Abbott, I. et al., 1977. Comparative ecology of Galápagos ground finches (Geospiza Gould): evaluation of the importance of floristic
diversity and interspecific competition. 34 p., 20 figs, 14 tables, disbound
(from Ecol. Monogr. 47); VO25903 € 6
Acloque, A., 1898. Faune de France. Oiseaux. 252 p., 621 figs, boards (frontcover bound in back).
Ex-library; VO23955 € 42
Africa, 1964-1978. Collection of 32 papers published in Arnoldia on African birds, mainly on those
of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) and adjacent areas; VO00879 € 36
Agatho, B., 1961. De roodborsttapuit (Saxicola torquata rubicola L.). Een onderzoek naar zijn
leefwijze en broedbiologie. 80 p., 26 figs, disbound; VO12232 € 8
Agatho, Br., 1961. De roodborsttapuit (Saxicola torquata rubicola L.). Een onderzoek naar zijn
leefwijze en broedbiologie, cloth (pp. 97-176 in Publ. Nat.Gen. Limburg XII); VO15893 € 14
Ahlborn, F., 1896. Zur Mechanik des Vogelfluges. 134 p., 54 figs, wrps (Abh. Geb. Naturw. Ver.
Hamburg 14); VO25308 € 90
Aiken, C.E.H. & E.R. Warren, 1914. The Birds of El Paso county, Colorado. II. 119 p., 30 photographs, paperbound.
Library stamp; VO10641 € 16
Alauda, 1929-1932. Revue trimestrielle d’Ornithologie, Dijon. Vols 1-4, in issues; VO12326 € 120
Alden, P., 1969. Finding the Birds in western Mexico. A guide to the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, & Nayarit. xiv, 138 p., num. maps & photographs, 9 col. pls, paperbound; VO10649 € 20
Alderton, D., 1991. The atlas of Parrots of the world. 544 p., num. col. figs, ca. 160 col. pls,
small folio, hardbound; VO11048 € 115
Alderton, D., 1992. The atlas of Quails. 144 p., num. col. ills, fullpage paintings throughout,
decorative glossy boards; VO11787 € 32
Alexander, W.B., 1928 (1st ed., 1st impression). Birds of the Ocean. A handbook for voyagers. 428 p., 88 pls, decorated cloth
(outer ends spine worn). Ex-library Fr. Haverschmidt; VO10642 € 35
Alexander, W.B., 1928 (1st ed., 1st impression). Birds of the ocean. A handbook for voyagers. 428 p., 88 pls, decorated cloth
(number written on spine, names on blank endpapers painted out); VO10651 € 38
Alexander, W.B., 1928 (1st ed., 6th impression). Birds of the Ocean. A handbook for voyagers. 428 p., 88 pls, cloth; VO10652 € 30
Alexander, W.B., 1954 (2nd ed.). Birds of the Ocean. A handbook for voyagers. xiv, 306 p., 88 pls, cloth.
Ex-library L. Brongersma; VO10653 € 35
Alexander, W.B., 1959. Die Vögel der Meere. Ein Taschenbuch für Ornithologen und Naturfreunde über alle Seevögel der Welt. 221 p., 100 pls, cloth. Ex-library E. John; VO12230 € 30
Ali, S. & S. Ripley, 1968-1974. Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan. Together with those of Nepal,
Sikkim, Bhutan and Ceylon. Vols 1-10. 2989 p., num. figs & maps, 113 col. pls, cloth (d.j.). A complete set of the original edition of the
best handbook available for the area; VO00916 € 375
Ali, S. & S. Ripley, 1972. Handbook of the Birds of India and Pakistan. Together with those of Nepal,
Sikkim, Bhutan and Ceylon. Vol. 5. Larks to the Grey Hypocolius. 276 p., figs,
9 col. pls, cloth; VO00917 € 35
Ali, S., 1943 (2nd ed.). The book of Indian Birds. xlii, 426 p., 209 (188 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.);
VO10901 € 40
Ali, S., 1949. Indian Hill Birds. lii, 188 p., 72 (64 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.); VO20999 € 14
ALI, S., 1969. Birds of Kerala. xxii, 444 p., num. figs, 22 (16 col.) pls, 2 maps, cloth;
VO26687 € 56
Ali, S., 1979 (2nd impression, with new preface). Indian Hill Birds. lvi, 188 p., 72 (64 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.); VO10643 € 20
Ali, S., 1987. The fall of a Sparrow. xv, 265 p., 71 photographs, paperbound; VO11063 € 15
Allen, G.M., 1909. Fauna of New England. List of the Aves. 240 p., disbound; VO00915 € 24
Allen, R.P., 1962. Birds of the Caribbean. 265 p., 98 col pls, Decor. cloth; VO26688 € 50
Alleyn, W.F. et al. (eds), 1971. Avifauna van Midden-Nederland. 520 p., num. pls, countless (4 col.) maps, cloth;
VO10656 € 25
Altenburg, W. e.a., 1980. Wintering waders on the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania. Report of the Netherlands Ornithological Mauritanian
expedition 1980. 283 p., num. figs, 1 fold map, wrps; VO26689 € 25
Alvarenga, H.M.F. & E. Höfling, 2003. Systematic revision of the Phorusrhacidae (Aves: Ralliformes). 37 p., 34 figs, 9
tables, wrps (Pap. Av. Zool.); VO17168 € 5
Amadon, D., 1953. Avian systematics and evolution in the Gulf of Guinea. The J.G. Coreia
collection. 59 p., 4 pls, paperbound; VO01035 € 12
Amadon, D., 1956-1959. 2 papers: Remarks on the Starlings, family Sturnidae (41 p., 3 figs); The
subspecies of Tinamus tao and Tinamus solitarius (Aves) (7 p.), stapled
(Novitates 1803, 1955); VO23770 € 11
Amadon, D., 1964. Taxonomic notes on Birds of Prey. 24 p., stapled (Novitates 2166); VO12185 € 8
American Ornithologists’ Union, 1975 (5th ed.). Check-List of North American Birds. 691 p., cloth; VO11584 € 35
Anderson, S.H. & J.R. Squires, 1997. The Prairie Falcon. x, 162 p., 5 text figs, fullcolour photos, paperbound;
VO16399 € 10
Andors, A.V. & F. Vuilleumier, 1998. Observations on the distribution, behavior, and comparative breeding biology of
Neoxolmis rufiventris (Aves: Tyrannidae). 32 p., 5 (4 col.) figs, 4 tables,
wrps (Am. Mus. Novit. 2825); VO24760 € 5
Anonymous, 1851. The life of a Bird. An account of the progress of birds from the nest to their
perfect condition. 435 p., num. figs & pls, cloth (spine damaged). Charming little book; VO11634 € 35
Anonymous, ca. 1840-1850. Mémoire sur la température des oiseaux Palmipèdes du Nord de l’Europe. 35 p., disbound; VO12089 € 20
ANWB-Reader’s Digest, 1971. Het Beste Vogelboek. 483 p., num. (col.) figs, hardbound (spine worn); VO11917 € 14
Aquila (Hungary), 1909. Three small reprints on bird migration: Unser Vogelschutz in den Augen des
Auslandes/Die Frage des Vogelschutzes in Australien, W. Walter-Froggatt/
Zugsdaten aus Holland. 16 p., loose; VO12092 € 15
Aquila, 1918-1980. Zeitschrift des königlich ungarischen ornithologischen Institutes. Vols 25-26, 29-45, 50, 55-77,
83, 85, 86. In issues. Paper brittle & covers frayed of vols 25/29; VO12321 € 500
Aquila, 1923-1928. Zeitschrift des königlich ungarischen ornithologischen Institutes. Vols 30-35, nicely bound;
VO12320 € 130
Ardea, 1901-1982. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereniging. Consists of: Verslagen
en Mededeelingen 1-8 (1904-1912); Register I-VI (1901-1909); Ardea vols 1-70.
Vols 1-19 boards; vols 20-23 & vols 25-29 in issues, vol. 24 bound; vols 30-50 nicely bound, vols 51-70 in
issues; missing vol. 59#3-4; VO12317 € 1425
Ardea, 1912-1971. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereniging. Vols 1-7 & vols 10-59. Vols 3, 4, 5, 7, 11 through 31, 54, 55, 56 bound, remainder in
issues. Includes “extra nummer” vols 37 and 41. Missing: vol. 1#2, vol. 2#1-2, vol. 6#2, vols 8 & 9; VO12314 € 980
Ardea, 1912-1988. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereniging. Vols 1-69. Vols 3 & 4 bound, remainder in issues. Including “extra nummer” vols 37 & 41; missing: vol.1#2, vol. 2#2, vol. 66# 4. We added the forerunner to the
actual journal: Verslagen en Mededeelingen Nos 1-6 & Register (1904-1909) & Jaarboekjes 7+ 8 (1910-1912); VO12315 € 1250
Ardea, 1914-1976. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Ornithologische Vereniging. Vols 3-7, vol. 8#2,
vol. 9#1, vols 10-11, 12-17 bound, vols 18-26, 35-64 in issues. Missing: vol.
6#2, vol. 23#3-4, vol. 25#3; VO12318 € 750
Ardea, 1963-1965. Tijdschrift der Nederlandsche Ornithologische Unie. Vols 51-53 bound in one;
VO12319 € 35
Arldt, Th., 1915. Die Ausbreitung der Vögel. 124 p., no wrps, back taped; VO12173 € 12
Armani, G.C., 1986. Guide des Passereaux granivores. Embérizinés. 416 p., 28 col. pls, paperbound; VO11348 € 61
Armstrong, E.A., 1946. Birds of the Grey Wind. x, 174 p., num. pls, cloth; VO10645 € 20
Armstrong, E.A., 1947. The Way Birds Live. 96 p., num. figs, 16 pls, cloth (d.j.); VO10644 € 14
Armstrong, E.A., 1952. La vie amoureuse des oiseaux. Trad. J. Fillion. 445 p., 16 pls, wrps; VO26916 € 45
Armstrong, E.A., 1958 (1st ed.). The folklore of Birds. xvi, 272 p., 85 figs, 54 pls, col. frontispiece, original
green cloth (The New Naturalist); VO11686 € 160
Armstrong, E.A., 1975. The life and lore of the Bird. In nature, art, myth, and literature. 271 p.,
num. photographs (many col.), cloth (d.j.); VO00940 € 24
Armstrong, R.H., 1983. Guide to the birds of Alaska, 2nd rev. ed. ix, 332 p., 350 col. photos, wrps;
VO26690 € 30
Arnaud, R. e.a., 1964. Recherches ecologiques sur les oiseaux de l’Archipel de Pointe Géologie. 112 p., sev. figs/tables, 6 pls, wrps; VO26915 € 40
Arnhem, R., 1977. Deltas Vogels van Europa. 288 p., 135 col. pls, hardbound. Library stamp;
VO10646 € 15
Arnold, P., 1962. Birds of Israel. iv, 107 p., 30 (15 col.) pls, Decor. boards; VO26691 € 40
Atkinson, J.C., 1904. British Birds’ eggs and nests popularly described. vii, 245 p., 12 col. pls, cloth (d.j.);
VO15793 € 25
Atlas der geschützten Pflanzen und Tiere Mitteleuropas, 1928. Abteilung V. Die heimischen Singvögel I (Rabenartige, Pirol, Stare, Finkenvögel). 60 p., num. figs, 8 col. pls, paperbound; VO12307 € 10
Aubert, C., 1911. Migrations des Oiseaux. 304 p., 4 figs, some tables, wrps; VO26692 € 30
Audubon, J.J., 1839, reprint 1972. A synopsis of the Birds of North America. xii, 359 p., cloth; VO26694 € 65
Audubon, J.J., 1926. Delineations of American scenery and character. xlix, 349 p., portrait, cloth;
VO26693 € 45
Audubon, J.J., 1946 (5th ed.). The birds of America. Foreword and descriptive captions by Willam Vogt. 435 col.
ills, cloth (d.j. worn); VO11887 € 30
Auk, The, 1928-1932. The American Ornithologists’ Union. Vols 45-49, in issues; VO12324 € 90
Auspicium, 1964-1973. Ringfundberichte der Vogelwarte Helgoland und der Vogelwarte Radolfzell. Vols
2-5#2. Vol. 1 bound, remainder in issues; VO12327 € 44
Austin, O.L. & N. Kuroda, 1952 (reprint 1972). The Birds of Japan. Their status and distribution. 359 p., 1 distribution map,
hardbound; VO11333 € 30
Austin, O.L., 1948 (reprint 1972). The Birds of Korea. 301 p., 1 distribution map, hardbound; VO11392 € 20
Austin, O.L., 1962. Birds of the world. A survey of the twenty-seven orders and one hundred and
fifty-five families. 317 p., 300 col. ills, roy. 4to, hardbound (d.j.). 1963,
2nd impression; 1963, 3rd impression; 1975,11th impression; VO11918 € 24
Austin, O.L., 1962. Birds of the world. A survey of the twenty-seven orders and one hundred and
fifty-five families. 317 p., 300 col. ills, roy. 4to, hardbound (cover is
scuffed, rubbed, bumped, pages are clear & binding is tight); VO11919 € 20
Austin, O.L., 1963. Die Vögel der Welt. 317 p., over 800 col. ills, cloth (d.j.), in slipcase; VO11795 € 36
Austin, O.L., 1975. Elseviers gids van water- en wadvogels. 240 p., 248 col. ills, paperbound;
VO11279 € 12
Avery, M. & R. Leslie, 1990. Birds and forestry. xii, 299 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.); VO15789 € 30
Aves, 1869-1935. Collection of 20 papers on aves, nicely bound in one volume. Articles from: e.g.
K. Möbius, I. Iwata, P. Paris, M.M. Cazin, Jobert, G.W. Bartelmez, M.L. Walker etc;
VO12144 € 60
Azuma, A., 1985. Birds in flight. 103 p., 83 col. photos, hardbound. The main part of this book are the 83 superb fullpage photos of the beautiful and dynamic
movements of birds in a natural setting (text & captions in Japanese & English); VO11849 € 30
Baagøe, J. et al., 1893. Naestvedegnens Fugle. Ornithologiske iagttagelser og notitser. 61 p., hcloth;
VO10650 € 14
Bacescu, M.C., 1960. Pasarile in nomenclatura si viata Poporului Romin. 441 p., num. ills, col. pls,
hardbound (in Romanian); VO11996 € 18
Bahns, R. et al., 1980. Vogelzugatlas des Niederbergischen Landes. 184 p., 48 figs, 112 maps,
paperbound; VO01038 € 14
Bailey, A.M. & R.J. Niedrach, 1965. Birds of Colorado. 2 vols. xxxii, 895 p., 400 figs, 124 col. pls, 4to, cloth
(d.j.). Good copy; VO09060 € 140
Baird, S.F. et al., 1884. The water Birds of North America. 2 vols. xi, 1089 p., hundreds of figs, new
cloth. Excellent copy; VO09102 € 500
Baird, S.F., 1858. Explorations and surveys for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the
Pacific Ocean. Birds. 1061 p., partly loose. First & last few pages with waterstain in top corners. Last few pages damaged; VO01040 € 70
Baird, S.F., 1864. Review of American Birds in the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Part I.
North and Middle America. 320 p., plain wrps. New species and genera are
described. This work was never finished, in all 478 pp. were published
(1864-1872); VO01042 € 40
Baker, A.J., 1974. Ecological and behavioural evidence for the systematic status of New Zealand
Oystercatchers. 34 p., 11 figs, wrps; VO00941 € 8
Baker, K., 1997. Warblers of Europe, Asia and North Africa. 400 p., num. figs (including
corrected distr. sheet), 48 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.) (Helm). As new; VO17001 € 35
Baldwin, P.H., 1953. Annual cycle, environment and evolution in the Hawaiian honeycreepers (Aves:
Drepaniidae). iii, 114 p., 12 figs, 4 pls, paperbound (front wrp missing) (Un.
Calif. Pubns Zool. 52); VO21224 € 20
Baldwin, S.P., 1931. Bird banding by systematic trapping. 44 p., 7 pls, paperbound; VO01043 € 10
Bangs, O., 1933. Reports on the Scientific Results of an Expedition to the Southwestern Highlands
of Tanganyika Territory. III. Birds. 81 p., 1 pl., paperbound; VO10658 € 16
Banks, R.C., 1964. Geographic variation in the White-crowned Sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys. 123
p., 28 figs, 43 tables, paperbound; VO11538 € 15
Baptista, L.F., 1976. Song dialects and demes in sedentary populations of the White-crowned sparrow
(Zonotrichia leucophrys nuttalli). 52 p., 25 pls, 12 tables, paperbound (Un.
Calif. Pubns Zool. 105); VO24325 € 16
Barger, E.H. & L.E. Card, 1943. Diseases and parasites of poultry. 3rd ent. rev. ed., 399 p., 83 figs/photos, 1
col. pl., Cloth; VO26917 € 55
Barrows, W.B., 1889. The English Sparrow (Passer domesticus) in North America. 405 p., 10 figs, 1
fold. map, wrps. First three pages missing small part of corner and marginally
browned; VO01044 € 34
Barrows, W.B., 1912. Michigan Bird life. xiv, 822 p., 152 figs, 70 pls, paperbound. Covers missing,
tear in first page, worming in last 8 pages of index, small waterstain in
corners (not affecting text). Working copy; VO01045 € 35
Barruel, P., 1956 (3rd ed.). Vie et Moeurs des Oiseaux. 205 p., 80 fullcol. pls, cloth; VO11714 € 35
Barruel, P., n.d. (ca. 1960). Leven en gewoonten der Vogels. 208 p., 46 line drawings, 157 b&w photos, 64 fullcol. figs, ill. endpapers, cloth; VO17143 € 8
Bartels, M. & E. Stresemann, 1929. Systematische Übersicht der bisher van Java nachgewiesenen Vögel & Neue Vogelrassen aus dem Indo-Australischen Gebiet. 65 p., disbound (from
Treubia XI#1); VO26416 € 12
Bartholomew, G.A., 1949. The effect of light intensity and day length on reproduction in the English
Sparrow. 44 p., 10 pls, wrps; VO15885 € 10
Bartlett, D. & J. Bartlett, 1975. The flight of the Snow Geese. 189 p., 54 (13 col.) photographs, hardbound;
VO11353 € 18
Barton, F.T., 1912. Pheasants: In covert and aviary. 288 p., 37 (4 col.) ills, hardbound, Fronthinge
loose, repair pp. 206-207, binding worn & scuffed, library stamps on flyleaf & titlepage; VO22761 € 20
Bartsch, P., 1919. The Bird rookeries of the Tortugas. 34 p., 38 pls, wrps; VO01046 € 12
Basset Hull, A.F., 1909. A list of the Birds of Australia. 31 p., wrps; VO12305 € 8
Bassini, E., 1967. Le catture del merlo (Turdus merula) nelle uccellande in Italia e loro
valutazione quantitativa e qualitativa. 116 p., num. tables & diagrams, paperbound; VO01047 € 16
Bassini, E., 1971. Catture del verdone (Chloris chloris) in impianti di uccellagione in Italia. 91
p., num. tables, paperbound; VO01048 € 12
Batchelder, C.F., 1937. An account of the Nuttall Ornithological Club 1873 to 1919. 109 p., num.
portraits, 4to, cloth; VO26695 € 50
Batten, L.A. et al. (eds), 1990. Red data Birds in Britain. Action for rare, threatened and important species.
349 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.); VO15776 € 25
Bauer, K. & F. Spitzenberger, 1968. Vogelparadijzen der Wereld. 220 p., 136 ills (10 col.), 6 maps, cloth (d.j.);
VO12123 € 8
Bauer, K.M. & U.N. Glutz von Blotzheim, 1966. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Vol. 1. Gaviiformes - Phoenicopteriformes. 483 p., 70 figs/maps, Cloth; VO26772 € 35
Bauer, K.M. & U.N. Glutz von Blotzheim, 1968-69. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Vols. II & III. Anseriformes I & II, (Compl.), 534; 503 p., 154 figs/maps, 46 tables, 6 col. pls, Cloth; VO26773
€ 80
Bauer, K.M. & U.N. Glutz von Blotzheim, 1971. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Vol. IV: Falconiformes.943 p., 128 figs, 23 tables, 3 col.
pls, Cloth; VO26774 € 90
Bauer, K.M. & U.N. Glutz von Blotzheim, 1973. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Vol. V. Galliformes et Gruiformes.
699, 100 figs/maps. 5 col. pls, Cloth; VO26775 € 66
Bauer, K.M. & U.N. Glutz von Blotzheim, 1966-1982. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Vols 1-8/II. Cloth; VO12385 € 250
Bauer, K.M. & U.N. Glutz von Blotzheim, 1966-1988. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Vols 1-11/II. Cloth; VO12384 € 400
Bauer, K.M. & U.N. Glutz von Blotzheim, 1966-1991. Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Vols 1-12/II. Cloth; VO12383 € 500
Bauer, K.M. & U.N. Glutz von Blotzheim, 1968/1980/1985.f Handbuch der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Vol. 2, vol. 3, vol. 10/II, separately available, price per
volume; VO12386 € 30
Beaufort, L.F. de, n.d. Birds from Dutch New Guinea. 32 p., roy. 4to, stapled; VO01049 € 10
Becker, J.J., 1987. Neogene avian localities of North America. 171 p., 3 figs, paperbound; VO11516 € 12
Beckmann, W., 1965. Kweek en vererving van de grasparkiet. 84 p., paperbound; VO15831 € 4
Beckmann, W., 1968. Handleiding voor de Zebravinkkweker. 237 p., 101 figs, 16 (6 col.) photographs,
hardbound (d.j.); VO11933 € 12
Beebe, W., 1930. Im Dschungel der Fasanen. 183 p., 51 figs, cloth; VO11710 € 16
Beebe, W., 1936. Pheasants their lives and homes. xxviii, 309 p., 64 (many col.) pls, 4to, cloth.
Lower end and some margins waterstained; VO10661 € 60
Beecher, W.J., 1942. Nesting Birds and the vegetation substrate. 69 p., 10 figs, frontispiece, cloth;
VO00956 € 14
Behle, W.H. et al., 1958. Birds of the Kanab area and adjacent high plateaus of southern Utah. 92 p., 8
figs, wrps; VO10662 € 14
Behle, W.H., 1942. Distribution and variation of the Horned Larks (Otocoris alpestis) of western
North America. 112 p., 13 figs/maps, wrps; VO26696 € 16
Beichle, U. & S. Baumann, 2003. Die Landvögel der Samoa-Inseln. 156 p., many col. ills, paperbound (Jahrbuch X Überseemuseum Bremen); VO24779 € 24
Beitz, W. et al., 1966. W. Beitz: Die Vögel des Malliner Sees und seiner Umgebung/ H. Prange: Über den Rastplatz der Kraniche am Bock/ D. Wendt: Vogelbestands-Untersuchungen
im Revier Dargun in den Jahre 1959 und 1962/S. Brehme: Beobachtungen der
Tagesaktivität von Meisenschwärmen im Winter. ca. 120 p., paperbound (in Natur und Naturschutz in Mecklenburg
IV/1966); VO12224 € 12
Bekhuis, J et al., 1987. Atlas van de Nederlandse vogels. 595 p., 40 figs, num. maps, hardbound (SOVON);
VO22265 € 20
Belcher, M., 1961. Birds of Regina. 76 p., num. figs, wrps; VO00961 € 10
Belding, L., 1890. Land Birds of the Pacific District. 274 p., paperbound (spine damaged, back
cover missing); VO01050 € 38
Belopolski, L.O., 1957. Ecology of sea colony birds of the Barents Sea. 460 p., 135 figs/photos, 92
tables, 16 pls, cloth, in Russian; VO26697 € 55
Belton, W., 1982. Aves silvestres do Rio Grande do Sul. 168 p., fullcol. ills, small format,
paperbound. In Portuguese; VO15880 € 8
Belvianes, M., 1954. Les plus beaux oiseaux. 99 p., num. (col.) photos, boards; VO11878 € 16
Bendire, C., 1895. Life histories of North American Birds, from the Parrots to the Grackles with
special reference to their breeding habits and eggs. 518 p., 7 col.
lithographed pls, roy. 4to, cloth (two plates with very slight waterstaining in
upper margin); VO11750 € 72
Benson, C.W. et al., 1971. The Birds of Zambia. 414 p., 12 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO15790 € 30
Benson, S.V., 1970. Birds of Lebanon and the Jordan area. 218 p., 258 figs, 8 col. pls, hardbound
(d.j.); VO10902 € 28
Bent, A.C. et al., 1968. Life histories of North American Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings, Towhees,
Finches, Sparrows, and allies. 3 vols. xxvii, 1889 p., 78 pls, 3 col.
frontispieces, paperbound; VO10663 € 100
Bent, A.C. et al., 1968. Life histories of North American Cardinals, Grosbeaks, Buntings, Towhees,
Finches, Sparrows, and allies. Vol. 2. xi, 646 p., 35 pls, col. frontispiece,
paperbound. Vol. 2 only; VO10673 € 30
Bent, A.C., 1919. Life histories of North American diving birds: Order Pygopodes. xiii, 245 p., 54
(12 col.) pls, wrps; VO26700 € 35
Bent, A.C., 1921 Life histories of North American Gulls and Terns. Order Longipennes. x, 345 p.,
92 pls, wrps; VO26702 € 40
Bent, A.C., 1922. Life histories of North American petrels and pelicans and their allies. Order
Tubinares and order Steganopodes. xii, 343 p., 68 pls, wrps; VO26705 € 35
Bent, A.C., 1923-1925. Life histories of North American wild fowl: Order Anseres. 2 vols (compl.), ix,
250; x, 376 p., 104 pls, wrps; VO26708 € 75
Bent, A.C., 1926. Life histories of North American marsh birds. Orders Odontoglossae, Herodiones
and Paludicolae. xii, 490 p., 97 pls, wrps; VO26704 € 35
Bent, A.C., 1927-1929. Life histories of North American shore birds. Order Limicolae. 2 vols (compl.),
ix, 420; ix, 412 p., 120 pls, wrps; VO26706 € 80
Bent, A.C., 1932. Life histories of North American Gallinaceous birds. Orders Galliformes and
Columbiformes. xi, 490 p., 93 pls, wrps; VO26701 € 35
Bent, A.C., 1937-1938. Life histories of North American birds of prey: orders Falconiformes and
Strigiformes. 2 vols (compl.), viii, 409; viii, 482 p., 194 pls, wrps; VO26698 € 90
Bent, A.C., 1939. Life histories of North American Woodpeckers. viii, 334 p., 39 pls, wrps;
VO00919 € 35
Bent, A.C., 1940. Life histories of North American Cuckoos, Goatsuckers, Hummingbirds and their
allies. 506 p., 73 pls, paperbound (covers missing, spine taped); VO00920 € 36
Bent, A.C., 1942. Life histories of North American Flycatchers, Larks, Swallows, and their allies.
xi, 555 p., 70 pls, paperbound; VO00921 € 38
Bent, A.C., 1942. Life histories of North American Flycatchers, Larks, Swallows, and their allies.
xi, 555 p., 70 pls, paperbound (covers missing, spine taped); VO10672 € 38
Bent, A.C., 1946. Life histories of North American jays, crows, and titmice. Order Passeriformes.
xi, 495 p., 68 pls, wrps.; VO26703 € 35
Bent, A.C., 1948 (reprint 1964). Life histories of North American Nuthatches, Wrens, Thrashers and their allies.
xi, 475 p., 90 pls, paperbound (front cover dog-eared); VO10674 € 18
Bent, A.C., 1948. Life histories of North American Nuthatches, Wrens, Thrashers and their allies.
xi, 475 p., 90 pls, paperbound; VO00922 € 38
Bent, A.C., 1949. Life histories of North American thrushes, kinglets and their allies. Order
Passeriformes. viii, 454 p., 51 pls, wrps; VO26707 € 35
Bent, A.C., 1950. Life histories of North American wagtails, shrikes, vireos, and their allies.
order Passeriformes. vii, 411 p., 48 pls, wrps; VO11768 € 30
Bent, A.C., 1953. Life histories of North American Wood Warblers. xi, 733 p., 83 pls, wrps;
VO00923 € 35
Bent, A.C., 1953. Life histories of North American Wood Warblers. xi, 733 p., 83 pls, paperbound;
VO12313 € 45
Bent, A.C., 1958. Life histories of North American blackbirds, orioles, tanagers and allies. Order
Passeriformes: families Ploceidae, Icteridae and Thraupidae. viii, 549 p., 37
pls, wrps; VO26699 € 35
Bent, A.C., 1964 (reprint ed.). Life histories of North American Petrels and Pelicans and their allies. 335 p.,
69 pls, paperbound; VO11678 € 12
Bent, A.C., 1986. Life histories of North American diving birds. xiii, 239 p., 55 pls, paperbound;
VO12056 € 8
Bentz, G.D., 1979. The appendicular myology and phylogenetic relationships of the Ploceidae and
Estrildidae (Aves: Passeriformes). 25 p., stapled; VO12194 € 8
Bere, R., 1969. Birds in an African National Park. 144 p., 16 pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO00957 € 20
Berg, A.B. van den et al. (eds), 1990. Vogels nieuw in Nederland. Waarnemingen van zeldzame vogels in ons land. 144 p.,
num. col. photographs, paperbound; VO11970 € 8
Berg, B., 1919. Min Vän Fjällpiparen. 156 p., num. photographs/pls, cloth; VO10664 € 25
Berg, B., 1925 (2nd ed.). Mit den Zugvögeln nach Afrika. 188 p., 132 photographs, publisher’s cloth; VO00924 € 22
Berg, B., 1928. Die Letzten Adler. 144 p., num. photographs, publisher’s cloth; VO00925 € 18
Berg, B., 1929 (1st ed.). Met de trekvogels naar Afrika. vii, 184 p., num. photographs, cloth. Ex-library;
VO20368 € 10
Berg, B., 1929. Mijn vriend uit Lapland. De morinelplevier. 110 p., num. photographs,
frontispiece, cloth; VO11330 € 14
Berg, B., 1930. De liefdesgeschiedenis van een wilde gans. 146 p., num. photographs, cloth;
VO11331 € 14
Berg, B., 1930. Die Liebesgeschichte einer Wildgans. 142 p., 81 photographs, cloth; VO11337 € 15
Berg, B., 1951 (2nd ed.). Mit den Zugvögeln nach Afrika. 188 p., 132 photographs, publisher’s cloth; VO10675 € 15
Berg, B., 1951 (2nd ed.). Met de trekvogels naar Afrika. vii, 201 p., num. photographs, hcloth
(plastified). Library stamps; VO10676 € 10
Berg, B., 1955 (4th ed.). Met de trekvogels naar Afrika. 164 p., 53 b/w photographs, cloth (d.j., worn);
VO11524 € 10
Bergh, L. van den, 1978. De broedvogels van de Veluwe. 64 p., num. figs & maps, wrps (KNNV); VO00926 € 8
Bergh, L.M.J. van den et al. (eds), 1979. Vogels van de grote rivieren. 328 p., num. ills & distribution maps, 4to, paperbound; VO11968 € 12
Bergman, G., 1946. Der Steinwälzer, Arenaria i. interpres, in seiner Beziehung zur Umwelt. 151 p., 17 figs, 14
b/w photographs, paperbound. Unopened (Acta Zool. Fennica 47); VO12079 € 20
Bergman, S., 1935. Zur Kenntnis nordostasiatischer Vögel. Ein Beitrag zue Systematik, Biologie und Verbreitung der Vögel Kamtschatkas und der Kurillen. 268 p., 16 pls, wrps; VO26709 € 112
Berlepsch, H. Graf von, 1910. Revision der Tanagriden. 161 p., wrps.; VO26710 € 25
Bernatzik, H.A., 1929. Ein Vogelparadies an der Donau. Bilder aus Rumänien, Tierwelt - Volksleben. 96 p., num. b/w photos, boards; VO11725 € 20
Berndt, R. & W. Meise, 1959-1966. Naturgeschichte der Vögel. Ein Handbuch der Allgemeinen und Speziellen Vogelkunde. 3 vols. xiv, 390,
xx, 679, vii, 474 p., 708 ills & 61 pls, cloth (d.j.); VO12380 € 150
Berndt, R.K. & D. Drenckhahn, 1974. Vogelwelt Schleswig-Holsteins. 239 p., 62 figs, several pls, 4to, hardbound;
VO10666 € 28
Berthold, P. et al., 1974. Praktische Vogelkunde. Empfehlungen für die Arbeit von Avifaunisten und Feldornithologen. 144 p., num. photographs,
hardbound; VO10667 € 15
Berthold, P. et al., 1980 (2nd ed.). Praktische Vogelkunde. Empfehlungen für die Arbeit von Avifaunisten und Feldornithologen. 158 p., num. figs & photographs, paperbound; VO10677 € 15
Beusekom, G. van et al., ca. 1930. Het Vogeleiland. 247 p., 21 figs, 85 photos, 1 map, cloth; VO11812 € 20
Bezzel, E., 1985. Kompendium der Vögel Mitteleuropas. Nonpasseriformes. 792 p., 198 figs, 127 maps, hardbound;
VO00946 € 45
Bianchi, V.L. 1911. Faune de la Russie et des pays limitrophes. Fondée principalement sur les collections du Musée Zoologique de l’Académie Impériale des Sciences de St.-Pétersbourg. Oiseaux (Aves). Vol. I. Demi-volume premier. Columbiformes et
Procellariiformes. 384 p., 7 pls, paperbound. In Russian. Scarce; VO00927 € 46
Bickerton, W., 1927. The baby Bird and its problems. xvi, 135 p., 96 photographs, 4to, cloth. First
and last pages foxed; VO10668 € 40
Binsbergen, N., 1937. Vogels van weide en rietland. 128 p., 48 photographic pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11342
€ 15
Binsbergen, N., 1941. Uit Neerlands Vogelleven. 245 p., 88 pls, 4to, cloth (plastified). Small tear in
one plate; VO00928 € 18
Bird Protection, 1872-1995. Collection of 18 books and pamflets on the protection of birds. Including:
Droste (1872), Die Vogelschutzfrage; Palmer (1900), Legislation for the
protection of birds; Thijsse (1907), Vogelbescherming, een eisch van den tijd;
Körig (1910), Vogelschutz; Drijver (1926), Vogels en vogelbescherming; Verslagen
Nederlandsche Vereeniging tot Bescherming van Vogels (1919-1921, 1924-1928,
1929-1936, 1948-1951 & 1952-1954); Artenschutzsymposium Großer Brachvogel (1982) etc; VO10669 € 125
Bird-Lore, 1928-1930. Vol. 30#4-5, vol. 31#1 through 6, vol. 32#1 through 6. Original issues in a nice
flip-back carton box, together with: vol. 33#1 through 6, vol. 34#2 through 6,
vol. 35#1 through 6, vol. 36#1 through 6, vol. 37#1+2; VO12801 € 110
Birds from Peru and Colombia, 1924-1961. 8 papers on Birds from Peru and Bolivia, written by Hellmayr, Zimmer, and Blake.
65 p., stapled (all Fieldiana zoology issues); VO26153 € 14
Birds of Middle & South America, 1961/1966. 5 papers: Small mammals in pellets of Barn owls from Miñaca, Chihuahua (Anderson & Long); Birds of the western slope of the Andes of Peru (Koepcke); Notes on
Nighthawks of the genus Chordeiles in southern Middle America (Eisenmann);
Specific limits of the Yucatan Flycatcher (Lanyon); A new subspecies of Icterus
icterus (Phelps & Aveledo), stapled (Novitates 2028, 2052, 2094, 2229, 2270); VO20833 € 16
Birds of New Guinea, 1961/1968. 5 papers: Four new birds from the mountains of central New Guinea (Gilliard); A
relict population of Microtus pennsylvanicus in sw New Mexico (Anderson); Birds
collected on Batanta, off western New Guinea, by E. Thomas Gilliard in 1964
(Greenway); New subspecies and records of Birds from the Karimui basin, New
Guinea (Diamond); Birds of the Schrader mountain region, New Guinea. Results of
the Am. Mus. of Nat. Hist. Exped. to New Guinea in 1964 (Gilliard & LeCroy), stapled (Novitates 2031, 2034, 2258, 2284, 2343); VO20834 € 20
Birkhead, M. & C. Perrins, 1986. The Mute Swan. 157 p., 26 figs, 25 pls, hardbound; VO00960 € 27
Blake, E.R. & H.C. Hanson, 1942. Notes on a collection of Birds from Michoacan, Mexico. 39 p., 2 figs, 4 pls,
disbound (Field Mus. Nat. Hist.); VO25851 € 8
Blake, E.R., 1954. Birds of Mexico. A guide for field identification, 2nd impr., xxix, 644 p., num.
figs, maps on endpapers, cloth; VO26711 € 30
Blake, E.R., 1958. Birds of volcán de Chiriquí, Panama. 79 p., 1 folding pasted-in map, disbound (Fieldiana Zool. 36#5);
VO23561 € 8
Blakers, M. et al., 1984. The atlas of Australian Birds. 738 p., countless figs & maps, hardbound; VO00929 € 74
Blanchan, N., 1899. Birds that hunt and are hunted. Life histories of one hundred and seventy birds
of prey, game birds and waterfowls. 359 p., 48 col. pls, 4to, publisher’s cloth (somewhat worn). Spine faded; VO00930 € 35
Blanchan, N., 1900. Bird neighbors. An introductory acquaintance with one hundred and fifty birds
commonly found in the gardens, meadows, and wood about our homes. 234 p., 52
col. pls, publisher’s cloth (somewhat worn). Spine faded; VO00931 € 35
Blanchan, N., 1922. Bird neighbors. An introductory acquaintance with one hundred and fifty birds
commonly found in the gardens, meadows, and wood about our homes. 234 p., 52
(many col.) pls, publisher’s cloth (somewhat worn). Spine faded; VO10683 € 20
Blanchard, B.D. & M.M. Erickson, 1949. The cycle in the Gambel Sparrow. 64 p., 9 figs, 7 pls, paperbound (front wrp
missing) (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 47); VO21226 € 10
Blanchard, B.D., 1941. The white-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) of the Pacific seaboard:
environment and annual cycle. 135 p., 30 figs, various tables, 20 b&w pls, paperbound (no wrappers) (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool.); VO20885 € 24
Blasius, W., 1882. Vögel von Borneo, im Südosten der Insel gesammelt von Herrn F.J. Grabowsky. Verzeichnet und mit
Bezugnahme auf die gesammte Vogelfauna der Insel. 90 p., stapled, no wrps;
VO12163 € 16
Bloch, D. & S. Sørensen, 1984. Yvirlit yvir Føroya Fuglar. Checklist of Faroese Birds. 84 p., 6 figs, paperbound; VO11250 € 12
Blums, P., 1973. The Coot (Fulica atra L.) in Latvia. 158 p., 36 figs, paperbound. In Russian;
VO15853 € 12
Boag, D., 1990. The Kingfisher. 120 p., num. col. photographs, paperbound; VO11435 € 10
Boas, J.E.V., 1933. Kreuzbein, Becken und plexus lumbosacralis der Vögel. 74 p., 33 figs, 15 folded pls, paperbound; VO00948 € 28
Boas, J.E.V., 1933. Kreuzbein, Becken und plexus lumbosacralis der Vögel. 74 p., 33 figs, 15 folded pls, hcloth; VO10684 € 42
Boback, A.W., 1970 (3rd ed.). Unsere Wildenten. 115 p., 53 figs & b/w photographs, paperbound (Neue Brehm-Bücherei 131); VO12115 € 12
Bochenski, Z. 1960. The Birds of the Pieniny Mts. 97 p., 3 figs, 4 pls, paperbound. In Polish with
English summary. Unopened; VO10685 € 12
Bochenski, Z., 1962. The Birds of the southern border of the Kraków-Wielun Jurassic ridge. 92 p., 8 pls, paperbound. In Polish with extensive
English summary. Unopened; VO10686 € 12
Bock, C.E., 1970. The ecology and behavior of the Lewis Woodpecker (Asyndesmus Lewis). 100 p., 15
figs, 6 pls, paperbound (Unv. Calif. Pubns Zool. 92); VO21228 € 28
Bock, W.J. & W. DeWitt Miller, 1959. The scansorial foot of the Woodpeckers, with comments on the evolution of
perching and climbing feet in Birds. 45 p., 8 figs, wrps (Novitates 1931);
VO23769 € 10
Bock, W.J., 1956. A generic review of the family Ardeidae (Aves). 49 p., 1 fig., wrps (Novitates
1779); VO23768 € 8
Bock, W.J., 1994. History and nomenclature of Avian family-group names. 281 p., 1 fig., 5 tables,
paperbound (Bull. AMNH 222); VO24723 € 28
Bodsworth, F., 1956. Last of the Curlews. 123 p., num. ills, cloth; VO10754 € 10
Boetticher, H. von, 1955. Albatrosse und andere Sturmvögel. 96 p., 33 photographs, paperbound; VO11277 € 14
Boetticher, H. von, 1955. Lärmvögel, Turakos und Pisangfresser. 72 p., 24 photos, 1 col. pl., 10 distribution
maps, wrps (Neue Brehm-Bücherei); VO23287 € 6
Boetticher, H. von, 1964 (3rd ed.). Papageien. 116 p., 56 photographs, 12 distribution maps, paperbound (Neue
Brehm-Bücherei); VO23283 € 8
Bogliani, G. et al. (eds), 1977. Atti IX Convegno italiano Ornitologia. 153 p., several figs, 4to, paperbound.
Numerous short papers mainly in Italian. Avocetta vol. 21; VO00950 € 16
Bolen, E.G. & D. Flores, 1993. The Mississippi Kite. Portrait of a southern Hawk. 115 p., num. col.
photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO11344 € 14
Bon, M. & F. Mezzavilla (eds), 1998. Atti 2º Convegno Faunisti Veneti. Padova, 25-26 ottobre 1997. 253 p., num. figs,
paperbound. Numerous short papers (many on birds) in Italian; VO11629 € 25
Bond, J., 1940. Check-list of Birds of the West Indies. xi, 184 p., 1 map, paperbound; VO00947 € 22
Bond, J., 1960. Birds of the West Indies, 3rd ed., 256 p., 186 figs, 8 col. pls, cloth; VO26712 € 25
Bond, James Bond, 1953-1977. 8 papers by this author on Birds from Peru, British Honduras, Barbados,
Dominican Republic, Cuba, West India, Spanish Honduras. 72 p., disbound;
VO26522 € 12
Bondesen, P., 1977. North American Bird Songs. A world of music. (iii), 254 p., many sonograms,
wrps; VO26713 € 25
Bondietti, P., 1977. Lasst sie leben! Sammlung von Informationen über den Vogelfang in Italien und das Schicksal der gefangenen Vögel. 113 p., num. figs, paperbound (library stamp in front, sticker on spine);
VO22562 € 8
Booth, E.T., 1876. Catalogue of the cases of Birds in the Dyke Road Museum, Brighton. 219 p.,
cloth; VO00935 € 36
Booth, E.T., 1901. Catalogue of the cases of birds in the Dyke Road Museum Brighton, 3rd ed., xii,
232 p., 22 pls, portrait, Decor. cloth; VO26714 € 40
Bos, J.L., 1973. Die vreemde vogels. Zonderlinge zaken uit Nederlands vogelleven, door
onderzoekers waargenomen tot ver in de jaren zeventig. 160 p., num. b/w
photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO11559 € 8
Bouman, A.E. et al., 1991. Meeuwen. Opkomst en ondergang van een meeuwenkolonie. Een studie in Meijendel.
68 p., 16 figs, num. photographs, paperbound (KNNV204); VO10986 € 8
Bowman, G. et al., 1994. Birds in Northumbria. The 1993 Bird Report for Northumberland, Newcastle and
North Tyneside. 109 p., num. ills, paperbound; VO11566 € 8
Bowman, G. et al., 1997. Birds in Northumbria. Report over 1996. 140 p., num. figs, paperbound; VO00951 € 9
Bowman, G. et al., 1998. Birds in Northumbria. The 1997 Bird Report for Northumberland, Newcastle and
North Tyneside. 141 p., num. ills, 3 col. photographs, paperbound; VO11595 € 8
Boyer, P., 1984. Birds of Bonaire. 56 p., num. figs, stapled; VO00962 € 8
Braaksma, S., 1981. Natuur en landschap in Goirle en de Hilver. Deel 3. De Vogels. 62 p., num. maps,
wrps (Staatsbosbeheer Rapport 20-812-3); VO15994 € 6
Bradlee, T.S. & L.L. Mowbray, 1931. A list of Birds recorded from the Bermudas. 106 p., 3 maps, paperbound; VO00933 € 19
Bradley, R.A., 1977. Geographic variation in the song of Belding’s Savannah Sparrow (Passerculus sandwichensis). 43 p., 16 figs, wrps. Library
stamps (from Bulletin of the Florida State Museum); VO11814 € 8
Brazil, M.A., 1995. The Birds of Japan. xiii, 466 p., 65 figs, 6 col. pls, num. distribution maps,
hardbound (d.j.); VO11015 € 50
Bregulla, H.L., 1992. Birds of Vanuatu. 294 p., num. b/w photographs, 24 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.);
VO00952 € 35
Brehm, A.C., 1878 (2nd ed.). Brehms Thierleben. Die Vögel. Band 1-3. xlvi, 2124 p., num. figs, 55 pls, decorated hcalf. Small corner
of spine of vol. 1 missing. Library stamps; VO00938 € 125
Brehm, A.C., 1911-1913 (4th ed.). Brehms Tierleben. Die Vögel. Band 1-4. lviii, 2030 p., 404 figs, 192 (many col.) pls, hcloth. Library
stamp on title pages; VO11061 € 90
Brehm, A.E., 1866. Het leven der vogels. 492 p., 12 pls, hardbound (foxing throughout); VO11760 € 30
Brehm, A.E., 1866. Het leven der vogels. 491 p., 8 pls, 2 col. pls, boards (front board loose);
VO12278 € 28
Brehm, W.W., n.d. (ca. 1977). Vogelpark Walsrode. 128 p., num. col. photographs, paperbound; VO23288 € 6
Brehms Tierleben, 1913 (kleine Ausgabe). Die Vögel. 648 p., num. figs & col. pls, cloth (spine slightly torn); VO12252 € 60
Brehms Tierleben, 1926. Vögel. Zweiter Band. 492 p., 83 figs, 39 (col.) pls, quarter leather; VO12253 € 45
Bretscher, K., 1915. Der Vogelzug in schweizerischen Mittelland in seinem Zusammenhang mit den
Witterungsverhältnissen. 43 p., 22 tables, wrps (partly loose); VO10765 € 12
Brevans, A. de, 1878. La migration des oiseaux. 291 p., 89 figs & pls, 1 fold. map, paperbound; VO00949 € 42
Breviora, 1956-1970. Collection of 12 issues on Birds, a.o. Troglodytes, Brain of the Emu, Birds from
Flores, Zosteropidae, Honey-Eaters, Puffbirds, Estrildidae, Furnariidae,
Falconidae, by Mayr, Paynter, Cobb, Salomonsen and others; VO23466 € 16
Brewer, D., 2001. Wrens, Dippers and Thrashers (illustrated by Barry Kent MacKay). 272 p., figs,
distribution maps, 32 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.) (Helm). As new; VO17002 € 32
Brichetti, P., 1980. Geographic distribution of breeding birds in Italy, Corsica and Maltese Islands.
I parte introduttiva; Podicipedidae, Procellariidae, Hydrobatidae. 77 p., 51
figs, paperbound. In Italian; VO00963 € 14
Bristol Ornithology, 1968-1972. The Journal of the Bristol Ornithological Club. Vol. 1 (1-5). 223 p., cloth;
VO11241 € 35
British Birds, 1948-1966. An illustrated magazine devoted chiefly to the birds on the British list. Vols
41-59, in issues (missing vol. 47# 1 & 4); VO12325 € 440
British Museum (Natural History), 1919-1921. Guide to the gallery of birds in the department of zoology, British Museum
(Natural History). Part I. General series (2nd ed.). 163 p., 7 figs, 1 plate,
hardbound together with Part II. Nesting-series of British Birds (3rd ed.). 62
p., 4 pls, hcloth; VO11785 € 24
British Ornithologist’s Union, 1915. A List of British Birds. xxii, 430 p., hcalf; VO10689 € 35
British Ornithologists’ Union, 1915. A list of British Birds compiled by a committee of the B.O.U. 430 p., binding
loose, back taped, worn (working copy); VO12258 € 25
Britton, P.L. (ed.), 1980. Birds of East Africa. 271 p., 13 (5 col.) pls, hardbound; VO00970 € 26
Broekhuysen, G.J., 1969. Field-Guide to the Birds of the South African Sea-Shore. 116 p., num. figs & photographs, cloth; VO00964 € 16
Brouwer-Pierson, J.I., 1987. Gerrit Anton Brouwer, 27.X.1898 - 25.VII.1981. 33 p., 1 portrait, wrps; VO15992 € 6
Brouwer, G.A. & G.C.A. Junge, 1946. Waarnemingen van broedvogels en trekvogels in 1944 en 1945. 78 p., wrps (reprint
Ardea 34); VO12170 € 8
Brouwer, G.A. et al., 1950. Griend. Het vogeleiland in de Waddenzee. Historisch-geographisch, hydrographisch
en biologisch beschreven. 310 p., 27 figs & pls, frontispiece, cloth; VO10892 € 34
Brouwer, G.A. et al., 1950. Griend. Het vogeleiland in de Waddenzee. Historisch-geographisch, hydrographisch
en biologisch beschreven. 310 p., 27 figs & pls, frontispiece, paperbound; VO11144 € 35
Brouwer, G.A., 1934-1964. Collection of 3 papers: De avifauna van het Prinsenhof en omgeving (Friesland);
De waarde van Nozeman en Sepp’s Nederlandsche vogelen (1770-1829) voor de faunistiek; Some data on the status
of the spoonbill, Platalea leucorodia, in Europe, especially in the
Netherlands. 125 p., paperbound; VO11567 € 12
Brouwer, G.A., 1954. Historische gegevens over onze vroegere ornithologen en over de Avifauna van
Nederland. xiii, 225 p., num. b/w photos, paperbound. Thesis; VO22254 € 38
Brown, J.L., 1964. The integration of agonistic behavior in the Steller’s Jay, Cyanocitta stelleri. 106 p., 13 figs, 2 pls, wrps; VO11437 € 10
Brown, L., 1976 (1st ed.). Birds of Prey, their biology and ecology. 256 p., 47 figs, 97 (48 col.)
photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO11832 € 24
Brown, L., 1980. The African Fish Eagle. iv, 168 p., num. figs, 10 col. pls, modern cloth;
VO11718 € 20
Brown, L.H. et al., 1982. The Birds of Africa. Vol. I. xii, 521 p., num. (col.) ills, cloth (d.j.);
VO11888 € 90
Brown, R.G.B. et al., 1975-77. Atlas of eastern Canadian Seabirds. With supplement I. 2 vols. 220; 24 p., 9 figs, 11 tables, 43 maps, boards; VO26715 € 34
Brudenell-Bruce, P.G.C., 1975. The Birds of New Providence and the Bahama Islands. 142 p., 13 (4 col.) pls,
cloth (d.j.); VO10688 € 12
Bruun, B. et al., 1971. Europas Vogelwelt in Farben. 320 p., about 500 col. ills, 4to, cloth (d.j.);
VO00980 € 32
Bryant, H.C., 1914. A determination of the economic status of the Western Meadowlark (Sturnella
neglecta) in California. 134 p., 5 figs, 4 pls, wrps; VO10757 € 20
Buechner, H.K. & J.H. Buechner (eds), 1970. The Avifauna of northern Latin America. A symposium held at the Smithsonian
Institution (1966). 127 p., 4to, cloth; VO10690 € 22
Buekers, P.G., n.d. (2nd ed., ca. 1910). Onze gevederde vrienden. 237 p., 100 photographs, cloth (worn); VO00983 € 15
Buffon, G.L., 1800-1802. Abrégé de l’histoire naturelle de Buffon. Oiseaux. Classé par ordres, genres et espèces, selon le système de Linné. Vols 3-4. 396, 333 p., 45, 32 pls, hcloth. Complete in 4 volumes; VO09107 € 120
Bull, J. & J. Farrand, 1977. The Audubon Society field guide to North American Birds. 784 p., 584 col.
photographs, plastic cover; VO10696 € 19
Bull, J., 1974. Birds of New York State. xii, 655 p., 82 photos, 168 maps, 9 col. plsm Hcloth;
VO26716 € 40
Bull, J., 1985 (2nd ed.). Birds of New York State. Including the 1976 Supplement. xiii, 703 p., 80 figs,
168 maps, paperbound; VO10691 € 75
Burger, J., ed., 1988. Seabirds and other marine vertebrates. Competition, predation and other
interactions. x, 339 p., sev. figs/tables, Cloth; VO26717 € 38
Burleigh, T.D., 1972. Birds of Idaho. xiii, 467 p., 21 figs, 1 map, 12 col. pls, Cloth; VO26718 € 35
Burton, J.A. (ed.), 1992 (revised, 3rd ed.). Owls of the world. Their evolution, structure and ecology. 208 p., fullcolour,
4to, hardbound (d.j.). As new; VO17033 € 22
Burton, J.A., 1973. Owls of the world. Their evolution, structure and ecology. 216 p., 172 col.
figs//photos, 4 tables, 13 col. pls, 114 distr. maps, Rexine; VO26719 € 56
Burton, R., 1985. Bird Behaviour. 224 p., 600 col. photos, oblong 4to, Boards; VO26918 € 35
Burtt, H.E., 1967. The psychology of birds. An interpretation of bird behavior. (iii), 242 p., sev.
figs, Decor. Cloth; VO26720 € 22
Busche, G., 1980. Vogelbestände des Wattenmeeres von Schleswig-Holstein. 157 p., 158 figs, paperbound;
VO00986 € 14
Buss, I.O. & H.M. Mattison, 1955. A half century of change in Bird populations of the Lower Chippewa River,
Wisconsin. 319 p., 26 figs, paperbound. Library stamps; VO11861 € 14
Butendieck, E. & H. Wissdorf, 1981. Beitrag zur Benennung der Ossa cingula membri thoracici und der Ossa alae beim
Truthuhn unter Berücksichtigung der Nomina Anatomica Avium (1979) + Benennung ... Ossa cinguli
membri pelvici. 45 p., 29 figs, disbound (unopened) (from Zool. Jb Anat.);
VO25897 € 6
Butler, A.G., n.d. (1904-1908?). Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. 210, 216 p., 115 col. pls, hcalf (spines
rubbed). Illustrated by H. Grönvold & F.W. Frohawk; VO09059 € 475
Butler, E.A., 1879. A catalogue of the Birds of Sind, Cutch, Ka’thia’wa’r, North Gujara’t, and Mount Aboo. 83 p., paperbound; VO10692 € 19
Buve, W.B.J. & J. Drijver, 1937. De vogelwet 1936, toegelicht en verklaard. viii, 310 p., cloth; VO11821 € 12
Bylin, K. et al., 1978. Sveriges fågler. Aktuel översikt över deras utbredning, numerär och flyttning samt något om svensk ornitologi. 268 p., num. figs & maps, paperbound; VO00966 € 16
Cade, T.J., 1960. Ecology of the Peregrine and Gyrfalcon populations in Alaska. 140 p., 7 figs, 10
pls, paperbound; VO26571 € 12
Cage Birds, 1959 (rev. 6th ed.). Bird ailments and accidents. Their treatment and cure. (vi), 109 p., paperbound;
VO18959 € 6
Campbell, B., 1974. The dictionary of Birds in colour. 352 p., 1008 col. photographs, roy. 4to,
hardbound (d.j.); VO00988 € 32
Camphuysen, C.J. & J. van Dijk, 1983. Zee- en kustvogels langs de Nederlandse kust, 1974-1979. 230 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VO12058 € 10
Camphuysen, C.J. & M.F. Leopold, 1994. Atlas of seabirds in the southern North Sea. 126 p., num. figs, paperbound (NIOZ
report 1994-8); VO11868 € 10
Canella, M.F., 1959. Il “torulo del tallone” dei nidiacei di Melopsittacus undulatus e di altri uccelli. 45 p., 7 figs, 12
pls, wrps; VO11556 € 10
Carlsson, A., 1883. Beiträge zur Kentniss der Anatomie der Schwimmvögel. 44 p., 5 (4 double) pls, wrps; VO10693 € 9
Carpenter, F.L., 1976. Ecology and evolution of an Andean hummingbird (Oreotrochilus estella). 74 p.,
14 figs, 8 pls, 11 tables, paperbound (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 106); VO24324 € 18
Cate, C.J. ten, 1984. On the ontogeny of species recognition in Zebra Finches. (v), 145 p., sev.
tables/diagrams, wrps, Thesis; VO26919 € 35
Cayley, N.W., 1932 (3rd ed.). What Bird is that? A guide to the birds of Australia. 319 p., 36 col. pls,
cloth; VO10694 € 32
Cayley, N.W., 1932. Australian Finches in Bush and Aviary. 256 p., num. figs & pls, 10. col. pls, cloth (d.j., worn); VO00967 € 41
Cayley, N.W., 1965. What bird is that? A guide to the birds of Australia, 3rd rev. enl. ed., xv, 344
pl, 14 photos, 37 col. pls, Cloth; VO26721 € 27
Champy, Ch. et al., 1939. Les potentialités évolutives des cellules sexuelles des Oiseaux et la production du séminome par régénération. 36 p., 6 pls, wrps; VO10764 € 15
Chandra, K. et al., 2006. Avifauna of Kanha Tiger Reserve, Madhya Pradesh, India. 214 p., 12 col. pls,
paperbound (Zool. Surv. India); VO24679 € 15
Chantler, P. & G. Driessens, 2000 (2nd ed.). Swifts. A guide to the Swifts and Treeswifts of the world. 272 p., figs,
distribution maps, 24 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.). Pica Press. As new; VO17003 € 36
Chapin, J.P., 1932. The Birds of the Belgian Congo, part 1. x, 756 p., frontispiece, 10 pls, 208
figs, folding map in the back, paperbound (unopened). Small piece cut off from
top of first page; author’s dedication on frontcover (Bull. AMNH vol. 65); VO22879 € 128
Chapin, J.P., 1953-1954. The Birds of the Belgian Congo, part 3 & part 4 . 821 p., 13 figs, 14 pls; ix, 846 p., 46 figs, 27 pls, paperbound
(unopened). Small piece cut off from top of first pages (Bull. AMNH vols 75A&B); VO22878 € 128
Chapman, F.M., 1932 (2nd rev. ed.). Handbook of Birds of eastern North America. xxxvi, 581 p., 166 figs, 29 (8 col.)
pls, cloth; VO10758 € 95
Chapman, F.M., 1940. The post-glacial history of Zonotrichia capensis. 58 p., 17 figs, stapled;
VO12300 € 8
Chapman, F.M., 1968. The Warblers of North America. 307 p., num. figs, 24 col. pls, paperbound;
VO00968 € 12
Chapman., F.M., 1931. The Upper Zonal Bird-Life of Mts. Roraima and Duida. 135 p., 41 figs, wrps;
€ 25
Charette, R., 1994. CITES identification guide - Birds. Guide to the identification of Bird species
controlled under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.
ca 300 p., num. col. figs, 4to, looseleaf as issued. With one folded poster. In
English, French & Spanish; VO00976 € 37
Charon, Ad.J., 1935 (8th ed.). Poules qui pondent, Poules qui paient. Méthodes d’aviculture Anglo-Américaines. viii, 314 p., num. figs & b/w photographs, paperbound (spine loose); VO11625 € 25
Chávez Castañeda, N. et al., 1996. Catálogo de aves no passeriformes de la collección ornitologica del Instituto de Biologia, UNAM. 145 p., paperbound; VO00977 € 19
Cheke, R.A. et al., 2001. Sunbirds. A guide to the Sunbirds, Flowerpeckers, Spiderhunters and Sugarbirds
of the world. 384 p., figs, distribution maps, 48 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.)
(Helm). As new; VO17004 € 38
Chenevard, W., 1930. Traité d’ovoculture. 416 p., 36 figs, paperbound (partly loose). Unopened; VO11685 € 28
Chenu, J., 1850-1854. Encyclopédie d’Histoire Naturelle ou traité complet de cette science....: Oiseaux by O. des Murs. 6 vols. ca. 1872 p., 352
figs, 240 pls, hcalf; VO10697 € 280
Chenu, J., ca. 1855. Encyclopédie d’histoire naturelle ou traité complet de cette science, d’après les travaux des Naturalistes les plus éminents. Oiseaux V. 312 p., 371 figs, quarter leather; VO12273 € 48
Chernel de Chernelháza, E., 1900. Rapport sur l’ouvrage intitulé: Les Oiseaux de la Hongrie et leur importance économique. 22 p., 10 pls, disbound (front cover loose and torn); VO11675 € 30
Chiappe, L.M. et al., 1999. Anatomy and systematics of the Confuciusornithidae (Theropoda) from the late
Mesozoic of northeastern China. 89 p., 70 figs, wrps; VO11691 € 20
Chisholm, A.H., 1929. Birds and green places. A book of Australian nature gossip. xiv, 224 p., num.
pls, cloth; VO10912 € 40
Chisholm, A.H., 1960. The Romance of the Lyrebird. xii, 156 p., 16 pls, col. frontispiece, hardbound
(d.j.); VO11653 € 22
Chisholm, A.H., 1965. Bird wonders of Australia. 244 p., num. photos, cloth (d.j.); VO11753 € 8
Christian, G., 1961. Down the long wind. A study of Bird migration. 240 p., 15 figs, 31 b/w
photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO11451 € 14
Christy, P. & W.V. Clarke, 1994. Guide des oiseaux de la Réserve de la Lopé (Gabon). 191 p., 61 col. pls, paperbound; VO12397 € 24
Christy, P. & W.V. Clarke, 1998. Guide des oiseaux de Sao Tomé et Príncipe/Guia dos pássaros de Sao Tomé e Príncipe. 144 p., 32 col. pls, 2 maps, num. ills, boards; VO12398 € 41
Cicero, C., 1996. Sibling species of Titmice in the Parus inornatus complex (Aves: Paridae). xiv,
217 p., 45 figs, paperbound; VO21221 € 22
Clarke, W.E., 1912. Studies in bird migration. 2 vols (compl.). xxiii, 669 p., 25 pls/maps, cloth;
VO00989 € 91
Cleere, N. & D. Nurney, 1998. Nightjars. A guide to Nightjars and related Nightbirds. 317 p., figs,
distribution maps, 36 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.) (Pica Press). As new; VO17005 € 24
Cleland, J.B., 1918. The Food of Australian Birds. 112 p., paperbound; VO00990 € 14
Clement, R.G., 1974. The living world of Audubon. 272 p., num. fullcol. pls, 4to, cloth (d.j.);
VO22287 € 10
Clements, J.F., 1991 (4th ed.). Birds of the world. A check list. 617 p., cloth (d.j.); VO00991 € 22
Clench, M.H. & R.C. Leberman, 1978. Weights of 151 species of Pennsylvania birds analyzed by month, age, and sex. 87
p., wrps; VO10753 € 12
Club Nederlandsche Vogelkundigen, 1925. Speciaalnummer: De Nederlandsche Anatidae. 38 p., 2 foldout pls, wrps (Jaarbericht No. 15, Aflevering 1); VO12141 € 12
Club van Trekwaarnemers, 1919-1955. 32 papers (in Dutch), Waarnemingen van broedvogels en trekvogels; VO12372 € 40
Club van Zuiderzeewaarnemers, 1929-1960. Collection of 42 papers (in Dutch). Mainly reprints from Limosa; VO12371 € 40
Cody, M.L., 1974. Competition and the structure of Bird communities. viii, 318 p., 78 figs,
paperbound; VO00992 € 22
Cogswell, H.L. 1977. Water Birds of California. 399 p., num. figs, 12 col. pls, cloth; VO00969 € 19
Cohen, E., 1961 (revised ed.). Nestboxes. 41 p., 31 figs, 2 pls, wrps; VO10755 € 6
Cohen, E., 1963. Birds of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight. xii, 278 p., 16 pls, 1 folded map,
cloth; VO20369 € 25
Coker, R.E., n.d. (ca. 1920). Habits and economic relations of the guano Birds of Peru. 63 p., 17 pls, wrps;
VO00972 € 12
Collar, N.J. et al., 1992. Threatened Birds of the Americas. The ICBP/IUCN red data book, Third edition,
part 2. 1150 p., various figs & maps, cloth (d.j.). As new; VO17032 € 28
Colston, P.R. & K. Curry-Lindahl, 1986. The birds of Mount Nimba, Liberia. 129 p., 30 figs, 20 photos, 3 tables, 4 col.
pls, Boards; VO26722 € 30
Commissie Nederlandse Avifauna, 1962 (1st ed.). Avifauna van Nederland. Lijst van de in Nederland waargenomen vogelsoorten en
hun geografische vormen. 130 p., paperbound (Ardea 50#1/2); VO15560 € 8
Commissie Nederlandse Avifauna, 1970 (2nd ed.). Avifauna van Nederland. Lijst van de in Nederland waargenomen vogelsoorten en
hun geografische vormen. 110 p., paperbound; VO12131 € 10
Condor, The, 1971-1975. Journal of the Cooper Ornithological Society. Vols 73-77. In issues; VO12311 € 125
Congress, 1931. VIIth International Ornithological Congress at Amsterdam, 1930. Proc. ed. by
L.F. de Beaufort, vii, 527 p.,, num. figs, 8 col. pls, wrps; VO26723 € 35
Congress, 1970. XVth International Ornithological Congress, The Hague, 1970. viii, 745 p., 121
figs, 109 tables, 20 pls, Cloth; VO26724 € 56
Conrad, B., 1977. Die Giftbelastung der Vogelwelt Deutschlands. 68 p., 11 figs, paperbound;
VO00974 € 8
Cooke, F. & P.A. Buckley (eds), 1989. Avian genetics. A population and ecological approach. xvi, 488 p., num. figs,
paperbound; VO00978 € 35
Coomans de Ruiter, L. et al., 1947. Beteekenis en etymologie van de wetenschappelijke namen der Nederlandsche
vogels. xii, 166 p., hardbound; VO11979 € 20
Coombs, F., 1978. The Crows. A study of the corvids of Europe. 255 p., 86 figs & maps, 12 photographs, 4 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO11017 € 25
Cooper, J.A., 1978. The theory and breeding biology of the Canada Geese of Marshy Point, Manitoba.
87 p., 29 figs, 39 tables, stapled (Wildlife Monogr. 61); VO12241 € 12
Cooper, J.E. & J.T. Eley (eds), 1979. First aid and care of wild Birds. 288 p., 46 figs, 23 b/w photographs, hardbound
(d.j.); VO11642 € 14
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, 1975. The Living Bird. Fourteenth Annual. Ed. D.A. Lancaster. 314 p., num.
figs/photos/tables/pls, wrps.; VO26725 € 29
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology, 1975. The Living Bird. Nineteenth Annual. Ed. M. Heimerdinger. 163 p., num. figs/
tables, some col. pls, wrps; VO26726 € 22
Cornwall Bird-Watching and Preservation Society, 1977-1982. Birds in Cornwall 1977 & 1982. Forty-sixth Annual report 1977 / Fifty-second Annual report 1982. 2 vols.
96, 120 p., 8 b/w photographs, stapled; VO12051 € 10
Corti, U.A., 1933. Mittelland-Vögel. Eine Studie über die Vogelwelt der Greifensee-Landschaft. 344 p., 32 pls, Cloth; VO26745 € 27
Corti, U.A., 1947. Führer durch die Vogelwelt Graubündens (Switzerland). 354 p., 30 pls, cloth; VO00993 € 41
Cory, C.B., 1899. The Birds of eastern North America. Key to the families and species. 2 parts
(compl.). special edition. ix, 142; ix, 131-387 p., num. figs, wrps; VO26746 € 56
Cory, C.B., 1909. The Birds of Illinois and Wisconsin. 764 p., hundreds of figures, hcloth (spine
taped). Index loose; VO00994 € 52
Cory, C.B., 1918-1919. Catalogue of Birds of the Americas and the adjacent islands. Part II (1-2).
Bubonidae through Picidae. 607 p., 2 col. frontispieces, paperbound. Two
volumes; VO00995 € 55
Cottereau, E., 1919. Les Oiseaux observés dans l’arrondissement de Saint-Calais. 47 p., wrps; VO00997 € 10
Coues, E., 1874. Birds of the northwest: A hand-book of the ornithology of the region drained by
the Missouri River and its tributaries. xi, 791 p., cloth (spine missing);
VO00998 € 48
Coues, E., 1878. Birds of the Colorado Valley. First part (all. publ.): Passeres to Laniidae.
Bibliographical appendix. xvi, 807 p., 66 figs, Cloth; VO26727 € 125
Coues, E., 1903 (5th ed.). Key to North American Birds. Vol. II. vi, pp. 537-1152, figs 354-747, col.
frontispiece, cloth (partly loose) (Vol. 2 only!); VO00999 € 23
Coward, T.A., 1945 (reprint of 6th ed. 1939). The Birds of the British Isles and their Eggs. 3 vols. vii, 412, viii, 402, ix,
326 p., 523 col. ills, 215 photographs, cloth (d.j.) (The Wayside and Woodland
Series); VO10698 € 75
Cracraft, J., 1968. A review of the Bathornithidae (Aves, Gruiformes), with remarks on the
relationships of the suborder Cariamae. 46 p., 14 figs, 1 table, stapled
(Novitates 2326); VO20981 € 11
Cracraft, J., 1971. The functional morphology of the hind limb of the domestic Pigeon, Columba
livia. 98 p., 33 figs, 4 tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 144#3); VO24755 € 10
Craig, W., 1943. The song of the wood pewee Myiochanes virens: a study of bird music. 186 p., 20
figs, stapled; VO11953 € 10
Cramp, S. (ed.), 1977-1994. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The Birds of
the western Palearctic. Vols 1-9 complete. 722, 695, 913, 960, 1063, 728, 577,
899, 488 p., 108, 96, 105, 98, 84, 31, 29, 61, 34 col. pls, num. figs, maps,
original blue cloth gilt (d.j.). A very fine set of this superb standard work;
VO11882 € 612
Cramp, S. et al. (eds), 1994. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The Birds of
the western Palearctic. Vol. 8 only (Crows to Finches). (vii), 899 p., 61 col. pls, num. figs & maps, original blue cloth gilt (d.j.); VO17041 € 78
Cramp, S. et al. (eds), 1994. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The Birds of
the western Palearctic. Vol. 9 only (Buntings and New World Warblers). (vii), 488 p., 34 col. pls, num. figs & maps, original blue cloth gilt (d.j.); VO20683 € 55
Cramp, S. et al., 1974. The Seabirds of Britain and Ireland. 287 p., several figs, 12 (4 col.) pls, 32
maps, cloth; VO00975 € 24
Creutz, G., 1954. Taschenbuch der heimischen Sumpf- und Wasservögel. 104 p., 48 col. pls, boards (d.j.); VO01817 € 12
Cruz, A., 1977. Ecology and behavior of the Jamaican Woodpecker. 56 p., 10 figs, wrps; VO00979 € 10
CSIRO Division of Wildlife Research, 1969. An index of Australian Bird names. 93 p., wrps; VO11901 € 8
Curio, E., 1969. Funktionsweise und Stammesgeschichte des Flugfeinderkennens einiger Darwinfinken
(Geospizinae). 94 p., 48 figs, stapled; VO01001 € 10
Curson, J. et al., 1994 (reprint 1995). New world Warblers (ill. by David Quinn & David Beadle). ix, 252 p., figs, 36 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.) (Helm). As new;
VO17007 € 22
Damsté, P.H., 1946. Experimentele verandering van de voortplantingscyclus van de Groenling. x, 62
p., 13 figs, 4 tables, wrps (loose). Thesis; VO10759 € 10
Darlington, P.J., 1931. Notes on the Birds of Rio Frio (near Santa Marta), Magdalena, Colombia. 75 p.
disbound (unopened) (Bull. MCZ 71#6); VO26155 € 8
Dasgupta, J.M. et al., 2002. Endemic Birds of India. 44 p., 13 col. pls, paperbound; VO15986 € 16
Dathe, H., 1983. Handbuch des Vogelliebhabers. I. 336 p., num. figs & (some col.) photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO10760 € 25
Davaine, C., 1861. Mémoire sur les anomalies de l’oeuf. 85 p., 2 lithographed pls, paperbound (original wrps); VO01007 € 39
Davie, O., 1898. Nests and eggs of North American birds. Incl. part II: ornithological and oölogical collecting. 5th rev. enl. ed., (iii), 509; 18; xiii p., num. figs/pls,
Cloth; VO26728 € 50
Davies, G. (ed.), n.d. (ca. 1962). The Bird notes bedside book. 139 p., 16 pls, hcloth; VO01002 € 14
Davis, J., 1951. Distribution and variation of the Brown Towhees. 120 p., 12 figs, paperbound
(front wrp missing) (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 52#1); VO21227 € 20
Davis, L.I., 1972. A field guide to the Birds of Mexico and Central America. 282 p., 48 col. pls,
cloth (d.j.); VO10899 € 25
Davis, W.E., 1994. Dean of the Birdwatchers. A biography of Ludlow Griscom. xvi, 234 p., 2 text
figs, 16 p. of b&w photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO11186 € 20
Dawson, W.L., 1923. The Birds of California. 4 vols. 2121 p., ca. 1150 figs & photographs, 260 (110 col.) pls, roy. 4to, hardbound. The de luxe large paper
edition signed by the author (no. 39 of 350 copies); VO09061 € 750
Deelder, C.L., 1949. On the autumn migration of the Scandinavian Chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs). 88
p., 10 figs, wrps. Thesis; VO01008 € 22
Degenhardt, W., n.d. (2e druk). Lucht en Water. Het Rijk der Vogelen. 248 p., num. figs, cloth; VO12187 € 12
Degland, C.D. & Z. Gerbe, 1867. Ornithologie Européenne ou catalogue descriftif, analytique et raisonné des oiseaux observés en Europe. 2nd ent. rev. ed., 2 vols (compl.) in 1. xxx, 610; xv, 637 p.,
HCalf; VO26729 € 125
Degland, C.D., 1849 (1st ed.). Ornithologie Européenne, ou catalogue analytique et raisonné des oiseaux observés en Europe. 2 vols. [8], 632, 529 p., hcalf (lower corner of front cover
missing). Text partly foxed. The scarce first edition; VO01009 € 110
Deignan, H.G., 1945. The birds of northern Thailand, v, 616 p., 9 pls, 4 maps, wrps; VO26730 € 64
Deignan, H.G., 1961. Type specimens of birds in the United States National Museum. x, 718 p., wrps;
VO26731 € 35
Dekker, R.W.R.J. & D.N. Jones (eds), 1992. Proceedings of the First International Megapode Symposium, Christchurch, New
Zealand, December 1990. 78 p., 2 col. photographs, 14 figs, paperbound (ZV278).
Secondhand copy; VO14101 € 14
Dekker, R.W.R.J. & D.N. Jones (eds), 1992. Proceedings of the First International Megapode Symposium, Christchurch, New
Zealand, December 1990. 78 p., 2 col. photographs, 14 figs, paperbound (ZV278);
VO17842 € 19
Dekker, R.W.R.J. & E.C. Dickinson, 2000. Systematic notes on Asian birds 1-8. 143 p., 2 figs, 8 col. pls, paperbound
(ZV331); VO11222 € 36
Dekker, R.W.R.J. & E.C. Dickinson, 2000. Systematic notes on Asian birds 9-21. 252 p., 8 figs, 5 pls, paperbound (ZV335);
VO11223 € 67
Dekker, R.W.R.J. & E.C. Dickinson, 2002. Systematic notes on Asian birds 22-33. 222 p., 2 figs, 5 col. pls, paperbound
(ZV340); VO11271 € 56
Dekker, R.W.R.J. & E.C. Dickinson, 2003. Systematic notes on Asian birds 34-40. 117 p., 4 col. pls, paperbound (ZV344);
VO11224 € 30
Dekker, R.W.R.J. & E.C. Dickinson, 2004. Systematic notes on Asian birds 41-48. 203 p., 1 fig., paperbound (ZV350);
VO15465 € 52
Dekker, R.W.R.J. Dekker et al. (eds), 1999. Proceedings of the Third International Megapode Symposium, Nhill, Australia,
1997. 174 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound (ZV327); VO15962 € 47
Dekker, R.W.R.J. et al. (eds), 2005. Proceedings of the Third European conference on Bird collections, 10-12 October
2003, National Museum of Natural History, Leiden, The Netherlands. (iv), 183
p., paperbound (ZM79-3); VO19315 € 46
Dekker, R.W.R.J., 1990. Conservation and biology of Megapodes (Megapodiidae, Galliformes, Aves). 132 p.,
paperbound. Thesis; VO11543 € 14
Delapchier, L., 1959. Les oiseaux du monde. Vols I & II. 420, 438 p., 183 figs, 30 col. pls, 108 figs, 34 (24 col.) pls, paperbound;
VO11856 € 70
Delft, R. van, 1988. Birding Sites around Perth. 142 p., num. col. aerial photographs of sites, 4
col. pls, paperbound; VO01028 € 12
Delin, H. & L. Svensson, 1988. Photographic guide to the Birds of Britain & Europe. 288 p., ca. 1300 col. photographs, num. distribution maps, hardbound
(d.j.); VO11411 € 16
Demartini, E. & O. Stepánek, 1959. Vögel aus Wald und Flur. 170 p., num. col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11762 € 14
Dewar, D., 1916. A Bird calendar for northern India. 211 p., cloth. Author’s dedication; VO01010 € 30
Dewar, D., n.d. Birds of the Plains. 257 p., 16 pls, cloth; VO01011 € 39
Dewar, D., n.d. Glimpses of Indian Birds. 266 p., cloth; VO01012 € 35
Dharmakumarsinji, R.S., n.d. (ca. 1955). Birds of Saurashtra, India. With additional notes on the birds of Kutch and
Gujerat. liii, 561 p., 51 (33 col.) pls, col. frontispiece, 4to, cloth. Upper
part of covers bumped and damaged, otherwise a fine copy of this scarce work;
VO01026 € 120
Diamond, A.W. & T.E. Lovejoy, 1985. Conservation of tropical forest Birds. 318 p., num. figs, paperbound; VO01014 € 23
Diamond, J.M., 1969. Preliminary results of an ornithological exploration of the north coastal range,
New Guinea. 57 p., 9 figs, 98 tables, stapled (Novitates 2362); VO20980 € 14
Dickinson, E.C. & D.R. Wells (eds), 2005. Systematic notes on Asian birds 49-67. xiii, 318 p., 1 photograph, 1 map, 27
figs, 8 col. pls, 9 tables, paperbound (ZM80-5). Includes corrigenda et addenda
to Syst. Notes 1-48; VO22488 € 84
Dif, G. & Y. Vallier, 1982. Zeevogels. Kenmerken, voeding, voortplanting, trekbewegingen en verspreiding van
de belangrijkste soorten. 123 p., num. col. photos, hardbound; VO15895 € 8
Dijk, A.J. van & B.L.J. van Os, eds, 1982. Vogels van Drenthe. xvi, 348 p., 302 figs, sev. tables, 1 map, Decor. Cloth;
VO26734 € 30
Dijkhuizen, S., 1980. Eendenkooien. 59 p., num. b/w photographs, paperbound; VO11952 € 8
Dijksen, A.J. & L.J. Dijksen, 1977. Texel vogeleiland. 246 p., num. f igs/photos, Boards; VO26735 € 30
Dill, H.R. & W.A. Bryan, 1912. Report of an Expedition to Laysan Island in 1911. 30 p., 9 pls, wrps (USDA Biol.
Survey Bull. 42); VO21987 € 5
Dimovski, A.S., 1955-1972. 3 papers: Ornithogeographischer Vergleich zwischen Nord- und Süd-Mazedonien + Die Vögel des Osogovo-Gebirges (in Macedonian, with German resumé) + Changements dena la composition de l’ornithofaune dans la Plaine de Skopje (in Macedonian with French resumé). 74 p., 1 map, disbound (unopened) (from Acta Mus. maced. sci. nat); VO25898 € 8
Dingus, L. & T. Rowe, 1998. The mistaken extinction. Dinosaur evolution and the origin of Birds. 332 p.,
num. figs & photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO10818 € 25
Dircksen, R., 1961. Vogelvolk auf weiter Reise. 190 p., 90 figs, 36 maps, cloth; VO01004 € 16
Dixon, C., 1894. The nests and eggs of non-indigenous British birds. Or such species that do not
breed within the British Archipelago. xii, 368 p., Decor. Cloth; VO26732 € 34
Dixon, C., 1900. Among the Birds in northern Shires. 303 p., col. frontispiece, 40 figs, later
hcloth; VO01015 € 46
Dixon, K.L., 1955. An ecological analysis of the interbreeding of Crested Titmice in Texas. 82 p.,
15 figs, 3 pls, paperbound (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 54#3); VO13649 € 18
Dobben, W.H. van, 1944. Vogeltrek aan het Kanaal. 18th publication of Stichting Vogeltrekstation Texel.
115 p., figs & 7 pls, paperbound. Unopened (Ardea 33#1-2); VO12365 € 12
Dobben, W.H. van, n.d. (12th ed.). Wat vliegt daar? Volledig zakboek der vogels van Nederland en Midden-Europa. 91
p., ca. 700 (ca. 500 col.) figs, hardbound; VO12043 € 8
Dobben, W.H. van, n.d. (2nd ed.). Wat vliegt daar? Volledig zakboek der vogels van Nederland en Midden-Europa. 74
p., 327 (291 col.) figs, cloth; VO12044 € 8
Dobrowolski, K.A. et al., 1962. Das Vorkommen des Kolkraben (Corvus c. corax) in Polen im Zusammenhang mit
seinen Areals-und Quantitätsveränderungen in Mitteleuropa. 82 p., 23 figs, paperbound; VO01003 € 12
Domaniewski, J., 1951-1952. Ornitologia Lowiecka (Ptaki Lowne Europy). 3 vols. 730 p., 284 figs, bound in
one hcalf volume. In Polish; VO10700 € 120
Dorst, J., 1951. Recherches sur la structures des plumes des Trochilidés. 176 p., 58 figs, 7 tables, paperbound (mema1(3). Unopened; VO16385 € 12
Dorst, J., 1956. Les migrations des Oiseaux. 422, (9) p., 94 figs, paperbound (unopened)
(Biblioth. scientif., Payot); VO22874 € 22
Dorst, J., 1971. Das Leben der Vögel. 2 vols. 767 p., 854 figs & col. photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO11557 € 45
Dorst, J., 1974. The Life of Birds. 2 vols. 718 p., 110 figs, 32 b/w photographs, cloth (d.j.);
VO11649 € 35
Doughty, R.W., 1989. Return of the Whooping Crane. 182 p., num. col. pls, 4to, cloth (d.j.); VO01017 € 41
Downes, M.C. & A.M. Gwynn, 1955. Penguin Marking at Heard Island, 1951 and 1953. 12 p., 6 pls, wrps; VO12038 € 8
Drechsler, H., n.d. (ca. 1958). Wunderwelt der Wilden Vögel. Drei Monate Film-Expedition ins Urweltland des Rhône-Deltas. 102 p., 87 col. photos, cloth; VO11747 € 12
Drent, R.H., 1965. Breeding biology of the Pigeon Guillemot, Cepphus columba. 62 p., 29 figs, 9
tables, wrps (reprint Ardea 53#3/4); VO22273 € 8
Drijver, J., 1934. Texel, het Vogeleiland. 302 p., num. b/w photographs, cloth; VO22499 € 22
Drost, R., 1930. Über den Vogelzug auf der Schlangeninsel im Schwarzen Meer. Abhandlungen aus dem
Gebiete der Vogelzugsforschung Nr. 2. 42 p., 18 figs, 1pl, wrps; VO11990 € 16
Dubois, Alph., 1905. Remarques sur l’Ornithologie de l’État Indépendant do Congo suivies d’une liste des espèces recueillies jusqu’ici dans cet état. Tome 1 fasc. 1. (viii), 36 p., 12 attractive col. lithographed plates of
birds. Plano, loose in carton folder, unopened; VO16213 € 50
Duke of Edinburgh, 1962. Birds from Britannia. 62 p., 72 photographs, 8 pls, hardbound; VO01016 € 14
Dumont de Sainte-Croix, C.H.F., 1816-1830. Ornithologie in: Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles. 16 p., 119 black & white plates (by Pretre), 4to, turn of the century hcalf. Explanatory text and
last three plates foxed. Plates numbered in contemporary hand. Top right corner
of title-page missing (not affecting text). A scarce large paper copy; VO07625 € 400
DuMont, Ph., 1933. A revised list of the Birds of Iowa. 171 p., wrps. Library stamps; VO11900 € 16
Dunning, J.S., 1970. Portraits of tropical Birds. xx, 153 p., 72 col. pls, 4to, cloth; VO10701 € 20
Dupond, Ch., 1937. Résultats Scientifiques du Voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises. Oiseaux. 63 p., 1 folded map, roy. 4to, paperbound. Also includes
E. Schwarz, Saugetiere (8 p., 2 pls); VO01033 € 23
Dupond, Ch., 1937. Oiseaux du Voyage aux Indes Orientales Néerlandaises. 64 p., 1 foldout map, paperbound, wrps (loose front wrapper,
missing back wrapper); VO12095 € 14
Dupond, Ch., 1942. Contribution à l’étude de la faune ornithologique des Iles Philippines et des Indes Orientales Néerlandaises. 153 p., 4to, paperbound (Verh. Kon. Nat. Mus. Serie II, fasc. 23).
Unopened; VO12308 € 40
duPont, J.E., 1971. Philippine Birds. x, 480 p., 85 col. pls, 4to, hardbound (d.j.) (Monogr. Series
No. 2, Delaware Mus. Nat. Hist.); VO17036 € 56
Dwight, J., 1895. The Ipswich Sparrow (Ammodramus princeps Maynard) and its summer home. 56 p.,
col. front., Cloth; VO26733 € 40
Dybbro, T., 1976. De danske ynglefugles udbredelse. 293 p., num. figs & maps, paperbound; VO01006 € 21
Eaton, E.H., 1910. Birds of New York. Vol. 1. 501 p., num. figs, 42 col. pls, 4to, cloth; VO01019 € 85
Eaton, E.H., 1910. Birds of New York. 2 vols. 1220 p., num. figs, 106 col. pls, 4to, cloth (outer
ends spine worn, library numbers written on spines); VO07627 € 185
Eaton, E.H., 1915. Birds of New York. 106 col. pls, 4to, in cloth portfolio. These plates were
separately issued and sold; VO01020 € 57
Eck, P.J. van, 1939. Farbensehen und Zapfenfunktion bei der Singdrossel, Turdus e. ericetorum. 58 p.,
42 figs, 2 pls, paperbound. Thesis; VO11541 € 12
Eck, S., 1982. Katalog der ornithologischen Sammlung Dr. Udo Bährmanns. 226 p., 8 figs, paperbound (Zool. Abhandlungen 38); VO12169 € 20
Eckert, A.W. & K.E. Karalus, 1981. The wading birds of North America (north of Mexico). xviii, 252p., num. figs, 33
col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11884 € 60
Edwards, E.P. & H. Loftin, 1971 (2nd enlarged ed.). Finding Birds in Panama. 97 p., 2 maps, paperbound; VO01023 € 12
Edwards, E.P., 1968 (2nd enlarged ed.). Finding Birds in Mexico. A guide to bird-finding. 282 p., figs, 15 (4 col.) pls, cloth. Included is: 1976 supplement. 135 p.,
paperbound; VO01022 € 32
Eerden, M.R. van & M. Zijlstra (eds), 1995. Special issue on Cormorant. ix, 338 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound (no covers) (Ardea 83(1); VO12062 € 30
Ehrlich, P.R. et al., 1992. Birds in jeopardy. The Imperiled and Extinct Birds of the United States and
Canada, including Hawaii and Puerto Rico. 260 p., num. ills, paperbound;
VO11871 € 10
Elfström, T., 1979. Display patterns of Meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis L.) and Rock pipit (Anthus
spinoletta litoralis Brehm) during the breeding season, a search for
behavioural isolating mechanisms. ca. 300 p. with various articles on the
subject, 4to, lumbacked. Thesis; VO25023 € 35
Elgood, J.H., 1981. The Birds of Nigeria. An annotated check-list. 246 p., 7 tables, 7 figs/maps,
wrps; VO26736 € 29
Elkins, N., 1983 (2nd ed. 1988) Weather and Bird behaviour. 239 p., 50 figs, num. ills & b/w photographs, 5 tables, hardbound (d.j.) Poyer. As new; VO11022 € 30
Ellis, D.H., 1979. Development of behavior in the Golden Eagle. 94 p., 71 figs, stapled (Wildlife
Monogr. 70); VO12239 € 12
Elter, O., 1986. Cataloghi VIII. La Collezione Ornitologica del Museo di Zoologia dell’Università di Torino. 513 p., 5 figs, 4 col. pls, paperbound; VO18672 € 25
Embryon de Poulet, 1961-1973. Collection of 16 papers by Lanot, Stephan, Sutter, Wein, etc. 249 p., 108 figs, 5 pls (in
French); VO12257 € 14
Ens, B. et al., 1990. Homeward bound. 364 p. num. figs & tables, paperbound (no covers) (Ardea 78); VO12061 € 25
Ens, B.J. et al. (eds), 1990. Homeward bound: problems waders face when migrating from the Banc d’Arguin, Mauritania, to their northern breeding grounds in spring. 364 p., num.
figs & b/w photographs, paperbound. Special edition of ARDEA 78 (1/2); VO11628 € 28
Epple, W., 1985. Ethologische Anpassungen im Fortpflanzungssytem der Schleiereule (Tyto alba
Scop., 1769), 96 p., 82 (1 col.) figs, paperbound (Ökol. der Vögel 7#1); VO15985 € 10
Erard, C. & R. Etchécopar, 1970. Contribution à l’étude des oiseaux de l’Iran. 146 p., 6 pls, 4 maps, paperbound (mnhn66); VO10702 € 24
Erard, C., 1987. Ecologie et comportement des gobe-mouches (Aves: Muscicapinae, Platysteirinae,
Monarchinae) du Nord-Est du Gabon. Vol. 1: Morphologie des espèces et organisation du peuplement. 256 p., 93 figs, 4 b&w pls, 1 map, paperbound (mnhn138); VO14099 € 44
Erard, C., 1990. Ecologie et comportement des gobe-mouches (Aves: Muscicapinae, Platysteirinae,
Monarchinae) du Nord-Est du Gabon. Vol. 2: Organisation sociale et écologie de la reproduction des Muscicapinae. 234 p., 101 figs, 15 tables,
paperbound (mnhn146); VO12396 € 60
Erickson, M.M., 1938. Territory, annual cycle, and numbers in a population of Wren-Tits (Chamaea
fasciata). 88 p., 16 figs, 6 pls, wrps. Top-corner cut out from frontwrap (Un.
Calif. Pubns Zool.); VO17060 € 15
Erz, W., 1964. Populationsökologische Untersuchungen an der Avifauna zweier nordwestdeutscher Großstädte (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der populationsdynamischen Verhältnisse bei der Amsel, Turdus merula merula L.). 111 p., 12 figs, 26 tables,
disbound (Z. wiss. Zool. Leipzig); VO25310 € 14
Etchécopar, R.D. & F. Hüe, 1964. Les Oiseaux du Nord de l’Afrique - de la Mer Rouge aux Canaries. 608 p., 166 figs, 279 distribution maps,
2 full-page maps, 27 (24 col.) pls, hardbound; VO11240 € 91
Etchécopar, R.D. & F. Hüe, 1971. Les Oiseaux du Proche & et du Moyen-Orient. 952 p., 356 figs, 429 distribution maps, 32 (30 col.) pls,
hardbound; VO12400 € 113
Etchécopar, R.D. & F. Hüe, 1983. Les Oiseaux de Chine, de Mongolie et de Corée. Tome 2. Passereaux. 708 p., 150 figs, 275 distribution maps, 24 (22 col.)
pls, hardbound; VO11307 € 114
Evans, A.H., 1899, reprint 1959. Birds. Cambridge Nat. Hist. vol. IX. xvi, 635 p., 144 figs, 2 maps, Cloth;
VO26737 € 34
Evans, A.H., 1900. Cambridge natural history. Birds. 635 p., 144 figs, publisher’s cloth. Copy from Dr. R. Hartmeyer’s library; VO01025 € 67
Evans, H., 1973. Falconry for you. 206 p., num. pls, frontispiece, hardbound (d.j.); VO10695 € 32
Everett, M., 1978. The Birds of Paradise. 144 p., num. col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11793 € 28
Ewijk, T. van & U. Glimmerveen, 1996. Bedreigde kwetsbare vogels in Nederland. De Rode Lijst. 127 p., num. col. figs,
hardbound; VO22268 € 14
Eykman, C., 1930. The European Anatidae. An easy method of identifying swans, geese and ducks. 8
p., 15 pls, paperbound; VO01034 € 10
Eykman, C., a.o., 1936-1949. De Nederlandsche Vogels. 3 vols. (compl.). xvi, 381; viii, 387-739; iii,
741-1148 p., hundreds of ills, 2 pls, Cloth; VO26738 € 220
Eyton, T.C., 1836. A history of the rarer British Birds. 101 p., num. woodcuts. Including: A
catalogue of British Birds. 67 p., cloth (spine and front board loose); VO09062
€ 45
Fabricius, E., 1951. Zur Ethologie junger Anatiden. 177 p., 4 figs, 9 photos, 1 table, paperbound;
VO22374 € 14
Fairbairn, W.A., 1952. Some game birds of West Africa. xii, 92 p., 8 col. pls, Cloth; VO26739 € 29
Falco, 1905-1922. “unregelmässig im Anschluss an das Werk “Berajah, Zoographia infinita” erscheinende Zeitschrift. Vols 1 through 18#1. With 23 (4 col.) plates. Missing
vol. 4#3 (1908). Very rare journal. Crudely bound; VO12337 € 250
Falke, Der, 1985-1991. Monatschrift für Ornithologie und Vogelschutz. In issues. Missing: 1987#4, 1988#4,5,7,8,10,
1989#5,7,8,9, 1990#6,8, 1991#11. We added vol. 4#4 (1957) + vol. 15#4 (1968);
single vols for 1985 (€ 8.00) & 1987 (missing #4, € 6.00) & 1991 (missing #11,€ 6.00) also available; VO12338 € 68
Fantur, R., 1988-1999. Die Vögel Kärntens - Teil 1: Nichtsingvögel - Nonpasseriformes. Teil 2: Passeriformes - Singvögel. 158, 128 p., 146, 109 col. photos (released in 108. & 109. Jahrgang der Carinthia II), paperbound; VO12009 € 32
Fatio, V. & Th. Studer, 1894-1911. Catalogue des Oiseaux de la Suisse. Vols 2, 4, 5, 6, 7/8. In original wrps,
separately available, price per volume; VO12271 € 20
Fatio, V. & Th. Studer, 1894-1916. Catalogue des Oiseaux de la Suisse. Vols 1-12. ca. 2520 p. In original wrps;
VO12269 € 240
Fatio, V. & Th. Studer, 1894-1926. Catalogue des Oiseaux de la Suisse. Vols 1-13, 15. ca. 2720 p. In original wrps;
VO12270 € 280
Fatio, V., 1866. Des diverses modifications dans les formes et la coloration des plumes. 60 p., 3
partly handcol. pls, disbound; VO01051 € 23
Fatio, V., 1899-1904. Histoire naturelle des Oiseaux, 2 vols (compl.), xii, 839; ii, 841-1743 p., 255
figs, 49 tables, 4 (3 col.) pls, 1 col. map, wrps; VO26740 € 125
Fatio, V., 1904. Faune des Vertébrés de La Suisse. Vol. II: Histoire naturelle des Oiseaux IIe Partie. Gyrateurs,
Sarcleurs, etc. ii, 841-1743 p., 120 figs, 1 col. pl., 23 tables, paperbound
(poor wrps, spine broken); VO11975 € 50
Fay, F.F. & T.J. Cade, 1959. An ecological analysis of the Avifauna of St. Lawrence island Alaska. 78 p., 3
figs, 6 pls, paperbound; VO26572 € 6
Feare, C. & A. Craig, 1998. Starlings and Mynas (Helm identification guides). 285 p., 4 text figs, 32 col.
pls, hardbound (d.j.) Mint copy; VO02412 € 30
Feare, C. & P. Jones (eds), 1990. Applied ornithology. Proceedings of the 1989 BOU annual conference. 174 p., num.
figs, paperbound (IBIS 132#2); VO12140 € 10
Feduccia, A. (ed.), 1985. Catesby’s Birds of Colonial America. 176 p., num. ills, 20 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.);
VO11468 € 38
Feduccia, A. & S.L. Olson, 1982. Morphological similarities between the Menurae and the Rhinocryptidae, relict
passerine Birds of the southern hemisphere. 22 p., 17 figs, wrps; VO11283 € 8
Fehringer, O., 1931 (2nd ed.). Die Singvögel Mitteleuropas. 111 p., 19 figs, 96 col. pls, boards; VO11757 € 8
Fehringer, O., 1931. Vögel Mitteleuropas. III. Sumpf- und Wasservögel. viii, 96 col. pls, cloth; VO11773 € 8
Fehringer, O., no date. Vogelbruiloft. 160, (4) p., 50 line drawings, 72 photos, hardbound; VO22574 € 8
Felix, J., 1980. Het grote vogelboek. 320 p., num. drawings & num. col. ills, cloth; VO12121 € 16
Ferens, B. & J. Wasilewski, 1977. Fauna Slodkowodna Polski. Ptaki (Aves). 317 p., 167 figs, paperbound. In Polish;
VO01052 € 21
Ferguson-Lees, I.J. et al., 1972. Vogels kijken in Europa. Gids voor vogelwaarnemers met beschrijving van
vogelgebieden en tabellen over het voorkomen der soorten. 267 p., several ills,
tabellen, hardbound; VO22551 € 10
Ferguson-Lees, J. & E. Faul, 1992. Endangered Birds. 192 p., ca. 100 col. figs & pls, 4to, hardbound (d.j.); VO01053 € 27
Ferianc, O., 1977. Vtáky Slovenska. Vol. 1. 682 p., 128 figs, 24 (16 col.) pls, col. frontispiece,
cloth (in Slovak); VO01054 € 37
Ferrando, R., 1956. Précis d’alimentation du poulet. Du poussin à la poule pondeuse. 96 p., 30 tables, paperbound; VO11265 € 10
Ffrench, R., 1980. A guide to the Birds of Trinidad and Tobago. xix, 470 p., 36 figs, 42 col. pls,
cloth (d.j.) fine condition; VO11756 € 20
Figueroa, E. et al., 1987. Aves de Sevilla.168 p., num. figs, 32 col. pls, wrps; VO21084 € 15
Finlayson, C., 1992. Birds of the Strait of Gibraltar. xxv, 534 p., 282 figs, num. ills & photographs, 40 tables, hardbound (d.j.); VO11032 € 45
Finn, F. & E.K. Robinson, n.d. Birds of the country. Birds of the empire. 2 vols. 960 p., num. figs, 40 col.
pls, 4to, hcalf (gilt spine); VO09063 € 130
Finn, F., 1907. Birds of the Countryside. A handbook of familiar British Birds. xv, 190 p., 12
col. pls, num. b/w photographs, col. frontispiece, cloth (spine rubbed);
VO11631 € 24
Finn, F., 1917 (3rd ed., reprint 1978). The Birds of Calcutta. 166 p., num. ills, hardbound (d.j.); VO11273 € 10
Finn, F., n.d. (ca. 1920). Bird behaviour. Psychical and physiological. 373 p., 32 pls, publisher’s cloth; VO01055 € 30
Finsch, O., 1871. Monographie der Gattung Certhiola. 52 p., 1 col. map, disbound; VO09064 € 13
Fischer, R.B., 1958. The breeding biology of the Chimney Swift (Chaetura pelagica). 141 p., 23 b/w
photographs, stapled (New York State Mus. and Science Service, bull. 368);
VO12025 € 10
“Fish-Hawk”, 1937. Studies of British Birds. 144 p., num. pls, 4to, cloth; VO09065 € 30
Fisher, A.K. & A. Wetmore, 1931. Report on Birds recorded by the Pinchot Expedition of 1929 to the Caribbean and
Pacific. 66 p., 10 pls, wrps. Unopened; VO11447 € 10
Fisher, Ch.C., 1997. Birds of the Rocky Mountains. 336 p., fullcol. ills, paperbound. More than 320 species of birds are grouped and color coded here for quick
identification; VO15787 € 15
Fisher, H.I., 1946. Adaptations and comparative anatomy of the locomotor apparatus of New World
Vultures. 183 p., 28 figs, 13 pls, paperbound; VO12023 € 14
Fisher, J. & J. Flegg, 1974 (revised ed.). Watching birds. 159 p., 45 figs, 14 photos, cloth (d.j.); VO11896 € 10
Fisher, J. & R.M. Lockley, 1954 (1st US ed.). Sea-Birds. An introduction to the natural history of the sea-birds of the north
Atlantic. xvi, 320 p., 66 figs, 77 (9 col.) photographs, col. frontispiece,
hardbound (d.j., worn); VO11422 € 18
Fisher, J. & R.M. Lockley, 1954, reprint 1989. Sea Birds. An introduction to the natural history of the sea-birds of the north
Atlantic. xvi, 320 p., 55 figs/maps, 48 pls,, Boards; VO26741 € 38
Fisher, J. & R.M. Lockley, 1954. The New Naturalist Sea-Birds. An introduction to the natural history of the
sea-birds of the north Atlantic. xvi, 320 p., 66 figs, 77 (9 col.) photographs,
col. frontispiece, hardbound; VO11439 € 42
Fisher, J. & R.T. Peterson, 1964. The world of Birds, a comprehensive guide to general ornithology. 288 p., 96
col. pls, 199 col. maps, large volume, cloth (spine faded & foxed); VO11948 € 22
Fisher, J., 1939 (1st ed.). Birds as animals. xviii, 281 p., num. figs & b/w photographs, original green cloth; VO11937 € 20
Fisher, J., 1947-1955. Bird recognition I - III. Seabirds and waders/Birds of prey and
water-fowl/Rails, game-birds and larger perching and singing birds. 190, 188,
160 p., num. figs, paperbound; VO12309 € 12
Fisher, J., 1947. The Birds of Britain. 48 p., 26 ills, 12 col. pls, boards (d.j.); VO11932 € 8
Fisher, J., 1947. Bird recognition. I: Sea-birds & waders. 190 p., paperbound; VO15781 € 3
Fitter, R.S.R., 1967. Collins guide to Bird watching. 254 p., 49 figs, 112 photographs, cloth (d.j.);
VO11149 € 15
Flegg, J. & D. Hosking, 1993. Eric Hosking’s Classic Birds. 60 Years of Bird Photography. 191 p., num. b/w photographs,
4to, hardbound (d.j.) ; VO11547 € 24
Flegg, J., 1984. Just a Lark! 160 p., num. figs & photographs, hardbound. Some pencil annotations; VO11145 € 8
Flegg, J., 1991. De Vogelgids van Europa met ruim 400 kleurenfoto’s. 256 p., 400 col. photographs, hardbound; VO01056 € 22
Fletcher, T.B. & C.M. Inglis, 1936 (2nd ed.). Birds of an Indian Garden. xii, 199 p., num. figs, 35 (33 col.) pls, cloth;
VO01057 € 57
Floericke, K., 1929. Taschenbuch zum Vogelbestimmen. 255 p., num. figs, 9 col. pls, cloth (d.j.);
VO11799 € 20
Flugger, A.L. (ed.), 1952. Conservation in the Americas No. 12. Published by the Pan American Union in
Collaboration with the Pan American Section of The International Committee for
Bird Preservation. 67 p., stapled; VO01018 € 8
Föger, M. & K. Pegoraro, 2004. Die Blaumeise. 128 p., 35 (20 col.) figs, 16 tables, paperbound; VO15982 € 24
Fog, M., 1982. Om fuglelivet på Mågeørne ved Bogense 1967-1980. 10 p., 4 figs, 5 tables, stapled; VO22375 € 4
Forbush, E.H. & J.B. May, 1939. A natural history of American Birds of eastern and central North America. xxvi,
552 p., 97 col. pls, red cloth (faded); VO11880 € 45
Forbush, E.H. & J.B. May, 1955. A natural history of American Birds of eastern and central North America. xxii,
552 p., 97 col. pls, red cloth (d.j.); VO11874 € 28
Forbush, E.H. & J.R. May, ca. 1960. A natural history of American birds of eastern and central North America. Rev.
and abridged ed., with the addition of more than one hundred species.xxvi, 554
p., 97 (96 col.) pls, Cloth; VO26747 € 34
Forbush, E.H., 1916. A history of the game-birds, wild-fowl and shore birds of Massachusetts and
adjacent states. 2nd rev. enl. ed., xviii, 636 p., 26 figs, 36 pls, Cloth;
VO26743 € 50
Forbush, E.H., 1912. A history of the game-birds, wild-fowl and shore birds of Massachusetts and
adjacent states. xvi, 622 p., 26 figs, 36 pls, Cloth; VO26742 € 40
Forrbush, E.H., 1913. Useful birds and their protection. Containing brief descriptions of the more
common and useful species of Massachusetts.... 4th ed., xx, 451 p., 171 figs,
60 pls, Cloth; VO26744 € 50
Forshaw, J.M. & F. Knight, 2006. Parrots of the world. xii, 172 p., 5 figs, 120 col. pls (by Frank Knight), 4to,
hardbound (d.j.) (Princeton UP); VO24603 € 40
Forshaw, J.M. & W.T. Cooper, 1977 (2nd revised ed.). Parrots of the world. 584 p., num. figs & pls, about 500 species are depicted on magnificent col. pls, roy. 4to,
hardbound (TFH Publications); VO11284 € 75
Fowler, W.W., 1895. Summer studies of Birds and books. x, 288 p., cloth; VO09066 € 25
Fox, T. et al. (eds), 1991. Western Palearctic Geese. Proceedings of an IWRB International Symposium,
Germany, 1989. 260 p., num. figs, paperbound (no wrps) (Ardea 79#2); VO12127 € 12
Franceschi, P. de, 1978. Indagine sull’alimentazione delm Fagiano di Monte (Lyrurus tetrix L.) nelle Alpi Carniche. 58
p., 7 figs (1 col.), disbound, unopened (from Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona);
VO25900 € 7
Frederiksen, M. & K. Dahl (eds), 1994. Birds and their ecology in the Wadden Sea. Proceedings of the 8th International
Scientific Wadden Sea Symposium, Esbjerg 1993. 357 p., num. figs, paperbound
(Ophelia Suppl.6); VO12016 € 60
Friedmann, H. & F.D. Smith, 1950. A contribution to the ornithology of northeastern Venezuela. 128 p., 5 figs, 3
pls., wrps; VO26753 € 20
Friedmann, H. & J.G. Williams, 1970. Additions to the known avifauna of the Bugoma, Kibale, and impenetrable forests,
west Uganda. 20 p., stapled; VO12182 € 8
Friedmann, H., 1929. The Cowbirds. A study in the biology of social parasitism. xvii, 421 p., 13
figs/maps, 28 pls, Decor. Cloth; VO26748 € 68
Friedmann, H., 1930-1937. Birds collected by the Childs Frick Expedition to Ethiopia and Kenya Colony. 2
vols (complete). 516, 479 p., figs, 26 (2 col.) pls, paperbound; VO01058 € 85
Friedmann, H., 1948. Birds collected by the national geographic society’s expeditions to northern Brazil and southern Venezuela. 196 p., 12 pls,
paperbound; VO18581 € 22
Friedmann, H., 1948. The parasitic Cuckoos of Africa. xii, 204 p., 1 map, 10 photographic b&w pls with 19 figs, cloth; VO19840 € 32
Friedmann, H., 1955. The Honey-guides. vii, 292 p., 6 figs, 25 (5 fol.) pls, wrps; VO26750 € 56
Friedmann, H., 1956. Further data on African parasitic Cuckoos. 32 p., 1 map, 3 pls, stapled (Proc.
USNM); VO25845 € 5
Friedmann, H., 1960. The parasitic Weaverbirds. viii, 196 p., 3 figs, 16 (4 col.) pls, wrps; VO26752 € 35
Friedmann, H., 1963. Host relations of the parasitic Cowbirds. ix, 276 p., 4 tables, wrps; VO26751 € 35
Friedmann, H., 1968. The evolutionary history of the avian genus Chrysococcyx. viii, 137 p., 1 fig.,
2 col. pls, wrps; VO26749 € 27
Friedmann, H., L.F. Kiff & S.I. Rothstein, 1977. A further contribution to the knowledge of the host relations of the parasitic
Cowbirds. iii, 75 p., wrps.; VO26754 € 16
Frieling, H., 1933. Exkursionsbuch zum Bestimmen der Vögel in freier Natur nach ihrem Lebensraum geordnet. ix, 276 p., 16 ills, cloth;
VO11758 € 14
Frieling, H., 1933. Die Ausbreitung des Schwarzhalstauchers, Podiceps nigricollis nigricollis Brehm.
66 p., 9 figs, disbound, unopened (from Zoogeographica); VO25901 € 8
Frieling, H., 1940. Liebes- und Brutleben der Vögel. 79 p., 24 figs, boards; VO11907 € 8
Frisch, O. von, 1965. Bei seltenen Vögeln in Moor und Steppe. 120 p., 30 photos, hardbound; VO11801 € 10
Fritsch, A, 1898. Naturgeschichte der Vögel Europas’s. 3rd ed., xv, 506 p., Hcalf raised bands; VO26755 € 205
Frivaldszky, J., 1891. Aves Hungariae. Enumeratio systematica avium Hungariae cum notis brevibus...
etc. ix, 197 p., 12 figs, 1 col. pl., HCalf; VO26756 € 50
Frugis, S. et al., 1988. Guida ai Picchi del mondo. 350 p., 8 figs, 141 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.);
VO18151 € 50
Fry, C.H., K. Fry & A. Harris, 1992. Kingfishers. Bee-eaters & Rollers. xi, 324 p., 40 col. pls, num. ills & distribution maps, hardbound (Helm). Ex-libris pasted inside frontcover;
VO11379 € 30
Fry, C.H., K. Fry & A. Harris, 1999. Kingfishers, Bee-eaters & Rollers. xi, 324 p., 40 col. pls, num. ills & distribution maps, paperbound (Helm). As new; VO17008 € 16
Fuller, A.B. & B.P. Bole, 1930. Observations on some Wyoming Birds. 44 p., 10 pls, wrps. Unopened; VO11850 € 16
Fuller, E., 1987. Extinct Birds. 256 p., 85 figs, 60 col. ills, 4to, hardbound (d.j.); VO11033 € 35
Fuller, R.J., 1982. Bird habitats in Britain. 320 p., num. figs, 55 tables, 32 pls, Boards; VO26757 € 30
Gabrielson, I.N. & S.G. Jewett, 1970. Birds of the Pacific northwest. With special reference to Oregon. xxx, 650 p.,
20 figs, 97 photographic pls, paperbound; VO11836 € 8
Gadow, H. & E. Selenka, 1891-1893. Dr. H.G. Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort
und Bild. 6. Band 4. Abt. Vögel. Anatomischer Theil: (iv), 1008 p., various woodcuts, 59 plates (in fact 5
more: 20a, 23a,b,c, 24a(misnumbered as 23a): of these 35 double/folding, and 31
partially tinted; Systematischer Theil: vii, 304 p., bound (halfcloth). Many
library stamps. The complete bird section. Rare; VO24155 € 420
Gaines, D., 1977. Birds of the Yosemite Sierra. A distributional survey. 153 p., figs, paperbound;
VO01060 € 13
Gallacher, H., 1978. Dieren dichterbij. De spreeuw. 208 p., 75 figs, hardbound (d.j.); VO11347 € 10
Gallacher, H.P., 1984. Gids voor vogelonderzoek. Deel 2. 182 p., 36 figs, paperback (Prisma Pocket
2273); VO15879 € 8
Gamauf, A. & V. Berger (eds), 1996. Greifvögel und Eulen Österreichs: Faunistik - Forschung - Schutz. 223 p., num. figs & photographs, paperbound; VO11585 € 16
Ganzevles, W. et al. (eds), 1985. Vogels in Limburg. 223 p., num. figs & ills, 20 col. pls, 4to, paperbound; VO11971 € 12
Garcia, D.C., 1992. Avifauna del Parque Nacional de Timanfaya. 256 p., 20 col. photos, 14 tables,
lumbacked; VO12197 € 10
Gardiner, L., 1923. Rare vanishing & lost British Birds. Compiled from notes by W.H. Hudson. 120 p., 25 col. pls,
cloth; VO01794 € 44
Gargett, V., 1990. The Black Eagle. A study. 279 p., 53 figs, 40 col. pls, num. ills, 60 tables,
4to, hardbound; VO11038 € 40
Garguil, Ph., 1993. Les Oiseaux des Pyrénées. 32 p., throughout fullcolour photos, stapled; VO11590 € 8
Gaskell, J., 2000. Who killed the Great Auk? (x), 227 p., 49 figs, col. frontispiece, hardbound
(d.j.). As new; VO17009 € 20
Gatter, W., 1970. Die Vogelwelt der Kreise Nürtingen und Esslingen. 110 p., 25 figs, paperbound; VO01815 € 12
Geldenhuijs, J.N., 1973. ‘n Studie van die habitat en voeding van die bergeend (Tadorna cana Gmelin, 1789)
in die Oranje-Vrystaat. 80 p., 17 photos, boards. Thesis in Afrikans; VO12143 € 12
Gelderen, J. van, 1995. De wereld van de zwarte stern. 160 p., num. col. photographs, 4to, hardbound
(d.j.); VO11087 € 15
Génsbøl, B., 1983. Sådan synger fuglene. En bestemmelses-nøgle. 96 p., paperbound. In Danish; VO15884 € 8
Génsbøl, B., 1986. Greifvögel. Alle europäischen Arten, Bestimmungsmerkmale, Flugbilder, Biologie, Verbreitung, Gefährdungsgrad, Bestandsentwicklung. 384 p., num. (col.) figs, hardbound; VO11770 € 16
George, W.G., 1962. The Classification of the Olive Warbler, Peucedramus taeniatus. 41 p., 7 figs, 1
table, paperbound (Novitates 2103); VO12186 € 8
Gerlach, R., 1968. Die Geheimnisse der Vogelwelt. 328 p., 37 (12 col.) photographs, cloth (d.j.);
VO01061 € 16
Germain, M. et al., 1973. Contribution a l’ornithologie du Sud-Cameroun I. Non-Passeriformes. 64 p., 2 figs, wrps (reprint
from L’Oiseau et R.F.O. 43#2); VO22877 € 12
Geroudet, P., 1965. Warter-birds with webbed feet. xiv, 314 p., 59 figs, 48 (243 col.) pls, sm. 8vo,
Boards; VO26920 € 40
Géroudet, P., 1942. La vie des Oiseaux. Les Échassiers. 253 p., 45 figs, 32 (24 col.) pls, hardbound (Les beautés de la nature, collection de poche); VO22871 € 60
Géroudet, P., 1946. La Vie des Oiseaux. Les Palmipèdes. 290 p., 48 figs, 48 (24 col.) pls, cloth; VO01062 € 20
Géroudet, P., 1988 (3rd ed.). La vie des Oiseaux. Les Palmipèdes. 284 p., 59 figs, 48 (24 col.) pls, hardbound; VO11300 € 20
Gerrard, J.M. & G.R. Bortolotti, 1988. The Bald Eagle. Haunts and habits of a wilderness monarch. xiv, 178 p., num.
figs & photographs, paperbound; VO01795 € 19
Gibson-Hill, C.A., 1947. British Sea Birds. 144 p., col. frontispiece, num. b/w photos, boards
(waterstained); VO11738 € 8
Gifford, E.W., 1919. Field notes on the land Birds of the Galapagos Islands and of Cocos Island,
Costa Rica. 70 p., wrps. Unopened copy (from Proc. Calif. Ac. Sci.); VO12153 € 14
Gillespie, T.H., 1932. A book of King Penguins. 164 p., 46 pls, Cloth; VO26758 € 27
Gillette, J. & J.A. Bartle, 1982. Catalogue of anatomical specimens of living or recently extinct birds in the
National Museum of New Zealand. 18 p., wrps; VO12236 € 6
Gilliard, E.T. & M. LeCroy, 1961. Birds of the Victor Emanuel and Hindenburg mountains, New Guinea. Results of the
American Museum of Natural History expedition to New Guinea in 1954. 86 p., 2
figs, 3 tables, 17 pls, wrps (Bull. AMNH 123#1); VO26161 € 12
Gilliard, E.T. & M. LeCroy, 1966. Birds of the middle Sepik region, New Guinea. Results of the American Museum of
Natural History expedition to New Guinea in 1953-1954. 32 p., 1 fig., wrps
(Bull. AMNH 132#4); VO26163 € 5
Gilliard, E.T. & M. Lecroy, 1967. Results of the 1958-1959 Gilliard New Britain Expedition. 4. Annotated List of
Birds of the Whiteman Mountains, New Britain. 44 p., 1 fig, 2 tables, wrps;
VO11455 € 8
Gilliard, E.T. & M. LeCroy, 1967. Annotated list of Birds of the Adelbert mountains, New Guinea. Results of the
1959 Gilliard Expedition. 32 p., 1 fig., 6 pls, wrps (Bull. AMNH 138#2);
VO26160 € 9
Gilliard, E.T. & M. LeCroy, 1970. Notes on Birds from the Tamrau Mountains, New Guinea. 28 p., 4 figs, 1 table,
wrps (Novit. 2420); VO26154 € 6
Gilliard, E.T., 1941. The Birds of Mt. Auyan-Tepui, Venezuela. 70 p., 8 figs, wrps (Bull. AMNH);
VO19006 € 10
Gilliard, E.T., 1941. 3 papers on courtship behaviour of Birds (Sanford’s Bowerbird, Bowerbirds genus Chlamydera, Blue-backed Manikin), 45 p., 15 figs,
stapled (Novitates 1935, 1936, 1942); VO23771 € 10
Gilliard, E.T., 1958. Living birds of the world. 400 p., 183 b/w photos, 217 fullcolour photos, cloth;
VO11761 € 26
Gilliard, E.T., 1960 (3rd ed.). De wereld der dieren-Vogels. 496 p., 460 (217 col.) ills, cloth; VO12120 € 12
Gilliard, E.T., 1962. On the breeding behavior of the Cock-of-the-Rock (Aves, Rupicola rupicola). 38
p., 6 figs, 10 (2 col.) pls, wrps (Bull. AMNH 124#2); VO24761 € 15
Glasenwald, K., 1937. Vogelschutz und Vogelhege. 295 p., 106 figs, cloth; VO11823 € 26
Glegg, W.E. et al., 1952. Check-List of the Birds of Great Britain and Ireland. xii, 106 p., wrps (loose);
VO11939 € 8
Godfrey, W.E., 1966. The Birds of Canada. 428 p., 71 figs, 69 col. pls, 2 col. maps, Cloth; VO26759 € 56
Godfrey, W.E., 1967. Les oiseaux du Canada. 506 p., 71 figs, 69 col. pls, num. maps, Cloth; VO26760 € 68
Goethe, Fr., 1939. Die Vogelinsel Mellum. Beiträge zur Monographie eines deutschen Seevogelschutzgebietes. Abhandlungen aus dem
gebiet der Vogelkunde Nr. 4. 110 p., 50 figs, 5 pls, 4to, boards. Ex-library;
VO20378 € 70
Goldbach, R. & K. Hansen, 1980. De Zilvermeeuw. 95 p., num. figs & photographs, paperbound; VO10992 € 12
Golovkin, A.N., 1990. Ptitsy SSSR (Chistikovye). 204 p., 49 figs, hardbound. In Russian; VO15855 € 16
Goode, G.B., 1896.. The published writings of Philip Lutley Sclater 1844-1896. xix, 135 p.,
portrait, wrps; VO26877 € 30
Gooders, J., 1975. Birds. An illustrated survey of the bird families of the world. 352 p., num.
col. photos & figs, cloth (d.j.); VO11921 € 24
Gooders, J., 1978 (revised 2nd ed.). Where to Watch Birds in Europe. 299 p., 25 photographs, 27 maps, cloth (d.j.);
VO10703 € 18
Gooders, J., 1986. The New Where to Watch Birds. 224 p., num. maps, hardbound; VO01063 € 18
Gooders, J., 1988. Where to Watch Birds in Britain and Europe. xv, 254 p., num. ills & maps, paperbound; VO11963 € 8
Goodman, S.M. & P.C. Gonzales, 1990. The Birds of Mt. Isarog National Park, southern Luzon, Philippines, with
particular reference to altitudinal distribution. 39 p., 6 figs, 5 tables, wrps
(Fieldiana Zool. NS 60); VO24732 € 6
Goodman, S.M. et al., 1995. The Birds of Sibuyan island, Romblon province, Philippines, with particular
reference to elevational distribution and biogeographic affinities. 57 p., 10
figs, 7 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. NS 82); VO26055 € 8
Goodwin, D., 1967. Pigeons and Doves of the world. vi, 446 p., num. figs & maps, 3 col. pls, 4to, hardbound (d.j.); VO11034 € 50
Goodwin, D., 1986. Crows of the world. 2nd upd. ed., 299 p., num. figs/maps, 6 col. pls,
Rexine; VO26761 € 38
Gould, J., 1980 (reprint ed.). John Gould’s Birds of Great Britain, with an introduction by Maureen Lambourne. 239 p., 90
col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11788 € 48
Graeser, K., 1905 (2nd ed.). Der Zug der Vögel. 167 p., wrps (loose); VO12274 € 14
Granberg, G., 1958. Bird Life. Photographs from Finland. 224 p., 350 b/w photographs, hardbound;
VO11598 € 8
Grant, K.A. & V. Grant, 1968. Hummingbirds and their flowers. vii, 115 p., 3 tables, 30 col. pls, 5 maps,
Cloth; VO26747 € 40
Grant, P.J., 1982. Gulls. A guide to identification. 280 p., 54 figs, 376 b/w photographs,
hardbound (d.j.); VO11023 € 25
Grant, P.R., 1965. A systematic study of the terrestrial Birds of the Tres Marias Islands, Mexico.
106 p., 9 figs, stapled; VO09068 € 12
Granvik, H., 1923. Contributions to the knowledge of the East African ornithology. Birds collected
by the Swedish Mount Elgon expedition 1920. 280 p., missing the plates, wrps;
VO26762 € 30
Granvik, H., 1934. The ornithology of north western Kenya colony with special regard to the Suk and
Turkana districts. 190 p., 4 pls, disbound; VO12249 € 20
Grasseau, J., 2004. Les Oiseaux de l’Est Africain. 960 p., 103 col. pls (with 1187 ill. spp.), 63 line darwings,
hardbound (d.j.). Soudan, Érythrée, Ethiopie, Djibouti, Somalie, Ouganda, Kenya, Tanzanie, Mafia, Pemba et
Zanzibar, Rwanda et Burundi, Zambie, Malawi, Mozambique et Zimbabwe; VO20087 € 125
Gray, G.R., 1863. Catalogue of British Birds in the collection of the British Museum. 248 p.,
cloth; VO01064 € 32
Gray, G.R., 1867. List of specimens of Birds in the collection of the British Museum. Part V.
Gallinae. 120 p., paperbound; VO12003 € 24
Gray, G.R., 1868. List of specimens of Birds in the collection of the British Museum. Part. III (3
& 4). Capitonidae and Picidae. 137 p., paperbound; VO12004 € 24
Gray, G.R., 1869-1871. Hand-list of genera and species of Birds, distinguishing those contained in the
British Museum. 3 vols. (compl.), xx, 404; xv, 2798; xi, 3503 p., Cloth;
VO26763 € 56
Gray, G.R., 1870/1871. Hand-list of genera and species of Birds, distinguishing those contained in the
British Museum. Part II: Conirostres, Scansores, Columbae, and Gallinae. Part
III. Struthiones, Grallae, and Anseres, with indices of generic and specific
names. 278, 350 p., cloth; VO12261 € 24
Green, R.H., 1995. The fauna of Tasmania. Birds. xviii, 168 p., 192 col. photos, paperbound;
VO15783 € 20
Greenberg, R., 1984. The winter exploitation system of bay-breasted and chestnut-sided Warblers in
Panama. 107 p., 22 figs, 37 tables, paperbound (Un. Cal. Pub. Zool. 116);
VO24016 € 12
Greenway, J.C., 1958. Extinct and vanishing birds of the world. x, 518 p., 86 figs, 8 maps, 8
diagrams, Cloth; VO26764 € 56
Greenway, J.C., 1967. Extinct and vanishing birds of the world. 2nd. rev. ed., xvi, 520 p., 86 figs,
wrps; VO26766 € 30
Greenway, J.C., 1978. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Part 2.
Otididae, Jacanidae etc. 305 p., paperbound; VO11858 € 20
Greenway, J.C., 1987. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Part 4.
Passeriformes: Tyrannidae, Pipridae, Cotingidae, Oxyruncidae etc. 63 p., wrps
(Novit 2879); VO25073 € 8
Grenquist, P., 1938. Studien über die Vogelfauna des Schärenhofkirchspiels Kökar, Åland. 132 p., 4 pls, 15 maps, paperbound; VO09112 € 18
Grey of Fallodon, K.G., 1933. The charm of birds. 317 p., illustrated with woodcuts by Robert Gibbings, cloth
(d.j.); VO11852 € 16
Grimmett, R. & C. and T. Inskipp, 2000. Birds of Nepal. 288 p., 110 col. pls, paperbound; VO16400 € 20
Grinnell, J. & H.S. Swarth, 1926. Three papers: 1) A new race of the white-breasted Nuthatch from Lower
California. 6p., 1 fig. 2) Systematic review of the Pacific coast brown
Towhees. 7 p., 2 figs. 3) New subspecies of birds (Penthestes, Baeolophus,
Psaltriparus, Chamaea) from the Pacific coast of North America. 13 p., 2 figs.
wrps; VO15886 € 12
Grinnell, J., 1910. Birds of the 1908 Alexander Alaska Expedition, with a note on the Avifaunal
relationships of the Prince William Sound district. 68 p., 9 figs, 2 pls,
paperbound. Unopened; VO11593 € 18
Grinnell, J., 1914. An account of the Mammals and Birds of the lower Colorado valley. 245 p., 9
figs, 11 pls, paperbound. Unopened; VO11272 € 30
Grinnell, J., 1923. Observations upon the Bird life of Death valley. 67 p., 1 fig., disbound;
VO15978 € 10
Grinnell, J., 1923. Bibliography of California ornithology. Second installment to the end of 1923.
191 p., wrps; VO26767 € 30
Grinnell, J., 1928. A distributional summation of the ornithology of lower California. 300 p., 24
figs, paperbound; VO09069 € 30
Grinnell, J., 1932. Type localities of Birds described from California. 84 p., 1 map, paperbound;
VO09070 € 12
Griscom, L. & J.C. Greenway, 1937. Critical notes on new neotropical Birds. 21 p., wrps; VO15975 € 6
Griscom, L. & J.C. Greenway, Jr., 1941. Birds of lower Amazonia. 262 p., disbound (Bull. MCZ 88#3); VO24730 € 22
Griscom, L., 1945. Modern bird study. 2nd. print, x, 190 p., 10 figs/maps, 14 pls, sm. 8vo, Cloth;
VO26768 € 20
Groeneveldt, W., 1939. Indische vogels in stad en veld. xvi, 155 p., num. b&w photographs, cloth. Ex-library ; VO20377 € 14
Groppali, R. et al., 1981. Gli uccelli insettivori nella lotta biologica. vi, 91 p., num. figs, 7 col. pls,
paperbound; VO12299 € 10
Grosskopf, G., 1958/1959. Zur Biologie des Rotschenkels (Tringa t. totanus), parts I & II. 17, 26 p., figs & tables, stapled; VO12196 € 8
Grossman, M.L. & J. Hamlet, 1964. Birds of Prey of the world. 496 p., num. b/w ills, 70 col. pls, num. maps, cloth
(d.j.); VO11893 € 35
Grossman, M.L. & J. Hamlet, ca. 1965. Birds of prey of the world, 2nd ed?. 496 p., 353 (70 col.) photos, 425 maps, 646
flight silhouettes, large 4to, HCloth; VO26769 € 56
Grosvenor, G. & A. Wetmore (eds), 1937. The book of Birds. The first work presenting in full color all the major species
of the United States and Canada. 2 vols. 356, 374 p., num. b/w photographs, 950
col. pls, cloth; VO01065 € 57
Gruson, E.S., 1976. A checklist of the Birds of the world. 212 p., hardbound; VO01066 € 19
Guérin-Méneville, F.E., 1829-1844. Iconographie du Règne Animal de G. Cuvier. Tome I. Planches des Animaux vertébrés. 48 pls Mammals (lacking pls 6 & 19), 67 pls Aves, wrps. Scarce; VO13167 € 240
Gurney, J.H., 1921, reprint 1972. Early annals of ornithology. (iv), 240 p., 34 figs, 1 fold. pl., 1 map, Decor.
Cloth; VO26770 € 40
Gyldenstolpe, N., 1924. Zoological results of the Swedish expedition to Central Africa 1921. Vertebrata
I: Birds. 325 p., 16 figs/photos, 2 col. pls, 1 fold. col. map, wrps; VO26771 € 56
Haagner, A. & R.H. Ivy, 1914. Sketches of South African Bird-Life. 301 p., 148 photographs, cloth; VO01067 € 39
Haartman, L. von, 1945. Zur Biologie der Wasser- und Ufervögel im Schärenmeer Südwest-Finnlands. 128 p., 8 pls, paperbound (covers partly loose). Unopened (Acta
Zool. Fennica 44); VO12078 € 18
Haartman, L. von, 1954. Der Trauerfliegenschnäpper. III. Die Nahrungsbiologie. 96 p., 8 photographs, disbound. Unopened;
VO11267 € 8
Häcker, V. & G. Meyer, 1901. Die blaue Farbe der Vogelfedern. 28 p., 1 col. pl., paperbound; VO11268 € 10
Haffer, J., 1977. Pleistocene speciation in Amazonian Birds. 29 p., 11 figs, disbound (from
Amazoniana); VO25813 € 5
Hafner, F., 1994. Das Steinhuhn in Kärnten. Ökologie, Verhalten und Lebensraum. 135 p., 86 figs, 16 tables, paperbound.
Library stamps; VO11418 € 12
Hagberg, K., 1944. Fåglar i bygd och obygd. 223 p., 24 col. pls, num. b/w photographs, paperbound
(spine partly loose). In Swedish; VO11602 € 30
Hagemeijer, W.J.M. & M.J. Blair (eds), 1997. The EBCC atlas of European breeding Birds. Their distribution and abundance.
cxli, 903 p., num. line drawings & distribution maps, 4to, hardbound (d.j.) (Poyser). As new (with an introductory
summary, species names and indices in 13 languages); VO17038 € 58
Hails, C., 1988. Birds of Singapore. 168 p., num. col. ills & photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO11036 € 20
Hale, W.G., 1980 (reprint 1982). Waders. 320 p., 73 figs, 24 pls, cloth (d.j.) (The New Naturalist 65); VO11778 € 30
Halewyn, R. van, 1987. Marine birds of Aruba. Report on 1985 survey and conservation campaign. 144 p.,
22 figs, lumbacked (front cover loose); VO12247 € 10
Haley, D. (ed.), 1984. Seabirds of eastern north Pacific and arctic waters. 214 p., num. figs & col. photographs, 4to, cloth (d.j.); VO11031 € 35
Halliday, T., 1978. Vanishing Birds. Their natural history and conservation. 296 p., 46 figs, 16
col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO10903 € 25
Hamilton, W.J. & M.E.Hamilton, 1965. Breeding characteristics of yellow-billed Cuckoos in Arizona. 28 p., 2 figs,
stapled; VO20752 € 8
Hancock, J. & H. Elliott, 1978. The Herons of the world. 304 p., 61 col. pls, cloth (d.j.), fine copy in
slipcase, as new; VO11945 € 74
Hansen, L., 1954. Birds killed at Lights in Denmark 1886-1939. 100 p., wrps; VO22274 € 10
Hanson, A.R. et al. (eds), 2006. Limnology and aquatic Birds. Proceedings of the 4th Conference Working group on
aquatic birds of SIL, Canada, August 3-7, 2003. x, 349 p., num. figs & tables, 4to, hardbound (Dev. Hydrob. 189); VO24147 € 65
Hanson, H.C. et al., 1956. The geography, birds, and mammals of the Perry River region. 96 p., 34 b/w
photos, num. tables, wrps; VO11860 € 18
Hanzak, J., 1965. Das grosse Bilderlexikon der Vögel. 583 p., num. (col.) photos, cloth; VO12165 € 10
Hardy, J.W. & T. Webber, 1975. A critical list of type specimens of birds in the Moore laboratory of Zoology at
Occidental College. 24 p., stapled; VO12183 € 8
Hardy, J.W. et al., 1981. Communal social biology of the southern San Blas Jay. 61 p., 17 figs, wrps.
Library stamps (from Bull. Florida St. Mus.); VO11555 € 8
Harington, H.H., 1914. Notes on the Indian Timeliides and their allies (Laughing Thrushes, Babblers, &c.). 141 p., 4 parts bound in one. Cloth volume. Interleaved; VO10705 € 40
Harper, P.C. & F.C. Kinsky, 1974. New Zealand Albatrosses and Petrels. An identification guide. 80 p., 17 figs, 21
pls, wrps; VO10706 € 10
Harris, H., 1928. Robert Ridgway. With a bibliography of his published writings. 118 p., 49 figs,
portrait, wrps; VO26867 € 30
Harris, M., 1982 (rev. ed.). A field guide to the Birds of Galapagos. 160 p., 68 figs, 12 (4 col.) pls,
hardbound; VO10907 € 15
Harris, T. & K. Franklin, 2000. Shrikes & Bush-Shrikes. Including wood-shrikes, helmet-shrikes, flycatcher-shrikes,
philentomas, batises and wattle-eyes. 392 p., figs, 41 col. pls, hardbound
(d.j.) (Helm). As new; VO17010 € 34
Harrison, C., 1988. The history of the Birds of Britain. 224 p., num. figs, 48 col. pls, cloth
(d.j.); VO11769 € 26
Harrison, C.J.O. & C.A. Walker, 1976. A review of the bony-toothed birds (Odontopterygiformes): with descriptions of
some new species. 72 p., 32 figs, 10 pls, paperbound (TRSP2); VO10707 € 14
Harrison, C.J.O. & C.A. Walker, 1977. Birds of the British Lower Eocene. 52 p., 14 figs, 11 pls, paperbound (TRSP3);
VO10708 € 14
Harrison, C.J.O. & C.A. Walker, 1979. Studies in Tertiary avian palaeontology. Dr. Hildegard Howard Festschrift
volume. 43 p., 3 figs, 3 pls, paperbound (TRSP5); VO10709 € 14
Harrison, C.S., 1990. Seabirds of Hawaii. Natural history and conservation. x, 249 p., 21 figs, 24
col. pls, 8 maps, cloth (d.j.); VO01797 € 41
Harrison, H.H., 1984. Wood Warblers’ World. 334 p., num. photos, 24 col. pls, wrps; VO26776 € 25
Harrison, J.M., 1953. The Birds of Kent. 2 vols (compl.), xv, 51o; vii, 314 p., 79 (36 col.) pls,
Boards; VO26777 € 115
Harrison, P., 1983. Seabirds. An identification guide. 448 p., 31 figs, 88 col. pls (showing 1600
birds), 324 distribution maps, hardbound; VO11275 € 35
Harrison, P., 1985 (rev. ed.). Seabirds. An identification guide. 448 p., 31 figs, 88 col. pls (showing 1600
birds), 324 distribution maps, hardbound (d.j.); VO11053 € 35
Harrison, P.P.O., 1962. Sea Birds of the south Pacific Ocean. 144 p., num. pls, 1 fold. map, cloth
(d.j.); VO10710 € 17
Hartert, E. et al., 1912. A hand-list of British Birds. With an account of the distribution of each
species in the British Isles and abroad. 237 p., cloth. Hinges weak; VO10711 € 28
Hartert, E., 1897 (reprint 1965). Das Tierreich. Aves 1. Lieferung. Podargidae, Caprimulgidae und Macropterygidae.
iv, 98 p., paperbound; VO12160 € 10
Harting, J.E., 1875. Our summer migrants. An account of the migratory Birds which pass the summer in
the British Islands. x, 336 p., 52 wood engravings after Thomas Bewick,
decorated cloth; VO01822 € 55
Hatch, P.L., 1892. Notes on the birds of Minnesota, with specific characters. 487 p., Cloth;
VO26778 € 35
Hausman, L.A., 1947. The illustrated encyclopedia of American Birds. lxvi, 541 p., num. ills, 16 col.
pls, hardbound; VO11440 € 20
Haverschmidt, F., 1955. List of the Birds of Surinam. 153 p., 2 pls, 1 map, paperbound (NWSS13); VO11951
€ 30
Haverschmidt, F., 1963. The Black-tailed Godwit. viii, 120 p., 1 fig., 17 pls, 2 maps, HCloth; VO26779 € 20
Hayman, P. et al., n.d. (ca. 1983). Ooievaars in Nederland. Nieuwe toekomst voor een bijzondere vogel. 121 p., num.
photographs (many col.), 4to, boards; VO11969 € 10
Headley, F.W., 1912. The flight of Birds. x, 163 p., 27 figs, 16 pls, cloth. Ex-library stamps on
front free endpaper & halftitle; VO10712 € 30
Heckenroth, H. & V. Laske, 1997. Atlas der Brutvögel Niedersachsens 1981-1995. 329 p., num. figs & maps, paperbound (Natursch.Landschaftspfl. Niedersachs.#37); VO12011 € 12
Heij, C.J. & C.F.E. Rompas, 1997. Ekologi megapoda maluku (burung momoa, Eulipoa wallacei) di pulau haruku dan
beberapa pulau di Maluku, Indonesia. 160 p., num. figs & b/w photographs, paperbound. In Malayan; VO12046 € 15
Heij, C.J. et al., 1997. Biology of the Moluccan megapode Eulipoa wallacei (Megapodidae) on Haruku and
other Moluccan Islands. Part 2: final report. 128 p., 49 figs, 8 col. pls,
paperbound (Deinsea3); VO11340 € 32
Heij, C.J., 1995. Biology of the Moluccan megapode Eulipoa wallacei (Megapodidae) on Haruku and
other Moluccan Islands. Part 1: scope of the study and preliminary results. 11
p., 7 figs, 1 col. pl., paperbound. Deinsea 2. Comprises 13 zoological papers
including: The rediscovery of Monarcha boanensis (Monarchidae) from Boano
Island, Indonesia (23 p., 8 figs, 1 col. pl.); VO11341 € 34
Heinrich, B., 1989. Ravens in winter. 379 p., 16 pls, HCloth; VO26780 € 29
Heinroth, K. & J. Steinbacher, 1962. Mitteleuropäischer Vögel. 24 p., 208 col. pls, HCalf; VO26781 € 86
Heinroth, O. & M. Heinroth, 1966-1967. Die Vögel Mitteleuropas in allen Lebens- und Entwicklungsstufen photographisch
aufgenommen und in ihrem Seelenleben bei der Aufzucht von Ei ab beobachtet. 4
vols (complete). xxii, 912 p., 497 (148 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.) in plain
slipcases; VO01027 € 350
Heinroth, O., 1938. Aus dem Leben der Vögel. x, 165 p., 98 figs, cloth; VO11742 € 8
Heintzelman, D.S., 1973. Finding Birds in Trinidad and Tobago. 32 p., 4 maps, wrps; VO10713 € 6
Helgeson Nelson, C., 1993. The Downy Waterfowl of North America. xx, 302 p., 9 col. pls, num. line
drawings, 4to, hardbound (d.j.). As new; VO17040 € 32
Hellebrekers, W.Ph.J. & A. Hoogerwerf, 1967. A further contribution to our oological knowledge of the Island of Java
(Indonesia). 164 p., paperbound (ZV88); VO11270 € 41
Hellmayr, C.E., 1912. Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in das Mündungsgebiet des Amazonas. II. Vögel. 142 p., 4to, paperbound (back broken, left bottom corner of front wrapper
missing); VO01823 € 32
Hellmayr, C.E., 1929. A contribution to the ornithology of northeastern Brazil. 269 p., folding map,
disbound (unopened) (Field Mus. zool. ser. 12#18); VO26159 € 22
Hellmayr, C.E., 1929. Birds of the James Simpson-Roosevelts Asiatic expedition. 120 p.,disbound
(unopened)(Field Mus. zool. ser. 17#3); VO26165 € 28
Hennache, A., 1997. Conservation et studbook international du faisan d’Edwards (Lophura edwardsi)/The international studbook for the Edwards’s Pheasant (Lophura edwardsi) and its conservation. 254 p., (CPN30); VO13841 € 14
Hennicke, C.R., 1905. Die Raubvögel Mitteleuropas. viii, 230 p., sev. figs, 61 (53 col.) pls, Cloth; VO26782 € 150
Hennicke, C.R., 1941 (6th ed.). Taschenbuch der einheimischen Vögel. 176 p., num. (col.) figs, paperbound; VO11824 € 18
Henry, G.M., 1955. A Guide to the birds of Ceylon. xl, 432 p., 124 figs, 30 (37 col.) pls, 2 maps,
Cloth; VO26783 € 40
Hens, P.A., 1932. Avifauna der Nederlandsche provincie Limburg. 1e en 2e aanvulling. 40, 7 p., 5
pls, stapled; VO12151 € 10
Hens, P.A., 1965 (2nd ed.). Avifauna van de Nederlandse provincie Limburg benevens een vergelijking met die
der aangrenzende gebieden. 528 p., several photographs, 1 map, paperbound;
VO01800 € 55
Henze, O., 1943. Vogelschutz gegen Insektenschade in der Forstwirtschaft. 291 p., 165 figs, 16
col. pls, hcloth; VO11942 € 40
Herklots, G.A.C., 1969. The Birds of Trinidad and Tobago. 287 p., 14 figs, 20 (16 col.) pls, cloth.
Ex-library; VO20371 € 26
Herman, O., 1900-1909. Four papers on Hungarian Birds and bird-migration, disbound; VO12142 € 20
Herman, O., 1905. Recensio critica automatica of the doctrine of bird-migration. ix, 74 p., 1
folded map, 4to, hcloth; VO10718 € 45
Herman, O., 1907. The international Convention for the protection of birds, concluded in 1902; and
Hungary. Historical sketch. 241 p., broken spine, disbound. Margins
waterstained, still a good working copy; VO12195 € 10
Herzog, K., 1968. Anatomie und Flugbiologie der Vögel. xiv, 180 p., 100 figs, paperbound; VO01830 € 25
Hess, G., 1946. Der Vogel sein Körperbau und Leben. 221 p., 188 figs, boards; VO11807 € 14
Hickey, J.J., 1944 (2nd ed.). A guide to Bird watching. 262 p., num. figs, cloth; VO11736 € 14
Hickey, J.J., 1946 (3rd ed.). A guide to Bird watching. xiv, 264 p., num. ills, hardbound (d.j., worn);
VO11683 € 12
Hickling, R. (ed.), 1983. Enjoying ornithology. 296 p., 39 figs, hardbound (d.j.); VO10719 € 25
Higham, W.E., 1946. Birds in Colour. 176 p., 89 col. photographs, cloth (back broken and partly
loose); VO11905 € 10
Hill, D., 1988. J.M.W. Turners Vogelstudien. 64 p., 11 col. figs, 18 col. pls, boards (col.
d.j.); VO11717 ��� 16
Hilprecht, A., 1971. Auf schwimmenden Inseln. Erlebnisse auf einem Vogelschutzsee. 230 p., num. b/w
ills, hardbound; VO11456 € 10
Hinde, R.A., 1952. The behaviour of the Great Tit (Parus major) and some other related species. x,
201 p., 11 figs, 38 tables, wrps; VO26784 € 34
Hindwood, K.A. & A.R. McGill, 1958. The Birds of Sydney (county of Cumberland), New South Wales. 128 p., 18 pls, 1
map, wrps; VO26785 € 27
Hjortaa, H., 1985. How to draw and carve Birds. 94 p., num. figs, 2 col. pls, paperbound; VO10721 € 12
Hjorth, I., 1970. Reproductive behaviour in Tetraonidae with special reference to males. 414 p.,
158 figs, paperbound; VO23289 € 54
Hölzinger, J. et al., 1970. Die Vögel Baden-Württembergs. Eine Übersicht. 175 p., 2 maps, paperbound; VO10725 € 14
Hoffmann, R., 1927. Birds of the Pacific States. 353 p., num. figs, 10 col. pls, cloth; VO10714 € 20
Holgersen, H., 1945. Antarctic and Sub-Antarctic Birds. 100 p., 23 figs, wrps. Unopened; VO22276 € 48
Holgersen, H., 1957. Ornithology of the “Brategg” expedition. 80 p., 8 photographs, 15 maps, paperbound; VO10722 € 15
Hollom, P.A.D., 1962 (3rd ed.). The popular handbook of British Birds. xxiv, 511 p., num. ills, 151 (136 col.)
pls, hardbound (d.j.). Library stamp; VO22668 € 20
Hollom, P.A.D., 1971 (4th revised ed.). The popular handbook of British Birds. xxiv, 511 p., num. ills, 151 (136 col.)
pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO11408 € 20
Hollom, P.A.D., 1980 (2nd rev. ed.). The popular handbook of rarer British Birds. 190 p., 40 col. pls, cloth (a few
stains); VO11867 € 10
Hollom, P.A.D., 1988 (5th revised ed.). The popular handbook of British Birds. xxv, 486 p., num. ills, 151 (136 col.)
pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO11407 € 24
Holloway, J.F. et al., 1981. The Birds of Fair Isle. An illustrated check-list in memory of the late R.A.
Richardson of Cley. 50 p., num. figs, stapled; VO12068 € 10
Holmes, E.B., 1963. Variation in the muscles and nerves of the leg in two genera of Grouse
(Tympanuchus and Pedioecetes). 110 p., 20 figs, paperbound; VO10723 € 14
Holmström, C.T. et al., 1952-1953. Fuglene i Norden. 2 vols. 359, 283 p., hundreds of b/w photographs, num. col.
pls, 4to, hcalf. Last part of the volume on singing birds with marginal
waterstaining; VO10724 € 95
Holt, E.G., 1928. The Status of the Great White Heron and Würdemann’s Heron. 35 p., 6 pls, wrps; VO11851 € 12
Hoogerwerf, A., 1949. Een bijdrage tot de Oölogie van het eiland Java. 320 p., 19 col. pls, cloth; VO15834 € 62
Hoorn, D.A.C. van den & J. Taapken, 1977. Trekvogels. Hun mysterieuze en ongewisse reis over de continenten. 160 p., num.
figs & photographs (many col.), hardbound; VO11068 € 15
Hoppe, D., 1985. The world of Macaws. 144 p., num. col. photographs & pls, num. distribution maps, hardbound; VO11059 € 28
Hosking, E. & C. Newberry, 1949. Birds in Action. 128 p., 78 (8 col.) photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO10728 € 16
Hosking, E.J. & C.W. Newberry, 1945. Intimate Sketches from Bird Life. xvi, 93 p., col. frontispiece, 52 b/w photos,
cloth (d.j.); VO11752 € 10
Hosking, E.J. & C.W. Newberry, 1945. Birds of the night. With a chapter on the eyes and ears of Owls. 128 p., sev.
figs, 85 pls, Cloth; VO26787 € 20
Hosking, E.J. & C.W. Newberry, 1946 (1st ed.). More birds of the day. 128 p., 95 photos, cloth (poor d.j.); VO11723 € 14
Houston, C.S. & M.G. Street, 1959. The Birds of the Saskatchewan River. Carlton to Cumberland. 205 p., 3 pls, 3
maps, stapled; VO10729 € 15
Howard, E., 1935. The nature of a Bird’s world. vii, 102 p., mould-made paper, publisher’s cloth; VO11737 € 24
Howard, E., 1948. Territory in Bird life. 224 p., 13 ills, cloth; VO11523 € 16
Howard, H., 1972-1974. Two papers: Type specimens of avian fossils in the collections of the Natural
History Museum of Los Angeles county / Postcranial elements of the extinct
condor Breagyps clarki. 51 p., 9 figs, wrps; VO11690 € 10
Howard, H.E., 1920.
Territory in bird life. xiii, 308 p., 10 pls, Cloth; VO26788 € 60
Howard, L., 1952. Birds as individuals. 223 p., 32 pls, cloth; VO10730 € 15
Howell, Th.R. et al., 1974. Breeding biology of the gray gull, Larus modestus. 57 p., 7 figs, 3 tables, 19
pls, paperbound (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 104); VO24320 € 12
Howell, Th.R., 1979. Breeding biology of the Egyptian Plover, Pluvianus aegyptius. vi, 76 p., 15 pls,
paperbound (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 113); VO21988 € 14
Hoyo, J. del & J. Sargatal, 1989. Where to Watch Birds in Catalonia. Including Barcelona, Costa Brava, Ebro Delta,
Andorra & Pyrenees. 308 p., 20 figs, 53 maps, paperbound (in plastic cover); VO11003 € 28
Hørring, R. & F. Salomonsen, 1941. Further records of rare or new Greenland Birds. 86 p., 7 figs, paperbound;
VO11546 € 12
Hørring, R., 1919-1926-1934. Fugle I. Andefugle og hønsefugle. 238 p., 82 figs, original boards (Danmarks fauna 23); Fugle II.
Lomfugle, stormfugle, vandhøns, tranefugle og vadefugle. 332 p., 70 figs, original boards (Danmarks fauna
30); Fugle III. Maagefugle, alkefugle og rovfugle. 309 p., 81 figs, original
boards (Danmarks fauna 39). In Danish; VO11798 € 26
Hørring, R., 1919/1926. Danmarks fauna. Fugle I & II. 238, 332 p., 82 & 70 figs, paperbound; VO12203 € 20
Hørring, R., 1934. Fugle III: Maagefugle, Alkefugle og Rovfugle. 309 p., 81 figs, sm. 8vo, Danmarks
Fauna, vol. 39, wrps; VO26786 € 25
Hørring, R., 1937. Report of the fifth Thule expedition 1921-1924. Zoology II. Birds. 134 p., 1
map, disbound; VO12202 € 20
Hudec, K. (ed.), 1983. Fauna CSSR. Ptáci - Aves 3/I & 3/II. 1234 p., 651 figs, 29 col. pls, cloth (d.j.) In Czech; VO12082 € 38
Hudec, K. & J. Rooth, 1970. Die Graugans. 148 p., 27 figs, 80 b/w photographs, 1 col. pl., paperbound (Neue
Brehm-Bücherei 429); VO12114 € 12
Hudec, K. & W. Cerny (eds), 1977. Fauna CSSR. Ptáci - Aves 2. 893 p., 25 col. pls, cloth (d.j.) In Czech; VO12081 € 18
Hudson, G.E. & P.J. Lanzillotti, 1964. Muscles of the pectoral limb in galliform Birds. 113 p., 14 figs, paperbound
(from The American Midland Naturalist Vol. 71); VO12021 € 10
Hudson, G.E., 1937. Studies on the muscles of the pelvic appendage in Birds. 1108 p., 74 figs,
paperbound (from The American Midland Naturalist Vol. 18 (1); VO12063 € 12
Hudson, R. (ed.), 1975. Threatened Birds of Europe. 128 p., num. fullpage col. photographs, num. maps,
cloth; VO10732 € 20
Hudson, W.H., 1919. Birds in Town and Village. vi, 274 p., 8 col. pls, publisher’s cloth; VO10731 € 30
Hübner, E., 1905. Wetterlagen und Vogelzug: Die Rotkehlchen-Wanderungen an der deutschen Ostseeküste und über den europäischen Kontinent. 98 p., 4 pls, disbound; VO12251 € 14
Humphrey, P.S. et al., 1993. Avifauna of three Holocene Cave deposits in southern Chile. 37 p., 2 figs,
stapled; VO11693 € 7
Humphreys, G.R., 1937. A list of Irish Birds showing the species contained in the National collection.
vi, 75 p., 4 pls, wrps; VO01032 € 15
Hustings, M.F.H. et al. (eds), 1985. Vogelinventarisatie. Achtergronden, richtlijnen en verslaglegging. xviii, 495
p., 86 figs, num. ills & b/w photographs, hardbound; VO11583 € 20
Hustings, M.F.H. et al. (eds), 1989 (2nd ed.). Vogelinventarisatie. Achtergronden, richtlijnen en verslaglegging. vii, 492 p.,
86 figs, num. ills & b/w photographs, hardbound; VO12393 € 32
Hvass, H., 1963 (1st English ed.). Birds of the world. 211 p., num. col. ills, cloth (d.j.); VO11827 € 14
Ibis, The, 1923-1939. Vols 5+6 (1923-1924), vols 1+2 (1925-1926), vol. 4#4 (1928), vol. 5#1+4 (1929),
vol. 3 complete (1939). A few wrps loose or torn; VO12349 € 425
Ibis, The, 1946-1961. Vols 88 complete, 89#2, vols 92 through 103a complete. Vols 101-102-103a bound,
remainder in issues; VO12350 € 650
Ibis, The, 1959-1981. Vols 101, 102, 103a, 103b, 104 through 123. In issues; VO12345 € 1300
Ibis, The, 1959. The IBIS, journal of the British Ornithologists’ Union. Volume 101, marking the one hundred years of the British Ornithologists’ Union. 547 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound; VO12069 € 40
Ibis, The, 1961-1970. Vols 103a, 104 through 112; vols 111-112 in issues, remainder bound; VO12347 € 720
Ibis, The, 1962-1963. Centenary expeditions volume edited by R.E. Moreau. The Ibis volume 103 b (2&3). 374 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound; VO12070 € 36
Ibis, The, 1962-1967. Vols 104 through 109. In issues; VO12346 € 250
Ibis, The, 1965, 1966, 1967. Vols 107, 108, 114. Price per volume; VO12348 € 32
Ilicev, V.D. & V.E. Flint, 1985. Handbuch der Vögel der Sowjetunion. Vol. 1. Erforschungsgeschichte, Gaviiformes,
Podicipediformes, Procellariiformes. 350 p., 67 figs/maps, 8 col. pls, Rexine;
VO26789 € 42
Ilicev, V.D. & V.E. Flint, 1989. Handbuch der Vögel der Sowjetunion. Vol. 4: Galliformes, Gruiformes. 427 p., 110 figs, 20 col.
pls, Rexine; VO26790 € 42
Ilicev, V.D. & V.E. Flint, 1990. Handbuch der Vögel der Sowjetunion. Vol. 6/1: Charadriiformes/Lari: Stercorariidae, Laridae
(Larinae und Sterninae). 367 p., 87 figs, 86 distr. maps, 16 col. pls, Rexine;
VO26791 € 42
Iljitchev, V.D. & V.E. Flint (eds), 1985. Handbuch der Vögel der Sowjet-Union. Band 1. Erforschungsgeschichte, Gaviiformes,
Podicipediformes, Procellariiformes. 350 p., 76 figs, 8 col. pls, hardbound
(d.j.); VO10735 € 50
Iljitchev, V.D. & V.E. Flint (eds), 1989. Handbuch der Vögel der Sowjet-Union. Band 4. Galliformes, Gruiformes. 427 p., 111 figs, 20 col.
pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO10736 € 60
Iljitchev, V.D. et al., 1982. Zoologichesky Zhurnal Vol. 61 (7). 159 p., num. figs, paperbound. Special number
on ornithology of this Russian journal. In Russian with English summaries;
VO10737 € 14
Ilyichev, V.D. & V.A. Zubakin (eds), 1988. Birds of the USSR. Gulls. 414 p., 86 figs, 8 col. pls, maps, cloth (d.j.). In
Russian; VO19679 € 38
Imhof, T.A., 1976. Alabama birds, 2nd. ent. rev. ed. xv, 445 p., many figs, 47 col. pls, Cloth;
VO26792 € 42
Immelmann, K., 1964. Die australischen Plattschweifsittiche. 116 p., 24 figs, 2 col. pls, 8
distribution maps, wrps (d.j., torn) (Neue Brehm-Bücherei); VO23284 € 6
Immelmann, K., 1968. De Australische Platstaartparkieten. 195 p., num. b/w & col. ills, soft card cover; VO12126 € 12
Immelmann, K., 1968. Der Zebrafink. 103 p., 3 figs, 33 photos, 1 col. pl., wrps (Neue Brehm-Bücherei); VO23286 € 6
Impekoven, M., 1962. Die Jugendentwicklung des Teichrohrsängers (Acrocephalus scirpaceus). Eine Verhaltensstudie. 104 p., no wrps; VO12237
€ 12
Index, 1928. Index op het Jaarbericht der Club van Nederlandsche Vogelkundigen. Jaargang
I-XVII (1911 - April 1928), paperbound; VO12132 € 8
Indonesian journal for natural science, 1953. Vol. 109. Containing 2 papers on birds in Dutch language. 1) A. Hoogerwerf:
Merkwaardige en zeldzame vogels in Kebun Raya Indonesia te Bogor. 20 p. 2)
H.J.V. Sody: Vogels van het Javaanse djatibos. Met overwegingen over nut en
schade voor dit bos. 48 p., boards; VO15836 € 15
Ingram, G.C.S. & H.M. Salmon, 1934. Birds in Britain to-day. x, 145 p., 65 b/w photographs, cloth. Lower part of
whole book waterstained, not affecting text; VO11837 € 12
Inskipp, C. & T. Inskipp, 1985. A guide to the Birds of Nepal. 392 p., num. figs & distribution maps, 8 col. pls, hardbound; VO11382 € 35
International Council for Bird Preservation, 1988-1992. Containing: World Birdwatch, vol. 10#1 (1988), vol. 11#1, 2, 3, vol. 12#3+4,
vol. 13#1, 2, 3, vols 14, 15, 16 (1994) complete. We added ICBP Annual Reports
1988 + 1989/1990 + 1991 and 1 special issue; VO12363 € 18
Irby, L.H., 1888. British Birds, Key List. 58 p., wrps; VO11808 € 18
Iredale, T., 1950. Birds of Paradise and Bower Birds. xii, 239 p., 33 col. pls, Gilt decor, HCalf;
VO26793 € 270
Isenmann, P. et al., 1969. Nouvelles recherches ecologiques sur les oiseaux des Terres Australes et
Antarctiques Françaises. 106 p., figs & photographs, paperbound (L’Oiseau 39 No Spécial); VO22403 € 20
Isis, 1833. Isis. Encyclopädische Zeitschrift, vorzüglich für Naturgeschichte, vergleichende Anatomie und Physiologie, von Oken. Single
plate (Taf. XV) from Heft VII, title “Flug der Vögel” depicting bird anatomy; VO18165 € 10
Isler, M.L. & P.R. Isler, 1987. The Tanagers. Natural history, distribution, and identification. 404 p., 32 col.
pls, Cloth; VO26794 € 80
Jaarverslag Stichting Vogeltrekstation Texel, 1931-1975. Contains: years 1931-1932, 1942-1970, 1974, 1975. We added: Ringverslag van het
Vogeltrekstation nos 44 (1957-1959), 57-59 (1972-1974) + issue on the Years
1911-1970. In issues. Rare; VO12360 € 100
Jacquart, H., 1845. De l’amnios chez les oiseaux. 43 p., loose. Thesis; VO12091 € 25
Jacque, Ch., 1887 (6th ed.). Le Poulailler. Monographie des poules indigènes et exotiques. Aménagements, croisement, élevage, hygiène, maladies, etc. 390 p., 117 figs, wrps, scarce; VO11841 € 38
James, A.H., 1984-1988. 3 papers on Buteo. 46 p., 12 figs, 9 tables, disbound (from Beaufortia); VO25905
€ 7
James, P., 1996. Birds of Sussex. 591 p., num. figs, 18 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO15780 € 45
James, R.D. et al., 1976. Annotated checklist of the Birds of Ontario. 75 p., 2 maps, wrps; VO10738 € 12
Jaramillo, A. & P. Burke, 1999. New World Blackbirds. The Icterids. 431 p., figs, 39 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.)
(Helm). As new; VO17011 € 32
Jardine, D. et al., 1991. Birds in Northumbria. 96 p., several figs, wrps; VO10739 € 10
Jenkins, D., 1953. A study of habitat selection of birds in north-west Vesterålen. 51 p., num. figs, 7 tables, wrps (Sterna 9); VO15913 € 10
Jensen, J.V. & J. Kirkeby, 1980. The Birds of The Gambia. An annotated check-list and guide to the localities in
The Gambia. 284 p., num. photographs, ca. 400 maps, paperbound; VO11050 € 20
Jespersen, P., 1929. The Danish “Dana”-Expeditions 1920-22 in the north Atlantic and the Gulf of Panama, No. 7:
Ornithological observations in the north Atlantic Ocean. 36 p., 19 figs, roy.
4to, paperbound. Unopened. Errata sheet inserted; VO19529 € 14
Jeugd, H. van der & W. van Manen, 1992. Broedvogels van Arkemheen in 1992. 40 p., num. maps, paperbound; VO12212 € 8
Jex, H.S., 1974. A Wilderness of Birds. 160 p., num. col. photographs, cloth; VO11414 € 8
Johansen, H., 1958. Revision und Entstehung der Arktischen Vogelfauna. II. Revision der
Grues-Passeres und Entstehung der Arktischen Vogelfauna. 130 p., 8 maps, 4to,
paperbound; VO10745 € 25
John, H. & D. Sauermann (eds), 1984. Leben mit Brieftauben. 381 p., 358 (col.) photographs, hardbound; VO15833 € 20
Johnsgard, P.A., 1979. Birds of the Great Plains. Breeding species and their distribution. xlv, 539 p.,
num. line drawings & distribution maps, 3 b&w pls, 16 col. pls, cloth (d.j.). As new; VO17020 € 26
Johnsgard, P.A., 1981. The Plovers, Sandpipers, and Snipes of the world. xvii, 493 p., 80 figs, 135
maps, 120 (60 col.) photographs & pls, hcloth (d.j.); VO11045 € 50
Johnsgard, P.A., 1991. Crane music. A natural history of American Cranes. 136 p., num. figs, hcloth;
VO11357 € 14
Johnsgard, P.A., 1993. Cormorants, Darters, and Pelicans of the world. xiv, 445 p., 119 figs, 31 col.
pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11922 € 25
Johnsgard,P.A., 1976. Handbook of waterfowl behavior. 2nd ed. xiv, 378 p., 96 figs, 10 pls, Cloth;
VO26795 € 56
Johnson, N.K., 1963. Biosysteamtics of sibling species of flycatchers in the
Empidonax-Hammondii-Oberholseri-Wrightii complex. 160 p., 28 figs, 25 tables, 8
pls, wrps; VO26796 € 20
Johnson, N.K., 1980. Character variation and evolution of sibling species in the Empidonax
difficilis-flavescens complex (Tyrannidae). 151 p., 39 figs, 3 pls, paperbound
(Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 112); VO10746 € 20
Johnston, R.F., 1964. The breeding Birds of Kansas. 79 p., 10 figs, paperbound (Univ. Kansas Publ.);
VO11542 € 8
Jonkers, D.A. et al. (eds), 1987. Vogels tussen Vecht en Eem. Avifauna van het Gooi, de Vechtstreek en de
Eempolders. 399 p., num. figs & photographs (many col.), hardbound; VO11355 € 20
Jonsson, L., 1977. Die Vögel der Meeresküste. 126 p., 296 col. ills, 94 distr. maps, hardbound; VO11051 € 10
Jonsson, L., 1992/1999. Birds of Europe with North Africa and the Middle East. 559 p., over 400 col.
ills, hardbound; VO11877 € 25
Jonstons, J., 1660 (reprint 1976). 309 afbeeldingen van vogelen in koper gesneden uit J. Jonstons Naeukeurige
Beschryvingh van de natuur, kopergravures gemaakt door Matthias Merian. 62 pls,
boards; VO12053 € 10
Journal für Ornithologie, 1954-1970. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft. Vols 95, 102 through 108
(bound), 109 through 111 (in issues); VO12333 € 160
Journal für Ornithologie, 1965-1991. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft. Vols 106 through 132. In
issues. Missing: 106#3-4, 107#1-2, 113#4, 114#2,3,4, vols 115-116-117 complete,
vols 124 through 129 complete, 130#4, vol. 131 complete; VO12331 € 198
Journal für Ornithologie, 1995. Inhaltsverzeichnis Jahrgänge 1964-1993 (Band 105-134) im Auftrag der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft. Sonderheft. 216 p., paperbound;
VO15881 € 28
Junge, G.C.A. & G.F. Mees, 1958. The avifauna of Trinidad and Tobago. 172 p., 2 figs, paperbound (ZV37); VO17807 € 43
Junge, G.C.A. & J.G. Kooiman, 1951. On a collection of Birds from the Khwae Noi valley, western Siam. 38 p., 1 fig.,
paperbound (ZV15). Unopened; VO15873 € 10
Junge, G.C.A. & J.G. Kooiman, 1951. On a collection of birds from the Khwae Noi valley, western Siam. 38 p., 1 fig.,
paperbound (ZV15); VO17800 € 10
Junge, G.C.A., 1953. Zoological results of the Dutch New Guinea Expedition, 1939, No. 5. The Birds.
77 p., 1 map, paperbound (ZV20). Unopened; VO15875 € 19
Junge, G.C.A., 1954. Ornithologisch onderzoek in de Indische archipel. 36 p., wrps (reprint Ardea
41); VO12245 € 8
Kalela, O., 1955. Die neuzeitliche Ausbreitung des Kiebitzes, Vanellus vanellus (L.), in Finland.
80 p., 16 figs, paperbound; VO12219 € 10
Kanellis, A., 1969. Catalogus Faunae Graeciae. Pars II: Aves. 203 p., 2 maps, wrps; VO26797 € 34
Kantak, F., 1954. Sturmmöwen auf Langenwerder. Aus der Geschichte einer Vogelinsel. 136 p., 79 b/w
photographs, hcloth (d.j.); VO11816 € 10
Kearton, R., 1912. Nature’s Carol Singers. 251 p., num. photographs, publisher’s cloth; VO10747 € 18
Kearton, R., 1923. Wild Bird adventures. A nature story book for boys and girls. 181 p., num. pls,
publisher’s cloth; VO10748 € 15
Keast, A. (ed.), 1990. Biogeography and ecology of forest bird communities. 416 p., 156 figs, 17 col.
photographs, 4to, hardbound; VO01806 € 105
Keast, A. et al., 1985. Birds of eucalypt forest and woodlands: ecology, conservation, management. 384
p., num. figs & col. photos, 4to, hardbound (d.j.) A very fine copy; VO11721 € 68
Keith, S. et al., 1970. The genus Sarothrura (Aves, Rallidae). 84 p., 15 (2 col.) figs, 31 tables, wrps
(Bull. AMNH 143#1); VO24753 € 10
Keller, C.E., S.A. Keller & T.C. Keller, 1979. Indiana Birds and their haunts. A checklist and finding guide. x, 214 p., 14
maps, Cloth; VO26798 € 22
Keller, R., 1931. Die Vögel der Lokalfauna von Winterthur. 253 p., boards. Ex-library; VO20376 € 30
Kennedy, C.H., 1950. The relation of American dragonfly-eating Birds to their prey. 56 p., stapled;
VO12233 € 8
Kerekes, J.J. (ed.), 1994. Aquatic birds in the trophic web of lakes. Proceedings of a symposium held in
Sackville (Canada), 1991. viii, 524 p., num. figs, hardbound (Dev. Hydrob. 96);
VO01807 € 60
Keve, A., 1948. Über die ornithologische Sammeltätigkeit Franz Schillinger’s im russischen Reich. 54 p., 9 figs, disbound, unopened (from Ann. Wien);
VO25902 € 7
Keve, A., 1960. Magyarország madarainak névjegyzéke/Nomenclator avium Hungariae. 90 p., paperbound (text in Hungarian and
German); VO12071 € 12
Kilham, L., 1983. Life history studies of Woodpeckers of eastern North America. vii, 240 p., 58
figs/photos, Cloth; VO26799 € 30
King, W.B., 1979 (2nd ed.). Red data book. Vol. 2. Aves. ca. 400 p., looseleaf system in two ringbinders;
VO10743 € 35
Kinsky, F.C., 1960. The yearly cycle of the northern Blue Penguin (Eudyptula minor novaehollandiae)
in the Wellington Harbour area. 74 p., 38 figs, paperbound (Records of the
Dominion Museum, Vol. 3 (3); VO12110 € 10
Kirby, M. & E. Kirby, n.d. (ca. 1890). Stories About Birds of Land and Water. 256 p., num. ills, decorated cloth
(worn); VO10749 € 30
Kirchner, H., 1952-1967. Der Vogel im Fluge. Ein Feldführer durch die Grossvögel Mitteleuropas. Lieferung 4-7, in 3 parts. 58 p., num. figs & col. pls, wrps; VO12135 € 12
Kirkman, F.B., 1937. Bird behaviour. 232 p., 6 figs, 30 pls, original blue cloth; VO11687 € 14
Kist, J. & K.H. Voous (eds), 1962. Avifauna van Nederland. Lijst van de in Nederland waargenomen vogelsoorten en
hun geografische vormen. 103 p., paperbound, interleaved copy (overdruk Ardea
50#1/2); VO15882 € 14
Kjaerbølling, N., 1851-1854. Icones Ornithologiae Scandinavicae. Ornithologia Danica. Danmarks Fugle.
title-page, 61 handcoloured pls, small folio, turn of century hcalf. Two plates
foxed, a few others slightly foxed, title-page with small library stamp. First
Supplement: title-page, 35 handcoloured pls, small folio, contemporary hcalf
(used). Some slight foxing in several plates, small unobtrusive stamp on bottom
of plates. Lacks the second and last supplement with 8 plates which was issued
in 1855; VO07628 € 1200
Kleinschmidt, O. von, 1931 (6th ed.). Die Singvögel der Heimat. xiii, 108 p., 101 (86 col.) pls, decorated cloth; VO12375 € 32
Kleinschmidt, O., 1921 (3rd ed.). Die Singvögel der Heimat. xii, 107 p., 100 (86 col.) pls, boards. Ex-library; VO20375 € 30
Kleinschmidt, O., 1926. Die Formenkreislehre und das Weltwerden des Lebens. ix, 188 p., 50 figs, 16 pls,
paperbound; VO01393 € 35
Kleinschmidt, O., 1934 (7th ed.). Die Singvögel der Heimat. xiii, 108 p., 101 (86 col.) pls, decorated cloth; VO01808 € 30
Kleinschmidt, O., 1955 (10th ed.). Die Singvögel der Heimat. xiii, 96 p., 91 (81 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.); VO10751 € 18
Klomp, H. & J.W. Woldendorp (eds), 1980. The integrated study of bird populations. Proceedings of a symposium held in
Wageningen, 1979. 255 p., num. figs, paperbound ; VO12065 € 32
Klomp, H., 1954. De Terreinkeus van de Kievit, Vanellus vanellus (L.). 139 p., 48 figs, sewn
(reprint from Ardea 42#1-2); VO15561 € 14
Kluijver, H.N., 1933. Bijdrage tot de biologie en de ecologie van den spreeuw (Sturnus vulgaris
vulgaris). 145 p., 5 figs, 3 pls, 13 tables, paperbound. Thesis; VO11021 € 20
Kluijver, H.N., 1951. The population ecology of the Great Tit, Parus m. major L. 135 p., 16 figs, 52
tables, 2 pls, wrps; VO26800 € 20
Kluyver, H.N. (ed.), 1975. De vogels van de Brownsberg. 94 p., num. figs, paperbound (Natuurgids B#3);
VO20115 € 12
Kluyver, H.N., 1936. Bescherming van nuttige vogels. Nestkast, vogelboschje, wintervoedering,
drinkbak. 39 p., 11 figs, 1 plate, wrps; VO19571 € 6
Knorre, D. von et al. (eds), 1986. Die Vogelwelt Thüringens. 339 p., num. figs & maps, col. map on rear endpaper, hardbound (d.j.); VO11991 € 24
Koeman, J.H. (ed.), 1972. Side-effects of persistent pesticides and other chemicals on birds and mammals
in The Netherlands. 106 p., num. photos & figs, 4to, paperbound; VO23155 € 15
König, C., 1966. Europäische Vögel. Ziegenmelker, Segler, Racken, Spechte, Sperlingsvögel. 256 p., 136 col. photographs, cloth; VO10763 € 14
Koenig, W.D. & R.L. Mumme, 1987. Population ecology of the cooperatively breeding Acorn Woodpecker.
xiii, 435 p., num. figs, wrps. Monogr. Popul. Biology 24; VO17022 € 14
Koepcke, M. & H. Sick, 1959-1968. 6 papers (4 Koepcke, 2 Sick) on Birds from Peru and Amazon region. 84 p. (2
pages in photocopy), various figs, disbound (from Beaufortia); VO25907 € 10
Koepcke, M., 1964. Las Aves del Departameneto de Lima. 118 p., 313 figs, Cloth; VO26801 € 27
Koffán, K., 1961. Vögel vor der Kamera. 207 p., 166 (several col.) photographs, cloth; VO01809 € 28
Kolbe, H., 1977. Wasservögel in Freiland und Gehege. 248 p., 128 (86 col.) photographs, num. maps,
hardbound (d.j.); VO11813 € 12
Koller, H., 1888. Naamlijst van in Nederland in den vrijen natuurstaat waargenomen Vogels. 80 p.,
folio, stapled; VO12093 € 20
Kolthoff, G., 1888. Lagopus bonasioides, bastard mellan dalripa och hjerpe. 7 p., 1 col. pl. (in
Swedish); VO12166 € 8
Koningsberger, J.C., 1901. De Vogels van Java en hunne oeconomische beteekenis. Part 1 (of 2). 107 p., 60
pls, boards. Partly loose, back cover missing. Scarce; VO10766 € 45
Kornowski, G., 1957. Beiträge zur Ethologie des Blässhuhns (Fulica atra L.). 36 p., 22 figs, 3 tables, disbound (reprint J.Orn.
98); VO12138 € 8
Kortlandt, A., 1940. Eine Übersicht der angeborenen Verhaltungsweisen des Mittel-europäischen Kormorans (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) ihre Funktion, ontogenetische
Entwicklung und phylogenetische Herkunft. Und Wechselwirkung zwischen
Instinkten. 120 p., wrps; VO12159 € 14
Kortlandt, A., 1949. Textuur en gedrag van het broedvoorbereidingsgedrag bij de aalscholver. 108; 25
p., 20 figs, 8 photos, wrps, Thesis; VO26802 € 22
Koskimies, J., 1950. The life of the swift, Micropus apus, in relation to the weather. 151 p., 53
figs, paperbound (from Ann. Acad. Scient. Fennicae); VO12080 € 14
Koskimies, J., 1957. Verhalten und Ökologie der Jungen und der jungenführenden Weibchen der Samtente (zur Fortpflanzungsbiologie der Samtente Melanitta
F. fusca). 69 p., wrps; VO12391 € 12
Kozlova, E.V., 1961. Fauna SSSR. Ptitsy. Vol. II,1, part 2. 500 p., 165 figs, cloth. In Russian;
VO15862 € 60
Krägenow, P. & R. Schwarz, 1970. Die Vogelwelt des Kreises Röbel. 93 p., 11 maps, paperbound. Ex-library (Natur und Naturschutz in
Mecklenburg, Vol. 8); VO24344 € 10
Kredel, F., ca. 1955. Das kleine Buch der Vögel und Nester. 46 p., 24 col. pls, boards (top margins waterstained not
affecting the text and pls). Insel Bücherei No. 100; VO11774 € 8
Kredel, F., ca. 1955. Das kleine Buch der Vögel und Nester. 46 p., 24 col. pls, boards (Insel Bücherei No. 100); VO22259 € 10
Kretzschmar, E., 1982. Beiträge zur Avifauna Dortmunds - Schnepfenvögel (Limikolen). 20 p., 11 figs, disbound; VO15900 € 5
Kruimel, J.H., 1916. Onderzoekingen over de veeren bij hoenderachtige vogels. 92 p., 4 figs, 4 pls,
wrps; VO12243 € 28
Krutch, J.W. & P.S. Eriksson (eds), 1962. A treasury of birdlore. xviii, 390 p., 52 figs, cloth (d.j. faded); VO11767 € 12
Kühnapfel, K.-H., 1982. Die Vogelwelt des Bergsenkungsgebietes Dortmund-Lanstrop. Untersuchungen zur
Verbreitung Siedlungsdichte und Brutbiologie. 48 p., 9 figs, 20 photos,
disbound; VO15901 € 6
Kumar, G. & B.S. Lamba, 1985. Studies on migratory birds and their feeding behaviour in Corbett National Park.
147 p., num. figs & tables, 24 pls, paperbound; VO12225 € 10
Kumerloeve, H., 1950. Zur Kenntnis der Osnabrücker Vogelwelt (Stadt- und Landkreis). 163 p., 33 b/w photographs, 1 map,
paperbound (from Veröff. des Naturwiss. Vereins Osnabrück); VO12024 € 10
Kupsch, W., 1930. Künstliche Brut und Aufzucht des Geflügels mit einer Beschreibung aller Arbeiten bei der Durchführung der Brut auf Aufzucht. 182 p., num. figs, wrps; VO11746 € 10
Kuusisto, P., 1941. Studien über die Ökologie und Tagesrhytmik von Phylloscopus trochilus acredula mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Brutbiologie. 120 p., paperbound. Unopened (Acta Zool. Fennica
31); VO12077 € 18
Kuz’mina, M.A., 1992. Tetraonidae and phasianidae of the USSR. Ecology and morphology. xvi, 302 p., 31
figs, hardbound; VO12401 € 60
Kwak, R.G.M. et al., 1988. Broedvogeldistricten van Nederland. Een ruimtelijke visie op de Nederlandse
avifauna. 143 p., 1 map, paperbound; VO01810 € 16
Lachner, R., 1969. Paradies der wilden Vögel. Ostafrika. 376 p., 96 (32 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.); VO10767 € 28
Lack, D., 1939. The behaviour of the Robin. Part I. The life-history, with special reference to
aggressive behaviour, sexual behaviour, and territory. Part II. A partial
analysis of aggressive and recognitional behaviour. 50 p., 4 figs, 1 plte,
disbound; VO15993 € 10
Lack, D., 1946 (rev.ed.). The Life of the Robin. xv, 224 p. col. frontispiece, 8 b/w pls, cloth; VO11749 € 20
Lack, D., 1947. Darwin’s Finches, x, 208 p., 27 figs, 8 (3 col.) pls, Cloth; VO26803 € 56
Lack, D., 1965 (4th ed.). The Life of the Robin. 240 p., 9 figs, cloth (d.j.); VO15786 € 12
Lack, D., 1968. Population studies of Birds. 341 p., 31 figs, num. ills, paperbound; VO11965 € 24
Lack, D., 1971. Ecological Isolation in Birds. 404 p., 58 figs, 34 tables, cloth; VO11000 € 40
Lack, D., 1976. Island biology. Illustrated by the land birds of Jamaica. xvi, 445 p., 14 pls,
58 figs, 8 photographs, 48 tables, cloth (d.j.); VO11054 € 70
Lack, D., 1976. Island Biology. Illustrated by the land birds of Jamaica. xvi, 445 p., 58
figs/maps, 48 tables, 14 pls, Cloth; VO26805 € 60
Lack, D., 1983. Darwin’s Finches. Reissue, with introd. and notes by L.M. Ratcliffe & P.T. Boag. liii, 208 p., 27 figs, 8 (5 col.) pls, portrait, wrps; VO26804 € 30
Lack, P., 1986. The atlas of wintering Birds in Britain and Ireland. 446 p., ca. 200 figs, 192
col. maps, hardbound (d.j.); VO10769 € 32
LaCour, T., 1968. Fuglerederer. 44 p., drawings by Falke Bang, wrps; VO12199 € 12
Lambrecht, K., 1921. Aves (Fossilium Catalogus Animalia 12). 104 p., disbound, library stamps;
VO11694 € 20
Lancaster, D.A., 1964. Biology of the brushland Tinamou, Nothoprocta cinerascens. 46 p., 22 figs, 11
pls, wrps (Bull. AMNH 127#6); VO24755 € 10
Landolt, R., 1987. Vergleichend funktionelle Morphologie des Verdauungstraktes der Tauben
(Columbidae) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der adaptiven Radiation der Fruchttauben (Treroninae). 2 parts. 45
p., 27 figs, 32 p., 18 figs, disbound; VO15899 € 10
Lanner, R.M., 1996. Made for Each Other. A Symbiosis of Birds and Pines. viii, 160 p., num. figs & tables, 4 col. pls, paperbound; VO11381 € 12
Lansdowne, J.F., 1976-80. Birds of the west coast. 2 vols (compl.), 175; 167 p., 100 (4 fold.) col. pls, Cloth; VO26806 € 100
Lanyon, W.E. & F.B. Gill, 1964. Spectrographic analysis of variation in the songs of a population of blue-winged
Warblers (Vermivora pinus). 18 p., 9 figs, 3 tables, stapled (Novitates 2176);
VO12184 € 8
Lanyon, W.E. & F.B. Gill, 1964. 3 papers: Experiments on species discrimination in Myiarchus Flycatchers (16 p.,
8 figs, 3 tables); Notes on a race of the Ash-throated Flycatcher, Myiarchus
cinerascens pertinax, of Baja California (7 p., 2 figs); Spectrographic
analysis of variation in the songs of a population of Blue-winged Warblers
(Vermivora pinus) (18 p., 9 figs, 3 tables), stapled (Novitates 2126, 2129,
2176); VO23767 € 16
Lanyon, W.E., 1963. Revision and probable evolution of the Myiarchus Flycatchers of the West Indies.
42 p., 4 figs, 15 pls, 6 tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 136#6); VO24751 € 13
Lanyon, W.E., 1978. Revision of the Myiarchus Flycatchers of South America. 202 p., 89 figs/photos,
48 tables, 4to, wrps; VO26807 € 30
Lanyon, W.E., 1979. Development of song in the wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina), with notes on a
technique for hand-rearing Passerines from the egg. 27 p., 10 figs, 5 tables,
wrps (Am. Mus. Novit. 2666); VO24758 € 5
Lanyon, W.E., 1981. Breeding Birds and old field succession on Fallow Long island farmland. 60 p.,
31 figs, 24 tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 168#1); VO24724 € 7
Lanyon, W.E., 1988. 3 papers (all Novitates): A phylogeny of the thirty-two genera in the Elaenia
assemblage of tyrant Flycatchers; A phylogeny of the Flatbill and Tody-tyrant
assemblage of tyrant Flycatchers; The phylogenetic affinities of the Flycatcher
genera Myiobius Darwin and Terenotriccus Ridgway. 109 p., 47 figs, 7 tables,
wrps ; VO25074 € 16
Larson, S., 1957. The suborder Charadrii in arctic and boreal areas during the Tertiary and
Pleistocene. 84 p., 15 maps, paperbound; VO24326 € 16
Larus, 1997. Annual of the Institute of Ornithology of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and
Arts. Vol. 46. 140 p., paperbound (articles, short notes, reviews have
summaries in English); VO15883 € 12
Lawton, J.H. (ed.), 1990. Red Grouse populations and Moorland management. 36 p., 6 figs, paperbound (Brit.
Ecol. Soc., Ecological Issues #2); VO12037 € 8
Leach, J.A., 1929 (7th ed.). An Australian Bird book. A complete guide to the identification of Australian
birds.232 p., num. col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11822 € 12
Leahy, C.W., 1983. The Birdwatcher’s companion. An encyclopedic handbook of North American birdlife. 917 p., 25
ills, 6 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11976 € 16
Lebret, T., 1979. Biesbosch-vogels. 123 p., num. (many col.) photographs, hardbound. Ex-library;
VO20370 € 12
Lécaillon, M.A., 1910. La parthénogenèse chez les Oiseaux. Segmentation et dégénérescence de l’oeuf non fécondé. 127 p., 4 col. pls, paperbound; VO12087 € 12
LeCroy, M. & R. Sloss, 2000. Type specimens of Birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Part 3.
Passeriformes: Eurylaimidae, Dendrocolaptidae, Furnariidae, Formicariidae,
Conopophagidae, and Rhinocryptidae. 88 p., paperbound; VO11005 € 18
LeCroy, M., 2005. Type specimens of birds in the American Museum of Natural History. Part 6.
Passeriformes: Prunellidae, Turdidae, Orthonychidae, Timaliidae,
Paradoxornithidae, Picathartidae, and Polioptilidae.132 p., paperbound (Bull.
AMNH 292); VO20711 € 22
Lemmens, R.H.M.J., 1984. De knobbelzwaan in Nederland, een lust of een last! Een kwantitatief onderzoek
aan knobbelzwanenschade en bestrijdingstechnieken. 34 p., 9 bijlages, wrps;
VO12179 € 8
Lemmon, R.S., 1952. Our amazing Birds. The little-known facts about their private lives. 239 p.,
num. figs, hardbound; VO11719 € 8
Lensink, R., 1996. 33 Koperwieken ZW 4. Vogeltrek in het binnenland. 127 p., num. figs, paperbound
(KNNV217); VO11325 € 10
Leopold, A.S., 1977. The California Quail. xx, 281 p., 95 figs/photos, 40 tables, Cloth; VO26808 € 29
Lepelaar, De, 1968-1977. Nederlandsche Vereniging tot Bescherming van Vogels. Nos 1 through 48. In
issues; VO12362 € 100
Lesson, R.P., 1913. Articles d’ornithologie parus dans “l’Echo du monde savant” de 1842 à 1845. 280 p., portrait, wrps; VO26809 € 25
Leverkühn, P., 1894. Über das Brutgeschäft der Crotophagiden. 37 p., wrps; VO12103 € 12
Liebe, K.Th. (C.R. Hennicke ed.), 1893-1895. K.Th. Liebes ornithologische Schriften. 724, 48 p., portrait, decorated cloth;
VO11043 € 80
Ligon, J.D., 1968. The biology of the Elf owl, Micrathene whitneyi. 70 p., 20 figs, 6 tables, wrps
(Misc. Pub. Mus. Zool. Un. Mich. 136); VO24018 € 14
Limosa, 1939-1976. Vol. 12#4, vols 13-49, in issues. Missing: 22#1-2, vol. 23 cplt, 24#1-2, 26#1-2,
31#3-4 ; VO12340 € 400
Limosa, 1957-1968. Vols 30 through 41 bound in 8 vols. Missing vol. 31#3-4, vol. 34 complete;
VO12343 € 130
Limosa, 1959-1965. Vols 32 through 38, nicely bound in 3 vols; VO12342 € 110
Limosa, 1961-1971. Vols 34, 39 through 44, in issues; VO12341 € 68
Limosa, 1969. Vol. 42 complete, in issues; VO12366 € 10
Limosa, 1971. Vol. 44, in issues; VO12367 € 10
Limosa/Club van Nederlandsche Vogelkundigen, 1923-1981. Contains: Jaarberichten Nos 13 through 17 + Index vols 1-17; Limosa (1941-44)
vols 14 through 17 complete bound, vols 18 (1945) through 54 (1981) in issues.
Vols 30-31 hardbound; VO12339 € 540
Lind, E.A., 1960. Zur Ethologie und Ökologie der Mehlschwalbe, Delichon U. urbica (L.). 124 p., 46 figs, 11 photos,
paperbound; VO12221 € 12
Lind, E.A., 1963. Zum Schwarmverhalten der Mehlschwalbe, Delichon U. urbica (L.). 72 p., 23 figs,
wrps; VO12387 € 12
Lindblad, J., 1969. Journey to Red Birds. 176 p., num. (23 col.) pls, cloth; VO10771 € 28
Linnaeus, C., 1731, reprint 1907. Methodus avium sveticarum. Ed. e. Lönnberg. 96 p., 1 fold. pl., wrps; VO26810 € 42
Lintia, D., 1954. Pasarile din Republicii Populare Romine. Vol. Al II-Lea. 300 p., num. figs & col. pls, hardbound (d.j.). In Romanian. Scarce; VO11857 € 40
Lippens, Graaf L. & H. Wille, 1972. Atlas van de vogels in België en West-Europa. 846 p., col. frontispiece, 16 col. pls, num. distr. maps,
hardbound (d.j., with small tear); VO22818 € 62
Lippens, L. & H. Wille, 1976. Les oiseaux du Zaïre. 509p., num. col. photos, distr. maps, Cloth; VO26811 € 210
Livezey, B.C. & P.G.P. Ericson, 1997. A phylogenetic analysis of basal Anseriformes, the fossil Presbyornis, and the
interordinal relatioships of waterfowl by B.C. Livezey. 68 p., 15 figs; & Systematic relationships of the palaeogene family Presbyornithidae (Aves:
Anseriformes) by P.G.P. Ericson. 54 p., 37 figs, paperbound (Zool. J. Linn.Soc.
121#4); VO15977 € 16
Livingston, J.A., 1968-70. Birds of the eastern forest, 2 vols (compl.). 231; 261 p., 112 col. pls. Cloth;
VO26812 € 125
Livingston, J.A., 1971. Birds of the northern forest, 2nd ed. 247 p., 56 col. pls, Cloth; VO26813 € 72
Lockley, R. & G. Moon, 1982. New Zealand’s Birds. A photographic guide. 191 p., ca. 300 col. photographs, 4to, hardbound
(d.j.); VO01811 € 38
Lockley, R.M. et al., n.d. (ca. 1960). British Birds in Colour. 192 p., num. (107 col.) ills, cloth (d.j.); VO10773 € 23
Lockley, R.M., 1953. Puffins. xi, 186 p., num. figs, 18 pls, cloth; VO10772 € 25
Lockley, R.M., 1961. Shearwaters. xvi, 256 p., 3 figs, paperbound; VO01031 € 8
Lockley, R.M., 1974. Ocean wanderers. The migratory sea Birds of the world. 168 p., num. figs, 9 col.
pls, 28 photographs, 22 maps, hardbound (d.j.); VO11066 € 20
Lockley, R.M., 1983. Flight of the Storm Petrel. 192 p., 59 figs, 19 maps, hardbound; VO10999 € 25
Lockwood, G., 1981. Garden Birds of Southern Africa. 180 p., col. frontispiece, 17 col. pls, 4to,
hardbound (d.j. frayed); VO11253 € 32
Lodge, W., 1991. Birds alternative names. A world checklist. 208 p., hardbound (d.j.); VO10777 € 18
Lönnberg, E., 1911. Birds collected by the Swedish Zoological expedition to British East Africa
1911. 131 p., 5 (2 col.) pls, 4to, disbound; VO10779 € 35
Looft, V. & G. Busche, 1981. Vogelwelt Schleswig-Holsteins. 2. Greifvögel. 199 p., num. figs, 16 col. pls, 4to, hardbound; VO01812 € 28
Loomis, L.M., 1900. California water Birds No. IV. Vicinity of Monterey in autumn. 46 p., 1 foldout
plate, wrps (untrimmed, waterstained margins); VO12167 € 10
Lord, W.R., 1902. A first book upon the Birds of Oregon & Washington. 304 p., num. pls, publisher’s cloth. Spine worn; VO10775 € 22
Lorenz von Liburnau, L.R., ca. 1925. Zur Ornis Neuseelands. 22 p., 1 col. plte, disbound (from Ann. k.k. naturh.
Hofmuseum Wien Bd XVII); VO25899 € 10
Loveridge, A. & C.W. Benson, 1953. Zoological results of a fifth expedition to East Africa. VII. Itinerary and
conclusions by A. Loveridge. 36 p., & Appendix on the avifauna by C.W. Benson. 5 p., wrps; VO15973 € 8
Low, R., 1984. Endangered Parrots. 160 p., num. (21 col.) photographs, hardbound (d.j.);
VO11386 € 18
Lowery, G.H., 1974 (3rd ed.). Louisiana Birds. xxx, 651 p., 147 figs, 55 (14 col.) pls, cloth (d.j., worn);
VO10776 € 40
Lowther, E.H.N., 1949. A bird photographer in India.xii, 150 p., 78 pls , Cloth; VO26814 € 34
Løppenthin, B., 1932. Die Farbenvariation der europäischen Baumkleiber mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der skandinavischen Populationen und einigen Bemerkungen über ihre Verbreitung. 40 p., 1 col. plte, wrps (from Vidensk. Medd. Dansk
naturh. Foren. 94); VO24346 € 10
Løppenthin, B., 1946. Fortegnelse over Danmarks Fugle. 121 p., wrps. In Danish; VO12000 € 8
Løvenskiold, H.L., 1954. Studies on the avifauna of Spitsbergen. 131 p., paperbound; VO12052 € 14
Lucanus, F. von, 1925 (2nd ed.). Die Rätsel des Vogelzuges. Ihre Lösung auf experimentellen Wege durch Luftfahrt und Vogelberingung. xi, 243 p., 4
figs, 1 plte, hcloth. Ex-library; VO20382 € 20
Lucanus, F. von, 1929. Die Rätsel des Vogelzuges, 3rd ed., x, 266 p., 4 figs, 1 plate, Dec. wrps; VO26815 € 18
Lucas, A.M. & C. Jamroz, 1961. Atlas of Avian Hematology. vi, 271 p., 413 mainly col. figs/photos, 243 tables,
Cloth; VO26816 € 27
Lucca, C. de, 1969. A revised check-list of the Birds of the Maltese Islands. 95 p., paperbound;
VO10781 € 10
Luniak, M. et al., 1964. Birds of Warsaw. 110 p., paperbound (no wrps). In Polish (Acta Ornithologica
VIII#6); VO22311 € 10
Luniak, M., 1971. Birds of the middle reaches of the Vistula. 96 p., disbound (unopened). In
Polish (Acta Ornithologica XIII#2); VO22310 € 10
Lunk, W.A., 1962. The rough-winged swallow Stelgidopteryx ruficollis (Vieillot). A study based on
its breeding biology in Michigan. viii, 155 p., 19 figs, 14 tables, 3 pls,
Cloth; VO26817 € 25
Lysaght, A.M., 1975. The book of Birds. 208 p., 142 (40 col.) ills, large format, cloth (d.j.);
VO11949 € 38
Mackenzie, J.P.S., 1977. Birds in peril. A guide to the endangered birds of the United States and Canada.
191 p., num. figs, 20 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO10784 € 22
MacKinnon, J., 1988. Field guide to the birds of Java and Bali. xiii, 390 p., 40 (35 col.) pls, wrps;
VO26819 € 40
Mackworth-Praed, C.W. & C.H.B. Grant, 1952. Birds of eastern and north eastern Africa. African handbook of Birds Series I,
Volume I. xxv, 836 p., num. figs, 53 col. pls, hardbound. Ex-library; VO20379 € 25
Macoun, J. & J.M. Macoun, 1909. Catalogue of Canadian birds, 2nd ed. viii, 761 p., wrps; VO26821 € 40
Macoun, J., 1900-04. Catalogue of Canadian birds. 3 parts (compl.), vii; xxiii, 733 p., wrps; VO26820
€ 50
Madge, S. & H. Burn, 1989. Wildfowl. An identification guide to the ducks, geese and swans of the world.
298 p., num. figs & maps, 47 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO11035 € 35
Madge, S. & H. Burn, n.d. (ca. 1993). Crows and Jays. A guide to the Crows, Jays and Magpies of the world. xxiii, 191
p., num. figs & maps, 30 col. pls, hardbound; VO11083 € 20
Madge, S. & P. McGowan, 2002. Pheasants, Partridges and Grouse. A guide to the pheasants, partridges, quails,
grouse, guineafowl, buttonquails and sandgrouse of the world. 488 p., several
textfigs, 72 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.) (Helm). As new; VO17021 € 38
Magaud d’Aubusson, L., 1888. Les gallinacés d’Asie. Catalogue raisonné par régions des espèces qu’il y aurait lieu d’acclimater et de domestiquer en France. 211 p., num. figs, paperbound (front
cover damaged, first half of book with marginal waterstain). Unopened; VO10647 € 35
Magioris, S., 1994. The Avifauna of the Cyclades (Aegean Sea). 16 p., stapled; VO12303 € 8
Mahabal, A. & B.S. Lamba, 1987. On the birds of Poona and vicinity. 115 p., paperbound; VO12226 € 10
Makatsch, W., 1964. De vogels bij huis, in tuin en park. 334 p., num. figs & photos, boards (d.j.); VO12029 € 10
Makatsch, W., 1966. De vogels van riet en water. 299 p., num. photos & figs, boards; VO12031 € 10
Makatsch, W., 1966. De vogels van bos en heide. 272 p., num. photos & figs, boards (d.j.); VO12032 € 10
Makatsch, W., 1974. Geen twee eieren zijn gelijk. 152 p., num. photographs (some col.), cloth
(d.j.); VO11475 € 10
Malling Olsen, K. & H. Larsson, 1995. Terns of Europe and North America. 175 p., 208 col. photographs, hardbound
(Helm). As new; VO17027 € 18
Malzy, P., 1962. La faune Avienne du Mali (Bassin du Niger). 81 p., paperbound (Extrait de l’Oiseau et la Revue française d’Ornithologie vol. 32. no. spécial). Rare; VO22873 € 82
Mammen, U. & M. Stubbe (eds), 1997. Jahresbericht zum Monitoring Greifvögel und Eulen Europas 9. 144 p., num. figs, paperbound; VO12027 € 12
Mannering, E. (ed.), 1964. Gould’s tropical Birds. 12 p., 24 col. pls, paperbound (d.j.); VO11658 € 12
Manning, T.H., 1952. Birds of the west James Bay and southern Hudson Bay coasts. 114 p., 7 pls,
paperbound. Spine worn; VO10785 € 18
Maréchal, P.L.Th.A. & W.D. Veenhuizen, 1997. Vogels in het stedelijke milieu. Inventarisatie in Eindhoven. 111 p., num. ills & maps, paperbound (KNNV218); VO11324 € 10
Marples, G. & A. Marples, 1934. Sea Terns or Sea Swallows. Their habits, language, arrival and departure. xii,
227 p., sev. figs, 117 pls, Cloth; VO26822 € 50
Marshall, A.J., 1960. Biology and comparative physiology of Birds. 2 vols. 518, 468 p., num. figs, 1
col. frontispiece, cloth (d.j.); VO01814 € 73
Martin, A. & A. Musy, 1959. Das Leben der Kolibris. 269 p., 70 figs, 32 col. pls, sm. 8vo, Cloth; VO26823 € 27
Martin, A.C. & F.M. Uhler, 1939. Food of Game Ducks in the United States and Canada. 157 p., col. frontispiece,
152 pls, 12 tables, wrps; VO22672 € 10
Martin, B.P., 1993. Wildfowl of the British Isles and North-West Europe. 192 p., num. photographs & col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO11464 € 25
Mason, C.F., 1995. The Blackcap. 126 p., num. figs, 22 col. pls, paperbound; VO17023 € 8
Massa, B. (ed.), 1988. Atti del IVº Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia (Pantelleria, 21-27 settembre 1987). 330 p.,
num. figs, paperbound; VO11635 € 25
Massingham, H.J., 1936. Birds of the seashore. 309 p., col. frontispiece, num. figs, 7 col. pls, cloth;
VO10787 € 28
Matelson, H. & T. Matelson, 1978. The Birds come flocking. A field guide to Santa Barbara county for birders and
other travelers. 54 p., figs & maps, wrps; VO11258 € 6
Matthews, G.V.T., 1968 (2nd ed.). Bird Navigation. x, 197 p., 40 figs, paperbound; VO10788 € 12
Matthews, G.V.T., 1968 (2nd ed.). Bird Navigation. x, 197 p., 40 figs, hardbound (d.j.); VO11539 € 18
Matthysen, E., 1998. The Nuthatches. xx, 315 p., 103 figs, col. frontispiece, hardbound (d.j.)
(Poyser). As new; VO17028 € 25
Mauersberger, G., 1977 (4th ed.). Urania Tierreich 5. Vögel. 518 p., num. (col.) photos, cloth (d.j.); VO12028 € 12
Mauersberger, G., 1982. 4 papers on Ornithology of Mongolia. 102 p., disbound (Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin);
VO25219 € 12
Maynard, C.J., 1905-07. Directory of the Birds of eastern North America. 7 parts (compl.) in 1.
317 p., 383 figs, 24 handcol. pls, New Cloth; VO26824 € 100
Mayr, E. & A.L. Rand, 1937. Birds of the 1933-1934 Papuan Expedition. 248 p., 3 figs, wrps; VO26826 € 50
Mayr, E. & W.H. Phelps Jr., 1967. The origin of the Bird fauna of the south Venezuelan highlands. 60 p., 1 folding
map, 13 figs, 5 tables, 8 pls, wrps (Bull. AMNH 136#5); VO26162 € 10
Mayr, E., 1945. Birds of the southwest Pacific. A field guide to the birds of the area between Samoa, New Caledonia, and Micronesia. 3rd
print., xix, 316 p., 16 figs, 3 col. pls, Cloth; VO26825 € 40
Mayr, G., 1998. ”Coraciiforme” und “piciforme” Kleinvögel aus dem Mittel-Eozän der Grube Messel (Hessen, Deutschland). 101 p., 33 figs, 18 pls, paperbound;
VO11692 € 30
McAtee, W.L., 1932. Effectiveness in nature of the so-called protective adaptations in the animal
kingdom, chiefly as illustrated by the food habits of nearctic birds. 201 p.,
39 tables, wrps; VO26818 € 29
McBride, G. et al., 1969. The social organization and behaviour of the feral domestic Fowl. 57 p., 14
figs, paperbound (Anim. Behav. Monogr. 2 (3); VO12108 € 8
McCaskie, G. et al., 1979 (2nd ed.). Birds of northern California. An annotated field list. 84 p., 1 map, stapled;
VO10789 € 10
McClelland, B.R. et al., 1994. Migration ecology of Bald Eagles from autumn concentrations in Glacier National
Park, Montana. 62 p., 30 figs, 13 tables, stapled (Wildlife Monogr. 125);
VO12240 € 12
McClure, H.E. & N. Ratanaworabhan, 1972. Some extoparasites of the birds of Asia. 219 p., 4to, hardbound. Annotation on
fly-leaf, binding worn; VO11700 € 32
McKenny, M., 1939. Birds in the Garden. xviii, 349 p., 48 (16 col.) pls, cloth; VO11596 € 18
McKitrick, M.C., 1991. Phylogenetic Analysis of Avian Hindlimb Musculature. 85 p., 3 figs, wrps;
VO21426 € 8
McNulty, F., 1966. The Whooping Crane. The bird that defies extinction. 190 p., num. figs & photographs, hcloth (d.j.); VO10782 € 22
McNulty, F., 1967. The Whooping Crane. The bird that defies extinction. 190 p., num. figs & photographs, hardbound; VO10783 € 20
Mead, C., 1983. Bird migration. 224 p., num. distribution maps & photographs (some col.), hardbound. Covers partly discoloured; VO11548 € 22
Mebs, Th., 1964. Greifvögel Europas und die Grundzüge der Falknerei. 140 p., 75 figs, 33 b/w photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO11706 € 15
Meer, G. van der, 1947. De vogels van het Zuiderzeegebied (10e Publicatie van de Club van
Zuiderzeewaarnemers). 59 p., wrps; VO15976 € 6
Meer, G. van der, n.d. Vogels bij onze woningen. 82 p., 13 col. pls, cloth; VO12205 € 14
Mees, G.F., 1957-1964. Collection of 4 papers on birds (3 in Dutch, 1 in English); VO21659 € 8
Mees, G.F., 1957. A systematic review of the Indo-Australian Zosteropidae (Part I). 204 p., 10
figs, paperbound. Thesis; VO01816 € 35
Mees, G.F., 1957. A systematic review of the Indo-Australian Zosteropidae (Part I). 204 p., 10
figs, paperbound (ZV35); VO17806 € 51
Mees, G.F., 1957. A systematic review of the Indo-Australian Zosteropidae (part 1). 204 p., 10
figs, 5 tables, 1 pl., wrps, Thesis; VO26828 € 27
Mees, G.F., 1961. A systematic review of the Indo-Australian Zosteropidae (Part II). 168 p., 13
figs, 4 pls, paperbound (ZV50); VO10793 € 42
Mees, G.F., 1964. Notes on two small collections of Birds from New Guinea. 37 p., 1 map,
paperbound (ZV66); VO10792 € 9
Mees, G.F., 1964. A revision of the Australian Owls (Strigidae and Tytonidae). 62 p., 1 col. pl, 8
maps, wrps; VO26827 € 18
Mees, G.F., 1965. The Avifauna of Misool. 65 p., 4 pls, wrps (from Nova Guinea Zology 31); VO11321
€ 12
Mees, G.F., 1969. A systematic review of the Indo-Australian Zosteropidae (Part III). 390 p., 28
figs, 13 tables, paperbound (ZV102); VO10794 € 98
Mees, G.F., 1970. Birds of the Inyanga National Park, Rhodesia. 74 p., 2 figs, 5 pls, paperbound
(ZV109); VO10791 € 18
Mees, G.F., 1977. Geographical variation of Caprimulgus macrurus Horsfield (Aves, Caprimulgidae).
47 p., 3 figs, 3 pls, paperbound (ZV155); VO10795 € 11
Mees, G.F., 1977. The subspecies of Chlidonias hybridus (Pallas), their breeding distribution and
migrations (Aves, Laridae, Sterninae). 64 p., 3 figs, paperbound (ZV157);
VO10796 € 16
Mees, G.F., 1979. Verspreidung en getalssterkte van de Witwangstern, Chlidonias hybridus (Pallas),
in Europe en Noord-Afrika. 63 p., wrps (ZB26); VO15792 € 12
Mees, G.F., 1982. Birds from the lowlands of southern New Guinea (Merauke and Koembe). 188 p., 9
figs, 6 (1 col.) pls, paperbound (ZV191); VO10790 € 38
Mees, G.F., 1982. Birds from the lowlands of southern New Guinea (Merauke and Koembe). 188 p., 9
figs, 6 (1 col.) pls, paperbound (ZV191). Secondhand copy; VO14102 € 40
Mees, G.F., 1986. A List of the Birds recorded from Bangka Island, Indonesia. 176 p., 8 figs, 15
tables, paperbound (ZV232). Secondhand copy (new copies available for € 44,-); VO14103 € 36
Mees, G.F., 1994. Vogelkundig onderzoek op Nieuw Guinea in 1828. 64 p., 8 figs, 12 col. pls,
paperbound (ZB40). Ex-library copy; VO14332 € 12
Mees, G.F., 2006. The avifauna of Flores (Lesser Sunda Islands). 261 p., 18 (9 col., 7 of eggs)
figs, num. graphs, paperbound (ZM80-3); VO21478 € 66
Mees, G.F., 2006. The avifauna of Flores (Lesser Sunda Islands). 261 p., 18 (9 col., 7 of eggs)
figs, num. graphs, paperbound (ZM80-3). Bumped copy; VO24602 € 54
Meijer, A. et al., 1996. De vogels van Katwijk. 112 p., num. b/w photographs, paperbound; VO11446 € 8
Meinertzhagen, R., 1930. Nicoll’s birds of Egypt, 2 vols (Compl.). xvi, 348; 349-700 p., 87 figs, 3 fold. col.
maps, 37 (31 col.) pls, Cloth; VO26829 € 580
Meininger, P.L. et al., 1999. Kustbroedvogels in het Deltagebied: een terugblik op twintig jaar monitoring
(1979-1998). 241 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VO12213 € 10
Meischner, I., 1962. Die motorischen Lernleistungen der Vögel. 73 p., 26 figs, stapled; VO11497 € 10
Meischner, I., 1979-1980. Die zeitliche Struktur der Aktivität (Eine experimentelle Untersuchung an Erlenzeisigen, Carduelis spinus L), Teile
I-V: Literaturübersicht, Eigene Experimente, Untersuchungen zur Phasenlage, Tages- und
Jahresperiodik der Aktivitätsmuster. 177 p., 58 figs, disbound (Zool. Jb. Anat. 102/104); VO25358 € 20
Meise, W., 1931. Der Kuckuck. 32 p., num. photos, boards. Die Brehm-Bücher Band 14; VO12146 € 6
Mélides, N., 1960. Perruches Australiennes et autres Psittacidés. 279 p., 32 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO10897 € 29
Mell, R., 1930. Der Storch. 32 p., num. photos, boards. Brehm-Bücher Band 2; VO12147 € 8
Menegaux, A., 1907. Expédition Antarctique Française (1903-1905). Oiseaux. 79 p., 13 pls, 4to, paperbound (loose, needs
rebinding); VO11679 € 40
Menegaux, A., 1912. Catalogue des oiseaux de la collection Marmottan du Museum d’Histoire Naturelle de Paris. 216 p., Calf; VO26830 € 35
Menegaux, A., 1913. l’Élevage de l’autruche. Récolte et Commerce des Plumes. 156 p., folding table, 9 figs, 18 photos,
paperbound (paper-covered spine, original wrappers pasted on front & back) Rare; VO22876 € 50
Merikallio, E., 1946. Über regionale Verbreitung und Anzahl der Landvögel in Süd- und Mittelfinnland, besonderes in deren österlichen Teilen, im Lichte von quantitativen Untersuchungen. I: Allgemeiner
Teil. II: Spezieller Teil. vi, 143, iv, 119 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VO12054 € 28
Merikallio, E., 1958. Finnisg birds: their distribution and numbers. 181 p., 133 figs, wrps; VO26831 € 34
Mesch, W., 1956. Das Ziergeflügel. 140 p., 77 text ills, plus 72 fullcol. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11802 € 35
Meurs, H. van, 1928. Een nidologisch probleem dat om oplossing vraagt. Het raadselachtige systeem der
voortplanting bij Hemiprocne longipennis. 70 p., 6 pls, wrps; VO12368 € 8
Meyer de Schauensee, R., 1951-1970. 19 papers on Birds from Philippines, Siam, Thailand, Colombia, Venezuela, all by
this author. Ca. 450 pages, disbound. Interesting collection; VO26520 € 40
Meyer de Schauensee, R., 1952. 2 papers: A review of the genus Sporophila (44 p., 2 maps); Colombian zoological
survey part X. A collection of birds from southeastern Nariño, Colombia (33 p., 1 col. plte), disbound (Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia);
VO26029 € 12
Meyer de Schauensee, R., 1964. The Birds of Colombia and adjacent areas of South and Central America. 430 p.,
col. pls, cloth; VO11775 € 40
Meyer de Schauensee, R., 1971. A guide to the birds of South America. xiv, 470 p., 21 figs, 50 (31 col.) pls,
Cloth; VO26832 € 100
Meyer de Schauensee, R., 1984. The Birds of China. 602 p., num. ills, 38 col. pls, endpaper maps, paperbound;
VO11876 € 32
Michaelis, H.-J., 1976 (12th ed.). Der Wellensittich. 106 p., 8 figs, 20 photos, 5 col. pls, wrps; VO23285 € 6
Michelet, J., 1858 (5th ed.). l’Oiseau. lvii, 330 p., publisher’s cloth; VO11645 € 30
Mikkola, H., 1983. Owls of Europe. 397 p., 42 figs, 8 col. pls, 75 b/w photographs, num. ills & distribution maps, 69 tables, hardbound (d.j.); VO11026 € 40
Mildenberger, H., 1984. Die Vögel des Rheinlandes II: Papageien-Rabenvögel. 646 p., num. figs, hardbound; VO12378 € 24
Miller, A.H., 1931. Systematic revision and natural history of the American Shrikes (Lanius). 232
p., 65 figs, 25 tables, wrps; VO26833 € 27
Miller, A.H., 1951. An analysis of the distribution of the Birds of California. 113 p., 5 figs, 9
pls, 13 tables, paperbound; VO11305 € 12
Minot, H.D., 1895. The land-birds and game-birds of New England. With descriptions of the birds,
their nests and eggs, their habits and notes. 2nd ed., xxiv, 492 p., 22 figs, 1
pl., Cloth; VO26834 € 50
Mitra, A.P. (ed.), 1990. The Wealth of India. Raw materials volume 2B. Supplement. BIRDS. 160 p., num.
col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO11783 € 16
Mivart, St. G., 1874. On the axial skeleeton of the Ostrich (Struthio camelus). 67 p., 79 figs, wrps;
VO26835 € 30
Mivart, St.G., 1896 (facsimile reprint 1992). A monograph of the Lories (Lorridae) or brush-tongued Parrots. liii, 193 p., 61
col. pls, 4 maps, cloth (d.j.), very fine condition; VO11894 € 72
Möller, R., 2004. Notizen zur Biographie des Ornithologen Johannes Thienemann und zur Geschichte
der Vogelwarte Rossitten (heute Rybacij). 48 p., 4 figs, disbound (Rudolst.
nat.hist. Schr. 12); VO15910 € 12
Moltoni, E. & G.G. Ruscone, 1940-1944. Gli Uccelli dell’Africa Orientale Italiana. 4 vols (all published). xiv, 818 p., 152 col. pls,
publisher’s cloth. Covers of first 3 volumes waterstained and spines of volumes 1 and 2
partly loose, but inner contents very good. Illustrated by G. Gallelli. Rare
work on the birds of Ethiopia and Sudan; VO09057 € 400
Montemaggiori, A. (ed.), 1991. Atti del Vº Convegno Italiano di Ornitologia (Bracciano, 4-8 ottobre 1989). 551 p., num.
figs, paperbound; VO11644 € 35
Montier, D. (ed.), 1977. Atlas of breeding Birds of the London area. 288 p., countless figs and maps,
hardbound (d.j.); VO10798 € 28
Moore, A., 1983. A field guide to the Warblers of Britain and Europe. xiv, 145 p., 32 col. pls,
num. distribution maps, hardbound (d.j.); VO11652 € 20
Morbach, J., 1940. Vögel der Heimat. 2 (XI). Familien der Stelzen, Baumläufer, Kleiber, Meisen, Würger und Seidenschwänze. 248 p., paperbound; VO11899 € 12
Morbagh, J. ed., 1925. Congrès international pour l’étude et la protection des oiseaux, 1925. Luxembourg. Compte-rendu.280 p., some
figs, 1 pl., wrps; VO26836 € 22
Moreau, R.E., 1966. The Bird faunas of Africa and its islands. viii, 424 p., 63 figs, 40 tables,
cloth (d.j.); VO15782 € 75
Morel, M.-Y., 1973. Contribution à l’étude dynamique de la population de Lagonostica senegala à Richard-Toll (Sénégal). 156 p., 60 figs, 11 pls, 4to, paperbound; VO01818 € 19
Morioka, H. & C.M. Yang, 1996. A catalogue of the Bird specimens in the Singapore zoological reference
collection Part 1. Struthioniformes-Charadriiformes. 141 p., 1 map, paperbound
(RBZS4); VO12353 € 16
Morioka, H. et al., 2005. Types of Japanese Birds. 154 p., paperbound (Nat. Sci. Mus. Mon. 28); VO20753 € 22
Morrison, P., 1989. Bird habitats of Great Britain and Ireland. A new approach to bird watching. 256
p., 209 col. photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO10800 € 29
Mortensen, H. (P. Jespersen & Å. Vedel Tåning, eds), 1950. Studies in Bird migration being the collected papers of H.C.C. Mortensen. 272
p., num. figs, cloth; VO10801 € 29
Mountfort, G., 1988. Rare Birds of the world. 256 p., num. figs, 32 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.);
VO10845 € 29
Moynihan, M., 1979. Geographic variation in social behavior and in adaptations to competition among
Andean birds. 162 p., 16 figs, 42 tables, 1 map, Cloth; VO26837 € 25
Møller, A.P. (ed.), 1978. Nordjyllands Fugle- deres yngleudbredelse og traekforhold. 372 p., 723 figs & maps, 8 pls, cloth; VO10797 € 24
Müller, A., 1882. Die Ornis der Insel Salanga. Sowie Beiträge zur Ornithologie der Halbinsel Malakka. Eine zoogeographische Studie. 96 p.,
2 fold. tables, wrps, Thesis; VO26838 € 26
Mukherjee, A.K. & J.M. Dasgupta, 1986. Catalogue of birds in the Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. IV. Alcedinidae
(Kingfishers). 76 p., 37 tables, paperbound; VO12227 € 8
Muller, Y., 1992. Bibliographie d’ornithologie française 1945-1965. Tome 1. 260 p., num. maps, paperbound (SPN1); VO12394 € 36
Muller, Y., 1996. Bibliographie d’ornithologie française 1966-1980. Tome 2. 407 p., num. maps, hardbound (SPN3); VO12395 € 44
Mulligan, J.A., 1966. Singing behavior and its development in the Song Sparrow Melospiza melodia. 76
p., 23 figs, paperbound; VO10802 € 18
Mumford, R.E. & Ch.E. Keller, 1984. The birds of Indiana. 376 p., num. fullcol. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11897 € 50
Mumford, R.E., 1964. The breeding biology of the Acadian Flycatcher. 50 p., 2 pls, 9 tables, wrps;
VO10803 € 8
Munro, G.C., 1960. Birds of Hawaii. 2nd. rev. ed., 192 p., sev. figs, 20 col. pls, Cloth; VO26839 € 29
Murphy, R.C., 1936. Oceanic Birds of South America. A study of species of the related coasts and
seas including the American quadrant of Antarctica based upon the
Brewster-Sanford collection in the American Museum of Natural History. 2 vols.
1265 p., 80 figs, 88 (16 col.) pls, 4to, original cloth; VO09103 € 160
Murphy, R.C., 1953. Land Birds of America. 240 p., 221 col. pls, cloth; VO11766 € 22
Murray, J.A., 1887. The avifauna of British India and its Dependencies. Vol. 1. Parts I-III. 325 p.,
figs, 21 (11 col.) pls, wrps (wrps Part I damaged); VO10805 € 70
Murton, R.K. & E.N. Wright (eds), 1968. The problems of Birds as pests. 254 p., num. figs, cloth. Symposium proceedings;
VO10806 € 22
Myers, H.W., 1922. Western Birds. 391 p., num. photographic pls, publisher’s cloth; VO10807 € 30
Nankinov, D.N. et al., 1997. Fauna Bulgarica. 26. Aves part II. 426 p., 54 figs, 109 col. figs, cloth. In
Bulgarian; VO15857 € 24
National Park Service, 1937. Check-List of the Birds of the National Parks (Natl Park Service, Dept of the
Interior). several hundred pages, archival iron binding; VO23563 € 25
Naumann, J.F., 1897-1905. Naturgeschichte der Vögel Mitteleuropas. 12 vols. ca. 4000 p., 439 col. lithographed pls, 10 plain
pls, folio, text bound in 6 hcloth volumes (with original printed covers pasted
on front boards), plates bound together in 4 modern cloth volumes (but includes
all separate title-pages and captions to the plates). Several plates foxed
(mostly marginal) but most plates clean; VO08703 € 2600
Navarijo Ornelas, L., 1995. Toponimia ornitológica Mexicana. 78 p., 14 figs, paperbound; VO10821 € 10
Necker, L.-A., 1864 (2nd ed.). Mémoire sur les oiseaux des environs de Genève. Précédé d’une notice biographique sur l’auteur par M.J.D. Forbes. 206 p., disbound, wrps torn (lacking last 8 p. of
glossary at the end of book), still scarce; VO12223 € 20
Nederlandsche Vereeniging tot Bescherming van Vogels, 1919-1956. Vols 1919-1921, 1924-1928, 1929-1936, 1937-1947, 1948-1951, 1952-1954, and
1955-1956. In issues; VO12359 € 50
Nederlandsche Vereeniging tot Bescherming van Vogels, 1929-1956. Vols 1929-1936, 1937-1947, 1948-1951, 1952-1954, and 1955-1956. In issues;
VO20617 € 30
Nederlandsche Vereeniging tot Bescherming van Vogels, 1937. Verslagen en bijdragen 1929-1936. 234 p., num. ills & photos, wrps; VO22673 € 8
Nelson, B., 1978. The Gannet. 336 p., 62 figs, 32 photographic pls, 32 tables, hardbound (d.j.);
VO11028 € 38
Nelson, B., 1980. Seabirds. Their biology and ecology. 224 p., num. figs & photographs (many col.), several distribution maps, hardbound (d.j.); VO11067 € 25
Nelson, J.B., 1978. The Sulidae. Gannets and Boobies. x, 1012 p., num. figs, cloth; VO11879 € 75
Nero, R.W., 1963. Birds of the Lake Athabasca Region, Saskatchewan. 143 p., num. figs, 12 pls,
paperbound; VO10808 € 12
Nero, R.W., 1967. The Birds of northeastern Saskatchewan. 96 p., 3 figs, 4 pls, paperbound;
VO10809 € 10
Nes, J.G.Th. van, 1963 (3rd ed.). De eieren en nesten van onze vogels. 160 p., frontispiece, 10 (8 col.) pls, 32
b/w photographs, cloth. Ex-library; VO20372 € 18
Nethersole-Thompson, D. & M. Nethersole-Thompson, 1979. Greenshanks. 275 p., 19 figs, 20 (4 col.) pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO11544 € 32
Neunzig, 1921, reprint 1965. Die fremdländischen Stubenvögel. 895 p., 400 figs, 42 col. pls, Cloth; VO26841 € 80
Neunzig, K., 1921. Die fremdländischen Stubenvögel. 895 p., 400 figs. 42 col. pls, HCloth; VO26840 € 135
Neut, J. v.d., 1984. Broedvogelinventarisatie in de Dordtse Biesbosch, Jaaroverzicht 1983. 24 p.,
wrps; VO12178 € 8
Newman, K., 1971. Birdlife in Southern Africa. xxii, 238 p., countless b/w & col. ills, cloth (d.j.); VO10810 € 40
Newman, K., 1973. Pride of South Africa. 6. BIRDS. 24 p. num. col. photos, cloth; VO15894 € 8
Newton, A., 1896. A dictionary of Birds. 1088 p., num. figs, red hcalf with gilt lines and marbled
boards; VO10820 € 85
Newton, A., 1896. A dictionary of Birds. 1088 p., num. figs, cloth. Front hinge weak, front board
waterdamaged, cover rubbed; VO11394 € 60
Newton, I., 1978. Finches. 3rd ed. 288 p., 64 figs, 28 (4 col.) pls, 18 tables, hardbound (The New
Naturalist 55); VO11069 € 34
Newton, I., 1979. Population ecology of raptors. 399 p., 50 figs, 68 tables, 32 pls, Boards;
VO26843 € 40
Newton, I., 1985. Finches. 4th printing, iv, 288 p., 64 figs, 18 tables, 28 pls, wrps; VO26842 € 29
Newton, I., 1986. The Sparrowhawk. 396 p., 90 figs + num. unnumbered figs, 24 pls, hardbound (d.j.). One of the scarcer volumes in the Poyser series in
mint condition; VO09058 € 120
Nguyên Quang, P. et al., 2002. The white-nest Swiftlet and the black-nest Swiftlet: a monograph with special
reference to Viêtnamese populations. 297 p., num. figs & tables, 3 col. pls, paperbound; VO20084 € 40
Nicholson, E.M., 1951. Birds and Men. The Bird Life of British Towns, Villages, Gardens & Farmland. 256 p., num. (col.) photos, cloth; VO12310 € 18
Nicoll, M.J., 1919. Handlist of the Birds of Egypt. xii, 119 p., 31 (8 col.) pls, original boards
(used); VO10822 € 65
Niethammer, G. et al., 1964. Die Vögel Deutschlands. Artenliste. xv, 138 p., cloth; VO10824 € 17
Niethammer, G., 1938. Handbuch der Deutschen Vogelkunde Band II: Pici, Macrochires, Upupae, Merops,
Halcyones, Coraciae, Caprimulgi, Striges, Cuculi, Accipitres, Gressores,
Phoenicopteri, Steganopodes, Anseres. x, 545 p., 9 figs, 2 col. pls, cloth;
VO19500 € 75
Niethammer, G., 1942. Handbuch der Deutschen Vogelkunde Band III: Tubinars-Sturmvögel, Podicipedes-Lappentaucher, Colymbi-Seetaucher, Columbae-Tauben,
Pterocletes-Flughühner, Alcae-Alken, Laro-Limicolae-Watvögel und Möwen, Otides-Trappen, Grues-Kraniche, Ralli-Rallen, Galli-Hühnervögel. xii, 568 p., 31 figs, cloth (d.j.); VO19499 € 75
Niethammer, G., 1942. Beobachtungen über die Vogelwelt von Auschwitz (Ost-Oberschlesien). 36 p., 4 figs on 2 pls;
together with Beiträge zur Avifauna der Iberischen Halbinsel (by A. v. Jordans & J. Steinbacher), 45 p., disbound; VO25320 € 12
Niezen, J. & P. Venema, 1983. Ganzen in het Leekstermeergebied, deel 1: de overwintering; deel 2: de trek.
106, 110 p., num. figs & tables, lumbacked in 1 volume; VO12177 € 10
Nikiforov, M.E. et al., 1989. Birds of Belorussia. Guide of bird nests and eggs. 479 p., num. (col.) photos,
hardbound. In Russian; VO19685 € 48
Nitsche, G. & H. Plachter, 1987. Atlas der Brutvögel Bayerns 1979-1983. 269 p., 214 maps, paperbound (from Ornithologische
Gesellschaft in Bayern); VO12039 € 20
Noble, G.K., 1919. Notes on the avifauna of Newfoundland. 28 p., disbound (unopened) (Bull. MCZ
62#14); VO26157 € 5
Noll, H,, 1925. Sumpfvogelleben. Eine Studie über die Vogelwelt des Linthriedes Schweiz. vi, 276 p., 27 pls, 1 map, HCloth;
VO26844 € 25
Noll, H., 1942. Schweizer Vogelleben. 2. Teil. Die Brutvögel in ihren Lebensgebieten. 208 p., 16 pls, cloth. Ex-library; VO20373 € 20
Noordwijk, A.J. van, 1980. On the genetical ecology of the Great Tit (Parus major, L.). 174 p., num. figs,
paperbound. Thesis; VO21660 € 18
Norderhaug, M. et al., 1977. Barentshavets sjøfuglressurser. 119 p., 52 figs, paperbound. In Norwegian (Norsk Polarinst. Medd.
Nr. 104); VO11980 € 8
North, A.J., 1916. The birds of Coolabah and Brewarrina, north-western New South Wales. 42 p., 5
pls, disbound; VO15998 € 8
Novy, K., 1968. The Kingfishers. 102 p., num. col. ills, cloth (d.j.); VO11062 € 15
Nuttall, T., 1894. A popular handbook of the ornithology of eastern North America. Rev. and annot.
by M. Chamberlain. 2 vols (compl.), xlviii, 473; vii, 431 p., 174 figs, 2 col.
pls, Decor. gilt Cloth; VO26845 € 72
O’Connor, R.J., 1984. The growth and development of Birds. x, 315 p., num. figs, hardbound; VO11599 € 32
O’Roke, E.C., 1930. The morphology, transmission, and life-history of Haemoproteus lophortyx, a
blood parasite of the California valley Quail. 50 p., 6 figs, 2 (1 col.) pls,
wrps. Unopened; VO11689 € 14
Oba, T., 1996. Vocal repertoire of the Japanese Brown Hawk Owl Ninox scutulata japonica with
notes on its natural history. 64 p., 17 figs, paperbound; VO10825 € 10
Oberholser, H.C., 1913. A revision of the forms of the great blue heron (Ardea herodias). 29 p., stapled
(from Proceedings U.S. National Museum, Vol. 43#1939); VO12244 € 8
Oberholser, H.C., 1914. A monograph of the genus Chordeiles Swainson, type of a new family of
Goatsuckers. 123 p., 6 pls, paperbound; VO10826 € 20
Oberholser, H.C., 1932. The birds of the Natuna Islands. vi, 137 p., 40 tables. 1 map, wrps; VO26846 € 20
Oberholser, H.C., 1938. The bird life of Louisiana. xii, 834 p., 44 (7 col.) pls, wrps; VO26847 € 68
Oberholser, H.C., 1973. The Bird life of Texas. 2 vols. 1069 p., 2 col. frontispieces, num. b/w pls, 34
col. pls by Louis Aggasiz Fuertes, num. distribution maps, 4to, cloth; VO10827 € 120
Oelke, H. (ed.), 1976. Beiträge zur Naturkunde Niedersachsens. Festschrift P. Feindt. ca. 20 ornithologische Beiträge. 84 p., wrps; VO12235 € 12
Ogilvie-Grant, W.R., 1905. Guide to the gallery of Birds in the Department of zoology of the British Museum
(Natural History). 228 p., 7 figs, 24 pls, 4to, boards, somewhat foxed; VO10811
€ 25
Ogilvie-Grant, W.R., 1910 (2nd ed.). Guide to the gallery of birds in the Department of zoology of the British Museum
(Natural History). 228 p., 7 figs, 25 pls, 4to, boards, somewhat foxed. Spine
broken; VO10823 € 20
Ogilvie, F.M., 1920. Field observations on British Birds. xvi, 228 p., 14 figs, 6 (2 col.) pls, 4to,
hcloth; VO11006 € 50
Ogilvie, M.A., 1975. Ducks of Britain and Europe. 206 p., num. figs, 15 col. pls, 24 distribution
maps, hardbound (d.j.); VO10998 € 45
Ogilvie, M.A., 1978. Wild Geese. 350 p., num. ills, 16 col. pls, 40 maps, 41 tables, hardbound
(d.j.); VO11466 € 30
Oiseau et la Revue française d’Ornithologie, l’, 1920-1933. Vols 1-11, in issues (missing vol. 3# 5-6, vol. 4 #12) & Nouvelle Serie vols 1-3 (1931-1933). We added: (1969-1972) vols 39, 40, 41 & special issues of vols 40, 41, 42; VO12323 € 700
Oiseau et la Revue française d’Ornithologie, l’, 1934-1935. Vol. IV#1-4 complete. We added vol. V#2 only; VO17015 € 55
Oiseau et la Revue française d’Ornithologie, l’, 1941-1942. Vols XI#1-4 + Numéro spécial & XII#1-4 complete; VO17016 € 100
Oiseau et la Revue française d’Ornithologie, l’, 1946-1951. Vol. XVI complete + vol. XVII#1-2 only + vol. XIX#1-2 only + vol. XX#1-4
complete + vol. XXI#4 only; VO17017 € 140
Oiseau et la Revue Française d’Ornithologie, l’, 1951/1952. Vols. 21#1-3, 22#1-4. In issues, paperbound; VO22333 € 42
Oiseau et la Revue française d’Ornithologie, l’, 1953-1954. Vols XXIII#1-4 complete + XXIV#1-4 complete; VO17018 € 100
Oiseau et la Revue française d’Ornithologie, l’, 1965-1968. Vol. 35 #1-2 only + vol. 36#1-4 complete + vol. 37#1-4 complete + vol. 38#1-4
complete + Numéro spécial; VO17019 € 160
Olphe-Galliard, L., 1896. Faune ornithologique de l’Europe Occidentale, fasc. V, VI, VII. Cygnidae, Anseridae, Phaenicopteridae. 21,
56, 31 p., wrps missing; VO12206 € 12
Olphe-Galliard, L., 1896. Faune ornithologique de l’Europe Occidentale. Fasc. XXXIII. Passereaux. Familia III-Ploceida. 34 p., wrps; VO12298 € 7
Olrog, C.Ch., 1968. Las Aves Sudamericanas. Una Guia de Campo part 1. Pingüinos-Pájaros Carpinteros. 507 p., 73 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO12275 € 25
Olson, S.L. & A. Feduccia, 1980. Presbyornis and the origin of the Anseriformes (Aves: Charadriomorphae). 24 p.,
15 figs, wrps. Library stamp; VO11298 € 8
Olson, S.L. ed., 1976. Collected papers in Avian paleontology honoring the 90th birthday of Alexander
Wetmore. xxvi, 211 p, 191 figs/photos, portrait, wrps; VO26848 € 30
Olson, S.L., 1973. Evolution of the Rails of the South Atlantic islands (Aves: Rallidae). 53 p., 8
figs, 11 pls, wrps; VO11091 € 10
Olson, S.L., 1975-1989. Collection of 5 papers on fossil birds by Storrs L. Olson as main or co-author,
published in Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology/Zoology. 162 p., num.
figs & tables, wrps. Library stamps; VO11699 € 40
Ommering, G. van & T.J. Verstrael, 1987. Vogels van Berkheide. 10 jaar vogelpopulatie-onderzoek in het duingebied
Berkheide. 212 p., num. figs, tables, paperbound; VO12228 € 10
Ooievaar, 1929-1967. Two booklets (reprints): Richard Tantzen: Der Weisse Storch im Lande Oldenburg & Richard Frase: Der Weisse Storch in der Grenzmark Posen-Westpreussen, and 26
other reprints on Ooievaars (Storks) mainly in German & Dutch; VO12364 € 20
Ooievaar, 1950-1959. Six reprints (in Dutch) on the Stork. ca. 60 pages; VO12374 € 5
Oordt, G.J. van & J. Verwey, 1925. Voorkomen en trek der in Nederland in het wild waargenomen vogelsoorten. x, 96
p., disbound; VO11594 € 18
Oordt, G.J. van, 1936. Vogeltrek. 91 p., 25 figs, paperbound (partly loose); VO22269 € 10
Oordt, G.J. van, 1943 (2nd revised ed.). Vogeltrek. 145 p., 30 figs, paperbound (partly loose); VO11586 € 10
Oort, E.D. van, 1909. Birds from southwestern and southern New Guinea. 57 p., 2 figs, 1 col. plte (by
Ch. Dumont), boards. Ex-library; VO23958 € 32
Oort, E.D. van, n.d. (ca. 1905). Beitrag zur Osteologie des Vogelschwanzes. 144 p., 5 pls, wrps missing,
disbound. Unopened; VO11496 € 25
Opdam, P.F.M. et al., 1984. Verband tussen broedvogelgemeenschappen en begroeiing in een landschap bij
Amerongen. 117 p., num. figs, 6 folded col. pls, paperbound; VO10828 € 14
Orden, Chr. van, 1963. Avifauna van Texel. 40 p., 10 figs, stapled; VO11226 € 10
Orians, G.H. & G.M. Christman, 1968. A comparative study of the behavior of red-winged, tricolored, and yellow-headed
Blackbirds. 85 p., 30 figs, 10 tables, 2 pls, paperbound (Un. Calif. Pubns
Zool. 84); VO21222 € 20
Orians, G.H., 1980. Some adaptations of marsh-nesting blackbirds. xii, 295 p., sev. figs, wrps;
VO26849 € 37
Orians, G.H., 1985. Blackbirds of the Americas. 163 p., num. figs & pls, 4to, cloth (d.j.); VO10829 € 35
Ornithologische Mitteilungen, 1954. 6. Jahrgang. 268 p., num. figs & tables, hardbound; VO10657 € 14
Ornithologische Monatsberichte, 1928-1950. Vols 36-52. Vols 36-38 bound, remainder in issues. Continued as Ornithologische
Berichte (from March 1947), issues: 1947, 1948, 1949-1950; VO12328 € 600
Orton, D.A., 1980. The merlins of the Welsh marches. 168 p., 8 b/w photographs, hardbound; VO11462 € 25
Osieck, E.R. & D.J. Moerbeek, 1982-1984. Verjaging van aalscholvers en blauwe reigers -/Verjaging van aalscholvers op de
Viskwekerij Lelystad, 1981-1983. 87, 90, 80 p., num. figs, lumbacked; VO12158 € 15
Otten, E., 1988. De terreinkeuze van een korhen (Tetrao tetrix) met kuikens op de Sallandse
Heuvelrug (1983). 20 p., 9 maps, stapled; VO12101 € 6
Ouellet, H. & M. Gosselin, 1983. Les noms français des Oiseaux d’Amérique du Nord. 36 p., stapled; VO12218 € 8
Palleske, W., 1967. Rassetauben. 189 p., 74 (8 col.) figs & photographs, hardbound. 70 pages with red ballpoint underlinings; VO11929 € 10
Palley, R., 1976. The porcelain art of Edward Marshall Boehm. 312 p., 645 (89 col.) ills, cloth
(d.j.), as new. Thousands of ardent porcelain collectors have made Boehm
porcelains, especially of birds, celebrated the world over; VO11806 € 60
Palmén, J.A., 1882. Antwort an Herrn E.F. von Homeyer bezüglich der “Zugstrassen der Vögel”. 93 p., paperbound; VO22376 € 30
Palmén, J.A., 1891. Referat über den Stand der Kenntniss des Vogelzuges. 13 p., 4to, wrps; VO22378 € 16
Palmer, R.S. (ed.), 1962. Handbook of North American Birds. Vol. 1. Loons through Flamingos. 567 p., num.
figs & distribution maps, 6 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11012 € 35
Palmgren, P., 1930. Quantitative Untersuchungen über die Vogelfauna in den Wäldern Südfinnlands, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung Ålands. 218 p., 8 pls, paperbound (Acta Zool. Fennica 7); VO10832 € 20
Palmgren, P., 1936. Über die Vogelfauna der Binnengewässer Ålands. 59 p., 5 pls, 10 maps, paperbound
; VO11460 € 8
Paludan, K., 1947. Alken. 107 p., 8 figs, 20 pls, col. frontispiece, paperbound; VO10831 € 18
Paludan, K., 1951. Contributions to the breeding biology of Larus argentatus and Larus fuscus. 142
p., 30 figs, 30 tables, 7 pls, wrps, Thesis; VO26850 € 22
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 1985-1990. Two papers on Brazilian Birds. 39 p., stapled. In Portuguese (Pap. Avuls. Zool.
S. Paulo 36#6 & 37#1); VO19240 € 7
Paris, P., 1921. Oiseaux, 473 p., 490 figs, wrps; VO26851 € 40
Parker, S.A., 1981. Prolegomenon to further studies in the Chrysococcyx ‘Malayanus’ group (Aves, Cuculidae). 56 p., 2 figs, 2 pls, paperbound (ZV187); VO17776 € 14
Parker, W.K., 1875-78. On aegithognathoud birds, 2 parts (compl.), 64; 64 p., 18 col. pls, wrps;
VO26852 € 72
Parker, W.K., 1878. On the skull of the Aegithognathous Birds, Part II. 64 p. (251-314), 8 col. pls. (XLVI- LIII), loose wrps. Forms Transactions of the
Zoological Society of London vol. X part 6, lacking plate LIV; VO12084 € 14
Parkes, K.C., 1954. Notes on some Birds of the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains, New York. 30 p.,
stapled; VO21427 € 8
Parkes, K.C., 1973. Annotated list of the Birds of Leyte Islands, Philippines. 73 p., paperbound;
VO10834 € 12
Parmelee, D.F., 1980. Bird Island in Antarctic waters. xi, 140 p., num. photographs & pls (several col.), hardbound (d.j.); VO11047 € 28
Parodi, R., 1987. Catalogo della collezione ornitologica del Museo Friulano di Storia Naturale-I.
159 p., paperbound; VO10835 € 17
Parodi, R., 1999. Gli Uccelli della Provincia di Gorizia. 356 p., num. (col.) figs, paperbound;
VO11873 € 32
Parry, V.A., 1970. Kookaburras. 110 p., num. photographs (some col.), hardbound (d.j.). Scarce;
VO11494 € 35
Parslow, J., 1973. Breeding Birds of Britain and Ireland. 272 p., num. figs, 225 maps, hardbound
(d.j.); VO10836 € 25
Patten, C.J., 1906. The aquatic birds of Great Britain and Ireland. 2nd ed. with appendices. xxx,
590 p., 68 figs, 55 pls, Cloth; VO26853 € 55
Patten, C.J., 1928. The story of the Birds. A guide to the study of avian structure and habits.
xxvii, 478 p., 82 figs, 30 pls, frontispiece, cloth; VO11597 € 34
Payn, W.H., 1978 (2nd ed.). The Birds of Suffolk. 256 p., 20 (4 col.) pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO10838 € 28
Payne, R.B., 1969. Breeding seasons and reproductive physiology of Tricolored Blackbirds and
Redwinged Blackbirds. 115 p., 26 figs, 23 tables, 10 pls, paperbound (Un.
Calif. Pubns Zool. 90); VO23010 € 18
Payne, R.B., 2005. Nestling mouth markings and colors of Old World Finches Estrildidae: Mimicry and
coevolution of nesting Finches and their Vidua brood parasites. iii, 45 p., 6
col. figs, 3 tables, 4to, wrps; VO18903 € 12
Paynter, R.A., 1966. A new attempt to construct life tables for Kent island Herring Gulls. 40 p., 3
figs, 8 tables, wrps (Bull. MCZ 133#11); VO24731 € 5
Paz, U., 1987. The Birds of Israel. 264 p., num. figs, 60 col. photographs, hardbound (d.j.);
VO10900 € 35
Pearson, T.G. (ed.), 1936. Birds of America. 289 p., 106 fullcol. pls, cloth (worn along edges, cover
soiled); VO11935 € 12
Peck, G.K. & R.D. James, 1983/1987. Breeding Birds of Ontario, nidiology and distribution. Vol. 1: Nonpasserines.
321 p., num. figs & maps, paperbound. Vol. 2: Passerines. 387 p., num. figs & maps, paperbound; VO11803 € 28
Peitzmeier, J., 1969. Avifauna von Westfalen. 480 p., 68 figs, maps, paperbound; VO10840 € 34
Peitzmeier, J., 1979 (2nd ed.). Avifauna von Westfalen. 576 p., 68 figs, maps, paperbound; VO13794 € 48
Pelzeln, A. von, 1865. Vögel. iv, 176 p., 6 col. pls. Reise Fregatte Novara, 4to, disbound; VO26854 € 160
Penard, F.P. & A.Ph. Penard, 1908-1910. De vogels van Guyana (Suriname, Cayenne en Demerara). 2 vols. xliii, 584, 587
p., cloth; VO20117 € 300
Penny, M., 1974 (1992 reprint). The Birds of Seychelles and the outlying Islands. 160 p., 12 (8 col.) pls,
paperbound; VO16401 € 10
Penny, M., 1974. The Birds of Seychelles and the outlying Islands. 160 p., 12 (8 col.) pls, cloth
(d.j.); VO10842 € 15
Penny, M., 1977. The Birds of Seychelles and the outlying Islands. 160 p., 12 (8 col.) pls,
hardbound; VO10864 € 15
Pennycuick, C.J., 1972. Animal flight. 68 p., num. figs, 4 pls, paperbound; VO10843 € 9
Percy, W., 1951. Three studies in Bird character. Bitterns, Herons and Water Rails. 63 p., 82 b/w
photographs, red cloth with gilt letters (d.j., worn). Apart from d.j. & binding in very good condition; VO11696 € 15
Perdeck, A.C., 1951-1967. Collection of 8 reprints, mainly on Starlings (Sturnus), but also on Skuas. 140
p., num. figs & pls; VO11564 € 20
Perrier, E., 1931. Traité de zoologie. Fascicule IX. Les Oiseaux. 223 p., 83 figs, paperbound
(paper-covered spine); VO12207 € 20
Perrins, C., 1976. Bird life. An introduction to the world of the Birds. 160 p., ca. 500 col. ills,
hardbound (d.j.); VO11453 € 15
Perrins, C.M. & J. Elphick, 2003. The complete encyclopedia of Birds and bird migration. 516 p., fullcolour,
hardbound (d.j.). A treasure trove of information; VO17039 € 70
Perrins, Ch., 1980. British Tits. 304 p., 93 figs, 16 pls, cloth (d.j.) (The New Naturalist 62);
VO15784 € 25
Petényi, J.S. von, 1905. Ornithologische Fragmente aus den Handschriften von Johann Salamon von Petényi. Deutsch bearbeitet von Titus Csörgev. xxxvi, 436 p., portrait (margins damaged), figs, 4 col. pls, paperbound
(partly loose). Scarce; VO10844 € 70
Peters, J.L. & L. Griscom, 1938. Geographical variation in the Savannah Sparrow. 32 p., 1 col. pl., wrps; VO15974
€ 8
Peters, J.L., 1931. Additional notes on the Birds of the Almirante bay region of Panama. 55 p.,
disbound (unopened) (Bull. MCZ 71#5); VO26156 € 8
Peterson, R. et al., 1974 (3rd ed.). A field guide to the Birds of Britain and Europe. xxxv, 344 p., 68 (many col.)
pls, num. ills, 384 distribution maps, hardbound (d.j.); VO11332 € 15
Peterson, R.T. & E.L. Chalif, 1973. A field guide to Mexican Birds. Field marks of all species found in Mexico,
Guatemala, Belize, El Salvador. xx, 298 p., 48 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.);
VO11306 € 20
Peterson, R.T. & R. Hoglund (eds), 1994. Roger Tory Peterson: The art and photography of the world’s foremost Birder. 204 p., num. col. pls, cloth (d.j.), fine copy; VO11959 € 28
Peterson, R.T., 1979. Penguins. 238 p., 137 figs, num. col. pls, 4to, cloth (d.j.); VO10846 € 50
Pettingill, O.S. (ed.), 1965. The Bird watcher’s America. 44 distinguished naturalists write about the best areas for birds in
the U.S. and Canada. 441 p., num. figs, paperbound; VO10860 € 12
Pettingill, O.S., 1992. My way to ornithology. xiv, 245 p., num. photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO11092 € 20
Pfeifer, S. & W. Keil (eds), 1962. Festschrift anlässlich des 25 jährigen Jubiläums der Vogelschutzwarte für Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz und Saarland. 139 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VO12256 € 10
Pfeiffer, S., 1957. Taschenbuch für Vogelschutz. 196 p., num. figs, cloth; VO11809 € 10
Phelps, W.H., 1958. Lista de las Aves de Venezuela con su distribucion. II (1). No Passeriformes.
317 p., 1 map, paperbound; VO10847 € 23
Philippona, J., 1972. Die Bleßgans. 135 p., 45 figs & b/w photographs, paperbound (Neue Brehm-Bücherei 457); VO12113 € 12
Philippona, J., 1981. De Kleine Rietgans. 64 p., 57 figs & b/w photographs, paperbound; VO11964 € 8
Pike, O.G., 1900 (2nd ed.). In Bird-Land with Field-Glass and Camera. 280 p., 83 ills, decorated cloth;
VO10849 € 40
Pike, O.G., 1930. Rambles in Britain’s Birdland. 236 p., 60 photos, cloth; VO11744 € 12
Pinto, O. O. M. de, 1935. Aves de Bahia. Notas criticas e observacoes sobre uma colleccao feita no
reconcavo e na parte meridional do estado. 325 p., 14 pls, wrps; VO26855 € 68
Pizzey, G., 1980. A field guide to the Birds of Australia. 460 p., 88 (56 col.) pls, hardbound;
VO10851 € 24
Pizzey, G., 1991 (revised ed.). A field guide to the Birds of Australia. 460 p., 88 (56 col.) pls, paperbound;
VO10850 € 22
Ploeg, D.T.E. van der et al. (eds), 1976-1979. Vogels in Friesland. Avifaunistisch overzicht van de op het vasteland van
Friesland voorkomende vogelsoorten samengesteld onder redactie van de Stichting
Avifauna van Friesland. 3 vols. 1456 p., num. photographs (many col.) & distribution maps, hardbound. Ex library, spine of vols 1 & 2 discoloured; VO22588 € 45
Poisson, H.-L., 1925. Recherches vétérinaires sur l’autruche à Madagascar. 159 p., 17 figs, 5 pls, wrps (loose) Thesis; VO11904 € 12
Poltz, W., 1977. Bestandsentwicklungen bei Brutvögeln in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 127 p., 125 figs, several pls,
paperbound; VO10852 € 14
Poole, E.L., 1947. A half century of Bird life in Berks county Pennsylvania. 139 p., frontispiece,
num. figs, wrps (Reading Public Mus. & Art Gallery bull. 19); VO24389 € 12
Porter, R.F. et al., 1981 (3rd ed.). Flight identification of European raptors. 180 p., 78 figs, 96 pls, hardbound
(d.j.); VO10854 € 25
Post, W., 1981. Biology of the yellow-shouldered Blackbird Agelaius on a Tropical Island. 78 p.,
11 figs, wrps. Library stamps (from Bull. Florida St. Mus.); VO10856 € 10
Postma, G., 1887. Bijdrage tot de kennis van den bouw van het darmkanaal der vogels. 132 p.,
paperbound (spine partly loose). Thesis; VO11211 € 15
Postma, W.P. & H. Kleijn, 1974 (3rd rev. ed.). Vogels determineren. 212 p., 133 (130 col.) pls, harbound (Meulenhoff
Bibliotheek voor de Natuur); VO17147 € 6
Potapov, R.L. & V.E. Flint (eds), 1989. Handbuch der Vögel der Sowjetunion. Band 4. Galliformes, Gruiformes. 427 p., 111 figs & maps, 20 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO10857 € 40
Potapov, R.L., 1985. Fauna USSR. Vögel. III (1). Ordnung Huhnartige (Galliformes) 2. Familie Auerhähne (Tetraonidae). 638 p., 170 figs, col. frontispiece, cloth. In Russian;
VO10859 € 45
Potgieter, E.J., 1981. Afrid ter Valkenjacht en Het Rijksmuseum te Amsterdam. 175 p., paperbound;
VO18089 € 10
Power, D.M., 1970. Geographic variation of Red-winged Blackbirds in central North America. 83 p.,
32 figs, paperbound; VO10863 € 12
Pratt, A., 1935 (2nd ed.). The lore of the Lyrebird. 71 p., 16 pls, hardbound; VO10862 € 20
Pratt, A., 1945 (6th ed.). The lore of the Lyrebird. 80 p., 14 pls, frontispiece, hardbound; VO11244 € 18
Prince, J.H., 1988 (reprint ed.). Australian Parrots and Cockatoos. 80 p., paintings by Neville Cayley, laminated
boards; VO11866 € 18
Prokosch, P., 1985. Ringelgänse im Wattenmeer. viii, 99 p., 56 figs & photographs (many col.), paperbound; VO11465 € 10
Prozesky, O.P.M., 1974 (2nd ed.). A field guide to the Birds of Southern Africa. 350 p., 40 (36 col.) pls, cloth
(d.j.); VO10861 € 23
Prum, R.O., 1992. Syringeal morphology, phylogeny, and evolution of the Neotropical Manakins
(Aves: Pipridae). 65 p., 26 figs, 2 tables, wrps (Am. Mus. Novit. 3042);
VO24757 € 9
Pycraft, A.L.S., 1899. Note on the external nares of the Cormorant. 3 p., 1 figs, disbound (Jl Linn.
Soc. XXVII, no.174#IV); VO18890 € 4
Pycraft, W.P., 1900. Bird-Life. 244 p., 7 figs, frontispiece, publisher’s cloth; VO10858 € 17
Pynnönen, A., 1957. Über die Orientierung beim Zug einiger Stelzvögel. 22 p., stapled; VO12388 € 5
Radu, D., 1967. Pasarile din Carpati. 176 p., num. figs, 2 col. pls, paperbound (in Romanian);
VO12295 € 10
Radu, D., 1979. Pasarile din Delta Dunarii. 190 p., num. figs & tables, 4 col. pls, paperbound. In Romanian; VO12296 € 10
Raethel, H.S., 1988. Siereenden. 104 p., num. ills & col. photographs, paperbound; VO11336 € 12
Raikow, R.J., 1970. Evolution of diving adaptations in the stifftail ducks. 52 p., 31 figs,
paperbound (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 94); VO21230 € 13
Raikow, R.J., 1978. Appendicular myology and relationships of the New World nine-primaried Oscines
(Aves: Passeriformes). 43 p., stapled; VO12193 € 8
Raitasuo, K., 1948. Käytännön Lintuopas. 204 p., num. figs, hardbound. In Finnish; VO10865 € 12
Ramsay, E.P., 1883. Contributions to Australian Oology - Part 1. 16 p., 3 pls, disbound (from Proc.
Linnean Soc. New South Wales). We added: Notes upon the plumage of the adult
males in certain species of the genus Malurus (by A.J. Newton); VO26481 € 8
Ramsay, E.P., 1888. Tabular list of all the Australian Birds at present known to the author, showing
the distribution of the species over the continent of Australia and adjacent
islands. (6), 38 p., 1 folded map, wrps (partly loose); VO10867 € 20
Ramsay, E.P., 1890. Catalogue of the Australian Striges or nocturnal Birds of Prey in the collection
of the Australian Museum at Sydney. 35 p., cloth; VO10866 € 15
Ramsay, E.P., 1891. Catalogue of the Australian Birds in the Australian Museum at Sydney. III.
Psittaci. 110 p., wrps missing; VO10868 € 17
Rand, A.L. & D.S. Rabor, 1960. Birds of the Philippine islands: Siquijor, Mount Malindang, Bohol, and Samar. 221 p., wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 35#7); VO26054 € 22
Rand, A.L., 1954. Social feeding behavior of birds. 71 p., 3 figs, paperbound (frontwrap missing)
(Fieldiana Zool. 36#1); VO23560 € 6
Rand, A.L., 1956-1969. 12 papers on Birds, mainly from southeast Asia, and mainly written by Rand.
approx. 50 p., various figs, stapled (all Fieldiana zoology issues); VO26152 € 12
Rand, A.L., 1967. Ornithology. An introduction. 311 p., 51 figs, 10 tables, Cloth; VO26856 € 22
Rankin, N., 1947. Haunts of British Divers. 96 p., 11 figs, 82 photos, cloth; VO11875 € 16
Rasmussen, C.A., 1932. De sorte tejsters Øer. 157 p., paperbound (front cover loose, bottom margins first 4 pages
waterstained not affecting text) In Danish; VO12306 € 14
Raspail, X., 1931. Oeuvres ornithologiques. 447 p., portrait, several pls, paperbound. Somewhat
foxed. Dedication from Raspail’s son; VO10870 € 35
Raven, C.E., 1925. In Praise of Birds. Pictures of Bird Life. xiv, 148 p., 48 pls, cloth; VO11651 € 18
Raven, C.E., 1929. Bird haunts and bird behaviour. 192 p., 16 pls, cloth. With a chapter about
birding in Holland; VO10872 € 20
Read, M. et al., 1992. The Robin. 128 p., num. col. photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO11420 € 18
Redman, N. & S. Harrap, 1987. Birdwatching in Britain. A site by site guide. 378 p., num. figs & maps, hardbound (d.j.); VO10875 € 20
Reichenow, A., 1902. Die Kennzeichen der Vögel Deutschlands. 150 p., 8 pls, cloth (faded). Library stamps; VO10874 € 24
Remmert, H., 1957. Die Tierwelt der Nord- und Ostsee. Aves. 102 p., 16 figs, paperbound; VO10873 € 15
Remsen, J.V., 1991. Community ccology of neotropical Kingfishers. xii, 116 p., 21 figs, paperbound
(Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 124); VO12072 € 12
Rendahl, H., 1960-1965. 4 papers published in Arkiv f. Zoologi on migration of Swedish birds; VO26339 € 20
Rendahl, H., 1963-1967. Three papers published in Arkiv f. Zoologi. 1) Die Frühlingsankunft schwedischer Sylviinen. 55 p., 11 figs, 9 tables, wrps. 2) Die
Zugverhältnisse der schwedischen Ringeltauben (Columba palumbus) und Hohltauben (Columba
oenas). 46 p., 14 figs, 3 tables, wrps. 3) Die Zugverhältnisse der schwedischen Bachstelzen (Motacilla a. alba). 41 p., 17 figs, 3
tables, wrps; VO19237 € 12
Rennie, James, 1835 (Publ. anonymously). The Faculties of Birds.xvi, 338 p., 64 figs, HCalf, fine copy; VO26857 € 80
Restall, R., 1996. Munias and Mannikins. 264 p., num. text figs, 80 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.,
yellowed at edges) (Pica Press). As new; VO17029 € 24
Revue Française d’Ornithologie, 1909-1914. Volumes 1-3. Cloth (original wrps bound in). With 9 (1 col.) pls. Only 12
volumes were published, later continued as: l’Oiseau; VO12118 € 90
Rheinwald, G. (ed.), n.d. Atlas der Vogelwelt. 272 p., 270 figs, ca. 500 col. ills, 4to, cloth (d.j.);
VO11049 € 30
Rheinwald, G., 1977-1982. Atlas der Brutverbreitung westdeutscher Vogelarten. Kartierung 1975.
Brutvogelatlas der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Kartierung 1980. 37, 128 p.,
num. maps, paperbound; VO10877 € 18
Rheinwald, G., 1977. Atlas der Brutverbreitung westdeutscher Vogelarten. Kartierung 1975. 37 p., 136
maps, paperbound; VO11513 € 8
Rheinwald, G., 1982. Brutvogelatlas der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Kartierung 1980. 128 p., num.
maps, paperbound; VO11521 € 10
Rhijn, J.G. van, 1973. Behavioural dimorphism in male ruffs, Philomachus pugnax (L.). 77 p., 15 figs,
45 tables, wrps, Thesis; VO26858 € 16
Richards, A.J., 1980. The Birdwatcher’s A-Z. 328 p., hundreds of photographs (many col.), hardbound (d.j.); VO10876 € 24
Richardson, F., 1942. Adaptive modifications for tree-trunk foraging in birds. 56 p., col.
frontispiece, 1 plte, 10 tables, 16 figs, paperbound (no wrappers) (Un. Calif.
Pubns Zool.); VO20886 € 15
Richardson, F., 1957. The breeding cycles of Hawaiian Sea Birds. 41 p., 13 figs, paperbound; VO11554 € 8
Richardson, J. et al., 1959 (1st ed.?). The Museum of Natural History. Class II. Birds. pp. i-vii, 229-446, figs 94-137,
30 handcoloured pls, 4to, new cloth. A few plates somewhat soiled, margins of
pl. 8 repaired. The complete bird section of this work. According to Sitwell
this part was written by W. Dallas. Sitwell states that the second edition has
31 plates of which only seven were coloured; VO09110 € 175
Riddle, G., 1992. Seasons with the Kestrel. 160 p., num. b/w & col. photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO10815 € 22
Ridgely, R.S., 1981. A guide to the birds of Panama, 3rd corr. ed. xv, 404 p., num figs, 32 col. pls,
Cloth; VO26860 € 50
Ridgely, R.S., 1989. The Birds of South America. Vol. I: the oscine Passeriformes. xvi, 516 p., 6
figs, 31 col. pls, Decor. Cloth; VO26859 € 68
Ridgway, 1911. The Birds of North and Middle America. Part V: Pteroptochidae to Trogonidae.
xxii, 859 p., 33 pls, wrps.; VO26863 € 35
Ridgway, R. (continued by H. Friedmann), 1941. The Birds of North and Middle America. Part IX.Gruidae to Eurypygidae, ix, 254 p., 16 figs, paperbound. Unopened; VO11592 € 25
Ridgway, R. & H. Friedmann, The Birds of North and Middle America. Part XI (last). Cathartidae to
Falconidae. xiii, 793 p., 51 figs, wrps; VO26866 € 35
Ridgway, R. & H. Friedmann, 1901-1950. The Birds of North and Middle America. A descriptive catalog of the higher
groups, genera, species, and subspecies of birds known to occur in North
America etc. 11 vols, ccix, 7990 p., 95 figs, 222 pls, New Cloth; VO26862 € 450
Ridgway, R. & H. Friedmann, 1941. The Birds of North and Middle America. Part X: Cracidae to
Meleagrididae. xii, 484 p., 28 figs, wrps; VO26865 € 35
Ridgway, R., 1887. A manual of North American Birds. 631 p., portrait, 124 pls, left bottom corner
pls waterstained (not affecting figures), publisher’s cloth (spotted and spine faded); VO10921 € 70
Ridgway, R., 1891. The Humming Birds. 131 p., 47 figs, 46 pls, New Cloth; VO26861 € 68
Ridgway, R., 1901. The Birds of North and Middle America. Part I. Family Fringillidae - The
Finches. xxix, 715 p., xx pl., disbound. Unopened; VO11973 € 24
Ridgway, R., 1903. The birds of North and Middle America. Part III. Motacillidae: the Wagtails and
Pipits; Hirundinidae: the Swallows; Ampelidae: the Waxwings; etc. 801 p., 17
pls, covers lacking (untrimmed copy); VO11844 € 32
Ridgway, R., 1907. The birds of North and Middle America. Part IV. Turdidae: Thrushes;
Zeledoniidae: Wren-Trushes; etc. xxii, 972 p., 34 pls, wrps lacking (untrimmed
copy); VO11845 € 32
Ridgway, R., 1914. The birds of North and Middle America. Part VI. Picidae: Woodpeckers;
Capitonidae: Barbets; etc. xx, 882 p., 35 pls, wrps lacking (untrimmed copy);
VO11846 € 35
Ridgway, R., 1919. The Birds of North and Middle America. A descriptive catalogue. 806 p., 32 pls,
wrps missing, untrimmed; VO11776 € 12
Ridgway, R., 1919. The Birds of North and Middle America. Part VIII: Jacanidae to Alcidae. xvi, 852 p., 34 pls., wrps; VO26864 € 35
Riley, J.H., 1938. Birds from Siam and the Malay Peninsula in the United States National Museum
collected by Drs. Hugh M. Smith and William L. Abbott. 581 p., paperbound;
VO10953 € 48
Ripley, S.d. & L.L. Scribner, 1961, reprint 1993. Ornithological books in the Yale University Library, including the library of
William Robertson Coe. (v), 338 p., 3 pls, Cloth; VO26868 € 56
Risdon, D.H.S., 1965 (8th ed.). Foreign Birds for beginners. 140 p., 10 figs, 14 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO18961
€ 8
Ritchie, Th.L., 1980. Two Mid-Pleistocene avifaunas from Coleman, Florida. 36 p., 3 figs, 13 tables,
wrps. Library stamps (from Bulletin of the Florida State Museum); VO11705 € 8
Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 1981-1983. Vol. 51#3-4, vol. 52#1-2, vol. 53#1-2. Three issues; VO12361 € 15
Rivista Italiana di Ornitologia, 1981-1990. Vol. 51#3-4 through 60#1-2. Missing: vol. 58#3-4; VO20628 € 85
Robbins, C.S. et al., 1966. Birds of North America. A guide to field identification. 340 p., num. col. ills & maps, paperbound; VO11930 € 12
Roberts, A., 1935. Scientific results of the Vernay-Lang Kalahari expedition, March to September,
1930. Birds. 185 p., 1 plte, paperbound (included in same issue Mammals. 63 p.,
4 pls); VO15892 € 20
Roberts, A., 1949. The Birds of South Africa. 7th impr., xxxvi, 463 p., 10 figs, 55 col. pls,
Cloth; VO26869 € 34
Roberts, A., 1958 (2nd ed.). Birds of South Africa. xxxviii, 504 p., 64 (56 col.) pls, cloth; VO10780 € 55
Roberts, T.S., 1932. The Birds of Minnesota. 2 vols. 1512 p., 606 figs, 90 col. pls, 2 col.
frontispieces, 4to, publisher’s cloth; VO09111 € 185
Roberts, T.S., 1960 (rev. ed.). Bird portraits in color. vi, 192 p., 90 col. pls, cloth; VO11089 € 25
Robertson, A.W.P., 1954. Bird pageant. Field studies of some East Anglian breeding birds. 192 p., 44
photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO11039 € 22
Robiller, F., 1983. Käfige und Volieren in Haus und Garten. 223 p., num. figs & photographs (many col.), cloth (d.j.); VO11088 € 18
Robin, L., 2001. The Flight of the Emu. A hundred years of Australian ornithology 1901-2001. xi,
492 p., num. photographs, figs, and portraits, 24 fullcolour pls, hardbound
(d.j.). An interesting reference volume; VO25843 € 38
Robinson, J.W., 1987. A Birder’s guide to Japan. 358 p., num. maps, paperbound; VO11384 € 12
Roché, J.C. & J. Chevereau, 2001. Un guide sonore des Oiseaux d’Europe et du Maghreb. 10 CD’s in carton case + booklet; VO11363 € 78
Roche, R. & O. Merne, 1977 (1987 ed.). Saltees. Islands of birds and legends. 152 p., paperbound; VO11765 € 12
Röhl, A., 1978. Geflügelte über uns. Der Vogel in Mythos und Geschichte, in Natur- und Geisteswissenschaft.
142 p., num. ills & photographs (some col.), hardbound; VO11985 € 10
Rösiö, F., 1946. Svenska fåglar. 75 fågelbeskrivningar, illustrerade med fotografier och färgbilder. 304 p., num. b/w photographs, 24 col. pls, hcloth. In Swedish; VO12047
€ 12
Rogers, C.H. & E. Kramer, 1985. Papegaaien. 95 p., figs, hardbound; VO15830 € 4
Rogerson, S. & Ch. Tunnicliffe, 1947. Our Bird book. 128 p., num. (col.) figs, 4to, cloth; VO22263 € 32
Rokitansky, G., 1964. Catalogus faunae Austriae. Aves. 62 p., wrps; VO10878 € 10
Rokitansky, G., 1966-1971. 4 papers: Vögel der Almasy-Ausbeute 1901-1906, Bergrebhuhn aus Österreich, Hybriden Vogelsammlung Wiener Museum, Ornithologische Ergebnisse
zweier Sammelreisen in die Türkei. 140 p., 5 figs, 1 map, 6 pls, disbound (from Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien);
VO25220 € 17
Rol’nik, V.V., 1977. Suitability of hen eggs for incubation in the fresh state and after storage. 58
p., 13 tables, paperbound; VO11537 € 8
Roos, G., 1984. Flyttning, övervintring och livslängd hos fåglar ringmärkta vid Falsterbo (1947-1980). 208 p., 70 figs, num. b/w photographs & distribution maps, 4to, hardbound. ANSER, Supplement 13. In Swedish; VO11982 € 14
Rooth, J., 1965. The Flamingos on Bonaire (Netherlands Antilles). Habitat, diet and reproduction
of Phoenicopterus ruber ruber. xiii, 151 p., 48 figs, 20 pls, paperbound;
VO10879 € 22
Rosendahl, S., 1975. Den sorte Stork (Ciconia nigra). 67 p., num. figs & photographs, paperbound. In Danish; VO10880 € 10
Rossem, A.J. van, 1932. The Avifauna of Tiburon island, Sonora, Mexico, with descriptions of four new
races. 32 p., 2 pls, 1 map, wrps (Trans San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. VII#12);
VO26523 € 8
RSPB, n.d. A field identification guide to selected British Birds. 20 p., 8 col. pls,
spiralbound; VO12280 € 8
Rudebeck, G., 1957. Aves II. 103 p., 17 figs, wrps (reprint from South African Animal Life vol. IV);
VO24407 € 12
Rüger, A., 1972. Funktionell-anatomische Untersuchungen an Spechten. 101 p., 27 figs, 3 tables,
disbound (Z. wiss. Zool. Leipzig); VO25309 € 12
Rüppell, G., 1977. Vogelvlucht. 191 p., num. figs & photographs (some col.), cloth; VO12041 € 14
Russ, K., 1873-1878. Handbuch für Vogelliebhaber, Zuchter und Handler. Vol. I. Fremdländische Stubenvögel. Vol. II. Einheimische Stubenvögel. 463 p., xxvi, 463 p., cloth & hcloth (not uniform); VO10883 € 45
Russ, K.F.O., 1887 (3rd ed.). Handbuch für Vogelliebhaber, -Züchter und -Händler. xii, 576 p., 28 pls, boards; VO22266 € 30
Rutgers, A. (ed.), 1964-1968. Encyclopedie voor de vogelliefhebber, in drie delen. Pages collected in binders.
72 col. pls, num. figs; VO12156 € 48
Rutgers, A., 1955 (2nd ed.). Handboek voor kleurparkietenkwekers. 200 p., num. figs, 8 col. pls, hardbound;
VO11591 € 15
Rutgers, A., 1964/1967 (7th/4th ed.). Tropische volièrevogels. 2 vols. 441 p., num. figs & ills, 38 col. pls, 32 photographic pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO11981 € 18
Rutgers, A., 1966-1970. Vogels van Australië. 1-2. Geselecteerd uit John Gould’s: “The Birds of Australia”. 334 p., num. col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11055 € 35
Rutgers, A., 1966-1970. Vogels van Azië. 1-2. Geselecteerd uit John Gould’s: “The Birds of Asia”. 334 p., num. col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11056 € 35
Rutgers, A., 1966-1970. Vogels van Zuid-Amerika. 1-2. Geselecteerd uit John Gould’s: “Monograph of the Odontophorinae”, “Monograph of the Trogonidae”, “Monograph of the Ramphastidae” en “Monograph of the Trochilidae”. 334 p., num. col. pls, cloth; VO11060 € 30
Rutgers, A., 1966-1970. Australische Vogelwelt. 2 vols. 167, 167 p., mit farbige Reproduktionen aus den
Werken John Goulds The Birds of Australia, cloth (d.j.); VO11847 € 30
Rutgers, A., 1967-1970. Vogelwelt Asiens. 2 vols. 167, 167 p., mit farbige Reproduktionen aus den Werken
John Goulds The Birds of Asia, cloth (d.j.); VO11848 € 30
Rutgers, A., 1970. Het grote kanarieboek. 181 p., 17 figs, 80 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO11703 € 18
Ruttledge, R.F., 1975. A List of the Birds of Ireland. 146 p., paperbound; VO10881 € 12
Ryves, B.H., 1948. Bird Life in Cornwall. 256 p., 16 figs, cloth (d.j.); VO10882 € 23
Sachs, W.B., 1957 (2nd ed.). Vogel-Pflege leicht gemacht. 124 p., 141 figs, 1 col. pl., hardbound; VO11304 € 10
Sage, J.H. et al., 1913. The Birds of Connecticut. 370 p., disbound; VO10952 € 28
Saha, B.C. & J.M. Dasgupta, 1992. Birds of Goa. 56 p., wrps (Rec. Zool. surv. India Occ. Pap. 143); VO11424 € 14
Salmon, J., 1904. Les Oiseaux. 440 p., 63 col. pls, num. b/w photos, paperbound/uncut (La Vie des
Animaux illustrée tome IV)); VO11713 € 40
Salomonsen, F. & G. Johansen, 1950-1951. Grønlands Fugle. The Birds of Greenland. 3 vols. 608 p., 52 col. pls, 1 folded map,
roy. 4to, paperbound (in plain slipcases). In Danish and English in parallel
columns; VO09055 € 380
Salomonsen, F., 1960-1961. 4 papers: Notes on Flowerpeckers (Aves, Dicaeidae) 3. The species group Dicaeum
concolor (36 p.); 4. Dicaeum igniferum (35 p.); 5. The genera Oreocharis,
Paramythia, and Pardalus (24 p.); 6. The superspecies Pardalotus striatus (31
p.), stapled (Novitates 2016, 2057, 2067, 2068); VO20831 € 26
Salomonsen, F., 1960. 2 papers: Notes on Flowerpeckers (Aves, Dicaeidae) 1. The genera Melanocharis,
Rhamphocharis, and Prionichilus (28 p., 1 fig.); 2. The primitive species of
the genus Dicaeum (38 p., 2 figs, 2 tables), stapled (Novitates 1990, 1991);
VO23766 € 10
Salomonsen, F., 1963. Oversigt over Danmarks Fugle. 156 p., 1 map, paperbound. In Danish; VO10893 € 10
Salt, W.R., 1973. Alberta Vireos and Wood Warblers. Families Vireonidae and Parulidae.
Distribution and breeding. 141 p., 9 col. pls, num. maps, 4to, paperbound;
VO10888 € 20
Salverda, Z. (ed.), 1967. La deuxième conférence européenne sur la conservation de la Sauvagine. Compte rendu. Noordwijk aan Zee,
Pays-Bas, 1966. 237 p., 11 photos, paperbound; VO15896 € 20
Salvin, F.H. & W. Bodrick, 1997 (reprint ed.). Falconry in the British Isles. 147 p., 24 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO11810 € 28
Samstag, T., 1988. For Love of Birds. The Story of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds,
1889-1988. 160 p., num. (col.) photos, cloth (d.j.); VO12377 € 20
Santos, J.R. dos, 1965-1971. Collection of 7 papers on birds from Portugal and the Selvagens Islands. 107 p.,
20 pls, wrps; VO10925 € 20
Sapin-Jaloustre, J., 1960. Ecologie du Manchot Adélie. 211 p., 35 figs, 7 tables, 32 pls, wrps; VO26871 € 30
Sassi, M., 1939-40. Die Vögel der österreichischen Costa-Rica-Expedition I & II. Compl., 44, 87 p., ex Temminckia; VO26872 € 22
Sassi, M., ca. 1900. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt des Songea-Distriktes mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Matengo-Hochlandes (D.O.A.) (einschl. einiger Arten aus dem nördl. D.O.A.). 110 p., 1 map. disbound; VO25323 € 18
Saunders, A.A., 1938. Studies of breeding Birds in the Allegany State Park. 160 p., 77 figs, stapled
(from New York State Museum Bulletin); VO11962 € 8
Saunders, A.A., 1942. Summer birds of the Allegany State Park. 313 p., 42 figs, wrps; VO11779 € 8
Saunders, D., 1971. Les Oiseaux de mer. 159 p., num. col. ills, paperbound; VO11563 € 8
Saunders, H., 1899 (2nd ed.). An illustrated manual of British Birds. xl, 776 p., hundreds of figs, publisher’s cloth; VO10923 € 95
Saunders, H., 1927. Manual of British Birds, 3rd rev. enl. ed. by W.E. Clarke. viii, 834 p., 405
figs, Cloth; VO26873 € 40
Saunders, R.M., 1951. Carolina quest. xi, 119 p., 12 ills, hardbound (d.j.); VO11085 € 12
Scanes, C.G. et al. (eds), 1982. Aspects of Avian endocrinology: Practical and theoretical implications. 411 p.,
num. figs, cloth (d.j.); VO10929 € 50
Schaanning, H.Tho.L., 1933. A contribution to the Bird fauna of east-Greenland / A contribution to the Bird
fauna of Jan Mayen. 39 p., wrps; VO12026 € 10
Schäfers, H., 1975. Zur Brutverbreitung ausgewählter Vogelarten in Nordwestdeutschland. 115 p., num. maps, paperbound; VO10915 € 10
Schäff, E., 1896 (2nd ed.). Ornithologisches Taschenbuch für Jäger und Jagdfreunde. Tabellen zur Bestimmung, sowie Beschreibungen aller Arten
der in Deutschland vorkommenden Raubvögel, Hühner, Tauben, Stelz- und Schwimmvögel, nebst Anhang, Rabenvögel und Drosseln. ix, 193 p., paperbound; VO11989 € 20
Schälow, E. & V. Wendland, 1960. Sang da nicht die Nachtigall? Ein Schallplatten-Vogelbuch. 160 p., 38 figs, 8
col. pls, 2 records, cloth; VO11992 € 20
Schälow, E. & V. Wendland, 1960. Sang da nicht die Nachtigall? Ein Schallplatten-Vogelbuch. 160 p., 38 figs, 8
col. pls, 2 records, cloth. Schallplatten-Records missing; VO11993 € 8
Schaub, S., 1907. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der postembryonalen Entwicklung der Ardeiden. 99 p., 19 figs, 2
pls, wrps (loose). Thesis; VO12035 € 12
Scheithauer, W., 1966. Kolibris. Fliegende Edelsteine. 175 p., 76 col. photos, 4to, Cloth; VO26874 € 25
Scheller, W., 1867. Ueber die Schwalben. Eine Vorlesung im Maximilians-Museum, gehalten am 27. März 1867. 25 p., disbound; VO12208 € 12
Scherzinger, W., 1976. National Bayerischer Wald. Rauhfuß-Hühner. 71 p., 46 figs, paperbound; VO10924 € 10
Scheurig, M.R. et al., 1999. Brutvogel-Monitoring Baden-Württemberg 1992-1999. 151 p., 24 b/w photographs, paperbound (Carolinea, Beiheft
14); VO11697 € 12
Schifter, H., 1967-1998. 11 papers (several on Mausvögel [Coliiformes], Ornithologie Senegal, Vögel aus Nachlass Ferdinand Lucas Bauer, Avifauna north Nandi Forest, Kenya). 314
p., various figs & pls, disbound (from Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien); VO25221 € 36
Schildmacher, H., ed., 1961. Beiträge zur Kenntnis deutscher Vögel. (iii), 295 p., 63 photos/maps, HCloth; VO26875 € 29
Schiøler, E., 1925-1931. Danmarks Fugle, med henblick paa de in Gronland, paa Faeroerne og i Kongeriget
Island forekommende arter. 1303 p., num. (several col.) figs, 173 col. and 103
plain pls, 3 vols, folio, original half vellum with red labels and marbled
boards. First two volumes devoted to Ducks and Geese, vol. 3 to Birds of Prey.
All published of this magnificent work and probably the most complete treatment
of the European species of these groups; VO07630 € 900
Schlegel, H., 1828. Verhandeling over het trekken der Vogels. 164 p., cloth (Natuurk. Verh. Holl.
Mij Wetensch. 16, 2e stuk); VO25936 € 60
Schlegel, H., 1831. Verhandeling ter beantwoording der vrage: “Geeft de ontleedkundige en physiologische kennis van het maaksel van de koekoek
of de leefwijze van dezen vogel eenige gronden aan de hand, om te verklaren,
welke de reden zij, dat deze vogel geen nest maakt, en zijne eijeren niet zelf
uitbroeit? Zoo neen, welke is dan de oorzaak van dit merkwaardig verschijnsel?.
32 p., plates MISSING, disbound (from Natuurk. Verh. Holl. Mij Wetensch.);
VO25937 € 10
Schlüter, W., 1896. Systematisches Verzeichnis Europäisch-Sibirischen Vögel mit Einschluss der mediterranen Formen, nebst Etiquettenanhang. 25 p., wrps;
VO12111 € 10
Schmidt-Koenig, K., 1979. Avian Orientation and Navigation. x, 180 p., 84 figs, hardbound; VO11520 € 18
Schouteden, H., 1932. Contributions à la faune ornithologique du Congo Belge. VIII. Mes récoltes ornithologiques au Parc Albert. 90 p., paperbound; VO10922 € 15
Schouteden, H., 1936. Contribution à la faune ornithologique du nord-est du Congo Belge. 117 p., 1 map, small folio,
loose in wrps (worn); VO12085 € 30
Schouteden, H., 1948-1952. De Vogels van Belgisch Congo en van Ruanda-Urundi. Vols. I-V. 200; 201-416;
417-564; 1-176; 177-340 p. (Tot. 904 p.), 852 figs/photos/maps, wrps in
portfolios; VO26876 € 180
Schreiber, R.L. et al., 1988. Ruimte voor de Vogels. 384 p., num. col. ills, hardbound (d.j.); VO11863 € 10
Schröder, E., 1957. Landschaft und Vögel des westlichen Sauerlandes. 75 p., wrps; VO15888 € 8
Schröder, H. et al., 1964. Geschützte Wildnis. 280 p., 270 photos, 5 maps, cloth; VO11726 € 8
Schüz, E., 1959. Die Vogelwelt des Südkaspischen Tieflandes. 199 p., 36 b/w photographs, 11 maps, cloth; VO11842 € 20
Schüz, E., 1971 (2nd ed.). Grundriß der Vogelzugskunde. 390 p., 142 figs, cloth (d.j.); VO10914 € 36
Schuh, J., 1968. Allometrische Untersuchungen über den Formenwandel des Schädels von Corviden. 86 p., 20 figs, 7 tables, disbound (Z. wiss. Zool. Leipzig);
VO25313 € 10
Schuler, W., 1991. John Gould Exotische Vögel. 64 p., 32 fullcol. pls, folio, paperbound; VO12097 € 20
Schulgin, M.A., 1884. Das Vogelhirn. 25 p., 2 pls, wrps. Unopened; VO12116 € 8
Schulz, G.E.F., 1908. Natur-Urkunden. Heft 1: Vögel. 20 p., plus 20 fullpage b/w pls, paperbound; VO12122 € 10
Schulz, H., 1988. Weißstorchzug. Ökologie, Gefährdung und Schutz des Weißstorchs in Afrika und Nahost. 459 p., num. photographs and distribution maps,
paperbound. On the migration of the white stork Ciconia ciconia; VO11221 € 25
Schulze, F.E., 1912. Über die Luftsäcke der Vögel. 36 p., 6 figs, 1pl., wrps (partly loose); VO11940 € 8
Schumacher, E., 1937. Unter Säbelschnäblern und Seeschwalben. Beobachtungen und Natururkunden aus der Vogelwelt der
deutschen Nordseeküste. 54 p., plus 48 fullpage photos, cloth (faded); VO11711 € 10
Schumann, H., 1947. Der Vogelbestand eines Gebietes in der Lüneburger Heide. 48 p., 5 figs, disbound; VO11552 € 8
Schuster, S. et al., 1983. Die Vögel des Bodenseegebietes. 379 p., 546 figs, 4to, cloth; VO10895 € 35
Scott, P. & H. Boyd, 1957. Wildfowl of the British Isles. 64 p., 15 col. pls, col. frontispiece, cloth ;
VO10898 € 19
Scott, P., 1938. Wild Chorus. x, 120 p., 48 figs & 20 col. pls, cloth (faded); VO11724 € 10
Scott, P., 1980. Observations of wildlife. 112 p., 105 (39 col.) ills, hardbound (d.j.); VO11150 € 25
Scott, W.E.D. & R.B. Sharpe, 1912. Reports of The Princeton University Expeditions to Patagonia, 1896-1899. Volume
II-Ornithology part III, Charadriidae-Anatidae. 160 p., 66 figs, 1 pl. (by H.
Grönvold), paperbound (a few bottom corners waterstained, not affecting text),
scarce; VO11684 € 150
Seebohm, H., 1883-1885. A history of British Birds. 3 vols. xxiii, 614, xxxiii, 600, xxiv, 684 p., num. figs, quarter leather. Missing vol. four being the col. pls showing the
eggs of birds profiled in the other three vols; VO10987 € 150
Selander, R.K. & D.R. Giller, 1963. Species limits in the Woodpecker genus Centurus. 62 p., 17 figs, 4 pls, 8
tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 124#6); VO24761 € 8
Selander, R.K., 1964. Speciation in wrens of the genus Campylorhynchus. iv, 305 p., 22 pls, original
wrps; VO11818 € 22
Selous, E., 1905. The Bird Watcher in the Shetlands. xi, 388 p., frontispiece, 9 pls, cloth (loose
spine, text clean & tight, worth to rebind); VO11786 € 20
Selous, E., 1905. Bird Life Glimpses. viii, 335 p., 12 figs, 6 pls, decorated cloth (first and
last pages spotted); VO11862 € 14
Selous, E., 1927. Realities of Bird Life. xvi, 351 p., cloth (faded); VO11834 € 16
Selous, E., 1933. Evolution of habit in birds. 296 p., cloth (spine loose); VO11743 € 10
Serres, M. de, 1842. Des causes des migrations des animaux, et particulièrement des oiseaux et des poissons. xviii, 322 p., 4to, paperbound (contemporary
blue paper covers) (Natuurk. Verh. Holl. Mij Wetensch. 2(2); VO01276 € 74
Serventy, D.L., 1948. The Birds of the Swan River district, Western Australia. 48 p., 1 pl., 3 maps,
cloth; VO10913 € 14
Sharpe, B.R., 1896. A handbook to the Birds of Great Britain. 308 p., 27 tissue guarded col. pls,
hcloth, partly loose front inner hinge; VO11712 € 24
Sharpe, R.B., 1891. A review of recent attempts to classify Birds, an address delivered before the
second international ornithological congress on the 18th of May, 1891. 90 p.,
12 (3 folding) pls, hcalf; VO10930 € 40
Sharrock, J.T.R. & E.M. Sharrock, 1976. Rare Birds in Britain and Ireland. 336 p., num. figs & maps, hardbound (d.j.); VO10920 € 25
Sharrock, J.T.R., 1976. The atlas of breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland. 477 p., num. figs & maps, hardbound (d.j.); VO10942 € 32
Shaw, G. (continued by J. Stephens), 1809-1819. General zoology or systematic natural history. Birds. Vols 7-11. 3019 p., 382
pls, bound in 10 contemporary hcalf volumes (numbered on spines as 13 through
22) (one or two vols a little worn). Bookplate of Sir Edward B. Baker. Two more
volumes on birds were issued; VO07629 € 750
Sheldon, W.G., 1971. The book of the American Woodcock, 2nd corr. pr., xvii, 227 p., 30 tables, 58
figs/photos, Cloth; VO26878 € 27
Shelley, G.E., 1881. List of Birds recently collected by Dr. Kirk in eastern Africa. 43 p., 1 pl.,
disbound; VO12102 € 8
Shipman, P., 1998. Taking wing. Archaeopteryx and the evolution of Bird flight. 336 p., 77 figs,
hardbound (d.j.); VO11389 € 15
Short, Jr., L.L., 1965. Hybridization in the Flickers (Colaptes) of North America. 122 p., 11 figs, 44
tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 129#4); VO24752 € 18
Short, L.L. & J.F.M. Horne, 1985. Behavioral notes on the nest-parasitic Afrotropical Honeyguides (Aves:
Indicatoridae). 46 p., 21 figs, wrps (Am. Mus. Novit. 2825); VO24759 € 5
Short, L.L., 1967. A review of the genera of Grouse (Aves, Tetraoninae). 39 p., 4 figs, 6 tables,
stapled (Novitates 2289); VO20977 € 10
Short, L.L., 1968. Sympatry of red-breasted Meadowlarks in Argentina, and the taxonomy of
Meadowlarks (Aves: Leistes, Pezites, and Sturnella). 30 p., 11 figs, stapled
(Novitates 2349); VO20978 € 7
Short, L.L., 1974. Habits and interactions of North American three-toed Woodpeckers (Picoides
arcticus and Picoides tridactylus). 42 p., 5 figs, stapled (Novitates 2547);
VO12214 € 8
Short, L.L., 1975. A zoogeographic analysis of the South American Chaco avifauna. 190 p., 82 figs,
paperbound; VO11499 € 14
Shurtleff, L.L. & C. Savage, 1996. The Wood Duck and the Mandarin. The northern Wood Ducks. 232 p., num. figs & col. photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO11410 € 25
Sibley, C.G. & J.E. Ahlquist, 1972. A comparative study of the egg white proteins of non-passerine birds. (v), 276
p., 4 tables, 37 figs/photos, wrps; VO26879 € 35
Sibley, C.G., 1950. Species formation in the red-eyed Towhees of Mexico. 77 p., 6 (2 col.) pls,
paperbound; VO10910 € 14
Sibley, D., 2000. The North American Bird guide. 544 p., softbound. This beautiful comprehensive
volume is the indispensable identification guide and reference tool for every
birder; VO15779 € 40
Sick, H., 1960. Notas sobre Falco peregrinus Anatum Bonaparte no Brasil (Falconidae, Aves). 22
p., 11 photos, stapled (in Portuguese); VO12216 € 8
Sick, H., 1993. Birds in Brazil. A natural history. xvii, 703 p., num. figs & maps, 47 fullcolour pls, 4to, endpaper maps, hardbound (d.j.). As new; VO17035 € 72
Sielmann, H., 1959. My year with the woodpeckers. 139 p., 14 (4 col.) pls, cloth; VO10904 € 20
Sielmann, H., 1961. Een jaar tussen de spechten. 156 p., 58 photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO10997 € 18
Silloway, P.M., 1901. Summer Birds of Flathead Lake. 83 p., 16 pls, paperbound; VO10909 € 18
Simeonov, S. & T. Michev, 1991. Birds of Balkan peninsula. 250 p., num. col. pls & distribution maps, hardbound. In Bulgarian; VO19176 € 30
Simeonov, S.D. et al., 1990. Fauna Bulgarica. 20. Aves part I. 350 p., 95 figs, num.col. pls, cloth. In
Bulgarian; VO15856 € 20
Simms, E., 1978. British Thrushes. 304 p., 63 figs, 24 pls, hardbound (d.j.) (The New Naturalist
63); VO11709 € 50
Simms, E., 1985. British Warblers. 432 p., 177 figs, 6 col. pls, paperbound (The New Naturalist
71); VO11354 € 40
Sitwell, S., 1948. Tropical Birds from Plates by John Gould. 12 p., 15 col. pls, paperbound (d.j.);
VO11659 € 12
Sitwell, S., H. Buchanan & J. Fisher, 1990. Fine Bird Books 1700-1900. 2nd enl. ed, xi, 180 p., 52 col. pls, Cloth; VO26880 € 68
Skutch, A.F., 1967. Life histories of Central American highland birds. vi, 213 p, 6 figs/photos, 1
table, Cloth; VO26881 € 30
Skutch, A.F., 1979. Parenet Birds and their young. 2nd pr., xviii, 503 p., 19 figs, 18 tables, 116
photogr. figs/pls, 4to, Decor. Cloth; VO26882 € 60
Slater, P., 1970. A field guide to Australian Birds. Non-passerines. 428 p., 47 figs, 64 (42 col.)
pls, num. maps, hardbound; VO10894 € 20
Slater, P., 1975. A field guide to Australian Birds. Passerines. 309 p., 39 col. pls, num. maps,
hardbound (d.j.); VO10969 € 18
Slijper, E.J., 1950. De vliegkunst in het dierenrijk. 178 p., 144 figs, 11 pls, hardbound; VO11972 € 20
Slud, P., 1960. The Birds of finca “La Selva”, Costa Rica. 100 p., 5 figs, 1 table, 18 pls, wrps (Bull. AMNH 121 art. 2);
VO20829 € 20
Slud, P., 1964. The Birds of Costa Rica. Distribution and ecology. 430 p., 2 pls, 1 map, wrps;
VO26883 € 70
Slud, P., 1967. The Birds of Cocos Island (Costa Rica). 36 p., 1 fig., 4 pls, wrps (Bull. AMNH
134 art. 4); VO19232 € 10
Sluiter, J.W., 1940. Die Cytologie des Hühnereies während der ersten Phasen der Ovogenese. 76 p., 68 figs, wrps (partly loose).
Thesis; VO11438 € 16
Small, A., 1975. The Birds of California, 2nd ed. xxiv, 310 p., num. photos, Cloth; VO26884 € 25
Smeenk, C., 1974. Comparative-ecological studies of some East African Birds of prey. (ii), 96 p.,
14 figs, 15 tables, wrps; VO22267 € 18
Smith, S.T., 1972. Communication and other social behavior in Parus carolinensis. ix, 125 p., 22
figs/tables, Cloth; VO26885 € 27
Smithers, R.H.N. & M.J.S. MacKenzie, 1973. Guide to the waterfowl of Rhodesia. 34 p., 16 col. pls, stapled; VO12259 € 8
Smogorzhevski, L.O., 1979. Fauna of Ukraine. Vol. 5 pars 1. Birds: Gaviae, Colymbidae, Tubinares, Steganopods, Ibidae, Phoenicopteridae. 184
p., 46 figs, cloth; VO19177 € 30
Smulders, B.J. et al., 1969. Avifauna van Walcheren. 84 p., num. figs, wrps (KNNV82); VO15963 € 12
Smythies, B.E., 1940, reprint 1984. Birds of Burma. xxix, 589 p., 30 col. pls, 1 fold. col. map, HCalf; VO26886 € 80
Snow, B. & D. Snow, 1988. Birds and Berries. A study of an ecological interaction. 268 p., 12 figs, num.
ills, 83 tables, hardbound (d.j.); VO11029 € 35
Snow, D.W. (ed.), 1966. XIV Congressus Internationalis Ornithologicus. Abstracts. Oxford 24-30 July,
1966. 139 p., paperbound; VO11926 € 8
Snow, D.W. (ed.), 1967. Proceedings of the XIV international Ornithological congress, Oxford 24-30 July,
1966. xxiii, 405 p., figs, cloth (d.j.); VO11731 € 20
Snow, D.W., 1958. A study of blackbirds. 192 p., num. ills, cloth (d.j.); VO15773 € 22
Snow, D.W., 1976. The web of adaptation. Bird studies in the American tropics. xiii, 176 p., sev.
figs, Cloth; VO26887 € 29
Söderberg, R., 1918. Results of Dr. E. Mjöbergs Swedish scientific expeditions to Australia 1910-1913. Studies of the
birds in north West Australia. 116 p., 25 figs, 5 (1 col.) pls, 4to, pls loose;
VO10961 € 35
Söderberg, R., 1934. Vara Faglars ägg och bon. 92 p., 8 col. pls, wrps (loose); VO12198 € 8
Soffel, K., 1922. Von den Singvögeln Europas. 2 vols. I: 324 p., 193 photos. II: 224 p., 111 photos, cloth;
VO11745 € 24
Someren, V.G.L., 1956. Days with birds. Studies of habits of some East African species. 520 p., 125
figs/photos, wrps; VO26888 € 56
Soper, M.F., 1963. New Zealand Bird portraits. 104 p., 82 (6 col.) photographs, col. frontispiece,
cloth (d.j.); VO11245 € 12
Soveri, J., 1940. Die Vogelfauna von Lammi, ihre regionale Verbreitung und Abhängigkeit von den ökologischen Faktoren. 176 p., 56 maps, paperbound. Unopened (Acta Zool. Fennica
27); VO12076 € 20
Sørensen, S. & D. Bloch, 1993. Vogels van de Noordatlantische & Arctische eilanden. 275 p., num. figs & col. photographs, 44 col. pls, hardbound; VO11013 € 20
Spaans, A.L. (ed.), 1989. Wetlands en watervogels. 111 p., 60 figs, 8 photographs, paperbound; VO11323 € 16
Spaans, A.L. & C. Swennen, 1968. De vogels van Vlieland. 104 p., num. figs, wrps (KNNV75); VO11334 € 10
Sparks, J. & T. Soper, 1976. Owls. Their natural and unnatural history. 206 p., num. ills & photographs, hardbound (d.j.). Signed copy; VO11147 € 20
Spiker, C.J., 1935. A popular account of the Bird life of the Finger Lakes section of New York, with
main reference to the summer season. 161 p., 57 b/w photographs, 1 map, stapled
(from Roosevelt Wild Life Bulletin); VO11938 € 12
Spillner, W., 1971. Land unter dem Wind. Lebensbilder vom Dambecker See. 199 p., num. b/w
photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO11936 € 14
Spirhanzl-Duris, J., 1965. Atlas van de vogelwereld. 255 p., fullcolour, paperback (Zwarte Beertjes 808);
VO17146 € 5
Sprunt, A. & E.B. Chamberlain, 1949. South Carolina Bird Life. xx, 585 p., 48 photos, 34 col. pls, Cloth; VO26889 € 80
Sprunt, A. & E.B. Chamberlain, 1970 (rev. ed.). South Carolina Bird Life. 655 p., num. figs, cloth; VO11881 € 60
Stadler, H., 1954-1956. 3 papers on birdsong (of Kohlmeise, Orpheus- und Rüppellsgrasmücke, und Geier und Adler in südost Europa). 46 p., disbound. In German; VO25238 € 5
Starling, A., 1978. Enjoying Indiana Birds. xvii, 3098 p., num. drawings, Cloth; VO26890 € 25
Stearns, W.A., 1883-85. New England bird life. Being a manual of New England ornithology. 2 vols
(compl.). Revised and edited from the manuscript by Dr. Elliott Coues. 328; 409
p., 144 figs, Cloth; VO26891 € 56
Stein, R.C., 1958. The behavioral, ecological and morphological characteristics of two populations
of the alder Flycatcher Empidonax traillii (Audubon). 63 p., 6 figs, 11+ 6
tables, wrps; VO15987 € 10
Steinbacher, G. n.d. (2e druk). Thieme’s vogelboek. Een handboek voor liefhebbers van inlandse en tropische vogels. 272
p., num. figs & col. pls, cloth (loose spine); VO15839 € 8
Steinbacher, J., 1962. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Vögel von Paraguay. 106 p., 4 maps, 4to, paperbound (Abh. Senck. Naturf. Ges.
502); VO25024 € 24
Steiner, H., 1932. Vererbungsstudien am Wellensittich Melopsittacus undulatus. Ein kasuistischer
Beitrag zum Domestikationsproblem. 166 p., 5 figs, 10 col. pls, paperbound;
VO11558 € 30
Stenbeck, T., 1891. Einige Worte über die Theorie des Herrn Prof. Dr. Blix vom segeln oder kreisen der Vögel. 20 p., 5 figs, cloth (original wrps bound in); VO10918 € 14
Stepanek, O., 1963. Birds of Heath and Marshland. 134 p., 55 col. pls, cloth (p. 28-39 loose); VO12279 € 8
Steyn, P. & G. Arnott, 1990. Hunters of the African Sky. 96 p., 41 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11885 € 80
Stiles, F.G., 1973. Food supply and the annual cycle of the Anna Hummingbird. vi, 109 p., 13 figs, 4
pls, 11 tables, paperbound (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 97); VO24323 € 18
Stingelin, W., 1958. Vergleichend morphologische Untersuchungen am Vorderhirn der Vögel auf cytologischer und cytoarchitektonischer Grundlage. 123 p., 32 figs,
paperbound; VO11927 € 16
Stokes, T. & K. Shackleton, 1963. A sailor’s guide to ocean Birds, Atlantic and Mediterranean. 64 p., num. figs, wrps;
VO12234 € 8
Stokes, T., 1968. Birds of the Atlantic Ocean. 156 p., 38 col. pls, num. maps, 4to, cloth (d.j.);
VO10812 € 35
Stolt, B.-O. et al., 1996-1999. Report on Swedish Bird Ringing for 1994, 1996 & 1997. 150, 148, 155 p., paperbound; VO22289 € 30
Stolz, J.W., 1917. Ornithologische Nachlese aus der Oberlausitz. 94 p., 3 pls, stapled; VO10946 € 12
Stone, W., ca. 1950. 3 papers on the Birds from the 1st (1931) and 2nd (1936/36) Dolan expedition by
Stone, Schäfer & Meyer de Schauensee. Ca. 150 p., disbound; VO26521 € 16
Stoner, D. & L.C. Stoner, 1952. Birds of Washington Park, Albany, New York. 268 p., 52 figs, paperbound (front
cover soiled); VO10916 € 23
Stoppelaar, R.J. de, 1933. Wuivende Wieken. 196 p., 35 b/w photographs, cloth; VO12033 € 14
Storer, R.W., 1952. A comparison of variation, behavior and evolution in the sea bird genera Uria
and Cepphus. 102 p., 19 figs, 2 pls, paperbound (front wrp missing) (Un. Calif.
Pubns Zool. 52); VO21225 € 12
Storer, R.W., 2002. The metazoan parasite fauna of Loons (Aves: Gaviiformes), its relationship to
the Birds’ evolutionary history and biology, and a comparison with the parasite fauna of
Grebes. 44 p., stapled; VO12192 € 8
Stork, H.-J., 1968. Morphologische Untersuchungen an Drosseln. Eine Analyse von Anpassungsstrukturen
im Körperbau von sechs europäischen Arten der Gattung Turdus L. 114 p., 28 figs, 14 tables, disbound (Z.
wiss. Zool. Leipzig); VO25312 € 14
Strange, I., 1976. The Bird Man. An Autobiography. 182 p., num. ills, 6 col. pls, 17 photographs,
hardbound (d.j.); VO11285 € 38
Stresemann, E. & H. Grote, 1926. Verbreitung und Gliederung afrikanischer Formenkreise. 18 p., 10 maps, wrps;
VO10950 € 8
Stresemann, E. & L.A. Portenko (eds), 1960-1971. Atlas der Verbreitung palaearktischer Vögel. Parts 1-3. Num. maps, loose pages in 3 portfolios; VO12099 € 60
Stresemann, E. & L.A. Portenko, 1971. Atlas der Verbreitung palaearktischer Vögel. Part 3. Num. maps, loose pages in a portfolio; VO12098 € 20
Stresemann, E., n.d. (ca. 1938). Vögel vom Fluss Kajan (Nordost-Borneo). 26 p., taped; VO10951 € 6
Strijbos, J.P., 1935. De Blauwe Reiger. 192 p., 60 photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO10919 € 20
Strijbos, J.P., n.d. Hoe heet die vogel, deel 1. 224 p., 6 pls, cloth (worn and loose spine); VO12210
€ 10
Strijbos, J.P., n.d. (2nd. ed.). De vogels rondom ons huis. 96 p., 26 b&w photographs, num. text-figs, hardbound; VO20446 € 8
Strijbos, J.P., n.d. (ca. 1920). Hoe heet die vogel? Vols I+II. 224+240 p., 110+220 pasted col. figs, cloth
(faded). vol. I loose, spines worn & marginal annotations in both vols; VO11227 € 40
Strong, R.M., 1939-46. A Bibliography of Birds. With special reference to anatomy, behavior,
biochemistry... 3 vols (compl.). 464; (I), 469-937; 3-528 p. New Cloth; VO26892
€ 135
Strong, R.M., 1946. A bibliography of Birds. Part 3. Subject index. 528 p., paperbound; VO11870 € 40
Studer-Thiersch, A., 1967. Beiträge zur Brutbiologie der Flamingos (Gattung Phoenicopterus). 71 p., 43 figs,
paperbound; VO11978 € 8
Studer, J.H., ed., 1977. The Birds of Nort America. Fascsimile reprint 1881 ed. (viii0, 182 p., 119 col.
pls, Artif. Leather, Folio; VO26893 € 90
Studer, Th. & V. Fatio, 1889-1914. Vögel der Schweiz und Katalog der Schweizerischen Vögel. Vols 1-11. ca. 2100 p., In original wrps; VO12267 € 220
Studer, Th. & V. Fatio, 1889-1914. Vögel der Schweiz und Katalog der Schweizerischen Vögel. Vols 1, 4, 5, 6, 7/8, 9, 10, 11,, 12, and 13. In original wrps. Separately available, price per volume;
VO12268 € 20
Studer, Th. & V. Fatio, 1889-1930. Vögel der Schweiz und Katalog der Schweizerischen Vögel. Vols 1-13, 16. ca. 2900 p., In original wrps; VO12266 € 280
Studer, Th. & V. Fatio, 1889-1947. Vögel der Schweiz und Katalog der Schweizerischen Vögel19 vols (compl.) in 18 (as publ.). cxl, 4020 p., some figs, 21 col. maps, in
original wrps; VO12265 € 360
Sultana, J. & C. Gauci, 1982. A new guide to the Birds of Malta. 207 p., num. figs, 12 col. pls, paperbound;
VO11238 € 20
Summers-Smith, J.D., 1988. The Sparrows. 342 p., 114 figs, 50 tables, cloth (d.j.); VO15777 € 45
Sundström, K.-E., 1927. Ökologisch-Geographische Studien über die Vogelfauna der gegend von Ekenäs. 170 p., 13 pls, 17 (1 folded & col.) maps, paperbound. Covers partly loose; VO10948 € 22
Sundström, K.-E., 1927. Ökologisch-geographische Studien über die Vogelfauna der Gegend von Ekenäs. 170 p., 13 pls, 17 maps, paperbound. Unopened (Acta Zool. Fennica 3); VO12075
€ 24
Sutton, G.M., 1938. The breeding Birds of Tarrant county, Texas. 36 p., wrps (a few stains); VO15996
€ 6
Sutton, G.M., 1951. Mexican Birds. First impressions based upon an ornithological expedition to
Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, and Coahuila. xv, 282 p., 65 figs, 16 col. pls, Cloth;
VO26895 € 56
Sutton, G.M., 1980. Bird Student. An autobiography. viii, 216 p., sev. figs, 8 col. pls, Cloth;
VO26894 € 34
Svensson, L. et al., 1972. Fågellokaler i Sverige. 240 p., num. maps, hardbound. In Swedish. On the best
birding spots in Sweden; VO10937 € 15
Sveriges Ornitologiska Förening, 1970. Förteckning över Sveriges fåglar. 141 p., paperbound; VO15984 € 12
Swarth, H.S., 1920. Revision of the Avian genus Passerella, with special reference to the
distribution and migration of the races in California. 142 p., 4 (1 col.) pls,
paperbound; VO10943 € 20
Swarth, H.S., 1920. Birds of the Papago Saguaro National Monument and the neighboring region
Arizona. 63 p., 7 pls, wrps; VO12136 € 12
Swenander, G., 1902. Studien über den Bau des Schlundes und des Magens der Vögel. 240 p., 8 pls, paperbound. Thesis (spine split); VO26369 € 32
Sykes, P.W., 1984. The range of the Snail Kite and its history in Florida. 54 p., 15 figs, wrps.
Library stamps (from Bulletin of the Florida State Museum); VO11931 € 8
Sylvia, 1959-1970. Czech Journal on Ornithology. Vols 16, 17, 18, paperbound. In Czech, with
summaries in English & German; VO12373 € 30
Tanis, J.J.C., 1963. De vogels van Terschelling. Overzicht van alle op het eiland waargenomen
soorten. 160 p., paperbound; VO11001 € 18
Tarboton, W., 1989. African Birds of Prey. 227 p., num. figs & maps, about 100 superb col. photographs by Peter & Beverly Pickford, hardbound (d.j.); VO10837 € 45
Taverner, P.A., 1926. Birds of western Canada. 380 p., 315 figs, 84 col. pls, Decor. Cloth; VO26896 € 42
Taylor, B. & B. van Perlo, 1998. Rails. A guide to the Rails, Crakes, Gallinules and Coots of the world. 600 p.,
15 figs, distribution maps, 43 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.) (Pica Press). As new;
VO17030 € 34
Taylor, D., 1985. Birdwatching in Kent. 151 p., num. figs, paperbound; VO10927 € 12
Taylor, K. et al. (eds), 1985. Bird census and atlas studies. 437 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VO10928 € 15
Teitler, R., 1985. Perroquets gris africains, les apprivoiser- les faire parler. 94 p., fullcolour,
boards; VO11999 € 10
Teixeira, R.M. (ed.), 1979. Atlas van de Nederlandse broedvogels. 431 p., num. figs & maps, paperbound; VO11004 € 18
Temminck, C.-J., 1820 (2nd ed.). Manuel d’ornithologie ou tableau systématique des oiseaux qui se trouvent en Europe; précéd´´d’une analyse du système général d’ornithologie, et suivi d’une table alphabétique des espèces. 2 vols. cxv, 950 p., marbled endpapers, gilt-tooled full calf (edges
slightly shelf-worn), small former owner label pasted inside frontboards;
VO09104 € 280
Tenovuo, R., 1963. Zur brutzeitlichen Biologie der Nebelkrähe (Corvus corone cornix L.) im äusseren Schärenhof Südwestfinnlands. 147 p., num. figs & tables, paperbound; VO12389 € 20
Terres, J.K., 1980. The Audubon Society encyclopedia of North American Birds. 1109 p., 800 b/w
drawings, 875 col. photos, cloth (d.j.); VO11895 € 42
Tets, G.F. van, 1965. A comparative study of some social communication patterns in the Pelecaniformes.
88 p., 49 figs, paperbound. Thesis; VO10945 € 12
The Foreigner, 1936. A practical guide to the keeping, breeding and showing of all kinds of foreign
birds and budgerigars. Vol. 3, part 1 (Jan., Feb., Mar., 1936). 194 p., num.
col. figs, hcloth; VO11748 € 12
The Khnifiss Lagoon, 2000. A bird sanctuary in the Sahara. 24 p., fullcolour, 4to, wrps; VO22508 € 8
Théel, H., 1875. Recherches sur le Phascolion strombi. 32 p., 3 pls, wrps. Library stamps (Kongl.
Svenska Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 14#2); VO24207 € 18
Thibault, J.Cl. & Cl. Rives, 1975. Birds of Tahiti. 111 p., num. col. photographs, paperbound; VO10906 € 10
Thielcke, G., 1970. Vogelstimmen. viii, 156 p., 95 figs, paperbound; VO11928 € 8
Thielcke, G., 1975. Das Schicksal der Greifvögel in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. 48 p., 18 figs, paperbound; VO10944 € 8
Thijsse, J.P., 1906. Het intieme leven der vogels. 290 p., 50 photos, boards; VO12211 € 36
Thijsse, J.P., 1912 (1e druk). Het vogelboekje. 186 p., figs, cloth (Bibliotheek van de levende natuur No.1);
VO22207 € 18
Thijsse, J.P., 1913 (2nd ed.). Het intieme leven der vogels. 240 p., 50 pls, publisher’s cloth; VO10978 € 45
Thijsse, J.P., 1929 (3rd ed.). Het Vogelboekje. 275 p., num. figs & ills, frontispiece, cloth (back broken & partly loose); VO12117 € 8
Thijsse, J.P., 1938 (4th ed.). Het Vogeljaar. Part 1: bij huis en hof. Part 2: in wijder kring. 320, 324 p.,
num. photos, cloth; VO11924 € 38
Thijsse, J.P., 1942 (5th print). Het Vogeljaar. Nederlandsche vogels in hun leven geschetst. 355 p., num. photos,
4to, cloth; VO22264 € 34
Thijsse, J.P., 1944 (4th ed.). Het Vogelboekje. 226 p., 7 col. pls, num. ills, col. frontispiece, hcloth;
VO11274 € 14
Thijsse, J.P., 1965 (5th ed.). Het Vogelboekje. 212 p., 16 col. pls, num. ills, paperbound; VO11182 € 12
Thijsse, J.P., 1965. Vogelzang. 80 p., num. photographs (many col.), 4to, hardbound; VO11183 € 15
Thom, V.M., 1986. Birds in Scotland. 382 p., 129 figs, 8 pls, 173 distribution maps, hardbound
(d.j.); VO10813 € 40
Thomas, B., 1983. Zur Avifauna von Mainz. Ergebnisse einer Brutvogelrasterkartierung 1982. 160 p.,
num. maps, paperbound; VO11984 € 14
Thomson, A.L. (ed.), 1964. A new dictionary of Birds. 928 p., 48 (16 col.) pls, cloth; VO10770 € 60
Thomson, A.L., 1926. Problems of Bird migration. xiv, 350 p., 10 maps, publisher’s cloth; VO10993 € 40
Thomson, J.A., 1923. The biology of Birds. xi, 436 p., 59 figs, 9 pls, col. frontispiece, cloth;
VO11707 € 22
Thorburn, A., 1989. The complete Thorburn’s Birds. 400 p., 82 fullcol. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO11891 € 34
Thorpe, W.H., 1961. Bird-song. The biology of vocal communication and expression in birds. 143 p.,
65 figs, hardbound; VO11010 € 24
Ticehurst, C.B., 1932. A history of the birds of Suffolk. xi, 502 p., 18 pls, 1 fold. col. map, Cloth;
VO26897 € 56
Tikader, B.K., 1984. Birds of Andaman & Nicobar islands. xxii, 167 p., 6 col. photos, 51 col. pls of birds, hardbound
(d.j.); VO23796 € 20
Tillip, F., 1928. Die Geschichte einer Buntspechtfamilie. 166 p., boards; VO11730 € 8
Tinbergen, L., 1937. Roofvogels. 36 p., 72 figs, 4to, wrps (NJN uitgave); VO15989 € 8
Tinbergen, L., 1941. Vogels in hun domein. Over de vogelbevolking van Nederland in haar samenhang met
landschap, plantengroei en dierenwereld. 104 p., 53 figs, 4 pls, paperbound;
VO10972 € 10
Tinbergen, L., 1946. De Sperwer als roofvijand van zangvogels. 213 p., 13 figs, 53 tables, paperbound
(Ardea 34#1-3); VO10742 € 45
Tinbergen, L., 1949. Vogels onderweg. Vogeltrek over Nederland in samenhang met landschap, weer en
wind. 110 p., num. figs & maps, cloth; VO20409 € 10
Tinbergen, L., 1962 (2nd ed.). Vogels onderweg. Vogeltrek over Nederland in samenhang met landschap, weer en
wind. 116 p., num. figs & maps, hardbound; VO10985 € 10
Tinbergen, L., 1962 (4th ed.). Vogels in hun domein. Over de vogelbevolking van Nederland in haar samenhang met
landschap, plantengroei en dierenwereld. 120 p., 52 figs, 4 pls, hardbound;
VO21662 € 12
Tinbergen, L., 1967 (3rd ed.). Vogels onderweg. Vogeltrek over Nederland in samenhang met landschap, weer en
wind. 122 p., num. figs & maps, hardbound; VO11185 € 10
Tinbergen, L., 1967 (5th ed.). Vogels in hun domein. Over de vogelbevolking van Nederland in haar samenhang met
landschap, plantengroei en dierenwereld. 120 p., 52 figs, 4 pls, hardbound;
VO10968 € 14
Tinbergen, N., 1953 (1st ed.). The Herring Gull’s world. A study of the social behaviour in birds. xvi, 255 p., 58 figs, 31 pls,
hardbound (d.j.; although the book is the FIRST edition, this dustjacket is
from a 1976 reprint) (The New Naturalist); VO11008 € 38
Tinbergen, N., 1953 (reprint 1971). The Herring Gull’s world. A study of the social behaviour in Birds. xvi, 255 p., 58 figs, 31 pls,
hardbound (The New Naturalist); VO11514 € 28
Tinbergen, N., 1957. Vogelleven. 64 p., num. figs, hardbound; VO10971 € 12
Tinbergen, N., ca. 1932. Die Ernährungsökologischen Beziehungen zwischen Asio otus otus L. und ihren Beutetieren,
insbesondre den Microtus-Arten. 50 p., 19 tables, 9 figs, disbound (Ecol.
Monog. 3#3); VO25446 € 10
Tjeenk Willink, H.D., 1899. Over de tandlijsten en de eiwrat bij vogels. 84 p., 7 pls, original wrps (loose
and back wrapper missing). Thesis; VO12034 € 10
Todd, W.E.C., 1913. A revision of the genus Chaemepelia. 97 p., disbound (Ann. Carnegie Mus.);
VO15912 € 12
Todd, W.E.C., 1946-1953. 7 papers on Birds (5 by Todd), on Woodpeckers, S. Am. Parrots, Birds of southern
Saskatchewan, Birds from Angola (by Chapin), Oven-Birds, Red-Tailed Hawk, and
Variation of the shapes of birds’ eggs within the clutch (by Preston), total of 101 pp., 1 plate, stapled;
VO23008 € 18
Todd, W.E.C., 1963 (reprint 1980). Birds of the Labrador peninsula and adjacent areas. 819 p., 32 (8 col.) pls,
num. maps, cloth; VO10983 € 100
Tolsma, W., 1936. Vogelbescherming. Praktische vogelzorg om huis en hof en in de vrije natuur.
viii, 248 p., 102 figs, hcloth; VO11961 € 14
Tolsma, W., n.d. ‘s-Gravenhage als vogelstad. 128 p., num. photographs, cloth (small tear in
spine); VO10940 € 18
Tomek, T., 2002. The birds of North Korea. Passeriformes. 235 p., num. figs, paperbound (Acta
zool. cracov. 45#1); VO15415 € 16
Townsend, C.W. & G.M. Allen, 1907. Birds of Labrador. 152 p., 1 map, wrps; VO26898 € 25
Trautman, M.B., 1940. The Birds of Buckeye Lake, Ohio. 466 p., 15 pls. 2 maps, wrps; VO26899 € 40
Traylor, Jr., M.A., 1988. Geographic variation and evolution in South American Cistothorus platensis
(Aves: Troglodytidae). 35 p., 1 table, 16 figs, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. NS 48);
VO26056 € 5
Tso-Hsin, C., 1976 (revised ed.). Distributional list of Chinese Birds. xvii, 1218 p., 829 maps, hcloth. In
Chinese; VO11148 € 45
Tuck, G.S., 1980. A field guide to the Seabirds of Britain and the world. xxviii, 292 p., num.
figs & distr. maps, 48 col. pls, hardbound; VO11016 € 20
Tulloch, B. & F. Hunter, 1979. A guide to Shetland Birds. 45 p., 16 pages b/w photos, stapled; VO12057 € 8
Tunnicliffe, C.F., 1952. Shorelands summer diary. 160 p., num. figs, 16 col. pls, 4to, cloth (d.j.);
VO15774 € 125
Tunnicliffe, C.F., 1979. A sketchbook of birds. vi, 123, i p., 123 col. pls, Boards; VO26900 € 56
Tunnicliffe, C.F., 1992. Shorelands summer diary. 160 p., num. figs & col. pls, 4to, cloth (d.j.); VO15785 € 30
Turner, E.L., 1928. Bird watching on Scolt Head. 84 p., 48 pls, hcloth; VO10956 € 25
Tyne, J. van & A.J. Berger, 1959 Fundamentals of ornithology. xi, 624 p., 168 figs, cloth; VO10967 € 42
Tyne, J. van & G.M. Sutton, 1937. The Birds of Brewster county, Texas. 119 p., 5 pls, col. frontispiece, stapled;
VO11212 € 15
Udvardy, M.D.F., 1977. The Audubon Society field guide to North American Birds. Western region. 855 p.,
627 col. photographs, plastic cover; VO10939 € 18
Unitt, P., 1984. The Birds of San Diego county. 276 p., 12 figs, 12 col. pls, 126 maps, 4to,
cloth (d.j.); VO10938 € 50
Urquhart, E., 2002. Stonechats. A guide to the genus Saxicola. Illustrated by Adam Bowley. 320 p.,
figs & distribution maps, 14 col. pls, 16 pp. of colour photographs, hardbound (d.j.)
(Helm). As new; VO17031 € 38
Urry, D. & K. Urry, 1970. Flying Birds. 191 p., num. b/w photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO11469 € 24
Valk, A., 1976. De broedvogels van Ameland. 92 p., num. figs, wrps (KNNV112); VO11320 € 8
Vanden Berge, J.C., 1970. A comparative study of the appendicular musculature of the order Ciconiiformes.
76 p., 10 figs, disbound (from The American Midland Naturalist Vol. 84);
VO12022 € 8
Vane, E.N.T., 1967 (2nd ed.). Guide to Lovebirds and Parrotlets. 146 p., 11 figs, 3 col. pls, cloth (d.j.);
VO18960 € 8
Vaurie, C., 1953-1964. Systematic notes on Palearctic Birds. Nos 1 through 3, 19 through 26, 34 through
40, 51 through 53 (21 issues) + 3 other bird-papers by the same author. Num.
pages, num. ills, stapled (Am. Mus. Novit.); VO23760 € 60
Vaurie, C., 1960-1961. Systematic Notes on Palearctic Birds. No. 41 through 50. 41: Strigidae: The
genus Bubo, 42: The genus Athene, 43: The genera Otus, Aegolius, Ninox, and
Tyto, 44: Falconidae: The genus Falco part 1, 45: The genus Falco part 2, 46:
Accipitridae: The genus Accipiter, 47: The genus Buteo, 48: Columbidae: The
genus Columba, 49: The genus Streptopelia, 50: The Pteroclidae, stapled
(Novitates); VO20832 € 32
Vaurie, C., 1964. A survey of the Birds of Mongolia. 42 p., 2 figs, 1 plte, 2 tables, wrps (Bull.
AMNH 127#3); VO24756 € 20
Vaurie, C., 1965/1967. Systematic notes on the Bird family Cracidae, Nos 1 through 10. 202 p., stapled
(Novitates); VO20835 € 34
Vaurie, Ch., 1953. A generic revision of Fly-Catchers of the tribe Muscicapini. 82 p., 27 figs, 7
tables, paperbound; VO11998 € 18
Veen, J., 1977. Functional and causal aspects of nest distribution in colonies of the Sandwich
Tern (Sterna s. sandvicensis Lath.). vi, 193 p., 51 figs, 25 pls, 52 tables,
wrps; VO26901 € 30
Veerkamp, H.J., 1967. Handleiding voor de kleurkanariekweker. 216 p., 31 figs, 8 col. photographs,
hardbound (d.j.); VO11934 € 10
Vellozo d’Araujo, A., 1897. A incubaçao, a creaçao e a engorda artificiaes das gallinhas. 141 p., num. ills, wrps. In
Portuguese; VO15890 € 20
Ven, J.A. van der, 1982. Birdobservations on Cyprus II. 25 Aug.- 5 Sept. 1981. 14 p., 1 map, wrps;
VO15995 € 4
Verbeek, N.A.M., 1973. The exploitation system of the yellow-billed Magpie. 58 p., 19 figs, 11 tables,
paperbound (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 99); VO24322 € 14
Verheyen, R., 1942 (3rd ed.). Les Anatidés de Belgique. 125 p., 11 figs, paperbound; VO10962 € 15
Verheyen, R., 1943 (4th ed.). Les Anatidés de Belgique. 140 p., 24 figs, paperbound. Unopened; VO10963 € 18
Verheyen, R., 1947. Les Passereaux de Belgique. Deuxième partie. 374 p., 63 figs, paperbound (front and back cover missing); VO10960 € 32
Verheyen, R., 1950. De duiven en hoenders alsook de snorvogels en zitvoetigen van België. 144 p., 34 figs, hcloth; VO10957 € 20
Verheyen, R., 1951. De watervogels van België (met uitzondering der eendvogels en der steltlopers). 173 p., 65 figs, hcloth;
VO10959 € 22
Verheyen, R., 1952 (4th ed.). De eendvogels van België. 147 p., 50 figs, hcloth; VO10958 € 20
Verheyen, R., 1966. Het voorkomen van de Blauwe Reiger, Ardea cinerea cinerea in België, en de evolutie van de Reigerstand in die landen welke de Belgische populatie
kunnen beïnvloeden. 30 p., 4 figs, wrps (reprint from De Giervalk#56); VO11967 € 6
Verheyen, R., 1967. Oologia Belgica. 72 (5 black-and-white, remainder coloured) plates (by Paul De
Vree). Text-volume lacking. Collection of the loose plates only; VO24796 € 15
Vesey-Fitzgerald, B. et al., 1947 (1st ed.). Birds, trees & flowers illustrated. 384 p., the nature lover’s companion to familiar British birds, trees and flowers, fully illustrated with
photographs, drawings and col. pls, cloth (faded); VO12255 € 14
Vijverberg, J., 1925. Vogel-idyllen, Ranke Wieken. 112 p., 45 photos, paperbound; VO11997 € 12
Vijverberg, J., 1928. Vogel-idyllen van diverse pluimage. 116 p., 51 photos, paperbound; VO20411 € 15
Vijverberg, J., 1930. Vogel-idyllen van vreemde kusten. 142 p., 49 photos, paperbound; VO20412 € 15
Vogel-kosmos, 1966-1969. Issues 7 through 12, 1967 complete (bound), 1968 complete (loose in binder),
1969 in issues, missing #8; VO12351 € 20
Vogeljaar, Het, 1957-1973. Vols 5 through 21, complete. In issues; VO12357 € 80
Vogeljaar, Het, 1957-1975. Vols 5 through 23. Vols 8-9-10 bound (upside down), remainder in issues; VO12356
€ 86
Vogeljaar, Het, 1957-1977. Vols 5 through 25. Vols 5-8 bound, remainder in issues. We added: Jaarverslagen
1956-1961 ; VO12355 € 94
Vogeljaar, Het, 1957-1979. Tijdschrift voor vogelstudie en vogelbescherming. Vols 5 through 27. In issues.
Missing vol. 15#1, vol. 27#6. We added: Mededelingen 1 through 4 (1955); Jaarverslagen 1956 through 1962;
Table of contents for vols. 5 through 19 (1957-1971); Register 1966-1968;
Vogels - Tijdschrift voor jeugdleden Nos 1, 3 through 10 (1958-1962) & “Tweede serie” Nos 1 through 9 (1962-1965); VO12354 € 140
Vogeljaar, Het, 1959-1973. Vols 7-8-9-10-11-12-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21 available and sold as single volume.
Price per volume; VO12358 € 5
Vogelwarte, Die, 1948-1974. Vols 15 through 17, and 19 through 27. Vols 25-27 bound, remainder in issues. Missing vol. 19#1; VO12329 € 300
Vogelwerkgroep grote rivieren, 1973. Handleiding voor het inventariseren van broedvogels in Nederland. 58 p., wrps
(KNNV96); VO12128 € 8
Vogelzug, Der, 1931-1935. Berichte über Vogelzugsforschung und Vogelberingung. Vols 2 through 6, in issues; VO12335 € 125
Vogelzug, Der, 1931-1943. Berichte über Vogelzugsforschung und Vogelberingung. Vols 2 through 14, in issues; VO12334
€ 300
Voigt, U., 1920. Excursionsbuch zum Studium der Vogelstimmen. 297 p., cloth; VO11804 € 14
Voitkevich, A.A., 1966. The Feathers and Plumage of Birds. xvi, 335 p., 74 figs, hardbound (d.j.);
VO11815 € 24
Volsøe, H., 1950-1955. 3 papers on Breeding & Migrant birds of the Canary Islands. ca. 250 p., wrps; VO23356 € 50
Voous, K.H. (ed.), 1972. Proceedings of the XVth international Ornithological congress. 745 p., num.
figs, cloth; VO10991 € 30
Voous, K.H., 1953. The geographical variation of the Jay (Garrulus glandarius) in Europe: a study
on individual and clinal variation. 41 p., 16 figs, disbound (from Beaufortia);
VO25904 € 5
Voous, K.H., 1955. The Birds of St. Martin, Saba, and St. Eustatius. 82 p., 4 (1 col.) pls,
paperbound (SFC6); VO10965 € 15
Voous, K.H., 1957. The Birds of Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire. 260 p., 13 (3 col.) pls, paperbound
(SFC7); VO24806 € 32
Voous, K.H., 1960. Atlas of European Birds. 284 p., 355 figs, 419 maps, original cloth (d.j.);
VO11794 € 46
Voous, K.H., 1960. Atlas van de Europese vogels. 284 p., 355 photos, 419 distr. maps, Cloth;
VO26902 € 56
Voous, K.H., 1962. Die Vogelwelt Europas und ihre Verbreitung. Ein tiergeographischer Atlas über die Lebensweise aller in Europa brütenden Vögel. 284 p., 356 photos, 420 maps, cloth (d.j.); VO11911 € 44
Voous, K.H., 1986. Roofvogels en Uilen van Europa. xix, 204 p., 53 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO10741 € 25
Voous, K.H., 1992. Moerasvogels van Europa. 160 p., 37 col. pls, cloth (d.j.); VO10995 € 35
Voous, K.H., 1995. In de ban van vogels. Ornithologisch biografisch woordenboek van Nederland. 605
p., num. photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO10996 € 35
Vos, G.J. de, 1983. Social behaviour of Black Grouse; an observational and experimental field study.
103 p., num. figs & tables, spine taped (from Ardea 71); VO12175 € 8
Vriends, T., 1966. Tropenweelde in de volière. 237 p., num. figs & b/w photographs, hardbound (d.j.); VO11698 € 14
Vries, T.Gs. de, 1928. Aves Frisicae. Lyst fen Fryske Fugelnammen. xv, 167 p., paperbound (spine faded
and worn); VO11561 € 30
Vuilleumier, F., 1969. Systematics and evolution in Diglossa (Aves, Coerebidae). 44 p., 6 figs, 5
tables, stapled (Novitates 2381); VO20979 € 11
Wagner, H.O., 1951. Beitrag zur Biologie des Blaukehlkolibris Lampornis clemenciae (Lesson). 39 p.,
20 figs, disbound (Veröff. Mus. Bremen); VO24931 € 7
Wall, J.W.M. van de, 1986. De Valkerij op het Loo. The Royal Loo Hawking Club 1839-1855. 144 p., num. ills
(many col.), 4to, paperbound; VO10814 € 35
Wallace, G.J., 1939. Bicknell’s Thrush, its taxonomy, distribution and life history. 191 p., sev. figs, 16
tables, wrps; VO26903 € 25
Wallace, G.J., 1955. An introduction to ornithology. xii, 443 p., 180 figs, cloth; VO11065 € 15
Wallace, I., 1981. Birdwatching in the seventies. viii, 183 p., num figs, 28 tables, cloth (d.j.);
VO15788 € 12
Wallin, K., 1988. Life history evolution and ecology in the tawny owl Strix aluco. ca. 110 p. with
6 articles on the subject, paperbound. Dissertation; VO25025 € 25
Walsberg, G.E., 1977. Ecology and energetics of contrasting social systems in Phainopepla nitens
(Ptilogonatidae). 63 p., 19 figs, 11 tables, paperbound (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool.
108); VO24321 € 14
Walter, W.G., 1942. Some experiments on the sense of smell in Birds. Studied by the method of
conditioned reflexes. 92 p., 12 figs, 9 tables, wrps, Thesis; VO26921 € 35
Walters, M., 1994. Birds’ eggs. Eyewitness handbooks. 256 p., fullcolour, flexibinding; VO17024 € 13
Warren, H., 1949. Nachtvogels. 161 p., 92 b/w photographs, cloth (d.j.); VO11588 € 40
Watling, D., 1982. Birds of Fiji, Tonga and Samoa. 176 p., num. figs & col. photographs, 15 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO11656 € 40
Watmough, W., 1954 (4th ed.). The Cult of the Budgerigar. 252 p., 25 (11 col.) pls, cloth (d.j.); VO10931 € 17
Watmough, W., 1960 (5th ed.). The cult of the Budgerigar. viii, 248 p., 16 figs, 11 col. pls, cloth (d.j.);
VO18963 € 15
Watson, G.E. et al., 1963. Preliminary field guide to the Birds of the Indian Ocean. x, 221 p., 19 pls,
several maps, 4to, paperbound (unsewn); VO10974 € 23
Watson, G.E. et al., 1971. Birds of the Antarctic and Subantarctic. 18 p., 14 folded maps, 1 folded pl.,
folio, in cover; VO12096 € 30
Watson, G.E., 1966. Seabirds of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Smithsonian identification manual.
xxiv, 120 p., num. ills, cloth; VO11920 € 20
Wattel, J., 1972. Geografische Differentiatie in het genus Accipiter. 94 p., paperbound. Thesis;
VO10994 € 12
Weaver, P., 1981. The Bird-watcher’s dictionary. 155 p., num. figs, hardbound; VO10933 € 15
Wedemeyer, M., 1974. Die Vogelkoje Kampen. Ein Sylter Naturschutzgebiet. 62 p., laminated boards;
VO12148 € 8
Weeden, R.B., 1968. Upland game Birds of forest and tundra (Alaska). 44 p., num. figs, wrps; VO10979
€ 8
Weigold, H., 1926. Masse, Gewichte und Zug nach Alter und Geschlecht bei Helgoländer Zugvögeln. 73 p., roy. 4to, paperbound (front wrp torn, backwrp missing); VO22367 € 20
Weller, M.W., 1980. The Island waterfowl. x, 121 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.); VO10932 € 17
Weller, M.W., 1988. Waterfowl in winter. xx, 624 p., num. figs & graphs, paperbound; VO17025 € 15
Welty, J.C., 1964. The Life of Birds. xiii, 546 p., 280 figs/phortos, Cloth; VO26904 € 27
Werkgroep Weidevogels Noordhollands Noorderkwartier, 1982. Weidevogels in Noordhollands Noorderkwartier. 120 p., 23 figs, num. b/w
photographs, paperbound (somewhat loose, back cover partly missing); VO12002 € 8
Weßling, B., 2000. Kranichgedanken. 248 p., 6 tables, 2 maps, paperbound + CD-ROM with col.
photographs, videos & crane-calls; VO12399 € 24
Wetmore, A., 1939. Observations on the Birds of northern Venezuela. 88 p., wrps. Unopened; VO11702 € 10
Wetmore, A., 1943. The Birds of Southern Vercruz, Mexico. 126 p., 3 pls, 1 map, wrps; VO26905 € 20
Wetmore, A., 1964. Song and garden Birds of North America. 400 p., col. photos & figs throughout, cloth (d.j.); VO11914 € 10
Wetmore, A., 1965 (1981 reprint). The Birds of the Republic of Panama. Part 1 (of 4) only. Tinamidae (Tinamous) to
Rynchopidae (Skimmers). vii, 483 p., col. frontispiece, 73 figs, hardbound
(d.j.); VO22957 € 25
Wetmore, A., 1965 (1981 reprint). The Birds of the Republic of Panama. Part 2 (of 4) only. Columbidae (Pigeons) to
Picidae (Woodpeckers). vi, 605 p., col. frontispiece, 75 figs, hardbound
(d.j.); VO22958 € 29
Wetmore, A., 1972-1984. The Birds of the Republic of Panama. Parts 1-4 (complete). xxii, 2389 p., 245
figs, 4 col. frontispieces, cloth (d.j.). Part 1 is the 1981 printing; VO09105 € 120
Whistler, H., 1941 (3rd ed.). Popular handbook of Indian Birds. xxviii, 549 p., 105 figs, 21 (6 col.) pls,
cloth; VO10976 € 50
White, G., 1789 (reprint 1977). The Natural History of Selborne. 148 p., b/w ills throughout, boards (d.j.),
nice copy; VO11741 € 12
White, H.C., 1953. The Eastern Belted Kingfisher in the maritime provinces. 44 p., 17 figs, wrps.
Library stamps (from the Fisheries Research Board of Canada); VO12074 € 8
Whittell, H.M., 1954, reprint 1994. the Literature of Australian Birds.: a history and a bibliography of Australian
ornithology. xi, 116; 788 p., 31 pls, Cloth; VO26906 € 135
Widmann, O., 1907. A preliminary catalog of the Birds of Missouri. 288 p., hcloth; VO10977 € 40
Wiggelaar, A.J. & J. Veenman, 1960. Botshol. Een inventarisatie van de vogelwereld. 76 p., 14 figs, 20 photographs,
hcloth; VO10975 € 14
Wigman, A.B. & K. v.d. Burg, n.d. Vogelpracht in Avifauna. Vols 1-4. Per volume 14 p., 8 col. tipped-in photos,
spiralbound; VO22243 € 28
Wigman, A.B., 1917. Vogelleven in Nederland. 224 p., 68 photos, boards (loose spine); VO11732 € 8
Wigman, A.B., n.d. (2nd ed). Gevederde Vrijbuiters. Nederlandse roofvogels. 184 p., 40 photos & 10 drawings, hardbound; VO12145 € 8
Wilbur, S.R. & J.A. Jackson (eds), 1983. Vulture biology and management. 550 p., num. figs, cloth (d.j.). As new. 32
contributions; VO10990 € 44
Wildash, P., 1968. Birds of South Vietnam. 234 p, sev. figs, 25 col. pls, Cloth; VO26907 € 34
Wiley, R.H., 1973. Territoriality and non-random mating in Sage Grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus.
85 p., 21 figs, 14 maps, paperbound (Anim. Behav. Monogr. 6#2); VO12109 € 10
Willard, D.E. et al., 1991. The Birds of Cerro de la Neblina, territorio federal Amazonas, Venezuela. 80 p.,
10 figs, 5 tables, wrps (Fieldiana zool. 1429); VO26164 € 9
Williams, J.G., 1963. A field guide to the Birds of East and Central Africa. 288 p., 40 (16 col.) pls,
cloth; VO10941 € 20
Williams, W., 1983. Singapore’s fabulous Jurong Bird Park. 32 p., fullcolour throughout, wrps; VO15983 € 10
Willis, E.O., 1967. The behavior of bicolored antbirds. 132 p., 21 figs, 3 pls, paperbound (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 79); VO21229 € 25
Wilmore, S.B., 1974. Swans of the world. 229 p., num. figs, 8 pls, hardbound (d.j.); VO10896 € 20
Wingstrand, K.G., 1951. The structure and development of the avian pituitary. From a comparative and
functional viewpoint. 316 p., 160 figs, wrps, Thesis; VO26908 € 29
Winkelman, J.E., 1983. Huismus Passer domesticus en Ringmus P. montanus en de landbouw; Een
literatuuronderzoek over schade, afweer en bestrijding. xxiv, 293 p., num.
figs, A4, lumbacked. Library stamp on cover; VO12106 € 14
Winkler, H. & L.L. Short, 1978. A comparative analysis of acoustical signals in pied Woodpeckers (Aves,
Picoides). 109 p., 39 figs, 11 tables, paperbound; VO11322 € 12
Winkler, R., 1984-1987. Avifauna der Schweiz, eine kommentierte Artenliste. I. Passeriformes. II.
Non-Passeriformes. 203 p., 72 figs, paperbound; VO10982 € 20
Winter, W., 1895. Der Vogelflug. Erklärung der wichtigsten Flugarten der Vögel. viii, 172 p., 21 figs, wrps. Unopened; VO11986 € 16
Winterbottom, J.M., 1974. The zoogeography of the South African avifauna. 41 p., 9 maps, paperbound;
VO10981 € 10
Witherby, H.F. (ed.), 1920-1924. A practical handbook of British Birds. 2 vols in 3 (complete). xvi, 532, xii,
959 p., num. figs, 30 (many col.) pls, publisher’s cloth; VO11660 € 110
Witherby, H.F. (ed.), 1945 (3rd impression). Handbook of British Birds. 5 vols. 2008 p., 281 figs, 160 (134 col.) pls, 37
maps, publisher’s cloth; VO11052 € 170
Woets, D., 1972. Vogels van het Zwanenwater. 127 p., 10 figs, num. b/w photographs, paperbound
(Publikatie Vogelwerkgroep Noordhollands Noorderkwartier); VO12017 € 8
Wolda, G., 1918. Ornithologische studies. A. Physiologische verschijnselen bij eenige soorten. B.
Ontwikkeling in den nestbouw en de daarmee gepaard gaande physiologische,
morphologische en biologische verschillen. 101 p., 10 figs, 13 pls, 4to, cloth.
With French summary; VO11318 € 32
Wolda, G., 1918. Ornithologische studies. A. Physiologische verschijnselen bij eenige soorten. B.
Ontwikkeling in den nestbouw en de daarmee gepaard gaande physiologische,
morphologische en biologische verschillen. 101 p., 10 figs, 13 pls, 4to,
paperbound; VO11522 € 25
Wolda, G., 1918. Ornithologische studies. A. Physiologische verschijnselen bij eenige soorten. B.
Ontwikkeling in den nestbouw en de daarmee gepaard gaande physiologische,
morphologische en biologische verschillen. 101 p., 10 figs, 13 pls, 4to,
boards. Ex-library (with French summary); VO20374 € 25
Wolstenholme, H., 1968. Official checklist of the birds of Australia. 2nd rev ed. Reprint with
supplements 1 to 9, in 2 vols, x, 323, 24 p., wrps.; VO26909 € 30
Wood, C.A., 1931. An introduction to the literature of vertebrate zoology. Based chiefly on the
titles in the Blacker library of zoology, the Emma Shearer Wood library of
ornithology etc. xix, 643 p., New Cloth; VO26910 € 205
Wood, D.S., 1983. Phenetic relationships within the Ciconiidae (Aves). 34 p., 16 figs, stapled;
VO15997 € 6
Wood, N.A., 1951. The Birds of Michigan. 559 p., 16 pls, 1 map, wrps; VO26911 € 35
Wood, Th., 1925. Birds one should know. xi, 132 p., 8 tipped-in col. pls, 16 b/w ills, original
publisher’s cloth (faded), spine lacking; VO11734 € 12
Worthy, T.H., 1988. An illustrated key to the main leg bones of Moas (Dinornithiformes). 37 p., 30
figs, wrps; VO11252 € 8
Wortis, R.P., 1969. The transition from dependent to independent feeding in the young Ring Dove. 54
p., 4 figs, paperbound (Anim. Behav. Monogr. 2 (1); VO12107 € 8
Wortmann, B., 1972. Zur biologischen Anatomie der Hinterextremität von Limikolen. 97 p., 25 figs, 8 tables, disbound (Z. wiss. Zool. Leipzig);
VO25314 € 12
Wright, P., P.G. Caryl & D.M. Vowles, 1975. Neural and endocrine aspects of behaviour in birds. x, 408 p., num. figs/tables,
Cloth; VO26912 € 30
Wüst, W., 1931. Ueber säkuläre Veränderungen in der Avifauna der Münchner Umgebung und die Ursachen dieser Erscheinung. 107 p., 9 pls, 3 maps,
paperbound (loose); VO12036 € 12
Wüst, W., 1985. Bibliographie zur Avifauna Bayerns. Nachtrag I. 92 p., paperbound. Library
stamps (from Bayer. Akad. Wissensch.); VO12015 € 10
Yapp, W.B., 1962. Birds and Woods. 308 p., 24 figs, 15 ills, 12 pls, frontispiece, cloth; VO11317 € 25
Yeates, G.K., 1946. Bird photography. 114 p., 48 pls, hardbound (prelims foxed); VO11755 € 10
Yeates, G.K., 1946. Bird haunts in southern England. 112 p., 99 pls, cloth; VO15775 € 12
Yeatter, R.E., 1934. The Hungarian partridge in the Great Lakes region. 96 p., paperbound; VO11826 € 10
Young, E.H., 1936. A Bird in the bush. 147 p., 20 ills, col. frontispiece, cloth (d.j.); VO11833 € 20
Zang, H. & H. Heckenroth, 1998. Die Vögel Niedersachsens, Bartmeisen bis Würger. 179 p., num. figs, paperbound (Naturschutz Landschaftspfl. Niedersachs.
B.H. 2.10); VO12012 € 10
Zang, H. et al. (eds), 1995. Die Vögel Niedersachsens, Austernfischer bis Schnepfen. (Naturschutz Landschaftspfl.
Niedersachs. B.H. 2.5). 340 p., num. figs, paperbound; VO12010 € 16
Zimmer, C. & B. Rensch, n.d. Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Wirbeltiere. 4. Klasse: Vögel, Aves. 194 p., 262 figs, wrps; VO11249 € 30
Zimmer, J.T. & W.H. Osgood, 1930. Birds of the Marshall Field Peruvian expedition, 1922-1923. 250 p., disbound
(unopened) (Field Mus. zool. ser. 17#7); VO26158 € 26
Zimmer, J.T., 1926. Catalogue of the Edward E. Ayer ornithological library. Part I (A-K). x, 364 p.,
7 pls, wrps, portrait Ayer; VO26913 € 50
Zimmer, J.T., 1929. The Birds of the neotropical genus Deconychura. 18 p., wrps (unopened) (Field
Mus. Nat. Hist. publ. 257); VO24055 € 6
Zimmer, J.T., 1953. Studies of Peruvian Birds. No. 65. The Jays (Corvidae) and Pipits
(Motacillidae). 27 p., wrps (Novit. 1649); VO24058 € 6
Zimmerman, D.A. & J. van Tyne, 1959. A distributional check-list of the Birds of Michigan. 63 p., 1 map, paperbound;
VO11525 € 8
Zimmerman, D.A. et al., 1999, Birds of Kenya and northern Tanzania. Field guide edition. 576 p., various figs,
124 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.). As new; VO17026 € 34
Zimmermann, R., 1923. Das Liebesleben der Vögel. 233 p., 16 figs, hcloth; VO11720 € 14
Zimmermann, R., 1944. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt des Neusiedler Seegebiets. ix, 272 p., 27 pls,
paperbound (from Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien 54. Band, I. Teil); VO12014 € 24
Zimmermann, R., 1944. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Vogelwelt des Neusiedler Seegebiets. ix, 272 p., portrait,
27 pls with 46 figs, folding map in back, hcloth (Ann. naturh. Mus. Wien, 54.
Band, I. Teil). 4 small library stamps in front & back; VO25217 € 40
Zink, G., 1951. Das Farbkleid der Pipridae und der Cotingidae und seine taxonomische Bedeutung.
117 p., 20 figs, 4to, wrps. Thesis (typed, with original photographs); VO11255 € 35
Zomerdijk, P.J. et al. (eds), 1971. Broedvogels van Noord-Holland Noord. 215 p., num. figs & b/w photographs, paperbound (Publikatie Vogelwerkgroep Noordhollands
Noorderkwartier); VO12018 € 8
Zoological Record, sec. (17-) 18: Aves vols 90 (1953 - 106 (1969). 17 volsl, wrps; VO26914 € 210
Zoological Record, The, 1960-1966. Aves. Vols 96-103. In issues, paperbound in original wrps; VO11829 € 80
Zoological Record, The, 1960. Aves. Vol. 96 Section 18, 1959. 73 p., wrps; VO24790 € 10
Zoological Record, The, 1971/1972. Aves. Vols 105 & 106. In original wrps; VO12263 € 48
Zusi, R.L. & R.W. Storer, 1969. Osteology and myology of the head and neck of the pied-billed Grebes
(Podilymbus). 49 p., 19 figs, 4 tables, wrps (Misc. Pub. Mus. Zool. Un. Mich.
139); VO24017 € 8
Zwart, F., 1985. De broedvogels van Terschelling. 172 p., num. figs, paperbound; VO12171 € 10
Zwart, K., 1921 (3rd ed.). Vogelboek. Zangers en krassers, bij huis en schuur, in tuin en park, langs weg
en gracht, in weide, veld en bosch, aan plas en strand. vi, 174, viii, (4) p.,
32 col. pls, softbound (inkspots on top and margins not affecting text and
pls); VO12297 € 12
Zwarts, L., 1974. Vogels van het brakke getijgebied, ecologische onderzoekingen op de
ventjagersplaten. 212 p., 66 figs, 44 tables, paperbound; VO11239 € 12