.str.) non Américains. 38 p., 25 figs, roy. 4to, paperbound; EC08028 € 10
Orchymont, A. d’, 1936. Les Hydraena de la Péninsule Ibérique. 48 p., 30 figs, 2 pls, roy. 4to, paperbound; EC08029 € 15
Orchymont, A. d’, 1940. Palpicornia de Chypre. 35 p., 13 figs, roy. 4to, paperbound; EC07980 € 10
Orchymont, A. d’, 1940. Les Palpicornia des Îles Atlantiques. 87 p., 35 figs, roy. 4to, paperbound; EC08030 € 15
Orchymont, A. d’, 1942. Contribution a l’étude de la tribu Hydrobiini, spécialement de sa sous-tribu Hydrobiae (Palpicornia-Hydrophilidae). 68 p., 4 figs,
roy. 4to, paperbound; EC08031 € 12
Orchymont, A. d’, 1943. Faune du Nord-Est Brésilien. Palpicornia. 85 p., 12 figs, roy. 4to, paperbound; EC07793 € 15
Orchymont, A. d’, 1948. Mission scientifique de l’Omo VII fasc. 62. Coleoptera. Hydraenidae. 33 p., 2 pls, wrps (mnhn27(2);
EC08164 € 10
Ordish, R.G., 1984. Fauna of New Zealand 6. Hydraenidae. 56 p., 125 figs, paperbound; EC08091 € 12
Osella, G., 1974-1993. 17 papers on Curculionidae. 318 p., num. figs, disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St.
nat. Verona); EC25684 € 40
Paarmann, W., 1966. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über die Bindung zweier Carabidenarten (P. angustatus DFT. und P.
oblongopunctatus F.) an ihre verschiedenen Lebensräume. 94 p., 43 figs, 6 tables, disbound (Zool. Inst. Köln); EC25287 € 12
Pace, R., 1974-1999. 30 papers (mainly on Staphylinidae) by this author. 694 p., num. figs, disbound
(Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona); EC25682 € 86
Pace, R., 1983. 3 papers on Staphylinidae (2) and Leptotyphlinae. 68 p., 152 figs, 1 map,
disbound (Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien). In Italian; EC25645 € 8
Pace, R., 1984-1994. 5 papers on Aleocharinae beetles (delle Mascarene; raccolti in Estremo Oriente
dal Dr. Ivan Löbl; nepalesi del Museo di Ginevra parte I & V; della sottoregione Africana Orientale al Museo di Ginevra). All are papers
from Revue Suisse de Zoologie). 262 pages, 803 figs, disbound; EC26391 € 25
Pace, R., 2002-2005. 3 papers on Staphylinidae (Nuove specie gen. Geostiba, Madagascar, Monti Kenya).
46 p., 165 figs, disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona); EC25670 € 5
Pallister, J., 1953. Three papers on coleoptera collected by the David Rockefeller Mexican
Expedition. Leaf Beetles, Tenebrionid, Ant-like Flower Beetles. 168 p., 29
figs, stapled; EC07796 € 18
Pallister, J.C., 1953. The leaf Beetles of north central Mexico collected on the D. Rockefeller Mexican
Expedition (Chrysomelidae). 95 p., 17 figs, stapled (Am. Mus. Novitates 1623);
EC07792 € 13
Palm, T., 1959. Die Holz- und Rinden-Käfer der süd- und mittelschwedischen Laubbäume. 374 p., 93 figs, boards (Opuscula Entom. suppl. xvi); EC14932 € 60
Palm, T., 1972. Die skandinavischen Elateriden-Larven (Coleoptera). 63 p., 31 figs, paperbound
(ESSuppl.2); EC15431 € 10
Palmén, E. & H. Suomalainen, 1945. Experimentelle Untersuchungen über die Transpiration bei einigen Arthropoden, insbesondere Käfern. 52 p., 1 fig., 9 tables, 9 diagrams, wrps; EC23490 € 14
Palmén, E., 1944. Die anemohydrochore Ausbreitung der Insekten als zoogeographischer Faktor. Mit
besonderer Berücksichtigung der baltischen Einwanderungsrichtung als Ankunftsweg der
Fennoskandischen Käferfauna. 262 p., 9 figs, 14 maps, paperbound; EC07665 € 38
Papp, C.S., 1962. An illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the Ptinidae of North Amerika (Notes
on North American Coleoptera no. 7). 57 p., 35 figs, disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs);
EC25743 € 7
Park, O. et al., 1976. Review of the pselaphid beetles of the West Indies (Pselaphidae). 90 p., 41
figs, paperbound (Fieldiana Zool. 68); EC24363 € 12
Parker, J.B. & A.G. Böving, ca. 1920. The Blister beetle Tricrania sanguinipennis - Biology, descriptions of different
stages, and systematic relationship.. 40 p., 5 pls, wrps; EC26418 € 6
Party, M., 1831. Observationes nonnullae in Coleoptera indae Orientalis. 44 p., 1 plte, wrps.
PHOTOCOPY; EC26628 € 7
Paul, W.-D., 1985. Integrierte bekämpfung von Palmenschädlingen in Tanzania. Möglichkeiten zur Verwendung des Oryctes-Baculovirus gegen den Nashornkäfer (Oryctes monoceros). 204 p., 49 figs, paperbound; EC08129 € 20
Paulian, R., 1943. Les Coléoptères. Formes, moeurs, rôle. 396 p., 164 figs, 14 pls, paperbound (covers taped); EC20947 € 20
Paulian, R., 1959 (2nd ed.). Faune de France. Coléoptères Scarabéides. 298 p., 445 figs, cloth; EC14788 € 40
Paulian, R., 1982. Révision des Cératocanthides (Scarabaeoidea) d’Amérique du Sud. 110 p., 28 figs, 18 pls, paperbound (mnhn124); EC07667 € 29
Peck, S.B. & S.E. Miller, 1993. A catalog of the Coleoptera of America north of Mexico. Family Silphidae. x, 24
p., wrps; EC26429 € 8
Perkins, P.D. & J. Balfour-Browne, 1994. A contribution to the taxonomy of aquatic and humicolous Beetles of the family
Hydraenidae in Southern Africa. 159 p., 135 figs, paperbound (Fieldiana Zool.
NS 77); EC24695 € 18
Perraudière, R. de la, 1911. Notes sur les Coléoptères de l’Anjou & Supplement. xi, 263; 16 p., wrps; EC26990 € 25
Perris, E., 1876-77. Larves de Col´éoptères. 2 vols (compl.). 160; 430 p., 14 pls, unbound; EC26991 € 160
Pfaffenberger, G.S. & C.D. Johnson, 1976. Biosystematics of the first-stage larvae of some North American Bruchidae. 75
p., 45 figs, wrps; EC07775 € 14
Pfeffer, A., 1994. Zentral- und Westpaläarktische Borken- und Kernkäfer (Col., Scolytidae, Platypodidae). 306 p., 14 tables, 3 textfigs, 45 pls,
disbound (Entom. Basiliensia 17); EC25596 € 38
Pic, M., 1900. Bestimmungs-Tabelle der europäischen Coleopteren. 40. Heft. Hylophilidae (früher Euglenini und Xylophinini). 20 p., wrps (loose); EC23740 € 8
Pic, M., 1900. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. 94. Heft. Coccinellidae, Tribus Scymnini. 48 p., 8 figs,
wrps (loose); EC23741 € 12
Pic, M., 1924. Lampyrides et Telephorides des Îles Philippines. 21 p., wrps. Unopened; EC14804 € 6
Pinto, J.D. & R.B. Selander, 1970. The bionomics of Blister Beetles of the genus Meloe and a classification of the
new world species. i, 223 p., 232 figs, 18 tables, wrps; EC26992 € 25
Pinto, J.D., 1991. The taxonomy of North American Epicauta (Coleoptera: Meloidae), with a revision
of the nominate subgenus and a survey of courtship behavior. x, 372 p., 303
figs on 63 pls, 54 maps, paperbound; EC07668 € 63
Podany, C., 1968-1980. 4 papers: Studien über Callichromini der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region, parts I, II, IV
& V (missing part 3). 200 p., 38 figs, 49 photos, 6 pls, disbound (Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25758 € 25
Pollock, D.A., 1995. Classification, reconstructed phylogeny and geographical history of Genera of
Pilipalpinae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionoidea: Pyrochroidae). 146 p., 296 figs, disbound (Invert. Tax.); EC20760 € 22
Poppius, B., 1906. Zur Kenntnis der Pterostichen-Untergattung Cryobius Chaud. 280 p., 1 fold. col.
map, HCloth, first 30 pages dam. not affecting text; EC26993 € 40
Portevin, G., 1934. Histoire naturelle des Coléoptères de France. Tome III. Polyphaga: Heteromera, Phytophaga. 374 p., 492 figs, 5
col. pls, cloth; EC14904 € 100
Procházka, Joh., 1894. Bestimmungs-Tabelle der europäischen Coleopteren. 30. Heft. II. Theil: Genus Danacaea. 34 p., 1 plte, wrps
(loose); EC23739 € 8
Puthz, V., 1965-1992. 2 papers on Staphylinid Beetles (Africa & Indo-Australia). 208 p., 252 figs, 3 maps, disbound (Ent. Abh. Dresden);
EC25763 € 25
Puthz, V., 1971-1983. 9 papers on Staphylinid Beetles. 80 p., various figs, disbound (St. neotrop.
Fauna); EC25711 € 10
Raffray, A. et al., 1913-1929. Voyage de Ch. Alluaud et R. Jeannel en Afrique Orientale (1911-1912). Résultats scientifiques. Insectes Coléoptères parts 1-19. Pselaphidae, Scarabaeidae Onthophagini, Meloidae, Hylophilidae
et Anticidae, Scarabaeidae Ochodaeinae, Orphninae et Hybosorinae, Buprestidae,
Lampyridae et Drilidae, Chrysomelidae Hispinae, Dascillidae, Helodidae,
Scraptiidae et Salpingidae, Anthribidae, Histeridae, Scarabaeidae Dynastinae,
Elateridae, Trixagidae et Melasidae, Scarabaeidae Trichiini et Cetoniini,
Dryopidae, Georyssidae et Heteroceridae, Silphidae, Clavicornes, Cassidinae,
and Curculionidae parts by H. d’Orbigny, M. Pic, E. Benderitter, Ch. Kerremans, E. Olivier, R. Gestro, K.
Jordan, H. Desbordes, E. Fleutiaux, A. Bourgoin, A. Grouvelle, R. Jeannel, F.
Spaeth, A. Hustache. hundreds of pages, num. figs & photos, plates, wrps (unopened). A fine collection; EC22880 € 280
Reclaire, A., n.d. Kevers 3 delen. 410 p., num. figs & pls, cloth. Wat leeft en groeit. De wereld van dieren en planten, delen 15, 16
en 17; EC14973 € 25
Redtenbacher, L., 1867. Reise der Österreichischen Fregatte Novara. Coleopteren. iv, 245 p., 5 pls, paperbound
(wrps missing), unopened; EC07987 € 80
Reimann, T. et al., 2002. Palaeogeography and palaeoecology of Carabus auronitens: characterization and
localization of glacial refugia in southern France and reconstruction of
postglacial expansion routes by means of allozyme polymorphisms. 151 p., 18
figs, paperbound; EC08160 € 40
Reitter, E. (ed.), 1906 (2nd ed.). Catalogus Coleopterorum Europae, Caucasi et Armeniae Rossicae. (viii), 184 p.,
hardbound. Many underlinings and annotations in the margins; EC20953 € 35
Reitter, E., 1882. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. 6. Heft. Colydiidae, Rhysodidae, Trogositidae. 37 p., wrps
(worn/loose); EC26423 € 7
Reitter, E., 1886. Tableaux analytiques pour déterminer les Coléoptères Europeens, 1er Cahier contenant les familles des Cucujidae, Telmatophilidae,
Tritomidae, Mycetidae, Endomychidae, Lyctidae et Sphindidae. 34 p., wrps;
EC26430 € 7
Reitter, E., 1890-1891. Tableaux analytiques pour déterminer les Coléoptères d’Europe I. Nécrophages (Platypsillides, Leptinides, Silphides, Anisotomides, Clambides). iv,
116 p., (unopened), with: II. Colydiides, Rhysodides, Trogositides. (iv), 39
p., wrps; EC22899 € 70
Reitter, E., 1893-1915. Bestimmungs-Tabelle der unechten Pimeliden aus der palaearctischen Fauna. 25.
Heft. 50 p., wrps missing, ex-library, together with: Bestimmungs-Tabelle der
echten Pimeliiden aus der paläarktischen Fauna. 74. Heft. 63 p., wrps. Ex-library; EC23744 € 26
Reitter, E., 1893-1922. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. 6. Heft. Colydiidae, Rhysodidae, Ostomidae & 29. Heft. Cantharidae 1. Theil: Drilini. & 34. Heft. Carabidae. 1. Abtheilung: Carabini, gleichzeitig mit einer
systematischen Darstellung sämmtlicher Subgenera der Gattung Carabus L. & 46. Heft. Monotomidae (Genus Monotoma Hrbst.). & 57. Heft. Alleculidae. I. Theil: Omophlini. & 65. Heft. Carabidae. Tribus: Pogonini. & 85. Heft. Carabidae Subfamilie der Brachyninae. & 90. Heft. Trixagidae, Eucnemidae, Cerophytidae und Phylloceridae aus der
palaearktischen Fauna. & 91. Heft. Familie der Pythidae. In all, 9 parts, num. pages, wrps (worn/loose).
Ex-library; EC23742 € 100
Reitter, E., 1908-1916, 1935. Fauna Germanica. Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches. 5 volumes + 1 vol. Nachtrag. 1655 p., 332 figs, 168
col. pls, cloth. Top edge of spine of vol. III damaged. Including: Nachtrag von
A. Horion, 358 p., cloth (spine missing); EC07670 € 200
Reitter, E., 1908-1916. Fauna Germanica. Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches. 5 volumes. 1655 p., 332 figs, 168 col. pls, cloth
(spine vols II & III loose); EC19497 € 160
Reitter, E., 1908-1916. Fauna Germanica. Die Käfer des Deutschen Reiches. vols 2 through 5 only (missing vol. 1). 1407 p., 266
figs, 128 col. pls, hardbound (spines of gold-embossed leather); EC22908 € 100
Reitter, E., 1921. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europaeischen Coleopteren. 90. Heft. Enthaltend die
Trixagidae, Eucnemidae, Cerophytidae und Phylloceridae aus der palaearktischen
Fauna. 26 p., wrps; EC26424 € 8
Rémy-Perrier, G., 1927. La faune de la France en tableaux synoptiques illustres. Fasc. 5. Coléoptères (1e partie). 192 p., 894 figs, boards (pages v/vi printed after vii/viii);
EC14979 € 12
Renner, K., 2001. Coleoptera Westfalica: Familia Staphylinidae, Subfamilia Aleocharinae. 214 p.,
paperbound (Abh .Westf. Mus. Naturk. 63#5); EC21199 € 24
Reska, M., 1994. Bestimmungstabellen der mitteleuropäischen Arten der Gattungen Micrambe Thomson und Cryptophagus Herbst (Insecta:
Col.: Cryptophagidae). 96 p., 77 pls, disbound (from Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien
96B); EC25193 € 12
Reyes-Castillo, P., 1973. Passalidae de la Guayana Francesa (Lamellicornia). 47 p., 24 figs, 7 b/w
photographs, wrps (Bull. mnhn zool. 129); EC18137 € 8
Richard, R., 1981. Faune de Madagascar 55. Insectes Coléoptères Curculionidae Cycloterini. 104 p., 32 figs, portrait, paperbound; EC07671 € 23
Richard, R., 1983. Faune de Madagascar 62. Insectes Coléoptères Curculionidae Stigmatrachelini. 194 p., 79 figs, portrait, paperbound;
EC07672 € 43
Riedel, A., 1998. Catalogue and bibliography of the genus Euops Schoenherr (Col., Curculionoidea,
Attelabidae). 28 p., disbound (from Spixiana); EC25736 € 5
Riedel, A., 2001. Revision of the simulans-group of Euops Schoenherr (Col., Curculionoidea,
Attelabidae) from the Papuan region. 83 p., 345 figs, 1 table, disbound (Mitt.
Mus. Nat.kd. Berlin. DEZ); EC25655 € 14
Ritsema, C., 1896. Two papers: Zoological results of the Dutch scientific expedition to Central
Borneo. The Lucanoid Coleoptera of the Dutch scientific Borneo-Expedition, with
description of a new species / The species of Lucanoid Coleoptera hitherto
known as inhabiting the Island of Borneo. NLM 17 (4): 133-140 & 141-144, loose; EC14991 € 4
Roberts, H., 1993. The tribe Diapodini (Coleoptera: Platypodidae) of Papua New Guinea. 39 p., 7
figs, stapled (Bishop Mus. Occ. Pap. 35); EC23787 € 6
Roig-Juñent, S., 2000. The subtribes and genera of the tribe Broscini (Carabidae): Cladistic analysis,
taxonomic treatment, and biogeographical considerations. 90 p., 347 figs,
paperbound; EC08062 € 16
Rothschild, J. (ed.), 1876. Musée entomologique illustré. Histoire naturelle iconographique des insectes. Tome premier. Les Coléoptères. 385 p., 335 figs, 48 handcoloured pls, 4to, contemporary hcalf, edges gilt.
Four plates with waterstain (touching one figure), 6 plates with unobtrusive
marginal waterstain; EC07673 € 625
Rougemont, G.-M. de, 1986. 2 papers: Revision of the genus Stiliderus Motschulsky, 1958, Parts 1+2 (Col.
Staphylinidae). 108 p., 89 figs, 1 map, disbound (Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25757 € 12
Rougemont, G.-M. de, 1997-2000. 2 papers on Staphylinidae from China and the oriental region. 38 p., various
figs, disbound (Ann. natur. Mus. Wien); EC25641 € 5
Ruette, R. de, 1970. A catalogue of types of Coleoptera in the Canadian National collection of
Insects. 134 p., paperbound; EC07744 € 18
Ruter, G., 1960-1980. 10 papers on Coleoptera; EC22920 € 22
Ruter, G., 1960-1980. 8 papers on Coleoptera; EC22924 € 17
Rye, B., 1906. Fortegnelse over Danmarks Biller. 166 p., halfcloth; EC07743 € 15
Sabatinelli, G., 1983-1991. 2 papers on Scarabaeoidea from the Himalaya. 58 p., 14 figs, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia). In Italian; EC25570 € 7
Sabella, G. & F. Angelini, 2001. Gli Pselafidi dell’Aspromonte (Col., Staphylinidae). 53 p., 25 figs, disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St.
nat. Verona); EC25671 € 7
Sabella, G., 1998. Pselafidi di Sicilia. 415 p., 190 figs, 22 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); EC07675 € 80
Sahlberg, J., 1926. Enumeratio Coleopterorum Fenniae. Lamellicornes, Platysoma, Xylophagi,
Fungicola. 169 p., 1 map, paperbound. In German & Latin; EC07685 € 25
Salgado Costas, J.M., 1978-1979. 2 papers: Descripción de tres nuevas especies y establecimiento de sinonimias nuevas en los
Bathysciinae Cantábricos; Contribucion al conocimiento de los Aphodiini leoneses. 44+48 p., 11+5
figs, wrps (Publ. Inst. Zool. A. Nobre); EC25662 € 10
Santos-Silva, A. & F.T. Hovore, 2007. 8 papers on Cerambycidae (all from Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia Sao Paulo). Also papers by U.R. Martins & M.H.M. Galileo and R.O.S. Clarke. 95 p., 201 (72 col.) figs, wrps; EC25853 € 22
Saylor, L.W., 1940. Revision of the scarabaeid Beetles of the Phyllophagan subgenus Listochelus of
the United States. 72 p., 13 pls, stapled; EC07984 € 10
Scarabaeidae, 1937-1994. Important collection of 65 papers on Scarabaeid beetles by various authors from
diffrent journals. Ca. 350 pages; EC26390 € 100
Schäffer, J.C., 1763. Der weichschaalige Cronen- und Käulenkäfer. 2nd ed., 24 p., 1 handcol. pl., 4to, wrps; EC26994 € 80
Schawaller, W., 1979-2005. 4 papers (all from Entom. Basiliensia) on Silphidae (1) and Tenebrionidae (3) from South-East Asia. 58 p., 107 figs, disbound; EC25579 € 7
Schedl, K.E. & H. Lindberg, 1958. Coleoptera Insularum Canariensium II. Scolytidae. 25 p., 4 maps, 3 tables, wrps.
Interleaved; EC26615 € 6
Schedl, K.E., 1950. Fauna Aethiopica III. 103. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the
Scolytoidea. 36 p., disbound; EC15027 € 8
Schedl, K.E., 1954. Scolytoidea from the Gold Coast. I.. 44 p., 2 figs, stapled (from Rev. Zool.
Bot. Afr.); EC26405 € 12
Schedl, K.E., 1960. Chapuis Platypodidae. Eine Revision mit Ergänzungen. 184. Beitrag zur Morphologie und Systematik der Scolytoidea. 68 p., 1
fig., roy. 4to, paperbound; EC08036 € 12
Schedl, K.E., 1960. Chapuis Platypodidae. Eine Revision mit Ergänzungen. 68 p., 1 fig., roy. 4to, cloth; EC08042 € 16
Schedl, K.E., 1961-1978. 8 papers (a.o. Forstentom. Beiträge aus dem Kongo, Synonymie der Borkenkäfer, Checklist Scolytidae Platypodidae Philppine islands, Unterfamilie
Scolytoplatypinae, Neotropische Scolytoidea). 340 p., num. figs, disbound (from
Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25832 € 42
Schedl, K.E., 1974. New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from the Papuan subregion and New Caledonia. III
& New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Papua and New Guinea IV (302 & 317. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea). 16+63 p.,
stapled (Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien); EC25364 € 12
Schedl, K.E., 1974. Bibliografia mundial sobre Scolutidae e Platypodidae. 2 vols (compl.). xix, 490;
485 p., wrps; EC26995 € 68
Scheerpeltz, O. & A. Winkler, 1930. Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Band V Insekten. 2. Teil, Abt. XII. Käfer, Coleoptera. vi, 272 p., 51 pls, hardbound. Various library stamps
throughout the book; EC20543 € 70
Scheerpeltz, O. & A. Winkler, 1930. Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Band V Insekten. 2. Teil, Abt. XII. Käfer, Coleoptera. vi, 272 p., 51 pls, disbound (good working copy); EC20882 € 30
Scheerpeltz, O. & A. Winkler, 1930. Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Band V Insekten 2. Teil, Abt. XII. Käfer, Coleoptera. vi, 272 p., 53 textfigs, 51 pls, paperbound; EC22893 € 74
Scheerpeltz, O. et al., 1939. Bestimmungstabellen europäischer Käfer. 1. Heft. 120 p., paperbound (spine ends torn); EC14982 € 18
Scheerpeltz, O., 1934. Coleopterorum Catalogus Pars 130. Staphylinidae VIII: Supplementum II. 381 p.,
paperbound (bookblock split/broken). Library stamps; EC20908 € 40
Scheerpeltz, O., 1960. Zur Kenntnis neotropischer Staphyliniden (Col.). 74 p., 6 figs, disbound (Beitr.
neotrop. Fauna); EC25708 € 9
Scheerpeltz, O., 1963-1986. 6 papers by (Rhodos, Nubien, Neukaledonien), and on Otto Scheerpeltz. 70 p.,
various figs, disbound (Ann. natur. Mus. Wien); EC25640 € 8
Scheerpeltz, O., 1963. Coleoptera, Staphylinidae. 116. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der paläarktischen Staphyliniden. 38 p., 2 figs, wrps. Unopened; EC18128 € 14
Schenkling, S., 1908. Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, Meru und den umgebenden Massaisteppen
Deutsch-Ostafrikas. Coleoptera. Cleridae, Erotylidae und Endomychidae. 12 p., 1
pl., 4to, wrps; EC07989 € 10
Scherer, G. et al., 1982. First International Alticinae Symposium Munich, 11-15 August 1980. 72 p., 34
figs, disbound (SpixSup7); EC14882 € 12
Scherer, G., 1978-1997. 5 papers of different beetle groups. 72 p., various figs, disbound (Spixiana);
EC25637 € 9
Scheuern, J., 1988-1995. 3 papers on Taxonomy and Sexualdimorphismus of Scarabaeoidea from the Indian
subcontinent. 62 p., 91 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia). In German; EC25571
€ 7
Schillhammer, H., 1996-2005. 8 papers on Staphylinidae. 78 p., various figs, disbound (Ann. naturh. Mus.
Wien); EC25654 € 10
Schmidt, J., 1994-1998. 4 papers on Carabidae (2 from Nepal). 52 p., 90 figs, disbound (Ent. Abh.
Dresden); EC25762 € 6
Schneider, P., 1978. Die Flug- und Faltungstypen der Käfer (Col.). 37 p., 24 figs, disbound (Zool. Jb. Anat.); EC25626 € 5
Schödl, S., 1994. Revision der Gattung Berosus Leach 5. Teil: Die äthiopischen und madegassischen Arten der Untergattung s.str. A: Die Berosus
nigriceps Gruppe (Col., Hydrophilidae). 38 p., 46 figs, disbound (Ann. naturh.
Mus. Wien); EC25648 € 5
Schooneveld, H., 1970. Structural aspects of neurosecretory and corpus allatum activity in the adult
Colorado beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, as a function of daylength. 86
p., 16 figs, 10 pls, disbound; EC15023 € 12
Scolytidae & Ipidae, 1908-1991. Important collection of 77 papers on Scolytidae and Ipidae, with many larger
papers. Authorsa a.o. Schedl, Tredl, Wichmann, Belousov, Kemner,
KarpinskaNunberg, Eggers, Tragardh, ButovitschPiatnitzky, Kangas, Goecke, Reid
a.o. Many from the library of Butovitsch; EC26402 € 100
Scudder, S.H., 1893. Tertiary Rhynchophorous Coleoptera of the United States. xi, 206 p., 12 pls.
Cloth; EC26997 € 42
Scudder, S.H., 1900. Adephagous and clavicorn Coleoptera from the tertiary deposits at Florissant,
Colorado. 148 p., 11 pls. 4to, Cloth; EC26996 € 42
Scydmaenidae, 1981-1995. 7 papers on Scydmaenidae (all Revue Suisse de Zoologie) by Franz (5 papers),
Besuchet & Kurbatov; EC26439 € 10
Seevers, C.H., 1951. A revision of the North American and European staphylinid beetles on the
subtribe Gyrophaenae (Aleocharinae, Bolitocharini). 108 p., 26 figs, paperbound
(Fieldiana Zool. 32#10); EC24296 € 12
Seevers, C.H., 1955. A revision of the tribe Amblyopinini: staphylinid beetles parasitic on mammals.
54 p., 17 figs, wrps (reprint from Fieldiana Zool. 37); EC24316 € 10
Seevers, C.H., 1957. A monograph on the termitophilous Staphylinidae. 334 p., 42 figs, paperbound
(Fieldiana Zool. vol. 40); EC24298 € 38
Seevers, C.H., 1978. A generic and tribal revision of the North American Aleocharinae (Coleoptera:
Staphylinidae). vi, 289 p., 38 figs, wrps missing (Fieldiana Zool. 71); EC26051
€ 24
Seidlitz, G., 1868. Die Otiorhynchiden s. str. nach den morphologischen Verwantschaftverhältnissen ihres Hautscelet’s vergleichend dargestellt. vi, 153 p, disbound; EC26998 € 22
Sforzi, A. & L. Bartolozzi (eds), 2004. Brentidae of the world (Coleoptera, Curculionoidea). 974 p., 223 (82 col.) figs,
2 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); EC15160 € 65
Simon Thomas, R.T., 1964. Some aspects of life history, genetics, distribution and taxonomy of
Aspidomorpha adhaerens (Weber, 1801) (Cassidinae, Coleoptera). 102 p., 117
figs, wrps. Thesis; EC18509 € 18
Simon Thomas, R.T., 1964. Some aspects of life history, genetics, distribution and taxonomy of
Aspidomorpha adhaerens (Weber, 1801) (Cassidinae, Coleoptera). 96 p., 117 figs,
wrps (Tijds.Entom. 107#4); EC18717 € 16
Sjöberg, O., 1962. Coleoptera från Hälsingland och Hamra Kapellag. 144 p., paperbound; EC15428 € 18
Skopin, N.G., 1971-1974. 3 papers: Revision Gattung Pterocoma, Revision Gattung Belopus, Monogr. übersicht Gattungen Diesia + Platyesia. 104 p., 109 figs, disbound (Deut. Ent.
Zs); EC25749 € 12
Slipínski, S.A., 1981-1988. 3 papers on Cerylonidae (all from Revue Suisse Zoologie); EC26441 € 6
Slipínski, S.A., 1990. A monograph of the world Cerylonidae (Coleoptera; Cucujoidea) Part 1.
Introduction and higher classification. 273 p., 113 figs, disbound (from Ann.
Mus. civ. St. nat. G. Doria, vol. 88); EC24013 € 30
Smetana, A. & A. Davies, 2000. Reclassification of the north temperate taxa associated with Staphylinus s.l.,
including comments on relevant subtribes of Staphylinini (Coleoptera:
Staphylinidae). 88 p., 159 figs, stapled (Novit. 3287); EC21104 € 13
Smetana, A., 1960. Monographische Bearbeitung der paläarktischen Arten der Gattung Grabrius Curt. aus der nigritulus-Gruppe (Col.). 62
p., 24 figs, disbound (Deut. Ent. Zs); EC25740 € 8
Smetana, A., 1971. Revision of the tribe Quediini of America north of Mexico (Staphylinidae). vi,
303 p., 176 figs, 51 maps, paperbound; EC07977 € 38
Smetana, A., 1974. Revision of the genus Cymbiodyta Bed. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). iv, 113 p.,
147 figs, 16 maps, paperbound; EC14933 € 16
Smetana, A., 1975-1976. 2 papers: Revision of the New World genera of the tribe Omicrini (Hydrophilidae)
(30 p., 28 figs); Review central American species subgenus Quedionuchus
(Staphylinidae) (25 p., 27 figs), disbound (St. neotrop. Fauna); EC25710 € 7
Smetana, A., 1980. Revision of the genus Hydrochara Berth. (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae). 100 p., 78
figs, 15 maps, 1 col. frontispiece, wrps (Mem. Ent. Soc. Can.); EC20939 € 16
Snellen van Vollenhoven, S.C., 1870. Laatste lijst van Nederlandsche schildvleugelige insecten (Insecta Coleoptera).
146 p., 4to, original boards (Holl. Mij Wetensch. Haarlem); EC07986 € 24
Spaeth, F., 1922. Coléoptères chrysomélides, Cassidines (du voyage de M. Le Baron Maurice de Rothschild en Éthiopie et en Afrique Orientales Anglaise (1904-1905). 8 p., wrps; EC26614 € 8
Spangler, P.J. & P.D. Perkins, 1989. A revision of the neotropical aquatic Beetle genus Stenhelmoides (Elmidae). 63
p., 262 figs, wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool.); EC14445 € 14
Spangler, P.J. & S. Santiago Fragoso, 1992. The aquatic Beetle subfamily Larainae (Elmidae) in México, Central America, and the West Indies. iv, 74 p., 267 figs, wrps (Smiths.
Contr. Zool. 528); EC24595 € 14
Spangler, P.J., 1990. A revision of the neotropical aquatic Beetle genus Stegoelmis (Elmidae). 52 p.,
189 figs, wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 502); EC24594 € 12
Springlova, B., 1960. Essai monographique du genre Eumolpus (Coleoptera Phytophaga). 79 p., 73 figs,
roy. 4to, paperbound; EC08037 € 12
Staines, C.L. & S.L. Staines, 1997. Type specimens of Hispinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in the National Museum of
Natural History, Smithsonian Institution. iii, 25 p., 4to, wrps (Smiths. Contr.
Zool. 585); EC26024 € 7
Staphylinidae, 1920-1995. 44 papers on Staphylinidae by various authors from various journals (many from
Revue Suisse de Zoologie). Several hundred paes, figs, wrps; EC26392 € 32
Stebnicka, Z.T., 2001. The New World species of Ataenius Harold, 1867. I. Revision of the A.
crenator-group, A. nugator-group and A. perforatus-group (Col., Scarab.,
Aphodiinae: Eupariini). 31 p., 55 figs, disbound + 1 other article; EC16131 € 6
Steenstrupia, 1970-1991. Coleoptera. 14 issues on various families, Ca. 220 p., num. figs, stapled (Vol.
1#9, 16, 18, 22, Vol. 2#4, 11, 18, Vol. 3#3, 15, Vol.7#8, Vol. 14#3, 5, Vol.
15#2, Vol. 17#1); EC15044 € 30
Stein, F., 1847. Vergleichende Anatomie und Physiologie der Insecten I (All. publ.): Ueber die
Geschlechtsorgane und den Bau des Hinterleibes bei den weiblichen Käfern. viii, 139 p., 9 tinted pls, title-page missing, Cloth; EC26999 € 80
Stierlin, W.G. & V. von Gautard, 1869-71. Faune Coleotperorum Helvetica/Die Käferfauna der Schweiz. 2 vols . in 1. 372 p., 4to, HCloth; EC27000 € 80
Strand, A., 1942. Die Käferfauna von Svalbard. 17 p., wrps; EC15030 € 6
Straus-Dürckheim, H., 1828. Considérations générales sur l’anatomie comparée des Animaux Articulés, auxquelles on a joint l’anatomie descriptive du Melolontha vulgaris (hanneton), donné comme exemple de l’organisation des Coléoptères. xix, 434 p., lumbacked. Singlesided PHOTOCOPY, with the text only; EC24840 € 32
Subklew, W., 1938. Zur Morphologie der Larve von Melolontha hippocastani. 35 p., 24 figs, wrps;
EC23491 € 8
Suomalainen, E., 1940. Beiträge zur Zytologie der parthenogenetischen Insekten. I. Coleoptera. 143 p., 84
figs, 1 pl., paperbound; EC07911 € 15
Suomalainen, E., 1961. On morphological differences and evolution of different polyploid
parthenogenetic Weevil populations. 33 p., 5 figs, 28 tables, wrps; EC18136 € 8
Svihla, V., 1992-2002. 5 papers on Cantharidae. 148 p., num. figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia);
EC25608 € 18
Svihla, V., 1997. Revision of the genus Ascleropsis Seidlitz and related genera (Col.,
Oedemeridae). 50 p., 100 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia); EC25580 € 6
Svihla, V., 2004. New taxa of the subfamily Cantharinae (Col. Cantharidae) from southeastern Asia
with notes on other species. 82 p., 230 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia);
EC25593 € 10
Swaine, J.M. et al., 1924. Studies on the Spruce Budworm (Cacoecia fumiferana). 91 p., 24 pls, 1 map,
paperbound (front cover loose, corner of cover missing); EC10098 € 20
Szymczakowski, W., 1969. Die miiteleuropäischen Arten der Gattung Colon Herbst (Col. Colonidae). 38 p., 58 figs, disbound
(Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25765 € 5
Tangelder, I.R.M. & J. Krikken, 1982. Termitophilous scarabs of the tribe Corythoderini: a taxonomic review
(Coleoptera: Aphodiidae). 114 p., 201 figs, 1 pl., paperbound (ZV194); EC07695 € 28
Tenebrionidae, 1920-1991. 13 papers (2 by Koch [Südafrika, Angola], 1 by St. George, 1 by Kemner, 1 by Blaisdell, 3 by Kaszab, 1
by Ardoin, 4 by Carl) on Tenebrionid beetles from various journals; EC26420 € 18
Terlutter, H., 1991. Morphometrische und elektrophoretische Untersuchungen an westfälischen und süd-französischen Carabus auronitens-Populationen (Carabidae): Zum Problem der Eiszeitüberdauerung in Refugialgebieten und der nacheiszeitlichen Arealausweitung. 111
p., 38 figs, paperbound (Abh. Westfäl. Mus. Naturkunde 53#3); EC08300 € 16
Théry, A., 1969. Faune de France. Coléoptères Buprestides. 221 p., 149 figs, paperbound; EC14792 € 30
Thomas, J.B., 1957. The use of larval anatomy in the study of Bark Beetles (Scolytidae). 45 p., 106
figs, wrps; EC18127 € 10
Thompson, R.T., 1977. A revision of the New Guinea weevil genus Apirocalus (Curculionidae). 88 p., 245
figs, 8 maps, paperbound; EC08168 € 14
Thomson, C.G., 1862. Skandinaviens Coleoptera. Tom. IV. 269 p., disbound; EC14909 € 40
Toulgoët, H. de, 1975-1983. 5 papers on Carabidae; EC22892 € 15
Tower, W.L., 1906. An investigation of evolution in Chrysomelid Beetles of the genus Leptinotarsa.
x, 320 p., 31 figs, 30 pls, 106 tables, Cloth, few underl., binding rubbed;
EC27001 € 35
Trautner, J., 1992. Rote Liste der in Baden-Württemberg gefährdeten Laufkäfer (Coleoptera, Carabidae s.l.). 72 p., 21 col. photographs, paperbound;
EC14840 € 15
Triplehorn, C.A., 1965. Revision of Diaperini of America north of Mexico with notes on extralimital
species (Tenebrionidae). 109 p., 7 pls, hardbound; EC07906 € 20
Triplehorn, C.A., 1972. A review of the genus Zopherus of the world (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). 24 p.,
27 figs, wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 108); EC26419 € 6
Turin, H. et al., 1993. Checklist and atlas of the genus Carabus Linnaeus in Europe (Coleoptera,
Carabidae). 80 p., 5 figs, 2 tables, 132 maps, 4to, paperbound; EC07700 € 20
Turin, H., J. Haeck & R. Hengeveld, 1977. Atlas of the Carabid beetles of the Netherlands. 228 p., 7 figs, 3 tables, 372
maps, wrps; EC27002 € 30
Ueno, S.-I., 1952-1973. 20 papers on Coleoptera: Trechinae & Harpalidae, mainly from Japanese journals; EC26406 € 28
Uhlig, M., 1981-1997. 9 papers, mainly on Staphylinidae. 268 p., num. figs, disbound (Mitt. zool. Mus.
Berlin); EC25658 € 30
Uhmann, E., 1960. Hispinae aus Madagascar, 2. Teil. 44 p., 7 figs, wrps; EC26619 € 5
Uhmann, E., 1965-1966. 3 papers on Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) (Philippinen, Amerikas). 64 p., disbound
(from Ent. Abh. Dresden); EC25825 € 8
Uhmann, G. & P. Bonadona, 1982-1993. 4 papers on Anthicidae. 77 p., 132 figs, disbound (all from Revue Suisse de
Zoologie); EC26435 € 10
Unwin, D.M., 1988. A key to the families of British Beetles. 50 p., many figs, paperbound; EC13766 € 14
Vaurie, P., 1948. A review of the North American Languriidae. 38 p., 2 figs, wrps (Bull. AMNH
92#3); EC24767 € 7
Vaurie, P., 1963. A revision of the South American genus Hyphantus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae,
Otiorhynchinae). 63 p., 91 figs, wrps; EC07916 € 13
Vaurie, P., 1966. A revision of the neotropical genus Metamasius (Coleoptera, Curculionidae,
Rhynchophorinae). Species groups I and II. 127 p., 119 figs, paperbound;
EC07914 € 23
Vazirani, T.G., 1984. The fauna of India. Coleoptera. Family Gyrinidae and family Haliplidae. xv, 140
p., 57 textfigs, 3 pls, hardbound (d.j.); EC22993 € 25
Vázquez, X.A., 1996. Revision of the Southern African Oedemeridae (Col., Tenebrionoidea). 65 p., 295
figs, 4 maps, disbound (Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin); EC25657 € 8
Venema, P., 1969 (2nd revised ed.). Loopkevertabel. 36 p., 50 figs, wrps; EC19325 € 6
Vienna, P., 1971. Gli Histeridae del Museo Civico di Storia naturale di Verona. 35 p., 3 figs,
disbound; EC25669 € 5
Viñolas, A. et al., 1955. Obra taxonòmica del Dr. Francesc Español. 110 p., num. figs & photographs, paperbound; EC08000 € 20
Visser, J.H., 1979. Olfaction in the Colorado beetle at the onset of host plant selection. 88 p., 39
figs, 6 tables, paperbound. Ex-library. Thesis; EC23752 € 12
Vit, S., 1985. Etude de la morphologie des espèces paléarctiques du genre Eucinetus Germar et quelques remarques sur son utilisation
taxonomique (Coleoptera Eucinetidae). 40 p., 62 figs, stapled (from Rev. Suisse
Zool.); EC26436 € 5
Vondel, B.J. van & K. Dettner, 1997. Süßwasserfauna von Mitteleuropa Band 20/2, 3, 4. Insecta: Coleoptera: Haliplidae,
Noteridae, Hygrobiidae. xii, 147 p., 49, 12, 6 figs, paperbound. Mint
condition; EC23123 € 72
Voss, E., 1961-1965. 3 papers (a.o. Attelabidae, Apionidae, Curculionidae. Ergebnisse der zool.
Forschungen von Dr. Kaszab in der Mongolei; Die Unterfamilie Camarotinae
(Beziehungen zur Attelabidae). 108 p., 17 figs, disbound (from Ent. Abh.
Dresden); EC25834 € 12
Wächter, R., 1952. Frasslockstoffe des Grossen Braunen Fichtenrüsselkäfern (Hylobius abietis). 72 p., several figs, 6 original photographs, loose in
covers. Mimeographed thesis; EC07703 € 20
Walsh, G.B. & J.R. Dibb (eds), 1954. A Coleopterist’s handbook. 120 p., 50 figs, 20 pls, wrps (covers somewhat spotted); EC14459 € 12
Wang, Q., 1995. A taxonomic revision of the Australian genus Phoracantha Newman (Coleoptera:
Cerambycidae). 94 p., 130 figs, disbound (Invert. Tax.); EC20757 € 16
Wardojo, S., 1969. Some factors relating to the larval growth of the Colorado Potato Beetle,
Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Chrysomelidae) on artificial diets. 75 p., 9 figs,
paperbound; EC07999 € 10
Wasmann, E., 1896. Einige neue Paussus aus Java, mit Bemerkungen ueber die myrmekophile Lebensweise
der Paussiden. NLM 18 (1): 63-80, plate 1, loose; EC14986 € 4
Wasmann, E., 1904. Neue Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Paussiden, mit biologischen und phylogenetischen Bemerkungen
(142. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmekophilen und Termitophilen). NLM 25 (1/2):
1-82, plates 1-6 (with separate index), loose; EC14992 € 20
Watt, J.C., 1992. Fauna of New Zealand 26. Tenebrionidae: catalogue of types and keys to taxa. 67
p., 45 photographs, paperbound; EC08092 € 18
Weise, J., 1885. Bestimmungs-Tabellen der europäischen Coleopteren. 2. Heft. Coccinellidae. II. vermehrte und gänzlich umgearbeitete Auflage. Mit Berücksichtigung der Arten aus dem nördlichen Asien. 83 p., disbound (some pencil & ink annotations). Ex-library; EC23749 € 16
Wendt, H., 1984-1997. 6 papers, mainly on Bruchidae. 108 p., num. figs, disbound (Mitt. zool. Mus.
Berlin); EC25659 € 12
Wenzel, R.H., 1955. The histerid Beetles of New Caledonia (Histeridae). 34 p., 6 figs, 3 pls, wrps
(reprint from Fieldiana Zool. 37); EC24317 € 8
Wenzel, R.L. & H.S. Dybas, 1941. New and little known neotropical Histeridae. 42 p., 4 pls, wrps (Field Mus. Nat.
Hist. publ. 492); EC07998 € 10
Wenzel, R.L., 1944. On the classification of the histerid beetles. 101 p., 3 figs, 9 pls, wrps
(Field Mus. Nat. Hist. publ. 545); EC24297 € 16
Werner, F.G. & D.S. Chandler, 1995. Fauna of New Zealand 34. Anthicidae. 61 p., 48 figs, 26 maps, paperbound;
EC08095 € 16
West, A., 1930/1933. Tillaeg og Rettelser til Fortegnelserne over de danske Coleoptera (sluttet) & II. 44, 41 p., wrps (Ent. medd. XVI#9, XVIII#4); EC15043 € 12
West, A., 1942-1947. Fortegnelse over Danmarks Biller / Tillaeg I. 2 parts. x, 664, 141 p.,
paperbound. Unopened; EC07705 € 88
Wheeler, Q.D. & K.B. Miller, 2005. Slime-mold beetles of the genus Agathidium Panzer in North and Central America,
Parts I & II. Coleoptera: Leodidae. 262 p., 433 figs, 1 table, paperbound (Bull. AMNH
290-291); EC19646 € 48
Winkler, A., 1924. Catalogus Coleopterorum regionis palaearcticae. Pars 1-2. xvi, 186 p.,
paperbound/boards. Part 2 interleaved. With underlinings; EC08002 € 33
Winkler, J.R., 1969. Taschenatlas der Käfer. 239 p., 88 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); EC08128 € 12
Wittmer, W. et al., 1958. Insects of Micronesia. Coleoptera: Lampyridae, Cantharidae, Malachiidae, and
Prionoceridae / Anobiidae / Bostrychidae / Endomychidae. 48 p., 10 figs, wrps;
EC08067 € 10
Wittmer, W., 1978-1995. 19 papers on Cantharidae. 642 p., num. figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia);
EC25607 € 76
Wittmer, W., 1983-1997. 14 papers, mainly on Malachiidae. 318 p., num. figs, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia). One page in photocopy; EC25606 € 36
Wittmer, W., 1995. Zur Kenntnis der Gattung Athemus Lewis (Col., Cantharidae). 116 p., 203 figs,
disbound (Entom. Basiliensia); EC25591 € 14
Wittmer, W., 1995. Neue Cantharidae (Col.) aus dem indo-malaiischen und palaearktischen
Faunengebiet mit Mutationen, 2. Beitrag. 144 p., 271 figs, disbound (Entom.
Basiliensia); EC25592 € 18
Wittmer, W., 1999. Zur Kenntnis der Familie Malachiidae (Coleoptera), 2. Beitrag & 3. Beitrag. 187 p., 633 figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia); EC25590 € 22
Wolcott, A.B., 1910. Notes on some Cleridae of Middle and North America, with descriptions of new
species. 63 p., 2 pls, wrps (Field Mus. Nat. Hist. publ. 144); EC24315 € 12
Wolda, H. et al., 1998. Weevil diversity and seasonality in tropical Panama as deduced from light-trap
catches (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea). 79 p., 27 figs, wrps (Smiths. Contr.
Zool. 590); EC24596 € 14
Wolfe, G.W. & R.E. Roughley (eds), 1985. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Classification, phylogeny,
and natural history of Hydradephaga. 201 p., num. figs, paperbound (Proc. Ac.
Nat. Sci. Philadelphia 137#1 special issue); EC08078 € 32
Woodruff, R.E. & B.M. Beck, 1989. The Scarab Beetles of Florida. Part II. The May or June Beetles (Genus
Phyllophaga). 225 p., 608 figs, paperbound; EC07707 € 33
Wytsman, P., 1884. Catalogue systématique des Passalides. 27 p., cloth; EC19944 € 18
Zahradník, J., 1976. Käfer. 191 p., 64 col. pls, hardbound; EC07995 € 10
Zamotajlov, A.S., 1989-1999. 11 papers on Carabidae. 130 p., num. figs, disbound (Entom. Basiliensia);
EC25605 € 16
Zanetti, A., 1977-1998. 14 papers on Staphylinidae. 266 p., num. figs, disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St.
nat. Verona); EC25683 € 32
Zanetti, A., 2002. 4 papers on Staphylinidae from Turkey and eastern Palaearctic region. 96 p., 230
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Zimmermann, S., 1971-1973. 2 papers: Ergebnisse zoologischer Sammelreisen in der Türkei Gattung Trichodes Herbst (Cleridae, Col.) + Nachtrag. 48 p., 24 figs,
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Zunino, M. & G. Halffter, 1988. Análisis taxonómico, ecológico y biogeográfico de un grupo americano de Onthophagus (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae). 211 p.,
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Zwick, P., 1979. Contributions to the knowledge of Australian Cholevidae (Catoptidae auct.). 56
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