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Books on Herpetology (A-Z) (Cat 118) (updated 12 January 2009)
Amaral, A. do, 1926. Novos generos e especies de Ophidios brasileiros (Contribuiçåo III para o conhecimento dos ophidios do Brasil). 27 p., 4 pls with 44 figs,
disbound (Arch. Mus. Nac. 26); VH17755 € 35
Ambrogio, A. & L. Gilli, 1998. Il tritone alpestre. 64 p., 8 b&w figs, 66 col. figs, paperbound; VH22186 € 9
Amphibia papers in Spixiana, 1983-2004. 23 papers on Amphibia, all from Spixiana. 302 p., many ills (many in colour),
disbound; VH25453 € 40
Anderson, P.K., 1954. Studies in the ecology of the narrow-mouthed Toad, Microhyla carolinensis
carolinensis. 46 p., 4 figs, 6 tables, wrps (Tulane Stud. Zool.); VH17874 € 10
Anderson, S.C. & A.E. Leviton, 1966-1972. 5 papers on Lizards. 63 p., 17 figs, wrps (Calif. Ac. Sci.); VH26223 € 11
Andreone, F. & R. Sindaco (eds), 1998 (reprint 2002). Erpetologia del Piemonte e della Valle d’Aosta. Atlante degli Anfibi e dei Rettili. 283 p., num. col. photographs & maps, hardbound (d.j.); VH10350 € 58
Angel, F., 1946. Faune de France. 45. Reptiles et Amphibiens. 204 p., 375 figs, paperbound;
VH20941 € 36
Angel, F., 1947. Vie et moeurs des Amphibiens. Grenouilles Crapauds. Tritons Salamandres. Cécilies. 317 p., 292 figs, paperbound (Biblioth. Scientif., Payot); VH22718 € 24
Angel, F., 1950. Vie et moeurs des Serpents. (couleuvres, vipères, pythons, anacondas, boas, crotales, najas, cobras, serpents à lunettes, serpents à sonnettes, serpents volants, serpents chats, serpents cracheurs, serpents
fouisseurs, serpents de mer). 319 p., 122 figs, paperbound (Biblioth.
Scientif., Payot); VH22719 € 20
Auffenberg, W., 1963. The fossil Snakes of Florida. 86 p., 51 figs, wrps (Tulane Stud. Zool. 10#3);
VH18063 € 24
Augé, M.L., 2005. Évolution des lézards du Paléogène en Europe. 369 p., 213 figs, 24 tables, hardbound + CDROM. In French
(mnhn192); VH19632 € 72
Australian Reptiles, 1993. 11 articles on Australian Herpetofauna (frogs, geckos, skinks, lizards,
blindsnakes). 112 p., 73 figs, 11 tables, disbound (from Mem. Queensland Mus.);
VH26290 € 15
Australian Zoologist, 2002. Vol. 32#1, with (a.o.) 4 articles on herpetology: Habitat-use by the Green and
Golden Bell Frog (Pyke et al.); A review of the biology of the Southern Bell
Frog (Pyke); Short-term movement and habitat use by the threatened
Green-thighed Frog Litoria brevipalmata (Lemckert & Slatyer); Reproduction and larval growth of the urban dwelling Brown Striped
Marsh Frog Limnodynastes peronii (Hengl & Burgin). In all, 53 pages with various figs; VH17850 € 15
Australian Zoologist, 2005-2006. Vol. 33#1-2-3, and vol. 32#4 with (a.o.) 11 articles on herpetology: Giant
burrowing frog, Tortoises, Frogs as victims of traffic, Green-thighed frog,
Blue-tongued skink, turtles, Broad-headed snake, Green and golden bell frog,
Reptiles & amphibians Mutawintji Natl. Park. In all, 53 pages with various figs; VH24052 € 28
Avila-Pires, T.C.S., 1995. Lizards of Brazilian Amazonia (Reptilia: Squamata). 706 p., 315 (100 col.) figs,
paperbound (ZV299); VH14304 € 57
Avila-Pires, T.C.S., 1995. Lizards of Brazilian Amazonia (Reptilia: Squamata). 706 p., 315 (100 col.) figs,
hardbound. One page in photocopy (ZV299); VH14305 € 77
Ballowitz, E., 1903. Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Kreuzotter (Pelias berus Merr.). I: Die
Entwickelung vom Auftreten der ersten Furche bis zum Schlusse des Amnios. vi,
295 p., 59 figs, 10 pls, roy. 4to, paperbound; VH22015 € 110
Baskin, J.N. & E.E. Williams, 1966. The Lesser Antillean Ameiva (Sauria, Teiidae). Re-evaluation, zoogeography and
the effects of predation. 33 p., 2 figs, 2 pls, paperbound. This issue contains
another paper on herpetology: A. Schwartz: Snakes of the genus Alsophis in
Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands (51 p., 13 figs) (SFC23); VH10438 € 20
Berger, L. et al., 1969. Catalogus faunae Poloniae / Katalog fauny Polski. Amphibia et Reptilia / Plazy i
Gady. 73 p., wrps. In Polish. Ex-library; VH20385 € 16
Bernström, J., 1943. Till kännedomen om Huggormen (Vipera berus berus (Linné). 34 p., 2 figs, 4 tables, disbound; VH24701 € 10
Beshkov, V. & K. Nanev, 2006. The Amphibians and Reptiles in Bulgaria. 120 p., num. ills, hardbound; VH06572 € 48
Blommers-Schlösser, R.M.A., 1975-1982. 4 papers (all Beaufortia): Unique case mating behaviour Malagasy tree frog,
Observations larval development Malagasy frogs, Biosystematics of the Malagasy
frogs I. Mantellinae, Observations on Malagasy frog genus Heterixalus. 122 p.,
disbound; VH26303 € 15
Blommers-Schlösser, R.M.A., 1979. Biosystematics of the Malagasy Frogs II. The genus Boophis (Rhacophoridae). 52
p., 43 figs, 4 (1 col.) pls, disbound (from Bijdr. Dierk. 49#2); VH17857 € 15
Böhme, W., 2003. Checklist of the living lizards of the world (family Varanidae). 43 p., 21 col.
figs, paperbound (ZV341); VH17811 € 16
Boettger, O., 1892. Katalog der Batrachier-Sammlung im Museum der Senckenbergischen naturforschenden
Gesellschaft in Frankfurt am Main. x, 73 p., disbound (last 2 pages stuck
together (with damage); VH23996 € 14
Bogart, J.P. & M.W. Klemens, 1997. Hyvrids and genetic interactions of Mole Salamanders (Ambystoma jeffersonianum
and A. laterale) (Amphibia: Caudata) in New York and New England. 78 p., 8
figs, 16 tables, wrps (Novit 3218); VH25069 € 13
Bogert, C.M., 1945-1947. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, Nos 53, 57, 58. A review of the Elapid
genus Ultrocalamus of New Guinea (8 p., 10 figs), A field study of homing in
the Carolina Toad (24 p., 9 figs, 3 tables), Moisture loss in relation to
habitat selection in some Floridian reptiles (34 p., 23 figs), wrps; VH26280 € 12
Boschma, H., 1920. Das Halsskelet der Krokodile. (iv), 39 p., 20 figs, boards. Thesis; VH20386 € 12
Boulenger, G.A., 1885-1887. Catalogue of the Lizards in the British Museum (NH). 3 vols. xii, 436 p., 32
pls; xiii, 497 p., 24 pls; xii, 575 p., 40 pls, cloth. Rare original edition;
VH02093 € 780
Boulenger, G.A., 1893-1896. Catalogue of the Snakes in the British Museum (NH). 3 vols. xiii, 448 p., 28
pls; xi, 382 p., 20 pls; xiv, 727 p., 25 pls, cloth. Rare original edition;
VH25415 € 760
Brandt, B.B., 1936. Parasites of certain North Carolina Salientia. 40 p., 15 tables, disbound (Ecol.
Monogr.); VH26306 € 5
Brattstrom, B.H., 1964. Evolution of the pit vipers. 81 p., 41 figs, 16 tables, stapled (Trans. San
Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 13#11); VH20896 € 18
Brazilian Herpetology, 2005. 6 articles, 17 (2 col.) figs, 3 tables, disbound; VH19450 € 8
Brazilian Herpetology, 2006. 8 articles (all from Arq. Mus. Nac. RdJ) on Brazilian herpetology. 89 p., 51
figs, 9 tables, disbound; VH25030 € 15
Breuil, M., 2002. Histoire naturelle des Amphibiens et Reptiles terrestres de l’archipel Guadeloupéen. Guadeloupe, Saint-Martin, Saint-Barthélemy. 339 p., hundreds of col. photographs & maps, 4to, paperbound (CPN54); VH10428 € 50
Brongersma, L.D., 1934. Contributions to Indo-Australian Herpetology. xvi, 91 p., 49 figs, 2 pls, wrps
(ZMXVII#3-4, pp. 161-252); VH19502 € 30
Brongersma, L.D., 1940. Snakes from the Leeward group, Venezuela and eastern Colombia. 24 p., 2 pls,
wrps (from SFC2); VH22515 € 5
Brongersma, L.D., 1951. Some remarks on the pulmonary artery in Snakes with two lungs. 36 p., 1 fig., 9
pls, paperbound (ZV14); VH10366 € 9
Brongersma, L.D., 1958-1970. Collection of 9 papers on herpetology, mainly turtles. Circa 70 p., some pls,
stapled; VH20263 € 10
Brongersma, L.D., 1961. Notes upon some Sea Turtles. 46 p., 9 figs, 1 pl., paperbound (ZV51); VH10368 € 12
Brongersma, L.D., 1968-1972. Collection of 5 papers. 4 papers on turtles and 1 on notes of his scientific
career. ca. 60 p., figs, wrps/stapled; VH21651 € 8
Brongersma, L.D., 1972. European Atlantic Turtles. 318 p., 42 figs, 17 tables, paperbound (ZV121);
VH10369 € 79
Brown, W.C. & A.C. Alcala, 1961-1970. 4 papers on Lizards. 49 p., 6 figs, 4 tables, wrps (Calif. Ac. Sci.); VH26224 € 11
Brown, W.C., 1953. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, No. 69. A review of New Guinea lizards
allied to Emoia baudini and Emoia physicae (Scincidae). 25 p., 4 tables, 6
figs, wrps; VH26282 € 5
Bruyn, W.M. de, 1934. Beiträge zur Kenntnis von Angusticoecum holopterum einem Nematoden aus Testudo graeca.
120 p., 47 figs, 4 pls, paperbound. Thesis; VH20383 € 16
Brygoo, E.R., 1985. Les Gerrhosaurinae de Madagascar. Sauria (Cordylidae). 65 p., 18 figs, 4to,
paperbound (mnhn134); VH10370 € 21
Bund, C.F. van de, 1964. Vierde Herpetogeografisch Verslag. De verspreiding van de reptielen en amphibieën in Nederland. 72 p., num. photos & maps, wrps (Rivon mededeling 151); VH19314 € 12
Cadle, J.E., 2005. Systematics of Snakes of the Dipsas oreas complex (Colubridae: Dipsadinae) in
western Ecuador and Peru, with revalidation of D. elegans (Boulenger) and D.
ellipsifera (Boulenger). 70 p., 23 figs, 4 tables, stapled (Bull. MCZ 158#3);
VH20742 € 17
Cadle, J.E., 2007. The Snake genus Sibynomorphus (Colubridae: Dipsadinae: Dipsadini) in Peru and
Ecuador, with comments on the systematics of Dipsadini. 101 p., 45 figs, wrps
(Bull. MCZ 158#5); VH24678 € 20
Campbell, J.A. & D.R. Frost, 1993. Anguid Lizards of the genus Abronia: Revisionary notes, descriptions of four new
species, a phylogenetic analysis, and key. 121 p., 71 figs, 4 tables,
paperbound (Bull. AMNH 216); VH24712 € 18
Carr, A. & C.J. Goin, 1959. Guide to the reptiles, amphibians and fresh-water fishes of Florida. ix, 341 p.,
67 pls, hardbound (binding tight, spine cracked/partly loose); VH22304 € 32
Carr, A. & L. Ogren, 1960-1966. The ecology and migrations of Sea Turtles, 4. The Green Turtle in the Caribbean
Sea. 48 p., 26 figs, 7 pls, 8 tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 121#1) & 5. Comparative features of isolated Green Turtle colonies (42 p., 20 figs, 9
tables) & 6. The Hawksbill turtle in the Caribbean Sea (29 p., 20 figs, 5 tables);
VH24749 € 22
Carr, A., 1965. De Reptielen. 192 p., num. figs & col. photos, A4, cloth (Parool/Life natuurserie). Ex-library; VH20387 € 12
Carríngton da Costa, J., 1958. Novos metatipos para o género Rosasia (Testudinata, Pelomedusidae). 26 p., 2 figs, 6 pls, disbound (from
Comun. Serv. Geol. Portugal LXII); VH23865 € 20
Cei, J.M., 1986. Reptiles del centro, centro-oeste y sur de la Argentina. Herpetofauna de las
zonas áridas y semiáridas. 527 p., col. frontispiece, 77 figs, 37 distribution maps, 48 col. pls,
hardbound (d.j.); VH18155 € 62
Cei, J.M., 1993. Reptiles del noroeste, nordeste y este de la Argentina. Herpetofauna de las
selvas subtropicales, Puna y Pampas. 949 p., col. frontispiece, 112 (10 col.)
figs, 37 distribution maps, 126 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VH18156 € 106
Channing, A. & K.M. Howell, 2006. Amphibians of East Africa. xi, 418 p., 300 figs, 24 col. pls, 1 table, cloth;
VH18790 € 48
Chirio, L. & M. LeBreton, 2007. Atlas des Reptiles de Cameroun. 686 p., hundreds of colour photos, distribution
maps, paperbound (CPN67). Describes 285 species. Important addition to the
herpetofauna of this region; VH03494 € 62
Christiansen, J.L., 1971. Reproduction of Cnemidophorus inornatus and C. neomexicanus (Sauria, Teiidae) in
northern new mexico. 48 p., 10 figs, 5 tables, wrps; VH26285 € 8
Clark, R.J. & E.D. Clark, 1973. Report on a collection of Amphibians and Reptiles from Turkey. 62 p., 9 figs,
wrps (Occ. Pap. Cal. Ac. Sci. 104); VH26109 € 8
Coborn, J., 1994. The mini-atlas of Snakes of the world. 736 p., over 500 species illustrated,
over 950 fullcolour photographs, hardbound. Small dent in bottom frontcover
(TFH); VH17736 € 48
Cogger, H.G. et al., 1983. Zoological catalogue of Australia vol. 1. Amphibia and Reptilia. vi, 313 p.,
hardbound; VH16261 € 60
Coldiron, R.W., 1978. Acroplous vorax Hotton (Amphibia, Saurerpetontidae) restudied in light of new
material. 27 p., 9 figs, wrps (Novitates 2662); VH24436 € 8
Cole, C.J. et al., 1970-1998. 9 papers on Lizards by Cole and co-authors. 200 p., various (some col.) figs,
wrps (Novitates); VH26221 € 8
Cook, F.R., 1983. An analysis of toads of the Bufo Americanus group in a contact zone in central
northern North America. viii, 89 p., 38 figs, 12 tables, stapled (Pub. Nat.
Sci. 3, Nl Mus. Nat. Sci. Ottawa); VH20898 € 20
Cope, E.D., 1889 (reprint 1963). The Batrachia of North America. 525 p.,119 figs, 86 pls, cloth; VH22024 € 58
Cyrén, O., 1924. Klima und Eidechsenverbreitung. Eine Studie der geographischen Variation und
Entwicklung einiger Lacerten, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung der klimatischen Faktoren. 82 p., 3 figs, 3 maps, 5 pls, disbound
(unopened) (from Medd. Göteb. Mus. Zool. Avdel. 29); VH24702 € 20
Daly, J.W. et al., 1996. Madagascan Poison frogs (Mantella) and their skin alkaloids. 34 p., 12 (4 col.) figs, wrps (Novit 3177); VH26121 € 18
Davidova, T.V., 1991. Ultrastructural arrangement of Turtle’s retina. 158 p., 38 figs, wrps. In Russian; VH19759 € 14
Dessauer, H.C. et al., 1987. Patterns of Snake evolution suggested by their proteins. 34 p., 8 figs, 5
tables, wrps (Fieldiana zool. 1376); VH26122 € 5
Dixon, J.R. & F.S. Hendricks, 1979. The wormsnakes (family Typhlopidae) of the neotropics, exclusive of the
Antilles. 39 p., 10 figs, paperbound (ZV173); VH17775 € 10
Dixon, J.R. et al., 1993. Revision of the neotropical Snake genus Chironius Fitzinger (Serpentes,
Colubridae). 279 p., 64 figs & maps, 21 col. figs, hardbound (d.j.); VH18157 € 68
Dowling, H.G., 1957. A taxonomic study of the Ratsnakes, genus Elaphe Fitzinger, V. The Rosalie
section. 22 p., 1 table, 2 figs, 2 pls, wrps (Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Un. Michigan
706); VH24719 € 10
Drobenkov, S.M. et al., 2006. The Amphibians of Belarus. 176 p., graphs, tables, 14 col. pls, paperbound (Adv.
Amphib. Res. 10); VH07532 € 44
Dubois, A., 1974. Liste commentée d’Amphibiens récoltés au Népal. 71 p., 18 figs, paperbound (Bull. mnhn zool. 143); VH10381 € 12
Dubois, A., 1984. La nomenclature supragénérique des Amphibiens anoures. 64 p., 1 pl., 4to, paperbound (mnhn131); VH10382 € 20
Dunham, A.E., 1981. Populations in a fluctuating environment: the comparative population ecology of
the Iguanid lizards Sceloporus merriami and Urosaurus ornatus. 62 p., 16 figs,
26 tables, wrps (Misc. Pubns. Mus. Zool. Un. Michigan 158); VH26114 € 12
Dunn, E.R., 1942. The American caecilians. 102 p., disbound (unopened) (Bull. MCZ 91#6); VH26129 € 34
Ecker, A., 1889 (reprint 1971). The anatomy of the Frog. Translated, with numerous annotations and additions by
George Haslam. xvi, 449 p., 261 figs, 2 folded col. pls, cloth; VH22669 € 45
Elter, O., 1981. Cataloghi V. La collezione Erpetologica del Museo di Zoologia dell’Università di Torino. 116 p., 1 frontispiece, 1 fig., 1 plate, paperbound. Unopened;
VH18676 € 10
Etheridge, R. & E.E. Williams, 1991. A review of the South American lizard genera Urostrophus and Anisolepis
(Squamata: Iguania: Polychridae). 45 p., 13 figs, 4 tables, wrps (Bull. MCZ
152#5); VH26126 € 5
Etheridge, R., 1995. Redescription of Ctenoblepharys adspersa Tschudi, 1845, and the taxonomy of
Liolaeminae (Squamata: Tropiduridae). 34 p., 6 figs, wrps (Novit 3142); VH25071
€ 7
European reptiles, 1917-1990. 8 papers on European Herpetofauna by various authors. 95 p., various figs, 1
col. plte, disbound; VH26227 € 13
Faivovich, J. et al., 2005. Systematic review of the Frog family Hylidae, with special reference to Hylinae:
phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision. 240 p., 16 figs 2 tables, 5
appendices, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 294); VH19634 € 56
Fischer, J.G., 1886. Ueber eine Kollektion Reptilien und Amphibien von der Insel Nias und über eine zweite Art der Gattung Anniella Gray. 10 p., 1 plte, 4to, disbound;
VH25413 € 10
Fischer, J.G., 1886. Herpetologische Notizen. 19 p., 2 pls, 4to, disbound; VH25414 € 12
FitzSimons, V.F.M., 1966. A check-list, with synoptic keys, to the snakes of Southern Africa. 45 p., wrps
(Ann. Transvaal Mus.); VH22070 € 12
FitzSimons, V.F.M., 1970. A field guide to the snakes of Southern Africa. 221 p., 32 (12 col.) pls, cloth
(d.j., wrinkled); VH22017 € 28
Floericke, K., 1822. Die Kriechtiere und Lurche Deutschlands. 112 p., 31 figs, paperbound.
Ex-library; VH20388 € 14
Fossil Herpetology, 1894-2002. 19 papers on fossil herpetology from various zoological journals; VH24703 € 32
Fossil Turtles, 1992. 3 papers: Transylvanian turtle Kallokibotion of Cretaceous (Gaffney & Meylan, 37 p., 33 figs, 1 table), Dracochelys, a new Cryptodiran turtle Early
Cretaceous China (Gaffney & Ye, 13 p., 6 figs, 1 table), Ninjemys, new name for “Meiolania” oweni, horned turtle Pleistocene Queensland (Gaffney, 10 p., 4 figs, 1 table),
wrps (Novitates); VH26307 € 15
Frazier, J., 1985. Marine turtles in the Comoro Archipelago. 177 p., 42 p., 36 tables, 18 (6 col.)
pls, paperbound (Verh. KNAW, Nat. 2e reeks, 84). Ex-library; VH22022 € 36
Frederikse, A., 1931. De hersenen van de hagedis (Lacerta vivipara). 95 p., 73 figs, paperbound
(weak). Ex-library; VH20389 € 20
Frogs & Toads, 1927-2005. Collection of 15 papers (6 Breviora’s) from various journals on frogs & toads; VH24706 € 20
Frommhold, E., 1952. Heimische Lurche und Kriechtiere. 122 p., 57 figs, wrps (Neue Brehm-Bücherei); VH25422 € 10
Frost, D.R. et al., 2006. The amphibian tree of life. 370 p., 71 figs, 6 appendices, paperbound (Bull.
AMNH 297); VH21508 € 76
Frost, D.R., 1992. Phylogenetic analysis and taxonomy of the Tropidurus group of Lizards (Iguania:
Tropiduridae). 68 p., 44 figs, wrps (Am. Mus. Novit. 3033); VH24772 € 9
Gabe, M. & H. Saint Girons, 1976. Contribution à la morphologie comparée des fosses nasales et de leurs annexes chez les Lépidosauriens. 87 p., 49 figs, 10 pls, 4to, paperbound (mnhn98); VH10387 € 15
Gans, C., 1953-1966. 5 papers: S. American iguanid lizard, Herpetological collections “Novara”, Herpetological collecting Bolivia, Redescription Amphisbaena vermicularis,
Chirindia from Tanganyika. 100 p., 40 figs, stapled (Ann. Carnegie Mus.);
VH26176 € 20
Gans, C., 1957-1963. 3 papers (all Breviora) on Amphisbaenians; VH24707 € 28
Gans, C., 1960. Studies on Amphisbaenids (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia). 1. A taxonomic revision of
the Trogonophinae, and a functional interpretation of the Amphisbaenid adaptive
pattern. 86 p., 32 figs, 1 plte, 3 tables, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 119#3);
VH24750 € 17
Gans, C., 1966. Studies on Amphisbaenids (Reptilia). 3. The small species from southern South America commonly identified as Amphisbaena darwini.
76 p., 45 figs, 3 tables, 9 pls, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 134#3); VH26083 € 10
Gans, C., 1967. A check list of recent Amphisbaenians (Amphisbaenia, Reptilia). 46 p., wrps
(Bull. AMNH 135#2); VH26124 € 10
Gans, C., 1987. Studies on Amphisbaenians (Reptilia). 7. The small, round-headed species
(Cynisca) from western Africa. 84 p., 39 figs, 7 tables, wrps (Am. Mus. Novit.
2896); VH24771 € 10
Gans, C., 2005. Checklist and bibliography of the Amphisbaenia of the world. 130 p., paperbound
(Bull. AMNH 289); VH19635 € 28
Gasc, J.-P. et al., 2004 (reprint of 1997 ed.). Atlas of amphibians and reptiles in Europe. 516, (2) p., num. text vignettes & maps, 4to, paperbound (CPN29); VH17817 € 56
Gavetti, E. & F. Andreone, 1993. Revised catalogue of the Herpetological collection in Turin University I.
Amphibia. 184 p., 13 pls, hardbound (d.j.); VH22547 € 36
Gekkota, 2001. Band 3. 182 p., num. (10 col.) figs, paperbound. Contains 7 articles on Geckos
by Krüger, Rösler, Röll, Wranik; VH26289 € 15
Genest-Villard, H., 1966. Développement du crâne d’un boïdé: Sanzinia madagascariensis. 56 p., 6 pls, paperbound (mnhn40(5); VH10388 € 14
Gmira, S., 1995. Étude des chéloniens fossiles du Maroc. Anatomie - systématique - phylogénie. 140, (34) p., 58 figs, 36 tables, 17 pls, 4to, paperbound; VH02057 € 48
Günther, R., 1991-1997. 13 papers on Herpetology (Geckos, Wasserfrösche, Schildkröten, Caecilians, Anguimorph lizards, Gerrhosaurs, Teiid lizards a.o.). 210 p.,
various figs & pls, disbound (Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin); VH25222 € 25
Harris, D.M. & A.G. Kluge, 1984. The Sphaerodactylus (Sauria: Gekkonidae) of Middle America. 59 p., 18 figs, 1
table, wrps (Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Un. Michigan 706); VH24718 € 10
Harris, M., 1942. Differentiation and growth of gastrular anlagen implanted homoplastically into
tadpoles of Hyla regilla. 45 p., 10 figs, 7 plates, paperbound (front wrp
missing) (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool. 51); VH21234 € 10
Hartog, J.C. den & M.M. van Nierop, 1984. A study on the gut contents of six leathery turtles Dermochelys coriacea
(Linnaeus) (Reptilia: Testudines: Dermochelyidae) from British waters and from
The Netherlands. 35 p., 10 tables, 5 pls, paperbound (ZV209). Ex-library copy;
VH17750 € 7
Hartog, J.C. den & M.M. van Nierop, 1984. A study on the gut contents of six leathery turtles Dermochelys coriacea
(Linnaeus) (Reptilia: Testudines: Dermochelyidae) from British waters and from
The Netherlands. 35 p., 10 tables, 5 pls, paperbound (ZV209); VH17783 € 9
Harwood, P.D., 1932. The Helminths parasitic in the Amphibia and Reptilia of Houston, Texas and
vicinity. 71 p., 5 pls, disbound; VH17856 € 10
Hecht, G. & J.R. Pfaff, 1933. Die Reptilien und Amphibien der Insel Bornholm (30 p., 2 maps) & Ist die Natter (Natrix natrix L.) der Insel Bornholm rassenverschieden von der
des übrigen Dänemark? (23 p., 2 maps), disbound; VH26299 € 7
Hempelmann, F., 1908. Der Frosch. Zugleich eine Einführung in das praktische Studium des Wirbeltier-Körpers. vi, 201 p., col. frontispiece, 90 figs, hardbound. Library stamp on
titlepage & verso, ex-libris in front; VH25417 € 28
Hero, J.-M., 1990. An illustrated key to tadpoles occurring in the central Amazon rainforest,
Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil. 62 p., 36 pls, disbound (from Amazoniana); VH25791 € 8
Herpetology, 1955-2006. Mixed collection of 10 papers on a.o. whiptailed lizard, miocene anurans,
Jamaican Celestus, Jamaican Galliwasp, Sphaerodactylus from Desecheo isl., Mid-
and South Am. Ameiva, Yathong nature reserve, Zonosaurus Madagascar, Imported
crude drug “Gui-ban” (from turtle shell, Gekkonid lizard Guyana; VH17884 € 14
Herpetology, 2006. Australian Zoologist 33#3, containing 5 articles on Herpetology: The man who
loved tortoises; How many frogs are killed on a road in NE New South Wales;
Biology of threatened green-thighed frog; Diet of 2 spp. of bluetongue skink;
Established population of exotic turtles in Sydney. paperbound; VH13230 € 8
Heyer, W.R. et al., 1990. Frogs of Boracéia. 180 p., 46 col. photos, 82 figs, paperbound (Arq. Zool. 31#4); VH24748 € 26
Heyer, W.R., 1994. Variation within the Leptodactylus podicipinus-wagneri complex of Frogs
(Amphibia: Leptodactylidae). iv, 124 p., 46 figs, 55 tables, wrps (Smiths.
Contr. Zool. 546); VH25062 € 22
Heyer, W.R., 2005. Variation and taxonomic clarification of the large species of the Leptodactylus
pentadactylus species group (Amphibia: Leptodactylidae) from Middle America,
northern South America, and Amazonia. 80 p., 27 (4 col.) figs, wrps (Arq. Zool.
37#3); VH21687 € 20
Hillenius, D., 1976-1978. 3 papers (from Beaufortia vols 25+28). On the origin of the anuran body-form & Notes on Chameleons IV-V. 44 p., 17 figs, 2 tables, disbound; VH26301 € 5
Hoffmann, C.K., 1873-1878. Dr. H.G. Bronn’s Klassen und Ordnungen der Amphibien wissenschaftlich dargestellt in Wort und
Bild (6. Band Wirbelthiere. 2. Abt.. 726 p, 13 textfigs, unbound. Library
stamps. Textvolume only!; VH24201 € 120
Hofrichter, R., 1998. Amphibien. Evolution, Anatomie, Physiologie, Ökologie und Verbreitung, Verhalten, Bedrohung und Gefährdung. 264 p., fullcolour, 4to, hardbound (d.j.); VH24247 € 25
Hoogmoed, M.S., 1973. Notes on the herpetofauna of Surinam IV. The lizards and amphisbaenians of
Surinam. ix, 419 p., 81 figs, 30 tables, cloth (d.j.). Thesis; VH18514 € 80
Hoogmoed, M.S., 1974. Ghanese Lizards of the genus Mabuya (Scincidae). 62 p., 19 figs, 6 pls,
paperbound (ZV138); VH10394 € 15
Hoogmoed, M.S., 1979. Resurrection of Hyla ornatissima and remarks on related species of green tree
frogs from the Guiana area. 46 p., 11 figs, 6 pls, paperbound (ZV172); VH10395 € 12
Hoogmoed, M.S., 1980. Revision of the genus Atractus in Surinam, with the resurrection of two species
(Colubridae). 47 p., 17 figs, 6 pls, paperbound (ZV175); VH10396 € 12
Hoogmoed, M.S., 1989. On the identity of some toads of the genus Bufo from Ecuador, with additional
remarks on Andinophryne colomai (Anura: Bufonidae). 31 p., 12 figs, paperbound
(ZV250). Secondhand copy (new copies available for € 8,-); VH10398 € 6
Horner, P., 1992. Skinks of the Northern Territory. (6), xi, 174 p., 108 text-figs, 125 col.
photos, paperbound; VH26149 € 20
Iguanidae, 1960-1980. 12 papers (10 from Breviora) on Iguanid lizards (9 on Anolis lizards), ; VH24704
€ 15
Ineich, I. & P. Laboute, 2002. Sea Snakes of New Caledonia / Les serpents marins de Nouvelle-Calédonie. 303 p., 140 col. photographs, 28 maps, cloth (d.j.). In French & English; VH10429 € 54
Inger, R.F. & P.A. Gritis, 1983. Variation in Bornean Frogs of the Amolops jerboa species group, with description
of two new species. 13 p., 2 figs, 5 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. NS 19);
VH24711 € 5
Inger, R.F., 1954. Systematics and zoogeography of Philippine Amphibia (Philippine zoological
expedition 1946-1947). 351 p., 98 figs, 50 tables, disbound (Fieldiana zool.
33#4); VH26148 € 30
Inger, R.F., 1958-1970. 6 papers by this author (on Philippine Frogs, Three New Skinks, Oriental toads,
Pelobatid frog Hong Kong, New Colubrid Sumatra, New Thai frog). 46 p., 23 figs, stapled (all Fieldiana zool.);
VH26169 € 8
Ingle, R.M. & F.G. Walton Smith, 1949. Sea Turtles and the Turtle industry of the West Indies, Florida and the Gulf of
Mexico, with annotated bibliography. 107 p., wrps. Name & stamp on frontcover; VH18513 € 20
ISBH, 2003. International Society for the History and Bibliography of Herpetology, Vol. 4
No. 2. 30 p., several figs, wrps; VH17852 € 10
Isebree Moens, N.L., 1911. De Peritoneaalkanalen der schildpadden en krokodillen. 98 p., 48 figs, 2 pls,
wrps. Ex-library; VH20390 € 20
Jenkins, Jr., F.A. et al., 2007. Anatomy of Eocaecilia micropodia, a limbed caecilian of the early Jurassic. 81
p., 47 figs, 1 table, wrps (Bull. MCZ); VH25848 € 20
Jongh, H.J. de, 1968. Functional morphology of the jaw apparatus of larval and metamorphosing Rana
temporaria L. 103 p., 15 figs, 29 pls, paperbound (Neth. Jl. Zool. 18#1);
VH23998 € 18
Jurgens, J.D., 1971. The morphology of the nasal region of Amphibia and its bearing on the phylogeny
of the group. ii, 146 p., 41 figs, paperbound. Thesis (Ann. Univ. Stell.);
VH20972 € 20
Kalavati, C. et al., 1991. Studies on the endocommensal ciliates of Anurans of Andhra Pradesh. iv, 65 p.,
43 figs, paperbound (Rec. Zool. Surv. India Occ. Pap. 141); VH20754 € 16
Kampen, P.N. van, 1909. Die Amphibienfauna von Neu-Guinea, nach der Ausbeute der Niederlaendischen Süd-Neu-Guinea-Expeditionen von 1904-1905 und 1907. 19 p., 1 plte, 4to, boards.
Library stamps ; VH23994 € 22
Kardong, K.V., 1980. Jaw musculature of the West Indian Snake Alsophis cantherigerus brooksi
(Colubridae). 26 p., 14 figs, stapled (Breviora); VH10401 € 7
Kenny, J.S., 1969. The Amphibia of Trinidad. 78 p., 36 figs, 15 photographic pls, paperbound
(SFC29); VH20343 € 20
Klauber, L.M., 1924. Notes on the distribution of Snakes. 22 p., 5 figs, 3 tables, 1 fold-out map,
stapled (Bull. Zool. Soc. San Diego); VH26174 € 8
Klauber, L.M., 1930. Differential characteristics of southwestern Rattlesnakes allied to Crotalus
atrox. 72 p., 3 (1 folding) maps, 6 pls, wrps (Bull. Zool. Soc. San Diego 6);
VH26110 € 38
Klauber, L.M., 1972 (2nd ed.). Rattlesnakes. Their habits, life histories, and influence on mankind (2 vols.).
Vol. 1: col. frontispiece, xxx, 740 p., num. figs, maps & tables (2 folding); Vol. 2: col. frontispiece, xvii, pp. 741-1533, num. figs & tables, snake-embossed cloth (in decorative, slightly rubbed carton slipcase).
Rare; VH17737 € 220
Kluge, A.G. & R.A. Nussbaum, 1995-1998. 2 papers on Madagascan Gekkonid lizards. 46 p., 36 figs, wrps (Misc. Pubns Mus.
zool. Un. Mich. 183, 186); VH26116 € 12
Kluge, A.G., 1969. The evolution and geographical origin of the new world Hemidactylus
mabouia-brookii complex (Gekkonidae, Sauria). 78 p., 10 figs, 15 maps, 23
tables, wrps (Misc. Pubns. Mus. Zool. Un. Michigan 138); VH26111 € 6
Kluge, A.G., 1991. Boine snake phylogeny and research cycles. 58 p., 13 figs, 2 tables, wrps (Misc.
Pubns. Mus. Zool. Un. Michigan 178); VH26113 € 12
Kneppelhout, G.J., 1817. Beschrijving van den Acrochordus javanicus. 7 p., 1 folding plte, disbound (from
Verh. Bataafsche Mij Wetensch.); VH25991 € 15
Köhler, G., 2003. Reptiles of Central America. 368 p., 644 col. photographs, 103 figs, 210 maps,
hardbound; VH17815 € 84
Kopstein, F., 1930. De Javaansche gifslangen en haar beteekenis voor den mensch. xii, 138 p., 19
figs, 24 photos, paperbound (Bibliotheek Ned-Ind. Nat.Hist. Ver. III); VH22261 € 70
Kornhuber, A., 1893. Carsosaurus Marchesettii ein neuer fossiler Lacertilier aus den Kreideschichten
des Karstes bei Komen. Text missing. Only the 2 folding plates (disbound);
VH24710 € 28
Krabbe, K.H., 1959. Studies on the morphogenesis of the brain in some Amphibia, Ascaphus, Rana,
Nectophrynoides (Morphogenesis of the vertebrate brain VII). 63 p., 19 pls,
roy. 4to, paperbound; VH25041 € 30
Krefft, P., 1922. Reptilien- und Amphibienpflege. vii, 144 p., col. frontispiece, 26 figs, dec.
cloth (library stamps in front & sticker on spine (Naturwiss. Biblioth. für Jugend und Volk); VH22579 € 16
Kruseman, W.M. & R. Tolman, 1947. Kijk uit je ogen! V. Reptielen en amphibiën. 121 p., ills, boards; VH20391 € 10
Kuhn, O., 1972 (reprint). Crocodilia. Fossilium Catalogus I: Animalia 75. 144 p., paperbound; VH21356 € 24
Kuhn, O., 1974 (reprint). Testudinata triadica. Fossilium Catalogus I: Animalia 94. 12 p., wrps; VH21357 € 5
Kuzmin, S.L. & I.V. Maslova, 2005. Amphibians of the Russian Far East. 434 p., 54 figs, 33 tables, 24 col. pls,
hardbound. In Russian; VH20327 € 45
Lambiris, A.J.L., 1989. The Frogs of Zimbabwe. 247 p., 111 figs, 24 col. pls, hardbound (d.j.); VH16796 € 46
Lammerée, L., 1970. Lizards of the genus Cnemidophorus from the Leeward group and the adjacent
mainland of South America. 27 p., 13 figs, 12 b&w pls, disbound (from SFC34); VH20346 € 9
Lando, R.V. & E.E. Williams, 1969. Notes on the herpetology of the U.S. naval base at Guantanoma Bay, Cuba. 53 p.,
2 figs, 7 tables, disbound (from SFC31); VH24811 € 12
Lannoo, M.J. et al., 1986. Larval life in the leaves: Arboreal tadpole types, with special attention to the
morphology, ecology, and behavior of the oophagous Osteopilus brunneus
(Hylidae) larva. 31 p., 23 figs, 3 tables, wrps (Fieldiana zool. 1381); VH26228
€ 5
Lanza, B. & C. Corti, 1996. Evolution of knowledge on the Italian herpetofauna during the 20th century. 64
p., 1 table, disbound (Boll. Mus. civ. St. nat. Verona); VH26229 € 8
Lanza, B. et al., 1995. Morphologic and genetic studies of the European plethodontid Salamanders:
taxonomic inferences (genus Hydromantes). 366 p., 1 col. plte, 124 (60 col.)
figs, hardbound (d.j.); VH22544 € 60
Laurent, R., 1950. Revision du genre Atractaspis A. Smith. 49 p., 18 figs, roy. 4to, paperbound;
VH10423 € 12
Lazell, J.D., 1992. New flying Lizards and predictive biogeography of two Asian archipelagos. 31 p.,
11 figs, 1 double col. plte, wrps (Bull. MCZ 152#9); VH10409 € 9
Lécuru, S., 1968. Myologie et innervation du membre antérieur des Lacertiliens. 89 p., 70 figs, paperbound. Unopened (mnhn48(3); VH10410
€ 12
Lehr, E., 2007. New Eleutherodactyline frogs (Leptodactylidae: Pristimantis, Phrynopus) from
Peru. 34 p., 15 figs, 4 tables, wrps (Bull. MCZ); VH25847 € 9
Leighton, G.R., 1901. The life-history of British Serpents and their local distribution in the British
Isles. 383 p., frontispiece, 46 figs, hleather (spine rubbed). Library stamp
and sticker in front; VH25416 € 68
Lema, T. de et al., 2005. Three papers on Serpentes: Colubridae: Xenodontinae, Elapomorphinae. 142 p.,
num. figs, 4 col. photos, disbound. In Portuguese with English abstracts;
VH22231 € 8
Lemire, M., 1985. Contribution à l’étude des fosses nasales des Sauriens. Anatomie fonctionnelle de la glande “a sels” des lézards déserticoles. 119 p., 33 figs, 11 pls, 4to, paperbound (mnhn135); VH10411 € 36
Leussink, J.A., 1970. The spatialdistribution of inductive capacity in the heural plate and
archenteron roof of Urodeles. (vii), 79 p., 11 tables, 19 figs, paperbound.
Thesis; VH23995 € 14
Liem, S.S., 1970. The morphology, systematics, and evolution of the Old World Treefrogs
(Rhacophoridae and Hyperoliidae). vii, 145 p., 70 figs, 9 tables, paperbound
(Fieldiana Zool. 57); VH26053 € 25
Liu, Ch’eng-Chao, 1836. Secondary sex characters of Chinese frogs and toads. 44 p., 12 pls, disbound
(Filed Mus.); VH26297 € 8
Logier, E.B.S., 1970. The snakes of Ontario. x, 94 p., num. figs, paperbound; VH22023 € 20
Loveridge, A., 1941. Revision of the African Terrapin of the family Pelomedusidae. 58 p., disbound;
VH24725 € 12
Lunney, D. & D. Ayers (eds), 1993. Herpetology in Australia, a diverse discipline. 414 p., num. figs & pls (some col.), 4to, paperbound; VH10414 € 45
Lynch, J.D. & C.W. Myers, 1983. Frogs of the Fitzingeri group of Eleutherodactylus in eastern Panama and chocoan
South America (Leptodactylidae). 92 p., 32 figs, 2 tables, 9 maps, paperbound
(Bull. AMNH 175 art. 5); VH24714 € 10
Lynch, J.D. & P.M. Ruíz-Carranza, 1985. A synopsis if the Frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus from the Sierra Nevada de
Santa Marta, Colombia. 59 p., 21 figs, wrps (Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Un. Michigan
711); VH24717 € 8
Malkmus, R., 1987-1996. 6 papers: Herpetologische Beobachtungen am Mount Kinabalu, Nord- Borneo
I-II-III-IV-V, & Bemerkungen zu einer kleinen Sammlung von Amphibien und Reptilien aus
Nordost-Sulawesi). 162 p., 66 figs, 11 pls, disbound (Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin);
VH25224 € 20
Mandal, F.B. et al., 1993. Catalogue of the protozoans occurring in reptiles from India. iv, 36 p.,
paperbound (Rec. Zool. Surv. India Occ. Pap. 148); VH20755 € 10
Manning, G.J. et al., 2005. Hybridization between parthenogenetic Lizards (Aspidoscelis neomexicana) and
gonochoristic Lizards (Aspidoscelis sexlineata viridis) in New Mexico:
Ecological, morphological, cytological, and molecular context. 56 p., 18 figs,
14 tables, wrps (Novitates 3492); VH22364 € 12
Mara, W.P., 1995. Venomous snakes of the world. 224 p., fullcolour, hardbound (TFH); VH17730 € 32
Markezich, A.L. et al., 1997. The blue and green whiptail Lizards (Squamata: Teiidae: Cnemidophorus) of the
peninsula de Paraguana, Venezuela: systematics, ecology, descriptions of two
new taxa, and relationships to whiptails of the Guianas. 60 p., 27 (2 col.)
figs, 9 tables, wrps (Novit 3207); VH25072 € 12
Márquez M.R., 1990. Sea turtles of the world. An annotated and illustrated catalogue of sea turtles
species known to date. iv, 91 p., 42 figs, 4to, paperbound (FAO Species
Catalogue 11); VH22280 € 22
Marshall, W., 1898. Bilder-Atlas zur Zoologie der Fische, Lurche und Kriechtiere. Mit beschreibendem
Text. 152 p., 208 wood-engravings, cloth (library stamps in front); VH22633 € 30
Marx, H. & G.B. Rabb, 1965. Relationships and zoogeography of the Viperine snakes (Fam. Viperidae). 46 p.,
46 figs, 11 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 44#21); VH26052 € 9
Marx, H. & J.S. Ashe, 1988. Phylogeny of the viperine Snakes (Viperinae): Parts I & 2 (Character analysis & Cladistic analysis and major lineages). viii, 39, 4 figs, 3 tables, wrps
(Fieldiana zool. 1395-6); VH26220 € 8
Marx, H., 1958. Catalogue of type specimens of reptiles and amphibians in Chicago Natural
History Museum. 90 p., disbound (Fieldiana zool. 36#4); VH26131 € 7
Maucci, W., 1971. Catalogo della collezione Erpetologica del Museo civico di Storia naturale di
Verona I. Amphibia. 51 p., disbound; VH25229 € 6
McCann, Ch., 1955. The Lizards of New Zealand. Gekkonidae and Scincidae. viii, 127 p., 14 figs, 17
pls, wrps (three holes in title-page & last page, partly loose). Ex-library; VH20393 € 35
McCoy, M., 2006. Reptiles of the Solomon Islands. 147 p., 1 map, 7 text figs, 128 superb colour
photographs, hardbound; VH22008 € 56
McDowell, S.B., 1984. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, No. 112. The snakes of the Huon peninsula,
Papua New Guinea. 28 p., 1 fig., 2 tables, wrps; VH26283 € 5
Medem, F.J., 1958. The Crocodilian genus Paleosuchus. 21 p., 5 figs, stapled (Field. zool.);
VH26173 € 5
Melin, D., 1941. Contributions to the knowledge of the Amphibia of South America. 71 p., 30 figs,
disbound; VH24700 € 38
Mendelson, J.R. et al., 2005. Systematics of the Bufo coccifer complex (Anura: Bufonidae) of Mesoamerica. 27
p., 14 figs, 5 tables, stapled (Nat. Hist. Mus. Un. Kansas); VH22236 € 7
Menzies, J., 2006. The Frogs of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. 346 p., 20 textfigs, 173 col.
photographs, 146 voice diagrams, 20 distribution maps, hardbound; VH22010 € 64
Mertens, R., 1937. Reptilien und Amphibien aus dem südlichen Inner-Afrika. 23 p., 2 figs, 4to, wrps (Abh. SNG 435); VH01309 € 12
Mertens, R., 1942. Die Familie der Warane (Varanidae). Erster bis dritter Teil. 391 p., 12 figs, 34
pls, 4to, paperbound (spine of wrps damaged). The rare original edition;
VH01311 € 196
Mertens, R., 1946. Die Warn- und Droh-Reaktionen der Reptilien. 88 p., 8 pls, 4to, stapled (Abh.
SNG 471); VH01312 € 45
Mertens, R., 1947. Die Lurche und Kriechtiere des Rhein-Main-Gebietes. 144 p., 20 figs 32 (1 col.)
pls, hcloth; VH01313 € 24
Mertens, R., 1952. Die Amphibien und Reptilien von El Salvador, auf Grund der Reisen von R. Mertens
und A. Zilch. 83 p., 1 map, 16 pls, 4to, wrps. Library stamps on frontcover,
titlepage, and on each plate (Abh. SNG 487); VH25412 € 40
Miller, M.R. & M. Kasahara, 1966-1967. 2 papers on Lizards. 28 p., 24 figs, 4 pls, wrps (Calif. Ac. Sci.); VH26222 € 8
Musters, C.J.M., 1983. Taxonomy of the genus Draco (Agamidae). 120 p., 29 figs, 4 (3 col.) pls,
paperbound (ZV199); VH01343 € 30
Myers, C.W. & J.A. Cadle, 1994. A new genus of South American snakes related to Rhadinaea obtusa Cope
(Colubridae) and resurrection of Taeniophallus Cope for the “Rhadinaea” brevirostris group. 33 p., 10 figs, wrps; VH26291 € 5
Myers, C.W. & M.A. Donnelly, 1997. A Tepui herpetofauna on a granitic mountain (Tamacuari) in the borderland
between Venezuela and Brazil: Report from the Phipps Tapirapeco expedition. 71
p., 50 figs, 3 tables, wrps (Novit 3213); VH26127 € 17
Myers, C.W. et al., 1970-1997. 6 papers (Salamander, Snake, Frogs, Poison frogs, Lizard). 130 p., 59 figs, 6
tables, wrps (all Novitates); VH26225 € 17
Myers, C.W. et al., 1990-1995. 5 papers on Poison Frogs (all Novitates) from Amazonian Brazil, Venzuelan Andes,
Southeastern Peru and Costa Rica. 105 p., 57 (5 col.) figs, 12 tables, wrps;
VH25068 € 16
Najt, J. & P. Grandcolas (eds), 2002. Zoologia Neocaledonica 5. Systématique et endémisme en Nouvelle-Calédonie. 282 p., 161 figs, 16 tables, hardbound (mnhn187). Contains 3 articles on
skinks (42 pp., 17 figs, 2 tables); VH18743 € 64
Nanhoe, L.M.R. & P.E. Ouboter, 1987. The distribution of Reptiles and Amphibians in the Annapurna-Dhaulagiri region
(Nepal). 105 p., 16 figs, paperbound (ZV240); VH01359 € 26
Nieuwkoop, P.D., 1947. Experimental investigations on the origin and determination of the germ cells,
and on the development of the lateral plates and germ ridges in Urodeles. 204
p., 76 figs, 16 tables, paperbound. Unopened, 1 page in photocopy (Arch. Néerl. Zool. 8#1-2); VH19200 € 28
Noble, G.K. & G.C. Klingel, 1932. The Reptiles of Great Inagua island, British West Indies. 25 figs, 5 figs,
stapled (Novit.); VH26170 € 12
Noble, G.K., 1936. The aggregation behavior of Storeria Dekayi and other snakes, with especial
reference to the sense organs involved. 48 p., 15 figs, 15 tables, disbound
(from Ecol. Monogr.; VH26304 € 6
Nöllert, A., 1984. Die Knoblauchkröte Pelobates fuscus. 69 figs, 1 col. plte, wrps (Neue Brehm-Bücherei); VH25424 € 10
Nosotti, S. & G. Pinna, 1989. Storia delle ricerche e degli studi sui rettili Placodonti. Parte prima
1830-1902. 56 p., 24 figs, 12 pls, roy. 4to, paperbound (Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci.
Nat. 24#2); VH18734 € 14
Nussbaum, R.A., 1985. Systematics of Caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophonia) of the family
Scolecomorphidae. 49 p., 10 figs, 15 tables, wrps (Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Un.
Michigan 713); VH24716 € 8
Ouboter, P.E., 1986. A revision of the genus Scincella (Sauria: Scincidae) of Asia, with some notes
on its evolution. 66 p., 16 figs, paperbound (ZV229); VH01400 € 16
Ouboter, P.E., 1996. Ecological studies on Crocodilians in Suriname. Niche segregation and
competition in three predators. 148 p., 61 figs, paperbound; VH01401 € 42
Pace, A.E., 1974. Systematic and biological studies of the Leopard frogs (Rana pipiens complex) of
the United States. 140 p., 40 figs, wrps (Misc. Pubns Mus. zool. Un. Mich.
148); VH26115 € 13
Pal, T.K. et al., 2006. A bibliography of fossil Reptilia of India. 47 p., 3 figs. 1 table, paperbound
(Rec. Zool. Surv. India Occ. Pap. 251); VH23327 € 10
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 1985-2004. Collection of 18 papers on Herpetology: Amphibia, Crocodylia, Sauria, Anura etc. Most papers in Portuguese with English abstracts; VH20005 € 38
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 1991-1992. Collection of 8 papers on Herpetology (4 on Amphisbaena, 1 on Bufo, 2 on
Teiidae, 1 on Typhlopidae); VH26292 € 10
Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia, 1998-2006. Collection of 8 papers on Herpetology: Lizards, Turtles, Snakes, Frogs. 5 in English, 3 in Portuguese; VH24697 € 14
Parent, G.H., 1982. Bibliographie de l’Herpétofauna française. 431 p., A4, paperbound (IFF17-18); VH14289 € 18
Pasteur, G. & J. Bons, 1959. Les Batraciens du Maroc. xvi, 240 p., 45 figs, 3 col. pls, 3 folded maps,
paperbound. Notation on frontcover. Scarce; VH01424 € 140
Pérez-Santos, C. & A.G. Moreno, 1988. Ofidios de Colombia. 517 p., col. frontispiece, 121 figs, 87 col. photographs,
28 maps, hardbound (d.j.). Included is the 18-page Addenda y corrigenda al
libro with 23 col. figs; VH01461 € 64
Pérez-Santos, C. & A.G. Moreno, 1991. Serpientes de Ecuador. 538 p., 114 p., 150 col. photographs, hardbound (d.j.);
VH01444 € 72
Perrero, L., 1975. Alligators and crocodiles of the world. The disappearing dragons. 64 p., num.
col. photos, col. wrps; VH22320 € 8
Peters, G., 1984. Die Krötenkopfagamen Zentralasiens (Agamidae: Phrynocephalus). 45 p., 8 pls, disbound
(Mitt. zool. Mus. Berlin); VH25223 € 6
Petzold, H.G., 1983. Die Anakondas. Gattung Eunectes. 142 p., 40 figs, wrps (Neue Brehm-Bücherei); VH25423 € 14
Pfeffer, P., 1959. Observations sur le Varan de Komodo (Varanus komodoensis, Ouwens, 1912). 49 p.,
3 pls, 1 map, stapled (reprint from Terre et Vie); VH22674 € 12
Pfeffer, P., 1962. Parades et comportement territorial chez trois espèces de Dragons-volants (Agamides) d’Indonésie. 11 p., 4 b/w photos, stapled (reprint from Terre et Vie); VH22675 € 6
Pinna, G. & S. Nosotti, 1989. Anatomia, morfologia funzionale e paleoecologia del rettile placodonte
Psephoderma alpinum Meyer, 1858. 50 p., 20 figs, 9 (1 col.) pls, 4to,
paperbound (Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. 25#2); VH18731 € 12
Pinna, G., 1984. Osteologia di Drepanosaurus unguicaudatus, lepidosauro triassico del sottordine
Lacertilia. 22 p., 12 figs, 2 pls, roy. 4to, wrps (Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat.
24#1); VH18735 € 10
Pinna, G., 1999. Placodontia (Reptilia Triadica). Fossilium Catalogus Animalia 136. 80 p.,
paperbound; VH19249 € 34
Pope, C.H., 1934. List of Chinese turtles, crocodilians, and snakes, with keys. 29 p., stapled
(Novit.); VH26171 € 7
Poynton, J.C., 1991. Amphibians of southeastern Tanzania, with special reference to Stephopaedes and
Mertensophryne (Bufonidae). 23 p., 2 figs, wrps; VH01512 € 8
Pyke, G.H. & W.S. Osborne (eds), 1996. The green & golden Bell Frog Litoria aurea. Biology and conservation. 128 p., num. figs
(several col.), 4to, paperbound (Austr. Zool. 30#2); VH01485 € 13
Rankin, J.S., 1937. An ecological study of parasites of some North Carolina salamanders. 100 p., 15
figs, 11 tables, disbound (Ecol. Monogr.); VH26305 € 12
Raxworthy, C.J. & R.A. Nussbaum, 1994. A review of the Madagascan snake genera Pseudoxyrhopus, Pararhadinaea, and
Heteroliodon (Squamata: Colubridae). 37 p., 24 figs, 8 tables, wrps (Misc.
Pubns Mus. zool. Un. Mich. 182); VH26117 € 12
Raynaud, A. & C. Pieau, 1970. Contribution à l’étude des premiers stades de la formation des organes copulateurs chez les
Reptiles. 45 p., 20 figs, 14 pls, 4to, paperbound (mnhn58(3); VH01489 € 14
Raynaud, A. et al., 1968. Contribution à l’étude de la formation du cloaque chez l’Orvet (Anguis fragilis L.). 64 p., 39 figs, 46 pls, paperbound (mnhn52(3);
VH01488 € 12
Raynaud, A. et al., 1975. Étude comparative, embryologique et anatomique, de la région pelvi-cloacale et de sa musculature chez le Lézard Vert (Lacerta viridis Laur.) et l’Orvet (Anguis fragilis L.). 62 p., 32 figs, 11 pls, 4to, paperbound (mnhna95);
VH01492 € 16
Raynaud, A., 1972. Étude embryologique de la formation des appendices postérieurs et de la ceinture pelvienne chez le Python réticulé (Python reticulatus). 31 p., 6 figs, 11 pls, 4to, paperbound (mnhn76); VH01490 € 10
Reptilia papers in Spixiana, 1978-2002. 23 papers on Reptilia, all from Spixiana. 334 p., many ills, disbound; VH25452 € 40
Richmond, N.D., 1952-1966. 4 papers: Green salamander in Pennsylvania, Ground snake Haldea valeriae in
Pennsylvania, Fossil amphibians Pennsylvania, Herpetological type specimens
Carnegie Museum. 50 p., 2 figs, stapled (Ann. Carnegie Mus.); VH26175 € 13
Ridewood, W.G., 1897. On the structure and development of the Hyobranchial skeleton and larynx in
Xenopus and Pipa; with remarks on the affinities of the Aglossa. 76 p., 4 pls,
stapled (Jl Linn. Soc. XXVI#166); VH19054 € 10
Rieppel, O., 2000. The braincases of mosasaurs and Varanus, and the relationships of snakes. 26 p.,
6 figs, disbound (Zool. Jl Linnean Soc.); VH26230 € 4
Rimpp, K., 1978. Salamander und Molche. Schwanzlurche im Terrarium. 205 p., 32 col. photographs,
150 maps, hardbound; VH01535 € 14
Riva, I. de la, 1990. Lista preliminar comentada de los anfibios de Bolivia con datos sobre su
distribución. 59 p., 68 col. figs, disbound; VH21022 € 14
Roché, J.C., 1997. Au pays des Grenouilles. Frog Talk. Sound guide of European frogs. CD + 28 page
CD-booklet (in French); VH01547 € 16
Rodda, G.H. et al. (eds), 1999. Problem snake management. The Habu and the Brown Treesnake. xix, 534 p., num.
figs & tables, hardbound (as new); VH20682 € 42
Rodda, G.H., 1992. The mating behavior of Iguana iguana. iii, 40 p., 18 figs, 11 tables, wrps
(Smiths. Contr. Zool. 534); VH25063 € 7
Rodrigues, M.T., 1987. Sistemática, ecologia e zoogeografía dos Tropidurus do grupo Torquatus ao sul do Rio Amazonas (Sauria, Iguanidae).
126 p., 29 figs, 23 tables, 14 maps, paperbound (Arq. Zool. 31#3); VH24770 € 26
Rodrigues, M.T., 1991. Herpetofauna das dunas interiores do Rio Sao Francisco, Bahia, Brasil. I-II-III & 1 other paper. 61 p., 30 figs, stapled (Pap. Avuls. Zool. S. Paolo 37#19-22);
VH19248 € 14
Rodríguez-Robles, J.A. et al., 2003. Brief history of herpetology in the Museum of vertebrate Zoology, University of
California, Berkeley, with a list of type specimens of recent amphibians and
reptiles. xv, 119 p., frontispiece, 2 figs, paperbound (Un. Calif. Pubns Zool.
131); VH17749 € 22
Rose, W., 1950. The Reptiles and Amphibians of Southern Africa. xxv, 378 p., num. figs, 214
photographs, frontispiece, cloth (d.j., damaged); VH01556 € 60
Roth, P., 1946. Contribution à létude de l’action de la Thyroxine et des substances antagonistes dans la métamorphose expérimentale des Batraciens anoures. 99 p., 122 figs, paperbound. Unopened
(mema21(6); VH01563 € 14
Roux-Estève, R., 1974. Révision systématique des Typhlopidae d’Afrique (Reptilia-Serpentes). 313 p., 185 figs, 4to, paperbound (mnhn87).
Unopened; VH02204 € 38
Rugh, R., 1951. The Frog. Its reproduction and development. x, 336 p., num. figs & photos, hardbound (d.j.); VH22720 € 18
Rybczynski, N., 2000. Cranial anatomy and phylogenetic position of Suminia getmanovi, a basal
anomodont (Amniota: Therapsida) from the Late Permian of eastern Europe. 45 p.,
18 figs, disbound (Zool. Jl Linnean Soc.); VH26294 € 6
Saint Girons, H., 1972. Les Serpents du Cambodge. 170 p., 42 pls, 4to, paperbound (mnhn74); VH01586 € 45
Salamanders, 1924-1987. 6 papers on Salamanders (Dunn: New salamanders genus Oedipus, Stine: Occurrence
eastern Tiger salamander Maryland, Rabb: New plethodontid salamander Mexico,
Jacobson: Cell migration in neural plate Axolotl, Capula & Bagnoli: Il Triturus alpestris nell’Appennino centrale, Good: Patterns of geographic variation in allozymes Olympic
salamander); VH26284 € 12
Salamanders, 1955-1979. 3 papers on Salamanders (Rabb: new salamander Mexico, McCoy: New salamander
Chiapas, Krzysik: Three salamanders Pennsylvania); VH24709 € 7
Savage, J.M., 1961. The ecology and life history of the common Frog (Rana temporaria temporaria).
vii, 221 p., 47 figs, 9 tables, hardbound. Ex-libris in front; VH23149 € 35
Savage, J.M., 1987. Systematics and distribution of the Mexican and Central American rainfrogs of
the Eleutherodactylus gollmeri group (Leptodactylidae). 57 p., 30 figs, wrps
(Fieldiana zool. 1375); VH01595 € 15
Schleich, H.H., 1987. Herpetofauna Caboverdiana. 75 p., 21 figs, 4 pls, disbound (SpixSup12); VH01604 € 14
Schmidt, F.J.J., Q.J. Goddard & J. van der Hoeven, 1862. Aanteekeningen over de Anatomie van den Cryptobranchus japonicus. (4), 66 p., 12
(3 folding) tinted lithograph pls, original blue boards with printed paper
label on spine (spine worn at top & bottom) (Natuurk. Verh. Holl. Mij Wetensch. Haarlem 2(19)1) Treats the Japanese
Giant salamander; VH23089 € 220
Schmidt, K.P. & R.F. Inger, 1959. Exploration du Parc National de l’Upemba. Amphibians. 264 p., 75 figs, 9 (3 col.) pls, 1 folded map, paperbound.
Unopened; VH01615 € 48
Schmidt, K.P., 1925-1956. 8 papers by this author on reptiles from Peru, Mona Island, Simpson-Roosevelt
Asiatic expedition, Salvador, Venezuela, Solomon Islands, British Honduras,
Sinai. 122 p., 14 figs, 3 pls, wrps (all Field Mus. Nat. Hist.); VH26168 € 30
Schulz, J.P., 1975. Sea Turtles nesting in Surinam. 143 p., 28 pls, 7 maps, paperbound (ZV143);
VH01634 € 35
Schulz, J.P., 1980. Zeeschildpadden die in Suriname leggen. 113 p., num. col. photos, paperbound;
VH21000 € 18
Schwartz, A. & D.A. Rossman, 1976. A review of the Hispaniolan colubrid snake genus Ialtris. 27 p., 4 figs, 3
tables, paperbound (SFC50); VH17757 € 6
Schwartz, A. & D.C. Fowler, 1973. The Anura of Jamaica: a progress report. 93 p., 12 figs, paperbound (SFC43);
VH01649 € 25
Schwartz, A. & O.H. Garrido, 1972. The Lizards of the Anolis equestris complex in Cuba. 86 p., 8 figs, paperbound
(SFC39); VH01648 € 22
Schwartz, A. et al., 1967. Frogs of the genus Eleutherodactylus in the Lesser Antilles / Distribution and
geographic variation of the Ameivas of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, by
H. Heatwole & F. Torres / Field notes on Anolis lineatus in Curaçao, by A.S. Rand & P.J. Rand. 117 p., 53 figs, paperbound (SFC24); VH01644 € 25
Schwartz, A., 1965. Geographic variation in two species of Hispaniolan Eleutherodactylus, with notes
on Cuban members of the ricordi group. 26 p., 5 figs, disbound (from SFC22);
VH24808 € 6
Schwartz, A., 1967-1968. The Leiocephalus (Lacertilia, Iguanidae) of the southern Bahama islands (33 p.,
7 figs) & The Geckos (Sphaerodactylus) of the southern Bahama islands (45 p., 5 figs, 2
tables), wrps; VH26298 € 12
Schwartz, A., 1967. The Leiocephalus (Lacertilia, Iguanidae) of Hispaniola. II. The Leiocephalus
personatus complex. 53 p., 12 figs, 1 table, wrps (Tulane Stud. Zool.); VH17875
€ 12
Schwartz, A., 1971. A systematic review of the Hispaniolan Snake genus Hypsirhynchus. 32 p., 5 figs,
paperbound (SFC35); VH01647 € 15
Schwartz, A., 1977. Systematics and evolution in the West Indian Iguanid genus Cyclura. 83 p., 13
figs, paperbound (SFC53); VH01652 € 25
Schwartz, A., 1980. The herpetogeography of Hispaniola, West Indies. 42 p., 2 figs, disbound (from
SFC61); VH24807 € 9
Scincidae, 1965-1999. 6 papers on Scincid lizards (Madagascar, Montana, Bougainville, Fiji, Tasmania);
VH24705 € 12
Seidel, M.E., 1988. Revision of the West Indian Emydid Turtles (Testudines). 41 p., 24 figs, 3
tables, wrps (Novit 2918); VH25070 € 7
Sharma, R.C., 2002 (reprint). The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Reptilia volume I (Testudines and
Crocodilians). xvi, 196 p., 179 figs, hardbound (d.j.); VH22595 € 32
Sharma, R.C., 2002. The fauna of India and the adjacent countries. Reptilia volume II (Sauria). xxv,
430 p., 143 figs, 80 maps, hardbound (d.j.); VH21977 € 45
Shea, G.M. & J.D. Scanlon, 2007. Revision of the small tropical Whipsnakes previously referred to Demansia
olivacea (Gray, 1842) and Demansia torquata (Günther, 1862) (Squamata: Elapidae). 26 p., 21 (3 col.) figs, disbound (Rec. Aust.
Mus. 59#2); VH24450 € 7
Sites, Jr., J.W. et al., 1992. A review of phylogenetic hypotheses for Lizards of the genus Sceloporus
(Phrynosomatidae): implications for ecological and evolutionary studies. 110
p., 35 figs, 5 tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 213); VH26128 € 12
Sloan, A.J., 1964. Amphibians of San Diego county. A non-technical guide. 42 p., 16 figs, stapled
(Occ. Pap. San Diego Nat. Hist. Soc. 13); VH18345 € 10
Smith, H.M. & E.H. Taylor, 1950. An annotated checklist and key to the Reptiles of Mexico exclusive of the
Snakes. v, 253 p., paperbound. Library stamps. Unopened; VH01673 € 48
Smith, H.M., 1939. The Mexican and Central American Lizards of the genus Sceloporus. 397 p., 59
text-figs, 31 pls, paperbound, frontcover missing (Zool. series Field Mus. 26);
VH26150 € 64
Smith, M., 1935. The Carlsberg Foundation’s Oceanographical Expedition round the world 1928-30 and previous “Dana”-Expeditions. The Sea Snakes (Hydrophiidae). 6 p., 2 figs, roy. 4to, paperbound.
Bound together with a report on macroplankton (44 p.) (Dana Report 7+8);
VH01677 € 14
Snakes, 1971-2006. 18 papers on Snakes from various zoological journals; VH24708 € 25
South African Reptilia, 1984-1993. 5 papers (all Ann. Transvaal Mus.) by Onderstall, Haacke, Jacobsen, Broadley on
geckos, skinks, snakes, and tortoises; VH22071 € 20
South American Herpetology, 1960-1984. 10 papers on S.outh American herpetology. 82 p., various figs, disbound (7 from
Studies Neotropical Fauna, 3 from other journals); VH26300 € 10
South American Herpetology, 1986-1998. 5 papers on S. Am. herpetology, all from American Museum Novitates (Zweifel: New
microhylid frog Venezuela, Myers et al.: New anoline lizard Venezuela, Cole et
al.: Whiptail lizards Guiana, Myers: New frog Cerro Tacarcuna & New poison frog Peru). 101 p., 52 figs, 7 tables, stapled; VH26172 € 15
South American Herpetology, 2004-2005. 13 small articles on South American (mainly Brazil) herpetology, all from
Comunicaciones Museo Ciencia Tecnologie PUCRS (Porto Alegre), disbound; VH24699
€ 10
Southeast Asian Herpetology, 2002. 3 papers (from Raffles Bull. Zool.) on Amphibian fauna of Cardamom mountains
Cambodia, Bornean Skink, Mangrove snakes Singapore. 33 p., figs, disbound;
VH26293 € 5
Starrett, P., 1960. Descriptions of tadpoles of Middle American Frogs. 37 p., 33 figs, 1 plte, wrps
(Misc. Pubns. Mus. Zool. Un. Michigan 110); VH26112 € 7
Stebbins, R.C., 1949. Speciation in Salamanders of the Plethodontid genus Ensatina. 144 p., 16 figs,
20 tables, 6 (2 col.) pls, disbound; VH16388 € 30
Steinheil, F., 1931. Die europaeischen Schlangen, neuntes Heft. 8 p., 5 (1 col.) pls, 4to, loose in
original wraps (Vipera ammodytes & Tropidonotus natrix persa); VH25411 € 30
Stejneger, L. & T. Barbour, 1943 (5th ed.). A check list of North American amphibians and reptiles. xix, 260 p., disbound
(unopened) (Bull. MCZ 93#1); VH26130 € 22
Stuart, B.L. et al., 2006. Three new species of Frogs and a new Tadpole from eastern Thailand. 19 p., 14
figs, 2 tables, wrps (Fieldiana Zool. 111); VH23326 € 8
Swan, L.W. & A.E. Leviton, 1962. The Herpetology of Nepal: a history, check list, and zoogeographical analysis of
the herpetofauna. 45 p., 4 figs, wrps (Proc. Cal. Ac. Sci. 32#6); VH26108 € 10
Taub, A.M., 1967. Comparative histological studies on Duvernoy’s gland of colubrid Snakes. 50 p., 5 figs, 8 pls, 3 tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH
138#1); VH01747 € 15
Tchernov, E., 1986. Evolution of the Crocodiles in East and North Africa. 65 p., 25 figs, 6 pls,
4to, paperbound; VH01753 € 23
Tetrapod Temnospondyls, 2000. 2 papers: The phylogeny of the ‘higher’ temnospondyls (Vertebrata: Choanata) and its implications for the monophyly and
origins of the Stereospondyli (Yates & Warren, 45 p., 12 figs); Ontogeny and phylogeny in temnospondyls: a new method
of analysis (Steyer, 19 p., 4 figs), disbound (Zool. Jl. Linnean Soc.); VH26295
Thorn, R. & J. Raffaëlli, 2001. Les Salamandres de l’Ancien Monde. 449 p., 50 figs, 16 col. pls, 68 distribution maps, paperbound;
VH01759 € 50
Tinkle, D.W., 1958. The systematics and ecology of the Sternothaerus carinatus complex (Testudinata,
Chelydridae). 56 p., 57 figs, 28 tables, wrps (Tulane Stud. Zool.); VH17876 € 12
Tolson, P.J., 1987. Phylogenetics of the Boid snake genus Epicrates and Caribbean vicariance theory.
68 p., 26 figs, 5 tables, wrps (Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool. Un. Michigan 715); VH24715
€ 12
Tulane Studies in Zoology, 1953-1957. 6 publications: Population of Holbrook’s salamander (Gordon), 2 new spp. genus Graptemys (Cagle), Taxonomic status
Mid-Gulf coast Amphiuma (Hill), New sp. Sternotherus (Tinkle & Webb), Experimental F1 hybrids between Bufo valliceps and B. fowleri (Volpe),
Early development Rana capito sevosa (Volpe). 96 p., 57 (2 col.) figs, stapled;
VH17862 € 20
Turtles, 1958-1988. 11 papers on Turtles; VH01303 € 15
Turtles, 1961-1963. 3 papers on Turtles (all Bull. MCZ) by McDowell, Roberts, Shah. wrps; VH24726 € 10
Tweedie, M.W.F., 1954. The Snakes of Malaya. (viii), 139 p., 27 figs, 12 pls, cloth (d.j.); VH01832 € 50
Tyler, M.J., 1998. Australian frogs. A natural history. 192 p., 64 figs, 21 tables, 50 col. pls,
paperbound; VH17731 € 22
Uzzell, Jr., T.M., 1966. Teiid lizards of the genus Neusticurus (Reptilia, Sauria). 52 p., 6 figs, 12
tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 132#5); VH26118 € 9
Vanzolini, P.E. & C.M. de Carvalho, 1991. Two sibling and sympatric species of Gymnophthalmus in Roraima, Brasil (Sauria,
Teiidae). 54 p., 21 figs, 4 photographs, stapled (Pap. Avuls. Zool. S. Paulo
37#12); VH19247 € 12
Vanzolini, P.E., 1985-1992. Collection of 7 papers on Reptilia. 5 papers on Amphisbaenia. ca. 72 p., num.
figs, each paper stapled (Pap. Avuls. Zool.); VH20028 € 18
Vellard, J., 1948. El veneno de Lachesis muta (L.). 52 p., 4 pp. of pls, wrps. Library stamps;
VH23997 € 26
Wallach, V., 1994. The status of the Indian endemic Typhlops acutus and the identity of Typhlops
psittacus (Reptilia, Serpentes, Typhlopidae). 21 p., 3 figs, 7 tables, 4to,
disbound (from Bull. KBIN Biol. 64); VH19348 € 5
Wellstead, C.F., 1991. Taxonomic revisiov of the Lysorophia, Permi-Carboniferous Lepospondyl
Amphibians. 90 p., 31 figs, 6 tables, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 209); VH24713 € 15
Wermuth, H. & R. Mertens, 1961. Schildkröten, Krokodile, Brückenechsen. xxvi, 422 p., 271 figs, cloth. Original edition. Name former owner
in biro inside frontcover; VH02100 € 160
Werner, F., 1909. Amphibien und Reptilien 2 parts. I: Körperbau und Lebensweise. II: Anpassung der Organe an die Lebensweise. 104, 84
p., num. figs, cloth. Ex-library; VH20396 € 25
Werner, F., 1917. Versuch einer Synopsis der Schlangenfamilie der Glauconiiden. 18 p., disbound
(Mitt. zool. Mus. Hamburg); VH26296 € 8
Wijnands, H.E.J., 1984. Bescherming van Amfibieën tegen het verkeer. 28 p., 17 figs, wrps (KNNV162); VH21489 € 8
Willem, V., 1931. Les manoeuvres respiratoires chez les Poissons et les Amphibiens. 194 p., 75
figs, 4to, paperbound. Library stamps (Mém. Acad. roy. Belgique 2e serie X#6); VH18094 € 40
Williams, E., 1950. Testudo cubensis and the evolution of western hemisphere Tortoises. 36 p., 2
figs, 8 pls, 3 tables, paperbound (Bull. AMNH 95#1); VH26123 € 30
Williams, E.E. 1982. Three new species of the Anolis punctatus complex from Amazonian and
inter-andean Colombia, with comments on the eastern members of the Punctatus
species group. 38 p., 14 figs, stapled (Breviora); VH01949 € 10
Williams, E.E., 1950. Variation and selection in the cervical central articulations of living Turtles.
58 p., 20 figs, 10 tables, wrps (Bull. AMNH 94#9); VH26125 € 10
Winkler, T.C., 1869. Des Tourtues fossiles conservées dans le Musée Teyler et dans quelques autres musées. Harlem, Les Héritiers Loosjes. 151 p., 29 (of 33) folding tinted pls, disbound. Plates 30-33
MISSING, covers missing, titlepage heavily damaged & loose, contents page damaged & loose, 1 cm of lower spine eaten away. Faulty copy, offered at a very reduced
price; VH25036 € 150
Witte, G.-F. De & R. Laurent, 1943. Contribution à la systématique des formes dégradées de la famille des Scincidae apparentées au genre Scelotes Fitzinger. 44 p., 61 figs, roy. 4to, paperbound. Unopened;
VH01963 € 12
Witte, G.-F. De & R. Laurent, 1947. Revision d’un groupe de Colubridae Africains. Genres Calamelaps, Miodon, Aparallactus et
formes affines. 134 p., 130 figs, roy. 4to, paperbound. Unopened; VH10424 € 32
Witte, G.-F. De, 1953. Exploration du Parc National de l’Upemba. Mission G.F. De Witte, fasc. 6. Reptiles. 322 p., 111 figs, 41 (3 col.)
pls, 1 folded map, paperbound. Unopened; VH01957 € 78
Witte, G.-F. De, 1966. Exploration du Parc National de la Garamba. Reptiles. 108 p., 7 figs, 5 pls,
paperbound. Unopened; VH01959 € 24
Witte, G.F. De, 1942. Faune des vertébrés de la Belgique. Batraciens et reptiles. 123 p., 138 figs, paperbound (spine
taped); VH20954 € 15
Yablokov, A.V., 1976. The Sand Lizard (Lacerta agilis). 374 p., 97 (1 folding) figs, 1 col. plte,
cloth. In Russian; VH25420 € 40
Zappalorti, T., 1976. The amateur zoologist’s guide to Turtles and Crocodilians. 208 p., num. photographs (many col.),
hardbound. Ex-library; VH02010 € 30
Zeeschildpadden, 1964. Zeeschildpadden. 2 parts. I. Een literatuurstudie. 63 p., II. Zeeschildpadden in
Suriname. 44 p. 11 figs, tables, wrps; VH21652 € 30
Zimmermann, E., 1983. Das Züchten von Terrarientieren. Pflege, Verhalten, Fortpflanzung. 238 p., 130 (mainly
col.) figs, ill. endpapers, hardbound; VH25421 € 18
Zweifel, R.G., 1956-1963. Results of the Archbold Expeditions, Nos 72, 78, 83, 84 (all four on Hylid or
Microhylid Frogs from New Guinea). We added No. 85: A new Hylid frog from the
eastern highlands of New Guinea, by Michael J. Tyler (6 p., 1 fig.), wrps;
VH26281 € 22
Zweifel, R.G., 1960-1995. 4 papers on Frogs (2 on New Britain, 1 on New Guinea, 1 on debilis group). 54
p., 25 figs, 3 tables, wrps (all Novitates); VH26226 € 6
Zweifel, R.G., 1968. Reproductive biology of Anurans of the arid South-West, with emphasis on
adaptation of embryos to temperature. 64 p., 21 figs, 2 pls, paperbound (Bull.
AMNH 140#1); VH02030 € 10