< back to Start "Antiquarian books" Books on Land & Freshwater Molluscs (A-Z) (Cat 127) (updated August 2009)
Abbott, R.T., 1952. A study of an intermediate snail host (Thiara granifera) of the oriental lung
fluke (Paragonimus). 46 p., 14 figs, 2 pls, stapled (Proc. US Natl Mus.);
ML13878 € 7
Achatina, 1980. A newsletter of African non-marine malacology. No. 8; ML19259 € 5
Achatina, 1981. A newsletter of African non-marine malacology. No. 9; ML19260 € 7
Achatina, 1983. A newsletter of African non-marine malacology. No. 11; ML19261 € 7
Achatina, 1983. A newsletter of African non-marine malacology. No. 12; ML19262 € 7
Adam, W., 1933. Recherches sur les glandes des mollusques terrestres. 91 p., 20 figs,
paperbound; ML02135 € 15
Adam, W., 1947. Révision des Mollusques de la Belgique. I. Mollusques terrestres et dulcicoles.
298 p., 6 pls, num. maps, roy. 4to, paperbound; ML02137 € 44
Adam, W., 1947. Révision des Mollusques de la Belgique. I. Mollusques terrestres et dulcicoles.
298 p., 6 pls, num. maps, roy. 4to, paperbound (edges covers frayed/chipped);
ML10253 € 35
Adam, W., 1957. Exploration du Parc National Albert. Mission J. de Heinzelin de Braucourt
(1950), fasc. 3. Mollusques quaternaires de la région du Lac Édouard. 172 p., 9 pls, paperbound; ML10111 € 40
Alderson, E.G., 1925. Studies in Ampullaria. xx, 102 p., 19 pls, 4to, publisher’s hcloth. Scarce; ML10221 € 400
Angelov, A.M., 2000. Catalogus faunae Bulgaricae 4: Mollusca: Gastropoda et Bivalvia aquae dulcis.
xiv, 57 p., paperbound; ML02238 € 20
Appleton, C.C., 1996. Freshwater molluscs of southern Africa. viii, 64 p., map in front, 75 figs, 4
col. pls, wrps; ML02140 € 20
Arrébola Burgos, J.R., 2002. Caracoles terrestres de Andalucía. 64 p., fullcolour, paperbound (Manuales de Conservación de la Naturaleza No. 1); ML02889 € 12
Aston, O., 1975. Snails. 31 p., 34 text figs, paperbound; ML16608 € 6
Babor, J.F., 1898. Ueber Aspidoporus limax / Ueber die von Dr. Rebel im Jahre 1896 in Ostrumenien
gesammelten Nacktschnecken. 12 p., 2 (1 col.) pls, stapled; ML02178 € 7
Backhuys, W., 1966-1988. Collection of 7 papers mainly on non-marine molluscs; ML02247 € 10
Baker, F.C., 1898-1902. The Mollusca of the Chicago area Parts I & II. Pelecypoda & Gastropoda. 2 vols. 420 p., 138 figs, 36 pls, wrps; ML02179 € 90
Baker, F.C., 1902. The Mollusca of the Chicago area Part II. The Gastropoda. 278 p., 124 figs, 9
pls, paperbound; ML02180 € 42
Baker, F.C., 1911. The Lymnaeidae of North and Middle America. Recent and fossil. xvi, 539 p., 51
figs, 58 pls, paperbound. Last eight plates waterstained; ML02181 € 75
Baker, F.C., 1911. The Lymnaeidae of North and Middle America. Recent and fossil. xvi, 539 p., 51
figs, 58 pls, paperbound (top end of spine loose). Ex-library; ML02263 € 100
Baker, F.C., 1919. Collection of 3 papers on freshwater molluscs from Colorado, Alberta & Ontario (6 pls); ML02182 € 16
Baker, F.C., 1928. The fresh water Mollusca of Wisconsin. Part I. Gastropoda. xvii, 507 p., 202
figs, 28 pls, paperbound (back cover missing); ML02264 € 58
Baker, H.B., 1922. Notes on the radula of the Helicinidae. 39 p., 5 pls, stapled; ML26259 € 18
Baker, H.B., 1923. Notes on the radula of the Neritidae. 62 p., 8 pls, wrps; ML26258 € 18
Baker, H.B., 1925-1943. Collection of 8 papers on land molluscs. Including: North American
Veronicellidae, Anatomy of Hendersonia, Veronicellidae from British Guiana,
Pseudohyaline snails, Nearctic Vitreine Land Snails, Haplotrema, Oleacininae.
totalling 178 pages, with 30 pls, wrps; ML26256 € 40
Baker, H.B., 1927. Minute Mexican Land Snails. 24 p., 6 pls, stapled; ML02271 € 8
Baker, H.B., 1930. The North American Retinellae. 27 p., 6 pls, stapled; ML02189 € 7
Baker, H.B., 1962-1964. Type land snails in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Part I.
North America, north of Mexico. II. Land Pulmonata, exclusive of North America
north of Mexico. III. Limnophile and Thalassophile Pulmonata. Part IV. Land and
freshwater Prosobranchs. 135 p., paperbound; ML02190 € 23
Baker, H.B., 1962-1964. Type land snails in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Part I.
North America, north of Mexico. II. Land Pulmonata, exclusive of North America
north of Mexico. III. Limnophile and Thalassophile Pulmonata. Part IV. Land and
freshwater Prosobranchs. 135 p., disbound; ML02265 € 20
Baker, H.B., 1963. Type land snails in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. II. Land
Pulmonata, exclusive of North America north of Mexico. 69 p., disbound; ML02266
€ 12
Bar, Z., 1984. Bibliography of the land and freshwater Molluscs of the Near East. 52 p., 4to,
stapled (De Kreukel); ML02248 € 8
Bartsch, P., 1906. The Urocoptid Mollusks from the mainland of America in the collection of the
United States National Museum. 52 p., 3 pls, wrps; ML02192 € 12
Bartsch, P., 1906. The Urocoptid Mollusks from the mainland of America in the Collection of the
United States National Museum. 52 p., 3 pls, disbound; ML02272 € 10
Bartsch, P., 1915. Report on the Turton collection of South African marine Mollusks, with
additional notes on other South African shells contained in the United States
National Museum. 305 p., 54 pls, cloth; ML10113 € 75
Bartsch, P., 1933. The land Shells of the genus Obba from Mindoro Province, Philippine islands. 31
p., 6 pls, 1 map, paperbound; ML02251
€ 10
Bartsch, P., 1936. Molluscan intermediate hosts of the Asiatic blood fluke, Schistosoma japonicum,
and species confused with them. 60 p., 8 pls, disbound; ML02194 € 12
Bartsch, P., 1946. The operculate land Molluscs of the family Annulariidae of the Island of
Hispaniola and the Bahama archipelago. iv, 264 p., 38 pls, paperbound.
Ex-library; ML02252 € 45
Bartsch, P., 1946. The operculate land Molluscs of the family Annulariidae of the Island of
Hispaniola and the Bahama archipelago. iv, 264 p., 38 pls, cloth; ML18041 € 58
Bavay, A. & Ph. Dautzenberg, 1909. Descriptions de Coquilles nouvelles de l’Indo-Chine. 44 p., 5 col. pls, wrps (backwrap missing) (extrait Jl Conchyliol.
57); ML24865 € 36
Beckmann, K.-H. (ed.), 1988. Hermann Löns. Ein bedeutender westfälischer Malakologe. 222 p., num. figs, hardbound (Löns’ work (in facsimile) is included!); ML02195 € 16
Beckmann, K.-H., 1992. Catalogue and bibliography of the land- and freshwater Molluscs of the Maltese
Islands, the Pelagi Islands and the isle of Pantelleria. 60 p., 4 portraits,
4to, wrps; ML02534 € 24
Beckmann, K.-H., 2007. Die Land- und Süsswassermollusken der Balearischen Inseln. 255 p., 197 (186 col.) figs, 12 col.
pls, hardbound; ML23812 € 48
Begemann, H., 1924. Over de ademhalingsfunctie van haemocyanine. 96 p., 12 figs, paperbound. Thesis.
Experiments done on Helix pomatia; ML02282 € 15
Benthem Jutting, T. van, 1952. Weekdieren. Tweede deel. 139 p., 23 figs, 16 pls, cloth (Wat leeft en groeit
36); ML02196 € 10
Benthem Jutting, T. van, 1952. Weekdieren. Tweede deel. 139 p., 23 figs, 16 pls, paperbound (Wat leeft en
groeit 36); ML02283 € 8
Benthem Jutting, T. van, 1958. Non-marine Mollusca of the Island of Misool. 45 p., 18 figs, disbound; ML02402 € 8
Bequaert, J.C. & W.B. Miller, 1973. The Mollusks of the arid southwest, with an Arizona check list. 271 p., 6 figs,
paperbound; ML02198 € 18
Berghe, L. van den, 1939. Les Schistosomes et les Schistosomoses au Congo Belge et dans les territoires du
Ruanda-Urundi. 153 p., 14 figs, 27 pls, paperbound; ML02199 € 20
Bernasconi, R., 2000. Révision du genre Bythinella (Moquin-Tandon, 1855) (Gastropoda Prosobranchia
Hydrobiidae: Amnicolinae Bythinellini) de la France du centre-ouest, du Midi et
des Pyrénées. 126 p., 28 pls, num. maps, 4to, paperbound (DocMalHS1); ML02278 € 29
Berry, E.G., 1943. The Amnicolidae of Michigan: Distribution, ecology, and taxonomy. 68 p., 10
figs, 9 pls, paperbound; ML02259 € 16
Berry, S.S., 1920-1931. 4 papers: Notes on some undescribed Californian Helices (18 p., 3 pls); New
Helicoid snails from the Mohave Desert V. The genus Oreohelix in southern
California and Nevada (6 p., 7 figs); Notes on the mollusks of the Colorado
Desert, I. (32 p., 5 figs, 3 pls); The species of Basiliochiton (5 p., 2 figs,
1 plte); ML26236 € 16
Berthold, T., 1991. Vergleichende Anatomie, Phylogenie und Historische Biogeographie der
Ampullariidae. 256 p., 358 figs, paperbound (Abh. Naturw. Verein Hamburg NF
29); ML02260 € 50
Bertrand, A., 2004. Atlas préliminaire de répartition geographique des mollusques stygobies de la faune de France (Mollusca:
Rissoidea: Caenogastropoda). 83 p., 19 (1 col.) figs, 75 distr. maps, A4,
paperbound (DocMalHS2); ML16010 € 21
Binney, W.G., 1859. The Terrestrial air-breathing Mollusks of the United States and the adjacent
territories of N. America. Vol. IV. 207 p., loose. Title-page and the six
plates are missing; ML02274 € 35
Binney, W.G., 1874. Notes on American land Shells. Vol. II. Part I. On the anatomy and Lingula
dentition of Ariolimax and other Pulmonata. 31 p., 10 pls, wrps (soiled) with
charming vignette; ML02205 € 25
Boeters, H.D. et al., 1989. Die Aciculidae (Gastropoda, Prosobranchia). 234 p., 220 figs & maps, paperbound (ZV252); ML02207 € 57
Boeters, H.D., 1998. Süßwasserfauna von Mitteleuropa Band 5/1-2. Mollusca: Gastropoda: Rissooidea. ix,
76 p., 18 pls, paperbound. In mint condition; ML23111 € 54
Boettger, C.R., 1939. Die subterrane Molluskenfauna Belgiens. 68 p., 1 pl., roy. 4to, paperbound;
ML02509 € 12
Boettger, C.R., 1954. Die Molluskenfauna des Interglazials von Lehringen bei Verden in Niedersachsen.
39 p., 2 figs, 2 pls, stapled; ML02212 € 8
Bofill, A. & F. Haas, 1920. Estudi sobre la malacologia de les Valls Pirenaiques V. Conca del Llobregat. pp.
381-831, 4 pls, 1 folded map, paperbound; ML02213 € 85
Bofill, A. & F. Haas, 1920. Estudi sobre la malacologia de les Valls Pirenaiques IV. Vall del Segre i
Andorra. pp. 225-375, 3 pls, 2 folded maps, paperbound; ML02289 € 48
Bofill, A. & F. Haas, 1921. Estudi sobre la malacologia de les Valls Pirenaiques VI. Conques del Besòs, Ter, Fluvià, Muga i litorals intermitjes. pp. 832-1241, 4 pls, 2 folded maps, paperbound;
ML02214 € 85
Bofill, A. & F. Haas, 1921. Estudi sobre la malacologia de les Valls Pirenaiques VII. Vall d’Aran. pp. 1242-1350, i-xxvi, 1 pl., 1 folded map, paperbound; ML02215 € 32
Bondesen, P., 1950. A comparative morphological-biological analysis of the egg capsules of
freshwater pulmonate Gastropods. Hygrophila, Basommatophora, Pulmonata. 209 p.,
69 figs, 9 pls, paperbound; ML10114 € 40
Bondesen, P., 1981. Danske landsnegle. 30 p., 95 figs, 1 col. pl., wrps. On Danish land molluscs. In
Danish; ML02217 € 7
Borcherding, Fr., 1906. Achatinellen-Fauna der Sandwich-Insel Molokai. viii, 195 p., 10 col. pls, 2
maps, roy. 4to, paperbound (in 2 parts). Unopened; ML15490 € 104
Boss, K.J. & M.K. Jacobson, 1973. Monograph of the genus Alcadia in Cuba (Helicinidae). 58 p., 2 figs, 6 pls, 3
maps, wrps; ML02296 € 10
Bouillon, A., 1950. Bibliographie des Schistosomes et des Schistomosiases (Bilharzioses) humaines et
animales de 1931 à 1948. 141 p., paperbound; ML02219 € 16
Bourguignat, J.R., 1886. Nouveautés Malacologiques. Unionidae et Iridinidae du Lac Tanganika. 93 p., paperbound.
Unopened; ML02221 € 45
Brandt, R.A.M. & P. Temcharoen, 1971. The molluscan fauna of the Mekong at the foci of Schistosomiasis in South Laos
and Cambodia. 30 p., 20 figs, paperbound (Arch. Moll.) Four new species are
described; ML02403 € 8
Brandt, R.A.M., 1968. Description of new non-marine mollusks from Asia. 76 p., 41 figs, 3 pls, wrps
(Arch. Moll.); ML02222 € 12
Bretschneider, L.H., 1961. Die spontane parthenogenetische Entwicklung der Eizelle von Limnaea stagnalis L.
39 p., 11 figs, wrps (Verh. KNAW). Ex-library; ML20461 € 7
Breure, A.S.H. & A.A.C. Eskens, 1981. Notes on and descriptions of Bulimulidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda), II. 111 p., 376
figs, 8 pls, paperbound (ZV186); ML02226 € 28
Breure, A.S.H. & J.R. Schouten, 1981. Notes on and descriptions of Bulimulidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) III. 98 p., 32
figs, 4 pls, paperbound (ZV216). Ex-library copy; ML14107 € 18
Breure, A.S.H. & J.R. Schouten, 1981. Notes on and descriptions of Bulimulidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) III. 98 p., 32
figs, 4 pls, paperbound (ZV216); ML17809 € 24
Breure, A.S.H., 1974. Caribbean land Molluscs: Bulimulidae. I. Bulimulus. 80 p., 80 figs, 7 pls,
paperbound. Also includes a paper by W. de Vries “Caribbean land Molluscs: Notes on Cerionidae” (37 p., 10 figs, 7 pls) (SFC45); ML02309 € 25
Breure, A.S.H., 1975. Types of Bulimulidae in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris. 51 p., 1 fig., 10 pls, wrps; ML02223 € 10
Breure, A.S.H., 1975. Caribbean Land Molluscs: Bulimulidae II. Plekocheilus and Naesiotus. 23 p., 7
tables, 3 pls, paperbound (SFC46); ML11361 € 8
Breure, A.S.H., 1978. Notes on and descriptions of Bulimulidae (Gastropoda) I. 255 p., 421 figs, 22
pls, paperbound (ZV164); ML02224 € 64
Breure, A.S.H., 1979. Systematics, phylogeny and zoogeography of Bulimulinae. 215 p., 182 figs, 3 pls,
paperbound (ZV168); ML02225 € 54
Breure, A.S.H., 1979. Systematics, phylogeny and zoogeography of Bulimulinae. 215 p., 182 figs, 3 pls,
paperbound. Thesis; ML02230 € 45
Bruce, J.I. et al., 1971. Culturing Biomphalaria and Oncomelania (Gastropoda) for large-scale studies of
Schistosomiasis. 161 p., 48 figs, 4to, paperbound; ML02229 € 16
Bruggen, A.C. van & C.C. Appleton, 1977. Studies on the ecology and systematics of the terrestrial molluscs of the Lake
Sibaya area of Zululand, South Africa. 44 p., 10 figs, 4 pls, paperbound
(ZV154); ML02233 € 11
Bruggen, A.C. van & J.L. Van Goethem, 1994-2001. 5 papers from Belgian journals (Novapex & Bulletin KBIN) on land molluscs (Punctum adami, Dr William Adam’s iconography of Central and West African Gulella species, parts 2+3, Etudes sur
les mollusques terrestres de l’Afrique à partir des notes de feu le Dr William Adam, parts 2+3). 88 p., 105 figs,
stapled; ML20312 € 10
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1952-2001. 21 papers from Basteria. 148 p., 76 figs, stapled; ML20313 € 12
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1966. The terrestrial Mollusca of the Kruger National Park: a contribution to the
malacology of the eastern Transvaal. 85 p., 70 figs, stapled (Ann. Natal Mus.
18#2), no wrps; ML20676 € 18
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1967. Miscellaneous notes on Southern African Gastropoda Euthyneura. 34 p., 14 figs, 1
pl., paperbound (ZV91); ML02231 € 8
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1968-1993. 10 papers (mainly on land snails) from various journals. 56 p., 26 figs,
stapled; ML20311 € 7
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1969-1992. 10 papers on land molluscs published in British & American journals. 85 p., 25 figs, loose/stapled; ML20315 € 10
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1969. Studies on the land Molluscs of Zululand, with notes on the distribution of land
molluscs in southern Africa. 116 p., 34 figs, paperbound (ZV103); ML02232 € 29
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1970. Non-Marine Mollusca. 32 p., 3 figs, stapled (reprint from South African Animal
Life vol. XIV); ML20314 € 5
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1971-2003. Collection of 9 papers on African land snails from Zoologische Mededelingen. 146
p., 97 (1 col.) figs, 3 pls, stapled; ML19358 € 18
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1974-1994. 7 papers on African and Asian land molluscs (from Proceedings Kon. Ned. Akad.
Wetensch.). 104 p., 72 figs, 3 pls, stapled; ML20317 € 12
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1980. Size clines and subspecies in the Streptaxid genus Gulella Pfr. (Mollusca,
Gastropoda Pulmonata) in southern Africa. 62 p., 30 figs, paperbound (ZV180);
ML02234 € 16
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1983-1996. 7 papers on land molluscs of Malawi (from Proceedings Kon. Ned. Akad.
Wetensch.). 82 p., 63 figs, stapled; ML20320 € 10
Bruggen, A.C. van, 1985-1989. 5 papers on African land molluscs (from Proceedings Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetensch.).
117 p., 95 figs, stapled; ML20316 € 12
Brusina, S., 1878. Molluscorum fossilium species novae et emendatae, in tellure tertiaria
Dalmatiiae, Croatiae et Slavoniae inventiae. 10 p., wrps; ML02235 € 5
Burch, J.B., 1968. Cytotaxonomy of some Japanese Semisulcospira (Streptoneura: Pleuroceridae). 51
p., 3 figs, 16 pls, paperbound (Jl Conchyliol.); ML02236 € 12
Burnup, H.C., 1924. On some South African Gulellae, with descriptions of new species and varieties.
Part I. 58 p., 2 pls, paperbound; ML10145 € 14
Butot, L.J.M. & F.W. Welter-Schultes, 1994. Bibliography of the Mollusc fauna of Greece, 1758-1994. 160 p., 7 maps,
paperbound (Schr. Malakoz. 7); ML19254 € 20
Butot, L.J.M., 1955. The mollusc fauna of Pulau Panaitan (Prinseneiland) Land and freshwater
molluscs. 67 p., 33 figs, 2 pls, wrps (reprint Treubia 23#1); ML26245 € 16
Call, R.E., 1895. A study of the Unionidae of Arkansas, with incidental reference to their
distribution in the Mississippi valley. 65 p., 21 pls, paperbound (back cover
missing); ML02700 € 18
Caziot, E., 1910. Étude sur les Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de la Principauté de Monaco et du département des Alpes-Maritimes. 559 p., 10 pls, original printed boards; ML02357 € 80
Chemin, E., 1926. Les Mollusques d’eau douce. 185 p., 47 figs, 15 (4 col.) pls, cloth. One page damaged with loss
of text; ML02446 € 20
Chevalier, H., 1977. La variabilité de l’Escargot Petit-Gris, Helix aspersa. 18 p., 2 figs, 2 pls, wrps; ML02360 € 5
Clark, S.A. et al., 2003. Revision of the Snail genus Austropyrgus (Gastropoda: Hydrobiidae). A
morphostatic radiation of freshwater Gastropods in southeastern Australia. 109
p., 63 figs, paperbound; ML11141 € 35
Clarke, A.H., 1973. The freshwater Molluscs of the Canadian interior basin. 509 p., 9 figs, 28 (14
col.) pls, maps on endpapers, paperbound; ML02361 € 58
Clarke, A.H., 1981-1985. The tribe Alasmidontini (Unionidae: Anodontinae). Parts I-II. 176 p., 54 figs,
4to, paperbound; ML02362EX. € 25
Clench, W.J., 1935-1961. Collection of 7 papers on land molluscs; ML02363 € 12
Clerx, J. et al., 1968-1978. Collection of 4 papers: Einiges über Cernuella / Drie voor Nederland nieuwe soorten landslakken / Malakologische
kanttekeningen / Vindplaatsen Pisidiidae in Midden-Limburg; ML02404 € 10
Clessin, S., 1884 (2nd ed.). Deutsche Excursions-Mollusken-Fauna. v, 663 p., 418 figs, hardbound
(plastified), paper slightly browned at edges, not affecting contents; ML11080 € 150
Close, H.T., 2000. The Liguus tree snails of south Florida. xiv, 162 p., num. photographs, 14 col.
pls, 2 maps, hcloth (d.j.); ML06502 € 64
Cochet, G., 2004. La Moule perlière et les nayades de France. Histoire d’une sauvegarde. 32 p., fullcolour, stapled; ML22741 € 10
Colbeau, J.-A.-J., 1859. Matériaux pour la Faune malacologique de Belgique I. Liste des mollusques terrestres
et fluviatiles de Belgique. 12 p., 2 (1 col.) pls, wrps. With author’s dedication; ML23216 € 12
Cook, H., 1966. Morphology and histology of the central nervous system of Succinea putris (L.).
72 p., 14 figs, 2 pls, 5 tables, paperbound. Ex-libris W. Backhuys in front
(from Arch. Neerland. Zool. 17#1); ML18872 € 10
Cossignani, T. & V. Cossignani, 1995. Atlante delle conchiglie terrestri e dulciacquicole Italiane. 208 p., ca. 700
col. photographs, 4to, hardbound; ML02365 € 68
Cowie, R.H. et al., 1995. Catalog of the native land and freshwater Molluscs of the Hawaiian islands. 254
p., 1 photograph, 1 map, paperbound; ML02366 € 36
Crampton, H.E., 1956. New species of land snails of the genus Partula from Raiatea, Society Islands.
17 p., 3 figs, stapled; ML26264 € 6
Crosse, H. & P. Fischer, 1870. Étude sur la machoire et l’armature linguale des Cylindrellidae et de quelques genres voisins sous le
rapport conchyliologique. 23 p., 3 pls, wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML02367 € 10
Crosse, H., 1881. Contribution à la faune Malacologique de Nossi-Bé et de Nossi-Comba. 24 p., 1 pl., wrps. Unopened (Jl Conchyliol.); ML02368 € 8
Crosse, H., 1881. Faune malacologique du Lac Tanganyika. 66 p., 1 b/w pl., paperbound. Unopened
(Jl Conchyliol.); ML02369 € 15
Crosse, H., 1889. Note sur le nouveau genre Livinhacia. 10 p., wrps; ML02371 € 5
Crosse, H., 1891. Faune malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de l’ile de Saint-Domingue. 143 p., 3 handcol. pls, wrps (back cover damaged);
ML02372 € 40
Crosse, H., 1891. Faune malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de l’ile de Saint-Domingue. 143 p., 3 plain pls, wrps; ML02373 € 25
Crosse, H., 1892. Faune malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de l’ile de Portorico. 71 p., wrps. Unopened (Jl Conchyliol.); ML02374 € 10
Crosse, H., 1893. Note préliminaire sur la faune malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de la Nouvelle-Zélande et sur ses affinitées. H. Suter, Liste synonymique et bibliographique des mollusques terrestres et
fluviatiles de la Nouvelle-Zélande. 86 p., 1 pl., paperbound (Jl Conchyliol.); ML02375 € 12
Crosse, H., 1893. Note préliminaire sur la faune malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de la Nouvelle-Zélande et sur ses affinitées. H. Suter, Liste synonymique et bibliographique des mollusques terrestres et
fluviatiles de la Nouvelle-Zélande. 86 p., 1 col. pl., paperbound (Jl Conchyliol.); ML02376 € 22
Crosse, H., 1894. Faune malacologique terrestre et fluviatile de la Nouvelle Calédonie et de ses dépendances. 317 p., 4 handcol. pls, paperbound. Unopened; ML02377 € 90
Crowley, T.E. & T. Pain, 1961. A monograph of the African land snails of the genus Limicolariopsis D’Ailly (Achatinidae). 36 p., several figs, 3 pls, 1 folded map, paperbound;
ML02378 € 10
Crowley, T.E. & T. Pain, 1970. A monographic revision of the African land snails of the genus Limicolaria
Schumacher (Achatinidae). 61 p., 6 pls, paperbound; ML02380 € 20
Crowley, T.E. et al., 1964. A monographic review of the Mollusca of Lake Nyasa. 58 p., 7 pls, 1 folded map,
paperbound; ML02379 € 12
Daget, J., 1998. Catalogue raisonné des Mollusques bivalves d’eau douce Africains. 329 p., paperbound; ML02488 € 59
Dall, W.H., 1905-1926. Collection of 9 papers on land molluscs; ML02491 € 20
Davidson, T., 1965. Tree Snails, gems of the Everglades. 16 p., 72 col. figs, paperbound (Natl
Geogr. Mag. 127#3); ML02493 € 6
Davis, G.M. & M. Mulvey, 1993. Species status of Mill Creek Elliptio. (ii), 58 p., 16 figs, wrps; ML21634 € 12
Davis, G.M. et al., 1992. The Pomatiopsidae of Hunan, China (Rissoacea). 200 p., 165 figs, stapled
(Malacologia); ML02498 € 25
Davis, G.M., 1967. The systematic relationship of Pomatiopsis lapidaria and Oncomelania hupensis
formosana. 143 p., 15 figs, 32 pls, stapled; ML02495 € 15
Davis, G.M., 1979. The origin and evolution of the Gastropod family Pomatiopsidae (emphasis on
Mekong River Triculinae). 120 p., 34 figs, paperbound; ML02496 € 18
Davis, G.M., 1981. Different modes of evolution and adaptive radiation in the Pomatiopsidae. 54 p.,
22 figs, stapled (from Malacologia); ML02497 € 10
Degner, E., 1952. Der Erbgang der Inversion bei Laciniaria biblicata. Nebst Bemerkungen zur
Biologie dieser Art. 61 p., 2 figs, disbound (Mitt. Hamb. Zool. Mus. u. Inst.
Bd 51); ML02501 € 12
Delsaerdt, A., 1998. Neritoidea of the Solomon Islands. 48 p., 9 figs, 2 maps, 9 (8 col.) pls, wrps
(Gloria Maris 37#1/3) Author’s dedication on page 2; ML22758 € 8
Deniu, C. & Z. Guoqing, 1999. Fauna Sinica. Mollusca. Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Stylommatophora, Clausiliidae.
viii, 210 p., 128 figs & maps, 5 pls, cloth. In Chinese, with a 16-page English abstract including the
translation of the new species descriptions; ML09697 € 50
Deniu, C. & Z. Guoqing, 2004. Fauna Sinica, Invertebrata vol. 37. Mollusca Gastropoda Stylommatophora
Bradybaenidae. xii, 482 p., 409 figs & distribution maps, 8 (3 col.) pls, hardbound. In Chinese, with a 31-page
English abstract; ML25225 € 52
Dey, R.A., 2007. Handbook on Indian Freshwater Molluscs. xxiii, 399 p., 279 mostly col. figs,
distribution maps, hardbound (d.j.); ML26286 € 68
Dundee, D.S., 1957. Aspects of the biology of Pomatiopsis lapidaria (Prosobranchia). 38 p., 14 pls,
wrps; ML02503 € 12
Dupont, É., 1890. Sur des Mollusques vivants et postpliocènes recueillis au cours d’un voyage au Congo en 1887 / Ph. Dautzenberg, Mollusques recueillis au Congo par
M.É. Dupont, entre l’embouchure du fleuve et le confluent du Kassai. 22 p., 3 pls (of which 1 col. & 1 folded), wrps (from Bull Ac. roy. Belgique); ML02592 € 12
Eales, N.B., 1950 (2nd ed.). The littoral fauna of Great Britain. A handbook for collectors. xvii, 305 p.,
111 figs, 24 pls, frontispiece, cloth (d.j.); ML15530 € 20
Edwards, F.E., 1852 (reprint 1966). A monograph of the Eocene Mollusca or descriptions of shells from the Older
Tertiaries of England. Part II. Pulmonata. 68 p., 10 figs, 6 pls, 4to,
paperbound; ML02563 € 16
Eeden, J.A. van, 1960. Key to the genera of South African freshwater and estuarine Gastropods
(Mollusca). 17 p., 44 figs, wrps; ML26261 € 8
Egorov, R. & D. Ivanov, 1997. Treasure of Russian Shells Vol. 1. Bradybaenidae. 72 p., 60 figs, 4to, wrps;
ML02564 € 26
Egorov, R. & K. Greke, 2003. Treasure of Russian Shells Vol. 6. Terrestrial Pectinibranchia (Helicinidae,
Cyclophoridae, Diplommatinidae, Cochlostomatidae, Aciculidae, Tateidae,
Terrestribythinellidae, Pomatiidae). 43 p., 18 figs, 1 table, 20 maps, 4to,
wrps; ML12405 € 25
Egorov, R.V. & K. Greke, 2005. Treasure of Russian Shells Vol. 7. Orculoidea (Orculidae, Strobilopsidae). 60
p., 32 figs, 2 tables, 3 pls, 22 maps, 4to, wrps; ML17507 € 27
Egorov, R.V., 2001. Treasure of Russian Shells Vol. 5(1). Clausiliidae (Serrulininae, Alopiinae,
Mentissoideinae). 61 p., 41 figs, 32 distribution maps, 4to, wrps; ML12629 € 20
Egorov, R.V., 2002. Treasure of Russian Shells Vol. 5(2). Clausiliidae (Clausiliinae, Baleinae). 77
p., 49 figs, 2 tables, 33 distribution maps, 4to, wrps; ML12630 € 20
Egorov, R.V., 2006. Treasure of Russian Shells supplement 4. Illustrated catalogue with selected
identification keys of the recent fresh- and brackish-water pectinibranch
molluscs (Gastropoda: Pectinibranchia) of Russia and adjacent regions. 88 p.,
24 pages with figs, 1 map, 4to, wrps (includes German summary); ML20828 € 22
Ehrmann, P., 1910. Zur Naturgeschichte der Campylaea phalerata. 31 p., 1 (of two) pls, 4to,
paperbound. One plate missing; ML02565 € 8
Elbers, P.F., 1959. Over de beginoorzaak van het LI-effect in de morphogenese. Een
elektronenmicroscopisch onderzoek aan eieren van Limnaea stagnalis en
Paracentrotus lividus. 59 p., 48 pls, paperbound. Thesis; ML02566 € 18
Ellis, A.E., 1926 (reprint 1969). British Snails. The Non-marine Gastropoda of Great Britain and Ireland. (iv),
298 p., frontispiece, 11 figs, 14 pls, cloth (d.j.); ML09644 € 25
Elo, J.E., 1938. Das Nervensystem von Limnaea stagnalis. 40 p., 15 figs, wrps. Library stamps in
front; ML13513 € 8
Emberton, K.C., 1991. The genitalic, allozymic and conchological evolution of the tribe Mesodontini
(Polygeridae). 108 p., 60 figs, stapled (Malacologia); ML02568 € 16
Falkner, G. et al., 2001. Shelled Gastropoda of western Europe. 267 p., 12 figs, 4to, paperbound; ML06618 € 41
Fischer-Piette, E. & B. Métivier, 1972. Sur quelques Mollusques terrestres du sud-est de l’Arabie. 21 p., 1 fig., 2 pls, wrps (bmnhn zoo#72/no. 93); ML02607 € 5
Fischer-Piette, E. & B. Métivier, 1974. Sur divers Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de Somalie et d’Abyssinie. 46 p., 3 pls, wrps (bmnhn zoo#133/no. 203); ML02609 € 10
Fischer-Piette, E. & D. Vukadinovic, 1974. Les Mollusques terrestres des Iles Comores. 76 p., 22 figs, 1 pl., paperbound
(mema84). Unopened; ML02610 € 16
Fischer-Piette, E. & J. Bedoucha, 1965. Mollusques terrestres operculés de Madagascar. 43 p., 12 figs, 5 pls, wrps (mema33(2); ML02604 € 10
Fischer-Piette, E. et al., 1966. Mollusques terrestres de Madagascar. Ariophantidae. 50 p., 12 figs, 6 pls, wrps
(mema40(1); ML02605 € 10
Fischer-Piette, E. et al., 1966. Mollusques terrestres de Madagascar. Ariophantidae. 50 p., 12 figs, 6 pls, wrps
(back wrp missing); ML17690 € 8
Fischer-Piette, E. et al., 1969. Complément aux Mollusques operculés terrestres de Madagascar. 36 p., 21 figs, 2 pls, wrps (mema55(2); ML02606 € 10
Fischer-Piette, E. et al., 1973. Mollusques terrestres récoltés par M. Soula dans la région d’Antalaha (Madagascar). 54 p., 4 pls, wrps (bmnhn zoo#94/no. 122); ML02608 € 10
Fischer-Piette, E. et al., 1974. Additions aux Mollusques terrestres de Madagascar. 62 p., 32 figs, 4 pls,
paperbound (bmnhn zoo#146/no. 218); ML02611 € 12
Fischer-Piette, E. et al., 1975. Complément aux Mollusques Pulmonés de Madagascar. 70 p., 31 figs, 5 pls, wrps (bmnhn zoo#198/no. 288); ML02622 € 12
Fischer-Piette, E. et al., 1993-1994. Faune de Madagascar 80 + 83. Gastéropodes terrestres prosobranches & Gastéropodes terrestres pulmonés (excl. Veronicellidae et g. Elisolimax) (2 vols). 832 p., 308 figs, 62 pls,
paperbound; ML02623 € 138
Flasar, I., 1998. Die Gastropoden Nordwestböhmens und ihre Verbreitung. 210 p., 158 maps, 4to, paperbound (Heldia Sonderheft
4); ML02542 € 60
Forcart, L., 1953. The Veronicellidae of Africa (Mollusca, Pulmonata). 110 p., 5 pls, paperbound;
ML02613 € 20
Forcart, L., 1966. Die Schneckenfauna des Isteiner Klotzes im Wandel der Zeiten. 40 p., 7 figs,
wrps; ML02615 € 8
Forsyth, R.G., 2004. Land Snails of British Columbia (Royal BC Museum Handbook). iv, 188 p., num. b&w photographs & line drawings, 33 col. figs, paperbound; ML19323 € 30
Franc, A., 1956. Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de l’Archipel Néocalédonien. 200 p., 24 pls, paperbound (mnhna13); ML02624 € 34
Geher, D., 1909. Die Weichtiere Deutschlands. 116 p., 60 figs, boards (Naturwiss. Wegweiser 6).
Ex-library; ML20471 € 15
Geilenkirchen, W., 1961. Effects of mono- and divalent cations on viability and oxygen uptake of eggs of
Limnaea stagnalis. 96 p., 30 figs, paperbound. Thesis; ML02666 € 15
Gerber, J., 1996. Revision der Gattung Vallonia. 227 p., 85 figs, paperbound (Schriften zur
Malakozoologie 8); ML09796 € 30
Gerlach, J. & A.C. van Bruggen, 1999. Streptaxidae (Pulmonata) of the Seychelles Islands, western Indian Ocean. 60 p.,
27 figs, 1 pl., paperbound (ZV328); ML09051 € 22
Gerlach, J., 1987. The land Snails of Seychelles. A field guide. 43 p., 16 col. pls, 1 map, wrps;
ML02668 € 16
Gerlach, J., 2006. Terrestrial and freshwater Mollusca of the Seychelles islands. 141 p. (117
textpages), 81 textfigs, 6 tables, 24 fullcolour pls, paperbound; ML21149 € 36
Germain, L., 1920-1923. Voyage de M. Guy Babault dans l’Afrique orientale Anglaise. Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles. 2 vols. 408
p., 262 figs, 8 (4 col.) pls, 4to, paperbound. Ex-library; ML10123 € 175
Germain, L., 1936. Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles d’Asie-Mineure. 492 p., 75 figs, 17 pls, paperbound. Rare; ML02673 € 200
Geyer, D., 1896 (1st ed.). Unsere Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken. Einführung in die Molluskenfauna Deutschlands. xii, 85 p., 12 pls, cloth (worn);
ML18754 € 45
Geyer, D., 1909 (2nd ed.). Unsere Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken. Einführung in die Molluskenfauna Deutschlands. viii, 155 p., 18 (1 col.) pls, cloth
(worn); ML02674 € 35
Geyer, D., 1927 (3rd ed.). Unsere Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken. Einführung in die Molluskenfauna Deutschlands. xi, 224 p., 33 (1 col.) pls, cloth;
ML02675 € 65
Geyer, D., 1927 (3rd ed.). Unsere Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken. Einführung in die Molluskenfauna Deutschlands. 224 p., 33 (1 col.) pls, cloth. Spine
discoloured & partly loose; ML10594 € 50
Gittenberger, E. & Th.E.J. Ripken, 1987. The genus Theba (Gastropoda: Helicidae), systematics and distribution. 59 p., 62
figs, paperbound (ZV241); ML18380 € 14
Gittenberger, E. et al., 1970 (1st ed.). De Landslakken van Nederland. 177 p., 192 figs, 87 maps, paperbound; ML02676 € 15
Gittenberger, E. et al., 1998 (2nd, revised ed. 2004). De Nederlandse zoetwatermollusken. Recente en fossiele weekdieren uit zoet en
brak water. 292 p., 658 figs & maps, 12 col. pls, 4to, hardbound (d.j.) (Nederlandse Fauna 2); ML03501 € 50
Gittenberger, E., 1968-2006. 13 papers, mainly on land snails, from various journals; ML26401 € 12
Gittenberger, E., 1973. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pupillacea III. Chondrininae. 267 p., 146 figs, 24 maps, 7
pls, paperbound (ZV127); ML02677 € 66
Gittenberger, E., 1973. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pupillacea III. Chondrininae. 267 p., 146 figs, 24 maps, 7
pls, paperbound. Thesis. Secondhand copy; ML02678 € 42
Gittenberger, E., 1978-1980. Three papers: Three notes on Iberian gastropods; Neue Albinaria Art der Insel
Kephallinia & Vitrea trolli et Ruthenica filograna nouvelles pour la France; ML02680 € 8
Gittenberger, E., 1978. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pupillacea VIII. Einiges über Orculidae. 44 p., 35 figs, 4 pls, paperbound (ZV163); ML02679 € 11
Giusti, F. & E. Mantovani, 1979. Le malacofaune continentali quaternarie del riparo tagliente in Valpantena. 54
p., 8 figs, 2 pls, stapled. Well made copy of original paper; ML09793 € 8
Giusti, F. et al., 1995. The non-marine molluscs of the Maltese Islands. 607 p., 635 (10 col.) figs,
hardbound (d.j.); ML02682 € 72
Glaubrecht, M., 1996. Evolutionsökologie und Systematik am Beispiel von Süß- und Brackwasser-schnecken (Cerithioidea): Ontogenese-Strategien, paläontologische Befunde und Historische Zoogeographie. xvi, 499 p., 77 figs, 25
pls, 4to, hardbound; ML02683 € 82
Glöer, P. & C. Meier-Brook, 1998 (12th ed.). Süsswassermollusken. 136 p., ca. 200 photographs, num. maps, paperbound; ML02685 € 12
Glöer, P., 2002 (2nd rev. ed.). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands. Die Süßwassergastropoden Nord- und Mitteleuropas. Bestimmungsschlüssel, Lebensweise, Verbreitung. 327 p., 307 figs, hardbound; ML09617 € 55
Gloyne, C.P., 1871-1872. Notes sur le mode de station, les moeurs et les habitudes des mollusques
terrestres de la Jamaïque, avec la description d’une espèce nouvelle. 24 p., wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML02686 € 8
Godan, D., 1983. Pest Slugs and Snails. Biology and control. x, 445 p., 125 figs, 7 col. pls,
cloth (in cardboard cover); ML09699 € 160
Goethem, J.L. Van et al., 1984. Over de verspreiding in België van de naaktslakken van het genus Deroceras (Agriolimacidae). 45 p., 13 figs,
74 maps, 4to, paperbound; ML02688 € 5
Goethem, J.L. Van et al., 1984. Sur la distribution en Belgique des Limaces du genre Deroceras. 45 p., 13 figs,
74 maps, 4to, paperbound; ML02689 € 5
Goethem, J.L. Van, 1969-1976. Collection of 6 papers on land molluscs; ML09813 € 15
Goethem, J.L. Van, 1977. Revision systématique des Urocyclinae (Mollusca, Pulmonata, Urocyclidae). xi, 353 p., 720
figs, 4 pls, 18 maps, paperbound; ML02687 € 47
Goethem, J.L. Van, 1984. Lijst van de recente niet-mariene mollusken van België. 35 p., paper (unsewn); ML13183 € 5
Goethem, J.L. Van, 1987. Nieuwe naamlijst met aantekeningen van de recente niet-mariene weekdieren van
België. 65 p., 1 map, paperbound; ML02690 € 7
González Guillén, A., 2008. Cuba, El paraiso de los Moluscos Terrestres / Cuba, the Landshells paradise. 306
p., fullcolour, paperbound; ML26184 € 79
Goodrich, C. & H. van der Schalie, 1939. Aquatic Molluscs of the upper peninsula of Michigan. 45 p., 2 maps, wrps;
ML02695 € 10
Goodrich, C., 1924. The Genus Gyrotoma. 32 p., 2 pls, paperbound; ML02692 € 10
Goodrich, C., 1936. Goniobasis of the Coosa River, Alabama. 60 p., 1 pl., paperbound; ML02693 € 12
Gosteli, M., 2005. Environmental influences on shell characters in alpine Arianta arbustorum
(Gastropoda: Helicidae). 13 p., 5 figs, 3 tables, 1 col. plte, stapled (Contr.
Nat. Hist. 6); ML23761 € 7
Graack, W., 1989. Molluskenaufsammlungen in Jugoslawien. I. Molluscs findings in Jugoslavia. I.
Molluskenverzamelingen in Joegoslavië I. 32 p., 6 figs, 4to, stapled. In German (Dutch & English summary) (De Kreukel); ML11619 € 4
Graack, W., 1991. Molluskenaufsammlungen von Korsika. I. Molluscs Findingen in Corsica. I.
Molluskenverzamelingen in Corsica I. 48 p., 6 figs, 4to, stapled. In German
(Dutch & English summary) (De Kreukel); ML02714 € 5
Gratacap, L., 1901. Catalogue of the Binney and Bland collection of the terrestrial Mollusks of the
US, in the American Museum Natural History. 69 p., 6 col. maps, paperbound;
ML02697 € 12
Griffiths, O.L. & V.F.B. Florens, 2006. A field guide to the non-marine Molluscs of the Mascarene Islands (Mauritius,
Rodrigues and Réunion) and the northern Dependencies of Mauritius. xv, 185 p., 12 figs, 32 (23
col.) pls, 32 col. photographs, 7 col. maps, 3 tables, 24 pp. distribution
maps, hardbound; ML21523 € 56
Groenewegen, J.A.W., 1924. Over den bouw en de ontwikkeling van de broedzakken van Sphaerium rivicola. 84
p., 22 figs, 2 pls, paperbound; ML02716 € 14
Groh, K. et al., 2002. A Conchological iconography. Family Acavidae (excluding Ampelita). 66 p., 44
col. pls, 4to, loose-leaf; ML07827 € 60
Grossu, A.V., 1955. Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne. Mollusca. Gastropoda Pulmonata. 518 p., 282 figs, cloth. In Romanian;
ML09713 € 65
Grossu, A.V., 1983. Gastropoda Romaniae. 4. Ordo Stylommatophora. 563 p., 321 figs, paperbound. In
Romanian. Abstracts in English, German, French & Russian; ML02721 € 45
Guppy, R.J.L., 1866. On the lingual dentition of some West-Indian Gasteropoda. 6 p., 1 pl., wrps;
ML11132 € 8
Gusarov, A.A., 1999. Treasure of Russian Shells Vol. 3. Succineidae. 26 p., 18 figs, 4to, wrps;
ML02892 € 15
Guyard, A., 1971. Étude de la différenciation de l’ovotestis et des facteurs controlant l’orientation sexuelle des gonocystes de l’escargot Helix aspersa. 187 p., 43 pls, 4to, paperbound (unsewn). Mimeographed
thesis; ML02722 € 26
Haase, M. et al., 1999. Anatomische Untersuchungen an Binnenmollusken. Wochenend-Seminar der
Friedrich-Held-Gesellschaft in Laufen an der Salzach 1991. 48 p., num. figs, 3
pls, 4to, wrps; ML02576 € 34
Häßlein, L., 1966. Die Molluskengesellschaften des Bayerischen Waldes und des anliegenden
Donautales. 176 p., num. figs & maps, paperbound (plastified). With author’s dedication; ML10631 € 28
Häßlein, L., 1977. Die Weichtierwelt von bayr. Schwaben. xi, 154 p., num. figs, paperbound; ML02788
€ 24
Hamlin, C.E., 1884. Results of an examination of Syrian Molluscan fossils chiefly from the Range of
Mount Lebanon. 68 p., 6 pls, roy. 4to, disbound, wrappers torn & frayed. Unopened; ML11074 € 45
Harbeck, K., 1996. Die Evolution der Archaeopulmonata. 133 p., 33 figs, paperbound (ZV305); ML02789
€ 33
Harbeck, K., 1996. Die Evolution der Archaeopulmonata. 133 p., 33 figs, paperbound (ZV305). Library
stamp in backcover, contents fine; ML15401 € 28
Hartman, W. & E. Michener, 1874. Conchologia Cestrica. The Molluscous animals and their shells of Chester county.
114 p., 207 figs, decorated cloth (covers waterstained); ML02807 € 28
Hausdorf, B. et al., 1996. The non-marine molluscs of Albania. 224 p., 12 figs, 16 pls, num. maps,
paperbound (Schr. Malakoz. 9); ML02791 € 28
Hausser, J., 2005. Fauna Helvetica 10. Mollusca. Clé de determination des Gasteropodes de Suisse / Bestimmungsschlüssel der Gastropoden der Schweiz. 191 p., num. line drawings, 15 col.
photographs, endpaper figs, hardbound. In German & French; ML20679 € 34
Haynes, A., 2001.
Freshwater Snails of the tropical Pacific Islands. 115 p., several figs, ca. 100
col. photographs, paperbound; ML03801 € 23
Heij, C.J. & H.F. de Jong, 1970. De mollusken van de “Esscheplaat” en een in de nabijheid gelegen afgedamde kreek, in relatie tot hun milieu. 74
p., 25 figs, stencilled, glued. Frontcover loose; ML22810 € 10
Hemmen, J. & C. & S. Pathamakanthin, 1999. Rhiostoma (Conchiglia Yearbook 1999). 26 p., fullcolour, 4to, wrps; ML26213 € 16
Hemmen, J. & H.-J. Niederhöfer, 2007. Acta Conchyliorum Heft 9, Monografieen: Critical check-list of Land- and
Freshwater-Molluscs of Taiwan (Republic of China) / Kritische Liste der Land-
und Süßwasser-Mollusken Taiwans. 152 p., 84 (51 col.) figs, 1 table, A4, paperbound;
ML23341 € 24
Henderson, J., 1935. Fossil non-marine Mollusca of North America. vii, 313 p., paperbound (Geol. Soc.
Am. Sp. Pap. 3); ML20428 € 42
Henderson, J.B. & P. Bartsch, 1921. A classification of the American operculate land Molluscs of the family
Annulariidae. 34 p., stapled; ML02795 € 8
Herbert, D. & D. Kilburn, 2004. Field guide to the land snails and slugs of eastern South Africa. (vi), 336 p.,
portraits, maps, textfigs, ca. 600 (mainly col.) photographs, col. endpaper
maps, hardbound; ML18201 € 58
Herbert, D.G., 1997. The terrestrial slugs of KwaZulu-Natal: diversity, biogeography and conservation
(Pulmonata). 43 p., 39 figs, 13 maps, paperbound; ML02796 € 18
Hershler, R. & J.J. Landye, 1988. Arizona Hydrobiidae (Rissoacea). 62 p., 49 figs/pls, 4to, wrps; ML02797 € 12
Hershler, R. & T.J. Frest, 1996. A review of the North American freshwater snail genus Fluminicola (Hydrobiidae).
iv, 41 p., 18 figs, 4to, wrps (Smiths. Contr. Zool. 583); ML20419 € 12
Hershler, R. et al., 1990. A revision of the North American freshwater snail genus Fontigens
(Prosobranchia: Hydrobiidae). 49 p., 37 figs, wrps; ML06075 € 12
Hesse, P., 1910-1911. Anatomie von Hyalinia kobelti / Die Anatomie einiger Arten des Genus Hemicycla.
14 p., 3 figs, 1 pl., 4to, wrps (back cover soiled); ML06534 € 10
Hesse, P., 1926. Die Nacktschnecken der palaearktischen Region. 2 pls, paperbound (frontcover
loose) (Abh. Archiv Molluskenkunde II#1); ML26209 € 25
Horst, D.J. van der, 1972. De Lipiden van de Landslak Cepaea nemoralis. 103 p., paperbound. Thesis; ML02798
€ 14
Hsieh, Bo-Chuan et al., 2006 (2nd expanded ed.). Landsnails of Taiwan. 277 p., fullcolour (hundreds of ills), paperbound; ML22385
€ 30
Hubendick, B., 1945. Phylogenie und Tiergeographie der Siphonariidae. Zur Kenntnis der Phylogenie in
der Ordnung Basommatophora und des Ursprungs der Pulmonatengruppe. 216 p., 106
figs, paperbound; ML19223 € 29
Hurst, C.T., 1927. Structural and functional changes produced in the gastropod Mollusk, Physa
occidentalis, in the case of parasitism by the larvae of Echinostoma revolutum.
78 p., 4 pls, paperbound (back taped); ML09659 € 10
Ihering, H. v., 1929. Die Nephropneusten in systematischer und phylogenetischer Hinsicht. 229 p., 2
pls, paperbound. Unopened; ML02583 € 40
Jaeckel, S.G.A., n.d. 3 papers: Zur Molluskenfauna des nördlichen Schwedisch-Lappland (27p.); In Schleswig-Holstein eingeschleppte Land-,
Süßwasser- und Brackwasser-Mollusken (10p.); Die Landschnecken Schleswig-Holsteins
und ihre Verbreitung (28p.); ML07106 € 10
Jaeckel, S.H. & H.A. Schmidt, 1961. Beitrag zur Molluskenfauna von Albanien. 16 p., 1 fig., stapled (one page
taped); ML20354 € 4
Jaeckel, S.H., 1952. Unsere Süsswassermuscheln. 40 p., 20 figs, paperbound (Neue Brehm-Bücherei); ML10629 € 10
Jaeckel, S.H., 1953. Die Schlammschnecken unserer Gewässer. 30 p., 18 figs, wrps (Neue Brehm-Bücherei); ML10630 € 10
Janssen, A.W. & E.F. de Vogel, 1965. Zoetwatermollusken van Nederland. 160 p., 14 figs, 17 pls, paperbound; ML06329 € 16
Janus, H., n.d. Onze Land- en Zoetwaterslakken en -Mossels. 127 p., 250 figs, 4 (2 col.) pls,
hardbound; ML02861 € 14
Jeffreys, J.G., 1862. British Conchology, or an account of the Mollusca which now inhabit the British
Isles and the surrounding seas. Volume I. Land and freshwater Shells. cxiv, 341
p., col. frontispiece, 8 pls with clear traces of waterdamage, contemporary
cloth. Bound in at the end is a 16-page Catalogue of books published by Mr. Van
Voorst, London, December 1860; ML16708 € 70
Jeffreys, J.G., 1862. British Conchology, or an account of the Mollusca whih now inhabit the British
Isles and the surrounding seas. Volume I. Land and Freshwater Shells. cxiv, 341
p., col. frontispiece, 8 pls, contemporary cloth. Some foxing, fine copy with
author’s dedication on front free endpaper; ML16709 € 120
Jenö, P., 2002. Magyarország Mollusca faunájának rendszertani összefüggései. 340 p., 378 figs, 233 tables, oblong, hardbound; ML11638 € 102
Jhering, H., 1910. Über brasilianische Najaden. 30 p., 1 pl., 4to, wrps; ML02864 € 12
Jodot, P., 1953. Les Pseudoceratodes du Nummulitique continental Circumsaharien. 130 p., 10 figs,
7 pls, cloth; ML06328 € 38
Johansen, A.C., 1904. Om den fossile kvartaire Molluskfauna i Danmark og dens relationer til
forandringer i klimaat. 136 p., 1 pl., 2 maps, paperbound; ML02865 € 20
Johansen, A.C., 1904. Om den fossile kvartaire Molluskfauna i Danmark og dens relationer til
forandringer i klimaat. 136 p., 1 pl., 2 maps, paperbound (plate and maps with
waterdamage); ML02872 € 12
Johnson, R.I., 1970. The systematics and zoogeography of the Unionidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) of the
southern Atlantic slope region. 187 p., 4 tables, 4 figs, 22 pls, paperbound
(Bull. MCZ 140#6); ML23153 € 28
Jokinen, E.H., 1983. The Freshwater Snails of Connecticut. 83 p., 35 figs, wrps; ML02866 € 13
Joosse, J., 1964. Dorsal bodies and dorsal neurosecretory cells of the cerebral ganglia of Lymnaea
stagnalis (L.). 103 p., 25 figs, 14 tables, 8 pls, paperbound (from Arch.
Neerland. Zool. 16#1); ML18873 € 15
Jordan, H., 1883. Die Binnenmollusken der nördlich gemässigten Länder von Europa und Asien und der arktischen Länder. 220 p., 8 pls, 2 maps, 14 large folded tables, 4to, paperbound (no
covers); ML02867 € 95
Jorgensen, S.E. & R.W. Sharp (eds), 1971. Proceedings of a symposium on Rare & endangered Mollusks (Naiads) of the U.S. (viii), 79 p., 65 figs, 4to, stapled;
ML11133 € 15
Jullien, A. et al., 1955. Variations de l’automatisme du coeur d’Helix pomatia en transplantations hétéroplastiques sur des Vertébrés hétérothermes. 86 p., 21 figs, paperbound. Includes another paper on the same
subject; ML02881 € 16
Jungbluth, J., 1975. Die Molluskenfauna des Vogelberges unter besonderer Berücksichtigung biogeographischer Aspekte. E. Hüther et al., Die Wassermollusken des Einzugsgebiets der Nahe. 164 p., 147 maps,
cloth (Biogeographica 5); ML02869 € 28
Jungbluth, J.H. & V. Wiese, 1989. Bibliographie der Arbeiten über die Binnenmollusken in Schleswig-Holstein. 64 p., wrps (Schr. Malakoz. 1);
ML19253 € 8
Jungbluthm J.H., 1978. Der tiergeographische Beitrag zur ökologischen Landschaftsforschung.
Malakozoologische Beispiele zur naturräumlichen Gliederung. iii, 345 p., 32 figs, 210 map, boards; ML26674 € 34
Karnekamp, C., 1989. Afwijkend gebouwde schelpen bij Planorbidae. 49 p., 5 figs, 21 pls, 4to, stapled
(De Kreukel); ML06058 € 8
Kemperman, Th.C.M., 1992. Systematics and evolutionary history of the Albinaria species from the Ionian
Islands of Kephallinia and Ithaka (Pulmonata: Clausiliidae). 252 p., 25 figs,
paperbound; ML06068 € 52
Keppens, M. & D. Keppens, 1988. Een inventarisatie van de land- en zoetwatermollusken van Dendermonde. 38 p., 3
maps, 4to, paperbound; ML06070 € 8
Kerney, M.P. (ed.), 1976. Atlas of the non-marine Mollusca of the British Isles. (vii), 199 pages of
distribution maps, 3 pages index, A4, paperbound; ML15502 € 14
Kerney, M.P. & R.A.D. Cameron, 1979. A field guide to the land Snails of Britain and north-west Europe. 288 p., num.
figs, 24 col. pls, 396 maps, hardbound; ML06033 € 28
Kerney, M.P., 1999. Atlas of the land and freshwater Molluscs of Britain and Ireland. 264 p., 212
maps & figs, hardbound; ML06076 € 52
Keulen, S., 1989. Een bijdrage tot de kennis van de mollusken van het Centraal Plateau. 68 p., 36
maps, 4to, spiralbound; ML06077 € 8
Kew, H.W., 1893. The Dispersal of Shells. xiv, 291, 80 p., 6 figs, hardbound. Upper part spine
torn (Intl Scientif. Series LXXV); ML15525 € 65
Killeen, I. et al., 2004. Freshwater Bivalves of Britain and Ireland. 114 p., 11 (1 b&w) figs, 9 fullcolour identification charts, 3 tables, 35 fullcolour pls, A4,
spiralbound; ML13815 € 34
Kisker, L.G., 1923. Über Anordnung und Bau der interstitiellen Bindesubstanzen von Helix pomatia. 65
p., 26 figs, partly loose; ML06106 € 12
Kobelt, W. & O. von Möllendorff, 1899. Catalog der gegenwärtig lebend bekannten Pneumonopomen. 120 p., paperbound; ML06094 € 30
Kobelt, W., 1906. Synopsis der Pneumonopomen-Familie Realiidae. 68 p., paperbound. Unopened;
ML06095 € 15
Kofoid, C.A., 1895. On the early development of Limax. 84 p., 8 pls, wrps (back taped). Library
stamps in front; ML06097 € 15
Kondo, Y., 1943-1970. Collection of 3 papers on Pacific land snails. 44 p., 22 figs, stapled
(Partulidae, Synceridae, Paryphantidae); ML06098 € 8
Korniushin, A.V., 1996. Bivalve Molluscs of the superfamily Pisidioidea in the Palaearctic region.
Fauna, systematics, phylogeny. 175 p., 86 figs, 2 pls, paperbound. In Russian;
ML06099 € 24
Künkel, K., 1910. Zuchtversuche mit Campylaea cingulata. 15 p., 2 pls, 4to, wrps; ML06151 € 10
Kuijper, W.J. et al., 1969. Zoetwatermollusken Den Haag en omgeving. Inventarisatie 1969. 19 p.,1 map, 4to,
wrps (NJN Den Haag); ML18772 € 5
Kuiper, J.G.J., 1966. Les espèces Africaines du genre Pisidium, leur synonymie et leur distribution (Mollusca,
Lamellibranchiata, Sphaeriidae). 85 p., 15 pls, paperbound; ML06100 € 18
Lea, I. et al., 1860. Check lists of the Shells of North America. 75 p., paperbound (front cover
loose, paper brittle); ML06149 € 16
Lea, I., 1834. Observations on the genus Unio, together with descriptions of new genera and
species in the families Naiades, Colimacea, Lymnaeana, Melaniana and
Peristomiana. Vols 1 & 2. 399 p., 43 pls, 4to, loose. 15 pages and 1 pl. in xerox. In all 13 vols were
published of this classic but rare work (apparently only 250 separate copies
were made); ML06148 € 125
Lea, I., 1870. A synopsis of the family Unionidae. Fourth edition, very greatly enlarged and
improved. 184 p., 4to, unbound; ML06150 € 80
Leloup, E., 1950. Exploration Hydrobiologique du Lac Tanganika (1946-1947). Résultats scientifiques, vol. III fasc. 1. Lamellibranches. 153 p., 61 figs, 8
pls, roy. 4to, paperbound; ML06410 € 40
Leonard, A.B., 1952. Mollusca of the University of Kansas Natural History Reservation. 43 p., 3 pls,
plain wrps; ML06153 € 8
Leonard, A.B., 1952. Illinoian and Wisconsinan Molluscan faunas in Kansas. 38 p., 6 figs, 5 pls, 9
maps, paperbound; ML06154 € 12
Lesko, K.V., 1998. Fauna of European N.E. Russia. Molluscs. 168 p., 67 figs, cloth. In Russian;
ML06039 € 22
Locard, A., 1893. Les Coquilles des eaux douces et saumatres de France. 196 p., 210 figs, new
cloth. First part of this work; includes all gastropods and part of the
bivalves (part of the Unionidae section missing); ML06157 € 58
Locard, A., 1894. Conchyliologie française. Les coquilles terrestres de France. Description des familles, genres et
espèces. 370 p., 515 figs, paperbound (wrp loose from bookblock, binding not
original). Unopened; ML22678 € 170
Loosjes, F., 1953. Monograph of the Indo-Australian Clausiliidae. 226 p., 55 figs, 3 pls, 1 folded
map, paperbound. Thesis; ML06160 € 45
Loosjes, F.E. & A.C.W. Loosjes-van Bemmel, 1984. On a collection of Peruvian Neniinae (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Clausiliidae), with
a check-list and a provisional key to all the Peruvian species known. 38 p., 15
figs, paperbound (ZV212); ML06163 € 10
Maassen, W.J.M., 1983. Bibliographia Malacofaunae Jugoslaviae. 67 p., spiralbound (De Kreukel); ML06183
€ 8
Maassen, W.J.M., 1997. A preliminary checklist of the terrestrial molluscs of Sulawesi, Indonesia. A
new start? 74 p., 3 maps, stapled (De Kreukel); ML06184 € 8
Maassen, W.J.M., 2001. A preliminary checklist of the non-marine molluscs of West-Malaysia. “A Handlist”. 155 p., 2 pls, 1 map, 4to, paperbound (plastic covers, unsewn) (De Kreukel);
ML09666 € 15
Macan, T.T., 1949 (1st ed.). A key to the British fresh- and brackish-water Gastropods. 45 p., 15 figs, wrps;
ML15528 € 10
Macan, T.T., 1960 (2nd ed.). A key to the British fresh- and brackish-water Gastropods. 47 p., 15 figs, wrps;
ML15527 € 10
Macan, T.T., 1969 (3rd ed.). A key to the British fresh- and brackish-water Gastropods. 46 p., 15 figs, wrps;
ML06358 € 10
Mandahl-Barth, G., 1949. Bløddyr III: Ferskvandsbløddyr. Ferskvanssneglenes aegkapsler ved Poul Bondesen. 249 p., num. figs,
paperbound (Danmarks Fauna 54); ML15523 € 25
Mandahl-Barth, G., 1954. The Freshwater Mollusks of Uganda and adjacent territories. 206 p., 95 figs,
paperbound; ML06181 € 34
Mandahl-Barth, G., 1968. Hydrobiological survey of the Lake Banweulu Luapula River basin. Freshwater
molluscs. 69 p., 13 pls, 1 map, 4to, paperbound. Ex-library; ML10130 € 25
Marees van Swinderen, J.W. de, 1927. De regeling van den tonus in de spieren van Helix pomatia. 79 p., 18 figs,
paperbound. Thesis; ML06186 € 14
Marshall, W.B., 1920-1932. Collection of 5 papers on freshwater molluscs from South America. 40 p., 8 pls,
wrps (all Proc. US Natl Mus.); ML26238 € 16
Mayer, A.G., 1902. Reports on the Scientific Results of the Expedition to the Tropical Pacific by
the U.S. Fish Commission Steamer “Albatross”. Some species of Partula from Tahiti. A study in variation. 19 p., 1 col. pl.,
4to, wrps. Unopened; ML06225 € 15
McCort Ashbaugh, K. & A.L. Metcalf, 1986. Fossil molluscan faunas from four spring-related deposits in the northern
Chihuahuan desert, southern New Mexico and westernmost Texas. 25 p., 14 figs,
4to, wrps; ML06227 € 6
Mehl, S., 1932. Die Lebensbedingungen der Leberegelschnecke (Galba truncatula). Untersuchungen über Schale, Verbreitung, Lebensgeschichte, natürliche Feinde und Bekämpfungsmöglichkeiten. 177 p., 558 figs on 18 pls, 1 folded map, paperbound. Some
annotations; ML06228 € 28
Meijer, T., 1989. Notes on Quaternary freshwater Mollusca of The Netherlands, with descriptions of
new species. 37 p., 2 pls, 4to, wrps (WTKG 26#4); ML06284 € 8
Mildner, P., 1981. Zur Ökologie von Kärntner Landgastropoden. 93 p., 10 figs, 3 tables, wrps (Carinthia 11).
Ex-library; ML25360 € 12
Mitra, S.C. et al., 2005. Pictorial handbook Indian Land Snails. (iv), 344 p., 318 b&w photographed figs, 105 fullcolour photographed figs, 56 line drawings, 7
fullcolour pls, fullcolour endpapers, hardbound (d.j.) (Zool. Surv. India);
ML16189 € 85
Mörzer Bruijns, M.F. et al., 1959. The Netherlands as an environment for land Mollusca. 42 p., 6 maps, stapled
(Basteria); ML06522 € 8
Mol, J.-J. Van, 1970. Révision des Urocyclidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Pulmonata). Anatomie, systématique, zoogéographie. 234 p., 158 figs, paperbound; ML06242 € 42
Morelet, A., 1873. Notice sur les coquilles rapportées des iles du Cap-Vert par MM. Bouvier et De Cessac. 13 p., wrps (Jl
Conchyliol.); ML20725 € 5
Morelet, A., 1875. Appendice a la conchyliologie de l’ile Rodrigues. 10 p., 1 plte, wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20720 € 3
Morelet, A., 1877. Excursion conchyliologique dans l’ile d’Anjouan (Johanna). 22 p., 2 pls, wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20722 € 7
Morelet, A., 1881-1887. Malacologie des Comores. 5 parts. 99 p., 6 pls, wrps & 2 other papers by Morelet on the Malacofauna of the Comores (Jl Conchyliol.);
ML20715 € 40
Morelet, A., 1881. Malacologie des Comores (1er article). Récolte de M. Marie a l’ile Mayotte. 30 p., 2 pls, wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20717 € 7
Morelet, A., 1882. Observations critiques sur le Mémoire de M.E.V. Martens intitulé: Mollusques des Mascareignes et des Séchelles. 24 p., 1 pl. wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20716 € 7
Morelet, A., 1882. Malacologie des Comores (2e article). Récolte de M. Marie a l’ile Mayotte. 16 p., 1 plte, wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20718 € 4
Morelet, A., 1882. Malacologie des Comores (3e article). Récolte de M.E. Marie, a l’ile Mayotte. 28 p., 1 plte, wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20719 € 7
Morelet, A., 1885. Coquilles terrestres et fluviatiles de l’Afrique Equinoxiale. 14 p., 1 plte, wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20724 € 4
Morelet, A., 1889. Coquilles nouvelles de l’Afrique meridionale. 16 p., 2 pls, wrps (loose) (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20723 € 5
Morlet, L., 1880-1882. Supplément a la Monographie du genre Ringicula, Deshayes (32 p., 2 pls, wrps),
together with: Deuxième Supplément (16 p., 1 plte, wrps) (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20730 € 20
Morlet, L., 1880. Supplément a la Monographie du genre Ringicula, Deshayes. 32 p., 2 pls, wrps (Jl
Conchyliol.); ML20732 € 15
Morlet, L., 1885. Description d’espèces nouvelles de Coquilles recueillies par M. Pavie au Cambodge (2e article). 18
p., 3 pls, wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20727 € 6
Morlet, L., 1886. Liste des coquilles recueillies au Tonkin Par M. Jourdy, chef d’escadron d’artillerie, et description d’espèces nouvelles (39 p., 4 pls, wrps), together with: Diagnoses de Mollusques
terrestres et fluviatiles du Tonkin (7 p., wrps) (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20729 € 20
Morlet, L., 1886. Liste des coquilles recueillies au Tonkin Par M. Jourdy, chef d’escadron d’artillerie, et description d’espèces nouvelles. 39 p., 4 pls, wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20731 € 15
Morlet, L., 1891. Contributions a la faune malacologique de l’Indo-Chine. 24 p., 2 col. pls, wrps (Jl Conchyliol.); ML20728 € 12
Mouthon, J. & J.G.J. Kuiper, 1987. Inventaire des Sphaeriidae de France. 60 p., num. figs & maps, 4to, paperbound (IFF41); ML06289 € 10
Nabias, B. de, 1894. Recherches histologiques et organologiques sur les centres nerveux des Gastéropodes. 195 p., 5 double pls, paperbound (front cover damaged); ML06306 € 35
Nordsieck, H., 2007. Worldwide door snails (Clausiliidae), recent and fossil. 214 p., 113 (68 col.)
textfigs, 4 maps, 20 col. pls, 5 tables, reading ribbon, hardbound; ML24278 € 60
North American Land & Freshwater Molluscs, 1899-1964. Collection of 22 papers on N. Am. land & freshwater molluscs (by Stearns, Emerson, Baker, Walker, Cairns, Smith,
Leonard, Hanna, Ingram a.o.); ML13315 € 35
Odhner, N.Hj., 1925. Shells from the San Men Series. 22 p., 1 fig., 5 pls, 4to, paperbound. On fossil
fresh-water bivalves; ML06318 € 14
Oosterhoff, L.M., 1977. Variation in growth rate as an ecological factor in the landsnail Cepea
nemoralis (L.). 132 p., 58 figs, paperbound (Neth. Jl Zool. 27#1); ML13872 € 18
Ortmann, A.E. & B. Walker, 1922. On the nomenclature of certain North American Naiades. 75 p., stapled; ML06342 € 14
Økland, F., 1936-1963. Collection of 3 papers, including his obituary; ML06322 € 8
Økland, J., 1964. The eutrophic lake Borrevann (Norway). An ecological study on shore and bottom
fauna with special reference to gastropods. 315 p., 121 (3 col.) figs,
paperbound (Folia Limnol. Scandin. 13); ML06323 € 50
Økland, J., 1990. Lakes and Snails. Environment and Gastropoda in 1.500 Norwegian lakes, ponds and
rivers. 516 p., col. frontispiece, 316 figs, 103 tables, hardbound (d.j.);
ML06324 € 95
Pain, T. & C.R.C. Paul, 1967. Studies in the genus Pseudachatina Albers (Mollusca-Achatinidae). vi, 79 p., 17
figs, 5 pls, paperbound; ML06428 € 18
Pain, T. & F.R. Woodward, 1964. A monograph of the African Bivalves of the genus Pleiodon Conrad (= Iridina
authors) (Mollusca - Mutelidae). 33 p., 14 figs, 4 pls, paperbound; ML06427 € 10
Pain, T., 1961. Revision of the African Ampullariidae species of the genus Pila Roding 1798
(Mesogastropoda, Architaenioglossa, Mollusca). 27 p., 3 figs, paperbound;
ML06426 € 8
Parkinson, B. et al., 1987. Tropical landshells of the world. 279 p., 64 col. figs, 77 col. pls, 2 maps,
4to, cloth; ML06435 € 90
Parkinson, B. et al., 1987. Tropical landshells of the world. 279 p., 64 col. figs, 77 col. pls, 2 maps,
4to, cloth. Good secondhand copy; ML09679 € 65
Pelseneer, P., 1886. Notice sur les Mollusques recueillis par M. Storms dans la région du Tanganyka. 28 p., 3 figs, wrps; ML06436 € 6
Pesiga, T.P. et al., 1958. Sudies on Schistosoma japonicum infection in the Philippines. 2. The Molluscan
host. 98 p., 38 figs, paperbound; ML06520 € 12
Pilsbry, H.A. & A.A. Olsson, 1935. Tertiary fresh-water mollusks of the Magdalena embayment, Colombia. 33 p., 4
pls, stapled; ML26269 € 7
Pilsbry, H.A. & J. Bequaert, 1927. The aquatic Mollusks of the Belgian Congo, with a geographical and ecological
account of Congo malacology. 532 p., 88 figs, 15 maps, 68 (1 col.) pls,
paperbound; ML06466 € 80
Pilsbry, H.A. & J. Bequaert, 1927. The aquatic Mollusks of the Belgian Congo, with a geographical and ecological
account of Congo malacology. 532 p., 88 figs, 15 maps, 68 (1 col.) pls,
paperbound (front cover damaged); ML06472 € 70
Pilsbry, H.A. & J.H. Ferriss, 1923. Mollusca of the southwestern states, XI - from the Tucson range to Ajo, and
mountain ranges between the San Pedro and Santa Cruz rivers, Arizona. 58 p., 12
figs, 8 pls, stapled; ML26274 € 14
Pilsbry, H.A., 1900. Manual of Conchology. Vol. XIII. Australasian Bulimulidae: Bothriembryon,
Placostylus. Helicidae: Amphidromus. 253 p., 72 pls, frontispiece, loose in
original wrps as issued. Unopened; ML06469 € 220
Pilsbry, H.A., 1901-1902. Manual of Conchology. Classification of Bulimidae and Index to Volumes X-XIV.
pp. i-xcix, loose. ONLY the Classification & Index pages; ML23366 € 25
Pilsbry, H.A., 1919. A review of the Land Mollusks of the Belgian Congo chiefly based on the
collections of the American Museum Congo Expedition. 380 p., 163 figs, 23 (8
col.) pls, 3 maps, paperbound. Corner of front wrapper and title-page missing; ML06465 € 58
Pilsbry, H.A., 1923-1956. Collection of 29 papers on land snails (all Proc. Ac. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia).
wrps; ML26266 € 120
Pilsbry, H.A., 1926-1928. Review of the land mollusca of Korea (23 p., 1 map, 3 pls) & Review of Japanese land mollusca I & II (35 p., 6 figs, 9 pls), wrps; ML26273 € 18
Pilsbry, H.A., 1926-1932. South American land and fresh water mollusks, Notes and descriptions, parts VI,
VII, VIII. 38 p., 10 figs, 5 pls, stapled; ML26275 € 16
Pilsbry, H.A., 1926. The land mollusks of the Republic of Panama and the Canal Zone. 70 p., 40 figs,
2 pls, stapled; ML26272 € 25
Pilsbry, H.A., 1933. Notes on the anatomy of Oreohelix, III, with descriptions of new species and
subspecies. 28 p., 2 pls, wrps/stapled; ML06460 € 8
Pilsbry, H.A., 1933. Santo Domingan land mollusks collected by Daniel C. Pease, 1932, and by A.A.
Olsson, 1916. 42 p., 1 fig., 6 pls, wrps; ML26271 € 8
Pilsbry, H.A., 1934. Zoological results of the Dolan West China expedition of 1931. Part II.
Mollusks. 24 p., 6 pls, stapled; ML06397 € 8
Pilsbry, H.A., 1934. Mollusks of the fresh-water Pliocene beds of the Kettleman Hills and neighboring
oil fields, California. 30 p., 5 pls, stapled; ML06463 € 8
Pilsbry, H.A., 1934. Review of the Planorbidae of Florida, with notes on other members of the family.
38 p., 7 figs, 5 pls, wrps; ML26270 € 7
Pilsbry, H.A., 1949. Peruvian land Mollusks of the genus Nenia (Clausiliidae). 18 p., 6 pls, wrps;
ML06462 € 8
Pilsbry, H.A., 1953. Inland Mollusca of northern Mexico. II. Urocoptidae, Pupillidae, Strobilopsidae,
Valloniidae and Cionellidae. 35 p., 8 pls, paperbound; ML06464 € 10
Pinto de Oliveira, M., 1999. Conchas dos Caramujos Terrestres do Brasil - Land Shells from Brazil. 62 p., 61
pages with col. photographs, 4to, paperbound; ML06474 € 19
Podani, J. & K. Bába (eds), 1992. A complex malacological & ecological survey of Bükk Mountains, Hungary. 72 p., num. figs, wrps; ML06479 € 14
Pointier, J.-P. et al., 2005. Guide to the freshwater Molluscs of Cuba. 120 p., textfigs & maps, ca. 50 fullcol. pls, 21 col. pls of habitats, paperbound; ML18485 € 40
Pointier, J.-P., 1974. Faune malacologique dulçaquicole de l’île de la Guadeloupe (Antilles françaises). 29 p., 16 figs, 3 pls, wrps; ML06480 € 6
Polinski, W., 1924. Anatomiczno-systematyczne i zoogeograficzne studja nad Helicidami Polski /
Anatomisch-systematische und zoo-geographische Studien über die Heliciden Polens (in German). 139 p., 15 (3 folding) pls, loose (reprint
Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Lettres B); ML23351 € 28
Proschwitz, T. von, 1982. Inventering av snäckor musslor och sniglar (mollusker) i Valleområdet. 40 p., 1 map, 4to, stapled. Mimeographed; ML06489 € 8
Proschwitz, T. von, 1994. Zoogeographical studies on the land Mollusca of the Province of Dalsland
(Sweden). 152 p., 93 figs, paperbound. Unopened; ML06488 € 26
Quick, H.E., 1949. Slugs (Testacellidae, Arionidae, Limacidae). 29 p., 3 pls, wrps (Synopses
British Fauna); ML06498 € 6
Regteren Altena, C.O. van & J.G.J. Kuiper, 1945. Plistocene land- en zoetwatermollusken uit den ondergrond van Velzen. 45 p., 6
figs, paperbound; ML10628 € 10
Regteren Altena, C.O. van, 1950. The Limacidae of the Canary Islands. 34 p., 7 figs, paperbound (ZV11); ML07107 € 9
Riedel, A. & A. Wiktor, 1974. Fauna Polski. Arionacea. Slimaki krazalkowate i slinikowate (Stylommatophora).
139 p., 175 figs, paperbound. In Polish; ML07121 € 20
Riedel, A., 1966. Zonitidae (excl. Daudebardiinae) der Kaukasusländer (Gastropoda). 303 p., 254 figs, 6 pls, 18 maps, paperbound; ML07119 € 50
Riedel, A., 1980. Genera Zonitidarum. Diagnosen supraspezifischer Taxa der Familie Zonitidae
(Stylommatophora). 197 p., 293 figs, 2 pls, cloth; ML07122 € 38
Riedel, A., 1988. Catalogus faunae Poloniae. Gastropoda terrestria. 316 p., 1 map, paperbound. In
Polish; ML07123 € 40
Rocque, A. La, 1966-1970. Pleistocene Mollusca of Ohio. 4 Vols. xxxiv, 800 p., 624 figs & maps, 18 pls, 4to, paperbound. Land and freshwater molluscs only; ML07138 € 78
Rolle, H., 1910. Über einige abnorme Landschnecken. 5 p., 1 pl., roy. 4to, wrps; ML07145 € 6
Rosen, B., 1932. Zur Verdauungsphysiologie der Gastropoden. 152 p., 14 figs, 4 (2 col.) pls,
paperbound. Mostly on Viviparia and Helix; ML07154 € 20
Ross, H.C.G., 1984. Catalogue of the Land and Freshwater Mollusca of the British Isles in the Ulster
Museum. (4), vi, 60 p., 150 distribution maps, 4to, paperbound. Stamp on
frontcover (Ulster Museum Publ. 351); ML17086 € 20
Rotarides, M., 1949. Mollusca of the Carpathian basin. Plates I-L. Plates only of a work of which the
text (planned by L. Soós) was never published. In a carton folder with a booklet giving a description
of the plates; ML13271 € 65
Roth, B., 1973-1982. Collection of 4 papers on Stylommatophora; ML07157 € 10
Sampson, F.A., 1913. A preliminary list of the Mollusca of Missouri (exclusive of the Unionidae). 42
p., wrps (damaged); ML07178 € 8
Say, T., 1819 (reprint 1981). Conchology. 22 p., 4 pls, wrps. A facsimile of the first paper on American
conchology, by an American author, published in the United States; ML07180 € 6
Schalie, H. van der, 1938-1973. Collection of 16 papers on freshwater molluscs; ML07183 € 30
Schalie, H. van der, 1938. The Naiad fauna of the Huron River, in south-eastern Michigan. 83 p., 28 figs,
12 pls, 18 maps, paperbound; ML07182 € 14
Schlesch, H., 1934. Revidiertes Verzeichnis der dänischen Land- und Süßwassermollusken mit ihrer Verbreitung. 80 p, paperbound; ML07188 € 14
Schlesch, H., 1942. Die Land- und Süsswassermollusken Lettlands. 116 p., 1 map, paperbound; ML07187 € 22
Schütt, H., 1962-1977. Collection of 6 papers; ML07193 € 12
Schütt, H., 1993 (1st ed.). Türkische Landschnecken. 433 p., ca. 400 figs, paperbound; ML07194 € 22
Schütt, H., 1996 (2nd ed.). Landschnecken der Turkei. 497 p., ca. 400 figs, paperbound; ML07195 € 28
Schütt, H., 2001 (3rd revised & enlarged ed.). Die türkischen Landschecken 1758-2000. 549 p., ca. 400 figs, hardbound; ML07201 € 50
Schütt, H., 2005 (4th revised ed.). Turkish Land Snails. 559 p., hundreds of line figs, hardbound. This is the first
edition in English of the earlier German rendition, completely revised & enlarged; ML20286 € 54
Schwetz, J., 1957. Sur l’état actuel du problème des bilharzioses en Afrique centrale et tout particulièrement au Congo belge. 90 p., 1 map, paperbound; ML07196 € 16
Seddon, M.B., 2008. BIOTIR 2: The Landsnails of Madeira. An illustrated compendium of the landsnails
and slugs of the Nadeiran archipelago. vi, 196 p., 26 textfigs, 32 col. pls,
190 distribution maps, 4to, spiralbound; ML26321 € 45
Servain, G., 1882. Histoire des mollusques Acéphales des environs de Francfort. 68 p., paperbound (original covers); ML07163 € 30
Servain, G., 1882. Histoire des mollusques Acéphales des environs de Francfort. 68 p., paperbound (original covers). Partly
loose; ML07168 € 26
Shuttleworth, R.J., 1975. Tabulae ineditae Molluscorum Insularum Canariensum. 43 p., 1 portrait, 8
lithographed b&w pls, 4to, hardbound. Edited by W. Backhuys (with the original plates made in
1853!); ML07202 € 57
Shuttleworth, R.J., 1975. Tabulae ineditae Molluscorum Insularum Canariensum. 43 p., 1 portrait, 8 (7
coloured) lithographed pls, 4to, hardbound. Edited by W. Backhuys (with the
original handcoloured [one in uncoloured state] plates made in 1853!); ML07203 € 75
Shuttleworth, R.J., 1975. Tabulae ineditae Molluscorum Insularum Canariensum. 43 p., 1 portrait, 8 (6
coloured) lithographed pls, 4to, hardbound. Edited by W. Backhuys (with the
original handcoloured [one in uncoloured state] plates made in 1853!); ML25092 € 68
Shuttleworth, R.J., 1975. Tabulae ineditae Molluscorum Insularum Canariensum. 43 p., 1 portrait, 8 (4
coloured) lithographed pls, 4to, hardbound. Edited by W. Backhuys (with the
original handcoloured [one in uncoloured state] plates made in 1853!); ML25093 € 62
Simone, L.R.L., 2006. Land and freshwater molluscs of Brazil (an iconographic catalogue on the
molluscs of the Brazilian land and freshwater ecosystems). 390 p., 1074 + 33
fullcolour photo-figs, 4to, hardbound; ML22038 € 94
Simpson, C.T. & W.H. Dall, 1900-1902. Collection of 9 papers on North American Mollusca in 1 clothbound volume.
Synopsis of the Naiades, or pearly freshwater mussels. Illustrations of
American Shells. Synopsis of North American Cardiidae. Synopsis of the
Lucinacea. Synopsis of the Veneridae. Synopsis of the Astartidae. Synopsis of
the Tellinidae. ca. 870 p., num. pls, cloth (spine slightly torn). Ex-library;
ML20433 € 150
Simroth, H., 1891. Die Nacktschnecken der portugiesisch-azorischen Fauna in ihrem Verhältniss zu denen der paläarktischen Region überhaupt. 224 p., 10 col. pls & maps, roy. 4to, disbound. Plates with marginal waterstain; ML07208 € 70
Simroth, H., 1896. Über bekannte und neue Urocycliden. 34 p., 2 (1 partly col.) pls, 4to, wrps;
ML07210 € 16
Simroth, H., 1910. Die Landschnecken der Deutschen Südpolar-Expedition 1901-1903. 44 p., 4 figs, 1 col. pl., small folio, paperbound;
ML07318 € 28
Solem, A. & A.C. van Bruggen (eds), 1984. World-wide Snails. Biogeographical studies on non-marine Mollusca. ix, 289 p.,
num. figs & maps, paperbound; ML09034 € 40
Solem, A. & E.L. Yochelson, 1979. North American Paleozoic land Snails, With a summary of other Paleozoic
nonmarine Snails. 42 p., 6 figs, 10 pls, 4to, wrps; ML21836 € 10
Solem, A., 1956-1965. 4 papers (3 on land snails: Mexico, Philippines, Thailand) from various
journals. 58 p., 4 pls, 1 table, wrps; ML26232 € 10
Solem, A., 1976. Endodontoid land Snails from Pacific islands (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Sigmurethra)
Part I. Family Endodontidae. 508 p., 208 figs, 114 tables, 4to, hardbound;
ML07225 € 66
Solem, A., 1983. Endodontoid land Snails from Pacific islands (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Sigmurethra)
Part II. Families Punctidae and Charopidae, zoogeography. 336 p., 143 figs, 76
tables, 4to, hardbound; ML07226 € 58
Solem, A., 1988. Non-Camaenid land snails of the Kimberley and Northern Territory, Australia. I.
Systematics, affinities and ranges. 150 p., 35 figs, 11 pls, disbound (Invert.
Taxon. 2#4); ML26234 € 26
Spaink, G., 1957 (2nd ed.). Zoetwatermollusken. 24 p., figs, stapled; ML26240 € 3
Stanisic, J., 1993. 4 articles (all from Mem. Queensland Mus. 34): Identity of Helicarion semoni, a
large semi-slug from the wet tropics; Danielleilona gen.nov. from the wet
tropics; Lenwebbia paluma sp. nov. from the wet tropics; Eungarion mcdonaldi
ge. et sp.nov., a montane semi-slug from mideastern Queensland. 34 p., 24 figs,
disbound; ML25174 € 10
Starmühlner, F., 1959. Die Gastropoden der madagassischen Binnengewasser. 434 p., 566 figs, paperbound.
Malacologia 8(1); ML10135 € 60
Steen, W.J. van der, 1968. The influence of environmental factors on the oviposition of Lymnaea stagnalis
under laboratory conditions. 68 p., 14 figs, paperbound. Thesis; ML10638 € 12
Steenberg, C.-M., 1911. Bløddyr I. Landsnegle. 221 p., 181 figs, cloth (Danmarks fauna 10). In Danish;
ML18916 € 25
Steenberg, C.-M., 1925. Études sur l’anatomie et la systématique des Maillots (Pupillidae). viii, 211 p., 50 figs, 34 pls, paperbound
(top right corner of front cover missing, not affecting the text); ML07256 € 42
Steenberg, C.-M., 1925. Études sur l’anatomie et la systématique des Maillots (Fam. Pupillidae s.lat.). viii, 211 p., 50 figs, 34 pls,
paperbound; ML07261 € 50
Stock, J.H., 1953. Landslakken. Huisjesslakken, deel 1. 15 p., 50 figs, stapled (KNNV); ML14889 € 3
Strayer, D.L. & K.J. Jirka, 1997. The Pearly mussels of New York State. xiii, 113 p., 61 figs, 27 col. pls, 4to,
hardbound (NY State Mus. Mem. 26); ML20736 € 60
Stubbs, A.G., 1907. Illustrated index of British Freshwater Shells. Containing life-like and
authentic figures of all the British species of freshwater shells, with
descriptions of the chief characteristics, colouring, habitat, and relative
scarcity or abundance of each species, and an enumeration and description of
their varieties. 3 p., 3 pls, boards; ML16659 € 30
Sturany, R., 1898. Catalog der bisher bekannt gewordenen südafrikanischen Land- und Süsswasser-Mollusken. 105 p., 3 pls, roy. 4to, paperbound (back wrapper missing);
ML07273 € 58
Symonds, M.F., 2006. The Neritidae of the Solent group (Late Eocene and Early Oligocene) of the
Hampshire basin. 13 p., 27 figs, 4to, stapled (from Cainozoic Research vol. 4);
ML20229 € 5
Taylor, D.W., 1966. Summary of North American Blancan nonmarine Mollusks. 172 p., 18 figs, 8 pls,
stapled (Malacologia); ML07292 € 18
Taylor, D.W., 1970. West American freshwater Mollusca, 1: Bibliography of Pleistocene and recent
species. 73 p., 4to, paperbound; ML07293 € 14
Taylor, D.W., 1985. Pecosorbis, a new genus of fresh-water snails (Planorbidae) from New Mexico. 17
p., 14 figs, 4to, wrps; ML07280 € 6
Tchernov, E., 1975. On the Pleistocene Molluscs of the Jordan valley. 50 p., 4 figs, 7 pls,
paperbound (IAMOJ); ML09732 € 8
Tchernov, E., 1975. The Early Pleistocene Molluscs of ‘Erq el-Ahmar. 36 p., 2 figs, 4 pls, paperbound (IAMOE); ML09741 € 8
Temcharoen, P., 1971. New aquatic molluscs from Laos. 16 p., 13 figs, 2 pls, wrps; ML07294 € 6
Tesch, P., 1929. Lijst der land- en zoetwatermollusken aangetroffen in de kwartaire lagen in
Nederland. 32 p., 3 pls, 1 folded map, paperbound; ML07296 € 10
Thompson, F.G., 1968. The aquatic Snails of the family Hydrobiidae of peninsular Florida. 268 p., 69
figs, hardbound (d.j.); ML07304 € 32
Thompson, F.G., 1984. Freshwater Snails of Florida. A manual for identification. 94 p., 193 figs,
paperbound; ML07305 € 14
Thorson, G., 1928-1933. Collection of 5 papers; ML07326 € 12
Tillier, S., 1980. Gastéropodes terrestres et fluviatiles de Guyane Française. 175 p., 124 figs, 6 pls, paperbound (mnhn118); ML07328 € 30
Timmermans, L.P., 1969. Studies on Shell formation in Molluscs. viii, 108 p., 6 figs, 14 pls, disbound;
ML07331 € 12
Timmermans, L.P.M., 1969. Studies on Shell formation in Molluscs. viii, 108 p., 6 figs, 14 pls,
paperbound. Thesis; ML07329 € 14
Torre, C. de la & P. Bartsch, 1938. The cuban operculate land shells ofthe subfamily Chondropominae. 231 p., 31
figs, 33 pls, wrps; ML26685 € 48
Torre, C. de la & P. Bartsch, 1941. The Cuban operculate land mollusks of the family Annulariidae, exclusive of the
subfamily Chondropominae. 255 p., 49 pls, paperbound (unopened). Ex-library;
ML20420 € 45
Torre, C. de la et al., 1942. The Cyclophorid Operculate Land Molluscs of America. iv, 306 p., 42 pls,
paperbound; ML07332 € 40
Trüb, H., 1988. Die Schnecken und Muscheln des Fürstentums Liechtenstein. 73 p., num. photographs, 5 col. pls, paperbound;
ML07337 € 12
Turner, H. et al., 1998. Atlas der Mollusken der Schweiz und Liechtensteins. Fauna Helvetica 2. 527 p.,
num. b&w figs with distribution maps, 14 col. pls, hardbound (name of former owner on
front flyleaf); ML06313 € 50
Turton, W., 1840 (2nd ed.). A manual of the land and fresh-water Shells of the British Islands. ix, 324 p.,
several figs, 12 handcoloured pls, cloth (new spine, contemporary decorative
covers); ML09626 € 165
Urban, S., 1961. Anatomie und Histologie von Trichotoxon thikensis Verdcourt 1951 (Ein Beitrag
zur Kenntnis der Urocyclinae, Ariophantidae). 114 p., 36 pls, paperbound;
ML07347 € 22
Vagvolgyi, J., 1968. Systematics and evolution of the genus Triodopsis (Mollusca, Pulmonata,
Polygyridae).. 110 p., 27 figs. 16 tables, 7 pls. wrps; ML26686 € 18
Veldhuijzen, J.P., 1975. The effects of some external and internal factors on the carbohydrate metabolism
of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. 112 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis.
Ex-library; ML20472 € 10
Verdcourt, B., 1962. Preliminary keys for the identification of the species of the genus Gulella Pfr.
occurring in East Africa. 39 p., 5 pls, paperbound; ML07365 € 10
Verdcourt, B., 2006.
A revised list of the non-marine Mollusca of East Africa (Kenya, Uganda and
Tanzania, excluding Lake Malawi). 75 p., stapled; ML21519 € 10
Vita Malacologica, 2007. Nr. 4. 62 p. (A4-format) (Supplement to Basteria). On the edge of land and
water: Ellobiidae. 2 articles: A.M.F. Martins: Morphological and anatomical
diversity within the Ellobiidae; H. Raven & J.J. Vermeulen: Notes on molluscs from NW Borneo and Singapore. 2. A synopsis
of the Ellobiidae. 3 figs, 15 (3 col.) pls; 12 figs, 6 col. pls, 1 table, wrps;
ML23081 € 30
Vogt, D. et al., 1994. Regionalkataster des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz: Prodromus zu einem Atlas der
Mollusken von Rheinland-Pfalz. 278 p., 203 figs and maps, 4to, paperbound
(unsewn); ML07411 € 25
Vreugdenhil, E., 1988. The molecular basis of egg laying and egg-laying behaviour in the freshwater
snail Lymnaea stagnalis. 108 p., num. figs, paperbound. Thesis; ML23923 € 14
Wächtler, W., 1925. Die Gastropodenfauna des sächsischen Vogtlandes. 26 p., 1 foldout table, wrps (text heavily annotated in
colour crayon); ML20355 € 5
Wagenaar Hummelinck, P., 1971. Mollusks of the genera Cerion and Tudora. 37 p., 10 tables, paperbound (SFC2);
ML11360 € 12
Wagenaar Hummelinck, P., 1980. Caribbean Land Molluscs: Cerion in the Cayman Islands. 68 p., 24 figs, 18 pls,
paperbound. Also includes two papers on Caribbean crustacea and one on
herpetology of Hispaniola (in all 132 pp.) (SFC61); ML07453 € 30
Wagner, A., 1910. Über Formunterschiede der Gehäuse bei männlichen und weiblichen Individuen der Heliciniden / Neue Arten des Genus Acme
Hartmann aus Süd-Dalmatien / Eine neue Vitrella aus dem Mürztale in Steiermark. 10 p., 1 pl., 4to, wrps; ML07433 € 8
Watters, T.G., 2006. The Caribbean land Snail family Annulariidae: A revision of the higher taxa and
a catalog of the species. 584 p., 10 figs, 56 distribution maps, hardbound;
ML21151 € 80
Welch, d’A.A., 1938. Distribution and variation of Achatinella mustelina in the Waianae Mountains,
Oahu. 164 p., 13 pls, 16 maps, paperbound. Ex-library; ML07460 € 32
Welter-Schultes, F.W., 2000. Approaching the genus Albinaria in Crete from an evolutionary point of view
(Clausiliidae). 208 p., 120 figs, paperbound (Schriften zur Malakozoologie 16);
ML07469 € 28
Wenz, W. & A. Zilch, 1960. Handbuch der Paläozoologie Ba. Gastropoda. Teil 2 Euthyneura. pp 601-834, 395 figs, paperbound.
Includes the following families: Helicidae, Helminthoglyptidae, Bradybaenidae,
Camaenidae (part); ML07612 € 50
Wenz, W., 1942. Die Mollusken des Pliozäns der rumänischen Erdöl-Gebiete als Leitversteinerungen für die Aufschluss-Arbeiten. 293 p., 71 pls, paperbound. Ex-library copy, pencil
marks & library stamp on title page. On fossil land and freshwater molluscs; ML07492 € 45
Wesselingh, F.P. et al., 2002. Lake Pebas: a palaeoecological reconstruction of a Miocene long-lived lake
complex in western Amazonia. 47 p., 20 figs, 4to, stapled (reprint from
Cainozoic Research 1); ML09623 € 10
White, C.A., 1883. A review of the non-marine fossil Mollusca of North America. 148 p., 32 pls,
disbound; ML11137 € 50
Wiegmann, Fr., 1893. Beiträge zur Anatomie der Landschnecken des Indischen Archipels. 157 p., 8 pls;
preceded by: H. Simroth, Ueber einige Parmarion-Arten. 12 p., 2 (1 col.) pls,
disbound (unopened); ML07498 € 40
Wiktor, A., 2000. Agriolimacidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). A systematic monograph. 246 p., 831
figs, 4to, paperbound; ML06278 € 58
Wiktor, A., 2001. The Slugs of Greece (Arionidae, Milacidae, Limacidae, Agriolimacidae -
Gastropoda, Stylommatophora). viii, 241 p., 57 figs, 24 maps, paperbound (Fauna
Graeciae VIII); ML06275 € 40
Wilde, J.J. de et al., 1983. Over de verspreiding, de uitbreiding en de oecologie van Boettgerilla pallens in
België. 31 p., 4 figs, 43 maps, 4to, wrps; ML07500 € 6
Wilde, J.J. de et al., 1986. Voorlopige atlas van de Landslakken van België. Atlas provisoire des Gasteropodes terrestres de la Belgique. 15 p., followed
by 133 pls (each plate depicting shell and its distribution), 4to, paperbound.
Author’s dedication to David Heppell in front; ML16655 € 28
Wolda, H., 1963. Natural populations of the polymorphic landsnail Cepaea nemoralis. 91 p., 19
figs, 35 tables, wrps. Ex-libris in front; ML20440 € 12
Woodward, B.B., 1913. Catalogue of the British species of Pisidium in the collections of the British
Museum. 144 p., 30 pls, cloth. Crisp copy; ML07526 € 36
Woodward, F., 1994. The Scottish Pearl in its world context. 165 p., num. figs, paperbound; ML07528 € 18
Wu, S.-K. et al., 1997. Missouri aquatic Snails. 97 p., 135 figs, 56 maps, 4to, wrps; ML07529 € 15
Wurtz, C.B., 1955. The American Camaenidae (Mollusca: Pulmonata). 45 p., 19 pls, paperbound;
ML10682 € 12
Yarrow, H.C., 1875. Report upon the collections of Terrestrial and Fluviatile Mollusca made in
portions of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona, during the years 1872,
1873, and 1874. 34 p., 4to, disbound; ML07561 € 10
Yen, T.-C., 1939. Die chinesischen Land- und Süßwasser-Gastropoden des Natur-Museums Senckenberg. 233 p., 16 pls, A4,
paperbound; ML15489 € 78
Yen, T.-C., 1951. Fresh-water Mollusks of Cretaceous age from Montana and Wyoming. 20 p., 2 pls,
4to, wrps; ML21772 € 6
Yen, T.-C., 1954. Nonmarine Mollusks of Late Cretaceous age from Wyoming, Utah and Colorado. 22
p., 3 pls, 4to, wrps; ML21811 € 12
Yung, E., 1886. Contributions à l’histoire physiologique de l’Escargot (Helix pomatia). 119 p., 3 figs, 2 partly col. pls, 4to, paperbound
(plain covers); ML07564 € 35
Zeißler, H., 1964-1977. Collection of 21 papers on recent and fossil German land molluscs; ML07569 € 25
Zilch, A. & S.G.H. Jaeckel, 1962. Die Tierwelt Mitteleuropas. Ergänzung und Berichtigung zur Nomenklatur und Systematik / Ergänzung und Berichtigung zur rezenten und quartären Vorkommen der mitteleuropäischen Mollusken. 294 p., 9 pls, hcloth. Ex-library; ML10103 € 45